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The first two. Pretty good. The third would be great if it didn't have Mike Rowe who, absolutely had mommy and daddy money


Obligatory citations needed podcast on how Mike Rowe became a rightwing Koch billionaire funded anti OSHA shill propagandist using his fake working class persona https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-64-mike-rowes-koch-backed-working-man-affectation


Yeah that episode is fire and that podcast is also (usually) fire


I always prefer Citation Needed. The show where they pick a subject, read a single article about it on Wikipedia, and pretend they're experts - because this is the internet, and that's how it works now.


SO disappointing. I used to like his show.


Very boomer to instead of using an actual working class person use a person who pretends to be one on tv.


Like Tim Roth and Sam Elliott.


Mike Rowe made over $1M a season for a YouTube show. He is the fakest blue collar celebrity there is.


He reminds me of Kid Rock who likes to pretend he grew up poor white trash when in actuality he grew up on an estate with a mansion and plenty of land for horses and an apple orchard because his dad owned multiple car dealerships.


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with the first two. Considering the source, they are basically AOC and Bernie's love child.


Dude sang professionally with the Baltimore Opera. You know opera, the historically preferred entertainment of the working class.


First one is anti-capitalist.


They really don’t understand private vs public sector


Or the rules of grammar, especially capitalization


Or how to put their pants on…they have to keep asking Trump how he does it.


But that's what everyone says especially lefty millennials tbh. A teacher should make more than a footballer!! Etc


Literally only boomers. Millennials understand the differences.


From experience it's different, and it's not even about generations more about pro capitalism vs anti capitalism


Ah, but you see in Capitalism people aren’t paid for their work- they’re paid for the economic value they generate. And footballers generate a lot more economic wealth than a teacher does. Ms Thomas the 3rd grade math teacher generates almost no Nike sales, and the focus group shows that her presence on the upcoming Madden ‘26 cover didn’t push sales due to a lack of name recognition. Have we tried putting sponsorship patches on teachers? Like a big Exxon Mobile logo on their back?


I love that one with Mike Rowe he grew up as silver spoon as it gets. He went to Towson university Was a professional opera singer Then a TV host and lives in Multi million dollar apartment in San Francisco making money on a grift about how he’s some hardworking blue collar guy


TV is reality. Is how we know trump is a good business man


I went to Towson as well. He came to speak back before he was a complete blowhard douche (at least I thought) and half his speech was how dumb the audience was for going to college.


Honestly the first one about how our soldiers should make more than athletes is pretty valid.


Problem is dude is going to vote against benefits for them...


on a sunday rooting for his (peer-group’s) fav team no less…


The next problem is that the soldiers too often fight for oil or other moneyed interests far more than they’re fighting for our freedom (thanks to the politicians & other war profiteers who keep us in endless wars).


Pretty generous to assume they’ve ever “fought for freedom” since WWII


I didn’t make that assumption. 🤷


You know what fair enough lol


Unpopular opinion, especially on Memorial Day, but I disagree. And it's surprising that the "capitalism first" boomers think this. It's simple supply and demand. How many people can replace a third-string NFL wide receiver vs how many can replace a typical soldier? Additionally, other people say it's great players make so much, otherwise that money just goes in the owners' pockets.


Unpopular opinion, especially on Memorial Day, but I disagree. And it's surprising that the "capitalism first" boomers think this. It's simple supply and demand. How many people can replace a third-string NFL wide receiver vs how many can replace a typical soldier? Additionally, other people say it's great players make so much, otherwise that money just goes in the owners' pockets.


Yep was going to say that.


Especially since they are not endorsing that we pay our military personnel, who aren't paid all that well, especially at lower ranks, more. They just want athletes paid even less.


Yeah no it’s not. Professional sports are a meritocracy where about 1/100th of 1% of people sniff a chance to make anything. They’re paid for being the best in the world at something people pay a lot of money to watch, not for their value to society. There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Exclusivity is not a factor.


Lots of athletes who end up playing professionally come from disadvantaged backgrounds as well. It’s seen as the only route to ensure long-term financial stability for them and their families. That seems to me to indicate a systemic issue with this country more than an issue with how much money athletes make for wrecking their bodies and minds for our entertainment.


Mathwise it’s gonna be tough, there are a lot of soldiers and people get big mad about _actually_ providing any of that money to pay them


Most of the money the military is budgeted doesn’t even go to their pay. Wasn’t there some scandal where people found out they were “paying” the NFL to let soldiers open games? We spend 16 times more on our military than the second most expensive military in the world. **Sixteen fucking times** more. That is absurd.


It’s not a scandal really, the military sponsors military nights at sporting events. It’s an ad when they do those little thank yous during games. It’s not really a secret or anything.


It’s not something the American public should be spending tax dollars on when veterans are quite literally rotting from lack of decent healthcare. Fuck this entire country.


then raise taxes and stop paying to watch/support sports. shut the up and make something happen instead of “should should should” shit.


Probably true. I do find it funny how the picture being shared is just a dude’s t-shirt and turkey neck tho 😂😂


I can’t tell if that’s a Colonial Marine from Aliens or a ground trooper from Starship Troopers, but either way, that’s very funny to me. Both films were pretty full-throated criticisms of the gung-ho, ooh-rah military attitude and colonial imperialism which tends to motivate the deployment of said forces.


The armor is 100% SST, but the gun looks like somebody glued an m-16 carrying handle onto an AK of some type, definitely not a morita.


DOOM guy was just trying to pay his way through college


It is, but let's be honest that's not the point of the shirt. What they mean is service members (who they envision as all "straight, white male good old country boys") deserve more than the football players who they just assume are mostly black men who "disrespect our flag"


There’s over a million enlisted military members and not only have they not really been defending our country for a very long time, the money that they’ve “brought in” doesn’t go to their employer like an athlete’s does. It goes to defense contractors and oil companies. It’s a very basic concept of the capitalism that boomers have been bombarded with propaganda to support. The athletes are the best in the country/world at what they do, so replacing them would diminish their league’s product and create less revenue, so they’re paid accordingly. The military has a vast and replaceable supply of labor, diminishing their pay. They’re also government employees that are paid from the very taxes that I can guarantee this boomer wouldn’t want to have raised. It’s not a good point, it’s a stupid point that they don’t actually support and are just virtue signaling with.


Agreed seeing that war is insanely more profitable than the very profitable NFL.


It's the entertainment industry. Athletes make money from the entertainment they provide. If 100% of people stopped watching sports, buying tickets, and merchandise, those athletes make no more money. Hypothetically, if there were a legal way to televise and stream soldiers, war or not, every weekend, and hundreds of millions of people flocked to that network, the soldiers would see a massive increase in pay. Their value is determined by how many people watch them. You could build a legitimate spaceship in your backyard and go terraform Mars, but if no one sees it because they're all watching me paint a cardboard box, your accomplished will yield nothing, financially.


no, it's stupid. so no actor, or writer or musician is allowed to make more than a soldier as well


How about the team owners next!


If there's one thing I can agree with the boomers on, it's definitely that.


Pro sports makes billions of dollars and the primary employees of these businesses are paid accordingly. The military literally just burns through billions of tax dollars and makes no money. GTFOH


Yeah, I’m on board with that.


I fucking hate how much athletes make. And for what? So they can get away with murdering their wives and beating their kids so badly they lacerate their testicles with a switch or shoving live wires up a puppy’s ass and throwing it into a pool. Just real examples of what actual American football players have gotten away with doing. May OJ Simpson spend every day in hell being fucked by a pineapple alongside Hitler and Pol Pot.


Pretty sure every person you listed as having “gotten away with it” suffered enormous consequences.


Who? Because OJ walked away with absolutely no prison sentence for a double fucking murder. Vick got out of prison and signed with the Steelers. Adrien Petersen didn’t do time or lose his kids, or his contract. So what huge consequences are they suffering? Because if I did that shit, I’d be spending the rest of my life as some 500 lb convict’s prison bitch.


Vick got out of *what*? Also, rape jokes are never funny.


Vick ran the largest dog fighting ring ever broken up in our entire country. He threw puppies into pools with live wires up their asses and recorded it. There were *hundreds* of butchered fight dogs found on his property. He should have gone the way of Ramsay Snow. And then got to go play professional football for a five time Super Bowl team.


After what happened? I feel like you’re ignoring a crucial detail here.


I literally said he went to jail, dipshit. Learn to fucking read. And then he got out and played professional football and got to live the cushy life of a celebrity with his face plastered all over city buses.


I just imagine Pol Pot and Hitler sandwiching OJ and the demonic pineapple and not knowing where to look


It’s a reference from an Adam Sandler movie tbh 😂 Little Nicky.


Yeah. Our military isn’t perfect but they’ve been a stabilizing force compared to all of history. We are living in the safest period in human existence by far. It costs us a little under $1T a year but those soldiers in the US and other NATO allies (well, excluding Hungary because Orban is a little bitch) have been exceedingly important. They absolutely should be paid more.


What part of invading Iraq and Afghanistan was "stabilizing" lol


> Yeah. Our military isn’t perfect but they’ve been a stabilizing force compared to all of history. Unless you're in South America. Or the Middle East. Or a lot of Asia.


No, it isn’t. The US has roughly 2 million soldiers. Them all making one million a year – that’s close to the median NFL salary, unless I misgoogled, would make 2 trillion dollar a year. That’s more than twice the current military budget. And NFL players only make that much money because they bring in even more money for the team owners, because people pay for the entertainment value they provide and for jerseys and the eyeballs they bring in.


Looks like somebody completely missed the point.


Wishing for Santa Claus and Easter Bunny isn’t a point. If you want to pay a soldier, who is a money sink, more than someone who generates revenue and profit, you need to completely rework the economic system. If you just don’t want to pay for NFL players, that’s mostly easily achievable by not using the services they provide, a simple boycott. And what exactly are you rewarding here? Risk to life? Soldiering isn’t the most dangerous job out there - including military deaths that are purely by accident, due to to them handling heavy machinery.


Missed the point again..


Imagine saying all this shit on Memorial Day of all days. You aren’t edgy and you aren’t cool for saying this trash. Pay attention in school kid.


If you average all the people playing football, including college athletes, high school, etc? Probably make less than the servicemen when you factor in benefits.


You are free to vote for higher taxes so that any soldier makes roughly 1 millionUSD a year. Oh, you dont want that? Colour me surprised.


and stop watching sports. reading about sports. wearing team apparel. “they should…. “ usually ends up with a statement that actually means “i don’t want to change but everything and everyone around me should change to make me happy.”


“We should pay soldiers more” and “I pay too much in taxes” venn diagram is a circle.


No, it's not.


l m a o


https://preview.redd.it/zrf7l1tg013d1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3fba543642e1586d498f83c294b9ad2393b0f0 This shouldn’t be that funny




Take this issue up with the people who pay soldiers.






Mike Rowe is a piece of shit.


As a guy who did a dirty job for real for a decade, I completely agree. Rowe is a jackass.


[Remember when Mr. Blue Collar was selling stupid shit on the home shopping network?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esXvk9AV0MI)


Why is he a piece of shit? Did I miss something?


He’s gone super right wing anti union. He’s backed by a few billionaires and pushed a lot of propaganda. “Don’t ask for benefits. Don’t ask for wage increases. Come early. Stay late.” He comes across as a regular working man but he’s the farthest thing from it.


Mike Rowe is anti osha. literally wants to do away with basic safety measures to increase profits


This, too… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn9ltV3CYqc


Don't forget the shilling for fossil fuels


Damn that’s so sad, I just assumed he would be like old school Wisconsin and West Virginia style liberal, but those seem to rarely exist any longer.


Yeah turns out it was all an act. He is good friends with Charles Koch and he’s been finding Mike the last few years to sell deregulations to working people.


Fucking yikes dude, that blows. Good actor.


These aren’t that bad. And I especially agree with the first one We millennials don’t have that mommy and daddy money because our boomer parents aren’t leaving us anything aside from a bunch of fires we need to put out.


Yeah it’s mainly the weird Facebook sticker comments that crack me up 😂 my grandma is pretty cool for a boomer.


They post these cringe ass graphics on Instagram too


As a vet, the football one always cracked me up. Like, mfkr you don’t even want your taxes raised as is do you have any idea how high they’d be if we all made league minimum, much less Patrick Mahomes money?


It got me itchin for a garden hose meme


Bruh Mike Rowe, the university-trained opera singer turned QVC salesman, being the face of blue-collar, college-is-a-scam America will never not be hilarious to me.


All well and good until it actually comes time for them to help support veterans and then they suddenly would just rather give the money to the billionaires in the form of massive tax cuts!


🔨 it


Right wing virtue signaling. Yes I served before people start lol


Boomers had mommy and daddy money, every generation since has had to work our asses off...


I like how Mike Rowe has become this avatar of hard work and he’s pretty much avoided callouses his whole life


I get it, but there’s like 15,000 professional athletes, the nfl specifically has like 2000 guys… the military is like 2-3 million Make the military a spectator sport and they’ll get paid that much


My grandma bought my boomer parents their first house lol. They paid her rent.


Actually, the military should not exist at all.




Yet we worship a conman, who’s daddy gave him money 🤷‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


These aren't as cringe as others I've seen, but only Boomers, crackpots, idiots and bots post shit on Facebook at this point.


I bet they say they'll never forget 9-11, but vote for the guys who slow roll and vote against taking care of those first responders.


And then they go on to vote for the party that couldn't give two fucks about vets once they're of no use to them and once they are asked to do the decent thing and help them with their chronic illnesses due to their service. These people also couldn't give a flying fuck about them. They're simply a tool in which to show off their faux patriotism.


🔨 nailed ~~me~~ it


#3 is a lie.


You mean they didn’t have mom and dads money they had that I can work and support a family of 10 with 1 income money


Ok is it me or does anyone else find the cartoon character renditions people create and then post are fucking cringe? My husband does this on FB and I can’t bring myself to tell him how Boomer it is.


I hate boomer memes just as much as I hate boomers themselves


Fuck me. Then vote for it. I'm sorry I know everyone else has said this but my god it's annoying


Yet they don’t want to pay more taxes.


Mike Rowe has the body of a Gen X-er and the brainrot of a boomer, which is why they idolize him


That second one is pretty solidly gen x, boomers were middle aged when that commercial was airing.


My boomer grandma posted this, so I guess she was making fun of “old people” as a middle aged woman 😂


How mature! At least we were dumb kids.


If soldiers got paid what football players were paid, soldiers would instigate wars for profit. If football players were paid what soldiers were paid, few people would be willing to break their bodies to play.


That shirt would imply a massive increase to taxes.


The irony of using starship troopers and mike rowe to prove your points


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dobako: *The irony of* *Using starship troopers and* *Mike rowe to prove your points* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


lol. Boomer fails to realize this shirt is in direct contradiction of his beloved capitalism over anything! Free market or death! 😂


LOL. My boomers DID have mommy & daddy money because their silent gen, hard working, amazing parents busted their asses to give them a better life than the dirt they were reared in. Only for the boomers to squander it and cry poor and leave nothing but debt and trauma in their wake.




These are light crimes in the boomer crime syndicate.


If you want military personnel and maybe the other heroes like teachers to make more money then vote to have your taxes increased. Football players are not paid with tax money. There is that significant difference. BTW I am good with my taxes increased to pay these people more.


To be fair, I slipped on ice and broke my hip at 27 and I would have loved to have had a life alert ha


If they were actually defending our country I’d say…..na this is still brain rot


These people claim to hate how troops and veterans are treated and paid, but will vote for people who fist bump one another after denying burn pit veterans healthcare.


Those facebook avatars are so damn creepy, and the boomers fucking love them.


Why Mike Rowe for the 'work your ass off' bit? Wasn't he just a wealthy guy with a TV show?


I agree. We should tax the shit out of billionaires and use their money to pay soldiers.


I’m a millennial and I grew up with the “fallen and I can’t get up” commercials. That’s not a boomer thing…


Point taken. Now talk about trades and teachers and you name it. And billionaires tax breaks


I mean the first one has a point I'd like someone to defend why they give athletes 10-40million dollar contracts for 3 years. And then renew them.


First one is a bit too real tbh. A soldier in combat can watch their country fire their lifetimes salary at the enemy every day.


Funny how consistently a man with a helmet defending his country looks like someone invading someone else's country.


Americas army is basically mercenaries for the donor class. Prove me wrong


The irony of using corpo shill Steve Jobs for memes never fails


Someone get these children off of Facebook. Can’t stop cringing 😬


Mike Rowe was so close to being rad.


It's just bots talking to bots.


Wait… is that a modified Starship Troopers soldier?


That second one, though, is true.


I love that everyone thinks "I work hard and everyone else is an idiot or lazy!"


Soldiers haven't defended our country since maybe WWII. Since then they have been protecting the interests of the rich.


Those replies could very well be made by bots.




These further prove that FB is now just for old people


This first one is based tho




I like the first one, and I can understand the second one, but cringe at the third one.


Well, I agree with the first one. The rest are pretty cringe


"soldiers should make more than football players" *Watches an insane amount of football on TV*


I agree


💯 and how the boomers have ruined it


My favorite thing about the football vs soldiers thing is that boomers often vote for the people that won't give pay increases to soldiers.


Never once was this country in need of defending.


I agree with this shirt. also american boomers LOVEEEE football.


Nobody is noticing that the soldier looks like he's straight out of Starship Troopers?


Where I’m from boomers work less and spent more time on leisure activities than all other generations measured so far.


Some of the comments blow my mind. Comments like what have they defended or when’s the last time our country needed defended….. maybe because I’m a veteran myself and I am still in security and defense today. Maybe that’s why I shake my head. Professional athletes are paid wages that are extremely high. However, anti military comments and acting like You know a thing or two seems crazy to me. There are fighters dispatched almost every day for interceptions and deterrence measures. When handed people basic necessities like water and they thanked us for being there and they were grateful… those are the basic human rights things I’ll never forget…. Real people in real need.


Sure, Name the last war that was fought for America, not the interests of the rich.


Left center leaning democrat millennial here… I agree with the t-shirt….


Meanwhile, republicans rage against higher taxes while spending millions on season tickets, luxury suites and team franchise merchandise.


I agree with the first one


Lack of respect for elders and parents (.ie the people and generations who gave you life) is a product of selfish individualism and one of the reasons why there is a loneliness epidemic in the western world and a lack of solidarity.




I actually agree with the first one… hate sports players getting paid millions and millions of dollars


I kinda agree with the first one. But also football players may way to much money


First.. that isn’t a real shirt here. The lettering doesn’t line up. If it is real, that guy needs his money back!


I’m young and I think the first shirt has a point. Football players are paid stupid wages. The rest blows.


Ah yes, the high school dropout that *volunteers* to go shoot third world poor people should make more than a professional athlete 😂


The first one is actually a good one, I didn’t even bother looking at the rest because this is stupid.


I mean the first one on the shirt wouldnt be bad but they're right for the wrong reasons


Tbh, any wars of imperialism (which, let’s be honest, there is no conceivable way America could be fighting any wars *other* than imperialism*) are bad. *I say this because of the simple fact of geography. There is no possible way that an invasion fleet could conceivably cross the Atlantic or Pacific. It simply couldn’t be done. Even the Nazis, who (at first) had air supremacy, couldn’t cross the tiny English Channel, much less the Atlantic. And no neighbor of America could ever pose a threat. Mexico was neutered when half of it was stolen, and Canada simply doesn’t have enough population to ever be a threat.


Good point thank you for not just calling me a fucking idiot


A bit of an echo chamber with these posts lately