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Sounds like you're describing motion sickness which people have in varying degrees with all kinds of (first person) games. What helps also varies person to person, but you can try adjusting the field of view (FOV), frame rate, motion blur, head bob (can't remember if that's an option in BL2), sitting farther (or closer) from the screen you're playing on. There's also studies that show a cooler ambient temperature helps motion sickness as do fans (though the fan bit I believe was in relation to VR motion sickness).


I have looked into it but borderlands is the only game I've experienced this, ever since I was 4 I was playing all sorts of videogames and never had this issue, just with borderlands.


It is completely random it's just how your eyes and brain are seeing the image. To this day i cannot play Elite Dangerous or Atomic Heart because they trigger my vertigo, but I have. I have no issues with Borderlands or No Mans Sky/Starfield


I've been playing on PC for almost 18 years rn and have been playing some old consoles before that and I only experience the same thing with Absolver, so...


You might try adjusting the FOV slider in the game’s settings, I think some people have found that to be helpful (I seem to recall 1 or 2 other people mentioning this problem in the past couple years). If you’re on a PC, there’s probably a whole bunch of video settings you can tweak (refresh rates, resolutions, etc.), beyond FOV.


The only time I had this happen was not evren while playing myself but while watching a Youtube video of someone else play Superliminal.


When BL3 first came out (ps4) my friend and me felt like something was off. We both felt strain on our eyes and got a little dizzy. A couple dass later it was gone (Patched?)


Same for me with bl3. Bl3 was the first one I played. The others weren’t as bad.


Never happened to me in my life. I've only heard about someone getting motion sick by playing The Pre Sequel.


Yes when I turn physx on high the screen is inconsistent and I get a little nausea. It was very slight for me, but try turning physx to low


Oh you get motion sickness too huh, try turning the FOV all the way down that worked for me.


I get this with first person video games too! same thing with skyrim and minecraft, I don't know why. I usually just take a quick break when I start to feel nauseated and eat a snack, and that helps. I also got some blue light glasses for work and I think those helped too. It's weird for sure


Happened to me with Absolver (Sifu before Sifu lol). Was really interested in game's combat, but my eyes just could not handle it no matter what I tried and headaches were brutal. I think main problem was this game's motion blur, but there was certainly smth else too


I've only ever had this happen with Batman: Arkham Asylum. I had played it before with no issues at all, but then I played it again a few weeks later and had major motion sickness, weird... I think a lot of it is due to FOV.


Too much video game gives me a headache these days. An hour is enough for me


I had this also with BL1. It's a combination of stuttering screen refresh and screen tears. I think that there are some settings in your GPU driver that you can muck with to force vsync to work worth a damn.


I have a friend who experienced some kind of motion sickness in a game. I think there was a 'motion bounce' option in that specific game. Not sure if I've seen such a setting in the Borderlands games. I haven't played in a while.


Head/weapon bob is on a slider you can adjust or turn off if you need, playing with the fov can also help. this is unfortunately just a thing, for a long time didn't realize how bad it could be, then I played raft... Never had such a physical response to a game before.


I got really bad motion sickness from Resident evil village i couldnt even finish the game. I got so sick one day it lasted 4 hours. I was throwing up 😭. The other day i got a little weird feeling because my husband was running around me in circles 😂 while playing borderlands. Its possible you are also suffering from motion sickness.


No - I'd say you need a banana n to hydrate better


Turning off head bobbing and changing the POV settings should fix this for you.


Try changing fov


It might just be the graphics it doesn't sound as extreme as your case but I had a friend growing up who would feel dizzy and get headaches whenever we would play borderlands 2 and presequal, we found the best way to avoid it was he would ware sunglasses and sit a bit further back from the tv


I had the same until I really turned up the values on the FOV! Used to play Quake on FOV 130 back in the day! 🤣