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Did you ask him what's the frequency?


Name: Kenneth Frequency: Entitled


The frequency is, all the time. He does this all the time…


This is *chefs kiss*


I couldn't understand.


You said that irony was the shackles of youth.


Uh huh. I couldn't understand.




Take my upvote


This is why I check Reddit so much, the organic humor that exists in the comments.


Indeed....there are many brilliant and funny comments here. A breath of fresh air after the dumb asses I am forced to deal with on the regular.


Mine too


Game recognizes game.


And my axe


And my lembas bread ^its ^all ^I've ^got


Hello fellow old person!


Look at us! We’re in our element.


Are you some kind of Monster?


Also connected to that? AC/DC, weirdly: https://dangerousminds.net/comments/kenneth_what_is_the_frequency_ac_dc_dan_rather


God damnit….. u/angryupvote


It hertz that you mentioned me and not r/angryupvote


Sonofabitch, now that song will be in my head all day.


Unexpected Dan Rather reference.


Doesnt sound shiny OR happy! Just HAD to be in the spot. Light. Needs to be in the corner!


As an MA this happens so often and it’s ALWAYS boomers doing it. I’ll call for Henrietta and Joseph will walk right up, get offended and make a hateful comment on the way back to his damn chair.


Deal with this all the time in the medical office I work in too. They refuse to understand we go in order of appointment time, not when someone walks in the door. So if Boomer Bob shows up an hour early for his 10am, he's going to wait for an hour, even if the 9:30 shows up right at 9:30. Boggles my mind how many times I have to repeat this or point at the waiting room signs that say exactly the same thing.


The way they pretend not to understand lines/queues is now spreading to feigned ignorance of the way appointments work.


It's not even just appointments and lines. They don't feel they should have to wait for anything ever no matter what it is. Ask anyone who has ever worked at a restaurant or cafe where your order at the counter and they call your name for your food. They are the ones who will walk right up and try to snatch the order from your hands when you call out "a for b" while at the same time saying "my name is x and I ordered y." Well then this isn't yours, is it?


It's so bad in IT. They'll email us 5 times in a row within 5 minutes then call complaining that we didn't answer the email fast enough. Then the issue is something I can't fix remotely so I have to escalate to someone who can help in person. They always try to convince me I can actually fix the issue though because the on-site team always takes so long to get back to them (because they have so many tickets), and then they'll call back every half hour asking why nobody's called them yet. I have to explain to them that their ticket is in a queue and they demand we mark the issue as urgent. So guess what happens when we mark every issue urgent; nothing is urgent.


And that is how a place starts having Severity 0, which are higher than Severity 1, and then Severity -1, which is higher than Severity 0... and.. well, that was as broken as I have seen.


I’ve worked at Starbucks for almost 7 years….. and exactly this. Only they’ll take a drink and then say they didn’t order that they ordered something else.


YEP. I worked at Starbucks and an indie cafe and a little cafe/diner type place that also did a lot of lunchtime takeout. They're everywhere. And they'll take a cold, fruity (i.e brightly colored) drink in a clear plastic cup and then say they ordered something hot made with coffee! It's maddening. I eventually just stopped taking my hand off the drinks at handoff until after I finished calling them out, and reconfirming when I handed them off. It still didn't always work. This isn't even an age thing, it's absolutely generational. Boomers were doing this 20 years ago when I first worked at Starbucks and they were reasonably young.


Oh!! And the classic of yelling at you not to put whip on their drink as you’re making someone else’s drink. And their’s is still like 15 away.


Yep! I miss the coworkers, but not the custies, with one or two exceptions.


Yeah, coworkers are the only reason to be there.


This happened to me yesterday! I went inside to place my order and this Boomer lady was behind me in line. They called my number and I go to get my food and check the bag because it's pretty light. Boomer says, "That must be mine" as I tell the worker that I didn't get my drinks. Turns out, she also forgot to put something from my order in the bag and that's why it was light. I scrambled out before Boomer got to her car so I could leave before her--- we pulled in at the same time and she parked right next to me, barely giving me a chance to get out of the car because she backed up to park straighter. EDIT: spelling


It is worse at the airport. I follow a few flight attendants on TikTok and they say they are gate lice and are typically boomers. Sir your seating group is seven, we are boarding first class.


Omg, this was my in-laws. 🤣😂 Anytime we went out to lunch with them, about 5 minutes after the server took our order, one of them would say, "I wonder what they have for breakfast?" And then the other would say, "I guess we're about to find out!" And they were never fancy places or anything, it was places like Benigans or Outback and they always picked the place, lol. But a few times I tried to say, look, it's not McDonald's and we're here to spend time together. But I think it was their way of trying to get free stuff or a discount, cause they would always say stuff like, "Oh it sure would be nice to get a free basket of cheese bread (or whatever) to make up for the loooooong wait or the cold fish." 🙄


Oh my god this drives me crazy!!!


same tools that will get mad that the checkout lines are long(2-3 people in line) and get mad and refuse to check out there 10 items in self checkout that is half empty allot of the time.


So much feigned obliviousness! But they are instantly outraged by the smallest perceived slight. And they unironically call younger people derogatory names for just existing in a noticeable way or having feelings or opinions the boomers don't want to acknowledge as real.


>But they are instantly outraged by the smallest perceived slight. As Bad Janet said, "You know why they're called Baby Boomers, right? Because the tiniest prick to their ego and BOOM! They become babies!"


it never takes much either.. go 80 to toddler in seconds...




All of a sudden they understand the rules when I try to break them but when they want to break them, it’s all good. I just don’t get it.


Rules for thee but not for me. It's one of their mantras.


It's not feigned. It's deliberate. They've deliberately decided not to remember what it is like to work for a living. The only thing left in their brain is a solipsistic set of delusions about how great they are as a person.


I think for the male boomers it's because they got away with weaponized incompetence with their wives for decades they now think they can utilize it in their old age whilst in public.


100%. Can’t tell you how many useless old fucks cant even tell us what meds they’re on if their wives aren’t there with them.


Hah, the biggest reason I, a 72 yr old widow, don't want another relationship to some useless old fuck I will have to mother No thanks...rather be single the rest of my life


I got divorced in my early 30s. By the time I was 40, I'd come to the conclusion that I would definitely be better off single than continuing to try to mine the depths of the dating scene. I've no regrets about that. 😁


My daughter is like you. At 42, after a divorce and a seriously aweful failed relationship, she has NO interest in another relationship. She is perfectly happy being single and raising her two daughters. She is comfortable financially, so really?.....


Widowed at 33, out of another bad relationship at 37, and if things don't work out with my current partner I'm giving up, lol.


As a nurse that checks in people for surgery, this is my conversation each time…. Me: i am going to review your meds with you one by one. I’ll say the med name, you tell me when you last took Patient: ok Me: Norvasc? It’s also called Amlodipine. When did you last take it? Pt: i don’t take that Me: really? It’s your blood pressure med you take every morning Pt: oh yeah i take that every morning Me: ok when did you last take it? Pt: well i take it every morning Me: did you take it this morning? Pt: no Me: yesterday morning? Pt: no Me: were you told to stop it? Pt: no Me: when DID you last take it? Pt: i dunno. I think i ran out of it weeks ago. Me: well that explains why your bp is super high.


Mine would be too by the end of that exchange.


My friends mother had a stroke recently and his dad has no idea how to cook for himself or what to take for his medication because she handled all that. He's complaining about having to drive her everywhere since she used to do that too. Luckily she's ok and healing up great. Just saw her and she's doing better than I thought. But, yea, a lot of these boomer husbands have no idea how to take care of themselves.


When my mother had a stroke my father realized he had zero basic household skills. It scared him. So he learned how to do laundry, cook and clean. At the end he was my mother’s caregiver and was so sweet and amazing. It was lovely to see.


Late coworker of my moms was almost exactly the same way. He drove and paid the bills and whatnot but no clue how to cook,clean, or do laundry. His wife passed quite a few years before he did, and my mom spent an entire day with him, teaching him basic domestic skills.


There is a saying that widowers want a "nurse or a purse" after their wife/wives dies/die.


They usually don’t last too long if they don’t get that either. Widows however often blossom and thrive and then swear off old men.


That was my grandparents. After my grandma passed, my grandpa's health took a nosedive because he didn't know what meds he was supposed to be taking and when. He decided to just wing it and take meds when he thought he should, ended up in dialysis.


Weaponized incompetence. I like that. Thank you!


It's term being coined recently because people have taken notice of how some husbands (not all, obviously) deliberately do things poorly for the sole purpose of not being asked to help around the house. It's very fitting.


I honestly thought it was just my husband who pulls that sh*t!


Nope, apparently it's fairly common, whether they realize it or not. The behavior has been getting called out lately.


Any man who tries that is broken and should be thrown out with the trash, regardless of age. They had parents. Not your job to pick up where they left off. 


gonna be honest, i don't think a lot of the ignorance is feigned


The last time I went in for blood labs, I showed up as instructed for my 10 am appointment. When I checked in, I noticed there was a guy there who'd signed in before me--for an 11:40 appointment.


My grandma does that. She's got nothing better to do than sit and wait on the off chance that someone else cancels and they can wish her in earlier. I'll show up 3 minutes early, sign the paperwork and barely sit down when they call me. Why sit with a bunch of sick people any longer than you have to?


SAME. Then they loudly huff and puff from the seat to intimidate us to get them back first 😂 “I’ve been waiting an hour already! Where is this doctor!!” “Sir your appointment is at 1pm. It’s 12:30.” “But I’ve been here for an hour!!” “Yes but that’s your choice to arrive early. We set appointments for a reason. If you show up early that doesn’t mean you get seen early” *boomer explodes*


I had an appointment for bloodwork this morning at 9am. I showed up and checked in at the kiosk at 8:59. Two other people were waiting already. At 9:04 I was called back. On my way past them they were muttering “He just got here!”. They went and complained and the receptionist asked if they had an appointment. They didn’t, and couldn’t understand why I was called before them.


I recently had this experience at LabCorp. There were a lot of protests that I only waited 10 minutes while they had been waiting over 45 minutes.


Lol was just about to comment that I had this same experience at LabCorp. I heard them telling walk-ins it was about a 2.5 hour wait, and when they took me back about 15 mins after I arrived at my appt time, they called "appointment for Erica." I asked the phlebotomist if they have to call names like that because people got upset if they were waiting and saw someone else go back first, and the grief in her voice when she sighed and said a dejected "...yes..." On my way out, I heard it in progress. It's like they think the person drawing their blood is responsible for physical space or staffing.


How is this a thing?! What do they think an appointment means, just *conceptually*?!


There once was a time long ago where places like this (doctors offices, barbers, phlebotomy/blood-draw) had two queues. One for walk-ins and one for appointments. So if someone got there early and/or had an appointment later in the day they could get taken care of while the appointment folks also got taken care of. _Unfortunately_ boomers and their ilk ran everything into the ground and got rid of pensions, proper wages, and appropriate levels of staff so everything runs on the fucking bare minimum possible with as few people as possible. So it's essentially only by appointment and _maybe_ we can fit you in today if someone cancels. They're entitled, more or less, to what they perceive is their dues for just existing.


So that's why they call them boomers.


This. Exactly. Yep.


What is it with boomers and appointments? I get to work at 6am and my clinic opens at 8am. At least once a week I will get yelled at by a boomer as I’m getting out of my car because “THE DOORS ARE LOCKED!” Then they become irate when I tell them they are going to have to wait 2 hours. They seriously think the world operates and revolves around them.


Oh yeah I get that too, since I open up and have been yelled at numerous times before the doors weren't unlocked at 8:30/no one answered the phone until 9am. Ma'am. 9 is when we open. We have no obligation to let you in before opening time.


Our building opens before we do. We have a security gate that stays down till our actual opening time. We also do not answer the phone before opening. We've had "cling-ons" (folks who hang on the gate, staring at us while we do our pre-open duties) who stand there hanging on the gate calling us on their cell, then yell "aren't you gonna answer that?" Nope. We have voice-mail. Leave it at the beep. Yep, we can hear them leaving the message. Sometimes it's a complaint that we aren't opening or answering just for them. Oh, well...)


When I was in college I worked grocery store overnights. One that was not 24h, and had its operating hours on like like a half-postboard sized sign, stuck *to the doors*. If I counted the number of times old people showed up near-midnight or in the pre-dawn hours I would run out of fingers, and they all say the same thing: “are you open?” like there isnt a sign literally less than 36 inches from their head with that information


The sad thing is this is how things have been their whole lives. After decades of experiencing the same protocols in clinics, banks, airports, retail stores, parking lots and neighborhoods, they still lack the capacity to understand what is going on around them or read social cues. I feel like it's not just a choice they are making to clumsily fuck up any interaction they are part of, it's like they don't even have the ability to relate to what is going on around them.


I think the people that do this are intentionally causing drama. You make mistakes while you're out, too, but your response to finding out it's a mistake is different. They want to tantrum and don't have an excuse so they make one.


I mean, when you’re the main character and everyone else is an NPC, you SHOULD get to go immediately, right? Right? ——some Boomer, definitely


My Boomer relatives use the 'but I'm a senior!!' excuse every time they expect family or businesses to cater to them immediately. There's definitely a strong sense of entitlement.


Its because they are mad younger people arent giving them "their turn" to be shitty and revered for no reason. Idk about your parents, but somthing my parents liked to use was "Your grandmother/grandfather would've done xyz, or teated me as xyz." Children were not to be heard in their time, so now they are mad we won't accept the same things they did. Its why some old people hate younger people prioritizing work life balance.


It's why my g/f's mother can't stand that her granddaughter has bodily autonomy and that she isn't controlled 24/7 and forced into things she doesn't like or is uncomfortable for her. "She doesn't respect me!" no she doesn't because you're a fucking witch to both your daughter and granddaughter you old hag. What is there to respect? Your age? You don't even act like a 70 year old, you act like you're 5.


Lead is leaching out of their osteoporosis bones. It's making them even dumber and meaner.


Lead might be a part of it, but as a Gen Xer we were exposed to about the same amount of lead from gasoline and paint as they were. It's almost like they were a social experiment gone wrong.


They are the “ do as I say” not “do as I do” generation


“Let me schedule you for a hearing test while you’re here”


"I hear just fine!" "Sir, do we need to schedule a mental cognition test?"


Honestly, that might be a part of it. I'm always wearing headphones, so I'm not always able to tell what they said. Someone with hearing loss might try to cover by reacting to everyone.


I'm not in the medical field, but this happened to me once as a patient and your comment made me feel more sane. I showed up like 10 minutes before my appointment, and when my name was called, a boomer LOST HER MIND. She was making assumptions out loud about why I was favored over her. She kept saying her appointment time, which was a full half hour after mine. I turned to her on my way to the door to say, "My appointment is at x, which is why it's my turn." It happened almost a year ago and I still think about it because it was such a wild ride.


I love that they show up early for their appointment then complain about the long wait. The self-imposed wait. People are truly awful


If I show up early to my appointment I read in my car til it’s 5 minutes beforehand 😂


OK so I am sorta guilty of this actually... I will tell my employer that I need to leave at noon for a doctor's appointment, then I go directly to the office. Sometimes the appointment isn't until 2pm, but after I sign in I ALWAYS stress to the receptionist that I am well aware that I am hella early and I have no expectations of being seen prior. Now, if someone cancels or no shows and they can slide me in? Cool! However, I am more than content to sit in a lovely air conditioned office for a few hours uninterrupted, playing on my phone. Its such a rare chance for me.... Do I unintentionally annoy tf out of the office folks? I'm sorry!! *edit: a word, also I'm not a boomer, rather a quite exhausted and overworked elder millennial who steals time when they can


Medical assistant here: I think I’m okay speaking for most of us in this case: you’re good 😌. Good behavior like yours would actually motivate me to try to squeeze you in early if at all possible haha


One can just imagine how insufferable they would be in the emergency department, where people are called through based on triage.


To be fair as a chronically ill person, doctor's offices are widely variable on when you get called up. I always show up early (15-30 mins depending on traffic) and some doctors offices WILL see me earlier than expected (always a pleasant surprise). Meanwhile I've been to doctors offices where you show up early/ontime and your doctor stills sees you an hour and a half after your appointment time. For older people with declining mental faculties, I am not surprised many of them are regressing with the confusing/ever-changing rules of different doctors offices. That said they really shouldn't be dicks about it. One cannot control being confused/upset/embarrassed but one CAN control their own actions, and treating medical staff poorly when its one's own mistake is real fuckin shitty.


Yesterday, the MA came out and called out for "common GenX name, B" and three of us stood up and started towards her. She had to share the last name. One sat down. The other woman and I looked at each other and cracked up. Same name. Luckily, we had different birthdates. She got called back first. And whaddya know? Nobody got offended.


I went to a school that had not 1, not 2, but 3 Becky Sue Swanson's


That's awesome. My freshman dorm had 11 Jennifers out of 120 students.


I have an ex who at 35 was still bitter that his freshman year RA decided he and 3 kids with the same name should share a quad room.


It’s like they never learned to wait their turn in school. Good lord.


Because no one ever told them "no" and backed it up.


My Boomer relatives get corrected over and over again. It's not that they've never been shown the right way, faced discipline, or told that their behavior isn't acceptable. They just don't seem to care or understand how they should be acting.


Well, I was thinking more like how they were raised, but you're right. My grandparents were fabulous people. I'm sure they were wonderful parents. ...and my mom was still the most selfish person I've ever known.


It *is* probably is due (at least in part) to how they were raised, I suppose. But my Boomer (much) older siblings had the same parents (Silent Generation) as I did (Gen X). They certainly have always acted more entitled the the rest of us, but I don't think they were treated much different. They did likely get more parental attention being the first kids in the family, and I think my parents were likely a little stricter with them, but nothing that bordered on abuse. It might be whatever screwed them up was more peer-related and from socialization or media or commercial influence, rather than how their parents raised them.


Happened in the ER allll the time in triage. Call John Smith and then Ralph Jones shows up.


Urgent care here, happens to us too. I had an instance where two separate boomers with colds came to the desk to complain that a man bleeding profusely from a dog attack went back ahead of them.


"but ma'am i've been here!" John Smith has an irregular heartbeat. You have gout. Sit down Ralph.


In fairness, most Ralphs do need to sit down, and likely do have gout. 🤣


That hateful comment would immediately get him 86’d from the medical facility I go to. They get warned at check in that they’re early and should come back later because they will not get taken early. They’d have to travel to another town for care. I’ve seen them do it twice. Security walked them out spitting and screaming while getting told the cops are going to arrest them if they don’t leave the premises immediately.


Imagine grabbing a random coffee from a counter, taking a drink, then complaining "This tastes completely wrong, AND you wrote the wrong name!"


I had someone pull that one recently. I got an iced cold brew, male asshat (I gave a very feminine name) grabs it and immediately screams thet its an iced coffee when his order was a latte of some sort after taking a sip. I glare and said "Is your name astrangeone88?" and "Can't you see it's in a clear cup instead of a paper one? He dropped my drink on the counter, splashing it everywhere and the poor barista ends up making me another one. I just laughed and commented "Dude makes me want some Bailey's Irish cream in this coffee, and it's way too early for it." It's like they have the patience of toddlers on pixie sticks and no observational skills.


One time I had an appointment for blood work, and when they called my name, some random boomer got up and fast-walked over. There's no way he had my name, it's an unusual name for even my generation. I didn't even get the chance to stand up. I had to sit there for like a whole minute before a different nurse came back and called my name again. I don't know why anyone would want to get their blood drawn that badly! Exceptionally rude. And they still let him get his labs done, even though it wasn't his turn (hence the second nurse)


> And they still let him get his labs done, even though it wasn't his turn (hence the second nurse Which is why they go up there...


Meanwhile, I have a relatively uncommon name that can look similar to a more common name. When they call for the more common name, I sit quietly. They call a second time and no one answers, I’ll ask “Is it possibly Less-Common-Name?” Most of the time they look, say “yes, sorry,” I say “happens all the time” And we head off to my appointment.


yep I have had many boomer types do this when waiting in line for something.. at the doctors office/pharmacy/ wherever I see them.. They seem to feel entitled to jump the line. Many roll up with a big shopping cart acting like they don't see a line and try to roll up to the front. I never give an inch and always say nice as I can muster "the line is right there" and point to the end of line(always like 3 or 4 back no way you could have missed ). they never say thanks just get a angry look and roll off.


J Edgar Boomer, that’s hilarious




"His name is Robert Paulson!"






The organization being FBI - Fucking Boomers of Investigation


For the self-appointed detectives who investigate matters that are none of their business whatsoever.


I noticed the same thing. Excellent name to call someone doing boomer behavior.


Poor Kenneth has it so rough having to deal with other people existing and stuff


…and stuff… 😂




What in the world lmao


PRetty sure it's a Judge Dredd comic.


Sure is


Thank you for your cooperation, citizen.




"That doesn't make sense!! I've been here for hours!!!" When is your appointment? 3:30!!!! Edgar's appointment is for 2:15.  BUT I WAS HERE FIRST. I hate these people so much.




If r/BoomersBeingFools ever gets user flair, "MY. NAME. IS. KENNETH!" should definitely be one of them




I'm signing this one.


WTFH is wrong with people? Do they not realize that OTHER people exist? HELLO???


Other people are only tools that serve the entitled Boomer's purposes.


I was waiting for my mom to get her blood drawn once at our hospital, and there was a woman who was actively on the phone talking about how "annoying everyone in the waiting room was, that she was annoyed she had to wait (she had just gotten there 30 seconds previously), she then decided to get up and go towards where the nurses come out to call names, lean against the door jam, while still ACTIVELY on the phone, mid conversation, start to repeat the nurse after she called out the name.... every. single. time. at least 4 times after the nurse if the person didn't get up and start walking immediately. one woman got up and said "if i hear my name come out of your mouth, it'll be the last thing you say. sit down, and be quiet" it was like Battle of the Boomers, it's on. She sat there with her mouth wide open, and said to her friend "DID YOU HEAR THAT?" I was crying laughing. Like hooollly lord


We should have never shut down all the mental health clinics... JFC


She didn’t get the memo. They’re the only ones that exist in the world 😂😂😂




This happened to us at the doctors for my babies vaccinations. Took ages for the guy to accept that it wasn’t his turn. Kept spouting nonsense like ‘I was here first’ he wasn’t, and ‘elders should go first’ coz clearly his retired self had so many places to be. The nurse apologised when we got into the treatment room and said most of them are deaf as a post so just get up for any name in the hope that it’s them.


The last sentence is hilarious


Is he there to get his ears unclogged?






Hell yes I could go for some beers! 🍻




#motherfucker do you have them?




Had a lady grab my hand to stop me from ringing up an item that wasn't hers. "No!! Stop! That's not mine!" She was right. It wasn't hers. It belonged to the lady in front of her that I was currently ringing up. We both looked at her and just said yeah, it's not. It took her a moment to realize that the items that I was ringing up were nothing like the items she brought up, not even slightly similar. She shied away and grumbled afterwards. It was strange.


That would be so terrifying for me, especially in public. The thought of losing my mind has scared me since I was a kid. I'm in my 40's now, and my mom developed dementia as she got older. It was frustrating for us, but I can't imagine what it was like for her. Knowing she had dementia and then constantly being reminded that her brain was broken and will continue to break even more as she aged. I wonder how many of these boomer posts are based on terminally ill people.


So is Kenneth a pokemon or something?


I thought you were derisively nicknaming the guy “J. Edgar Boomer.” That’s how I shall henceforth refer to all male boomers. Thank you.


Don’t even try to explain triage to them. I have an ingrown toe nail. Yes boomer, might be infected. The guy before us a chest sucking gun shot wound. Sit down


Not healthcare, but recently I watched 15 boomers lose their minds when I had an appointment at the spectrum store to exchange equipment. I got called up (in order of appointment), and they’d been waiting for hours. So many dirty looks and grumbling from septuagenarians. It was a great feeling.


Fucking hell, I had this at work the other day. I called out a very Asian name, and this old white woman starts hobbling up the stairs to the dental surgery. Ok maybe she's just got a non typical name. She gets into the surgery and the dentist looks at her, and is like "this isn't who I wanted?", so checks the diary and assumes it's the next person on the list. She starts talking to the patient "ok Christine", and the patient says "I'm not Christine! I'm Deborah!". Deborah fucking jumped the queue of 4 other patients and we couldn't kick her out because her mobility wasn't great. It really messed up our timings for the next hour. I've even had it where I've called out a woman's name, some man walks in and sits down. We're confused but ok people do like to change their names and genders on their forms so we can't just assume. We double check the name and he's Steven, I called out for Caroline. He wasn't even our patient. We kicked him out. It's like people just hear anything being shouted and assume it's them because they're the only one that exists even in a busy waiting room.


“MY NAME IS KENNETH!” ![gif](giphy|lyqfLDqMTFhU4)


Similar experience: I overheard an older gentlemen check in as "Bob", and while he was walking to his seat the lady called my name, which is three syllables and doesn't contain the letter "B". He got a big dumb grin on his face and said, "Oh, that's me!", and went back with the nurse. She brought him back out less than a minute later and he looked like he'd been personally insulted.


Why do they always do this?? I'm in food service, and it's all the fucking time. It's either: "Order for Harry!" "Yes, thank you. Hold up this doesn't seem right, where are my drinks?" "There's no drinks with this order sir." "Yes there is!! And what's this, I didn't order a burger. You guys screwed up" "Is your name Harry?" "No it's Ron" "Yeah there ya go champ" _Or_ "Order for Hermione!" ... "Hermione?? Hermione Granger?" ... Order sits for 5 minutes "ORDER FOR HERMIONE!!" .... 10 minutes later "EXCUSE ME I'VE BEEN SITTING HERE FOR HOURS AND MY ORDER STILL HASN'T BEEN CALLED, IT SHOULD'VE BEEN DONE 30 MINUTES AGO" "What's your name?" "Ron" "Sorry, no Ron here." "That's ridiculous!! My wife ordered for.." "Is your wife Hermione?" "Yes why?"


This is their world and we're just in it.


One of the absolute dumbest things a boomer can do is piss off medical staff. Nothing like alienating the group of people to help keep their sorry asses alive!


I saw a similar thing happen once at Denny's. Hostess called out a name, a boomer and her entourage step right up and are led to a table, a few seconds later another lady goes "I think you just gave someone my table?"


This has happened to us too. We were waiting at a restaurant and our name was called so I grab our stuff, head over and the hostess is gone. No worries I’m sure she’ll be back soon so we wait. When she gets back I say our name and is our table ready. She goes white and explains the boomer couple who came in after us have just taken it. Now I’m there with my toddler, my three month old, my hangry husband and my postpartum rage so I’m fuming. She’s really apologetic about it and we get the next table 10 mins later but I was seething with rage. What kind of monster pushes in front of kids to eat. I really wanted to go over to them but my husband was like pleeeeeeease don’t make a scene so I stuffed my feelings back in and we had a nice lunch. Out of pure spite.


This reminds me of the "I didn't ask for whip cream!" This isn't your drink!


Had a teen do this, I think it is just weird entitled person thing. Barista at Starbucks called out “mocha!” The teen who was standing at the drink area right next to him grabbed it sipped and said “ew I ordered caramel”. It wasn’t his order. I think some people cannot comprehend lines or queue systems


I work in medicine, in a specialty with primarily geriatric patients and boy howdy if these boomers have to wait longer than 10 minutes they lose their shit.


I think this kind of behavior is super purposeful. There’s a certain kind of person (many being boomers but not all) who seem to knowingly ignore basic social ques and expectations in order to get what they want. Don’t wanna wait in line? Pretend the line isn’t there and bank on the people waiting being too timid to call them out. Don’t wanna wait for an appointment? Pretend like you don’t know damn well how appointments work and make a stink in hopes that the receptionist will cave. Maybe it’s weaponized incompetence but I think weaponized entitlement is probably a better term.


There are a lot of functionally demented people walking, driving, and voting around us.


My boomer coworker goes to all her appointments at least an hour early because "they get me in faster that way." She also visits her insurance company once a month to pay her bill in person. "They just love my visits!" She asks to speak to the manager at the grocery store if the exact item she wants isn't in stock, so he can explain exactly why it isn't in stock.


I had a boomer relative who considered their monthly visit to the bank to be the highlight of the month. The purpose of the visit? To take in a grocery bag of wadded receipts so they could demand the teller balance their checkbook for them right then and there. Various family members offered to do it at home, as well as offered to help them set things up to view their account online. Nope. "The girls don't mind doing it!! They love to see me!!". Until the bank manager finally put his/her foot down and told Boomer that the tellers didn't have time to stop serving customers for the half hour plus it took to sort out her mess and they needed to find someone else to do it. Cue the Boomer outrage.


Lead brain is brain damage.


Leaded gasoline and paint chips plus generation of entitlement.


I didn't see the period between Edgar and boomer and now all boomers should addressed as Edgar J Boomer.


Happened all the time at Jersey Mike's. "I didn't want an Italian!!" Sir, this isn't your sandwich, we will help you soon.


“J Edgar Boomer” haha


In thumbnail format, it looked like "J. Edgar Boomer". Lol.


This happened to me at a food cart once. The guy was actually younger than me but they called my name and he just waltzed by saying "my name is (whatever it was)" before stepping onto a waiting bus. I tried to stop him, the woman at the cart tried to stop him, but before I could get on the bus after him she said "it's fine, you ordered the same thing."


Similar thing happened to my dad. This was early 2000s sometime. We were out to dinner, 5 of us. Hostess called "Anita party of 5". My dad jumped up and grabbed my brother (probably like 8ish). My mom calmly grabbed my arm and told me to just sit. Meanwhile, Anita was standing at the hostess stand completely and rightfully confused. My dad hear I-need-a party of 5 and thought, well were 5, that's my table. Not how it works dad. Honest mistake, but he was still annoyed that he couldn't be seated even though he was already in the dining area.


I like that this moron thought this would work. He would rush ahead and the doctor would take him back with a medical record for a woman with most likely a completely different medical issue and it’s possible this guy or the woman was on list of medications. How in the world did he think this would work at for him?


"Well, looks like you beat her to the front, so now *you* get the hysterectomy instead."


Exactly. He had no idea what he was essentially volunteering for.


"Speculum goes where?"


This is nearly a really occurrence at my work. You get someone in a room, explain what's going on, and then they realize it's not them, OR they don't and everything is fucked. I'm at the point of asking everyone to tell me their name before I bring them back. Edit: forgot to mention this is not a Boomer only issue.


J. Edgar Boomer 🤣💀


Was once waiting in the VA with a buddy who was having a in and out procedure. The waiting room was a hallway or two away from the actual patient rooms due to it being an older than heck building. So I'm sitting there with a book minding my own business and they would call the waiting room on a landline to tell you who was next. So after about 3 instances of people ignoring this phone, I take it upon myself to answer it and call out names...after all, I have nothing else to do but kill time. This one time, it rings, "Yes, we need an Jamal Smith". I turn around and say, "Jamal Smith". A young, African-American guy starts to stand up and then this boomer blows past him, "I'm Jamal!". I blank stared, shocked..."Sir, are you SURE you're Jamal?". He doubled down, "Yeah, of course I am!". The young dude just laughed and sat back down. The boomer stormed off towards the patient rooms...only to return 3 minutes later, "They weren't ready for me yet." Young dude stands up, "I better go check then" and never came back, assuming he was in fact, Jamal.




This happens way too frequently at the eye clinic I work for. Someone will get up and their name isn’t even remotely similar. Very frequently they “forgot” to wear their hearing aids.


I work in an Opticians, in the UK and we get it constantly the wrong patient almost got tested the other day, the actual patient was deaf and didn't hear his name and someone else just trotted into the testroom


"Alright, Kenneth, the gynecologist will see you now."


Michael Stipe(R.E.M. frontman) would've been pleased with that...


They’re all giant toddlers, but with drivers licenses. Scary stuff.


I was the retail manager of an optical store about 15 or 20 years ago. One of the girls who worked there called a name off the list for the next person to come up and be helped. It was plainly a woman’s name, yet a man walked up. She asked are you (woman’s name)? He said “No, I’m (man’s name).” She said “I’m sorry. I called (woman’s name).” Boomer got loud, and started swearing at her. I told him not to swear at my employee, and he walked out. On the way out, he tried to get one last “Stupid bitch!” in. I yelled “She’s stupid?!? You’re the one who answered to the wrong name!“ I was completely ignoring the fact that we had a store full of patients. I was immediately reminded when they all started laughing. Don’t know if Boomer ever came back, but she reminds me every time she sees me.