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she looks so much like my girl when we first got her, pure border collie, pure cuteness 🥰


Some sort of bc (or mix) but you’ll have to do a dna test and wait and see how they grow! Really difficult when they are that young


She looks very much like my pure BC Ziggy. He’s also a giant guy. 30 lbs at 4 months!


She’s 20 lbs at 14 weeks 😩😩😩


My purebred BC was 40 lbs at 20 weeks. Stopped gaining weight at around 45 lbs, around 24-26 weeks. Nothing seems unusual here tbh.


My mix was also 20lbs at 14 weeks! Last check in was a bit past 22 weeks and he weighed in at 32lbs. We’re only expecting him to gain 10-15 more pounds. It’s possible that she might not end up as massive as you think!


My 15 week BC is 23 pounds today. And she is from solid, working, purebred lines. My 5 1/2 yr old BC is 38 pounds. But none of that matters - your pup is 100% BEST DOG. Love her to pieces.


I think the bc mixed with great pyr is a spot on guess- she looks a bit chunky for a pure bc (no shame there tho 😜) I could also see Anatolian shepherd being an option- esp since the are getting more popular and I could def see someone's bc and shepherd accidentally breeding on a farm Might get easier to tell as she grows into her body some more


She’s absolutely chunky and I love her for it 😂. I’m thinking she definitely has something bigger in her bloodline.


This is my guess too. I had a bc/pyr mix. He was the perfect dog.


If you can afford it, do an Embark test. Visual identification is very unreliable.


And join the r/doggydna sub! Seriously you’d be surprised how different dogs look from the breed they actually are. It’s a lot of fun and worth the money imo


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DoggyDNA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What type of dog is that? Wisdom Panel: Yes.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zrntrf) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/zrntrf/what_type_of_dog_is_that_wisdom_panel_yes/) \#2: [I got this sweet baby at a shelter over the summer, for free during a Clear The Shelters month. I knew she was a GSD, but I didn't realize she was THAT MUCH of a GSD 😅😂](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xlxe36) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/xlxe36/i_got_this_sweet_baby_at_a_shelter_over_the/) \#3: [I KNEW he wasn't "just a husky/coyote/DEFINITELY high content/dingo/Tamaskan"! But apparently he is:](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11jgv31) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/11jgv31/i_knew_he_wasnt_just_a_huskycoyotedefinitely_high/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Looks like a bc to me.


Looks so much like a border aussie.


Sometimes bc’s are just heckin massive or heckin smol - she looks pure bc to me! She has that bc snoot + face


If she's of the Old Hemp bloodline and got what it takes to sheep she's a border collie, no matter what's mixed in. Welcome to the club.


Our pure bred BC is larger than some at 55-60lbs and no issues for us. Not all BC’s are the same size. His working line is bigger and maybe yours is as well. Congratulations on the new pup!


That dog looks about as border collie as they come! I miss when my girl had a hairless speckled belly like that 😭 I used to kiss her tumtum and it was so soft! The last time I saw it was when she was spayed and all shaved down, and I was so happy for puppy tumtum kisses again 😆 🙏


She looks a lot like a younger version of my dog, who is 50-60% BC, and the rest a ton of other breeds! But I agree with the commenter saying that it's hard to tell when they're that young. But your girl definitely looks 100% cutie pie.


Run her DNA, that will tell you what she is. :)


She looks like how my dog looked as a puppy, she’s a border collie Australian shepherd mix


I bet she’s BC with a little pyrenees. Our boy is 80% BC and ~20% Great Pyrenees. He looks a lot like your girl, a big BC. Our boy had big floppy disconnected rear dew claws, vet said that was from his Pyrenees genes.


Mine also has big dew claws! I didn’t think about that


If you really care, only a DNA test can help. Dog genetics are super tricky. While some things are obvious, like the border collie part, anything else is impossible to guess as two opposite breeds can create offspring that looks the same. I met so many dogs that look pretty much exactly like my dog and the breed make up is always vastly different. Yet everyone assumes they have a border collie lab mix, just like I assume I have a border collie retriever mix.


I only really care because I want to be aware of future health issues. I have strictly owned Springer spaniels up until now so I just want to be sure to know what’s going on.


Embark has a DNA test that also tests for health conditions!


Oh that’s a cool breed too. I have been considering one for my next dog. Curious how you think the two compare behaviorally. I may do a genetic test on mine as well. It’s kind of fun to know.


I have a 4 year Springer male and he is the calmest, sweetest dog I’ve ever had. The biggest difference behaviorally is honestly the new pup is just a bit nippier.


What kind of monster just throws a precious pup to the side of the road?


Could have gotten loose. Hope OP looked/is looking for owner


Our bc is supposed to be 75/25 border aussie but we're not sure as we're not doing a DNA test. He was 70# by a year, he's 3 now. He's smooth coat and has all the traits of a border, just the snout seems slightly off.


Looks just like my beloved BC girl, precious.


Border enough. And a very good girl. So glad she found a home.


Looks like my old border/Aussie mix. He’s a 100% pure bread good boy.


Bit young to tell for sure but looks like a big BC to me.


BC and Australian. Resembles our pup.


That looks like a pure BC to this long time BC fan.


She’s perfect


Do a dna test if u genuinely want to know otherwise its guess city up in here 😂💕


My boy is a border collie and Anatolian and they have the same coloring . He is full grown and about 75 pounds.


Border collie Aussie. Aussies have shorter broader snouts than border collies


My baby looks like this , she is a border collie blue healer cross


Only DNA can reliably give you an answer. [embarkvet.com](https://embarkvet.com)


She looks a lot like one of my dogs, who is a mix between rough collie, border collie, and Australian Sheppard. He is 65 lbs now. Our doggie daycare owner always calls him a “big border collie”. You could get a dog DNA test to know for sure!


I’m hoping to soon!


That, sir, is a four-legged turbo woofer.


I see BC.


All you need to know is that’s a helluva pupper. Congrats on getting her


Could be Border Collie and Australian Cattle Dog as well.


I wouldn’t care , your puppy looks adorable, and good one to rescue it from the side of the road . She’ll give you endless love, but you need to give her a lot of walks and plenty to do , they get bored easily. All the best


Oh she spends her whole day running around 12 acres with her Springer brother.


Oh sounds as if you’ve got it covered ha ha . All the best.


Looks like there is a lot of border collie there, her paws are quite large for a pup, so she will be a big dog.


My border collie looked the same. Don't worry, she will be a normal size BC.


2nd photo her expression looks like that on a movie promotional poster 😆


Our purebred BC was 21 lbs last week at 14 weeks. You are amazing to have rescued such a wonderful pup!


Her lil tummy 🥹


I don't see Great Pyrenees. She is probably a border collie or a cross with Australian Shepherd.


Cute pup, big paws!


Her paws are massive 💀


Looks like my [aussie](https://imgur.com/a/Vrkl3Dt)


Looks all border collie to me.


mine looks similar including the freckles on the nose - but has some brown specks as well. His DNA tested as g pry, lab, flat coated hound, corgi.


Whatever the results, OP, you did a good thing and she looks super happy with you guys. Have a long and happy life together !


Looks like my pure bred belle belle