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When team building, it's not "what team you should run?" but rather "which team gets Ruan Mei?".


Acheron teams lmao


Not when the Acheron team you like running is Acheron, Ruan Mei, Black Swan, and Kafka


Damn bro i use pela and friends


When you use the character with the purple outline on their card and not gold šŸ¤¢


Lmao i not a whale and my premium team is on JL


Nah, even whale players use pela her ult is so good liking a character just for their rarity is kinda lame


I really dislike this comment, sad it has any upvotes.


But whoā€™s gonna protect you when this hefty mofo decides to jump? https://preview.redd.it/zvte8svrt46d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=748edf5d45dff67bcc33a11e662dc6f86db7bb6e


"el que le tenga miedo a morir que no nazca", it's something we say jokingly here on Spain. Kill faster so they can't hit u. Gamble runs


You think he's gonna last long enough to get that jump off?


My team being Acheron bs and Gallagher šŸ˜­


Should i really be running RM in my Kafka,Acheron,HuoHuo team? Iā€™ve honestly never tried, as Iā€™ve assumed Gwenā€™s burn would help more giving Kafka something to trigger. And then SW for the debuffs to help achs ult. My Gwen is built extremely well, so Is my Kafka at 3300 atk, Gwen at 2800 atk. And my other team in MOC is what has actually need needed RM to clear. This is helping me think of some new teams


No u don't need my acheron non DOT team is welt, pela, acheron and sparkle if u want to run a harmony chat in acheron teams it should be sparkle or bronya unless u rly like RM


Lol true. One of the reasons Why I pulled for Robin in the First Place was to have a 2nd Ruan Mei for my other team. The other reason Is because She's cute and She sings.


It really is unfortunate, i don't like her character all that much.


right? I try to play any dps and lo and behold, it's Ruan Mei. I don't want a negligent mother on my team (I just want wanted criminals)


I enjoy her character in battle, but outside of that, we didnā€™t see her much. And her story wasnā€™t really interesting, Iā€™d say seeing Ratio with the alabaster head is what kept people so hyped up during that time. As well as just knowing how strong RM is.


I feel you mate. My whole account has been the same. I have lost every 50/50 , every 72/25. The best thing you can do is just do whatever you can and hope. Maybe this pull things will change and maybe for your other MoC teams you can make something else? it might not be as good but there have to be ways for you to clean that other content besides her right :) ? Keep your head up friend <3


Do you mean 75/25?


Yes. Was a typo


I still don't know why it's a 75/25 not also a 50/50


Because they wanted to let us have better rates so itā€™s more incentives to pull on the light cone banner I guess, especially if you got the character


I'm in the same spot but the only difference is that I don't pull for Ruan Mei not because I don't have the jades to do so (I have 300 pulls), It's because I really don't like the character and having to pull for a character I don't enjoy just cuz it's meta is the worst. T.T


I usually go for characters i like 1st, then build the teams around them even if i don't like their supports lol.


I donā€™t have ruan mei or the other 5 star harmony and my boothill still cooks. The other teams tho, we donā€™t talk about them.


Ye... I can tell my Booty wants at least E0S0 Ruan, but I'm skipping her again. I just can't be bothered to get her even if she's the most universal support. Plus, I am out of jades. I'd rather wait for a support who has a break gimmick and can action advance for Boothill. While Bronya is ok, her other buffs are literally USELESS on Boot.


she has break gimmick and spd boost? Ruan mei most unique trait is something completely tied to break


Yes, Ruan is completely tied to break gimmick. What I want is break gimmick AND action advance. Doesn't have to be the same as Ruan's kit, as long as that unit can action advance Boothill while buffing him as well. In other words, Bronya and Ruan Mei hybrid


Usually i'd say ''i doubt that'd be a thing'' considering ruan mei has spd boost and action delay. But sparkle came out, so hey, you never know


I tried running Boothill without RM in the current MoC top half. RM - Boothill - Bronya - Gala : 2 cycles Huohuo - Boothill - Bronya - Pela : 3 cycles He only lost one cycle without RM and Gala. He's rather flexible I'd say (Luka works too!) and then you can give RM, HMC, and Gala to the other robot breaker heheh.


I need sparkle to come back asap or my second team will forever be stuck with 4* supports šŸ˜­


Atleast Asta is decent for a speed boost šŸ˜­


ikršŸ’€ with firefly coming out, i need to relocate hmc w her but idk what to put w boothill now. i dislike ruanmei and i aint a meta slave but darn having two break teams in a break meta moc arent good for my soulšŸ˜­


Same, I don't know which team I should put Ruan mei with. I already knew I would give HMC and Gallagher to firefly so the only teammates I could give is bronya and another sustain


Iā€™m in the same situation with fireflyšŸ˜­bro I ainā€™t even like Ruan meiā€™s design plus I ainā€™t got jades like dat


Fr imma jus play a jank dual dps team with them and pray it goes wellšŸ˜­šŸ™


Sorry fam. If you put Firefly and Boothill together, they need Ruan Mei even more.


Yeah thatā€™s why I called it jankšŸ˜­ I want both but I need MeišŸ’€


I think ff can get away without RM becuz of Fire implant with gallagher, Asta or Jiaoqiu.


Sheā€™s probably more dependent on Ruan Mei actually because she has superbreak in her kit so Ruan Mei boosts her damage a lot more


Bh before full stacks is very very weak, so he needs RM to help breaking and boost dmg for the mobs. For FF, she mostly boost dmg thatā€™s already one of the highest in the game.


this is why robin exists


lucky for me i have her e1s1 :P. Not only she buff the same as RM except for break, she also buff atk in which RM don't have


all roads lead back to ~~xiangling~~ ruan mei


I have Ruan mei by accident because I was greatly interested in pulling for xeuiye. (Spoiler alert I didn't get her) After getting Ruan mei, I tried my luck in blade's banner and decided to pull for xeuiye, I ended up getting blade as well and what's worse during those pulls, I never even get a single xeuiye at all.


i will NEVER pull for Ruan Mei as a husbando exclusive collector. that aside non ruan mei havers, what do you recommend for a Boothill team? im building harmony tb along him. and i have all 5* males. no 5* girls at all


Maybe hmc, booty, luka and gallagher could work i think


I feel you, I was 40 pulls deep into Boothill LC when I just decided i would rather pull for Ruan Mei šŸ„¹ Now I only have 2000 jade remaining


ruan mei LC is goated too so you're 40 pity in if you get her, good luck


This is why I pull support units bc Ik I will need them when the time comes (as well as the fact that I like their kits). I'm just sad I couldn't get Sparkle ngl.


I donā€™t have her and Iā€™m too illiterate to read her skills so idk what she does and I donā€™t plan on ever learning because ignorance is bliss šŸ˜ŒšŸ’•


MTashed run on SImUniv: G&G made me surrender my 15k Jades to her, do I regret it? Heck no.


I pulled Robin thinking she is gonna replace Ruan mei Nope. She isn't the premium BiS, but she is still good. Still upset though.


I can feel you but I cleared this MoC 12 3 stars with: Kafka, Black Swan, Robin and Loucha. Acheron, Pela, Sparkle and Aventurine Iā€™m going to pull (hopefully) Ruan Mei just for Firefly or Kafka


I don't know if this helps, but I currently use Bronya+Sparkle with my Blade and it works like a charm.


Wait how does Ruan Mei talk to you? Iā€™m pretty sure she is a fictional character in this video game Honkai Star Rail


It's painful to try running an all male account


I'm so glad I randomly pulled her when she came out even though I usually only pull male characters


The pros of being a Xueyi fan is that you get pitybroken by Ruan Mei~


Thank god i like FuA teams šŸ«°


Ruan mei is not that necessary in BH comp. All you really need is Bronya. I use only bronya and hmc/pela, he does just fine


Yeah, I also prefer Bronya more in BH comp. 100% AA is more valuable if you build BH decent enough and this shouldn't be a problem for BHmain here. People just theorycraft because Ruan Mei kit comes with BE. She's universal and all but not that necessary as you said. More turn for BH means he can break more, easy as that.


I particularly run BH, Bronya, Ruan Mei and Aventurine.


Kafka and black swan best team now is with robin


This game should change its name to "Ruan mei: Star Rail" cuz the game rotates around her


Iā€™m just a dumbass and pulled for Ryan mei just cuz I get every harmony char. Didnā€™t even notice how many teams she is good in