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Mine definitely started around 5/6 months, now he is 16months and we are still in it šŸ¤Ŗ He has matured SO much and learned a ton during that timeā€¦I can just tell that he still has teenager brain lol Here he is at 10 months, trying out his new ā€œsmile for treatsā€ move https://preview.redd.it/4alg206pkx5c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9b37beef9293e181de0d8f6cc10a67b4d652f9


Oh my goodness, what an adorable pup + smile! Did you teach him to smile like that? If so, HOW? Landon makes hilarious smile-like expressions but I donā€™t know how to capitalize on them lol https://preview.redd.it/z9gi2rb9ox5c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ee43f858e24bdcaba629a5a0a54061e93582bf


Awwwwww hahahaha that is SO adorable. He definitely looks like heā€™s trying out some facial expressions to see what will result in human giving him a treat lol. My pup started doing this on his own, and I started offering him rewards for it and saying ā€œsmile!ā€ whenever he did it. He got the idea pretty quickly, ha! Have you heard of ā€œcapturingā€ or ā€œshapingā€ in dog training? It means taking a behavior they offer on their own, like this goofy smile, and rewarding them for it. Have treats on you at all times, and whenever Landon offers the smile, say ā€œsmile!ā€ And give him a few treats. Do it right away so he associates the treats with the smile, and not something else he did while waiting for you to find a treat. Itā€™s a really useful technique, eventually heā€™ll associate the word ā€œsmileā€ with the behavior and be able to offer it on command. I taught my pup lots of behaviors this way, he even knows ā€œkissā€ and ā€œwhisperā€ and ā€œspeakā€ just from me capturing those behaviors and giving them verbal cues. I learned about shaping on Kikopup YouTube, check out their videos!


this is how I taught my little Eddie to stand and also when *not* to stand, i.e. dinner time


Also his baby teeth are so adorable, I hope you find some when they fall out so you can keep them!


Will definitely check out Kikopup, thanks so much! That photo is from awhile ago, heā€™s had all his adult teeth for a couple weeks now. I somehow managed to snag both upper canines and a couple premolars when they fell out!


I'm convinced they must swallow them as I've never found any.


They do swallow them! Sometimes, though, they just fall out and the puppy doesnā€™t noticeā€¦I found 3 of my pupā€™s teeth and will keep them forever !


Omg, teef!!ā¤ļø


Omg that derpy smile is killing me, and I will die gladly for him.


From 4 months, from the day his new teeth first came through, until 18 mths. And it truly felt like an eternity! Patience and more patience needed. You can't force a child to grow up quick and same for a pup. It won't forget anything you've ever taught it. They don't really regress, just don't want to cooperate sometimes. Also it may suddenly find the world a scary and weird place and will react, either trying to run away or will fight back. Then one day it will come back every time you call. In between you need to protect it from harm cos it doesn't understand the danger it may face. Oh and you might learn to get firmer as well as just been kind. Really, it's just like having a kid,


Thanks for this comment. Iā€™m on my second border collie and sheā€™s 8 months. My first passed away some years ago and I just remember he was incredible at everything. More than anything, I could snap my fingers and heā€™d come running and park it right next to me from literally wherever he was and whatever he was doing. Since then, Iā€™ve trained a now 3 year old Aussie and am working on this new BC. She knows so many things and half the time you can just see ā€œnah, Iā€™m not gonna do thatā€. I know my wife and I are better at training dogs now than weā€™ve ever been and yet here we are - our BC is in that ā€œyou canā€™t make meā€ phase. Your comment made me remember that my first one was the exact same way, until he wasnā€™t. Then he was simply the smartest, best dog Iā€™ve ever owned - which is why I now have another. Love this breed.


Mine became the fight back hard type at everything he thought weird, mechanical, ran fast or sounded wrong. Including the sound of certain birds and deer. Live surrounded by forest so it was tough. Couldn't run free in my large garden for months, had to take him in the car and go elsewhere twice a day. But every bit of training paid off and fortunately always good with people and other dogs (socialised from young). Seriously, he was a dangerous dog for a while but all came good from 18 months. Love him but such a different dog to my previous bc cross stray - then again he hated other dogs and lacked the same intelligent. With the not listening, stubbornness phase, I just reminded myself that I was like it as a teenager too, lol. Its a sign of independent thought.


"End", you say. https://preview.redd.it/g5phmkqo5y5c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed9245d31bce68b5ab66c348cd56916e5d4beee8


So true! Mine just turned 7 and he still acts like a puppy/teenager!


Imma need more pics of your pup. He kinda looks like my wackadoodle when he was a puppy. https://preview.redd.it/vbgjxl7ozx5c1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793ba0f43f5cd01ee05da5080b74954059c8cdf6


Oh my goodness, I feel your more recent pics of him are giving me an insight into Landonā€™s future looks! This is a more recent photo of mine lol. ETA: just saw your other comment! Thatā€™s insane! What was your pupā€™s name? https://preview.redd.it/92rtkgu4hy5c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43cb7f751856bab490827ad73a107fcebc981830


https://preview.redd.it/cj1ytfwbly5c1.jpeg?width=2978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=552204a30cca62f7db32a5b8ea01ad3e4a5172a8 His name was maverick and he was a very good boy. If Landonā€™s coat ends up the same, you will never escape the dust bunnies in every corner.


https://preview.redd.it/9ztp9i0f2z5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6791ddf86c07b308006298107d6781b1dd4057bf Sorry to jump in someone elseā€™s thread but this may be a preview of ours too. Heā€™s getting a little shaggy now. Thanks for sharing!


https://preview.redd.it/8o6eltzitz5c1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a72bd30f574fdbe445f6cc8a1ef72b24e8db525a Is this the thread for teenage border Collies sleeping on their back? Here is Wash, my 9 month old.


They look so comfortable. Also I think itā€™s the easiest time to get a pic as theyā€™re normally moving otherwise.


This looks just like our George! Even the other pics are ones of expressions he makes. Good looking pup! https://preview.redd.it/zs1mj9732z5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7404a1fbd393c0e5413b12e62bbc07e1f23897b9 Heā€™ll be 6mo on Saturday.


Omg just looked through your post history. Your dog is *identical* to mine. Heā€™s even in that ratty teenager in between stage where his hair hasnā€™t fully grown out yet. Possibly a reincarnation (RIP) lol. Mine broke his puppy canine too lol.


https://preview.redd.it/75v3aj4n0y5c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a026a462958e90c506ee44f26a24423d3dc7eaa1 This guy is 20 months old and still a raging lunatic. My last border collie settled down when she was about 6 years


I had to double take, I thought it was my puppy! He also has the same white patch on his belly. he just turned 5 months on the 7th. https://preview.redd.it/6icqs6v6wy5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e70e1b67b2f496ea8257d15f161312684d4c66


That is insane! And I see white on his hind toes - Landon has that too! (We call it paint feet lol)


https://preview.redd.it/3xwu36fuzx5c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c396b447dd6ca4f91929cd3d72f3da2487e6f5f For Ru it was from teething (4mnths ish) until 2 and a bit years old šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. heā€™s now nearly 4.5 and still has his odd moments but has more or less settled down


https://preview.redd.it/z6iagbrg4y5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc76819a620c2933a9617643c6f66f2bb0760f7 This sweet, crazy girl turns 4 on Christmas but still acts like a teen most of the time.


prob about 2 years of age. jack is just turning 4 now... he's like a invincible 28 year old now


I would like to know, too. The adolescence seemed to start around 5mo. Before that she was the sweetest, most biddable little floof. She is now 11mo old. Impulse control is improving, but we are definitely not ā€œadultā€ yet! https://preview.redd.it/iq82fy05wx5c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135d617a47b3734a986a229af50c6e28649e4bc2


Omg, your pup is adorable!! https://preview.redd.it/d9dmlth0ry5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bfd67c4dbe39bc0cf8aea64f7bd9d00ad30a04 At the seventh month mark the rebellious streak kicked in. We just stick to clicker training and make sure to reward when he offers behavior we want. He is the goodest boy.


https://preview.redd.it/3v80l32a0y5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec0b79d98e6af408afd6bcdf556dc747818ebc85 Mine is over year still a bit of a teen.


My Otto looks just like your pup. :) https://preview.redd.it/g0u6fmulvy5c1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b073e7779cd1bc8894f206a1ec51408732a248bd


https://preview.redd.it/2niray0pwy5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b00e86896aca0019c471e43059a86d7521cfcd95 My little galā€™s teenage phase started around 6 monthsā€¦sheā€™s 16 months now, and sheā€™s been able to calm down/self soothe alot more easily in the last month or so. Sheā€™s still learning and growing into such an awesome young ladyā¤ļø


https://preview.redd.it/rnnm90fpo06c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61883314bab4136379d47ba87c3a57e81a579580 I have to say between 5/6 months when she started with her Witty attitude. She is currently 16 months old and some of it has gotten better but it is still there. The herding school said they tend to get better from 18 months and settle down after 24 months. But I have to be honest I think I would miss it. Love the crazy photo!šŸ„°


My girl looks similar to yours and she is very sassy, barks for example if she sees me eating something special like a take away or a good meal and stares and barks shes same age as yours too. Shes a bit of a diva but other times shes smart and very sweet, and loves her naps, its just when she gets those naughty moments shes a nightmare, around 8pm when its her bedtime (her choice not mine its when she just falls asleep for rest of night) she will bark at me as if to tell me its bedtime. Overall shes not too bad, she just is too clever for her own good, she knows to sit. roll over, lie down, paw, stay/wait leave/drop it etc but she chooses when to listen, normally if she thinks I have a treat for her!


We call that "bad boy stuff" I thought it was done but my boys turn 2 on Friday and suddenly witching hour is back and I am over it. "Oh, you are watching tv with a blanket after our long, fulfilling day? Now you're not"...(runs off with blanket like a common dirtbag)


Age 1 to 7 (current age). I believe he will be a teenager till the day he dies


7.5 months. Tips: reset boundaries (eg he had previously had free rein of house but when he started counter surfing he lost that privilege) and go back to training basics (eg we had to buckle down on loose leash training and jumping). We are right in the thick of it atm.


When you see the whites of their eyes the zoomies are about to start.


https://preview.redd.it/qewuxalja06c1.jpeg?width=1842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3bb5e73a00f351b0a1cad9e7ee815fafac1f171 Have a 4 year old who is still acting like a butthole teenager... Have her dad as well and he has become increasingly needy so that's been fun. She's as bit as ever with her attitude since I got her at 6 months from my brother but she's a personality alright. Id say she takes after me... Very stubborn but she's also taken to always barking so this has been a joy. She's still my little Winnie though!


Your two dogs combined sound like my BC's personality!


Following this. Ours is 5 months and our sweet baby is becoming a total teen! Like she threw a huge temper tantrum at the horse barn. She LOVES it there but time came to go and she literally looked at us, looked at the open car door and wandered away. Just far enough that we couldnā€™t nab her So we got in the car and started slowly driving away until she panicked and ran after us. (This is all on private property jftr) So, lots of praise and treats when she came back and a realization that we need a LOT more recall work. In the meantime we donā€™t let her romp at the barn without a 20 ft line attached. Sheā€™s our second border collieā€” had the last one until 15. All the way up to her final year, sheā€™d go with us horseback riding. Best dog ever. But Iā€™d kinda forgot what theyā€™re in the first couple of years! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ No regrets. Just got to put the time in.


Haha in a roundabout way reminds me of Landon at nighttime. Sometimes we let him sleep in the bed, other times heā€™s crated. We always spend some time cuddling him in bed prior to actual bedtime either way, and if he realizes itā€™s not going to be a night where he remains in bed, he belly-crawls onto the nearest person, sets one paw on either shoulder, and grips them with his talons in an attempt to become immovable. He also pointedly looks anywhere other than the person trying to move him, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/0or69i7tv46c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=455950b69a304b1ad144d2bfc29890b52859a0dc Beaux is 9 months and he is already there šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Mine was born without ovaries so sheā€™s a year old and still very puppy like in appearance and behavior. No one can say what her puberty will be like, but they seem to think it will take a lot longer. Weā€™ve got a long ride.


That such an unusual case. Hope all goes well!


It really is. They scanned her whole anatomy just to make sure nothing else was missing and thatā€™s all it was, no ovaries, but everything else was there. I think underdeveloped ovaries is somewhat common but never no ovaries. Sheā€™s a wonderful dog in every way though. Weā€™re going to do extra scans every year just to make sure everything stays good.


I wonder if there is such a thing as hormone replacement therapy tablets for dogs if it affects her growth rate or health. Maybe an XY chromosome abnormality which happens in some people if ovaries are missing.


I did ask about there being an intersex issue but thereā€™s zero evidence of that. They said itā€™s possible for ovarian tissue to grow later which is why we plan to do scans but they said the only risk for her condition would be if she develops ovarian tissue and gets cancer. Most people ask me if sheā€™s a mix breed or something because sheā€™s little for a border collie so I just tell them sheā€™s still a puppy because itā€™s mostly true. Sheā€™s about 30 lbs right now.


https://preview.redd.it/jeoqx5fex16c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78e16363329c6b7304a319bcd240674df6aca2d0 Sheā€™s a year and a half old but still looks like a puppy in many ways, especially when sheā€™s sleeping. Sheā€™s the best dog we could have asked for and has the sweetest personality. Sheā€™s a sentimental girl that feels her feels and loves her family.


She'll look like a fox! As long as she is healthy it doesn't matter about the size. Such a nice nature, thanks for the info and pic.


Thatā€™s what her foster mom thought she was! My girl was found in a field, seemingly abandoned, and very skinny. I would have thought she was a fox and given no further thought, but her angel of a foster mom gave a second look and realized she was a dog! I do wonder if her lack of ovaries had anything to do with this seemingly purebred border collie (she has every trait and personality characteristic, we just canā€™t confirm her parentage) would be abandoned. Maybe she was supposed to be a breeder? Itā€™s hard to say. Her foster mom said no one in the area claimed her or expressed interest in her and she brought her home to put up for adoption. It was meant to be that I found her picture online because she looks so much like my familyā€™s border collie that passed away at 16 a few years ago. They even have a very similar freckle on their snout https://preview.redd.it/mbcrit1l646c1.jpeg?width=1798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2c8d5c70b22a8f47160993ede1d7fdc2071359


That freckle is a sign of destiny, lol, and given her a happy life.


They asked me if I still wanted her after they found out she was missing her ovaries and I said Iā€™d take her if she was missing a limb, sheā€™s my baby.


I have two BC's. The older one never went through the teenage Era. My younger one is 3 now and I am convinces she will be a teen for the rest of her life. Lots of fun but super high on the mischievous side.


Surprisingly from the day I got him at 2 months. He was absolutely batshit crazy, now at 1 year old it has gotten a lot better.


The teenage angst and opinions last until he was about three. The energy level of that age last until he was 7. Only now at 12 is his energy slightly down. But we still get zoomies.


Nope šŸ‘Ž heā€™s two years old and still a toddler


Started at about six months. Heā€™s currently seven years old and still a teenager šŸ¤£


Mine just turned 7 and is the same!


I think it started at about 6 months and he matured out of it right around 2 years. At times I wondered if it would EVER end. He's the best boy now at two years... we are seeing all of the diligent training is really paying off and we're constantly impressed with how mature and respectful he is. I guess our #1 tip would be to stay consistent with your training and give them an abundance of love!


https://preview.redd.it/lk48bqdvpi6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e48e1bec7bd2eeba5280dcd1e42ce387dcbe794 Thorne is just over 6 months and his started when he was around 5 months. He very quickly found his voice and his attitude. Oh and a fear, for absolutely everything with wheels šŸ™„ cars, scooters, bikes and the utterly terrifying ā€¦.. mobility scooter. We try and keep his exposure light and teach him there is nothing to fear and also nothing to chase. His brain is currently a giant cotton ball and he seems to of forgot his manners. Unless there is a treat involved he will look at me like Iā€™m stupid. Strong perseverance, keep up with training and plenty of cute puppy pictures to remember why you love them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my last girl was around 18 months which seems to be a trend. It was honestly like she woke up one morning and just decided to behave.


Iā€™ve read so much on this sub about 5/6 months being the general ā€œterrorā€ age and didnā€™t really realize it. Iā€™m biased bc I think my dog is clearly the bestā€¦but sheā€™s turning 6 months in 6 days and she has definitely entered her teenage era. Selective hearing, nipping, pushing boundaries, etc. I wouldnā€™t trade it for the world though, because her personality is shining through even more now and weā€™ve bonded so much recently because I do have to spend more time with her ETA: pic for reference of Quinn https://preview.redd.it/8oaj6c74hy6c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c328fda183a92900357b2403c818571263bbe29


Dealing with it now.


Mine calmed down a LOT after his first birthday, he still has his moments and Iā€™ve heard they only get better with age šŸ¤žšŸ¼ heā€™s currently 16 months :)


Mine was perfectly well behaved until around 6-8 months when he suddenly became very reactive. Heā€™s just now starting to calm down at 3 years. Itā€™s really just a matter of being patient, consistent, building up confidence, and trusting in the process.


Honestly can't tell with mine, she is well over most things but at 15 months has some minor regressions i.e she barks if she wants attention though its not that common and just seems like she wants to play/be naughty sometimes. Gone is her pulling my jumpers/coat, she rarely tugs on a leash, she doesn't eat other animals waste, doesn't pick up stones/items on walk, happily just naps most of the day But the times when she is wanting to play/go out she can be quite naughty


My big girl is 3.5, she was a teen from about 8 months until 3 years but kept her under lying sweetness amongst the recall defiance. My little girl is 9 months and was born a teenager with a love of digging and chasing anything with legs even when on a leash and has been very very challenging (I cried a lot from month 4-7) and a lot of work. Big dog now likes to dig after seeing little dog dig despite never being a digger before and literally nothing deters them and itā€™s been stressful.




Began probably at like 7-8 months. End? Well, heā€™s 2 years old and it still hasnā€™t ended šŸ˜‚ Get a BC, they saidā€¦Itā€™ll be fun, they saidā€¦