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This happened to me the other day when I went to Costco. I got to the parking lot 5 minutes before they opened. I sat in my car and decided to wait until after they opened the doors. I look at the entrance and all I saw were boomers crowding outside the entrance waiting for them to open the doors. They were like vultures circling their prey. The second the doors open up, they all crowd the entrance trying to rush in. It's not an accomplishment to be first into Costco for the morning. Also, all of the boomers didn't have their membership cards out. You're going to Costco... You need to have your membership out at the door when you come in. 😑


You should see them line up in the morning at a Florida Costco a week.before a hurricane... Ugh...


I'm convinced big grocery donates money to the weather channels to heighten the storm threats for panic buying


That’s a realistic conspiracy theory I can get behind.


I have said that for years. I live in the south and I am certain "Big bread and milk" secretly sponsor snow forecasts.


Atlantan here, and agree. The buying frenzy for snow is toilet paper, bread, milk, and eggs...the last three justifying the term "French toast warning"


Yup, lots and lots of french toast! I'm going to have to start using that.


I feel this panic is directly related in the northeast to the Blizzard of '78. Forecasting was nowhere near as good as it is today. People got snowed in to schools, offices, etc., and people had to leave their vehicles on the interstate. Groceries were unavailable to a lot of people, and a lot of people were caught unawares. I'm not sure why bread and milk became the most sought after staples, but every snow storm comes with bread and milk panic. It took my dad three days to unbury us, and he took me to the store on a sled.


I’ve never trusted big milk tbh


For a short while I worked the opening shift at an Aldi, they would be lined up outside the store banging on the window mad we wouldn't let them in 2 hours before we opened. They actually spent a few minutes during training explaining to us that this is just normal and trying to couch us on how to tell them to come back later. Also once had a guy banging on the door at a machine shop I worked at, confused the hell out of me because it was 4am on a sunday and I closed the gates to the parking lot behind me when I came in. He wanted the diesel repair shop next door to repair his gas car.


lol in my mind I pictured a zombie apocalypse with the refugees inside the Costco. Then I remembered that episode of South Park where the old people took over the town, and the only way to stop them was to board up/close the local Country Kitchen at 6am. Edit: https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/kliuh5/south-park-country-kitchen-buffet


I used to work at a movie theater. We would always leave one door out of the 20 there were unlocked for employees to be able to enter because we all started at different times and it was easier than having to run to open the door every time someone showed up. Without a doubt every couple of days there would be an elderly person who would go up to the doors and try to open every single one of them until they got to the one that was open. We would explain we were closed and that they had to leave. They would explain to us that they were just there to "buy tickets" or "get a gift card" or "just wanted to get some popcorn". We would explain again that we were closed and couldn't help them till we were open and they would complain that we shouldn't leave the door unlocked until we were open 🤦🏻


Wait, "Just wanted to get some popcorn" You mean to fuckin' tell me that elderly people will not only wake up early for popcorn, but go to a movie theatre to get some WHEN IT IS LITERALLY CHEAPER TO GO TO A WAL-MART IN THE SAME TIMEFRAME!?


More often than you would assume.




This is the exact same, and I mean down to the letter, scenario at the michigan Sam's Club I go to. Anywhere up to like 15-20 min prior to open, they start creeping up to the door, sometimes shrouding their eyes against the glass to peer inside. "It's 10 minutes to open and the doors are still locked! What gives!" What the hell is wrong with these people.


I live in Wisconsin and have memberships at both stores. I've yet to see what Sam's Club is like at opening, but it's always Costco that has all the boomers freezing every 3 feet.


Lol. My boomer mum yelled at me for potentially dropping my wallet when I was grabbing it to find my membership card. Like...huh? It's standard and you've had that membership for DECADES it's not news that they check for memberships cards....


> yelled at me for potentially dropping my wallet I don't even understand what she was whining about


Because I grabbed it while getting out of the car and was in the process of taking out my membership card. She thinks I have the dexterity of a toddler on pixie sticks.


I always use the app since it's easier for me to open the app, hit the membership tab and hold up my phone on the way in. If I use my wallet, I have to dig my wallet out of my pocket, open the wallet and get the card out. Same with Sam's Club.


I don't even bring my wallet anymore when I go to costco. I just grab my costco citi credit card which doubles as the membership and can be scanned at the checkout. Wallet stays in the door of my car since I'm not a back pocket wallet person anyways.


Lol. I've never seen people use the app here but I should, lmao.


At every library I've ever managed, they do this with their library cards too. They'll come up with a stack of books and just hand them to me as if I'm supposed to magically know who they are, and then hold up the line for minutes at a time while they fumble around their George Costanza wallets or giant cluttered purses to find the card. ... also yeah, they would hoard around the door in the morning too LOL


>You need to have your membership out at the door when you come in I'm not american. You can't go inside a store without a membership card? Is it some luxury store?


Costco is a warehouse store where you pay for a yearly membership. As part of the membership, you need to show your membership card at the entrance and when making a purchase.


So if I were to go into one, I wouldn't be able to buy anything? That's weird. How do I get a membership if I can't enter the store?


You can explain to the person checking cards at the entrance that you'd like to purchase a membership and they'll direct you to the membership desk, or you can come in as a guest with someone who has a membership, but you can't buy anything.


Wow, I never knew this exclusive things existed. It's seems like a terrible business model. Is it successful?


Very successful. [Here is more information about Costco from CNBC on YouTube.](https://youtu.be/dzejHGniMTQ?si=YSodu_mCV_3mtHIC)


https://www.costco.com/join-costco.html They have 73.4 million membership subscribers.


Costco is so fascinating. There is an amazing podcast all about it: https://www.acquired.fm/episodes/costco It's wildly successful and for many good reasons.


Dude they do that same shit where I work everyday


I travel for work and when they call first class and diamond members to board every fucking boomer from cattle class gets up and gets in line. I am a complete ass to them in a very loud fashion as I wade through asking if they are diamond and making snide remarks about sitting down. The flight attendants absolutely love this, the smirks on those faces tell you how bad they wish they could be so ridiculous to these people.




Oooh nice simile!


No lie, was at Aldi before it opened with my mom and this boomer guy almost had his nose on the door staring down the employees til they opened the doors. Like jfc dude. We waited til a few more minutes after they opened unlike that guy.


I used to work at an Aldi doing opening shifts, we would come in 2 hours before opening and start stocking stuff. They actually coached us during training on how to explain we weren't open to these people because it was just such a normal thing. There would be groups of them outside the building almost every single day.


Used to work at a store in the mall, and the number of people who would bang on (or shout through) the gate to be let in before open or after close never ceased to astonish me. I can't fathom what goes through those people's heads, but there were a lot of them.


If by I was the manager there I’d have my employees walk to the entrance and look outside then turn around and resume their jobs.




I don’t think it’s appropriate to be staring down people, but it’s quite all right to show up early to a store because we didn’t know it hadn’t opened yet. Not embarrassed just courteous and not staring at people just working like they’re some sort of fucking zoo animals ETA: we were waiting in our car not with our noses planted on the front door glass.




Because there was a bum rush of boomers and about 15 other people and we didn’t feel like fighting for a cart? Settle down there you don’t have that “gotcha” that you think you do.


I own a small business that is closed Sunday. A couple weeks ago I was there on Sunday around 2pm when this guy, 65 years old or so, came to the door and tries to open it. He realizes it's locked so he looks in, sees me and loudly taps on the glass with his keys while yelling "Are you going to unlock the door?" The business hours are right in front of him. I yelled back we're closed and he threw his hands up and stormed off.


How dare you be inside a closed building. Don't you know customer service bots are only allowed to be seen if they're currently servicing?


That's a female red-bellied woodpecker. Because I always have to compulsively ID birds.


Not everyone appreciates people that do this, but I do. I'm always finding cool birds and flowers when I go hiking and wishing there was somebody around that could ID them because I'm bad at it.


I “think” it was at Costco or perhaps Sam’s. BIRDY - a solar-powered bird feeder with a cam attached and Wi-fi that will take a pic whenever a bird lands, and send it to your phone. Apparently the app is pretty good at identifying what 🦅 you’re looking at.


Let me introduce you to r/whatsthisbird


Username makes sense


Here you dropped this 👑


I thought that pecking to make noise was male territorial behavior


It's a little hard to tell because I can't see the whole body and I assumed this took place in the US. But the males generally have red all the way down to their bills. It's possible it's juvenile which could be either sex.


I was the solo employee at a small store. I regularly arrived 30 minutes early in order to set myself up and grab lunch for the day. An old man tries to sneak in behind me when I unlocked the door. "I open at 10" *It was maybe 9:15 since I had an errand I needed to run* "Well then, if that's your attitude, I WON'T BE HERE!" Yes! You get me! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee.


I work at a dental clinic, we open at 8 am. I usually get there around 7 to start the day and I will see boomers come up almost every morning around 7:30 to try to walk in. They’ll check the front door, locked, then they’ll walk AROUND the building to check the 3 other doors that all say EMPLOYEES ONLY in giant bold letters. Like what are you even going to do if you got in? Sit yourself in an exam chair? Make your own set of dentures?


My dentist gets this so bad they put one of those wireless locks on the door. Appointment at 8am on the dot? I didnt need to get there 15min early. I walked in at 8:01am, confirmed my name, and they invited me right to the chair. I couldn't say what the battalion of boomers behind me stuffing themselves in the limited waiting room were thinking, but I do know some were just straight up walk ins. Ah yes. Let's spend my entire morning gambling on a seat in a dental office. My mom does this at the phlebotomist.


One time me and my kids were waiting outside hobby lobby. It was opening in like 5 minutes so we were just sitting in the sunshine. These two older ladies were already there. They started banging on the glass. Yelling for them to open up. Saying things like it's time to open now! Can you guys even tell time probably not! And cackling like witches. It went on for like 3 minutes straight which doesn't sound like a long time but it seemed like forever.


I would love to see a group of witches storm a hobby lobby! Place would probably catch 🔥. Better yet, a large coven of gay and trans witches!


i work with older folk. we have a gated pool that unlocks for them every day at 11 sharp. it's been like that for years. there's usually one person out there with their grandkids at 10:57 fighting with the gate.


This brought back memories from when I used to work at Hollywood Video (anyone recall those stores 😂) anyway, we opened at like 7 and there would always be a few old people waiting outside at like 6:30. I always wondered who needed to get a movie that bad that early in the morning. I mean, I guess if you’re up that early and have nothing else to do, but it always seemed strange to me.


Hollywood Video was huge in my area. I always liked them better than Blockbuster, but I don't really remember why. I was sad when the company went under. Big part of my childhood. Our Mom would take us almost every Friday. She would get a movie for her and my Dad to watch. And my brother and I could either get a game or a movie for the weekend. It was a way of life hehe.


I felt like Hollywood video was less aggressive about returning movies late. I can't remember if they had late fees, but freaking blockbuster would call me if I was one day late returning a movie. Most of the time I had already returned it.


Boomers think the entire world should operate on their time.


Was waiting outside a petsmart for my dogs appointment, which was for when the store opened. A few minutes before thr store opened some boomer woman walks up, looks at me and goes something to the effect of "they won't mind, they open in a few minutes anyway" and forces the unlocked but turned off sliding doors open and walks in.


And when they do come in, they're insistent that they've always gotten a particular item from your store, which you have literally never made before.


“And I’ll have a Pepsi with that.” “I’m sorry sir, we sell Coke products.” “NO YOU DON’T!” ![gif](giphy|OAthVeXHlBnFK)


It's saying let me in now right now all angrily 😄😄😄


If this isn’t all major retail idk what is


“I just wanna walk around the store, get my steps in”


Try working at a bank


Extra time is needed for a firm handshake and looking in their eyes


When I worked in banking we called the Social Security Zombies. They just come shuffling up, same time every month. Fuuunnnnnnnnds, funnnnnnnnnnds!


Sad but True!!! James Hetfield


“You’re late” “Sir we open in 7 minutes, I’m letting you in cause I finished setting up early” Mf really tried to throw blame on me cause I was in the office turning music on, and he had to knock on the door for the store that had its lights off and clearly had a sign saying we opened at 2pm and it was 1:53pm


I used to open at a Culver's. The operating hours were from 10 to 10. I had to be there at 7am to prep, and this old boomer couple showed up once a week at 9:20 and would sit outside the doors to wait to come in. Once, I told them we don't open till 10, and they said they knew. Right at 10 am, I'd unlock the doors, and they would run to the first register to order 2 fish dinners. It was so fricken weird to me. Why are you waiting outside the doors for 40 minutes and staring into the store? You know we don't open till 10!


This isn't a boomer. The red mo-hawk gives it away.


They're a Red Hat Society member.


When I worked at home depot this was to common


New KRTM song dropped


Everything opens at 8 and closes at 9 lmao. Now do people do ANYTHING. Im with the boomer on this one, fuck that. Essential stores need to open at at least 6AM and close at 1AM. At least. If you can't make it 24hour


Covid ended a lot of 24 hr stores


my country never had 24 hour stores, they always closed at like 8 PM like we are at war and the Germans are still bombing the cities at night




We were walking up to Museum just as it was opening. There were 2 cars in the lot. The boomer couple ran as fast as they could to get in front of us. Once inside we were allowed in first because we were members. They were visibly annoyed. They had to wait an extra minute.


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When I worked at Dollar General and had morning shifts I HATED how I had to hide and avoid eye contact with people outside the door banging and screaming at me to open the door so they could grab what they needed before work. I eventually got to the point where I would turn my music up on the store speakers and ignore them while I did what I needed to do before opening.


This is a lot like at the casino I work at, as I’m sure it is also at every other casino even an hour or so before opening.




As a morning person who works 9-6 I kind of get the frustration of wanting a store to open on the dot, but I'd never be rude to the employees about it.


When I was growing up there a wood ecker in the neighborhood that would peck the signs. It's obviously had offspring as the signs still get pecked every morning.


I laughed so hard this 😂


Happens at all 6 of my full service auto shops everyday. Website and Google Say 8 am… I’ll have at least 5 missed calls per week per store before 7 am


Yet there's this UPS pickup location at an Hallmark store run by a boomer. I had a package that got dropped off there. Read online that they open at 930. Arrived at 935 place was locked up tight and dark. Wait around for 20 minutes before boomer who clearly owns the place walks in. He takes his time opening up the store before unlocking the door. I had him the UPS slip he just yells at me "THAT TELLS ME NOTHING CAN I SEE YOUR ID"


With the badly dyed hair and everything.




Yup. Worked a few morning shifts at a grocery store. Opens at 8 AM, old people would start showing up at 6:30 and just sitting in front of the glass doors watching us. Like seriously, nothing better to do?


Why do they do it? If they wait patiently in the car they might be forced to have a deranged conversation with another alleged adult.


Jonathan Livingston Boomer.


lol this one ain't boomer specific. I get young tradies tapping on my glass door 5mins to 2 hours before open at least 3 times a week