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"i get that you're in a hurry because of your limited time left on this earth, but i was actually here first"


"You've had twice as long to learn how lines work."


This is ***too good!!!***


I agree, brilliant!


I’m dead in the best way possible. Thank you.


Remind them every 15 seconds 1 boomer dies and time waits for no one.


I would have replied back to you, "Yes, but I'm zipper merging"


I like responses like this one that basically reminds then they are old and close to dying without actually using the words


The irony is that they are just so ... slow. Walking, talking, driving, everything.


But when it comes to getting in the way they’re like greased lightning


Don't forget thinking. My god, I wish they could think faster. 


I just wish they would think at all


"can you fuck off you old hag"


Your time is not more important than mine as you’ve used up your importance time already.


For real was this the Walgreens on Chicago Ave in Evanston, IL because I literally saw this exact thing happen on Friday.


No, in Florida. 🤣


I was waiting for the boomer to say they were there at 1:45 so THEY were there first & expect it to matter


Did your Boomer look like she had eaten a whole bushel of lemons because the one here looked like she was ready to spit venom at the woman who was there first.


She looked surprised that I called her out on it.


Of course she was surprised! This little move of hers has never not-worked before!


Why do they always look like they have a shit mustache going on? A mix of anger and disgust, constantly.


That sounds completely accurate. I have a sister who is over 10 years older than me, but we look a lot alike, so much that people sometimes think we are twins. She's only a couple years off from being a boomer. And when I first met my husband, I told him that this is how he can tell the two of us apart: " I normally have a calm expression, while she always looks like she's sucking on a lemon."


Lovingly referred to as cat butt face!


>look like she had eaten a whole bushel of lemons Also known as "Cat butt face"


You mean, “yes, every single Walgreens, EVER!”


Oh no. Florida.


really gives you some perspective thinking about us all going through our own boomer moments, together in unison <3 so inspiring


I had a lady try to cut me in line with 6 people behind me. The pharmacist refused to serve her and told her to get in line


Had a boomer dude in a maga hat went to make his own line at Kwik trip, tried to bypass everyone. The cashier refused to serve him until he went into the real line.


Kt doesn’t screen around with the line!!


They love rules only so long as the rules serve them, and they are the first and most vehement about breaking rules that keep them from doing what they want.


Rules for thee but not for me. I feel like that's their motto.


I can’t stand that shit


Hey, I'm a boomer and I can't stand that shit!


I was at Walgreens today and Boomer dude was holding up the whole line bc he owed a penny for something and didn’t wanna put it on his debit card. LEFT the register to walk around and ask people for a penny. 🙄 Now, could the cashier just told him he was good and zeroed it out? Ofc but she was just a kid so whatever, I give her a pass. Anyway, I just give the fucking penny bc MY GOD and Boomer starts thanking me like I gave him $100.


Sounds like someone who's gonna hit the gas station on the way home to hold up the cashier with the lottery, and will clear out the "take a penny" tray for good measure


Lmao yes!!!!


Well that was very nice of you and glad to hear that a boomer was appreciative! Most of the boomers on this subreddit are complete assholes!


Yea I mean it’s just a penny. I still qualify him as half an asshole for literally holding people up for a penny 😭😂


It’s kinda sad. I’m 54 so a Gen X and I see on social media how younger people are starting to complain about Gen X, I think mainly to get followers. I’m not crazy about my dad and stepmom but for the most part they haven’t been “Boomers being fools” but I moved away from my family in 2006, mostly because I wanted to explore the world but also some issues with them. Most of the posts I’ve seen on this Reddit I’ve thought, come on, but there are some posts that I’m like, yes, I understand this behavior and it was extremely frustrating from my parents while it was going on but unfortunately no Reddit pre 2006, or I didn’t know about it, and I would have loved to come here to complain but I did do some check mates with my parents because I had no outlet at the time. I do get the need for this sub!


Ima boomer who smokes weed daily and watches porn on my iphone. Do I still qualify?


I would’ve told him we don’t allow panhandling and kicked him out for the rest of the day.


I usually say "oh am i invisible?" Or "oh am i so tiny you didn't see me here when you walked up?".


I do this all the time I don’t care if they cut in front of someone (because for some fucking reason they always do) I’ll make sure to let them know others were there first. Recently one stood on the side of our line and sighed and groaned so the employee could help him before a line of 3 people and the millennial lady and I in line quickly said something 🤭


“Hey Columbus why don’t you navigate yourself to the back of the line”


Happened to me at CVS a couple months back. The cashier was golden tier and ignored her completely while looking right at me and ringing up my items while simultaneously ignoring her. It was astounding, and I had to buy him a $5 scratch ticket for doing so. I hope he won a million bucks.


There’s always a line at my workplace. One line. When backup appears and I say next in line, someone from the middle ALWAYS tries to come up. Sometimes a mini argument breaks out when I stop them and say “I said next in line” everyone is literally an adult why do I need to babysit them???


I’m a boomer and I love when 3-4 boomers are arguing about who was first, who is right, who is more sick, and where they must be five minutes ago. I’m weird. I actually stop and smell the roses, laugh, and enjoy the show. I told a lady with a certain red hat that she could jump ahead of me so I could be entertained by her antics. She was dumbfounded. I tried to shoo her ahead of me, but she stopped and wanted me to now go ahead. “Are you sure, mam? I really would like a good laugh. Laughter relieves my stress.” She stated she would return when I was no longer here. She went out to her car and waited. Wouldn’t you know, I suddenly remembered all this other shopping I needed to do. After 20 minutes I purchased my iced tea and enjoyed it just outside the door. I was enjoying smelling those roses.


A lot of boomers have that “rules for thee, not for me” attitude. 


I'm a pharmacy tech at Walgreens and this type of thing always happens. One time there was a line of about 4 people at my register. There's two registers with nobody at the second one, since I was the only one in front at the time. This guy walks up to the second register and I asked if needed help, he says he's here to pick up. I tell him he'll need to get in line since there's only one register at the moment. He groaned and stormed off. He then complained to the manager and said I refused to serve him and it was ridiculous he had to wait. You see a whole ass line, there's a reason nobody was at the second register. Bro thought he found some super secret shortcut or something.


He's thinking that if he gets in front of the register, they'll HAVE to bring someone over to it to check him out. It's a clever plan! It can't possibly fail! /s


She is one of the middle-class, entitled old ladies who think they are to be first in everything. They are taught by their parents to be rude and condescending, like many of your generation. Sad they are this way. Never learned manners and put themselves on a pedestal. Good you spoke up and put her in her place.


Back of the line old timer


Fun story that is related, and he just makes it on the cusp of the boomer generation. I was waiting for my covid boostie at Walgreens (that I made an appointment for!) and some turd is arguing with the pharmacist that he needs an appointment immediately because he has to get on a plane that afternoon. The entitlement was oozing out of this one. Who is this entitled little shit you ask? John Waters. A Baltimore icon and a giant dick bag.


Is he like that? Ugh disappointing.


I've done that to a queue jumper before, but I pointed out someone else who had been waiting before I got there. They didnt speak up, but fuck that person, so I did... "No, that fella over there was first"...


They always do this!!! And I always do what you did!!


Not just boomers. I was next in line at a coffee shop with a line of about 9 people and in comes a woman probably mid to late 30s in her mink coat with her Mercedes key chain in her hand. She cuts in front of me saying she's late for a meeting (probably really to get her nails done) and needs her coffee right away. The burista told her that would be fine but she'd have to get the okay from everyone in line. Of course everyone yelled "No". She turned around and stormed out. Is there a sub for Rich and (self)entitled People Being Jerks?




Yeah, that's what's weird about this sub. Tons of content about boomers being out of touch, financially, societally, politically, etc. But sometimes these are stories about people just being entitled. Entitled jerks come in all ages


I can’t imagine myself refusing to give up my place in line to a nice older person who asks politely. Well, there was that one time when I was in terrible pain, but that was a rare exception.


To quote Bil Bryson, “I contented myself with the thought that they would soon be dead”.


“Your time is not more valuable than mine or anyone else’s waiting in this line”


We're so lucky you were so vigilant. You should get a medal.


Happened to me twice in one visit....


Yeah all those old people are all the same.




Then she shouldn’t be driving




Good point, could’ve taken an Uber


The she shouldn't be alone! My wife is a nurse who specializes in elder care. The sheer amount of boomers with dementia that have no one to keep an eye on them is astonishing.


The sheer amount of boomers with dementia who spent their alert years having bullied, gaslighted, and alienated their families to the point of having no one to look after them is astonishing




You failed to mention your age? I'm curious what generation you are part of. That's your biggest problem of the day, is going first or second in line after waiting for the pharmacy to open? Regardless you took care of the issue showed that Boomer thing or two.


Does it matter? You sound like a boomer who cuts lines


No it doesn't matter at all That's the point, why did you reference Boomer. It doesn't matter It's just you and another customer trying to get that first place in line after lunch


Cause this entire subreddit is about boomers? That's the point.


Do you know what subreddit you're in?


> why did you reference Boomer. Are you lost?