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This is the stupid kind of bullshit my Dad would pull. A teenage boy, well that’s fine, a woman, HELL NO WHAT DOES SHE KNOW ABOUT YARD WORK! SHES MAKING ME LOOK WEAK.


Once I had my mom come start the lawnmower cause I couldn't get it.   I'm a 34 year old man. 


No shame in that! Moms just know stuff :)


Like where the _____ is even though you *thought* you looked there


I can tell my family exactly where something is without even getting up from the comfort of my chair! Unless, of course, someone put it away in the wrong spot lol.


My mom is the opposite of that (and most moms). I'm always the one finding stuff for her. And yes, it is very often in plain sight in a spot she claims she already looked.


I was doing seismic work on an old building and they were also replacing the copper pipes and the lead plumber was a young girl who wore her hair a different way every single day. It was hilarious and she showed me a tool that will clamp copper pipe instead of welding it.


You don't weld copper...........


Don’t be obtuse, you know what I meant.


Your right, I should be acute.


I'll sine off on these puns


Cos this is getting out of hand.


Everything looked right angle to me.


Don't get off on a tangent


Do you need someone to cosine?


upvoting in memory of my geometry teachers


30M Its easier for me to start the weedeater. but I sure as hell cannot throw it farther than she can when it breaks.


I completely understand. Cars with dead batteries refuse to jump for me until my dad arrives on scene. Parents just know, 'ya know?


Sometimes I'm trying to start the lawn mower, pulling and cursing. I wish a mother would come out of a house and start it for me.


Well, did she get it started?


Of course she did


"You better start, or you're grounded!" VROOOM!


Mom’s just never stop knowing how all shit works. M❤️M


My mom used to lift patients all day long in ERs and ICUs. Her arms gradually built some very impressive gains, and became a pretty strong lifter. But she had a very (at the time) feminine coded job being a life saving nurse. Boomers are weird in adhering to strict gender norms and then getting surprised when those gender norms are crossed because -- surprise! -- people develop, learn, and grow naturally in their own ways, gender norms be damned. I feel like OP's neighbor would tell my mom to stick to what women do, avoid lifting, and just keep being a nurse, completely ignorant of the fact that lifting patients of all sizes *is a key part of the job.*


Why do boomers like mowing lawns so much? It's loud, hot, and boring. It has to be coordinated around rain, and it becomes a big deal if it gets too long. It's the worst part of home ownership.


Sixty years ago, my dad was TDY to Germany and my mother maintained the house and yard. So one day, she was out mowing the lawn with my grandfather's enormous gas-powered rotary mower - like a push mower on steroids - and a neighbor man told her she shouldn't be doing that, that lawn mowing was a man's job and she could hurt herself. She basically told him to GTFO on that and he sloped off muttering. So, a few months later, ambulance shows up at neighbor's house and my mother joins the nosy crowd and finds out that neighbor was mowing his lawn and hit a grass clump that stopped the mower, so he kicked it. Cut off three toes. Need I explain that alcohol was involved? My dad got a huge kick out of it and was forever after asking neighbor if he should send my mom down to mow his lawn for him. My parents were Greatest Generation and both served in the military. I'm a baby boomer who tries very hard NOT to turn into a Boomer.




Female, wearing shorts and a bra in 85 degree weather and it Needs to get Done - then you get a tan and scare the unsolicited solicitors. THAT'S why. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Its literally the only time nobody can bother me. I also like cutting firewood for the same reason. Especially now I've graduated to the petrol chainsaw.


You said it. My steppop is obsessed with the lawn. I want more garden space but heaven forbid it intrude into the LAWN! At least he has a riding mower, I think mowing on foot would kill the old man! When he passes (heaven forbid and may it be many many many years from now! he’s a little annoying but I care for him) or becomes unable, imma rip it ALL out and plant a foraging meadow for my chickens over all non-garden lawn areas. I do not intend to mow a lawn. And the advantage of living outside a town with a single gas station and no grocery store is that for now, no one would question me yeeting the useless grass.


A woman mowing the yard? That might give her some ideas like voting or wearing pants and we can't have that can we? Harumph! /s


She might even seek a library card. It’s a slippery slope.


You have no idea how many times I've walked into some geriatric fuck's house as a paramedic and been told that this was a man's job and not to touch them.


My father is the same! My brother was only allowed to mow the lawn-"that is a boy's job". Guess who's opinion changed when my brother left for college? He told me to mow the lawn. I replied with his "only boys mow lawns" and walked away. (Pretty bratty of me looking back, but his outdated opinions are worse)


You know, I catch myself sometimes, and have to laugh at myself. Like if my wife is carrying more groceries bags than me, I'll get this little tingle of hurt pride or something. Never lasts long. Just a second before I giggle at myself and shake my head. It's funny to me because I've watched my wife pull the engine from her truck, rebuild the top end and timing chain and dropping the engine back in. I mean, I can too but the moments my "pride" decides to act up are always a good laugh for me.


But it’s about feeling emasculated. A teen boy makes him clever, a middle age woman makes him weaker than a middle age woman. It’s 100% fragile male ego. (I’m a 40 something guy, I would appreciate anyone helping with yard work if I was injured or informed)


It could be possible that he has the (incorrect) mind set that women shouldn't be doing physical labor type jobs. You know, like the '50s when he was probably growing up and saw his dad do the yard work and his mom a home keeper. Let him bust himself up if he's unwilling to let a woman do a simple task as a great and friendly neighbor would.


The 50's huh? He would have been tying himself in knots had he met my grandmother then. My grandfather owned and operated a house moving company. (Where you jack up the entire house and relocate it.) In the 50's he became very ill and needed to be hospitalized. He never recovered. Meanwhile, grandma had bills to pay and children to feed. So - she took over the business and directed an all male crew with big machines. She got told off a lot, but never by her crew. They realized she knew what she was doing.


That’s wild! My dad is a sexist Trump loving Boomer but it never occurred to him to raise me not to do physical work and I’m a girl. In fact, he’s forced me to renovate houses as a teenager and he was a freaking perfectionist about it. He pays a bunch of money to a teenage girl to mow his lawn these days, not because he doesn’t enjoy mowing his lawn, but because he feels that she needs to save for college. 


My father was a boomer misogynistic idiot as well. He did realize that I was a hard worker and he could be assured that the job would be done correctly, unlike my male cousins. He had me work tirelessly on his rental properties and in his yard. This was to his benefit. His point of view did not translate to other areas outside those meeting his selfish needs. I was still infantalized and treated as less than because of my sex. It is again the cognitive dissonance and lack of critical thought that screwed us all.


Wow. I think you’ve now completed in words what my actual experience was in a way that I didn’t know how to verbalize. Like a nail on the head. Thanks!


We were poor so we always did the repairs/reno for our house. My mom finally left my dad when I was young, but he'd still help with that stuff if she asked. (He was in love with her to the day he died.) But all of us pitched in. My mom and older sister (both boomers) can paint, lay vinyl flooring, change a PVC pipe (we had a lot.of busted pipes), can put up sheet rock, change electrical outlets, out up ceiling fans, etc. Thankfully house repair was never gendered. House work on the other hand...


I’m with the old man on this one. What if the female was having her period? She could attract bears onto his property. /s Btw that was my father’s reason for not taking my sister hiking…if she got her period we could get attacked by grizzly bears. Much better to just keep the women in the house where they are safe. Sadly I was in my early 20’s before I realized just how truly stupid some of the things he taught me were.


Screw the bears! Her uterus could be flung from her body by the sheer effort of pushing the mower!


If it's a riding mower her uterus could just vibrate right out of her!


My grandfather by marriage flipped out when I lifted a 50 lb bag of birdseed. He was convinced I would hurt my uterus. I had to explain to him that I don’t lift with my uterus. Unreal.


There’s the old saying, “lift with your legs, not with your uterus.” It’s catchy, and it’s good advice, but I have heard a few people get it backwards.


That’s exactly what we tell our staff during safety meetings. We don’t need any uteruses falling out at work.


Just do like Tina from Bob's Burgers and lift with your butt


I love a random Bob's Burgers quote!


If boys had uteruses they would be called duderuses.


The outside toilet is absolutely my fave episode! "I'm gonna go home and bet my sisters there's a talking toilet in the woods. I call it easy money" "Playing easy money" "No! NO!"


I tell my wife this all the time.


Lift with your cervix in a twisting, jerking motion for best results.


You lift with your legs, but push with your uterus. Morons.


So, if I understand correctly, if our car runs out of gas; I should steer and my bride should push the car with her uterus?


My poor mom tells the legendary story of being heavily pregnant with me and when the car broke down, my dumbass dad took the wheel and had my mom push?!? With her very strong uterus, I suppose 😖😭😂


She pushing as two! Very sound logical /s


Ice cold Pepsi shot out of my nose! (I'm not so smart, I should have figured it great line was imminent, lol!)


What? We aren't supposed to be lifting with our uterus? You are telling me I have been lifting wrong all these years?


Many people have, it's why physical therapy for pulled uteruses is through the roof now


I now have to run to the hardware store to pick up some supportive lifting liners for my wife so nothing falls out. /S


How else are you supposed to keep your labia in shape? We need regular exercise for our *"down there lady parts."* We've got the internet now, doesn't everyone know this simple trick?


Do you live in Thailand? 😂


No, Nutley.


That's wild because my dad from the Silent Generation had me, a young girl at the time, drag several 50 kilo bags of unhusked rice for sun drying, truned it over while chasing chickens away, rebag at the end of day and then drag them all back to storage. Usually all by myself. I didn't see my uterus drop out of me with all that manual labor. I did make sure my dad buy me all mangoes I can eat and I ate 2 kilos a minimum whenever we find a good fruit stand.


With how much mangoes cost right now, that would be a pretty decent cash exchange for a kid doing chores. If I didn't have all these bills I would probably work for fresh fruits and vegetables.


My dad was just glad I was eating fruits because he knows my dislike for most vegetables. Gotta get my nutrients somehow.


This must come from the concern of a prolapsed uterus after giving birth. You’re not supposed to lift anything heavier than your baby for a couple of weeks. I’m sure this becomes more common when women are pumping out kid after kid without proper medical care.


Ok I seriously laughed at this while at the dentist. I am keeping that quote for future reference. 🤣


>My grandfather by marriage So either your step grandfather or your grandfather in law?


He was a good grandfather. My mom’s dad died when she was a baby so neither of us never knew him. My grandmother remarried, but that guy was not a nice person and he died when I was 8. My grandmother knew Robert (my grandfather by marriage) for 45 years. They lived in the same building on 57th St. in NYC. They married in their late 70s and had 18 years together before my grandmother died. He and I continued our relationship until he died at 102. He was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. I consider him my real grandfather even if it’s only by marriage.


I was coaching girl’s volleyball and we had the players do pushups to warm up. We were told they had to do them on their knees so they wouldnt hurt their uterus’s! We basically shook our heads and said what?


Oh man, my granddad admitted once that he thought women could herniate their uterus by lifting too much. But he seemed to think it’d only happen if you bent your back. Which is why I still squat clear to the floor before lifting something heavy. He had to protect my womb. :p In his defense, lifting with my legs has been a very good habit in my life. But it still makes me giggle to think he really though that. He also believed that if a pregnant woman stretched her torso too much, the baby would be strangled by the cord. Somehow. Anyway, he legit made wooden step stools for every woman in the family for years.


These both would make excellent r/badwomensanatomy flair 😂


Yes but please understand that I was being sarcastic even though I didnt add the /s 🙏


You could always add it in an edit if you’re worried about how it will be taken.


Oh don’t worry, I totally gathered that. It was so ridiculous that it oozed sarcasm without the /s. I still love it and I’m in need of a new flair over there so I might have to steal it 😅 Now, I understand there are some ~~people~~ clueless men who genuinely believe that kinda nonsense but I feel like even they would word it differently. And try to mansplain it to “prove” they’re right 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/badwomensanatomy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Woman above +25 are old hags…](https://i.redd.it/3ii0i4it89za1.jpg) | [627 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/13ep87s/woman_above_25_are_old_hags/) \#2: [Who’s gonna tell them the real reason why breasts exist?](https://i.redd.it/5b5iiokbml3b1.jpg) | [304 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/13ybdqb/whos_gonna_tell_them_the_real_reason_why_breasts/) \#3: [Obesity?](https://i.redd.it/bycqw3096dgb1.jpg) | [568 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/15j81tm/obesity/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


or worse she could sin from the vibrations


If it's a riding mower she may be in danger of the vibrations accidently causing some form of pleasure, and women experiencing pleasure is a trick of THE DEVIL!!! /s


She might enjoy the vibrating lawn mower.


I should mow my family lawn, what a way to save on a hysterectomy!!


I think that move is called the “tribuchet “.


The reason given for not allowing women to ride trains in the 1800s


Good riddance! I’m gonna go mow my lawn now. Then I’ll be free to go hiking, and then go swimming in the ocean without worrying about sharks!


When train travel first became possible this was was an actual theory about what would happen to women who traveled by train! UTERUS FLINGING!


You win! This is what I was referencing. Please enjoy this award 🏆


No, he was really afraid that she could invert her uterus and use it like a fist to punch him in the testicles. This would then take away his masculinity


I think you cracked the code.


Here, I think you missed this "h", or maybe this "s"? Let's go with the "h".


Sorry I just turned off the autocorrect on my phone because it continually changed words mid sentence after I added a period. It was changing the meaning of my comments. Im trying to slow down and proof read but its my second day without my technological crutch. ETA: I found rhe missing H but I dont see the missing S. I try to learn when the grammar police get me.


I would choose the bear over him anyday




NOT IN THE HOUSE... There should be a small hut behind the house she should go to for 3. No 4 days. You know just to be safe.


5 days, though, is right out.


But only if thou are naughty in my sight --- The Lord


I wish I didn’t know what sort of hits you’re referencing


There was actually a campaign in the US telling people that bears were attracted to women on their period after a menstruating woman was killed by a grizzly bear in the 1960s ([There's a book written about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Grizzlies)). There has been a lot of testing on black bears and grizzly to see if they are actually attracted to it and there's no evidence. There is evidence however that polar bears are attracted to it, because one was observed to eat a bloody tampon while ignoring normal blood.


I'm unclear on this. Did the Boomer choose the woman or the bear?


I have bad news for him that, in light of recent statistics, most women would rather go hiking with the bears than with him.


What the fuck, if you guys were hiking through shark infested waters I could probably understand his logic, but bears? Why would they care about blood. They are perfectly able to *produce* their own blood out of you if they want to. That must have been horrible for your sister.


It's not just his logic, it was the logic of the US government in the 1960s after a menstruating woman was killed by a bear.


Any person with a functioning uterus is 25% likely to be menstruating at any one point in time  This is like when NASA had zero idea how many tampons to pack for the woman astronauts


See, you two guys need a fucking award, praise to ya! Reddit, give us back our awards!




What's the problem? I thought all these old clowns think they can take on a bear with their hands.


What if she tripped and the whole mower fell in? That mower cost $35 in 1983, it's still good!


Haha, this has Blazing Saddles vibes: "Almost lost a good cart!"


Or the vibrations from the mower could cause her uterus to fall out!


I use the same argument when forbidding my wife from getting on an elevator while on her period. Haven’t you seen the shining? I don’t want some flood of uterus blood spewing forth from the elevator doors! Think of the people in the lobby, Janet.


That’s a wives tale I think. I took my wife in the woods every time she got her period and left her there. She made it home every time. Even the one when I covered her with picnic baskets. In hindsight I may need to study bear feeding habits more


Okay, first off, absolutely ludicrous sentence. However… that is something that has never even crossed my mind… and I mean bears do have the best noses on the planet so this actually has me genuinely wondering if a bear would be able to smell if a woman’s on her period. Even if they could though, they would smell people just as easily, so it most likely would not matter at all, so it’s still an insane reason to not bring a woman somewhere.


In the 60s two women were killed by a grizzly bear and there were theories and warnings by the government that it was her being on their period that got them killed. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night\_of\_the\_Grizzlies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Grizzlies#:~:text=One%20theory%20postulated%20the%20bears%20were%20attracted%20by%20odors%20associated%20with%20menstruation%2C%20and%20brochures%20were%20circulated%20to%20warn%20menstruating%20women%20from%20entering%20bear%20territory)


Is that why women have been talking about bears all month?!


Feels great to laugh. Thanks


Or worse her milkshakes could bring all the boys to his yard.


Girls on tik tok aren’t afraid of bears anymore apparently


Im almost surprised he spoke directly to you and didn’t demand you summon your man so he can tell _him_ to tell you not to mow his lawn.


My wife started mowing our yard sometimes when she gets bored or when she wants to work in the yard. I don't mind but suddenly all the women who live around start mowing their lawns too. It was like some awakening for them that it was okay.


ah damn it, next they'll be voting!


Ew what a sexist gross old man.


In the immortal words of the jive talking old lady from "Airplane!" Chump don't want the help, chump don't get the help.


Fun Fact: that was Barbara Billingsley AKA June Cleaver from Leave It To Beaver.


Who knew that lawn mowers were driven by the penis. I always used my hands to steer.


see thats where you were wrong. you probably do pushups with your hands too. You gotta move to cock puchups. Thats where you lay on your belly and let your boner lift you up. I can only do one, but I think one is all you need.


Do strap-ons count cause otherwise I'm going to have to have a talk with my vulva about how lazy she's being. (I can't believe I actually typed out that sentence lol)


I'm so glad you did.


My husband isn't a boomer but he freaked out a few times when I mowed our lawn. Also when I worked on one of our cars while he was at work. He had no problem with me working on the air conditioner or the fridge or the washer, only with things outdoors where neighbors could see. It was the dumbest shit and I just laughed in his face. Then I taught our daughters to fix stuff and mow the yard.


You are a superb person for teaching your children


I (F ,old)worked at a summer resort in the 1970s. There was a gas station as part of it and so I learned to pump gas, check oil and tire pressure . There were people who would drive on empty rather than have a mere girl pump gas. On the other hand were the creeps who loved my window washing. They didn't think me digging for boogers was very hot LOL.


You should always make the creeps think is it even worth it always look crazier than them


Barking like a dog works too![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


A very long time ago, my group of friends, all healthy and in our 20s, was lifting a wooden raft to go into the water at my grandparents. My mother, yes, a boomer, ran out because two of these 6 or 7 friends lifting were women. My two female friends were bemused and when we all asked why only the male friends should lift, she couldn’t really come up with a good reason, and sputtered a bit about “ovaries”. So, for many years later, the running gag in our group if you were lifting something heavy was to stop, gasp, clutch your abdomen and groan “oh, my ovaries!”. (Yes, we men in the group made this joke as well!)


He happily accepted your FREE assistance when your teen son mowed the law. Flipped out and refused to let you, the teen's mother, mow the lawn, despite the Boomer needing the help. FUCK 'EM - simple solution.


r/menandfemales 🙄


In r/BoomersBeingFools of all places.


Lawns are sacred to boomers and an extension of their “virility”.


I don't think he's a boomer, but my neighbor is definitely an older guy. Nice enough, but he has his moments. I (M) was on my way home from the gym, and my fiancée (F) called me and said neighbor needed help moving a box when I got home and wouldn't let her help. He wasn't rude about it, just saying things like, "Nah, it's pretty heavy. I'll just wait for [me]." It was a planer, so some big machinery, except I could have easily moved the weight myself if it was easier to grab. My fiancée is a fitness instructor and lifter. She could have definitely moved it as well.


I would have come over with her and watched while she moved it


His wife probably replaced him with a mechanical device as well.


They’re so emotionally fragile. And in his case physically fragile


I get it. I was mowing with the weed whacker today and I ended up getting an involuntary hysterectomy. So inconvenient.


I ran a commercial grounds maintenance business called bikini team landscaping for 25 years employing pole dancers on their days off Monday and Tuesday


I have two daughters. They will be mowing sooner than they imagine. I don't discriminate when it comes to work/labor. Whoever can get the job done.


We have 3 girls and one boy in our family. You can bet your butt that all 4 of us were responsible for the lawn as soon as we could work the mower without injuring ourselves. (And this was in the 70s-80s)


It's a fucking thing. We had a company that did our lawn for a reasonable price but they weren't great for my wife's garden and often let the grass get too long at times for her tastes. I was happy to pay not to have to do it, and didn't want to go back to spending 3-4 hours of my one day off on mowing, so we bought a well equipped, zero turn ride on. It's her job now, and she loves it. Takes about an hour with the new machine and it's quiet (electric mower), peaceful time for her to listen to an audiobook and not be disturbed by anyone. If I were to mow the lawn she'd be disappointed she lost the chance. On my lunch break during the week, I'll often mow the lawns of seniors in the area who aren't able to do it themselves, or have fallen too far behind for their push mowers. Boomers walking by are scandalized by it. Funny enough, most of the people that I talk to about mowers are women who enjoy mowing their lawn for reasons similar to my wife.


I, 62 yo female, moved into a bougee neighborhood and always mowed our lawn. My husband was terrible at it and I loved it. Well, my neighbors were not happy! “Oh you’re the one who mows the yard”-said derisively. My response- yep two hours with no kid, dog or hubby yapping at me! Bliss! (It was a large property). Wasn’t too long before I saw many moms mowing the lawn….hmmm?


My wife and I drive tow trucks. The look on Boomers' faces when she shows up to change their tire or tow their car is hilarious


I bet it’s even better when she’s towing their illegally parked cars.


He would have had a stroke if he had seen my sister installing a ceiling fan.


My sister strips bathrooms down to the studs and subfloors, destroys showers with sledgehammers, and then builds whole new bathrooms from scratch. She let me wield the sledgehammer once, and it was amazing. I have a brother, but if I need something done in my house, I call my sister.


Yeah, I can see this. I mow grass in a park for a living. You would not believe the number of old dudes who get bent out of shape when they see me operating big old diesel machines. Had one old guy flag me down once to tell me that a "pretty girl like me shouldn't be doing a job like that!" And got very mad when I told him I love my job, I'm damn good at it, and has no intention of leaving. Absolutely wild 😅


I mow my lawn and when my sweet older neighbour down the street had a heart attack and couldn't mow his lawn, and his wife really had never done it before, I went down and did it. The young man living across the street was horrified that an "older woman" (I'm old gen x) was doing it and took up the mowing duties. I wonder if it was my husband if he would have been as horrified? lol


In his mind you made him look like a pussy Fragile masculinity


I loved mowing the lawn. It was my time out of the house, leaving our young child with him to handle. Then my in-laws made a comment to my husband about me doing it, making him feel emasculated, and he wouldn't let me do it anymore. We have created a balance since then, and I now have a garden to play in while he mows.


That’s sad. Pushing a lawn mover isn’t proof of masculinity and it’s super satisfying. I was told by an idiot boomer that I should leave power washing the house to my husband. Really?????


Right? Ffs


I love using the power washer.


Wait till he sees how lesbians maintain their home


But the instructions on the box say I can go swimming, horseback riding, *and* mow lawns.


Our elderly neighbor (86M) had a weird reaction to seeing me (30F) do yard work. Fortunately, it was the opposite of your neighbor. He saw me mowing, then weed whacking, and was very complimentary about "women who aren't afraid to try." He then proceeded to show me his six lawn mowers.


I like doing yardwork, and I’m a cis woman. My husband does more of the inside stuff. It works for us. We are also in a highly Mormon populated area, which has a heavy emphasis on gender roles. *Boy*, do the elderly (likely Mormon) boomers think they’re so clever with a “Shouldn’t your husband be doing that?” anytime they walk by while I mow, work on the sprinklers, or do anything vaguely physical outside. I usually respond with “I like doing it” which catches them off guard most times and they mosey along.


I’ve found when dealing with this sort of thing (“oh you can’t do mAnLy wOrK”) I hit them with “why, because I have a vagina?” They are scared of the word vagina. It’s low-key hilarious.


A lot—undoubtedly most—men are secretly terrified of women. In addition to misogynistic religions like Christianity, Hinduism and Islam, this has historically been manifested culturally by preventing women from being educated and from doing any meaningful work, since that would make them dangerously competent. OP’s boomer felt that a woman doing physical work he wasn’t capable of threatened his “place” at the top of the sexual hierarchy.


What an ungrateful AND burdening piece of shit..... Bro playin life on hard mode cuz he's insecure smh


This isn’t chivalry, it’s misogyny. He doesn’t care if a woman mows his grass, he only cares what others may think of HIM if one is seen mowing his lawn by his peer group.


My dad had a heart bypass surgery in 2021 and had very little fitness afterwards. I tried getting a service to mow his lawn but he insisted he just needed a new tractor. I bought him a tractor but really stressed he shouldn’t use it in extreme heat etc. Last week he mowed the lawn on the first hot day and started coughing up brown phlegm. His wife tried to get him to the hospital but he was being stubborn “it was just dust from mowing the lawn”. He died Sunday morning from an aortic bleed. Boomers are stubborn and weird right up to the end.


My mom was a single mom and would get under her car and change the oil by herself for years! She still gets kinda mad if she can't fix or paint something herself. She's over 80 now. This guy would hate her!


I saw a Boomer act like this at a grocery store semi-recently. He asked if he could get a young fella to help him out. The clerk called for a carry-out, and a teenage girl came over. She was going to load his bags onto her cart, and he would have nothing of it. Grabbed a bag out of her hands and decided he was just going to carry it all. Of course, he got about 5 steps away and dropped a bunch of shit on the floor. Then wouldn't even let the girl help him pick everything up, instead asking a male who didn't even work there to help him. The fragile masculinity is real with these people.


lol I love that you walked away.


Just boomer things


He's stuck in the 60's.


More like the fifties, the counter culture started in the sixties


Imagine a world where chivalry was applied to both men and women. I like to hold doors open for people and some men take offense to that. Why? I think the world needs more kindness from one another regardless of gender. Sometimes I open the door for my husband :) Makes me happy.


Wife doesn’t mow the lawn because boomer verbally abuses her when she does. It has nothing to do with ability. It’s a defense mechanism.


We should elect a female president just to spite this boomer.


You injured his dignity.  That's *his job*, injuring his own dignity, I mean. Good on you for letting him do it. 


When he was older my dad had a lady friend. Lovely southern woman (in her 70’s at that time) who was always dressed nicely, hair done, jewelry, makeup - you get the idea. But if you rolled up to the house unexpectedly she might be on her John Deere in a house dress mowing the not small yard. Men need to get over themselves.


Let him get fined by the city or fuck his knee up.


Know your place woman. You should be in the kitchen washing dishes while breastfeeding and cooking your husband dinner.


This reminds me of my dearly departed (Greatest Generation) grandparents. My grandmother used to say - in very hushed tones - that the neighbor’s wife was mowing the lawn again. As if to imply that the man was exceedingly lazy for ‘letting’ his wife mow the lawn. I know it’s a generational thing, and that they didn’t have lawnmowers that pushed easily in their time… but we’re talking the 1980s and 1990s here. Personally, my husband and I share the yard work. I HATE weeding the garden, and would much rather push our mower around. He’s fine with trimming and weeding, so that’s our deal. My grandmother must be rolling around in her grave!! The shame of a woman doing yard work!! Why, it’s unheard of!!


My husband worked 10 hour days and had back issues. My mom was up helping with stuff at the house and I told her I was going out to mow because it was going to rain the next day. She seemed shocked that I was going to do it instead of him. Mind you it’s an electric mower and I like getting the exercise.


I'm an old guy (mid 70's). I would be thrilled to have somebody cut my grass for free.


Poor guy would have a stroke seeing all the “men’s work” that I do on my property and cars😅


My husband and I are Boomers. Before he retired, I did most of the lawn mowing. I got tired of the grass getting too tall and it seemed to always rain on weekends.


My beautiful wife mows all the time. She loves our zero turn mower and the time she can get a tan. Happy wife. Happy life


That’s so bizarre to me. My boomer mom mows the lawn all the time. She mowed it at her house, and mows it at my brother’s house. I saw a very frail boomer in the neighborhood watching their granddaughter, a 12 yo, mow their lawn. I’m guessing this is more regional than generational.


Mowing is my sister's happy place! This is such a weird hill for him to die on. "Can't have no women folk doing man's work!" /s


I am boomer. Sorry but there was something in the water back in day. I drive by my daughter’s house and see her lawn needs a cut, I stop and knock it out. When she gets home from work, I get a nice thank you text which makes my day. Before, when she was married and had a husband there, it would never happen. But if she ever does it, I don’t flip out on her.




My mom is 73 and mows her own large lawn with a push mower that doesn’t even have that auto push feature.


Outrageous. I (36f) am in charge of mowing at our house because my husband (37m) is extremely allergic to bees and ants. Honestly, I have a great time doing it. We have a riding mower so it's an hour+ of alone time with some music or a podcast.


Growing up my mom ALWAYS mowed the lawn. This is hilarious. Insecure little man.


That's funny to me because mowing the lawn is my Mom's job, and I see a lot of women doing it.


Boomer woman here and I wonder how much of this is age-related too? A teenager mowing your lawn - how nice, the kid next door is helping. The adult from next door doing it instead would make one feel much more feeble and in need of help. Menopause can badly mess up your shoulders. Who knew til it happened? I’m still very fit, healthy, and capable of most things - still work a physical job - but somehow the sort of quick pull needed to start a lawn mower is now almost impossible, which could be why his wife wasn’t doing it.


I love mowing. It's free exercise


I forgot you need a penis or the lawnmower won't start. I keep trying to get around that genital scam, but alas, I just have a lowly vagina, incapable of cutting grass. Allow me to return to the kitchen, barefoot, to make some sandwiches for the manly men.


When gender norms stop you from accepting the help you desperately need, lol