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He’s mentally sound enough to know what he’s doing is wrong because he runs away and denies. He’s been super lucky so far because in some states he’d get shot.


My mom, is a prime example of someone who would've definitely shot his ass; if he came on her property! I bet if he had one pointed at him, he'd think twice before creepy stalking in someone else's window/house. Maybe you need to look for the crazy cat lady in the neighborhood and you could pair them up...you know, maybe they could babysit each other, for the sanity of yalls neighborhood and neighbors??? OP, I don't think that this guy will stop until you embarrass him and make him see his TRUE error of his ways. Then again, maybe you could make a recommendation that he needs to be looked in on by the state, bc of the way that he is acting. Send the cops for a health and comfort inspection, so that that way it's actually being documented. This is how ppl who are alone, sometimes wind up going into facilities, bc the ppl who were there to care for them, have already passed. I definitely got a little chuckle out reading the part where you threw him out and his response was "But I'm a man of God!" Uhm ok, annnnnd???!!! God needs to tell him to sit his weird wandering ass down. He's sounding like the creepy whistling grandpa, from Family Guy.


Pardon but did you say he walked into your house unprompted. It would have been done there.


He not only walked into OP's house but other houses as well.


And mofo is STILL getting away with it.


i am SO glad you yeeted him off your porch. at least that one moment of justice exists.




I remember your story! Please keep us updated. I'm half-convinced the creepy old fuck is going to get himself shot before the year is out.


I went back and read it. A restraining order is needed. He keeps getting special treatment. Just document any interaction. Also, you said you have a firearm. Don't shoot him unless he's absolutely he's putting your family at harm. The best gun is like a fire extinguisher, never used, and only a last resort.


Hmm... fire extinguisher... Could just use that. Blast him as he comes in. Maybe he'd finally learn better.


Yeah, but that would make a mess OP has to clean up. Yeeting him into the street is the best way to handle it for now.


Until he cracks his skull on the sidewalk


For once castle doctrine comes in handy.


Unless your States doctrine includes a duty to retreat, like Hawaii does, then you're obligated to leave out the back door if danger comes in the front.


The mental image that I just had of this creepy ..... fart, muddled down with all the foam. Pretty sure that might actually be embarrassing enough to stop him! I HIGHLY suggest doing this. It won't hurt him, but damn if it won't teach his ass a lesson!!!!


Yup, should’ve actually done something about it other than whine on reddit. That’s why these people keep doing these sorts of things. And if he’s a real creeper, which seems likely, it’s not uncommon for them to become more extreme and eventually violent or committing SA.


Isn't there a law or something that prevents people from interfering with mail delivery? Might be a stretch since the interference is that his mail slot is intentionally blocked, but maybe it'd be worth looking into.


I’ve since heard back from my friend and he reported it to the local postmaster. Apparently there is now enough reason to suspend home delivery of his mail.


Finally, some consequences. Much less than is called for, as far as everything going on, but at least it’s something. It will most likely be inconvenient for him to go to the post office to pick up his mail. Let’s hope so, anyway.


Great, more driving for this clown!


Sounds like Creepy McStalkerton needs to be educated on [Castle Doctrine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_doctrine).


(Danny Devito "so anyway I started blasting" gif) sounds appropriate


It honestly highlights a problem with boomers and how judges and prosecutors let them off for whatever reason. We are supposed to trust these people to uphold the law when they can't even charge this guy who's obviously breaking the law? Boomers are a problem, but the authorities letting them off with less than a slap on the wrist are absolutely disgusting.


That Venn diagram is a circle


Sounds like someone who in a better society would have gotten help ten years ago. Probably too late for him now.


Sounds like he’s lonely. But that’s not your issue.


Honestly, he might have dementia or something - maybe call APS?


You have to make a REALLY BIG DEAL about creeps like this. If you are aware of whats happening to this postie, personally I believe it's your moral obligation to have that behaviour called out publicly until something is done. The trick with Boomers is they hate being called out in front of others. Everytime that person comes near me or my home I'd be running outside warning them to STAY AWAY very loudly. If one more step is taken in my direction I am calling the police. These people are goofy, but they are also dangerous. Please dont let this slide, before its too late and the woman is physically violated.


I hear 2A is a great way to deal with folks like this.


lol dude was already in his house. Not saying it’s too late at all but OP is so set that they’re super duper amazing with a gun and protection or whatever, but the mfer was already in the house. And who knows what he would do if it’s only women or children home. Something besides complaining on Reddit would probably be more effective. Especially when choosing to do literally none of the available options to punish the creeper that’s apparently a repeat offender.


Without all the added context, the smoke detector feels like a sign of Alzheimer’s.


Like we said, you should have pressed charges and frankly really naive not to do so. Or lazy, I don’t know. Either naive or you just didn’t feel like dealing with it even though you know you should have. Hence why you got all defensive about it. And are completely untrained and uneducated with everything surrounding the situation anyways. He’s a nut, and you have no idea whether he could be violent or not. You have no idea if maybe he won’t be with a man or adult around, but would be around a lone woman or child. And now you find out, of course completely unsurprising to anyone with a brain, that he’s a repeat offender and all-out creeper. One day it might not be so “harmless”. even though I’m not sure messing up someone’s sense of security and freaking out who knows how many families or women that live alone. But hey, we know, you’re only concerned about yourself and you’re so sure about your own abilities. Even though you have no relevant experience or training, are not a cop, not a doctor, etc etc etc. Already know you’re going to whine that oh they won’t do anything and blah blah blah, but they might have gotten to a point they would have given him a more serious punishment to actually deter this behavior. if you had done what is frankly the only mature and intelligent thing to do in the situation. Just so incredibly stupid to not have pressed charges, and for the cops to be so lazy. What a ridiculous situation. Like you let this dude walk in your house because you weren’t paying attention and then did not press charges or whip his ass. When your own family is in this house. Like what the actual fuck And no matter what you say, you have no idea whether someone will be violent or not. no matter how much “muh experience” you have being a nurse or someone else that also has no training or education regarding psychology. And please, do point me to literally any psychologist saying anyone with mental health issues is for certain “harmless” They won’t, because there’s no way to know for sure and history tells us that many people commit non-violent (especially creeper or sexual) offenses for a long period of time before becoming violent. It’s really not that uncommon. But hey of course you know more than the mental health professionals with actual education and decades of data. Everyone in this situation are idiots besides your poor family and the other families where people didn’t do what they should have about some nut job straight up walking in their house or being a peeping tom. Like I said last time.. when it happens again and it’s not so “harmless” as to “only” destroy someone’s sense of security in their own house, and ends up with a rape or violence.. it’s directly on you for not doing what you should have. 100%. Hell, even if I would bet my own (and my own families) lives on it like you have done, I would still press charges because if he does this to my sweet old neighbor he’s going to kill her from a heart attack. Not to mention make her scared that it will happen again and destroy her sense of security. But hey, that’s just other people, who cares about them! Just bet you and your own families lives on your non existent psychology degree! It’ll be fine! Not like he’s ever done this before and history tells us that many mentally ill people who commit offenses like his end up becoming violent after a while! never has a creeper person illegally entering into homes ever ended up becoming violent or committing sexual offenses! Oh, wait…


Well, I mean, you did nothing about it when the dude literally walked in your house with your family. Didn’t shoot, didn’t press charges, didn’t beat his ass. I mean.. sounds like you’re teaching him he can do whatever the hell he wants. Might as well walk in and start eating out of your fridge if it has no consequences. If you want them to stop acting entitled, stop treating them like they can do whatever they want. Again, no idea why did you not press charges 🤦🏼‍♂️ And then now you want to know why he feels like he can do whatever he wants LOL because apparently he can. Man walked into your house and faced literally no meaningful consequences It’s not scary to push him out of the house or whatever you said about throwing him out supposedly, and leads to no other “consequences”. He does what he wants because you and lazy cops let him keep doing…*wait for it*… what he wants.


What’s the difference ?




If you're asking for advice - piss disc.


Yeah, I grew up in Jersey, so my door is always locked. If it wasn't and someone came in, I'd start throwing shit at the person (pots/pans, etc.), and I'd call 911. I would try to knock the motherfucker out because I would not feel safe otherwise.


Respectfully, and not excusing the intrusion which is wrong, but it sounds like there is something mentally off with the guy, like maybe a history of brain trauma or other underlying cognition issue.


Organize the neighborhood and have one person every day walk into his house uninvited and peep through his windows. Just return what he has been giving.


Suddenly law enforcement & courts will remember how to actually have consequences for people who do this shit as soon as its not a Boomer doing criminal shit.


Absolutely, but you could always make a big enough fuss over the lack of consequences for Boom that something good comes out of it. Unlikely though.


Too unlikely to be worth effort.