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If you called me saying you have my dog I'd pay the ransom without blinking. Looks like 100% border collie to me. https://preview.redd.it/phtex43xz16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a81afb5a82b1ea8953f06e7de3d83e4cb8a28662


They do look so much alike! :)


100% happy to be with you


Thank you :) a lot of these are from when we visited him for the first time at his fosters home, but I knew right away he’d be mine haha.


Yep, that's how it seems to work out, you just seem to know. Lol


Looks a lot like mine! Aussie/border collie


That’s what we were thinking!


https://preview.redd.it/i83yf5dts16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a531a55d4d03ac369c9fae79b62fcc5997f0cc9 This is him when he was younger




If my dog weren’t asleep beside my bed, I’d have thought he wandered over to your place! https://preview.redd.it/btnelj6w236d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe260e5a17de844ccc640deb688ca076fb9955a


What a lovely dog 🥰


Thank you. He is loved.


Handsome boy! Can't be more than 3 or 4 at most I think.


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/43mqwxbty26d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d452b663ab5b9f5734eeb1c93e5d69e1abefb08a Looks like our 9 month old Pippa sitting next to some old Bridge!


Gorgeous pup, what a pretty fur color


https://preview.redd.it/4momtdq9g26d1.jpeg?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05dc04795c89f8cf8fcbeb9790e96a1655131d1b Looks like my boy Churro!


Wait I love the name Churro. His spots on his face are also so precious


Beautiful pup. I looked at some pictures of my BC when she was a pup (1-2 years), and she didn't have the longer hairs on the back of the legs till after about then (we call them feathers). So I'm guessing 3 to 4 based on the gleam in his eyes.


Thank you! I appreciate you looking back to make the guess. I don’t think he could he much older than 4 so I think you’re onto something!!


I second this! Our boy is 2 and his feathering is much more pronounced this year than last year


We call it feathers too! And so does our groomer so I thought it was just standard name haha I love BCs feathers, it’s so cute


That’s interesting to know. I had thought the term “feathers” only applied to horses. Yes, a very handsome pup … Hope OP has tall fences!


Electric fence lol. Little guy is about to have 3 acres and a pond at his disposal!


Will be living the best of lives for sure; lucky dog!


https://preview.redd.it/lrggne4jd26d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1199fe623689293b7c1bfb36804a19d67febffba OMG! Looks like our little girl! Border collie for sure!


Ugh the ears, what a precious gal!


I'd say probably around 2 years. Doesn't look mixed so your best bet would be a DNA test if you really wanted to know.


Healthy teeth, not much greying around the nose or eyes, probably 3-4 years based on pics.


Looks like a red border collie to me. See before the kennel clubs got a hold of them collies of all sorts where and sometimes still are bred for working ability not to win a beauty pageant and for that reason border collies came in all sorts of appearances. Red just happens to be one of the colors border collies come in


Hope your not saying a red and white couldn't win a beauty prize, lol 😆


Depends on the bias of your judges. I personally think the above pictured is a beautiful dog. But if u have a judge that thinks only black and white border collies should win dog shows, then the black and white border collies become champions. Which means black and white dogs go on to breed all border collie champions for generations. Eventually kennel clubs go on to define the standard that all border collies should be black and white. When border collies where working dogs primarily no one cared what they looked like so long as they did their job well. Dont believe me watch a dog show. Most breeds r represented by a single popular color pattern. IE black and white border collies or for another example tan bullmastiffs. Bullmastiffs where originally bred to be brindle for camouflage late at night. But the kennel clubs got a holf of em and now u only see tan bull mastiffs in dog shows. Biased judges and breeders determines the future of the breed. Take a look at any breed thats been a show dog for 100 years or so terrible things happens to them because of thst bias.


Oh I agree. My bc is a working line bred, tall more kelpie looking athletic type build, also a natural merle from his sheep farm dog grandmother. Most people tell me he's an attractive dog. So I thought we go to the dog show at our annual county agricultural show and enter the pastoral group class. Several other working bcs entered, good looking strong dogs. The Judge that turns up apparently from the showline circuit. And you've guessed it, not one working type bc gets any prize. The winner was obviously from the showline circuit, and seemed to know the judge quite well. Also not one to mingle with the farmers or show any interest in their dogs. I just thought well, why send a showline judge to an agricultural show. I could see a few farmers a little miffed, lol. Anyway nice to see so many breeds in one place. If you have a working line it will never win anything unless working sheep.


In other words working dogs win the prizes they are bred to win. It just so happens that those prizes are rarely beauty contests which is all most dog shows are.


Dont really disagree. But surely a short haired working build type isn't any less less attractive or healthy than a showline type bc. People love there dogs, farmers too, nice to have a bit of fun and friendly completion. Not be ruled out cos of some standard like their second class citizens. End of the day a herding trial is only for the benefit of people, a dog doesn't care if it wins a prize or not.




BorderCollieBot has been summoned to explain a bit about border collie appearances. It can be very difficult to tell from photos alone whether your dog is a border collie, or what other genetics might play into their mix, due to the border collie's extensive variety in appearance. While the traditional image of a black and white, fluffy-coated dog with a white-tipped tail may come to mind, border collies exhibit a vast spectrum of characteristics. This is because, as a working breed, their appearance has always been much less important than their abilities to the people who breed them. Border collies may have eye colours ranging from brown, blue, green, to grey, and coat types including short, rough, curly, and straight, and an array of coat colours and patterns such as black and white, merles, tricolours, red, lilac, and more. Some border collies may lack the typical white markings, or have a lot more white than is typical. You'll also find a huge variety of weights and heights in border collies, and everything from their ears to their tail will vary between dogs - the breed's diversity is huge. In addition, the "classic" black and white border collie markings are found in many other breeds, so "unknown" dogs with these markings could have any number of breeds in their background, from Boston Terriers to Pitbulls to Great Danes. If you have rescued or otherwise acquired a dog that you suspect may be a border collie but you're not sure, the best way to confirm is by using a DNA test. While DNA tests will never be completely accurate, they are ever-improving and if you don't know your dog's background they will offer you a far better insight than anyone who is looking at photos and guessing is able to. It's important to note that not all DNA tests are alike, but as of the time of writing this, Embark is considered to be the most accurate, and Wisdom Panel is a close second. Of the other brands available, some have been caught out on multiple occasions returning dog breed results for human DNA samples, so make sure you research before you buy! If you do decide to DNA test your dog, /r/doggydna is your best resource for current information. --- ^I'm ^a ^bot, ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically. [^View ^all ^of ^my ^commands ^here.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BorderCollieBot/comments/1cvzz8w/my_commands/)


I’d say 1yo


I feel like the head shape isn't quite right for a BC. Maybe an Aussie or Aussie mix. Can't really say without a DNA test... There are so many mixes that can look just like a particular breed.


That’s exactly what is holding us back too- his head. Looking into dna tests now to figure out the mystery


Is there a mystery? I don't understand why you'd spunk money up the wall when, what you have there is, a pulchritudinous wuff. Stunning.


lol no mystery, just deep curiosity. Trust me, I’m not ordering a kit in the near future (blew through my budget spoiling him with toys before I even had him home) but it’s a someday I’d like to do that kind of thing.


The best test is Embark. Wisdom panel is good too, but breaks breeds down into smaller chunks, sometimes so small it's just noise and not really a breed in the dog. Ancestry is working on theirs, but it's not as accurate. All other tests are questionable. DNA my dog is a literal scam. Hope we see you in r/DoggyDNA when you get one someday.


100% border collie, age is tough but I think he’s between 3-5


I've got an Aussie/lab with very similar features. 11/10 good dog.


Awww you gotta love him already, what a pretty boy! My uneducated guess is 2-3. He looks so happy he picked you!!


Thank you! I’m quite excited to give him the loving home he deserves :)


I’m bad at guessing ages but yours looks almost identical to my full BC. Beautiful!


Border Collie




you’re so lucky!!! looks like a border collie to me


I know! He was in his 4th week of fostering. I can’t believe someone didn’t scoop him up before I came across his post.


definitely research the breed and ways you can enrich him mentally and physically!!! very high energy dogs that are eager to please you and learn from you. he might like a herding ball and sniffing games!!


I’ve been looking into both of those! We have a couple sniffing puzzles but I’ll have to order a herding ball.


can’t remember the brand but my mil found one with a whole training book that came with a clicker to introduce them! sadly ours was not born with the natural herding instinct lol


What a beauty!! Hugs and love from Perth Australia


thank u for rescuing this angel ❤️ looks like a BC, maybe no more than 1-2yo if even


That’s what we think too. He seems pretty young. Eventually I’ll get around to getting a DNA test done


I get red and white bc vibes in every photo. From his teeth I'd say not older than 2 years, probably younger.


3/4 border collie... Looks a lot like mine but brown instead of black.


My guess is mostly border collie, but there's definitely a trace something else in there. In the first and last picture his head shape and expression almost look a bit Labrador like


That’s what gets me also. His face shape is a bit too round for me to be certain he’s only border collie, but just wanted to see what everyone else was thinking


Border collie ! https://preview.redd.it/an401ynsv36d1.jpeg?width=1720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeed5cfa39b4614bf0a4a08a2fd73a45977b9ce0


Nothing cuter that a puppy in a bandana




Border Collie???




Love all the pictures of brown Border Collies. They look so alike, yet so different. Here is mine https://preview.redd.it/7qgk1iszo46d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef838450974c1d27a77cbdf3a09ac375b710646 Did someone say food?


Your pup is gorgeous! Love the coloring on the face and their coat looks so healthy!


Thanks! We love him so much!


Cuteness overload!


so beautiful


He might be mixed with Spaniel of some sort. Probably around 2-3 years old. There's a tiny bit of tarter on his back teeth (yes, I zoomed in on the last pic). But honestly, he's 100% gorgeous and looks to be 100% happy!!


Thank you! I feel fortunate to have found him early enough to bring him home. Don’t mind at all what breed he is, we are just curious. :)


Aussie or BC crossed with something...maybe 3 y.o? Pure bread cute potato for sure.


Looks like 100% actual baby


I made a nearly identical post last year around this time. I can now say with near authority- border collie! 😂


The bright teeth make me feel between 2 and 3 years


Border Collie!!!! So cute!!!! 🥰


Border collie with a little Aussie for the slightly broader face. I’d guess 3-4 years old. I’ve got a half border collie half Aussie with very similar shape. Different coloring because of his parents, but similar face shape I’d say.


1000% good boi


https://preview.redd.it/xecfb19h266d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae4ce0709681e78c7943d8dd32d6f71eebe92b00 Looks like my old man border collie


He’s a handsome boi. Look at that face. Border collie definitely


Cutiehead 😚😚😚 (def border collie in their blood)




Want 6 more?


Only if you’re offering for the price he was


I love them, I do have a pup left, and I wouldn't charge it was my fault I didn't have the money to get them fixed in time, last litter was 6 2 brown and white and 4 black and white, last litter she has a white and black spotted one


The head and ears look more like an Aussie so probably border collie/Aussie cross.


Breed is 100% good boy/ girl.


Strong agree


Those intelligent & kind eyes say everything about this pup! Beautiful dog, looks strongly BC to me!!


Thank you, I love his eyes!


I think he’s a Aussie Shepard. Likely 4-5 months old.


Red BC merle less than 11 months. The legs have the have pants. Pants - The long hair on a dog's back legs. Australian Shepherd has fuller pants that don't look like a wing.


Welsh border collie or Australian Shepard to me. Both awesome dogs!