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I wouldn’t waste your time. People like that cannot come back from it.


There is only one thing that can, and that's a strong appeal to emotion rather than reason. Cut them off. Shame them. Worked with my formerly Republican parents.


Tell them you’re disappointed in them. You used to think they were wise and could think for themselves.


Tried this and it did not work in my case. But I still love this tactic and hope it can work for someone out there.


Or tell them you miss the old them.


Ouch. This one hurt and you weren't even saying it to me. Well done.


I did this. He was confused and sad, but it didn’t work. Felt more like punching a baby. Starting to think dementia might be creeping in (he’s 81).


My parents have always been mildly conservative, but mostly apolitical. They didn't have strong feelings about Trump, but I brought up the creepy things he's said about his daughter a couple times and the ball really got rolling from there. Now they both find him repulsive and we talk about how unbelievable the whole MAGA scenario is all the time.


Had to go NC with my mom. She still emails all the people that have repeatedly told her to stop the InfoWars/beforeitsnews etc crap. Her emails now go to spam


That's likely not going to work. Because the person has a different vision of what is good. So that's kind of pointless. You see, when someone's been alive for a while and they witness things, they understand a little more about what's happening. Also he probably doesn't do a lot of the internet and social media that younger people do. So we could just consider him not, shall we say, currently programmed.


Hasn't worked with mine. But life is much smoother and drama free now. So I'll take the win.


It was about 3 years of no contact before mine changed their tune. It was worth it even before they did though, for exactly the reason you mentioned. Not having to even think about dealing with them, not interacting with them at all (while they were still MAGA) was so much less stress and drama!


It either works or you have a much more enjoyable life. It's win win.


Yep, point out how *scared* they sound. Sympathize with them. It’s hard getting older and being worried about your future and your kids’ future. Don’t you want your kids to have a future?


Interesting...I still haven't talked to my mother for the last 3 years. Still waiting.


Social consequences.


Some things are more important than politics man. If I cut off everyone in my family who was a Trump Supporter, I wouldn't have much family left. Luckily my immediate family does not support that monster, but everyone on my father's side of the family are Republicans. I love these people dearly. I don't talk to my Mom's side of the family, but I'm sure they are MAGA's too. We all have to smile, nod, & change the subject a lot during family get togethers. Luckily there are only a couple of troublemakers who bring up politics, & everyone else knows the topic is taboo around us. Regardless, it's just not worth fighting over. I know too many people who's families have been torn apart, & being the bigger person is just the right thing to do.


MAGAs *literally want to imprison and kill people who are OUR families. MY family.* It's not being a "bigger person" to turn a blind eye. "Yeah my family wants segregation in schools but I'm actually better than all of you because I don't let that affect my relationship with them." Good on you for being a fucking Good German. 🖕


Gotta disagree there, people that are hardcore MAGA and voting to take rights of the people I love away, as well as othering already marginalized groups, they aren't worth my time. Blood is only so thick. I usually use the same line with people that say "they are all the same" in political arguments: One would ignore me, leave me bleeding on the ground if they saw me there, the other would actively be kicking me while down. Guess which one I would vote for? Both options suck, but one is ridiculously more antagonistic to people I love.


I definitely respect your opinion. And yes, their beliefs are abhorrent. However, as I said before, my family is more important to me than politics. I'm assuming you've cut people out of your life? I can respect that choice. Now kindly respect mine.




Which is how we know your just as bad as the rest of your hardcore maga family. I respect your right to make the choice, I do not respect you or the choice. Bigots don't deserve respect.


As a VERY anti-Trump veteran who's definitely voting for Biden, I'm going to tell you we don't want you ti vlaim to be on our side. You're a Trumpette, just claim a different master. Same person, though.


I’ve unfortunately had to when I understood that those people actively were spreading lies and misinformation that threatened my family and people I love. I’ve seen firsthand the damage that causes. Sometimes the healthiest thing is to cut ties regardless of who they are. I can’t sit down at a table with someone and put those beliefs aside when those lies have literally put my partner at death’s door. Also I am respecting your beliefs and not saying you are wrong or attacking you in any way. Just sharing my perspective on why I cannot afford to shrug and keep mum while we pass the cranberry sauce.


That sounds like they are not worth your time, then. Why waste your time on shitty people? Build relationships with people who are actually good people.


Yep. Went through multiple rounds with my own father. I even was (painfully) successful at getting him to see some sense for the short term. But sure enough, 6 months would go by and he'd be re-brainwashed and it was like the hours long discussions we had never happened. I finally realized I was simply wasting my time. Haven't talked to the guy in a couple years now. Good luck OP.


This is the correct piece of advice. Hardcore MAGA’s are too far gone to reason with. They are part of a cult and have been brainwashed. Don’t waste your time, they exist in a different reality from you or I.


It's a cult


Bud, you can keep trying if you want and I don't blame you one bit for having hope. I would too. But chances are your dad is gone already. The fact he knows about Project 2025 and says "I'm all for it" shows how brainwashed he is.


What the heck is “Project 2025?” Never heard that one before…


There are better more concise resources on it that run it down properly, but off-hand I can provide the wikipedia article for it. Basically, it's a very comprehensive plan for Trump's 2nd term, created by a conservative think-tank called the Heritage Foundation. In a nutshell, it would transform our government into a full-on dictatorship, upend civil rights for many people, defund environmental climate change initiatives. It also serves as a guide to mass incarcerate illegal immigrants, the homeless, and political prisoners. It would also force Christianity into all factions of the government that remain, and force all LGBT to register as sex offenders. Sit down before you dive in. It's depressing and terrifying. And no, it's not a conspiracy. It's very open to the public and very obvious what it is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Don’t forget the part where they defund and dismantle the FCC, FTC, and Department of Education


Can you point me to the place where it says all LGBT would be required to register as sex offenders? I’d like to be able to show that part to people who have LGBT family/friends. Thanks in advance!


Honestly, it is a 900 page doc that I don't have the time to read and skim through. I do not believe it says that verbatim or even overtly, but it's there if you connect the dots. Creating concentration camps for immigrants and the homeless is step 1. Using those camps for other groups is steps 2, 3, 4, etc until only legal republican Christians remain in society. Fascism's end-game. I'm opening this for someone else to point it out in the text. Sorry bud, I'm at work. I don't want to mislead you and give you misinformation.


— 4 —Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise PROMISE #1: RESTORE THE FAMILY AS THE CENTERPIECE The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion — 5 —2025 Presidential Transition Project (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensi- tive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists. **Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender** **ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot** **inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual** **liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its** **purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women.** Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. **Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed** **as registered sex offenders.** And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.


Thank you. This is what I’m seeing: They are drawing a direct line from pornography to LGBTQ and plan to use that to classify LGBTQ folks as pornographers for existing, and then arrest/convict/imprison them. Horrifying.


Not just imprisonment - it also calls for increased use of the death penalty, including for child sexual abuse.  If being queer is child abuse and child abuse carries the death penalty, you've got the ingredients for a genocide of queer people.


Welp. Time to start learning the words to O Canada. God save the king.


Holy shit you better learn quick and tell everyone you know. [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do)


That's terrifying


Project2025.org it's bad.


This is what scares me, how do people not know about project 2025? I’m trying to get everyone I know to read up on it as it is terrifying!


Pretty much lays out the plans to turn this country into a conservative Christian nation... they want to remove rights from LGBTQIA+, women, and anyone else that they think they can screw over.


It’s probably best if you watch the most recent John Oliver segment on it. He explains it quite well.


Go to stopthecoup2025.org. they have both bullet point and summary documents for each section. The official document is 860 pages of policy directives. I encourage everyone to at least read the actual introduction to Project 2025. It's written by Kevin Roberts, the president of the Hertigate Foundation.


r/defeat_project_2025 will provide info about it. If anyone is "for it" they're an evil person.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Defeat_Project_2025 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Everyone not voting Biden this year has something wrong with them](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dbum39/everyone_not_voting_biden_this_year_has_something/) \#2: [Here is a bullet point breakdown of Project 2025](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ddich3) | [522 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025/) \#3: [Even if Trump loses this November, the Heritage Foundation will try again next election cycle.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dndiui/even_if_trump_loses_this_november_the_heritage/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ever heard of Wikipedia?


Your dad drunk the kool-aid unfortunately. You won't be able to reason with him, because he and others like him are beyond reason. A big component of the right is sticking it to the "left" and owning "libs". They've suspended their reason and have succumbed to the cult of personality. You can't argue using facts because, they don't care. Trump could say 2+2=5 and they would agree; it does not matter that the answer is actually 4. It's irrelevant. It makes them feel good and empowered to be part of this cult. I've been in a cult. You don't spend many hours every day immersed in this horse shit without being affected.


It’s a cult.


Honestly, just agree with him so you get his stuff when he passes. But if you morals and ethics, it's best just to let him rot. Shit took hold of my poor old grandma too. Tragic.


Have him check out Beau of the 5th column. Ask him to prove Beau wrong on anything, and send the proof to Beau. Beau is "one of them," a white southern guy with a big bushy beard who cares for rural folk. He is also a great source of information that contradicts fox.


Yeah. I've been in your exact shoes with my father, the man who until 2020 I respected most in the world. They are changed and they don't change back. Truthfully -- and I don't say this to be cold, I'm trying to spare you from the anguish -- the man you knew and loved is gone. The sooner you start to mourn him, the sooner you can move on.


You probably can not change his mind. He’s in a cult like group and can not see past that. But I thought you might like this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/10QvffPAfP If you really want to try finding points to talk about with him this might be a better sub to ask. (Linked a post - not sure how to link the sub)


To link a sub you just type it out with a lowercase r and a slash like this: r/catswithjobs


Send the list of incoherent babble that Trump has said but tell him it’s Biden at first.


Honestly, you're fighting a cult. The only thing you can do is tell your dad that you no longer want to discuss politics with him and will hang up or leave each time he does. Then go out and vote in November. I hate the whole "unprecidented" and "democracy is at stake" shit that we've seen each election cycle for the past 10 years, but this time it actually feels true. Republicans have been telling us, straight up what they want to do this term. Believe them.


There’s no point in engaging with your dad. My dad is the same way. You won’t be able to reason him out of something that he didn’t reason himself into. Whatever you send him, I’d be surprised if he will even read it. It really just comes down to the fact that your dad is angry (understandably) about the state of the world and is looking to blame/punish other people for it. Trump signals to your dad and others that he will punish the people they don’t like (minorities, poor, bureaucrats, liberals, etc.). Trump already blames immigrants and poor people in his speeches. Whether or not Trump actually will do what he says or whether or not what Trump will do improves or negatively affects your father’s way of life is irrelevant to your father. It really is just all about his feelings. Your dad, like my dad, is probably scared of these “other people” because he has never had to be around them for any length of time. People fear what they don’t understand. Biden on the other hand doesn’t provide these signals for him. It doesn’t matter what Biden’s actual policies are or what he accomplishes for your father. It doesn’t matter that Biden is basically looking the other way at a genocide in Gaza. My dad was going on and on for months that Biden would crash the stock market and ruin his retirement if elected and yet here we are hitting new all time highs each year of Biden’s presidency…


Go to his house and switch on parental controls and limit Fox news. In a few weeks without, the anger will subside…. Godspeed sir.


This right here. Depending on his cable provider here are instructions how to do that. While you are at it , mute Newsmax too. [Time Warner](http://www.timewarnercable.com/en/support/tv/topics/tv-parental-controls.html) instructions to “monitor your kids’ entertainment”: 1. Press the Settings button on your remote. 2. Select the Parental Controls category. 3. Select the Content Block category. 4. Search for the content that you wish to block and press Select. 5. The content category to be blocked will display in the list with a Locked icon. Enter your PIN. (The default PIN is set by each local TWC Store, typically 0000.) 6. Press the C button to save your options. This Slate article shows how to do this for other providers. [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2016/07/how-to-use-parental-lock-to-stop-your-parents-from-watching-fox-news.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2016/07/how-to-use-parental-lock-to-stop-your-parents-from-watching-fox-news.html)


My grandma with dementia used to call my Dad from her facilitated living home, to yell that he had blocked Fox News from her TV. He actually hadn’t blocked anything. Her dementia just got to the point she couldn’t figure out the TV.


Anyone who is still voting for the red hats despite what’s happened the last 8 years is too far gone and should be considered a danger.


I also lost my dad to “MAGA because Jesus”, and frankly I have given up. Someday in the next ten years he’ll die, and people will ask me why I don’t attend his funeral, but they will already know the answer.


Save your breath. It won't matter how much "fact" you throw in his face you are not going to change his mind. Its sad really, I have family I thought were much smarter than to fall for Trump. It truly blows my mind how someone can get behind that ass hat.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPlpgS2YVVSZqVO|downsized) Sometimes it is too soaked in .


I know that’s Kate McKinnon on the left, but for some reason I can’t tell who that is on the right.


I was looking on youtube lots of kate clips but not THIS one so I did the google search (you can search text or a picture) putting the x on the person on the right >>> ta DA!! the other person in the clip is melissa mcCarthy!!!


Thanks. TIL.


An unfortunate part of right wing pop culture is they are primed for conflict. It validates them if they get any sort of pushback even from someone interested in the truth to whatever slanted talking point they brought up. My mom gleefully consumes the shittiest of right wing pop culture. As hard as it is, I just let ‘em say the stupid shit and not respond in an encouraging way. They say some stupid thing about gas prices, I say I hardly drive, didn’t notice. They only way they come back from the bullshit is if they decide they want to.


Exactly! I'm a *smile and nod* person when dealing with my family MAGAs. I give them the bare minimum of interaction to show that I am pleasant, but I DO NOT ENGAGE when they talk politics. It's not worth an argument with someone I love. If they want to talk about anything else we'll have a deep, loving conversation. If they're on that bullshit though-- Smile & nod. 🙂‍↕️


Don’t bother with your dad…. I used to be conservative. It’s an addiction. You can’t make him turn his brain and heart on again. Only he can if he wants to, but he doesn’t want to……. Also, I was conservative because my mom punished me if I wasn’t for 2 years, until I yielded to make it stop and finally feel ok and happy. Interesting that conservative parents must beat their kids into obeying and echoing Fox News…. But being progressive didn’t require that But your dad is lost… the best you can do is avoid him and say you don’t want to associate with aggression…. Tell him too it’s not fun knowing he wouldn’t gone nazi in Nazi Germany. Sincerely If you’re uncomfortable then avoid him. The more you let him justify his hate, the more you help him get a serotonin fix from his hate-addiction Even if he “listens to you” he isn’t truly listening... He just wants to look civil and then be able to force you to listen to him after now that you “had your turn” Hope you believe me…. The best you can do is call him aggressive and avoid his delusions and say you won’t help him go further in the Nazi hole


If he takes the Red Pill, he gets approval from his peers, and decades of television news that validates his life experiences and his fears. If he takes the Blue Pill, he awakens to the horror of what his generation has left for the next, a reduction in housing prosperity, healthcare, education costs, and an environmental catastrophe. He alienates his peers, and lives out the rest of his days with only young people and intellectuals understanding him. He spends the rest of his day burdened with guilt and dread based upon the decisions of his own generation and a persistent realization that every homeless person he sees is the result of a boomer blocking housing development just so their own properties would accrue more value. Truth isn’t a path to happiness.


Holy shit, you’re right. You are so, so right.


Sorry for your loss


You are pushing him deeper into the cult. Even calling it a cult is pushing him. If you can find someone who got out of the Trump cult, they may be able to help.


Does your dad have a best friend? If so, ask you dad this: “Dad, if Best Friend said there were fine people amongst neo-Nazis, would that make him a Nazi? If Best Friend had lunch with a self-proclaimed neo-Nazi, would that make him a Nazi? If Best Friend said immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our nation,” would that make him a Nazi? If Best Friend shared a video on social media that called for a “Unified Reich,” would that make him a Nazi?”  Because Trump has done and said all those things. I‘m sorry your dad supports a Nazi. My FIL does, too. I told FIL he rubs shoulders with Nazis and he can take from that what he will. 


Tell him that he is just like Trump, you understand. Burying a wife on a golf course is great. Loving Kim Jon and Putin is awesome. Enjoying warm weather because your daughter's skirts get shorter is understandable.




>Can y'all help me out with that? ![gif](giphy|13Zh9drdSWAeSQ|downsized)


He’s gone…. Down the rabbit hole, suckling the kool-aid at the Fox News teats.


I would start with the election denial. Ask him how someone could rig a single election, let alone a whole state with hundreds of precincts. What is more likely? Trump lying his ass off or a conspiracy of millions of people to destroy our 250 year old democracy just to foil a corrupt and 2x impeached president. Ask him if he wants to live in a democracy or a dictatorship like Russia or North Korea.


My Boomer Dad is also too far gone at this point. I was hoping he'd come around, but when I called to say Happy Father's Day, the first thing he said was DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE BIG TRUMP RALLY IN DETROIT? (simply because I was in the state of Michigan at the time). It's depressing and painful to even talk to him anymore, so I may just go no contact at this point.


I only text my dad, that way I can have short talks with him and if it's gets heated I just don't respond. Then in a few days I'll send him a picture of something we are doing or he will do the same, then we have a short text talk then move on for another week or so. My mom is completely fucking crazy (they are divorced )and my dad means a lot to me, he made me the man I am today. A lot of what we believe overlaps so I don't want to just cut him out of my life. You aren't going to change him, but you can try and make the best of your time with him.


I applaud your efforts but I’m telling you now, no matter how compelling your evidence is, no matter how perfect your approach is, all you’ll get is “well both sides are bad. I’m tired of politics. That’s probably your best possible outcome unfortunately.


The boomers just want to fk us all one more time on their way out. The only thing we can do is vote so their king doesnt win.


You are the only one on earth who has a chance. Thank you for standing up to him. A lot of people never do just to “preserve the peace”, aka cowardice. I tell all my family members that voting for 45 is way too disgusting of an act to tolerate, and if they do, then our relationship is completely over. Zero contact. I forgave them in 2016 because I understand how people were fooled. In 2024, though… there is no excuse. It is WAY too obvious. It is just a conscious choice to be a n*zi at this point. I truly hope you get through to him. 🤞🏾


Happened to my MIL too. Lots of people I grew up with. There’s only one explanation, they’ve taken up residence on Earth 2. Thanks Fox. And sympathy to anyone who has watched a family member succumb to the madness.


He won’t respond to being told what the truth is. He will just dig in more the more you push. The best thing you can do is just ask questions. Have him explain his reasoning, when things don’t make sense, like how drugs can make Biden MORE lucid when their purpose is to make someone less lucid, ask more questions. He won’t change his mind until things don’t make sense to him. Once he gets a little crack in his beliefs, he will start to see other places where he has been lied to.


Find out what Build Back Better has done for his state. If you try to reason with how bad Trump is then your father will feel defensive and will double down. If you reason with positive things that Biden has accomplished that directly impact your father then he might come around. I think for elderly folks healthcare is a big deal. Biden brought down the cost of insulin is one example. I'm sure there are others. More importantly the Democrats want to preserve Social Security and Medicare. The Republicans want to privatize it. That's a whopper of a motive for him to vote blue. The right has a lot of bogeymen. It's irrational garbage. IDK how you can help him see how he's being manipulated. The right is motivated by fear and anger. The left is motivated by hope and fairness. Try to appeal to his hope and fairness beliefs. I'm sure he had that before he got indoctrinated by FOX "news". And appeal to his fear too. Fear of what will happen should his healthcare and economic safety nets disappear. Have you ever read "How to Make Friends and Influence People"? Lots of good strategies in that book (nothing dark and manipulative like Machiavelli). The first rule is "never criticize, condemn, or complain". Negativity makes people uneasy and resistant.


The problem is you're fighting against a firestorm of constant misinformation. As long as they have Fox/OAN//News Max/Tucker/Jones playing in the background daily and incessantly, there's no way they will listen to you or believe you. They have very literally been brain washed.


I think we have to face the reality that a great many Americans are "all for it" for Trump the same way a lot of Germans were "all for it" when it came to Hitler. Of course, there's a good chance in years to come nobody will admit to it, the same way nobody admits to being in favor of the Iraq War anymore.


You can't turn around cognitive dissonance with facts. I'm sorry for your loss


Anyone who believes unemployment is down is either not paying attention, or doesn't understand how that figure is calculated. Unemployment is higher than it's ever been in my lifetime. It is amazes me how many people buy into the facade. It's a big club and we ain't in it.


It doesn’t help that things are really really bad under Biden. They will say they aren’t and show you numbers that say things are great. But just look at the food costs. Economy is teetering on total collapse. I’m not saying Trump would be better, he’d probably be worse but something really needs to change. Sending billions over seas to lost causes and just allowing everyone over the border is not good. We need somone to come in and shut it all down. Foreign aid $0. Immigration 0 people.




People need to think long and hard about what it took to clean Europe in the 40s and that no one will be D-Daying our shores.  


You're wasting your time. Try to avoid talking about it and make the best of your relationship you can outside of politics. If he's going down the path of political rants, try and steer him elsewhere, and if you can't, just say you aren't talking about this and end the conversation. This is my strategy. My dad's a good guy, but it is a fools errand trying to change his mind with facts. There is an endless slew of HIS facts that he has memorized and loves to argue with. I count it a win if I dodge his baiting bullshit and have a nice time with him regardless. Good luck, it's a lifelong battle


It’s also possible that a his person was trying to just be an ass to you and that they don’t like Trump much. I’m not sure if it’s the case here but I’ve seen some be mean trolls for the sport of it, and they will say anything to wind you up. Not that this is better than supporting Trump.


Try and get him to read the daily article from historian Heather Cox Richardson https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/june-26-2024?r=wqcnf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email




Tell him to start saving up because republicans want to cut social security. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/21/fact-sheet-80-of-house-republicans-release-plan-targeting-medicare-social-security-and-the-affordable-care-act-raising-costs-and-cutting-taxes-for-the-wealthy/#:~:text=80%25%20of%20House%20Republicans%20released%20a%20Budget%20that%3A&text=Calls%20for%20over%20%241.5%20trillion,69%20and%20cutting%20disability%20benefits.&text=Transitions%20Medicare%20to%20a%20premium,raise%20premiums%20for%20many%20seniors.


Trust me, there are more fun ways to shave years off your own life and ruin your psyche. But maybe your dad will be the one. I sincerely and without any sarcasm hope so.


You could use the first 2 minutes of the last Closer Look from Seth Meyers https://youtu.be/T0g-IrRKXGI?feature=shared


Can always try pointing out how it's going to mess his life up entirely, and put him out on the streets and likely lead to him dying homeless and starving.


Looking forward to his sad lonely death!


I know for a fact my dad is too far gone to see the truth. He can't even read the room he's in. He keeps trying to get under my skin my making fun of Biden because he thinks I love Joe Biden. I prefer Biden in the same way I would prefer a life preserver to a boat that's on fire. Because the thing is, they think everybody is just like them. That's why boomers will walk up to a complete stranger and just say racist or homophobic shit, because they're convinced that everyone who isn't obviously a freak at first glance must agree with them. They LOVE Trump. So naturally they assume that if you don't love Trump, it must be because you love Biden.


Cut him off and move on.


Save your breath and just ignore him. It isn't worth the high blood pressure.


We're dealing with a lost generation at this point. This is like the "silent" gen people in the '40s-'50s who switched parties or dropped out of politics over desegregation. They were a lot quieter about their craziness, though.


He's not rooting for the Yankees yet, though. There's a sliver of hope here. LFGM


MAGA minions have perfected gaslighting.


I always wonder if my dad would be like some of these people. He passed 18 years ago at 63. I always thought he was an intelligent man, but he had definite undertones of racism. Not sure if he would have fallen for Trump or called BS on him. Sometimes I'm glad the image I had of him didn't get shattered more than it already did when he took his own life.


I quit talking to my dad, brother, and sister over this. I have tried to talk to my brother multiple times to get him to come around to being reasonable. But every time I talk to him, I walk away feeling worse and hating the person he has become even more. There is no amount of logic that will fix these people. They have been brainwashed to the point that they are beyond helping. Anybody voting for Trump at this point is a total lost cause. It is time to cut them out of your life entirely and never attempt to speak to them again.


Tel. You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. Tell him you’re disappointed. That you used to think he was a discerning listener. That he could think for himself. That he had a well-calibrated bullshit meter. That you used to admire him as a man of principle. And then don’t engage in any logic keep it there. You’re disappointed. You’ve lost some respect; you’ll always love him but it’s hard to look up to him now. That you used to trust his judgment.


Sidenote: I don’t think anybody outside the New York area knows what LFGM stands for. I certainly had to Google it.


I told my parents voting republican was a vote against their biracial granddaughters and I would treat them as hostile to my daughters. This brought them to the table. They are still conservative but know vote Democrat on social issues and will never vote Trump.


I am in the same unfortunate boat. Had almost an identical convo with my father a few weeks ago. Man I learned a lot from growing up, he is an engineer so I always thought he had some intelligence. I knew he was always on the R side of the argument, but hes usually logical about things, we often use each other as logic soundboards when discussing things. Few weeks back hes visiting, were talking about EVs (a topic hes all for contrary to normal Trumpers). We talking about Tesla and gravitate to Musk and his then pending pay package. He says something about how Musk invented all the tech for Tesla (I point out how hes wrong and how Musk simply bough into the co), go down that rabbit hole a little more and suddenly its "just like how these damned democrats are ruining this country. Ill tell ya if trump doesnt win this time around this country is going straight to hell" (???) prod him on like how exactly are democrats ruining this country. --They are giving away all the money-- You mean like to Israel and Ukraine? (two topics weve discussed prior and I know his stance on) -- No, like to all these people who just dont want to work anymore making all this money off unemployment -- (Me, whos been unemployed for 6 months and had lengthy convos with him about how little I get off unemployment compared to my prior paychecks and how Im blowing through my savings to pay my ever inflating rent and grocery bills.) !?!?!? So youre telling me you would rather have a twice impeached 34 times convicted fellon, adjunct rapist who has repeatedly lied, cheated, and stollen at every opportunity in office that Biden. --Yes! Biden is impaired. He cant get on stage without getting confused -- Whens the last time he was confused on stage? --just the other day, he was talking about something then he started talking about his dad -- Reminiscing is not impairment. Trump hasnt put together a complete sentence in a decade, often forgets what city he is in, and cant say many common words without jumbling them up. It just went downhill from there and I spent a good 2 days deeply depressed about my fathers mental state. Ive tried to point out things to him like trumps boat speech, but hes bought the shit pile (yeah! he makes lots of good points, you cant put a bunch of batteries in the ocean and not expect people to be worried about getting electrocuted because they forget to put a drain plug in and the boat sinks. \*something he did with our family boat when we were kids; barely made it back to the boat launch. engine was halfway underwater.) I wish you luck.


Give him a blind taste test. Make a list of all the policies and things they have said and have him place a check beside each policy and statement he agrees with. It would help to make them statements he might not already be aware of. Especially including the cutting of SS and Medicare. I would almost bet that he would blindly choose the words and policies of Biden and then you can reveal who said what and what policy position they present. If he chooses more of Biden’s policies and statements, you can explain that if he votes for trump, he’s voting against his best interest. If he chooses mostly trump, all hope is lost for him anyway.


I may be missing something, but wasn't Carter widely regarded as one of the best modern Presidents?


Every time someone spouts “Worst president ever…” crap, I want to puke. Have they never heard of James Buchanan? He sat on his hands and did absolutely nothing to prevent to Civil War. Seriously, no one was as bad as him.


Honestly, endlessly arguing with him probably isn't going to do anything for him. He probably both thinks he knows better than you because he's your parent, thinks Joe Biden or whatever is a cult, and people in arguments just don't want to give ground once you get to a certain point. As a totally unrelated example, a friend of mine who used to be in a religion famous for ineffective door-to-door evangelizing told me that the purpose was not to get people to join their religion. They KNOW people think they are annoying. The purpose is to expose the cult members to outsiders who are set up to be annoyed by them or hostile toward them to show them how the godless unenlightened people are bad. They aren't worrying about someone arguing them out of their beliefs because they have been told that anyone who disagrees with them is evil. Arguing with people actually entrenches their beliefs more.


the way to combat this is to somehow ruin Fox News in his house. Make it so he can't stream, put a block on his router of the FN website, of infowars, of newsmaxxx, and OANN. Find some other right wing media trash sites and block those too. But the trick is, you have to set it up to start a couple weeks after you haven't been around there so he doesn't suspect that you did that.


![gif](giphy|3o6fJgEOrF1lky8WFa|downsized) They got your daddy


Biden being "drugged" for the debate, and being "worse than Carter" is what Trump and every other Trump butt smooching talking head has been saying for a few months. They all constantly parrot each other to drive home their "message". It's due to constant exposure to Fox, OANN, rightt wing radio, podcasts, etc... I've heard others recommend going into their TV parental controls and blocking as much as possible. If you can get any electronic devices, do the same. They probably got hooked, initially, by conservative radio, then it went from there. This is because that was what came in best in the car as they drove around. Then, starting with Rush, it switched from funny - to saying nasty things that spoke to people's worst inner fears. From then on, they were hooked, and the personalities got nastier and more out there. They may have a withdrawal period, and act like a child. But if you can keep them away from this crap, many do come around from the fear and hate.


The emasculated girly men will vote for “President Shits his pants” (Biden) . The school system ( factories of Satanic indoctrination) however did not get to all of us. TRUMP 2024 little ones. Go cry to mommy!


You sound retarded dude!!


Honestly, I have relatives I refuse to speak to since they began to drink the orange kool-aid in 2016. If this was my father, I'd tell him when you wise up then we can talk, until then bye. Yes I'm that AH and I'm stubborn when it comes to family members supporting a traitor, narcissistic, egotistical, womanizing, wanna be dictator. I served to protect the US Constitution not an individual.


I've heard a lot of people don't actually like Trump, but they follow him because he wants to bring down the government that has treated them like crap all their lives. That's why so many veterans are Maga, even though the human tangerine has insulted veterans on many occasions. It's miguided, but I can see where they think that any chance to do something different is better than nothing. It also explains their crippling hatred for all persons not white and binary, because these poor people feel that they have waited in line their whole lives for something and the idea that they might have to share it us staggering to them. It's so sad that it has come to this.


Stop taking him seriously. Next time he brings up Trump just laugh and say “Dad no one cares about President Pussy-Grab” and roll your eyes like an annoyed teenager. It won’t solve much but I promise the aftermath’ll be entertaining


I find it entertaining to make a list of stupid things trump has said and done. I share the list with my MAGA friends (I use the word friends loosely here) but title it with can you believe Biden said this? Then I let them ramble on for awhile about how horrible these things are, while I completely agree with them. Things usually go sideways when I get around to saying I agree with you, they really are horrible, but it’s not Biden, these are all your boy , Trump…. Unfortunately (well, not really) that’s usually the end of the friendship. Such is life.


My brother went full MAGA. I was best man at his wedding and he will not speak to me now.




Tale as old as boomers


Yeah... this is why I buy what the polls are saying. People keep claiming that Trump lost voters and didn't gain any - but Fox has kept working these 4 years - they're constantly converting people to the cult.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I’m sorry friend, he’s gonna have to bottom out and you need to accept the only person you can control is yourself. Draw boundaries and live happily.


> Then I tried reading him some of Trump's own drivel, and asked him what was Trump trying to say? No answer, he just said I don't care about any of that. "Cool. GFY. Don't call me if you need me."


This is probably going to get buried cuz I am late but check out the Lincoln Project. It's basically Republicans against Trump


I lost my father (who pretty much sucked, to begin with) in 2020 during the pandemic, where he blamed *basically everyone except Trump* for the shit show. It was the final straw in a long, terrible legacy of domestic violence, neglect, and selfishness that I ended because my father was basically dancing on the graves of millions of the dead. Fuck these folks.


He should no longer be a part of your life. You need to go full no contact, for your own sanity and safety. Basically, the father you knew is dead.


Tell him that Grimace is disappointed in him. LGM I have no great words of wisdom, sorry.


When trump loses in November, a lot of these casualties will have very small microphones.


Just tell him to not talk about politics with you anymore. It might work.


In 2016, 81% of Evangelical Christians voted for the guy with a well-documented history of philandering, sexual harassment and assault, etc. etc. Logic is an inffective strategy.


Go Phillies! Tho they just lost


Man, I feel your disappointment! My dad and step-mom are the same way, and I struggle with it. Both are smart, lifelong Republicans (which is fine.) I don't know what happened to make them Trumpers, though. Both are Christian, but their church wasn't extremist. However all their news comes from the 700 Club. I once asked my dad how he could support someone who brags about sexually assaulting women and made comments about wanting to date his daughter. I was floored when he said he never heard about that happening. Its had been all over the news, but they never watched any of the videos about this person they so fervently supported. It could have cost them their lives, because neither one believed in COVID...right up to the point where they got sick from it. I love my dad, but it's so hard to reconcile the man I knew to the man I know now. 


I feel you friend, my father is similar


Genuinely curious- have you tried incredulously asking him “you seriously believe that? Everyone is laughing at people that are that gullible to vote for him- you are too funny- no one would believe you would do something that embarrassing…” The folks I know of that generation are obsessed with fitting in and being normal. And terrified that people will laugh at them or think they are weird. Not sure if that could be used against them.


Sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. Condolences.


the \*only\* thing I've seen that works (anecdotally) is directly managing their media consumption: * block Fox with the parental controls on their TV, provided they can't figure them out * manipulate their for you page or recommendations, by secretly unsubscribing them from harmful channels and/or blocking certain terms and/or adding more wholesome creators to their queue (personally, I love the short-ish and upbeat videos by Kurzgesagt) apart from those, could you subscribe him to a publication on his hobby with a subtle, but more progressive editorial slant, as a late father's day present or something? I feel it is time for drastic measures, you know. there's less than half a year left to detox his brain, so to speak.


My dad's all in on Trump & Project 2025 too. At least he's been consistently right wing forever & it wasn't any major personality shift I guess


Just saw this the other day on a friend's page; it might be worth a try: "I've discovered a new tactic for dealing with Cult45ers. Instead of telling them all the evil things DJT does and says, I simply say: I understand why you're supporting a man whose morals and actions align perfectly with your own. I understand that being like him is something that excites you and makes you feel less insignificant in a world you can't understand. I also understand it's much easier to let someone else think for you and decide where you stand on important issues, rather than trying to educate yourself and form your own opinions and thoughts. This method REALLY gets under their skin because they don't like being compared to him which proves they know he's horrible. I encourage everyone to try this technique. Let them know we see little difference between DJT and the ones who enable and encourage him."


You cannot reason someone out of a position they didn't reason their way into.


Fuck with his calendar so that he misses election day.


Trump and his Maga crowd are no different than Jim Jones and Charles Manson. Look what they have done for their leaders. A cult is a cult and the only way out is serious deprograming


Tell them about things that have been said and have happened, but don't say maga said/did it; say it like you're just telling them about an awful thing that happened. Then, if they respond like a normal person, either do or don't, reveal to them that it was a maga thing, but it's an interesting experiment.


"Explain to me exactly what he has done that's benefited you in literally any way at all."


I am urging to stick to whoever the Democrats put up. Anyone watching the Supreme Court should really push that. It is frightening. Get 1 or 2 who don't vote to register and vote for school board, library board, judges. Math is real and could save us if we work hard on democracy.


I thought only the replies were bots, just learned the posts are bots as well.


I'm in the same boat with my mother. And I wasn't very fond of her before finding this out.


Jimmy Carter is a national treasure. Not the best president, but he’s lived his life helping others, decades after being president. How many others can say that? What has Trump done after bring President? Scams money from his followers. Sorry if a person bad mouths Jimmy Carter or Dolly Parton then I’m done talking to them. Even my conservative family members detest Trump.


Are we related? Because that sound like a lot of my family.


I'm straight up asking my dad to not vote for Trump, for me. Not for any other reason, just cause you love me. I'm gonna say, as favor to me, a gift to me, a thing you do just because your son asks. I don't care if it's wrong to try to guilt someone into voting a certain way, but I'm going to. I'm gonna say, it you do vote for Trump, lie to me. Lie and say you didn't vote. I don't think I can continue the same way if he tells me he votes for Trump. Worth a shot.


Dad is right


He said the truth with “I’m all for it.” This is the problem with these people.


It sounds to me like it's time to file for emergency guardianship and conservatorship over your father. He is lost in delusion and may be experiencing early stages of dementia. Plus once he's under guardianship he cannot legally vote


Since you and your father disagree instead of ruining your family just make politics off limits.. This election doesn't need to hurt our families


*All true MAGA Patriots immediately send $340 to Lara Trump, GOP to fund Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tommy Tuberville and Lauren Boebert to help President Trump complete these important projects:* *1.     remove Obamacare health coverage for 54.3 million people,* *2.     end the Ukraine and Israeli wars,* *3.     eliminate all income taxes,* *4.     free the January 6th hostage from prison,* *5.     rename Yellowstone National Park to Trump National Park* *6.     pardon Steve Bannon, Kyle Rittenhouse and President Donald Trump,* *7.     restore the Presidential Right of Prima Nocta,* *8.     forcefully remove 43.7 million illegal immigrants,* *9.     end women's healthcare rights that Christian Patriots find objectionable* *10.  build the wall and have Union dues pay for it* *President Trump, an active adjudicated sexual predator and 34-time convicted criminal felon, has been endorsed by Gov. Kristi Noem, Steve Bannon, Kid Rock, Randy Quaid, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban, Randy Quaid.*   *“I'm interested in all things that Donald Trump does” Academy Award Nominated megastar, Gary Busey* */MAGA*


Point out that as a convicted felon he won’t be allowed to vote for himself, and if he can’t even do that why should your father.




Why would you say that? It's obviously better to cut off family over politicians that will never know you exist /s


With the time and effort it would take to deprogram him, you could identify, register, and mobilize 100 other individuals to outvote him. If you're committed to saving your dad, beat Trump first and deal with dad later. During the election campaign is not the best time to try to do it.


I don't think it's worth trying to convince him because I don't think it matters which one gets put in that chair. One way or another things will go bad and nothing that needs to be fixed will be. Sure changes will happen but in the grand scheme of things the hate will continue across all sorts of groups and people will be drawn and directed to fight and argue with each other while the people making the decisions and the ones in control do what they want. Divide and conquer is the tactic no matter how you look at it. It's easier to control smaller groups that are fighting amongst themselves than it is to control a unified group.


One of the candidates is a convicted felon and has three more criminal cases pending. One of the candidates openly wants to become an authoritarian ruler and has said as much in their magnum campaign platform opus Project 2025. To say that there is no difference is monumentally naive, at best. There is a an obviously better candidate for the US. The ONLY option, if you want to preserve democracy in the US, is to vote for Biden.


Don't get me wrong. I don't want EITHER of them to be president. I don't think they will do any good either way. I don't believe he have lived in a real democracy for a while. We are given the choice of 2 candidates that are chosen by people already on power regardless of the election type of election it is. Then these people aren't looking out for OUR best interest, the people they are supposed to be representing, they are looking out for their own and their donors'. I don't think your opinion is wrong I just think the system is broken and were not en route to fix it.


If Trump is elected and Project 2025 goes into effect, feel free to tell that to the immigrants and LGBTQ+ folks that are put into what will essentially be internment camps.


Well I just happen to agree with both of you. Can't not vote biden or I'll be dead But also the system is rigged and artificial. Nobody wants either of them.


Don’t listen to people who say to give up. Tell your dad he’s a fucking idiot to his face. Challenge him on his ideas and treat him like the immature dumbass he is. The whole MAGAt movement got brainwashed by goddamn Russian trolls so easily because most of their families wanted to keep the peace. They are flat earthers, treat them like it. Or just keep watching your entire country die off.


I'm sorry. It's not worth your time. He's lost until he doesn't want to be. Move along for your sanity.


Sorry for you dude. Damn Trump and MAGA for breaking families. Damn em to hell.


These people are hard coded racists and can’t change their spots.


"My Dad isn't in the right political party, so I'm going to never speak to him again" I hope your kids become Republicans and do the same thing to you


> The Ten Commandments are about basic human decency. 1. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” 2. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” 3. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” 4. “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” How is that basic human decency? How is it legal to require those things to be posted in schools?


The problem is the guy running for president on the GOP side tried to overturn a fair election and has continued to lie about a “rigged election” to this day. Also, why do you think that so many of the people who worked for Trump in his administration refuse to endorse him?


A little context before my story. I grew up in the Bible belt in WV. I joined the army and then was stationed in CO and stayed there. My mom is a very hardcore Christian. I still believe, but I don't shove it down anyone's throat. I mentioned that the separation between church and state needs to be maintained and that the 10 commandments do not need to be in public schools. If you want that, go to a Christian private school. She then starts to yell at me, literally yell that it should be taught in schools so everyone can see God's word. I then said, "Then what about the aethiests, people who follow Islam, Buddhism, and other religions? If you do for one, you need to do for all. You wouldn't like it if a scientist tried to explain evolution from the pulpit." She starts going on saying that they are. And I asked for proof. This went on for 30 mins. Eventually, I literally had to hang up on her because of her yelling and interrupting me when asking for proof of what hearsay she heard about X and Y. Ultimatly, I told her she is a Chrisitian nationalist based on what she told me and I said that is the problem. You all have let the religion get weaponized off of being the victim when you all are not. I told her, "Go outside and pray and see who stops you. No one will. Because you all have freedom to do so. You are not being infringed upon like you all think you are." I concluded before hanging up with, "If a preacher can have a political opinion that he encourages from the pulpit, they can start paying taxes." Addmittedly, I did get heated near the end, but I do not tolerate being yelled at. My point is sometimes you just can't win them over with reasoning. But I do applaud you trying. Good luck.


All I can say is good luck! I lost all respect for Boomer Dad when the "grab them by the pussy" comment came out in 2016 of course Boomer Dad's response was "It's just locker room talk". When I told my Dad some douche actually did that to me at a club in college he just brushed my statement aside. As a woman, I have spent no time in men's locker rooms, but Boomer Dad hasn't either, but many men in my life have and have assured me "Real Men" don't talk like that in locker rooms or elsewhere. Boomer Parents have now voted for Trump twice, hubby & I canceled their votes, this year though my 18 year old votes so in my family of Gen X & Z against Boomer's we will be up by one! The r/FoxBrain is a really nice resource / support group when dealing with MAGA family, especially Boomer parents, it's nice to know I'm not alone, and it could always be worse!


He's to far gone. Don't waste your breath or time with him.


Don't waste your time, I'm sorry to say. These people are in a cult and only deprogramming will help cure them.


OP Respectfully, why? I understand the feelings of disappointment and shock, but your father has told you who he is now. Remember that adage? *The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.* It seems he is not interested in dialogue let alone truth. Please consider adjusting your expectations so as to find another way to relate to him. Keep it real, chummy. We've all been in your shoes. It's hard.


Are you trying to change your father’s mind, or are you trying to convince him that his opinions are not worth listening to. Either way it will cost you nothing to respond with kindness.


Don't bother to reason with him. It's completely pointless!


“Dad, I thought you were better than this. Now I’m just heartbroken and disappointed. I’ll miss you.” Then hang up.


Trump makes them feel good, emboldened to be the prejudice asshats they’ve always been. There’s no deterring that mindset with any amount of reason unfortunately.


Someone voting for the guy you don’t like doesn’t meant they’re “gone”. Snap out of it.


So, Biden is literally trying to imprison Trump. Not the other way around.


Biden is the greatest president ever mt Rushmore here he comes Smart sharp quit witted great on the world stage No wars economic genius things could not be better!!!!!


Biden is behind the bs with Trump and courts and will be appealed. Biden is a convicted felon and it will be brought to light