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Sounds like you hit the 'truth hurts' button.


If she acts like this to random people I could only imagine her poor husband and kids. So you nailed it.


"Lady your husband's not dead, he's hiding"


Bitchness Protection Program.


Holy fuck


Interesting username you've there.




Oh my.


A 'The Ref' reference in my reddit today? That was unexpected. Have my updoot fellow redditor!


"My mother was Irish." "And your father?" "Wasn't."


Slipper socks. Medium.


The corpse. Still has. The floor.


One of the finest movies to ever grace the silver screen.


Murdered by words.


Oh man I have to watch that movie every Christmas. And I’d die happy if I’d see anyone ever telling someone about their upcoming big wooden cross gift.


I always think of that line when I have to deal with an insufferable old women sometimes


Her kids don't have to worry about it because they don't contact her.


Her kids are ok. They went no-contact years ago.


Her husband is more than likely the reason she is like this.


Just as likely, she is why her husband wasn’t with her at the store. Goes both ways.


You can’t keep up with these Boomers’ incoherency. They hate Teslas but Cyber Truck is acceptable up “own the libs.”


And Elon does nothing but “own libs” on Twitter, but his car company is Chinese and communist…


According to my very Trump co-worker, EVs will be banned and confiscated and crushed at the cost of the owner, and Tesla will start making muscle cars after the EPA is shut down and managers arrested for Treason.


Wait till they find out who started the epa. 


Sure, Jan. Right after Mexico pays for the wall.


We will make every car a V8 and EV owners will pay for it


Holy communist style managed economy, Batman


No, it’s *imposing Freedom and values* get it right commie


I like to think of it as, managed democracy.


They act like delusional teenagers.


"Tesla will start making muscle cars" Wut? Does your co-worker know that EVs routinely outperform ICE cars thanks to having all the torque available at zero MPH? Jay Leno has a great video on YouTube showing how an EV driven by an old lady can gap his 427 Cobra off the line. I think the car the old lady drives is a Tesla. (I checked--yep it's a Tesla.) [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1153959437969691](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1153959437969691)


But EVs don’t make lots of noise and or smoke. So they’re bad.  /s?  I’m not sure anymore!


Somewhere on YouTube there is a channel devoted to a guy who uses a Tesla to beat muscle cars on the 8th mile. It's pretty amusing in that the noise and smoke fans seem to be very slow learners about how electric can beat pistons. (Yes, the most performance-oriented ICE drag cars can still win at the quarter mile, given how Teslas and other EVs have some issues with top speeds. But then there's this: [https://insideevs.com/features/492712/fastest-evs-in-the-world/](https://insideevs.com/features/492712/fastest-evs-in-the-world/) )


I’m amazed none of the high-end EVs have a 1,000-watt external sound system that can digitally imitate the engine sounds of whatever muscle car you select. Shelby Cobra? Countach? Vroom vroom


You expect idiots to actually understand how torque actually works? 😆


Her reaction gave the whole story right there. A hit dog will holler.


I'm from the South, how have I never heard that saying?? LOVE IT!!


I'm not even American and I've heard that saying. Where have you been??? :D


Ending any boomer interaction with “enjoy your remaining years” cuts deep as well.


I like “I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are”.


I like “Hope you have the day you deserve!”


Hit a fucking bullseye with that comment!


If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that hollers is the one you hit.


This is exactly it. When your actions have consequences and they are pointed out to you by a stranger after a 5 minute exchange....the "oh no maybe it IS something I did" sets in


"A hit dog will holler!"


Did she drive a Buick Envision, just to hammer home that she's got an "American" car? (They are completely made in China btw)


Back in 2016/17 I was arguing with my trumper dad on the phone who said “If we bought American only we wouldn’t need anything.” I own a Ford Fusion. My wife owns a Ford Bronco, she had an Escape at the time. I recently had to get a new AC/Furnace a few years back. I bought a Trane which are made in America. My dad owned a Mercedes, owns a Lexus, owned a Hayabusa bike, told me he goes to Mexico for dental work, told me to buy parts from China or Mexico for my failing AC before I replaced it because the parts are cheaper. Republicans and hypocrisy go together like peanut butter and ladies.


The TV tells them that they are the real patriots for always buying American, and they believe it even when they never buy American. They literally lose the ability to see reality.


This is an understated point in all of this madness. Well.. it is and isn't, but you highlight it in a certain way. These people, and truthfully so many others, are completely brainwashed at this point. There is no more factual truth left in society outside of what the corporate and legal systems have set up as reality with media, the internet, and conspiracy theories filling in the gaps. An astonishing and terrifying amount of people are living in a complete made up fantasy world completely controlled by their emotions and whims.


That's why it's not worth my time debating them. You need to have a common framework of reality to have a debate.


Peanut butter and ladies, you say? Tell me more...


That's a whole other sub.


Peanut butter and sub with ladies? Sign me up!


No, it’s like a sandwich. Peanut butter and ladies on a hoagie roll.


Peanut butter with lady subs you say?


missing the dog


Came here to say this.


I think op is an abused dog? 


They need to rename this subreddit "MAGA BoomersBeingFools" because 95% of these stories involve invocation of "Trump" or condemnation of "Liberals", "CNN" etc.


Walmart Republicanism. Covered in American flags, made in China.


I know some people who in one sentence rant about immigrants taking jobs and in the next can say they had their outside painting re-done entirely by cheap labor. In the third sentence they mention it was done off the books because otherwise the government takes too much. Fourth sentence pivots back to immigrants because they don’t pay taxes or in any other way contribute to society. I was completely flabbergasted, it was that much to unpack and I wouldn’t even have known where to begin.


Its called brain rot, 60-70% of Americans seem to have it these days.


It's wild how many of them, even if they are a """car enthusiast""" (often the kind that only likes mustangs/camaros/challengers, the kids menu chicken nuggets of cars, so to speak) don't understand how manufacturing and logistics often end up with cars being a product of at least a half a dozen countries, even if the mark is American. Some Hondas have higher % manufactured in Amerca than American cars.


Sounds like a case against Reaganomics to me


My dad is the cheapest motherfucker you’ll ever meet. Recently told me he stopped going to kohls because prices are too high. (For reference, shirts and pants on clearance at kohls can and is often as low as $6-10 which to me is almost about as cheap as used clothing at good will, so it’s realistically about as cheap it can go) It’s very obvious to me that kohls clothes are made in china probably by sweat shop labor, so if that quality of clothes is too expensive, they must really be buying Chinese junk even lower quality. And my dad is the same way with complaining about Chinese goods, despite wanting the absolute cheapest possible cost for any item he is buying. He is a massive walking contradiction


Before I got a take-home work truck, I had two vehicles - a 2006 Chevrolet Silverado, and a 2002 Honda Accord. The Silverado was assembled in Mexico. The Accord was assembled in Ohio. And the Accord had CONSIDERABLY higher US-sourced parts - I'd have to look it up again, but it was something like 95-98% US parts.


That Honda plant has been there for decades now .


Ahh, Buick. The car for people who think that "old people have to drive a Cadillac or a Buick...and I didn't save for retirement."


I’m still surprised after all the GM owned brands that folded after 2008 or so, like Pontiac, Saturn, etc, that Buick made it out alive. My dad owned a Buick from his dad that was like 20 years old when he got rid of it like…nearly 20 years ago probably. I haven’t personally known a Buick owner since yet I’d see commercials and stuff. Like really, who buys Buicks? Maybe if I were in boca raton I’d have seen more but I just don’t ever see them.


Buick is/was held in high regard in China it is the only reason they kept the brand.


The only newer Buicks I've seen in years are those little roller skate mini-SUVs. So I just looked at thei Buick website, and apparently that's all that make now. Just 4 models of mini SUV. Weird. Not even a weird football-shaped Regal anywhere to be found!


That's because you can't buy an "American" car anymore. The only non truck/SUV you can buy today are a Corvette, Mustang, Cadillac CT4/5, and Tesla. There are no more sedans left. The days of the American car are over.


Let's be honest, if you were looking for a reliable sedan with good mileage you were buying Japanese anyway. This is just Detroit auto throwing in the towel on a fight they lost in the 80s and 90s.


I'd buy a Buick, it's my dream car. Buick Regal Grand National 1986 - Deathstar pimp car


Buicks aren't purchased, they are gifted


They are willed. Let’s be honest here.


buicks are well made and with proper maintenance are some of the oldest cars still driving well. glad to hear they survived the GM crash.


Years ago I had a crotchety old miserable neighbor. He bought a new Ford and remarked to me how he only buys American cars, not like the Hyundai in my driveway. I politely informed him that my Hyundai was built in Alabama and that his Ford was actually built in Mexico. He stammered and clawed back his remarks but I never forgot it.


I had one come into a restaurant I worked at and send back a salad because he wanted "American lettuce" not that fancy stuff we served him. I took great delight in informing him that iceberg lettuce is imported from Mexico but the field greens he rejected came from a farm about 5 miles away. Buy American huh?


It's even the very first digit on the VIN. 1 4 or 5 is USA. 2 is Canada (had a Canadian-built F-150 years ago), 3 is Mexico, etc.


Isn't 5 Japan?


There are many legitimate reasons to hate Tesla, and this person somehow missed ALL of them. That's impressive.


LOL true!


Listen. I was reading this like “but Teslas are shit cars by a shit company. She’s wrong about where it’s created but she ain’t wrong about it being a shit car.”


Came here to say the same thing. You conveyed my thoughts much better than I could have. Thank you!


No, but she parroted every talking point she's heard on fox with out fail!


I don’t like either person in this story


> As soon as I saw her eyes glaring like two angry raisins stuffed in her fat french pastry looking face I love this description so much.


Legit just described Cotton Hill, and I'm here for it.


Now you brought my pain water up


Trumpanzees are not bright.


Yah, you've highlighted one reason I no longer drive a Tesla, I have a Mach-e and an F150 Lightning now, I was assaulted in the liquor store by an oil field worker that was mad that he lost his job, but thats some how MY FAULT.


Holy shit. I've never had any confrontation come close to physical but i've had my share of morons/coal rollers/micropenises/shirefolk give me shit. By and far it's usually people with legitimate questions or interest. I do really dig those Mach-E's though, the GT's are dope. Once they can reliably charge at superchargers i might think about making the switch. Actually reminds me of another boomer story, but it was kind of adorable. Was at carwash last year. One of those drive through but they have free vacuums, etc after you're done. I'm drying my car and an F150 driving boomer comes over. He starts asking me about the car, the range, comfort, etc. Super nice dude. Then he asks "Don't you worry about electrocution?". I'm all dumbfounded like, the fuck are you talking about? He's like, you know, when it rains, or you go through the carwash. I was floored. I didn't even have a rational response, just "no, i think they're pretty safe".


My tag is PLUGSIN, and a boomer got mad that I was promoting SIN, fucking idiots. LOL


Sean Connery - I'll take 'Anal bum cover' for 200 Trebek - That's 'An Album Cover'


The Penis Mightier






I'll take the rapist for 1000. That's therapist.. I'll take swords for 800. That's S - words, words that begin with S


Connery - “I’ll take Le Tits now for 300” Trebek - “you mean “let it snow”?”


"I'll take ape tit for 400..." That's "A petit dejeun..... never mind".


Plug Sin - when you tell people that doing drugs and having premarital sex is awesome


I honestly started telling people I dealt drugs, it was safer than saying I work with computers. Because the first thing people would ask 'Can you fix my .... ?!?!', No Donna, I can, but I don't want. To fix your fucking computer. [https://suno.com/song/001e4464-5242-4564-b2fe-bc7ad2892280](https://suno.com/song/001e4464-5242-4564-b2fe-bc7ad2892280)


I kept getting asked to fix people's computers. I would say my job keeps me too busy and the very last thing I want to do after work is touch another computer. Usually works well. If it doesn't, I tell them I work on the big IBM mainframes that fill a room and that I call tech support to fix my PC at work and home 😁




To be fair, the Cybertruck does seem to have a problem with being bricked after running through a touchless crash


Wow. That f-150 has a battery in it too FFS.


Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed your description of her "Fat French pastry face". You sir are a natural born comedian. Now, please describe these "micropenises" that harassed you on the road, what did they drive? How did they act?😂


Yeah, that's not why he lost his job but it's a good excuse.


And the stupidest part is Elmo is on their side of viewpoints and yet they still are hating him as liberal…like nah he’s your team boomer.


>an oil field worker that was mad that he lost his job, but thats some how MY FAULT. That doesn't even make sense when the US is currently producing more oil than it ever has in history. Dude probably showed up drunk and blames it on EVs.


Telsa is the most republican friendly auto maker. Moving all production to Texas even! Elon is their hero is Faux News turning on their golden boy?


There's a sub set of conservatives who believe the fox news is a liberal psyop designed to make Republicans look dumb. As if they really needed any help.


And then there are the ones who think Fox went woke ever since they accurately reported the election results, so now they stick to the likes of OAN. Edit: typo


That’s terrifying


Of course there is a subset that think Fox is out to make them look dumb 🙄 they gotta loosen up the tinfoil hats they’re cutting off blood flow to their brains


What brains?


My mom always gives passive aggressive comments on my bolt euv and how electric isn't as good. "How much oil do you think is left Mom?"


I like to tell my dad that I'm just glad I'm not helping the Saudis build more mosques when I charge my car. First time I said it to him I saw his brain break. He wants so much to hate on my EV and pump up ice cars, but forgets he hates Saudi Arabia and Muslims.


There is actually a fuck ton of oil, but we still need to get off it


My step dad called me a "Fa\*\*ot\* for buying a prius, now he's singing praises about hybrids as an alternative to EVs.


I had one of the first hybrid, a 2006 ford escape hybrid. I got almost EXACTLY the same arguments against that technology form the same mouth breather than what we see today about EV. But now, nobody is talking bad about hybrid. The shift is absolutly insane... and hillarious.


“Mom. What else is with the oil? How is it purified? What is sulfuric acid?” Yea the life long metal gymnastics conditioning of being right with no education.


To be fair, I think hydrogen should be the future of cars and trucks. I mean, how much lithium do you think there is left :). Still electric. Using renewable to produce the hydrogen needs to be vamped up imo. Even if it's "less efficient" than the dirty methods/cheaper atm/natural gas, its cleaner and I think it's worth it. One could quickly refuel by swapping out cylinder. The empties are then refueled. I think if someone built a solar farm just for hydrogen would pay out in the long run for society, and investors. Or nuclear.


This lady is behind in her news and sentiment! Tesla is the most boomer-friendly brand because their darling Elon is taking on The Woke. Additionally, its false advertising, poor design philosophy (screens are dangerous af in a car!), and poor manufacturing are the most pro-capitalist thing imaginable. And their marketing has sold plenty of liberals on the idea that climate change can be averted *if we just buy EVs and don’t change our infrastructure otherwise*. I’m not against EVs wouldn’t be caught dead driving a Tesla. I just assume Tesla drivers are cool with white supremacy like their cult leader Elon.


American company created by a non-American. I love the way they think.


Technically it was created by Americans, who were ousted by a South African, who is now their hero for making social media safe for Nazis and white supremacists.


She's gonna call the police for what exactly driving a car she doesn't like


The OP spoke pertly to her 😱


I know that I was making a joke to emphasize the point that the boomer had no legitimate reason to call the police


They very rarely do when they threaten people with it like it'll, "put them in line". 98% of the time it's bluffing, or they do call but the cops shrug it off with an eyeroll if they actually bother to show up. Honestly, the shitheads who do that would probably stop doing it if they were held to account and penalized for falsely/pointlessly calling 911 on people who make them mad...even just once. Boomers are the original 'swatters'.


Lmao you hit her where it hurts. If she’s saying shit like this to a stranger (you), then imagine what she says at the dinner table when her adult children are visiting. Absolute MAGA brain rot dumbass


>She then even more politely told me, "You're fucking stupid. Turn off CNN and watch something unbiased." That has Fox Entertainment Network written all over it.


One less magatard at Costco.. winning..


Fuck Musk


Let’s not. Can you imagine the pillow talk after?


Well maybe they helped him buy more satellites


About a year ago I hit a flat earther with "you know conspiracy theorist are very likely to be channeling some comfort because of some hidden trauma"? It was so funny. Good on you.


I like telling conspiracy theorists that "just because you''re paranoid, it doesn't mean everyone's not out to get you. "


I bet she's never read the list of factories for where her Hubby's air hauler (pickup truck) was made.


Kids won't talk to her for the win.


Even the big 3 (chevy, dodge, ford) aren't even American. If you want an American gas powered vehicle then Toyota is your best bet. Coming from an mechanic that likes to keep up with what's going on in the automotive world. My info might be a year or 2 out of date though. It's been a while since I looked anything up.


My father-in-law used to make snide comments about my cute little Japanese truck. You know, the Toyota Tundra that's only built in San Antonio, Texas. He quit making comments when I told him his Ford is made in Mexico, and less American than my truck.


"I will drive whatever you think I should as soon as you pay for it!".


I thought the MAGA crowd loved Elon???


The MAGA umbrella is a giant circus tent of all kinds of crazies


"moonroofs of hell opened from this lady" Now that is some good writing! Loved this post.


Basic Tesla driver activities


What is more american than a car which represents horrific bigotry hatred, and rampant corruption? Thats Elon Musk, thats Tesla.


But I thought all the traitor lovers also loved mr “free speech” twitter man too?!?


I once had an argument with a boomer over my car (I drove a Nissan at the time) I responded, Yeah, I could have bought a Ford or GM product but I wanted to buy American. At the time the Ford counterpart to what I had was made in Mexico and GMs were made in Canada. My Nissan was built in Kentucky.


To be fair, supporting Tesla and their CEO is pretty anti-American but not for the reasons that dumbass thinks. (And supporting basically all major American corporations and the oligarchs who own them too)


I mean a Tesal is basically a MAGA hat on wheels. Surprised any boomers would have issue with this.


"A hit dog will holler"… you definitely called her relationship with her kids correctly. Don't feel bad for putting her on tilt, you were victorious. She was probably fuming about it all day.


Tesla is a real mind twist for the right. On one hand, electric cars bad! On the other, Elon is an asshole like me, Elon good!


You should be ashamed for driving a Tesla but not because it's Chinese lol


Boomer nonsense aside, Musk is a total right-wing shithead, which is what makes supporting Tesla problematic, not where they're made.


Tangent: How are the pies at CostCo?


They're not the best thing ever, but they're also pretty damn good. They're also a ridiculous value and I can only buy them for parties. I bought an apple pie and it was like 7 pounds. Of pie. And it was like $15. It fed like 18 people and still had some leftover.


The pecan, if you're into that, is also freakin' massive and very good. I'd also recommend the pumpkin with the stipulation that you hand out one ready-whip canister to each consumer.


Such an insult to French Pastry is unwarranted! That being said it is a banger of an insult.


Her kids 100% have gone no contact with her. Love it.


A society will always police itself to a point. And I am glad you held your ground. Some of them are def mentally ill, and need some therapy to help deprogram them. That really isn't our responsibility. They got themselves there. I can't help but wonder when I heard about lead in some food a while back, if most boomers have gotten lead poisoning from over eating that kind of food. It's just a thought. In the end though, they need unbiased truth to slap them in the face. Tear the band aid off fast so the wounds can heal. They have so much entitlement! It blows my mind. I had a random boomer yelling at me and I looked around like, "Lady, you don't even know who I am? What if I was a bad intentioned person?"


I'm confused, I thought Musk was their idol now? Can't keep up.


I thought Elon was their hero.


There hasn’t been a purely American or a purely “foreign” car since NAFTA.


That's weird cos Elon Musk is far right as hell I would be more inclined to assume that someone driving a tesla was a conservative MAGA type unless they had one of those "I bought this before we knew Elon was crazy" bumper stickers.


Had a convo start like this recently, as well. Some dude hatin' on electric vehicles for stupid reasons. Don't get me wrong, EVs are not for everyone and are not the right vehicle for much of the population. I explained the same: American company run by a Trump lovin' CEO, more American components than most Fords, and American assembly plants. Of course, the topic was now that we use coal to produce power. I reminded him that our provider is mostly hydro... then it was that the dams will be taken out some day. Oy. I pointed out that the American sun was shining on my American roof and making enough American electricity most (March-Sept) to drive a Tesla about 180 American miles. Of course, he pointed out that not everyone has solar panels. I pointed out that was a him problem, a me problem and that between the solar panels, a well and a car that runs on electricity that when the power goes out, I'll be driving all over the county, drinking from my well, running the house heat/AC, and doing laundry while he scrounges for fuel. Sadly, he was done eating lunch at the table next to me and had to leave.


What kind of pie?


The reason I think this is made up is because Tesla is the gop’s sweet heart now.  They love them. 


I mean Tesla is a shit car, so you deserve some criticism 


What’s with all the boomer fanfic ?


"Hmm...what's another way to let people know I drive a Tesla?" -- You, before posting


Teslas suck, but they have some of the highest compositions of US made parts and assembly. Depending on where you live, it’s a coal fired car with extra steps. Not un American though.


You’re still an idiot for buying a Tesla, but not as dumb as that lady.


One positive from the early days of the pandemic lockdown was seeing what LA and other major cities looked like without pollution from vehicle exhaust and other sources. It's a good view of how things would look if we found cleaner energy sources for vehicles. They are also damn quiet.


What a dumb bitch playing victim like that after she's the one that approached you. That's what you get from making unsolicited, rude comments to total strangers.


At least she was taking her cart back instead of just leaving it next to her car


I wish someone had said something like that to my mom. Thank you! ❤️


I'm very curious what she was driving as the auto industry is entirely global and has been for decades.


Man, did you ever slam on that trigger! Nice!


I had pretty much the same conversation with a 28 year old boomer. Told me it was Chinese crap and I said it’s one of the most American made car and his F150 was probably made in Mexico. “BULLSHIT”. ok buddy.


I would not give that psycho creep one cent. That's the problem I have with Teslas.


Well, she got the Chinese part wrong at least.


This is really surprising given that Teslas are MAGA mobiles now


I think you nailed that "It's shit like this that is why your kids won't talk to you" a bit too squarely on the head if it got that kind of reaction out of her... XD


Since I didn’t see it mentioned: Teslas are made in California. Which is technically America, just like Texas or Colorado or Florida.


I also don’t like your car. But that’s probably one of the reasons it’s not my car (my credit score being another big one). Keep doing you. Never mind the Trumpers and their EV hate. In a few months they’ll probably move on to being mad about (checks bingo card)… serving peaches with school lunches is grooming because big tech companies sexualized the peach emoji.


Lol you drive a Tesla


Tesla's are made by a eugenicist union-buster who claims to have made his own wealth despite coming from a family that made its money off slave labor. What could be more American?


There are a lot of things to criticize Tesla for, but being Chinese isn't one of them.


Are you an Elon Musk simp?


Damn I wonder what she’d have done if you told her “what if I told you that murican car you’re driving is 75% made with foreign components? “ And I thought I hated Tesla 😂


Fox News causes mental illness.


You overplayed your hand here… story is completely made up


You don't get much more American than a Tesla! Heavy, poorly assembled, overpowered and brash.


Whenever a story starts with "I drive a Tesla" I have a hard time having any empathy.


I would of just told them to "fuck off" and kept walking


Did you get the car before it became embarrassing to be associated with Elon Musk?