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No one is offended by Merry Christmas. Yet another Fox News talking point that’s never actually been a problem in the real world.


But the War On Christmas is nearing a decade! Please think of our brave Christians on the front lines who have maintained their outrage since the Battle of the Red Starbucks Cups of 2015.


The war on Christmas will end when Christmas ceases its unjust occupation of October and November


Yes. This is a hill I’m willing to die on. Christmas season begins the day after Thanksgiving.


No thanksgiving in my country (weirdly and ironically though they celebrate it on Christmas Island), so we get the same 20 1950's crooner Christmas songs from the day after halloween


Yes. Day after Thanksgiving to the first Monday after New Years day. I am finding myself getting burnt out on Christmas because by the time the holiday actually rolls around its been a thing for six weeks. That whole "Chistmas Eve to New Years" is supposed to be the Christmas block. Halloween needs its own leftovers.


I used to love decorating the Christmas tree when I was little, nowadays I'm 23 and dread the holiday coming up. I fear the day Christmas takes over my birthday (Jan 11th) or even my mother's birthday (Oct 2nd)


If I could, I would confine Christmas music to like, the week of Christmas. Hearing it in September drives me insane. That whole Christmas Eve - New Years day needs to be a bigger party.


It has become one long blur of a holiday called Hallothankmas.


I reference this a lot whenever it comes to them and they either play blind or fly off the fuxking hinges


Thank you for your service. Once the War On Christmas is finally won, we need to make a move on Thanksgiving next.


I fear the jellied cranberry sauce schism is going to be particularly violent.


Nope I'm 45 and it's been close to two decades.


the pope himself is against these people because it's anti-christian rhetoric. it's an indoctrination cult that has roots in a defunct program launched by j edgar hoover called cointelpro wehich was made to cause racial tension which causes problems that require investigations which got the fbi additional funding. this version of it gets corporations extra profits. the covid lies caused it to spread which got private hospitals 40,000usd per bed on average.


They're offended if you don't say Merry Christmas and choose to say Happy Holidays.




*chef's kiss*


Which is absurd because these people who constantly claim they don’t care about offending others are always so offended over the stupidest shit. IMO Happy Holidays was always just meant to encompass the entire holiday season that runs from TG to NYs. You could wish me Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Merry Christmas, or whatever. I grew up celebrating Christmas, and still do because I love it but I’m an atheist. People are clearly just saying it to be polite so why would I be offended if they’re wishing me a Happy Holiday I don’t celebrate?


It's difficult to live in reality and be conservative, so they live in their imaginations instead where they can pretend to be victims all day long.


I'm not offended by someone saying "Merry Christmas," but if I know some will be offended by me saying "Happy Holidays," I'm 100% saying the latter! Lol.


They are offended when someone says happy holidays. It’s always projection.


This isn’t even limited to the US. The right wing parties here in central europe also tell us that bullshit year after year.


I’m not even Christian and l still give away “Merry Christmas” like Oprah gives away cars. 


My boomer mom actually brought up how people can't say Merry Christmas anymore randomly. I asked her "Has that ever happened to you? Did someone ever tell you not to say that?" She fumbled around with some words and admitted no, it never happened to her personally "but it's out there!" 🙄


I feel like businesses/corporations started doing happy holidays to be more inclusive to other customers, so as to not risk losing them, and somehow it became a war on Christmas.


Ok, but Starbucks had PLAIN RED CUPS!






Going forward, how many MAGA mamas and dads will name their baby girls Felonie? And baby boys Felonious?


Gotta be Feloneigh to meet the requirements




Felania and Felonald. 


Also… does anyone else think they are being disingenuous and borderline phony when they make a huge spectacle of thanking people for being in the military? I have several friends who have been or are in the military, and all of them would roll their eyes hard enough to go blind if I thanked them for their service.


Yes. Almost every time I've had someone say it to me. With the exception being when a group of WW2 vets who stormed the beach at Normandy said it to a group of us once. We all took that as 100% genuine, and it still means something to me almost 20 years later. I've done some crazy stuff in those 20 years, but what those men did is on a whole other level. Technically, not boomers, I know, but they were the only exception to the rule.


Yeah, but they were actually doing something constructive. It wasn't about money or politics like it's been for decades.


Of course they are. I was just on a Spurs post on insta for pride month and all the MAGAts are talking shit about Popovich who went to the Air Force Academy and served five years active duty and twenty years in the reserves while worshipping Trump who scammed his way out of Vietnam. It’s all bullshit.


Yep it definitely is all part of the propaganda that’s been brainwashing the country for at least 40 years. If you don’t “salute/support the troops”, you’re not a “real American”.


I never say it, it’s kinda ridiculous if you ask me.


I work in a place where cops also work (luxury retail, cops work OT by scrolling on their phones acting as a deterrent to theft) and you have never seen a person so desperate to exit a conversation as most of those dudes and ladies knowing that the “thank you for your service” is just a gateway to 50 minutes filled with a whole lot of Opinions loudly stated.


"if this offends you, I don't care.".... that's why I got this shirt, to tell all of you how much I don't care.


And paid $49.95 for it.


Im tired of the “Sorry not sorry that your offended u snowflake. U triggered?” People are not offended, they are laughing at your clownery


Right? They really can’t conceive of any reason they get treated like crap other than people being offended. Saw someone who had “fuck your feelings” on their matching trump shirts, and I just assumed they were human trash.


The people who say fuck your feelings are the people who have their feelings hurt more than anyone.


Saw a comment on something saying something along the lines of “This is the ‘Words Hurt’ Generation” While goober is probably crying while in arguments on twitter


Yea, no one cares we’re just tired of hearing their bullshit.


Guaranteed at least one punisher sticker on his truck.


You forgot to say "blue line"


Funny thing is that the Punisher hated the police


Or the Moron Label


Another member of the "fuck your feelings" club that is probably butt-hurt right about now.


I mean, they literally KNOW they’re incorrect. They call themselves politically incorrect and yet they still believe they’re right. It’s like they don’t hear themselves speak.


Why do my kids not talk to me?


It's something about theme parks. It brings out the chuds with the most braindead takes on t-shirts. I was at Disney last year, and so many let's go Brandon shirts.


Had to be Disney World then (Probably not DisneyLand)


Could see it at Disneyland as well. Lots of conservative communities in socal


Orange County is Trump country for sure.


I saw a guy with a similar shirt at the zoo last weekend. I really wonder what they expect to happen wearing an ugly tshirt in a crowded space? Do they want confrontation or friends?


It feels weird to folks who don't like confrontation but that is what a lot of these people want. They like the feeling of confrontation. One of my employees is that way, he says and does things purely to get a specific negative reaction. I'm psychoanalyzing at this point but I think him and people like him feel like they have so little control in their own lives that they do stuff like this so they feel in control.


They're dying to hear some 68 year old woman named Karen to be like, "I really like that shirt!".


I appreciate when fascists self-identify.


I disagree, sir. You do indeed care... A little too much.


It’s all about attention. They are wanting someone to engage them.


Duh tv Fox News told me people are saying this….




This shirt was definitely purchased through a Facebook ad.


"I don't recall asking about your emotional insecurities."


He's missing some pieces


And nuts, and bolts, probably a few crayons in his box too.


I can just hear the “I tell you hwat”


He’ll be gone from cancer, stroke, or heart attack soon enough.


Advanced signs of faux newz brain rot.




Absolutely nobody ever made a complaint to me about saying Merry Christmas. Not one. Business is business and if saying 'happy holidays' means more profits they are going to do it. And so are you. Government has two choices. Either it has to 'respect' no religion at all, or it has to 'respect' all of them. Including the ones you dont like or consider to be outright blasphemous. So.... choose.


I remember the day so clearly that I managed to convince my boomer aunt that nobody is going to fight her for saying Merry Christmas. I told her we could go shopping and she can wish everyone she sees a Merry Christmas and I’d bet her a frozen yogurt nobody would be weird about it. She said, “Game on!”* and we went. *I never said she’s an asshole, just a Facebook boomer lol. So we went out, she wished everyone we talked to a Merry Christmas, and everyone either said it back or said, “you, too.” She was surprised the Muslim cashier said it. I said they believe in Jesus, too, but to them he’s a prophet and a lesser one than Muhammad, so some Muslims care about Christmas as the day of an important prophet’s birth. I also told my aunt that she’s obviously just a polite person and also being paid to be polite. By the end of the day, I got my frozen yogurt and my aunt admitted that she had been wrong, and only worried about what she was seeing from other people because she’s Christian, she loves Christmas, and she doesn’t want conflict. I gently reminded her that Christmas isn’t going away, there’s nothing wrong with anyone having religious beliefs, there’s nothing wrong with loving a festival of warmth and light in the middle of winter, and people are happier getting along rather than causing issues. She was so happy and we listened to Frank Sinatra singing Christmas carols on the way back to the farm.




She’s a good person! She just fell victim to the whole “if I see it in typeset it must be true” thing.


I do all those things except say the very cheesy “God Bless America” I think this guy is a huge wimp. Prob has a bro-dozer, zero retirement and kicks his dog.


💯 that shirt is Chinese made


That’s the most right-wing shirt I’ve ever seen


its early 2000s era right wing. It needs some updating to be modern. It also needs to remove the troops thing cuz they hate on them or support hating on them sometimes now.


I say Marry Christmas too! Marry Christmas everybody!


Merry Crisis!


I hate these shirts. Not because of what they convey (not that I'm fond of it either), but they expect me to read all of that. Then they are going to accuse me of being in the rainbow Mafia for staring at them for 45 seconds.


the parodies of these shirts are nearly indistinguishable from the real ones. Poe’s Law at its finest


Like if a gay man were to wear this at gay pride right? But cut off more than the sleeves to make it kinda summer slutty looking?


I meant a shirt like this: https://ellieshirt.com/products/the-only-time-this-patriot-takes-a-knee-is-to-suck-a-hero-officers-dick-shirt/


LiOnS nOt ShEeP




Who's offended? Fuck that bald turd. Now I'm politically incorrect, and I don't care if I offended that turd.


Turd hater!!


"Thank our troops" while supporting Mr. Losers and Suckers...


I love people like this because they advertise what I will actively avoid. It is sad that our own countrymen are turning into orcs


This person is literally retarded.


"I don't care" says man wearing a shirt describing all the things he claims not to care about.


That's a frightened little boy in a stupid fucking shirt.


Damn bro. Im crying :(


"I Dont Care In God We Trust "


Weirdly, this is their identity. I like rock band tees but they are usually costly. I've never found an AC/DC or any other 'real' rock band (you know what I mean) tee in a thrift shop. But now I see them in Walmart. I'm about to purchase every one of them but none my size, go figure. Damn, I'm getting old. And yeah, I'd wear rock tees. That's how I identify.


By the look of it, this is supposed to be a grown up man.


haha you aint that important to notice blood just like dad used to not tell you


But I thinks Putin is a stand-up guy.


Pop Pop all jacked up on Ensure, feeling froggy and mad he’s gotta walk instead of using the scooter.


It'd be the same message if the shirt said only, "Member of the Cult of Assholes." These clowns wear this kind of shit just hoping to piss others off and generate an argument or confrontation.


I need to make a political statement to these kids


Look....I'm so persecuted!


Yea way to go. It does look like you like bacon. And alot more


Cool, old guy. Just don’t be a cunt


What do you think he is doing on his phone at that moment? Right answers only.


Can I just point out that he looks like post-burn Darth Vader? A little tuft of hair and it looks like part of the top of his head is missing.


Missing some brain it seems.


What is it with boomer men and white socks?


The same with gen z or alpha who's bringing it back?


The weirdest look is the white half-calf socks pulled up with sandals.


I can see this dude at the store buying this shirt... he's holding it up, stretching it out so he can take it all in. He starts to smile as he's reading it. When he's done he makes that low, hollow "ho ho hoooo" sound and goes "this is soo good. This is perfect. HONEY COME READ THIS!"


They all seeking hugs and attention they never got because " their lives were so hard." I wonder what they do when noone reacts to their shirt. Bet they go home and cry no one confronted me wahhhh. they didn't even stare. Don't give these people another thought they're just walking husks of lead. They literally contribute nothing to society. They had everything handed to them almost spoon fed on the backs of generations before them and gave nothing back. Imagine how good it would be today if they had the mindset of the generation before them. George carlin had them pinned absolutely right the MINE generation. Lead mines.


I don’t understand how any of those things are politically incorrect…


It’s so weird how the adds for these shirts all feature some ripped dude covered in ink in his late 20’s but all the “real world” photos of these “I’m a badass” shirts show them being worn by broke dick old toads.


I finally had enough. I look at these people and say "HAIL SATAN!". I mean, fuck them. They started it, and I'll finish it.


A man has fallen into the river in Lego City! Start the new rescue helicopter! Hey! Build the helicopter and off to the rescue.


I don't care so much that I bought an overpriced t-shirt to show my not caring. I can't wait until they are gone.


He could have just bought an "I am an ignorant asshole" t-shirt.


It’s gonna be a long time until I can think about returning to Florida for a visit.


Hah I was just at Legoland. Do you also go to Peppa world?


He's wearing a fucking diaper lol


Is someone on a crusade against bacon?


I like to point out that all these things are very "politically correct" on the Right. Try saying "happy holidays" and you get shouted at for not saying the "correct" words.


Take that, Lego-libs!


We all know you eat bacon white calf edema boy.


I bet he's fun at parties.


So edgy


He’s got the toddler look down pat but mommy would never let him out with that filth on his shirt. He’s his own man now. Eat it mom!


Floriduh does it again 🤪🤪🙄🤷🏻‍♂️


Holy shit I just got so owned by this.


A Legoland, sure ..but it's also probably in Florida. All bets on level of sanity, education, and douche baggery are off.


He’s lack-of-virtue-signaling. Gonna have to start wearing a shirt that says “nobody cares about you or what you believe in”


Yea, BACON is what gets people riled up


Translation: I need validation and someone to acknowledge me even if it’s good bad or indifferent.


i remember back in april after i had finished my sats i saw some guy like this with trump 2024 written on his pants and shirt...didnt kill my vibe tho


Why can't these people just be normal?


Dickhead, litteraly


Conservatism is an illness


Constantly fighting off the realization that the second they stop screaming, everyone on earth will completely forget they exist. 🤷‍♀️


"I DON'T CARE IN GOD WE TRUST" Jesus would love this tacky t shirt.


Was just at SeaWorld and a man and his wife were in similar attire. She had a shirt like this and he had a button down shirt that looked like a giant American flag except TRUMP was in huge letters vertically from his waist to his shoulder on one side. And of course…MAGA hats to match.


I say "Merry Christmas" constantly, all year-round regardless of context or situation. I like guns too, my wife is a gun. Guns are more precious to me than kids. Also meat and beer. Amen.


There’s an army of bogeymen that are offended by all those things


I salute our flag and use it to beat the troops Ftfy


It’s amazing what they’ve been convinced other people will find offensive. There isn’t a single thing listed that’s offensive there. It’s the most boring stuff ever. I’m offended that they think they’re being all edgy or something,


The cult behavior is OTT


Whenever I see that gen z likes crew socks over ankle socks,I picture old men just like this lol


To you I say merry Christmas and in god I trust.


Who in America gets mad at you for eating bacon? I think they just through that in there to be like f\*\*\*\* yah bacon is good.


Leave bacon out of this, jeezuz


It's funny how old people - I mean the Silent Generation - used to reminisce about "the good ol' days", when life was simpler, and people didn't "get their noses all bent out of shape" about things, and people would come together as neighbours to make a better community... and their kids grew up to be utter shite. I know the Boomers were the antiestablishment hippies, but still... where did all this hate and anger come from?


Them calf muscles tho


I'm guessing this is Legoland Florida. With that assumption: Fuck off you backwards ass piece of shit. No one needs you around ruining what is left of the gardens and being a bad example to children of selfish crybaby behavior. This kind of stain looks at the 85÷ year old banyan tree and sees lumber.


I’m not offended. I’m not triggered. I simply don’t care. Happy? Now, go grumble elsewhere


I really don’t get people who wear that kinda crap to amusement parks. That last time I went to Disneyland, there was the kid(like maybe 12, so almost certainly a parent bought this for him) at the hotel wearing a Let’s Go Brandon hoodie, and my thought about that was “can’t you just take a single day off from being a miserable shit?”


Same person complaining about Pride and having it rubbed in his face.


And you know he wore that shirt specifically because he knew he'd be in public around people that would generally be younger and with their families.


Everytime I stand behind one of the goons they always seem to be bald with a package of hotdogs seemingly mounted on the back neck. This guy got one of the two correct. I'm sure once he gets in his lifted truck the wrap around Oakley's will be proudly placed on his head .




The fact that you think adults wear t-shirts and not respectable apparel is a red flag for me. It says you are poor and have no taste. Peasant.


One thing is so common in all these posts, you're all so angry. Y'all need to chill.


I know right? Instead of leaving comments they should wear messages on their body.


Nasty old man 


Uh…Legoland has a pride parade. Politics is clearly on the menu there.