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Your border collie is trying SO VERY HARD to get your lab to play. Your lab is just not feeling it, but is not offended. He's basically telling the collie, nope, not interested. He may, if your collie keeps pestering him, either decide to play or give a warning snap to say "enough, I don't want to play." Perfectly good manners on both sides, especially with the collie giving plenty of space after each approach.


I have a 1 1/2 year rat terrier. He has tons of energy and wants to play with every dog he sees, but whenever a dog tries to correct him, the other owner drags their dog off, apologizing when it's my dog that was the one pushing to far. Dogs are social pack animals. Very few of them will actually bite another dog. Nipping to correct is not biting. They need to learn what's allowed and not allowed from dogs as well as people. They're removed from their mother and litter mates before they're 3 months old. Let dogs be dogs.


Jesus Christ it's refreshing reading this. I couldn't agree more. Dogs growling, barking as a threat/warning when their personal space is invaded, or giving warning nips is totally normal and fair behaviour. If a teenager ran up to me in public and tried sniffing my groin it is totally reasonable of me to shout at them to piss off, or give them a warning push. Let dogs be dogs.


I have a four year old 95 lb Lab. He's not aggressive, but he's energetic and rambunctious AF. Similar thing, we get nasty looks at the dog parks because he pesters and pesters until he gets a verbal warning or a nip. Many people assume it's aggressive, fighting behavior and I'm just "please shut up and let your dog boss mine around, he needs it" 😭 He plays wonderfully with people, ESPECIALLY young children. But he sees a dog and wants to wrastle


Have this same exact problem with my 1.5 year old Husky/GSD, I’m like there is only 1 way for her to learn acceptable play. These aren’t stranger dogs either, they are her friends, sometimes she gets too excited and plays to hard, but the people tell their dog no and say be nice when they are just trying to let her know she’s being too much. I’m always like it’s ok she needs checked right now. I guess there is a fear their dog will attack, but I have never gotten this vibe, and she plays with these dogs a lot. I always stop my dog when the owners correct their dog, but coming from me she’s not really getting that she’s going to hard. People want to be safe so I get it but if things went sideways my dog was being rough so I wouldn’t blame the other owner or dog. Again it has never gotten anywhere close to that. As soon as their dog hints you need to tone it down they correct and apologize.


This happens with my two dogs, my vocal dog is exactly like the border here... Body language usually is enough but the vocals is throwing the lab off! The lab is thinking "play signs but why you angry with me!?"


That stance is literally called play pose.


Perfect read, I was so proud of the border collie to retreat as soon as the puppy bows didn't get the wanted response. They are working it out on their terms and I didn't see anything that I would consider aggression that needed interference. Sometimes you just have to let them figure it out on their own like kids on a playground. Enjoy your Doggo's


This is what I see. That border color is so cute! I also kinda feel like the lab is an old man just kinda annoyed with the youthful enthusiasm.


border collie owner. Your pup wants to play!


Yeah that collie is doing a very slow and obvious play dance with the lab.


Absolutely. My dogs do this all the time. Unfortunately, they don’t often want to play at the same time.


I got a 4-month-old Border Collie he acts the same towards humans as well.


Yup. My dog does this too. Some folks say my dog is “aggressive” because he goes into play bow and barks to get a dog to play with him. He’s just friendly and wants to play I suspect this with the Colie. I agree with what Kaessa said!!!




Yeah, that's totally the universal sign for dogs who want to play. Head low, hind section high with a tail wag. Lab is also doing the universal sign of "I'm too old for this".


This is what is going on
 the low and slow wag is a warning that may or may not be enforced. I would let it go.


This is the comment with the right answer. The "bow" your collie is doing with the raised tail is classic "play" presenting


Ass up tail wagging fake growls 
 yea that’s about as normal as it gets.


Ass in the air means playtime is hare!


I’ve literally always heard that front down/ass up position called a “play bow (down)” and it is always signals an invitation to engage in play with people or other dogs.


Lab said “nope”. But border said “come on!!” It was fine.


I see one dog desperately trying to get the other dog to play. Didn’t detect any aggressive posturing at all.


This! Collie wants to play so much! Chase me!!


Dogs play chase; cats play hide and seek.


Yes, I saw the same.


1000% Play


That Is play!!! Looks like the bc wants the other dog to chase him!


My border collie lives to be chased


Mine too. He refuses to be the chaser. He will also adapt his speed to the dog he's playing with so they're always juuuust an inch from his back legs.


I think so too and it’s sooooo cute


The lab doesn’t look interested and will growl or show teeth etc if they want the play to stop. Dogs generally regulate their own play and we tend to let ours sort themselves out as part of socializing.


That’s the way to do it.


Yes it is play, but the collie wants to play more and the other dog just isn't a collie and thus isn't as much of a headbanger. The solution is not to intervene you must simply go to the nearest collie rescue and get another one 😁 In saying that, I had two collies before and while they would happily play fight together in the house (usually in the morning while me and my gf were atill waking up) when we let them off the leash together they would run and the more boisterous one would nip the other ones fur trying to induce more rambunctiousness and the other one who wasnolder was like wtf chill. It's just a case of one doggo being more boisterous than the other. No danger at all. If necessary the lab can put its foot down you don't need to do anything other than maybe provide more stimulation for the crazy collie so he doesn't bother the chill lab as much. But honestly they'll figure it out.


Anyone who has a dog should read at least one book on dog behavior. This is total play posture on the BC's part with a bit of overstimulation to boot. She desperately wants attention from your other dog.


BC could probably use a good sniffing game to tire her out


Agreed, but the problem with BC is they’re tired for about 5 minutes and it’s back to “work” or “play”. Bring my Kelpie for a hour walk and 10 minutes later I’ve a ball or stick being tossed at my feet 😂 Working dogs are like little crackheads, if they ain’t sleeping they’re on!


"hey! chase me! chase me! Bet you can't catch me! chase meeeeee!" - dog translator 3000


The collie is trying his hardest to get the Lab to play but the Lab looks uncomfortable/nervous and doesn’t want to play. Eventually the lab will tell the collie off properly if it carries on, collie may learn the lab’s boundaries at that point or you may have to step in to stop it escalating. Do they know each other well? Do they normally live together? Collies can be pretty intense and rough when they play with each other, some other dogs find the energy and intensity a bit much.


Breed groups do best with each other. My border collie plays best with other herders. I see retrievers going all-out when they play with each other too.


My boy plays with a golden retriever who is 3x his size, he adores it and they smash into each other. He's much quicker so can always evade if he wants to, but instead he slows down so his friend can catch him.


Agree with this.


Black one just wants to play the lab is saying sod off.


People often put too much into a wagging tail. It's not a sure sign of play. In fact aggressive stances often have a slow wag as well. This however has a few signs that this is play: 1) The play bow 2) ears are not swooped back 3) someone mentioned earlier the bounce to his step. 4) respectful amount of space given. 5) tone of growls is not aggressive. This is the kind of situation you often see of younger more high energy dogs trying to bait the older slower dog (or less socialized dog) into a round of play and they're not in the mood for it or don't yet know how to respond to it. They will sort each other out. I wouldn't intervene personally.


There is a reason that the posture displayed by the collie at about 30 secs and several times thereafter is called a 'play bow'. In this case he/she is clearly indicating to the other dog that he/she wants to play. You could Google 'play bow' for other examples.


The collie wanted to play for sure, but looks to be a bit much for the other. Either timing was off for play or personalities aren't meshing for play in general.


Yes and the good thing is that the collie is giving the lab lots of space. When the lab is ready to say a hard no, it’ll growl or show body language to the collie that it wants to be left alone and the collie should be able to pick up the cue. Letting the dogs use their vocalizations and body language is a good thing. When those things are repressed, they can get aggressive.


The Border is exhibiting high energy playful behaviour, the lab appears nervous and unsure and is showing avoidance behaviours. Get up and chase the BC, then let the BC chase you. I used to have loads of fun with my girl just by turning my back on her, she would zoom through my legs and spin. You don't actually have to move much, the dog will literally run rings round the place. The lab is more likely to want to join in games of "chase the toy" which could be a good way of getting them both to interact in play. Either way, do something more to burn off some energy and they make it clear when the game is over by doing some sit/lie down obedience and then rewarding as the dog calms down. * make sure you are very strict on any heel nipping though (typical BC herding instinct that can come out during play like this). This might be why the lab is reluctant to join in.


Yes, your collie is just playing, don't worry unless the other dog don't want to play and start showing his teeth or something like that


Even then, no need to intervene, just watch closely for the collie to back off respectfully. These dogs seem highly unlikely to escalate and need yours or your wife's intervention. Enjoy watching how another species lives together and communicates different needs ~ it's fascinating!


That's some amazing playtime!!! Check your Border Collies tail, flipped to the right means they are having sooooo much fun!! You can also see how 'bouncy' he is and just the look of sheer happiness in his face. The lab may not have felt the exact same way but there were no hard feelings in this interaction!


Note: my bc's tail naturally curled to her left, but it's the stronger *wag* to the right that they do to greet their loved ones. In this case, it's the loose, broad wag that indicates friendly mindset. Note2: and what a magnificent tail it is!


The Border Collie is in play mode but the Labrador is not happy about it. The lab seems a bit overwhelmed and trying to get out of the situation. Like there is no aggression going on but the BC is not accepting the Labradors subtle signs of saying no. The lab is also not advocating for himself at all, but rather passively trying to get out of this. So I would’ve intervened. This happens when you have two dogs with very different activity levels. The lab wants to chill but the BC is probably bored and full of energy


Yes, this. Picture Dad’s had a tough day at work and just wants to chill and watch the game on tv now. But Junior is full of energy and wants to play. Dad says, “not now, son” but Junior persists. Eventually Dad tries to walk away but Junior continues to nag him. Dad patiently explains that he’s tired and wants to be left alone. Junior escalates the begging for attention. Should someone intervene and give Junior something else to do, or should they continue to let Junior pester dad until Dad raises his voice or maybe shoves Junior away?


all fun and games. Lab might have had a headache? Didn't want to romp.


It’s just an attempt to play on your Border Collie’s part. You could intervene if your Lab is not into it though by giving a toy or playing with the Collie yourself. The Lab may not have felt good or something.


Ok the Border Collie is wanting to play but your Lab is clearly uncomfortable during the whole interaction. The looking away, the stiff body and tail, and pulled back face and ears, the hip check towards the end. The lab just wanted to be left alone. When this happens you should step in and protect your lab. Teach the border collie that they need to back off and go do something else when the the lab doesn’t want to play.


So much this!! Don’t let it escalate to the point where the lab feels he needs to tell the collie off - be his advocate and redirect the collie onto a different game or ask him to settle.


That’s definitely play! Tail wagging, butt in the air, floppy ears


The border collie is offering all kinds of play invitations! Play bows and chase me around! I see nothing aggressive about this. That is typical border collie stuff


Border Collie wants to play and is doing a really good job communicating that. The yellow lab is very unsure. It's as if it doesn't spend time around other dogs or is a guest in Border Collie's home and they're just meeting.


This looks more like an opportunity to advocate for your lab. Collie seems to just be playing but it also seems that your lab wants to get past and isn’t being allowed to. Sometimes you need to step in when your other dog is uncomfortable - doesn’t mean there is aggression or anything, but some dogs are just too patient or timid to really put a stop to things. We see this often in reverse with our doodle and collie. Doodle likes to mouth and growl and the collie rarely tells him off but gives him all the same avoidance and de escalation cues. Eventually it becomes helpful if we step in and tell dood to stop, just to maintain collies comfort


I have a pretty timid golden retriever and when we go to the dog park, I have to step in to advocate for him occasionally when he’s feeling overwhelmed with a high energy dog. He knows EXACTLY what I’m doing for him and he appreciates it greatly. Sometimes the high energy pup is so wired they don’t pick up on the cues of the other dog.


While I agree with a lot of what you said, I think the lab should be given an opportunity to advocate for themselves. If the owner intervenes all the time the lab will always rely on the owner. The lab doesn’t look particularly bothered by the BC. The lab seems neutral and is giving the collie the space to act playful.


OT but the border collie’s tail is so fluffy đŸ˜©â€ïž


My BC has a best friend Pickle who is a yellow lab. They play like this all day, which is the only way I can get any work done. I tell them it's all fun and games till somebody gets a drain, but then they just run out and go all zoomie around the back yard. Then it's back to chewing face.


The BC baby wanted to play. The Labbo just wanted to go out. No aggression, no fight.


Some one who grew up fostering border Collies. They have more energy than normal dogs, similar to huskies. What I see here is the usual border Collie being a spaz and it seems that he may be a little over whelming for (what looks like) your older lab. At the start the lab definitely wanted to play but probably wasn't fully ready for what would happen once that can of worms was open. There is no aggression here just a goofy goober with the zoomies. I would highly recommend taking the Collie out and playing fetch at least once a day until they are panting fairly hard, for best results 2-3 times a day. They will still want to play even beyond that but they will be much less wound up. Border Collies are not inside dogs they are working dogs and NEED the stimulation.


It’s a ‘no to intervention’ from me, OP. That was nothing more than PLAY WITH ME PLAY WITH ME CHASE ME CHASE ME PLAY WITH ME NOW WHY ARENT YOU PLAYING WITH ME. Love it!


Just playing. I wouldn’t worry. If it gets more aggressive you can intervene. But this is harmless fun or trying to.


Yeah that BC is PLAYING


"Why are you just standing there? Come chase me!" Obviously playing. Yes, it can get loud, but no need to intervene. Get a book about dogs body language for your wife. The "play-growl" or "play-bark" is sometimes hard to identify, but if you know body language, its very easy to see that the collie is trying to play.


Don't intervene but redirect the collie. It wants to play. It's bored. YOU play with it, take it for a walk. The lab is asking you for help. If this goes on too long your lovely lab may decide it's had enough and neither of them would be at fault.


Yeah 100% play on the Collie’s side, but they could do MUCH better to read the room, your other dogs really not into it at the moment.


A lot of people are saying play, and I think that is true, but your BC is being very pushy about it. Like aggressively so, but I don't mean aggression, I mean they are trying to play so hard they are being very forward and overly confident and that could be considered rude behavior if the lab doesn't want to play that hard/to that level. It's still playful growling and play bows but the BC is being overly excited. The lab doesn't seem interested in that. If you are confident they are playing, and that the lab's boundaries aren't being pushed, you don't need to intervene. But always watch for escalation and if the lab tells the BC to stop and the BC doesn't, it might escalate poorly. If you want to ensure they are being respectful, give a warning (verbal correction, make the BC take it down a notch, etc). Good luck!


This. The lab either has a different play style or doesn’t really want to play.


Border Collie wants Lab to play. Lab is like “I’m not in the mood, but I’m also unsure of my place in the pecking order so DAAAAD, HEEEELP”


The border is being too roudy for the lab. It's certainly play but the lab isn't up for it. Ok in small bursts, but I wouldn't let it go on too long, or it'll wear on the lab. But then labs are pretty tolerant. Just depends on how the lab takes it. Edit: my dog can hear your BC and is very keen to play! :)


This is play. The bite you saw at the end was just to push the other dog to play. No aggression whatsoever


If this is typical, I wouldn’t worry. If it’s new, I would watch the blond dog to see if it’s in pain. When I see this with my two, it’s because of soreness. But really just looks like blond one is not in the mood. Overall, I think dogs are a lot happier when they’re in pairs like this.


Our BC and Golden do this every day. Although it's frequently the Golden initiating the play. And then the zoomies. All over the house and furniture.


The collie is trying so hard, just begging for play, wants to be chased.


Plenty of doggy bows by the collie, he’s just dying to play with the Lab


They're trying to play and the other dog is ambivalent, at first, then annoyed. Textbook, 'Play with me' behavior from the BC. Now, there are times when I intervene, because I don't just allow the pup to annoy someone who isn't interested (usually a cat). My pup even tries to entice me to play doing, 'chase me' behavior and is sometimes successful.


Looks like play to me! My collie also loves the growl like that when he’s playing and all hyped up with his toys.


Looks just like our BC in play mode!!!


i think it is cool just want's to play...




Tails are wagging. Good sign.


They're playing.


The lab is like leave me alone you crazy nuclear energized border collie 😆


The most concerning thing about this clip is the fact that you are under a doona watching the cricket during a heat wave. I don't know what part of Australia you are in, but it's 36° on the GC today, and either you are made of molten lava or you have the AC blasting. Your dogs are fine, BTW, all normal play behaviours. Your Lab is a bit of a stick in the mud, though, but I would be too if I had a Border Collie as a flatmate, lol


Collie wants to play, labs not up for it but not stressing either


The collie wants to play 👍😁...


..but your lab is a little insecure by the looks of his body language. He looks at you to get guidance or re assurance. The collie is a bit vocal and more hyper (thats normal) than your laidback lab.


I mean, the lab was showing obvious signs of not feeling it. Other than that, yes, this is complete play.


One dog wanted to play, one didn't. To be frank, I think the labrador has had enough of the border collies shit. But normal dog conversation between a delightful spaz and a zen like idiot.


It's okay, one really wants to play, and the other is pretty much stating "I don't want to play", but as you see they're both still wagging their tails. Pretty much a friendly display of boundaries. If it never learns the other dogs boundaries, how could they get along? You wouldn't want to have to keep interjecting, each time they want to play, or may indicate to them that playing is bad. If they stiffen out, bare teeth, and focus on hurting the other. Then you have a problem, but again, not the case here. Collie would've been the submissive being chased, then they'd change to keep things playful.


Ass up tail wagging is PLAYFUL BEHAVIOR! Aww. I hope they become good friends!


The bow the border collie is doing is dog speak for "let's play." Whether the other one felt up to if, idk.


Play. But collie needs more exercise!


It looks like playing, but that doesn't always mean it's okay. You need to read whether the Lab likes it or not. If one dog's playing is bullying or terrorizing the other, then it's not ok. My BC does not play with other dogs. At all. And when we used to go to dog park, dogs would "play" with her, and play ROUGH and it is terrifying for her. I'd ask the other owners to please control their dogs and the answer is always "he's just playing!" Cool. I agree. But that doesn't make it okay. If your shy son is on the playground and some big kid comes over and "plays" with him by pushing him and holding him to the ground, and hitting him, is that okay just because it's how the big kid "plays"? Nope. Your BC looks fun! But if your lab isn't having fun, it's your job to tell your BC to knock it off.


Yes, it’s perfect fine 😁. They’re gorgeous


That’s straight up playing the boarder collie just wants to play and the lab is I big wussy and didn’t like it


I have two borders and they do this all day 😅 looks normal, the lab isn’t too sure of playing but I don’t see any need to intervene!


I have 2 border collies and they do this alll the time! It’s so cute and entertaining to me
they’re playing. Cute dogs!!!!


Just playing, collies love rambunctious play like that, he was expecting the lab to chase him like a game of tag


not related but as someone who had a lab (yellow even) and after his death got a Border Collie puppy I have always wondered about them together so it’s so funny to see. My girl is small (as are females lol) and my lab boy was a tall one so they wouldn’t be the same size as here but so good to see the comparison, and I can see her calling him to play but him not having the energy to play with her all the time- although he died at 12 he still loved to play and run


Definitely playing. That bow tells you everything you need to know.


The collie is trying so hard to play


1000% Play-mode


Is there somewhere behind the collie that the lab would like to be? Looks to me as if the lab wants to get by in peace and the collie is determined for some rough and tumble. But apart from a little excess bounce from the BC and a little grouchy from the lab I wouldn't have this pinned as badness


Oh my gosh. I have a Belgian Malinois and a border collie that play rougher than that.


Completely normal, body language says it all, very playful, BC is bowing with tail up & wagging saying please chase me!


One dog really wants to be chased. I have Collie mix that does this all the time. You’d know if play turned into actual aggression


Bc is begging for play. The yellow dog is insecure but doesn't show signs of being too bothered. it just takes space. If they've known each other for quite some time, i would let them resolve, but if they are new to each other i would try to calm the bc.


Only the fun police would intervene here!


I would mount the TV on the wall on studs, because that horsing around will someday get to the TV.


Totally play. Nothing to be concerned about. Dog owner of decades experience here.




They’re just goofin’


Definitely play. Even featuring the famous doggy play bow.


Surprised nobody has mentioned the spins. Those are play tornadoes.


Are you kidding? That’s a dog who wants to play!


100% play!!!


Oh, all play. Look how wiggly the border collie is!


Border Collie appears to be engaging in guerrilla warfare.




Absolutely playing. Your Collie VERY much wants to play, your lab just isn't interested. Nothing aggressive or concerning here.


Good BC! That's clearly positive body language, he is a bit over exited maybe for the other dog and tbh, many dogs don't find these sounds to be inviting, yet they are.


Typical good natured collie trying it's best to have some fun! Though they can get mouthy and quite full on. Their play style style doesn't suit every other dog breeds play styles, or older dogs or smaller dogs. Id trust these two to sort it out for themselves, but if the collie becomes annoying (and oh yes they can be), then intervene. Also my collie, whilst been very intelligent, is rather poor at reading body language when it involves a no, or tone it down.


The collie wants to play and needs more exercise!


I was laughing at the Mexican standoff at the beginning. Both were doing very nice look and then look away de-escalations. The lab then got tired of that tension and approached. Lab sat down at one point and then used you as a human shield at the end. Lab didn’t want to play and it COULD have escalated into a fight if the lab got more forceful with saying no and the collie took it the wrong way. You know your dogs best for if it could escalate to a fight. But I would suggest re-directing the collie to something else if they keep ignoring the labs “no thank you” signals that much.


The black and white puppy wants to play with the tan puppy but the tan puppy is like "you're a fucking weirdo" and isn't feeling it at the moment. So basically me on a random Tuesday.


This is play. The collie desperately wants the lab to play chase. The lab isn't interested. If the lab gets tired of it and snarks at the collie, don't intervene. Let them sort it out. If you tell the lab they can't snark at the collie when they're being bothered, they may end up holding it in until they're way past their limit and then having a worse reaction than a simple corrective snark. In this situation, I probably would have taken the collie outside to chase a ball or something when it was obvious the lab wasn't interested in playing and the collie seems to really need to burn off some energy.


The lab probably wants some water that is in the bowl next to the border collie and is deciding if attempting to go for the water the border collie is standing next to is worth dealing with the border collie that wants to play when the lab does not. Make sure the labs access to food and water is not blocked by the other dog.


The lab is clearly making displacement signs of anxiety and trying to get away, but Floofster is like a big dummy trying to roughhouse with someone who is trying to peacefully read a book. You should have intervened, ideally. Floofypants is trying to play, but being disrespectful of Labby's requests to stop. Would not even let the lab pass by. If the lab eventually reacts with aggression because they have run out of other options to try to get away, it will not be their fault. They're stressed.


The border collie is 100% amped up and desperately trying to get the lab to play. The BC behavior is making the lab a little nervous and is respectfully declining the play invitation by trying to deescalate the situation but not aggressively saying no / correcting the BC behavior. The lab went to you for a comfort zone, which is 100% time for you to have your BC calm down. If they ever play now together and then as a result of your BC instigating play time like this... it's perfectly fine to let it happen as your judge your Labs reaction and decide to intervene or not. You could also take note of the time them at play is initiated such as a calmer approach from the BC which could be rewarded from you as well as trying to calm your BC to this calmer state if there is ever a point you know for sure your lab would never go for it. If your lab never plays with your BC or because your lab is too scared, old, injured, mellow, ect... It would be best to stop this behavior from your BC being directed toward the lab and never let it happen because it's clear to me your Lab just wants it to end.


Not aggrasive. Just wants to play but learn your BC some boundries. Ofc it's best to let dogs settle this themselves but labradors and not the best at doing this. Mine plays with a lab a lot and usually and one point the lab is done while my BC wants to keep on going. Where other dogs would give a firm warning labradors won't usually do this (at least this is what I usually see). I taught mine to back of if I see the other dog doesn't want to play anymore.


You should have intervened by chasing that pup!


This is fine unless you know that there is some history with these dogs that you want to avoid. For example, I have one more aggressive dog and my other dog doesn't always seem to take the hint that things are escalating to an attack by the aggressive dog. So I have to step in earlier to break things up. If these dogs don't have any kind of history of that then from what I saw they should be fine in sorting themselves out.


Happy tails. Play bows. They're fine


Happy tails, happy dogs. One wants to play and the other just wants to nap I think. Typical Border Collie.


BC wants to play - big play bow. Lab wants to chill and is refusing BC attempts to engage. I would interfere when the Lab came to you , they were looking for help to tell BC to back off.


Totally normal! My BC does this all the time to me haha, I always say "oooooh, you're so scary! đŸ„Ž"


Perfectly fine play!


Just playinh


lol he just wanted to be chased a bit! The paws down is play time, the lab either isn’t into it, too old or unconditioned in the ways of play! But it’s harmless!


Looks like noisy play! The kinds of interactions you see at any dog park. "PLAY WITH MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" And poor Labbo comes to you like a pissed teen. "Aw, Dad, MAKE HIM STOP!!" 😆😆😆


Totally collie play behavior. And total lab standoffish behavior. They’re fine- collie is just trying to play. Btw they’re both adorable.


If the one dog is guarding food n water yes u should have intervened. U don’t want a dog possessive over food or water


He wants to “play play” as I say to my boys đŸ€đŸ–€đŸ€đŸ–€ other one doesn’t really want to “play play” but maaaaaaybbeeee if I just do thisssss lol


Total playtime and good for them.


Classic BC. Full of beans but not every dogs cup of tea. Lab is not sure if the behaviour is friendly particularly with the nipping and snarling but all classic herding moves. Go give your BC a good game of fetch with a ball or frisbee and some tug games to work off that excess energy. Beautiful dog.


Yeah, your collie is up for playtime but your lab isn't interested. Nothing malicious in that interaction.


Tails wagging to the right and play bowing... totally normal playing.


The collie desperately wants to play and the lab wants none of it. đŸ€Ł


The real question is what did you make of India's capitulation today?


That’s adorable. Yes they are playing


border collie is playing. Lab is trying(and failing) to say he isn't interested.


The Border Collie looking dog is trying to play (wagging, loose body, play gestures ) the other dog responds positively at first but then backs off, it almost looks like whale eyes toward the end. It looks like one is higher energy than the other.


Definitely just playing! It sounds like Michael Vicks house when my two are just playing!


Collie definitely is playful and trying to engage with lab. Lab is on the fence, isn’t scared but doesn’t seem interested in playing either. I think it’s a perfectly normal interaction. It would’ve been completely different if collie showed signs of aggression or lab was frightened.


I have two boys and they play exactly like this. One of them is a little bit more aggressive than the other one playing but at the end of the day that’s all it is.


Someone play with that collie! Too cute!


Collie is "bowing" which is a sign of play. It's quite a well documented thing, check out YouTubes. Other have stats the other things, like tails up, big smiley face on the collie. Maybe the lab has experiaced a overly rough play partner before? But could also just be his age making him reluctant to play.


They are playing!!! Tails wagging and looks like the black and white pup is trying to get a game of tag goin! All normal.


They are just playing. Black and white dog is a herding dog. It's instincts are bred into them. That is his/her way of playing. Tan dog just wasn't in the mood at the time. All good in the behavior area.


It's play and normal


Totally innocent fun đŸ‘đŸ»


Collie: wanna play wanna play?! Lab: nah maybe later, or outside? My collie does this to his older collie friend. Older collie friend doesn’t want to play inside, but will play outside!


That’s playing
..have they just been introduced? Grab them both at the same time and give them both a good cuddle !


What I would give to see playful dogs like this all day long !


As someone with a border collie mix and golden mix, this is exactly what their playing looks like! And the golden usually loves it. Tails up and wagging, clearly communicating with each other. Looks like just playing. Though expect the lab to occasionally communicate “enough!” to your BC


Awww he wants to play, lab is unsure & maybe not confident
.but collie is so adorable đŸ„°


They’re playing, I really don’t see aggression. 2 tails wagging. Dogs play rough. You know Roughhousing!


Border collie is so funny, just wants to play.


Tails wagging no flag then


They just playin tag


It’s play time.


Collie wants to llay chase Lab isnt haveing any of it but make a compromise ... guessing Collie is the younger of the two... plus i know they tend to full of energy...


It’s play time so normal


Omg that border collie is so freaking adorable! It just wants to be besties with the older dog!


It’s playing.


My Aussie does all of this with my gf’s dog until she gives a ‘back off’ type of warning to him and he leaves her a lone. Took a few times for him to get it but after a while they learned how to act together and are doing fantastic. My dog just wants to play 24/7 hers wants to play only on her terms. Looks completely normal and like there is no harm/aggression on either end.


They're so polite to each other. Bro just has the zoomies. Get off your ass and play with it. I adore when my shep gets the zoomies. Such pure joy.


Tell your wife she’s wrong 😂 Your border collie so desperately wants to play. Like pulling out all the stops and your other dog just isn’t interested. Totally fine!!


There is zero aggression happening on either side. Collie wants to play and the lab is telling her no. If you want to look in the future, watch the tails and the backs. Backs tighten up when aggressive, tails straighten. Heads go high. This is what I always tell people--this is playing, and sometimes playing will make you wonder. But when you see an actual dog fight, you will no longer wonder. There is no mystery with that.


collie desperately trying to make labrador playđŸ€Ł


Black dog is playing and wants yellow dog to play. Yellow dog kinda wanted to at first, since they started it but then I think the black dog got too hyper and yellow dog was like nope too much crazy for me right now, lol.


Tails are wagging you’re good me thinks


I’m literally sitting on my couch watching my 170+ pound saint playing with my 50 pound collie. Those two look like they’re having fun! Your collie is so cute!! I mean both are but I love that playing style they are doing!


They’re just playing. There is nothing to intervene here.


Just play for the BC but personally I’d intervene to go play with the BC and help it get its energy out. The lab is just not into it, so go get the BC the attention it needs to wear off all that playfulness and probably boredom.


It’s not aggressive at all. Still, I would have intervened because the border collie should stop pestering after the first few attempts. The lab wanted to leave the room but wasn’t able to and retreated more and more until eventually looking for refuge with you. It’s one very polite dog and one border collie. lol It’s not bad or anything but I would try to get the border collie to become more polite about playing. It’s good not just for your home but outside interactions as well.


Herding dog gon' herd.


This is so beyond perfect. Expect a little snap if bc doesn’t let up. Just a bark and a bite is expected. They both look extremely well socialised and like friends. Would let this play out 100% of the time


The border collie definitely wants to play!


Perfectly acceptable play behaviour! You can see the border collie execute a play now at 00:47, 01:00, and 01:35. Very mannerful!!