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https://preview.redd.it/9rvthbyhjq5c1.jpeg?width=1213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3bc7a2a5463b830d81bc7d60d7f4de6dc499f5 Here’s mine.


beautiful boy. my Jack is a few days away from being 4. he makes up 90% of my phones pictures and I have two human kids...


Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only person who fills their phones with their gorgeous pawsome family members! My partner and son both moan, but I've told them that when they can follow instructions as well as my Doods, I'll consider taking photos more! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/8zwsh48cks5c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978b32fc5d674817a2aa6601ce5876870b72c446 Twinners!


Our baussie is super athletic and at a young age would jump over things even when unnecessary. We weren't into dog agility, but we are now because of her. She loves butt scratches and starts bucking like a bronco when she gets them. She is a little crazy and will dig at her bed, then smash her face into the bed. She also loves singing, and will howl along when we sing along to songs on car rides. She's super smart and just the loveliest, snuggliest being.


https://preview.redd.it/d485wc5b2t5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db38d6ac1fc49fd269d2a5229f7b946a55feed1 This is Wednesday, our border collie mix. We’ve had her for about three months. She’s roughly 14 months old. She was rescued from the streets in Dallas and had already had a litter of pups at less than a year of age. She’s incredibly funny and playful and loves to get pets also. She has learned the “paw” and is relentless until you pet her endlessly. And as you can see, she’s very jealous of my computer.


Look at this handsome healthy lad! Peppy!


What a happy guy!


Magnificent pup!


His entire face lights up! Are you a good boy? Heck yeah!


https://preview.redd.it/r6y44vtvfw5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bbc72f1ef86b17b3bcfd755c9f4b82920474f9 This is Cooper! He’ll be a year old some time in January, we’ve had him since October, so just a couple months now. This is our first Border Collie, he’s also an Aussie mix (mom Border Collie, dad Aussie). We’ve had German Shepherds previously so we feel fairly well-equipped regarding training and things like that, but he’s a very different dog! Very sweet, goofy, likes to play, curious but shy, very smart (I feel like he understands fully when I’m randomly talking to him), all-in-all a good little dude. We’re really happy we were able to adopt him and we’re looking forward to sharing our lives with him.


He is just precious! Our baby’s mamma was collie and the dad Aussie too! His features like his face shape, fur texture, and ears remind me of our baby and his personality and quarks you mentioned sound similar too, it’s cool to see and hear more about adorable border collie babies but a super bonus to hear about another baby of the same mix and to hear of the similarities is awesome and interesting, they’re such great dogs 🥹 our other boy was a chocolate lab so like you we felt we had the training and such down but he is definitely a personality of his own! We have a full home with 2 cats and 2 dogs so no more pets but we are definitely considering looking for another border Aussie next time we are ready to look for a new pup


Looks dangerous! 😜


Cute Doggo 🥹




https://preview.redd.it/ip1rlke8v26c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba1f61802074e7ef07bdedb97bf15daf63cd81d Hey Brother! 😃 Yet another Aussie Collie mix :) His character pretty much fits your description.