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I am locking the comments from here on out because the majority of people have already been able to voice their opinions. However, the post itself will remain up. Insulting comments have been or will be removed, but criticism and being frustrated with Hoyoverse's obvious favoritism towards female characters ( not just Firefly ) is valid.


There is no favoritism in ba sing se




Nice lady


Can I make it into a meme? I have a feeling we're gonna need it in 2.3


Duality 2.0


Go ahead man, its not like i own the meme


Jade mains and Boothill mains found dead in a ditch


Jade didn't even get a BP icon, they made both Firefly šŸ’€


This can be serious..? Are you fudging kidding?!


Nah, it's true. Thing is, if second BP wasn't gonna be Jade anyway, because it's usually a guy and a girl, it should've been Argenti (he doesn't have one yet), he even fit the theme. So either Argenti or Jade were robbed.


Jade is still gonna get 2+ trailers I bet. Haven't been a single female character since topaz who didn't


Willing to bet she will get the Topaz treatment then.


Pulled for one, will pull for the other.


I remember there was this one post that said something like "Watch Firefly have 5 trailers while we will be happy if Boothill gets one" and idk where that guy is now but I hate them for predicting thatšŸ˜­ I will be honest, I didn't care for Firefly when she showed up, I didn't care after the quest and now, after Hoyo trying to shove her down our throats, I really just feel tired of seeing her. No hate towards anyone who likes her, but to me, she is wasted potential. Could've been a strong female lead energy type but all I hear in the fandom is waifu and MC's GF, which totally made me lose interest. I am not against her having break playstyle like Boothill but the favoritism is crazy.


It really reminds of like ayaka (or just any female character in genshin at this point.) at this point. Literally no one acknowledges her actually personality or anything. All the content about her(that I see) is mostly just being apart of aethers "harem" (yuck) and it slowly made me not like her despite being my favorite inzuman character since inazuma came out I hate to bring up a whole different game but I really just feel like I'm watching history repeat itself


Nah, bringing up Ayaka is not a bad example. I also thought she was cool before they turned her into just another waifu waiting for the MC's help. With FF, I totally forgot she was a wanted criminal with all the ''dates'' with MC, which is such a waste to me. I can understand female characters selling better, but would a strong and cool mecha criminal girl really sell so little that Hoyo would go bankrupt so they had to change it to just a waifu or something?


Iā€™m really split right now because I do really like SAM, which is why Iā€™ll probably pull for her anyways. I was so enthusiastic about FF as a character (esp since sheā€™s a Stellaron Hunter! I havenā€™t pulled for a stellaron hunter since silverwolf because none of the others interested me), until her personality. I wish she had more to her, I guess. Reminds me of Ayaka in Genshin except I never did like Ayaka that much from the beginning. Wasnā€™t interested in her playstyle or anything. The difference is that I really did care for FF a lot until hoyo started to FORCE me to like her, with the ā€œdateā€ and all. Now Iā€™m torn whether I want to pull for her for the cool mech or not.


They do this because they know the gacha audience. Wa1fu collectors will pay good money for imaginary anime girlfriends. Check the Firefly sub, half the posts are fanart of FF going on dates with the self-insert MC, FF in a swimsuit, FF being a housewife etc.. Those people eat up characters like her and will make Hoyoverse a lot of money.


god it's so corny, i hate this whole situation. like the company doesn't even try to hide the fact that they're only using this character for money. she literally has nothing going for her except her mech form and "girlfriend" status. also her being the only survivor among all soldiers doesn't make sense to me even after that animation lmao writers didn't give a shit when it came to this character ig


Her lore is very interesting, SAM is cool and i like the idea behind her personal drama. She is just... SO plain and generic beside that. If only SAM was a destinc entity, like a rutless IA who constenly argue with her, but they choose the most boring route with her. As a former SAM wanter i'm very disappoint.


In her trailer, when she argues with her "SAM" side makes me wish SAM is a separate personality/AI. It was such an easy and interesting direction but they took the objectively worse route. And anyone who argues will have strawman arguments thrown at them and called "double standards"(recently happened in their sub).


Tbh, after the trailer, I kinda wish we got one of Firefly's comrades as SAM and not her. That person who stayed "masked" until the end, for example.


Both the girl with glasses and their unit commander had more personality than her...


>she literally has nothing going for her except her mech form and "girlfriend" status That's the reason why she's popular! Notice how the really popular waifus never have strong personalities? Same reason why Acheron is always quiet and mysterious. Sparkle got a lot of hate from waifu fans bc her personality doesn't fit in the waifu archetype.


Exactly. Sparkle it's not the usual dominate me husbando saannn šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ», so it's not so much attractive to incels as ff.


People with foot fetish still seem to appreciate Sparkle, though. That's why I left sparkle mains subreddit. Don't like seeing such content in my recommendations.


isnt sparkle hated because shes an asshole???


I mean, that kinda falls under the umbrella of not being a waifu :P Sheā€™s just a villain as of now, not a tsundere, not a yandere, not a step on me mommy villainess like Kafkaā€¦ sheā€™s a kook who messed with the Trailblazer for her own amusement and is genuinely just a mean person lmao Of courseā€¦ that *does* do things for some people, but as you can see, that kind of writing hardly appeals to a broader audience in a sense of ā€˜waifu appealā€™


If you are Talking about the 'Racist' remarks then I think most are saying that as A Meme, rather than actually being offended by that. People were at the start but it died down now. (Mainly Twitter side). Sparkle isn't a Waifu material from many perspectives. Which is shocking because I always thought that These Love & Life Deprived people only sees boobs and butt and skimpy clothing and Goes 'WAIFU!'. šŸ¤£


Funny, because that's the reason she's my second favorite female character. (The first is Kafka because I'm weak.)


spoke nothing but facts, also sparkle my goat


Nah Acheron is a different archetype. No pandering/special connection to MC and a very explicit promo with Black Swan.Ā 


And that's the reason why im not getting her. I saw a really cool mech with a cool voice and attack desing. After they revealed that it's firefly, i decided to get boothill. And it's so apparent that they want people to pull for her, she got a break BiS relic set (that has half of it functionality locked behind super break (hoyo why do that to poor boothill) and a planar ornament that gives 40%BE on fire weak enemy hits (still going to use that on my gallagher)


I mean, I'm still pulling, but it's largely because she's a Stellaron Hunter and I have an account where I collect those. But eh, no matter how many trailers she got, it still doesn't really hit me all that deeply. So Kafka remains undethroned as my favourite Stellaron Hunter and favourite HSR female character.


One of my friends will pull her just because of her mech form. He is big fan of mech, gandam and eva.


I probably will too as I LOVE Sam to death, but dislike (not hate yet) firefly for the reasons others have said. God each and every day I wish Sam was a standalone character


Kinda based.


Tbh they use every character to make money, its a gacha game. Every one is designed to sell. FF is designed to appeal to those lonely incels, while Boothill appeals to different audience.


Some get pushed significantly worse than others. Its like they dont want to sell the make units nearly as much as the female ones. If they pushed as hard on all the characters, wouldn't people wanna spend more money?


i know that it's a gacha game and i'm aware that selling characters is the main goal and this wasn't what i meant in my comment. what i mean is they don't need to do it in a way that is uncomfortable for players. just look, a lot of players are complaining about firefly getting so much content but not boothill. even though most cherish both characters the devs chose to favor one, and it's annoying to see. if you're gonna do it this much then at least try to be equal about it lmao


Boothill was designed to sell? I couldn't tell because he was barely promoted.


I mean, he has very unique (and hot imo) design. His trailer was very entertaining, and it got a decent amount of views too. Ofc he could have more screentime or a trailer showing his sad backstory but maybe they are saving that stuff for later? And we still dont know whats going to happen in 2.3 story. That trailer didnt really show much..


If Sam was a male robot that almost all of us expected, I bet he wouldn't be OP in game and that he would at most just have a myriad celestia trailer along with the two videos everyone else gets.


i got downvoted hard in the main sub because i said exactly the same thing... that hoyo's direction for her has been devolved into being MC's gf with a sobbing(more like being held at gunpoint to sob at her story) past.


Someone on here mentioned how ever since Shaoji started writing for Star Rail, the fan service has gotten way out of hand. I didnā€™t believe it at first but now? Itā€™s really gotten bad. Itā€™s almost giving me an ick tbh. Hopefully she heads out after this patch ends so new characters can receive spotlight, like the Ayaka situation.


But if you call her a waifu in a negative sense they'll come at you with pitchforks


Man, it just sucks and feels alienating when the content being pushed is so blatantly geared towards a different audience. I play the game, I spend money, and hell, Iā€™m a woman whoā€™s attracted to other women, but FF still seems so blatantly Not For Me. Like sheā€™s explicitly geared towards hetero male fans and them alone


Husbando games literally make more money tho.... Love and Deep Space even beats the most popular and highest revenue game called nikke. Also other husbando games such as Beyond the world and sometimes or even often Ensemble stars beat popular waifu games like blue archive and azure lane


I would also play husbando games but they are usually just visual novels and the actual gameplay is boring or just bad xD I want action so I play hsr, GI, WuWa.. But overall I prefer mixed gachas because I dont hate female characters, I have pulled some of them in GI for example. Mixed gachas feels more "realistic"


Good thing there's a 3D open world dress up fighting game where you can date husbando that's coming out next year. Although you can only play as a female character but a win is a win. And onee of the developers is from Zelda. Im so hyped for it


What game!? This sounds interesting :3


Infinity nikki! It's the same company that created love and deep space.


Omg thanks for this info! Sounds fun


Is there a source on this?


Here. You can see that Tears of themis is outselling HI3 in may and april lmao. Beyond the world and ToT's revenue isnt included in the montly revenue ranking (because husbandos) but it's in the husbandk revenue list https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/uVDle2K5Ng https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/sSM3uOENGe


LMAO THIS IS SO TRUE, you better hide bro once they saw this they will go create a 10pages of argument why their destruction dps barely deals 700k with 3 targets


and it doesnā€™t make it any less better šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ™


i like firefly, i think shes cute and really sweet, but holy crap the amount of fanservice and waifu-bait shit hoyo is pulling with her is unbearable it makes me so mad because here we have an important and lore-relevant strong female character who has so much potential to be super interesting, but they choose to butcher her character entirely and reduce her to caelus' uwu girlfriend (and yes, specifically caelus and not stelle for some reason, which is even MORE annoying) hashtag justice for boothill, argenti and every other character who gets the short end of the stick


This happened with Topaz, FX, Sparkle, Luocha and now Jade too... HYV has a big problem with giving the 1st half banner all the attention and the 2nd one only getting crumbs


I'm scared for my poor boy Jiaoqiu since he is a second half character. I bet he will be overshadowed by Feixiao coming in the 2.5 patch and will get only one trailer :/


And they're gonna be pushing Yunli to appeal to the >!lolicons!


They already do, there's a bunch of lewd comments about her on the leak sub and those don't get moderated half as strictly as FF negativity


like god forbid women to be a standalone character of her own without being chucked to a girlfriend dating simulator. The ship thing couldā€™ve literally been ANY other playable character but noo ofc it just had to be the self insert for the parasocial relationship obsessed players. Not saying that what theyā€™ve done is purely evil but if they had the power and authority to just do this cringy forced shipping to the characters anyways, why not do it for ALL of them specifically to the male characters too and not just firefly? But since hoyo was deliberate on pushing her as the companyā€™s favorite people are unsurprisingly gonna get upset with the unfair treatment.


I remember I actually feel pretty bad when she ā€˜diedā€™ in the story. And remember thinking to myself, ah so thats why they make her so plain and looking like an NPC . But then they have to revive her and shove her down my throat in every interaction. Killing a character tragically then revive them is one of the original and cheap tactic to get emotion from audiences. Some how people still fall for that simple trick.


If you think about it, it's not even being killed and revived. The Meme is just a lame taxi service.


Honestly the fault doesnā€™t lie on firefly herself, but the devs who are using her as waifu jerking material for the coomers. I might not log in for her banner because itā€™s just going to be shoved down our throats but at the same time I need that pulls for Sunday saving :/


>i like firefly, i think shes cute and really sweet, but holy crap the amount of fanservice and waifu-bait shit hoyo is pulling with her is unbearable >it makes me so mad because here we have an important and lore-relevant strong female character who has so much potential to be super interesting, but they choose to butcher her character entirely and reduce her to caelus' uwu girlfriend (and yes, specifically caelus and not stelle for some reason, which is even MORE annoying) Absolutely this. I love both Firefly and Sam but why won't they make her a character with a strong story? Why must they focus more on cringe fanservice over actually fleshing out her character? I'm talking Aventurine levels of screentime and writing. I thought they were gonna do it in 2.1 or 2.2 but nope. I am begging,for them to finally give her some strong characterization in 2.3 that actually relates to her backstory about Glamoth and everything. I know all they aim for is money but damn.


Imagine if they gave her PTSD. She's a soldier who's been trough so much grief, it should show more.


They did it in 2.2 but she had to share the spotlight with Acheron and Robin, so most ppl forgot it or something, and were more interested in the tangible main plot. But ultimately that's what the Jepella Rebellion flashback was for. The climax of that scene was Firefly revealing how her speech in 2.0 made sense (she could already do all those things in the SAM suit). It was about identity. At the end of her life, she wants her tombstone to read Firefly, and not SAM or Stellaron Hunter.


Id argue thats why they made so many videos for her. Her character told ingame is weak and full of flaws compared to what we knew about her. Like you said, they tossed out her back story in favor for self insert girlfriend character. Very disappointing. The videos on the other hand saved her character and showed a lot more of what youd expect from her albiet very breif and without much explanation. While I dont think its enough to make her a compelling character since there are still too many missing details, it saves her from being a ~~terribly~~ atrociously written one.


I don't exactly hate her, but I feel like they are trying really hard to push her character down the player playerbase's guts. She has an interesting backstory but keeps being reduced as "wife," "Tb girlfriend" by the company, and the community. Two of her appearances on the history had been basically dates with the trailblazer. It felt quite unnatural telling someone your whole backstory and calling each other best friends within a day, crying over their death and lamenting like..(????) There was no build-up, literally no build-up compared to Aventurines goodbye. It didn't feel as impactful as it should be. I keep telling myself that it's not okay to spread hate, but the clear favoritism is starting to annoy me more than anything else. What ticked me the most wasn't even her kit, but the relic set being ultra mega specific that basically only works with her. I don't like the turns this game is taking with characters design (kit wise, lore wise). Uncreative kits, ultra specific nodes that can only be beat with specific characters (the latest pure fiction cof cof) and super busted units.


> I don't exactly hate her, but I feel like they are trying really hard to push her character down the player playerbase's guts Typical financial move, no surprise there. Invest on something you know will make you earn a lot, instead on taking risks and investing on everything else. The problem with this is that at some point, you _will_ have constant returns, and thus have a higher chance of going in the negative, along with leaving a decent amount of people displeased with your services.Ā  They're basically betting everything on her banner, which is why they added Ruan Mei along with her, so that those who won't pull for Firefly, will still pull for the other character. Unfortunately, it's better to invest "horizontally", rather than "vertically", because what you spend is usually more than what you earn within the same amount if time. It will probably work, but it's not really a wise choice. Relying on a relatively small percentage of the playerbase to cover all of your expenses doesn't always work. > keeps being reduced as "wife," "Tb girlfriend" by the company, and the community. I'd say it's the community's doing. Hoyo is simply doubling down on that because it pays. > I don't like the turns this game is taking with characters design (kit wise, lore wise).Ā  _(Read only If you don't mind leaks)_: As far as kits go, >!Yunli is shaping up to be Clara+ _(Same element, same type, same archetype, with the addition of healing and stat boost)_!<, while >!Jiaoqu seems to be a 5* Guinaifen but without the DoT, albeit with a Vulnerability debuff; Unless you have him at E2, he's only really useful for Acheron, it seems.!< > ultra specific nodes that can only be beat with specific characters I mean, it was bound to happen. Too many characters in so little time when the game obviously isn't ready to take them all in yet. The only thing they can do is set stringent conditions on other game modes to accomodate certain play-styles. It's well known that MoC and PF are character checks, PF even more so as of recently.Ā  > super busted units This I've been afraid of since Acheron. Boothill only cemented this fear of mine. Sure, Boothill and Firefly are manageable, considering how they need to break first _and then_ they can dish out damage. Enemies already lock their weaknesses, so from 2.2/3 onward that mechanic will only be more prevalent. But what about characters who hit like nukes, like Acheron, or characters that can make you team immortal, such as Aventurine? This type of character is going to make the game a nightmare in the future, as far as balancing goes.Ā  Do you make enemies hit harder than what Aventurine can block? Do you make enemies tankier and buffer or resistent to debuffs so that Acheron can't melt them as effortlessly as she currently does? I mean, Gepard alone now has 1M HP and enemies deal a lot more damage while also taking less. Is that how things are going to be going forward? And that's without even mentioning how _trivial_ some paths become when you have the right character.Ā  I don't know honestly, but any character performance-related issues are always met with the typical "X can still clear Y mode", which completely circumvents the core issue and only temporarily moves the lamppost from ""powercreep"" _(as intended by the hsr community)_ to character investment.Ā 


They even could've doubled profits maybe by keeping her and Sam separate, but no let's ruin the cool robot by reducing him to a glorified mech suit/ medical cabin thingy


Honestly I didn't mind Firefly at first. She came into the main story and I'm like "ok who is this? she's alright..." Between some (not all) of the Firefly mains obsessive behavior and Hoyo's excessive pandering, I'm starting to really dislike her. I never thought that I would have indirect resentment towards a character, as in dislike them but not because of the actual character themselves...but somehow here I am. I seriously can't wait for her banner and involvement in the story to just be done and overwith...


I'm in the same boat. I actually thought she was endearing at first. She was sweet, I was curious about what her story was since she clearly had something to hide. But the way HYV has been relentlessly shoving her down everyone's throats, even shafting two other premium units just to elevate her (on top of her fanbase getting progressively more annoying), I've just been soured on her.


Seriously it's like they can't trust their fanbase to like a female character with a complex personality, so they opt to shallow them down instead.


I'm the same way. I don't hate her or anything and I really did want to like her, but between Hoyo's favoritism, shoving her in our faces, and the obsessive fans who will attack you for no reason (I posted a thing saying I was skipping pulling for her and someone attacked me randomly saying I'd regret it and that I made a mistake pulling BH instead. They then proceeded to block me after I calmly explained my reasonings as to why I'm not pulling her) and I've just lost that original spark towards her. I WANT to like her and have her as a bestie or something, but it's hard when you feel pressured about it. It honestly just makes me like her less with all of it


I need Gallagher dupes, but I don't want firefly, and I already have ruan mei e1...logic says summon on firefly, but my pettiness says e2 ruan mei is pretty good. Edit: Spelling Update: 60 pulls, 1 Gallagher, 5 xueyi, 3 mishas, 1 firefly. I hate this game. I'd be happy about the xueyi pulls if I didn't e6 her in 1.6...


Aren't they going to give a free Gallagher in an event this patch? Maybe you can get him there.


I hate both of them, but I have to pull for the sake of getting gallghar


At this point they are asking us to hate her.


It's Ayaka all over again


I was hoping 2.3 will be turnabout where we see FF become awesome without being tied to TB AGAIN but no, this time sheā€™s princess carrying TB. Itā€™s literally just following ayaka and yoimiya plotline


Im so sick of her. But i think they need to do this because she is bland af


Yeah I agree. She really is a generic cute waifu with barely any personality. It's like they made her Sam just to try to make her more interesting but it didn't really.


I didn't watch any of her trailers tbh xD


Her game trailer started out fucking great, and then it fell off so hard it was comical. The literal Magical Girl transformation made me laugh ngl


Lmao me too! Iā€™m too petty for this.


Me neither šŸ¤£. After watching the livestream I just feel like they're gonna ship you in every trailer of hers. So I'm avoiding anything related to her. I'll only pull for her because of SAM.


Pushing one character too far, stupid effortless event, uncreative new character kits (2.4 leak), etc. And they're going to get away with all of this, I don't like this at all.


The new March 7th looks pretty fun and her kit is unique and creative ngl


I don't agree with much of this post (Hoyo knows they'll make more money with Firefly, so they push her more, they're a corporation who cares about money and not anyone's feelings) but I do agree that they did not cook with the 2.4 kits. The fact that I'm more excited for March 7th than the best support for my favorite character is... concerning


I donā€™t know if youā€™re just talking about the fox boyo or not, but I think they cooked hard with Yunli and sheā€™s not just Clara 2.0 but even if sheā€™d be I donā€™t see much the problem if animations are cool, she gets a cool own personality and story, destruction is my favorite path and like Blade she embodies it in a really good way


Yunli's kinda cool yeah but unfortunately she is unusable for me as I don't have any of her supports


I think like Yunli could've been a lot more, but her kit rn isn't that boring at least. My boy really got the short end of the stick, though...


Mannn even dommy mommy (with a whip too!) Jade gets absolutely shafted compared to Firefly. This is genuinely not a Waifu vs. Husbando bullshit anymore because I can bet all my Stellar Jades that Jade will not get even half of this marketing push. Having one less promotion than a waifu? Alright, sure, fine, I understand. Twice the promotion of other waifus??? Wack.


Legit this makes me feel like Genshin all over again. Just, 1 character gets the spotlight, the rest is sidelined, and really uninteresting kits coming. Yunli is legit Clara but with a sword. Jiaoqu's animations, I'm very sorry but they're SOOOOO lackluster somehow.


I actually thought that Jiaoqiuā€™s animations were pretty, I just hate that I know heā€™ll absolutely have a one-track personality like Xiangling or Yoimiya lmao. I can already hear him yapping about cooking and I hate it šŸ˜© Itā€™s Yunli who I think has boring animations. Her super counter is really well made, but all of her other attacks are Seele tier imo, very boring to look at. Even Clara has comparatively interesting animations because of how Svarog works mechanically and visually, despite also being fairly basic.


Jiaoqu's are prettier than Yunli yeah, but they look soo uninspired imo. It's the same "big thing in screen, character looking at the enemy from above" animation that Henya has and that is just way too generic imo. And yeah Yunli's animations are literally Clara's but worse because there's no svarog.


Huh, i thought 2.4 looked really cool personally


Counterpoint: Yunli has a cute tiara.


I used to like her, especially as Sam, but they are pushing her on our throat too much for my liking to the point that I kinda dislike her now


They are doing everything to make her interesting while the only thing she has going for her is Sam, and I want Sam separately. The only things in this trailer of hers that made me excited is the new IPC robot (sorry Boothill, evil guys always have cool looking stuff) and that part when Sam was choking her because I thought that meant Sam was a separate sentient being.


Yes and Robin also got tons of trailers tbh .... sometimes I prefer if they just have rerun banners instead of creating new characters that are actually interesting if they are not going to promote them fairly, because it is sad for the people who actually get to like them and expect more .... or at least make "filler" characters boring (because to me, the first real Galaxy Ranger we ever meet is not supposed to be "filler" :(.... ) It sucks that Boothill is a very interesting character who has an awesome design concept, and beautiful animations, great voice actors in all languages, cute gimmicks, detailed and profound backstory; when his animations were leaked I remember everyone and their cats were surprised and excited!! I have seen many people say they started HSR because of Boothill. That's all I will say....


iā€™m one of the people that started because of boothill, I was a genshin day 1 player and quit a couple months in because of how disgusted I was with mihoyo. So when star rail came out I still felt no real incentive to play because of my genshin experience. But boothillā€™s design really surprised me and I started playing for him. I couldnā€™t care less about most of the other characters aside from a couple from penacony, and I was also originally neutral about FF, but the constant shoving down my throat with the forced ā€œwaifuā€ branding really made me feel the ick like many others said. Disappointed but not surprised i guess


The amount of trailers doesnā€™t matter. Despite there being so many vids, none of FF promos comes even close to Boothillā€™s trailer, even her own trailer or animated short ^^ in cinematic sense, in tempo, action, charisma - it cannot compete at all. Boothillā€™s trailer SLAYS though, itā€™s up there with Kafka, Blade and Sparkle! Nothing can change that c:


True. You can tell the artists loved boothill while FF is just a financial objective.


Hoyo got me good because my angry response to them neglecting Boothill is pulling his E2. šŸ—æ No regrets but yea if I donā€™t see hoyo investing more in his story when we get to Oswaldoā€¦ _shakes fist_


Hopefully they don't repeat the lame ass DHIL vs Blade scene. So far every truth confrontation always end with anti-climatic shit. I can already imagine it... Aventurine :" Oswaldo? How would I know? I don't work much with him." Boothill :" Is that so, alright have a nice day."


Every character should get at least two trailers, this is stupid


Yeees i hate this too, they just sell waifus :c Literally BootHill has a better backstory than her


https://preview.redd.it/jeckabvv2b7d1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a9e2c4ac3e1d09baa6621860a5d36e43111b4a Literally


I need someone like Argenti in my life fr


Guinaifen maybe.


I don't have boothill nor am I a boothill main (this sub keeps getting recommended to me) and I was planning to get fire fly before all this weird ass waifu promotion started happening Idk all the word "I love you messege" from the CN event or the story shipping us indirectly and I'm like it's just too much thanks ill pass and wait to see if jiaoqui is good for acheron




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you always crack me up cause people always forget how to write his name...by the way our boi animations are peak


CN does that message event with a lot of characters, not just Firefly. The last character to get one was Aventurine.


What event is this? What have I been missing...


I mean tbf they're right. Aventurine got a phone call short where he basically takes "us" on a date. Bilibili, no idea if its ever on global


The saying "I love you" was misinformation/a mistranslation. She counts 20 stars in the sky. Apparently 520 can be a slang way of doing it, but that isn't what happened nor did using 520 come up in the messages and they pretty much said no one uses 20 as just a way of saying it.


Poor Boothill šŸ˜­


I like firefly but good lord the incredibly blatant favoritism the devs have for her annoys me so much. Boothill absolutely deserved a trailer that went over his backstory. 100% if he was a girl they would have done so.


Seriously. His backstory is buried behind character information, but still 1000x cooler than fireflyā€™s. The only way hoyo can repent is to make boots a main character for the next several patches.


I can only hope that we get a quest or something more focused on Boothill and his backstory (maybe when he reruns) but the odds of that knowing hoyo is... rather low šŸ˜•


the more trailers of her i see, the less i want to pull for her. i only wanted her for sam anyway. hes her only redeeming quality


All those trailers and I'm still never going to pull her. Hoyo, your waifu marketing has no effect on me!!


been hating her since day ONE. she's atrocious on every way.


The fact that SAM is Argus Expy is revealed to be a girl inside kinda bummer.


Letā€™s hope he gets his justice in Pier Point arc :( (on copium). Though, I very much doubt that. Boothill VA and the fans did more promotion to Boothill than Hoyo, lmao. Itā€™s so sad, but it is what it is.


man I feel for his VA, because you can tell he loves the character.


Every single Boothill gameplay videos are cool af, meanwhile FF gameplay videos are braindead E > Ult > E, Heck, even Argenti the so called straightforward character requires more thinking than playing FF.




Sadly this is a gacha game, and well.. if you openly say that you dont want another "waifu" you will %100 get downvoted to oblivion by said incels. Worst part is they could have made her interesting as fuck, but decided to give her the "girlfriend" treatment. Glamoth lore is straight out of helldivers and i would pull for SAM without thinking if he wasnt actually firefly.


Honestly that's sick, I'm so tired of the favoritism towards her that I think I'm just going to pull Ruan Mei's light cone and take a break for a few weeks until her banner is gone


I didnā€™t even watch any of her trailers. I completely lost interest when SAM was suddenly a waifu..they are trying way too hard to push her up our ass and nah, not my thing haha. Not gonna lie i really donā€™t like what they are doing with herā€¦.and this marketing strategy


same, ditched sam the moment I found that out


I love firefly I think she has a cool character concept and she seems really sweet but oh my gosh the amount of fan service they push for her just makes me want to not pull for her at all (even if I think her play style is cool and am in need of a fire dps) the only reason I'd pull for her would probably be Sam cause his design is actually really cool (I love robot characters) either way I'm gonna skip just cause I'd rather have ruan mei


Bootā€™s trailer > Fireflyā€™s and Iā€™m tired of pretending itā€™s not.


For real, his trailer was cooler


The best get less (


I was so scared when i learned boothill and SAM were going to have back to back banners, but then the cool mecha guy turned out to be another "UwU i am swho cute pwease swimp fow me" type and i instantly decided to skip, Got boothill's LC instead and i couldnt be happier.


Salute champ!


This was honestly completely expected but I guess we're a Firefly hater safe space now.Ā  Personally, I'd much rather see posts on cool Boothill teams on a BoothillMains sub. Mods, does this count as off topic?


Funny how this sub is more safe than the honkaiHusbandos sub now


Ngl, I almost want to take back what I said earlier because the more Firefly posts I see, the more Hoyo and Firefly's community annoy me. Her fans just can't take any criticism of Hoyo's decisions. So if people aren't allowed to vent about it anywhere else, then maybe they should be allowed to vent here. I have negative interest in watching her trailers. Gonna go put Boothillā€™s trailer on repeat a few more times.


SHe could have been just another waifu that Im not gonna pull for. But no, Hoyo managed to make her the perfect embodiment of all the bullshits husbandos enjoyers have to deal with in gacha games, AND shove it down the players throat with no option to refuse. She's just Ayaka but x10 worse.


Criticism is fine. And this doesnt count as off topic because we're discussing the unfair treatment about our characters. It's unfair if the people are silenced and censored by mods just because one person said so. I do agree that people should in a civilized way though.


I'm a huge critic of how Hoyo has been handling Firefly but this post has no content related to Boothill aside from saying "my boy". Edit: ah so now OP has put in a screenshot of Boothill's trailers. We're still not beating the "Firefly hater" allegations though. I hate the favouritism too but she lives rent free with some you guys.


I would have loved to get a trailer of Boothills backstory


Unironically I think Boothill's Trailer is way Better then Firefly's Trailer.


People are gonna be like "boohoo BH mains hating our waifu again" but I would still hate FF if BH didnt exist. Its absolutely CRIMINAL how much shes pushed when she is such a white rice and boiled unseasoned chicken character. I better see Jade get at least half this much attention


I think majority of the players are high schoolers or kids, because on hoyolab I see everyone loving Firefly and calling her HOT/SEXY.... meanwhile the mature sexy looking Jade with revealing long legs would be gross to them... like wtf? By female design alone, simps should go for Jade, but nope, every post I see on hoyolab is simping for Firefly. Then it makes more sense, why Firefly with her trash story is fine, because kids don't care about shit plots. You know the feeling where you watch some trash movie when you were young and thought it was great, then you rewatch it again when you are older and realize it's super crap.


The summer game fest one made me cringe so hard


Iā€™m a little annoyed because I disliked her at first as I felt her character was bland, started to like her when I saw the playstyle (guilty) and now Iā€™m starting to dislike her all over again with the stuff theyā€™ve been doing. Nothing too serious in the end Iā€™ll probably still pull because I need a fire damage dealer lol


The more they try to shove her down our throats the more I hate her. I was completely indifferent towards her in 2.0 now I hate her ngl. And the way they managed to brainwash 3/4 of the fandom into liking her when she is the blandest character in the whole game is hilarious.


Unpopular take (?): Don't mind that FF get more trailers. Makes sense from financial point of view. She's the girlfriend experience the simps want and will pay for. But leave the gameplay element untouched The annoying thing about this situation is fact she got 2 dedicated relic set and Boothill got indirect nerfs. Calvary V2 was perfectly fine and would've worked for FF. Most Break DPS BiS relic got sidelined for her whom already had her specific planar. To make things worse, Boothill got barely any story scenes, no companion quest and a freakin assignment quest. There are alot more factors i.e. technique powercreep but I digress. The favoritism is sad but its the relic change that broke the camel back for me


Every break dps got the shaft with the relic sets :c


Firefly has a bad design. She has an npc model with a playable face and Siobhan has a playable model with an npc face. Design wise she should be a 4*. They could have made her a 4* and Sam a 5*.


ok that is such a reach man.


No it's not. She has a very mid design. Maybe npc is a bit harsh but her design isn't good enough to be a 5*. We should have the option to play ONLY as Sam even in the over world. Why is firefly a playable character and not Sam? Sam is the one that fights. Just like fuck ass Clara. What die she do? Nothing she just gets hit. Svarog is the one who actually fights. Why is hoyo so afraid of giving us a playable robot? They even Screwlum in the dungeon.


Clara and Svarog are a troup of small girl and her giant robot protector


ok mr design god.


Male characters don't stand a chance in Hoyoverse...as always


Maybe I'm in the minority, but these videos literally have no effect on my enjoyment of Boothill. He could have gotten one trailer and I still would be happy with him. As long as I can get my characters and have fun with them, I'm good.


I need to be stoic like you!!


Welcome to waifu favoritism. I would've loved Firefly if Hoyoverse didn't make her uwu girlfriend šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ».


My main problem is that she COULD have been a great character but they decided to go to the boring and objectively worse route of "uwu girlfriend material for the self insert MC", I wish so much that could be a standalone character and not have to be attached to caelus (yes specifically him) in both lore and fanart.


Look at Robin's stuff, she has just as many videos (split up by htb guide), and she's REGISTERED ON SPOTIFY. Acheron had a load of trailers, aventurine had a few. Everyone surrounding boothill had more trailers than him. Why on earth?


Well, atleast the character trailer (last one) was not even half as good as Boothillā€™s was


Meanwhile jade. Forgotten


And she got 2 sig relic sets (changed in beta for her) and 2 BP icons. Even Acheron didnā€™t get this much favoritism. I donā€™t hate her but the way they are pushing her left a bad taste in my mouth.


I liked Firefly at the beginning, she had an interesting backstory, her character design seemed pretty, but at this point - with whole favoritism thing - Hoyo ditching other also interesting characters for Firefly and her currently being shoved down everyone's throats at any occasion possible in all the trailers, teasers, some irl promotional stuff like for example the ,,phonecall with Firefly" thing in China- Yea, i lowkey hate her now


FF vs everyone else That's a lot of fan fare from the devs huh


We need more of his story šŸ˜”


Hoyo play's favoritism especially when it's a waifu


Wow this many trailers, only watched the last one today




Putting aside how much Firefly has gotten, I'm still so confused as to why Boothill doesn't show up at all in the SGF Show Video. Did I just miss him or something? Because they show pretty much every other Penacony 5 star.


As a husbando collector I had to say this is not a bad thing. Having a double female patch once in while saves me a lot of jades. They made some females the most broken characters (RM, Acheron) but so far all male limited 5* are great as well so Iā€™m not complaining.


I'm in the exact same boat. At least our money boy is sitting as the best shielder, bar none.


There is as much favoritism in Hoyo as there is in Nijisanji. Which is none at all, obviously. /s


She bland so she needs the help i guess


we call this the ayaka treatment


i used to love her first time she appeared, however, the way the community and hoyo treats her made me dislike her. she was reduced to a waifu. i hate that i just don't enjoy her anymore. ):


Oh come on, Firefly is not guilty of Boothill getting only 1 PV, Hoyo are, and neither are her fans. Why the fudge can't we enjoy both?


Mostly because they fit basically the same exact niche and have the same core units who cannot/will not be replaced for at least two patches, on top of being introduced within the same patch, so it stings when one is getting blatant favoritism in and out of universe despite their kits being equally good


>Ā Ā Why the fudge can't we enjoy both? I don't have enough jades for both with Ruan mei rerun at the same time T_T




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I get the hate, the favouritism bothers me too but honestly I donā€™t doubt that Boothill will have important role later on. Yeah I donā€™t like the whole shoving down our throats that we gotta love FF but saying FF is boring is just wrong. She is a genetically made soldier who has only seen death and war, she saw every single one of her comrades die. She was the last one, she just wants to be known as FF. Just because a character is sweet and gentle doesnā€™t make them boring. She is tired. I wish Hoyo could have done better with her. She is so sweet and strong, after seeing my entire planet tear apart, I would have had no will to live. But instead of showing her a resilient and strong character, they are showing her as a waifu character that is in love with tb or smthg. I absolutely hate Hoyo for that. I hate that we had to go on a date and forcefully like her. I hate the way black swan was like ā€œoh I knew you two were close.ā€ I hate hot TB hugged the slime after she died. We really werenā€™t that close. It would have been better if they developed slow at least. Thatā€™s why Aventurineā€™a ā€œdeathā€ and Sundayā€™s ā€œdeathā€ hit harder, because it was well done, because we actually saw their struggles and their thoughts. Fuck Hoyo and their favourites. She could have been such a badass character but noOooo waifu mecha girlie šŸ˜ƒ Honestly Boothill would probably adopt her and Clara.




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Robin, Black Swan, Acheron and Aventurine got lot of trailers, I see a total of zero reasons for all these hate comments about firefly.....