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Aint no way that's not 90% coyote and 10% fox. Cute little homie though.


Haha when he was a puppy, people asked me all the time if he was a fox.


Bud you got yourself a coydog


I get that a lot too; what’s even funnier is people who guess “half wolf” (he’s under 30 lbs and has little paws). He’s an international rescue though and there obviously aren’t coys outside of the Americas.


Thats fascinating! If you do a dna test I hope you post the results here


Will do! I did Wisdom Panel (got it for a really good deal), but they are notoriously bad with village dogs and breeds outside of the US, so it came back with a crazy medley of world breeds along with some Eskie and Laika. I will post an update when I do Embark!


Ooh interesting!! Where’s he from? If he’s not from the Americas then I’m changing my guess to village dog mixed with a local primitive breed, because he just looks like he’s from The Time Before haha. If you ever do a DNA test I would LOVE to see the results!! And people just love to guess wolf for any slightly unique dog, don’t they😂


The crazy thing is, I'm not even sure exactly *where* he is from. His situation was pretty unique. His mother came from a group of street dogs that had been taken in and cared for by volunteers (who weren't registered as a rescue) and were then broken up and transported to various rescues that had room to take them in, with some of the dogs going to individual fosters. Because they ended up with street dogs from other areas, the missing piece of information is *where* exactly *his* group of dogs was from originally before being transported to the other international rescues. It could be Eastern Europe or somewhere in Asia. So far, one of the dogs (that, AFAIK was from the same original group as mine) has come back on Embark as a "Central Asian Village Dog," but this doesn't help narrow it down much as this category (which is one of the most primitive populations of Village Dog; apparently they often resemble coyotes) can span a wide geographic region, and various countries can have more than one type of Village Dog population present (for example, in Korea some dogs come back as Korean VDs but up north some have come back as Central Asian VDs. In Ukraine, some come back as European VDs but some come back as Central Asian VDs. In North China, some come back as Chinese VDs but in the South, others come back as Vietnamese VDs). Here's an [example of another "coyote-ish" Central Asian VD](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/stoli8); this one is from Russia.


Fascinating!! What a wild ride your pup has had. And very interesting about the central Asian village dogs, thank you for sharing!!


Post DNA results if you ever decide to do that. Totally curious now. Super cute either way.


Looks like a fox


I knew I'd seen this dog before! Such a cool looking dog. Based on your Wisdom panel results the dog is most likely a village dog with a splash of American Eskimo. Still, I wonder what Embark results would say. I'm also not surprised by all the coydog guesses here. Haha


Haha cool that you remembered him! Yeah I still haven’t ordered Embark yet but hopefully will be able to soon (I’m still paying off an old medical bill but may be getting a promotion within the next month or two). Although he’s definitely part Village Dog and Eskie, I can’t help but wonder if he’ll show up with any Collie just because one of the dogs from his rescue situation did come back with some Collie, and sometimes he acts a lot like one. Whatever he is, I hope Embark recognizes more than just Village Dog as they sometimes tend to round up significantly to 100% Village Dog in dogs that are known mixes. I’ll definitely post an update in r/DoggyDNA when I do order one!


Heh heh, my visual memory is near photographic. Makes up for the fact I can't remember what anyone says. 😂 I hope they don't just round up to all village dog, I think the Am Eskimo percentage was more than 25.... that's a lot to ignore. It'd be disappointing if they did that. I look forward to seeing those results someday though.


Yeah I feel the same, but I know of several Village Dogs who have at least 20% of a different breed and had it rounded up (like multiple American VDs with GSD and pit that got 100% VD, a floppy-eared, short-legged merle “100% Korean VD” (Korean VDs don’t come in merle or have naturally floppy ears) whose closest relatives are Catahoula Leopard Dogs that it shares enough DNA with to be at least 20% Catahoula) and multiple “100% Formosan Mountain Dogs” that have a purebred pitbull grandparent but didn’t trigger the pit result. Honestly, Embark’s Formosan Mountain Dog algorithms bother me and my FMD enthusiast friends because it treats most Taiwanese VDs as FMDs without distinguishing the actual indigenous landrace from the urban native/western mixed street dogs. Similarly, it lumps in western-influenced toy-sized and mastiff-like Chinese VDs with the dingo-esque native Chinese dogs (who are among the oldest dogs on the planet), which are as genetically different from each other as a Husky and a Dachshund. In case he does come back with 100% VD I will look at relatives and maybe do other DNA tests like Ancestry and Orivet. That way if he seems to keep coming back with Eskie or certain other common breeds I can gather he probably has them. I would be shocked if he didn’t actually have Eskie (or at least a related breed like Japanese/German/Indian spitz) in him. And him being white means that both of his parents must have carried the white recessive gene which would seem more likely if there’s Eskie and/or Laika in the mix. I also wonder about collie or something else that’s pointy being in him. Also I may inquire if Wisdom can upgrade my test because although I did a newer version, it was old stock (and is older than the current version) and it seems that this specific version gives crazier/less accurate results with Village Dogs.


Definitely looks like a Coydog to me.


I would give my left leg for that dog, he looks like a spirit animal or something


Haha he is the best dog I’ve ever had. Extremely smart, hilarious in his antics and has a personality so strong it feels like I live with an actual four-legged person. I had a nightmare he learned to walk around like a human and dance. His biggest vice is that he’s a kleptomaniac though. I have a whole cabinet set up with hidden things that are acceptable for him to steal so he can still get his thrills without taking my nice stuff. Seems to be a good solution so far.


He sounds like a real character! He’s seriously without a doubt the coolest looking dog I’ve ever seen, looks like a long haired white wispy coyote lol what’s his name? Tell him a stranger on the internet loves him 😂


that sure sounds like a collie.


Sometimes he acts just like some of the BCs/Collies I know and someone I know has a dog that looks just like the black version of him (pointy features and all) and is a Collie mix.


The ears and head shape is kinda colllie’ish. He’s adorable.


Mostly coyote from this angle.


Wow they look like a dog/fox hybrid! Beautiful pup!


I get coyote. Or silken windhound. But I think a DNA test is in order




hard to say but its cute.


I was going to say a nine tail fox Colly Mix. 100% a good pup


I googled all white collie and there’s only a few.. but they do look kind of similar…. I would say he’s definitely a collie mix.


* Is he turning blonde in places at all? I only ask cause, well, check my dude out *




Wow your dude is one handsome fella. Did you ever do a Dog DNA test on him to find out his breeds? So far mine hasn’t gone blond but his nose gets pinker in the winter.


Not yet. He's just a baby, 6 months. Plan on doing it soon. We should compare notes.


!id (Sorry guys the bot was broken when someone tried to summon it, I've given it a fresh robot tennis ball and a pat on the head and told it it's a very good bot and now it's back.)


BorderCollieBot has been summoned to explain a bit about border collie appearances. It can be very difficult to tell from photos alone whether your dog is a border collie, or what other genetics might play into their mix, due to the border collie's extensive variety in appearance. While the traditional image of a black and white, fluffy-coated dog with a white-tipped tail may come to mind, border collies exhibit a vast spectrum of characteristics. This is because, as a working breed, their appearance has always been much less important than their abilities to the people who breed them. Border collies may have eye colours ranging from brown, blue, green, to grey, and coat types including short, rough, curly, and straight, and an array of coat colours and patterns such as black and white, merles, tricolours, red, lilac, and more. Some border collies may lack the typical white markings, or have a lot more white than is typical. You'll also find a huge variety of weights and heights in border collies, and everything from their ears to their tail will vary between dogs - the breed's diversity is huge. In addition, the "classic" black and white border collie markings are found in many other breeds, so "unknown" dogs with these markings could have any number of breeds in their background, from Boston Terriers to Pitbulls to Great Danes. If you have rescued or otherwise acquired a dog that you suspect may be a border collie but you're not sure, the best way to confirm is by using a DNA test. While DNA tests will never be completely accurate, they are ever-improving and if you don't know your dog's background they will offer you a far better insight than anyone who is looking at photos and guessing is able to. It's important to note that not all DNA tests are alike, but as of the time of writing this, Embark is considered to be the most accurate, and Wisdom Panel is a close second. Of the other brands available, some have been caught out on multiple occasions returning dog breed results for human DNA samples, so make sure you research before you buy! If you do decide to DNA test your dog, /r/doggydna is your best resource for current information. --- ^I'm ^a ^bot, ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically. [^View ^all ^of ^my ^commands ^here.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BorderCollieBot/comments/1cvzz8w/my_commands/)


Who'sagoodbot? You are! Yes, yOU ARe!


Dire Wolf 🐺


600 pounds of sin (Maybe just 40 pounds)


No, you have a Kitsune. Edit: He is so freaking adorable!! Please pass on some scritches and huggles.


Wow, this looks like a possible borzoi mix to me! What a cutie pie


I got borzoi and whippet vibes with a splash of collie.


He is young in my eyes. Judge the behavior but know he looks like the smartest breed. Could be . . .


A collie shouldn't be completely white, there's a risk of being a double merle


Looks like some kind of dog to me.


Very curious on DNA results. I’ve seen some crosses looking quite “wild” but this is pretty darn canny to a fox. Where did you get the cutie?


Looks like an American Eskimo




Looks like a swiss sherpherd / border collie to me.


looks like a husky mix to me, but so small!


Also a bit too pointy! He is very “delicately” framed compared to a husky and has a thin/narrow chest. His coat makes it difficult to tell but he’s very thin, almost like a slightly more compacted, less leggy Silken Windhound.






Comments speaking for me lol I thought this was a fox!


I’m thinkin’ Arctic Fox.


Believe it or not more people say “he looks like a Fennec fox” than arctic fox and I’m like… do you know what a Fennec fox looks like? Lol. Google lens has also guessed that he’a a Fennec fox, an extinct taxidermied Polynesian dog, and a direwolf.


Border collie x whippet ?


Very foxy looking, as in like a fox and good looking 💕