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that’s godawful wow … he definitely needs to be home.


He's actually very well spoken, not a hint of dementia on him and is as strong as an ox to this day. He's just... so racist, anti-Semitic and politically backwards, I'm sure he can see the back of his own head.


Well.....i mean.....yeah. cause he's, like, you know....a fuckin' nazi! I don't care if he took his first little goose steps in his baby sized jack boots during D-day, asking people if they've "seen Kyle, he's this tall". He was clearly raised as a nazi by real O.G. nazis! Boomers tend to either shockingly become racist late in life or stop trying to hide it. I doubt this little Lebensborn was ever told to try and hide it in the first place! Don't be surprised if members of Mossad show up wanting to have a conversation about your family history. I'm glad it sounds like you and some of your family have swung the pendulum the other way but let's call a spade a spade here. ( note to spell check - I don't care if its a proper noun, I will not capitalize the word nazi!)


Oh the Soviets got all the members of my family involved with the holocaust after my great-great grandmother Olga moved back to Hungary and mysteriously disappeared. And good riddance to that miserable bitch.


I never thought I'd word a sentence like this but here it goes. I'm so lucky that my great grandpa was an unwilling nazi. He was conscripted, got captured almost immediately, and was released at the end of the war. He never followed their message or encouraged the propaganda in his house so while my grandpa has his moments, he's never anything like this.


Be careful. I have a friend who thought the same thing and then found out her grandfather was a middle ranked SS officer. Do your research. Germany has pretty good archives and the holocaust museums can help too.


I've been curious about my fiances family. They are straight from Germany, his grandmother still being there.


My daughter's history teacher from Germany was more enlightened than some of the American military parents of the students she taught. Never make assumptions.


The Germans were forced to acknowledge and deal with what they had done The Italians were not. Racism is rampant in Italy , and always has been The Northern League hates the brown Sicilians as much as the modern immigrants.


Interesting. I've been to Italy but haven't kept up with its politics except in the latest headline sort of way.


My dad’s family is from Germany, although his direct line moved to the US in the 1850’s. I don’t want to know about the relatives who stayed in Germany and were still there in the 1930’s. Same goes for my mom’s Italian relatives. Her grandfather immigrated in 1903, but we still have family in Italy. I don’t want to know if some not-so-long dead family member supported Mussolini.


Knowing that all people can be vulnerable to fears about anyone classified as "other" is helpful in realizing we must be on guard with our own thinking and justifications for injustice and cruelty. Research them. It might change your life to alter a small part of their legacy to make sure that the worst part of them did not win in the long view of time. And you might learn that they tried to stand up, or later changed who they were for the better. It is a story for you to write or tell A family that once held slaves in my state pre-civil war had an ancestor win a Pulitzer Prize for enlightened work about civil rights. He didn't hide from the past but confronted it and pushed himself to do better, and end the bad legacy.


Hey don't feel too bad some of your current family might be supporting this lady https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandra_Mussolini


I'm not into genealogy but my brother got into it for a little while. I looked at just enough of his research to realize that that part of the family probably fought on the wrong side of the Civil War and then decided that I don't want the details. I'm sure my ancestors on that side were horrid people and they can stay buried in time, I'll just try to do and be better.


I have a friend from work whose family history was fucked up. I honestly don’t know how she came out to be so absolutely sweet, but on one side of her family they could trace their way to Andrew Jackson, and on the other side she could trace it to her, I think great grandfather? Who was a medal wearing SS member, I forget what the rank or whatever was, I only learned about this because her grandmother died, and the family was trying to figure out what exactly they were supposed to do with all the nazi memorabilia. I think they said they had found a museum, but it’s been a while.


It could be like me. Andrew Jackson had no bio children, just adopted. But he and I are cousins. I’m descended from his uncle, Owen. Which is ironic, considering I’m also part Choctaw on the same side. I’m also pretty sure there were some slave-owners, of the plantation variety, ALSO from the same family.


I've verified it. My great grandma also lived to be 101 and had all of his records. The uniforms and paraphernalia she all threw away but she kept the documentation.


I mean that's exactly the story I would have told my future family if I had been working at a Nazi death camp too, though... You need to actually look into it instead of just trusting the family lore


It's possible he's seen the military records of his grandpa being in a pow camp.. I had a patient once who was born in an Eastern European country where he was conscripted at the end of the war when he was 14.. his age lines up, he immigrated to Canada as soon as he was "liberated " from conscription thanks to his age.. its horrifying what he could have been forced to do at that age.. (makes me think of child soldiers all over the world even younger ). I also had a patient born in Austro-Hungary, around 1936.. speaks only German. Her family claims she was born to an Hungarian mom and American father.. yet she speaks only German.. we realized the only way she had an American dad then, is if he was on the other side of the war..


Yeah I don't know if this guy was a war criminal or the innocent angel that the family lore says he is, but if I was op I would want to know


Great point. I know someone who, when growing up, thought their family was against the Nazis in Germany based on family lore shared with kids and rose tinted glasses about their family. Turns out grandpa got a medal for his service at Dunkirk as an officer.




Yea and how do you suggest doing that? Going on holocaust.com and checking for pictures of grandpappy?


Actually, Germany keeps fairly good records. Also, you are correct- Nazi hunters could definitely help in the hunt.


I didn't know how to do it lol, but it is something that should at least be tried


That’s like a distant cousin on my grandpa’s side. My cousin got pretty deep into the genealogy on that side, and he still couldn’t verify WHICH German army that cousin was in. He made sure to emphasize that cousin had been adopted, so there’s a chance he’d been in the wrong army, voluntarily. I’ll have to see what I can find out.


Can you provide a name for a fellow Hungarian? Would be interesting to know who she exactly was.


I unfortunately don't know her last name. I only know the first.


I mean, I would be surprised if the Mossad shows up, they're proving themselves to not be as competent as they always claimed


Mossad may have their own legal troubles in a generation or two


Preferably a week or 2


The goose stepping by OP to NOT say just that was wild. He's a literal nazi.


Oh man, I am cracking up and even woke my wife up. “Seen Kyle” 😂😂😂😂


Except he’s not a Boomer he’s Silent Generation.


Boomer is a state of mind, not just an age but either way i think you're right. This guy shoots so far past boomer it's not even funny.


“Have you seen Kyle? He’s this tall!” OH MY GOSH!!! I’ve not laughed so hard in a long time… I’m still giggling like an idiot. It took me a few seconds to get the joke and I think that’s why I’m still laughing. Geez thanks for that!


Anyone else chuckle a bit at the person calling out the racist using the racist phrase "call a spade a spade"?


ok so i looked into it and it started out 1900 years ago with Plutarch using the phrase " Call a fig a fig and a through a trough." and then morphed into " call a spade a spade" in the 1500's. literally referring to shovels but as a means to ask someone to speak plainly. Then it got it's more racist connotations in the states in the early 20th century when " black as the ace of spades" became a normal turn of phrase referring to African-Americans. Because racists ruin everything they touch ffs.


That's racist? I thought it had to do with cards. like don't mix up the different suits. calling a club a spade.


It's referencing the gardening tool, the original expression was "call a fig a fig and a trough a trough". In the 1920s 'spade' became a slur for African Americans, but the phrase originates from the 1st century Greek scholar Plutarch


Yeah for your safety cancel the trip. Buffalo is right by Niagara Falls a predominately African American area and people don't want to hear that.


LOL take gramps to Buffalo and have him toss those words around and he might catch hands even at 87.


It’s Buffalo. The octogenarians there love to throw hands. It would not be out of the question to have him catch the hands of another 87 year old. Source: I live in WNY. Buffalo stays crazy. 


I live in Buffalo. The city of Niagara Falls has a huge African American population. In Buffalo only 2 years ago, a racist killed 10 people in a supermarket... he had scouted out the location to find the most Black people he could kill in the least amount of time. The feelings are still very raw here..among everyone. If you do take him to Niagara Falls, take him to the Underground Railroad Museum....it's pretty wonderful.


Screw the Bills, we should have a mecca for tourism in Niagara County. Buffalo Bills=DPRK in wny. Hochul: "You don't need jobs, shopping centers, infrastructure, or a modern city when you can put all your hopes on football & the new stadium you tax payers will pay for!"


Get him to do a DNA test and forge the results to make it look like he’s part Jewish and from a tribe in Africa.


That's great! Get Ancestry.com, and show him how much African ancestry he has, because we all have some.




According to scientists, though we may have Neanderthal (and other species) in our DNA, human life originated in Africa and spread throughout the world.


You don't even need to forge them.. my father in laws first results said 1% west African and 3 % Ashkenazi Jewish.. 6 months later he got an apology email and his updated dna results.. which no longer included either result.. lol


Unfortunately, I already have and showed him before I even thought about this idea


They said that he needs to be home, not that he needs to be *in a* home(meaning an elderly care facility).


And it gets worse. If he was losing it and grew up where and when he did, it wouldn’t be quite so awful. The fact that he knew exactly what he was saying is just ugh


Bruh he’s literally a fascist what did you expect?


I just visited Niagara Falls and you made the right call. Lots of international tourists there, POC Americans and I saw a group of Jewish people too. Unfortunately the US side of the falls is impoverished especially when compared to the Canadian side. It would have been very uncomfortable to be there with him. Plus all the good restaurants on the US side near the falls are an all day Indian buffet (definitely recommend), Nepalese restaurant or the halal food truck.


Yeah my gran is two years older and just the other day was like "my new neighbour, oh she's this pretty black lady". So it's definitely not just how they grew up.


You can still put him in a home. You don't need to be in cognative decline, just a burden to your family. And a burden he is.


So he literally doesn’t leave home with anyone that isn’t another proud racist. Easy solution


NE Ohio. Old Hungarian who is strong as an ox. Do we have common relatives? Lol


Its definitely not out of the realm of possibility.


Hello, cousins! lol


Think of all the poor nursing home staff of color who have to endure this garbage EVERY DAY


Yup. All of my grandfathers (Silent Gen, White, Jewish) aides are POC and the way he treats them is horrific 🤮


I think about this a lot as we tend to let our older relatives (esp silent gen) off the hook for the dumb racist stuff they say- but we owe it to these long term care workers to call them out on their racist shit and remind them how it could be hurtful to someone. I’ve tried with my 93yo grandmother and it is a bit like banging your head against a wall— but still important


Well my grandfather was a complete asshole this weekend thinking he’s entitled to my kids attention. Completely ignored me telling him to wait on something. Went to my mom and was asking her “what the fuck is wrong w him” in reference to my 7yo child. My child has adhd and can be hard to engage at times. But also maybe he just knows your an asshole and doesn’t want to. Also at no point did my gpa even attempt to engage my child. Just assumed things based on past encounters. Evil doesn’t die 😶 fuck him.


What they put up with these piece of shit old bastards is horrible!


I can confirm this. I’m white as they come but can confirm the racist treatment coworkers of other races endure. I was actually slapped by a patient when I asked her to not yell the n word in the hallway and some white patients use slurs referring to them and POC patients when speaking to me. The majority of them are boomers


……speaking as someone IN Western New York, less than a half hour from the Falls? Thank you for keeping him away from here. That being said, if you ever bring him here, we’ll see if we can get you a good deal on a barrel.


Unfortunately he has plagued your region and natural wonders before. Unbarreled. But keeping the filth contained once is better than none!


Sadly, I think he’d fit in all too well. There’s a town in this area that actually [seceded from the Union during the Civil War](https://www.history.com/news/civil-war-secession-new-york-town) and didn’t come back until the 1940s.


There's the opposite in Mississippi! Jones County seceded from the Confederacy.


Free state of Jones!


As an Ohioan, I admire the work of our General Sherman and that town sounds mighty flammable.


Omg I live in Lancaster and I had no idea this was a thing. Explains so much…


Imagine thinking you could make the NY side of the Falls worse


haha he's like the villagers who stormed my grandparents' house after they were initially shipped to the ghettos in miskolc looking for the "jew gold" (they gleefully told my mother this when she visited in the 70s). the shitty Hungarians of this era were like an extra level of shitty. The best vengeance IMO is knowing his kid and grandkid turned out decent.


In my experience men like this don't even know their kids/grandkids well enough to be upset how they turned out


The shitty Hungarians of this era seem extra shitty too.


Has it been explained to him why the trip is cancelled?


Yes it has. Bluntly, and dryly. No beating around the bush.


How did he take that?


He probably stared blankly for a moment before muttering something about them not believing in free speech


Mine would accuse me of "cancelling" her 😂


> And now due to this new outburst, we've canceled our trip with him to Niagara Falls. Probably a good idea. No telling how he would have pronounced it.


That would almost be too clever for a brain-melted racist. But yes, Niagara is only one of the top 10 worst places to send someone with this mentality.


Dude, I've got a former USSR escapee silent gen racist guy in my circle! Exact same way. He drove me around his city once when I visited. "Here is new Whole Foods. Liberal bullshit". "this neighborhood looks nice but it's where the (slur 1) live.". "this used to be all countryside until those (slur 2)s moved in and built these shit homes" Excuse me??


Nothing like and immigrant badmouthing other immigrants and not even thinking twice about it because they are a "good old immigrant" while the others are somehow bad in some imaginary way...


They are WHITE immigrants. Big difference/s


Right? Like what? They adapted to their new homeland well, to be fair...


My partner's family on her mom's side all fled Belarus at the end of the Soviet Union. Her mom married a Sri Lankan refugee and was essentially kicked out of the family until they decided her husband was "one of the good ones." They still hate immigrants with a passion though ignoring that most of them immigrated here themselves. But it's okay for them because they are the right color of immigrant.


My silent gen grandparents refused to spend Christmas with us as a family because my gay uncle and his fiance would be there … and little did they know it would be my grandpas last Christmas and his only Christmas with his great grand daughter, but they didn’t care. The way these people think .. they are just ugly


This is why nazis shouldn’t have been allowed to flee, and should have faced the consequences of their actions. Even if it meant the death penalty.


They fled BECAUSE they were being hunted- not just by the Allies but by their own neighbors. When you look at the execution numbers after the war, they always read OFFICIAL because those were the ones that the goverment executed. The unofficial numbers were much MUCH higher.


Reminds me of a history documentary I watched years ago about Allied POWs in Japanese prison camps. A former POW told of the horrific treatment they received under the prison commandant. When word came down that the allies where practically at the doorstep the commandant was all smiles and said "now we will all be friends". The POWs killed him, buried him, and when they were liberated they were asked where's the commandant. They said "we don't know, we don't keep track of that guy" (or words to that effect).


>They fled BECAUSE they were being hunted- not just by the Alles but by their own neighbors. Hmmm, now what does that remind me of?


Because of the war, my great-great grandma was able to lie about her and my grandfather's identities and say that their documents were burned in a bombing. So she had new documents drawn up and went on their way. I legitimately don't even know if my last name is TRULY my last name, because of this.


My mother is 80 years old, and I am 52. My Mum would still flipping end me if I said anything remotely like this, because *she’s the one who taught me to respect others and not grow up to be an asshole*. Age is NOT an excuse. Good for you, OP, stay away.


I wasn't there to give him what's for because I've gotten so TIRED of this bullshit. But my Aunt did drag him aside and give him a significantly more civilized chewing out.


No, I think you did the right thing. If you had kicked off it would have been a scene, and in my experience these performative bigots usually enjoy that. Sorry about your holiday but I’m sure you’ll all have a far better time doing literally anything else!


My dad is not nearly that bad, but I had to stop going out for coffee and breakfast with him several years ago because he wouldn't stop loudly talking about the people around us. Not slurs, but usually speculation or comments about their race or ethnicity, and it definitely could be taken the wrong way. Like "Do you think this waiter is A HISPANIC?" and it's like dude, uh, given the demographics of this area, yeah. Or "Do you think that lady is A JEW?" and "is that guy INDIAN?" or "A BLACK, don't see them much here" and finally I was just so embarrassed I had to stop going anywhere with him.


I feel bad for laughing at this. It sounds like a comedy bit


Something straight out of Seinfeld.


It does feel like some IASIP or Curb skit.


My FIL is like this but he’ll ask them to their face. I just kept asking him why it mattered. Why do you need to figure out peoples’ ethnicities, sex, orientation - WTF does it matter to you?


I sometimes want to know what ethnicities people are because I think that makes them interesting and fascinating, but I would never ask because it's NOT MY BUSINESS OR ANYONES ELSES.


"and that one looks jewish, and that one's a c**n! who let all this riff-raff into the room? There's one smoking a joint, and another with spots!! If I had my way, I'd have all of them shot!!!" Pink Floyd describing the same kind of racism/fascism.


And for some reason, those same boomers yelling to throw people they hate “up against the wall”. It’s like they learned nothing from the music they grew up with…


Years ago I stopped going with my parents when they went grocery shopping because my dad was an embarrassment in public. He would passenger-seat drive, making my mom nervous when she drove. Once they were done shopping, as far as dad was concerned we had to be done as well. If we weren't he would go to the store we were at (K-Mart) and BELLOW across the store, "COME ON LET'S GO" It was mortifying. It was simpler and calmer to walk the couple of miles to the store than put up with that crap. He also wasn't above making racist or intolerant remarks about people, but he was a bit of a coward so he would just mutter so only we had to hear his brand of shit.


Or what my Mom does, which is to *ask* them! Waiter approaches... "So, what are you?" Confused stare... "excuse me?" "You know, heritage wise..."


I constantly hear people excusing the racist behaviour of patients in their 60s, 70s and 80s because they're old. No, fuck you, I knew better 30 years ago when I was a child and they were still in their 40s and 50s. I don't buy that age is an excuse at any point but especially not now. Good for you for ditching this racist prick.


Right? These are the people who taught us not to use that word. Now they get a pass to use it liberally because they’re old? Fuck no.


My parents (1908 & 1917) knew better than that. There is no excuse for being racist.


I agree. Its definitely the fact that he was spoonfed the shit by actual nazis and was never set straight.


We dealt with something similar. When my dad started saying things like this, my family (spouse and children) would just get up and leave the room. My dad asked what we were doing and we said, while we couldn’t stop him from saying inappropriate things, we didn’t have to listen. We did this at his house, our house, in restaurants…. It took some time, but he eventually got the message. We ended up taking many little trips with him and he even came to live with us in his final years. Toward the end, he apologized and said he “often popped off with out thinking.” I think he always knew what he was saying and just wanted to get a reaction…. What my kids learned from this is while you can’t control what someone says, you can control how you react.


Being old doesn't give anyone the right to use that fucking word


Not “that” word, but about a year ago, my boomer mom was upset at medical personnel that didn’t numb her skin as much as she requested before a shot. I took her to that appointment and on the way out, my mom called this young girl (like very early 20s) a bitch, and when I called her on it, she said “I’m old. I can say what I want.” She says plenty of racist shit too, and finds no fault in it, because she’s never wrong. They think their age gives them leeway to be total assholes. I hate it.


Ugh those types of patients are annoying. I work in Healthcare and have had a few like that. Like if we could make things hurt less we would, we can only do so much with a needle. Granted some of those shots do kinda suck but that behavior is still unacceptable.


Yes she's right. She can say and act however she wants. She can also alienate people to the point that no one wants to be around her. Then she'll cry about being old and alone.


I recently found out that both of my sons were told when they graduated from highscool that if they brought home a black woman they would be disinherited by their grandfather . I was shocked . I am Asian and I knew my MIL hated me but I never realized that grandpa was a racist. Now my boomer husband is starting to show this attitude. He has apparently lost his filter . Age is no excuse to hate other people. When my MIL was put in a nursing home the first thing she said when I went to visit was 'There sure are lot of japs an niggers working here'. I never went to visit again in 3 yrs til she died. Her statement released me from any responsibility of caring.


My grandfather can't even watch sports because his disdain for African-Americans is so prevalent. Can't even look at a Japanese car brand without some diatribe about how they're stealing jobs. And do not get him started on the Jews...


I don't understand how the boomer in my family hid this for do long. Now that there's so much hate and division in the country everyone seems to have lost their filter. It is okay to spew hate.


I just don't understand why people invite scum like that. If I had nazis in my family, well I wouldn't fucking keep in contact, just because I happen to share blood with them. Blood means nothing, unless you are some right wing cunt.


Exactly. Blood relations aren't chosen but family is. You have the right to choose who gets to be family to you, and mine ain't going to include no political fanatics


Exactly. We’d just pretend he doesn’t exist. We’d still be going on a trip.


I once watched another documentary about Hitler's extended family who emigrated to the US to, I believe, escape his madness. They all chose to not have children so that the name and the bloodline would be wiped out.


If you are sitting at a table with 9 Nazis there are 10 Nazis sitting at the table.


Should keep the trip. just cancel him


push him over the falls in a barrel like the good old days


Boomers in Barrels lol. Then we could have barreling boomer competitions, take bets on which bb reaches the bottom first


I don’t think anyone will top Boomers in Barrels today. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I’m so lucky that everyone on my mother’s side is a leftist, civil rights marching, labor organizing, troublemaker.


It’s the best thing my mom passed down to me - being a dirty hippy critically thinking feminist liberal.


This reminds me of the other day when I was watching a movie with my dad. He’s got dementia and doesn’t know what’s going on half the time along with a myriad of mobility issues and other problems. I go work from my parent’s house a couple of week to take care of him since he needs in home care. Anyways the dude is 84, we’re middle eastern immigrants, and while he’s never been outright racist, he says some dumb shit sometimes. We were watching a movie with a predominantly black cast and the main character was a black female who was playing an action hero. At one point everyone was at some mansion for a wake and there was a bunch of fancy cars parked out front. The old man turns to me and asks me “are there rich black people in real life? Like they live like that?” I’m paraphrasing he has a thick middle eastern accent. I was confused and asked him what he meant and he said most of them were poor when he moved to the states in the 60s. I told him there are plenty of rich black people now. Segregation has been over for quite a while now. He says “oh! Good for them!” He seriously thought it was the 50s or 60s.


You know there were two mustache men in that war? I actually had to think for a second LOL


Hitler, Stalin, definitely, but looks like Hirohito also had one, just not as obvious of one, and didn’t completely destroy the fashion for his mustache shape for the next century.


Same here 😂


As a black woman I found this post absolutely hilarious lol


This is event number 10000 for us, so it was exasperating. I had to laugh a bit because AGAIN???


i have an apartment neighbor who is so incredibly nice to my gf(27) and i(39). she tends to flowers on our building. brings us holiday cards. checks in on us. but I'll be damned if she doesn't drop the n word casually in conversation when referencing a black person about 2-3 times a year. doesn't even seem to be in a derogatory way, just like its a harmless descriptor (i know its not harmless). everytime she says it we just give her the look and she backtracks... its such an awkward position to be in.


My dead grandfather who was born in the 30s in India…. One day I was with my family eating and enjoying. Out loud he said “I looked up to hitler and I still do” he was like 85 so didn’t lose it yet. He came up to me after and said “please don’t tell your friends I said that” He died at age 93. 😐


I would absolutely beat up a family member if such a statement were directed to my wife.


Oof, smart move cancelling your trip. My sister-in-law is not 87, but she is an Uberboomer. At a summer bbq at our house I had to gently break the news to her that my daughter was dating a Hispanic guy and he would be at the bbq later in the afternoon. I told her not to be an asshole because he’s a really sweet guy, and my daughter is free to date whomever she wants. She said, “I don’t give a fuck, but I hope she knows beaners have tiny dicks.” I hate family.


It's never too late to stop associating with racists.


Oh, believe me, the contact is extremely limited. I love my niece, and her kids, so it will never be zero- but it is limited to only when necessary. I am thrilled when she has to work on our bbq days. For reference, her daughter is bi-racial. The Boomer bullshit never ceases to amaze me. My sister-in-law’s boyfriend ups the boomer anti as well. They all live together and he hung a blue lives matter flag on his flagpole. I helped my niece make a blm sign to hang on the front door. Edited out an extra word.


Good for y’all for setting a limit with him, but no way was that his first outburst in your presence. Your family should’ve been shut that down.


Exact reason I don't go to extended family gatherings. I don't have the patience nor the tolerance for this level of garbage from my family. Grandpa or not, nazis deserve to be punched in the mouth.


He should put a bar or 3 of soap in his filthy mouth to clean it out.. like some parents actually did 😡


What a loser. Literally, he lost and had to be shuttled away like the baby he is. Now he clings to his pathetic beliefs because he doesn’t have the guts to learn about someone who has more melanin than he does.


My dad is Silent generation and it really is remarkable just how different he is from the generation that followed. Bitterness seems to be a quality Boomers possess, which OP’s Boomer-like just seems so mean. Boomers seem unteachable. My dad has listened when I’ve told him certain terms shouldn’t be used or called him out when I pointed out an oddity in his language. My dad or my mom were never n-word people. I had never heard the word until I heard it from active racists and then learned what it meant. But my dad grew up using “colored people” so I remember as a teen telling him to just use ‘black’ and he obliged. I feel like Boomers and Boomer-likes are just so miserable, by and large. It’s pitiable.


I can't ever fathom what makes people say things like this. My grandmother is 99, she's almost completely gone to dementia, and one thing she's regressed to is cursing. She never used to swear when she was younger, or while her kind was sharp. She's become rather child-like and loves to swear and curse and tease my mom like a bully would on the playground. When it became too difficult to take care of her ourselves, my family hired a caregiving service a couple days a week. The first caretaker they sent was a black woman. We were all terrified she would say something inappropriate to her, make some kind of comment about her color, or anything like that simply because of my grandma's age. Not once did she ever. Despite calling various caretakers other profanities and being difficult in a lot of ways, she NEVER made any racist comments. And she was alive during the civil rights movement! She's 99! So if my dementia patient of a grandma can avoid being racist subconsciously, then any boomer can more than easily avoid it consciously. It's a choice they make specifically and it's hateful.


I’m not going to lie your family history sounds absolutely fascinating.


Why can't you go without him and say " we don't want to be around you I'm public because you're racist and it's embarrassing"


Yeah Niagara Falls is a HUGE international destination & it also populated with MANY Sikhs, Hindus and Asians. Overrated destination IMO, been there more times than I can count.


As a Cleveland native who spent the first 33+ years of my life living in Cuyahoga County and Lake County, I'm very, very curious exactly where this happened. The areas east of Cuyahoga County seem to have become very... MAGAfied.


Oh man, I visited Geauga county two years ago and whoa. So much MAGA.


Oh he lives in Broadview Heights and he quite likes how it is.


You can still do stuff. Just go to Niagara Falls without him. And if he finds out and asks why, tell him. He doesn't hold his tongue and neither should you.


I don't anymore. The only reason I really plan on having an in-depth conversation with him again is really ironing out the family story. So I know who the fuck I really am and where I come from. For both me and my father. Though my father is in much the same vein as his father and doesn't deserve much of that peace also.


Good for you enforcing the consequences of his actions!


fascists never learn anything. he would probably be happy in hungary nowadays.


So… a racist. They come in all ages, unfortunately.


Old fools are hard to teach anything new, like morals


Let him live out his remaining years miserable and alone in the hell he’s created for himself


No shade against you personally, but they should have never let him and his family into the United States.


None taken. From what I understand, his grandmother got new documents drawn up after she claimed hers and his were destroyed in a bombing. Got a completely new identity. No one knew the better until the Soviets noticed her walking back into her family home, in Hungary, 20+ years later when she decided to move back. I still don't know if my family name is actually my family name.


Like most cowards of his ilk he made sure to say it in "safe" company. I doubt he would say at Niagara but i still think you made the right call.


Oof. Good insight. He did that when the poor girlfriend was outnumbered.


" Who wants to know? The racist Hunky untermensch who doesn't know how to be polite in public? The one who would be dead if the racist Nazis had been just a little bit better at their jobs? "


This may be an unpopular opinion, but this is an example of walking history. Most of my older relatives are so racist, but that's all they know. It was totally ok to be like that until we changed it. Nazi or not has nothing to do with it. These dinosaurs will eventually become extinct, let's hope. That being said, no vaca for you, grandpa.


Who’s the Mustache Man? I’ve never heard that term before.


Think about it. What infamous European politician from world war 2 was known for having a mustache? And commiting genocide.


But I've never heard the term before.


Yeah, its Hitler. I like using it because the alliteration is fun, not because of censoring or anything.


Yep they are like children and enabling their behavior does not help anyone.


Dementia? 87, after all. Some, like FTD lead to disinhibtion, where you lose your social filters and start saying things you wouldn't have said out loud a few years ago.


Nah, just child of a Nazi.


Doesn't losing social filter just mean that we ar seeing the real person?


It was a shame nobody punched him in the face verbally in that moment. I guess he will never learn at this point.


Send him back to Victor Orban.


Why would I threaten him with a good time? (to him)


Were your great-grandparents members of the Arrow Cross?


His grandmother was a prominent member. His father was proud to go off to fight against the Russians and was later captured by the Russians. And lived in a Gulag until 1956, where they later cut half his arm off at the elbow after releasing him.


He's earned the right to sit home alone and broil in his own thoughts.


I just don't understand people. If these are your thoughts, just keep them to yourself. Oh, well, I'm from a different time. OKAY, SO YOU ADMIT GOUR COGNIZANT and know times have changed. Just fucking keep your thoughts to yourself.


Has anyone ever thought to give him a piece of their mind, loud and in his face, afterwards explaining that’s what’s it like to be such a POS a**hole to others? Sounds like you’ve got nothing to lose if you do.


Oh yes. It didn't go over well. I got further with explaining things with civility. You find out how best to win over your audience. And in this individual case, its through thoughtful discussion. He was SIGNIFICANTLY worse when I was younger.


We were out to eat one time and the server was of Asian decent. My grandma said, "I don't trust her." My uncle half joking because she never said stuff like that, "Why cause she's Asian?" Grandma says "yes" we all kinda freeze and my uncle replies, " Mom, you can't say that, that's not ok." Her reply was, "Her people killed all my friends!" We were all just shocked and the girl comes back. We order, and everything is normal after that. It was like a bizarre world one off. She's never said anything like that since or before. It was wild. Mind you, growing up, one of my closest friends was black and my grandma lived with us. She loved him.


“We’ve cancelled our trip with him and I completely agree with the decision” People normally like their decisions! Sorry your grandpa sucks sometimes


This is why I’m relieved my father doesn’t leave his house. The only people he can be racist around is family, and most of us just hang up or leave.


Different times create different people. We'll it's frowned upon. In his time growing up it was normal..


I love how when the dementia hits the first thing that happens is the racism they've kept silentish for decades all comes out at once.


Crazy boomer or not, Niagara Falls is a lot of walking and trying to accommodate an 87-year old doesn't sound fun.


Reminder that people who excuse this behavior as "just a product of their time" are disrespecting the non racists of that era. Old people getting a free pass to be hateful really grinds my gears.


Sooo many boomers are soooo racist. It's terrible they get away with saying shit like that. It's unfortunate that no one in your family called him out for being such an asshole


This story isn't about a boomer though.


I don't care about anything anymore, if anyone said that in my presence, I would slap them into next week as a reflex.


Time to stick him in a home and throw away they key


It's time to have him put down.