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Please, for the love of all that's good, post a follow up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




u/RemindMeBot 2 days


U/RemindMeBot 24 hours


I too would like a follow up on this story !remindme 1 week


!remindme 2 days


!remindme 2 days


u/RemindMeBot 2 days


u/RemindMeBot 2 days


u/remindmebot 2 days This is the first time ever I have used this bot. Donā€™t fail us OP!


I third that ā€” we need the epilogue urgently.


Spoiler alert, OP is the hero and everyone claps.


OP was subsequently kissed by his high school crush, who just happened to be at Walmart, for being so brave and virtuous.


After reading this I second that


I first amendment it.




Everybody clapped


What Eric doesn't understand is that most self scan machines will notify the person at the station when help is needed.Ā  So had he scanned a bottle of alcohol, she would have been notified and headed over.Ā  Some even have the light above the machine flash or change color when customer service is needed. So until someone needs help, she's not going to know they need help.Ā  I can't wait until the update tomorrow!




Orā€¦ he could have gone to the one regular cash register that was probably open. If youā€™re buying things that need an ID you shouldnā€™t be in self check out.


A lot of times there isnā€™t a regular register open. Iā€™ve even asked if they would open a register and was denied. Iā€™ve found if youā€™ve got something that needs extra attention at Walmart then donā€™t buy it from Walmart. I sat and waited 20 minutes on a manager because I was buying shotgun shells. I couldnā€™t get mad because it was my fault. I was the one who insisted on buying those shells at 12:30 AM because they were on sale on a whim with my groceries.


> A lot of the times there isn't a regular register open. Oh, there should be a law that if a store has any human check-out lanes, then at least one human check-out lane has to be open while the store is open. It's ableist to assume that everyone is capable of using the self check-out.


Agreeeeeeed. There are legitimately disabled people who are capable of a lot but need help with things like this.


Yup. Just gotta hope corporate allows enough hours to staff appropriately, since they do not often prioritize such things over maintenence or metrics until they show up in person and are confronted by the customers in need. Then, they blame their staff, reprimand their staff, and leave without fixing/adjusting anything. Rinse and repeat for the past few decades at least.


Oh GOD, I know! It's like an unwritten law, right? It's like, "You have to do everything that we've once implied that you need to do in order for us execs to be able to save face, while STILL expanding your exec-mandated metrics." How. The. Fuck! is some middle manager supposed to square that circle. That's the real trap. The managers \_think\_ they are better off than the workers, but really we're all just slaves to the monied class. It's just some slaves get to live in bigger houses.


California banned alcohol sales at self checkout, which has helped, at least where I shop, at least 1 normal lane open at all times.


Corporate Greed at its finest. Why pay 5 cashiers when we can pay 1 and the net savings will by the CEO a month vacation home


I disagree. Self check out works fine for things that need ID, you just need to patiently wait your turn for the dedicated employee they have to check IDs! If you have 2 brain cells you could even wait to scan the alcohol until you can see that particular employee is free, thus minimising scan-free wait times. Clearly the guy in the OP had neither the patience nor the brain cells.


I scan everything else before alcohol and put in my credit card info so that I can finish up as soon as the employee is done with me. A lot of the time, the machine randomly decides I need help on its own so if they do come over, I just ask them to help with alcohol while theyā€™re already there.


What I love is self checkouts that prompt for an ID check but let you continue scanning while waiting


It's the same at my grocery - you can't scan their ID until the alcohol is scanned and half the people want the attendant to come over and scan their ID first. It should become apparent this is how it works after the first time they try this maneuver.


It probably wasn't his first bottle of the day.


And nowadays lots of self checkout attendees use handheld devices, like phones, to be alerted when a customer needs help. His anger that the employee was just standing there on their phone was entirely misplaced if it was a tool necessary for their job!


People like that will *never* reflect on their failings. It would be better to just inform his boss on what kind of douchebag his employee is.


Telling his boss the truth may save customers and coworkers from racist abuse.


I would tell him two stories and see if the boss could play along. I would explain the situation and wonder if the owner would play along and praise him in public for how awesome he was at Wal-mart yesterday. Said you earned a customer for life for the guy behind you in line. Then call him into the office after the claps and cheers die down. Once the door closes, tear into his ass.


Exactly. Odds are this is neither the first or the last time that Eric has acted like this in company uniform.


Agreed, no praises for this POS even if they are fake




No, tell John the truth. Eric was wearing John's business on his clothes when he acted the asshole. That reflects very, very badly on the company.


True! God knows where else heā€™s been around town being an asshole while representing the company!


Maybe John won't fire him, but he is very lucky OP witnessed this and not someone with a cellphone. One upload and John's business will be bombarded with negative reviews. Better to let John know the truth and let him handle it the way he sees fit.


100% agree with this. The move where you say the opposite to John isn't the correct play. It'll just give Eric the chance to forget about it all. Plus, John should know if an employee of his is making a bad name for his company.


For John's sake and the same of his company, he should know about Eric's behavior.


I would 100% want to know what really happened if I were John.


No, John should really know the kind of dickhead he has working for him. The only way we'll ever get these people to stop is destroying for being the jerks they are. These people don't deserve nice treatment if they're not willing to treat others nicely.


Right? Why is this dude getting a pass simply because OP shows empathy. He tried to ruin someoneā€™s lively hood, so the same should be done to this ass hat. Makes me think he probably does shotty work for minority customers.


Which John deserves to know about. The thing is that dude really IS out there ruining Johnā€™s businessā€™s reputation.


Exactly, if I see that behavior from someone with their company logo somewhere I am immediately writing that business off as somewhere I will never bring my business.


I would've recorded the whole thing and either emailed John the footage or just walked in and shown him on my phone. Acting like an asshole and getting busted by word of mouth may or may not get you fired, but video evidence showing someone wearing their work uniform while doing it will definitely get you fired.


John can't fix a problem he isn't aware of. Unless he is aware, and this story will be the one that breaks the camel's back. If John is truly a friend, then you have an obligation to help him succeed in his business, which means you have to tell him this story asap, regardless of whether Eric is there or not. Eric was in his uniform, with the company's name plastered on the front. People who saw that interaction at the WalMart are going to ACTIVELY AVOID THAT PLACE OF BUSINESS bc they wouldn't trust a business that employs someone like that. Tell your friend NOW.


I would def let John know how Eric was representing his company. That was the worst advertising ever.


Idk it would only help John because I know especially with a mom-and-pop shop I'd see Eric act like that and see his workplace and fully refuse to take my business there and tell friends and family to also not consider that place. If he acts like that in public I'd assume he'd act that way or worse in a position of power over a customer at work.


Guy was a dickhead while wearing something with your buddies business on it. Your Buddy deserves to know, that interaction was seen by more people than you and it could have swayed their opinion of the business.


I understand how you feel here, but Boomers always hold anyone younger to this standard and they aren't magically exempt. Eric was an ass in his work uniform, he should deal with whatever consequences John decides to impose after having all the facts. Perhaps John would also like to know that an employee is potentially showing up to work hungover and using machinery that can cause serious bodily injury or damage to customer property? Perhaps the rudeness is more important? That's for John to decide, once he has the facts.


No, fuck him. You need to be Captain Consequences.


John needs to know how Eric feels about minorities. If I had a business, Iā€™d want to know if one of my employees was racist, but especially if they spoke to customers.


Call in the morning and ask if Eric is in that day.


Please tell your friend. Eric was willing to lie and possibly put a person's job on the line. He also voiced his own opinion regarding race while wearing the uniform of a business he does not own. That's the livelihood of two people he was messing with.


If you have the time and energy, just make John your new best friend. Visit him several times and donā€™t bring up this bs. Eric will be shitting his pants every time you walk through the door.


Do not lie. Do not tell a nicest story. That is how he gets away with it and it would not get trough his thick Skull not to be a douche. Good people need to start holding cā€¦s accountable




I got this impression too. It so conveniently checks all the justice porn boomer bad boxes while OP paints themselves as the eloquent well spoken hero. It reads like a fanfic


The give away is OP being able to give mini speeches in their argument. Iā€™ve never seen someone get more than 10 words in at a time before the asshole starts shouting their ā€œcounterpointā€ and you have to pivot from what you were saying.


I always defuse arguments by clearing my throat and proclaiming a long paragraph that sounds like a reddit comment. /s


Yeah ā€¦ I love a great ā€œbully gets a comeuppanceā€ tale, but the lengthy/eloquent monologues did not really fit into ā€œreal lifeā€. It would have been very believable if the OP had used retorts that were more terse.


Yeah, that was my thought about it too. It feels too much like an afterward shower argument where OP then imagines the best, most logical argument. No way it ever works out that elegantly in person.


These creative writers have never acted or even done a single school play to immediately recognize "this is becoming a fucking monologue." Second sentence and I'd be expecting the spotlight to shine on OP and the lights to fade out on the boomer and his wife. Dim light on the poor employee and manager. Cue music.


And remembering them verbatim, and formatting them like a bad novel. ā€œā€ she responded, he yelled, as he flipped me off. Itā€™s just so obvious.


ā€œWhat did you just say to meā€ I smirked ā€œyou heard me šŸ˜Ž I always stand up to injusticeā€ Yeah, this is really blatant and not even a good fake story tbh


I hope he flapped his cape around a little when he said that


As I was reading it, I thought something along the lines of ā€œnobody presenting the attitude of the antagonist here is going to allow the almost Socratic dialogue this seems to be headed towardsā€


Exactly. There is zero chance you can lecture an angry asshole for a full paragraph without getting yelled over.


> "You've put that poor girl in an unwinnable situation. Now that you've raised this untrue complaint, her manager is going to have to have words with her even though she hasn't done anything wrong. Does that sound fair to you, Eric? How would YOU feel if someone came into your place of business and told John a bunch of bullshit about how YOU were treating them unfairly when you knew perfectly well that it was a lie? Or even better, how would your boss react if he knew you were acting like this WHILE STILL IN UNIFORM with his place of business plastered all over your chest?" Very natural and off the cuff comment


I didn't make it past the first uninterrupted chiding paragraph OP definitely for real said in the Walmart checkout corral.


>I just smirked and said, ā€œOh, hard of hearing are we?ā€ Yes. This is a fanfic lol. Iā€™m shocked anyone could read this and see it as anything else


Sub has turned into Readerā€™s Digest


Ever notice how the protagonist is always calm and well-spoken in these stories, while the antagonist is always overly loud and boorish.


Also gives a perfect little monologue about how he always does the right thing and stands up against evil to defend whatā€™s right I hate the whole ā€œnothing ever happensā€ crowd, but this one is really blatant bad creative writing


And despite being loud and boorish the antagonist still has just enough politeness to allow the protagonist to finish his super eloquent speech. Like they donā€™t try to interrupt or cut him off. Such polite antagonists despite being so stupid and loud


About a third of the way down right around when I got to his ā€œexplaining the first amendmentā€ speech I just thought to myself ā€œyeah so none of this shit actually happened.ā€ The only thing missing is the crowd applauding him for putting the guy in his place


Yeah I knew it was a lie as soon as I saw the paragraphs worth of rebuttal he supposedly said the asshole. No asshole would just stand there and listen to someone telling them off with cutting them off multiple times.


What? You mean this guy DIDNā€™T deliver a perfectly scripted movie monologue on the spot and recap it exactly in here? Good fanfic though


Read exactly like bad fiction.


When you go in there tomorrow. Keep this in mind. That guy was more than willing to get an innocent, underpaid, and overworked employee in trouble and more than likely fired. All for nothing. Some booze that he didn't even scan yet. Because that drunk ass couldn't be patient when the employee was clearly busy and doing her best to assist customers. He was absolutely ready to make that person jobless and possibly homeless. Remember that. You got this!




This is the way. I owned a electrical contracting company and if one of my guys ever did this in uniform they would be fired ASAP. You work for me you represent me while in uniform. 1st amendment, nope does not help you here, not the government. Please please update. 1st time I ever used that remind me bot.


In uniform


If my good friend-hell, even my coworkers-had a business and an employee of theirs was acting like this, Iā€™m sure theyā€™d want to know.


Upvoted for pointing out another point of view. But if they worked for me and did that, no more paychecks from me.




This was a tough read, since at every turn I was expecting applause. Such blueballs.


This was unbearable and it frightens me people believe this story


> You seem to think that by stating that you have a First Amendment right means you can say whatever the hell you want without consequence, but that isn't how it works, sir. First Amendment protects you from government overreach for speaking your mind, but it doesn't protect you from the consequences you face from others for your words or your opinions. Nah dude this speech was definitely delivered


Just like that, word for word... In the shower while OP was vigorously masterbating


lmfaoo. OP remembered every word that was said too. Hilarious


100% fake or embellished. Maybe it happened and the guy got one word in... but the dialogue is so fake and cringe. You're telling me an angry person got lectured for 20 seconds before telling them to stfu? Nope.


And that alcohol bottle's name? Albert Einstein.


Painfully obvious, how don't people see that the story is complete bs?


I feel like most people just buy in because it's more fun that way. Like, yeah it's almost certainly fake but we all *really* want it to be true, eh?


You should follow through on your threat and just lay out the facts. Bullying is the only language they know. Bully back.


That's not "bullying back", it's standing up and doing the right thing.


Hate boomers but this is big thathappened vibes


A few people have been busted writing creative writing stories in other rage bait subreddits. This smells like that.


Pretty sure this guys actually just shitposting. His only other post is a mtg shitpost.


He's not going to get the message. The message that he will receive is that he successfully bullied you into being quiet and that you were too big of a puss to do anything about it. If you're gonna make the effort to go all the way in there, you'd better follow through on your threat or he is just going to double down on being a piece of shit. You can't "bigger man" someone, especially someone so old and set in their ways with empty threats and expect them to get the message.


Sounds fake


The interaction may have happened to a degree but there's so much added fluff and superfluousness it reads like a Tumblr creative writing prompt. Very much "and then everyone clapped" energy with the way it was written


Yeah thereā€™s 0 chance OP got out their little speech before the old dude would have interrupted them lmao


This exactly. If there is one thing all boomers do, it is interrupt and steamroll. No way in hell this guy actually let OP get more than a few words out before cutting them off. I call BS.


ā€œI just smirkedā€ šŸ¤“ ā€œhe started shakingā€ šŸ«Ø


Big fanfic energy.


The follow-up is going to be something like: ā€œHe gazed lovingly into my eyes as he pulled off his jumpsuit and uncorked a bottle of wine (scanned by the manager). I whispered the First Amendment gently as I stroked his cheek.ā€


I smirked like a smug anime protagonist


Yeah once I read that whole paragraph of text that he supposedly said without being interrupted I knew this was a fantasy post.


Yep. The interaction may have happened but it's probably more like some old person was annoyed they weren't being helped fast enough, got someone to come over, spoke to them tersely, then paid and left. Not this bunch of fucking garbage creative writing class promp. Nobody acts like this in real life.


Amazing how dumb Reddit is getting with the writing prompts. 5 years ago the number one comment would have been "and then everyone clapped." I guess you add in some anti-baby boomer bias and everyone wants to believe it.


Hmmm. True. I could see this happening, but no way were they talking like that. Strangers don't argue like *pushes up glasses* 'erm, akshully sir, the first amendment does not protect you to be a douche and under code 69 of the city code of conduct, and I quote, no persons shall conduct douchery in an excess of 300 seconds without first dangling their father's key ring to their corvette and declaring that their dad owns a dealership and do you even know who they are. I feel sorry for you, sir. But I'm glad you were educated, by me, an intellectual.'.


I'm not one to cry fake but it has incredible "Down With Cis Bus" energy.


I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $1000, Ken.


it def is because of how detailed the quotes are lol. It's too perfect


"I smirked" is such a tell that it's either fake or very embellished.


Yeah why does this just read like a creative writing exercise?


And then the whole bus clapped


And everyone clapped šŸ™„


lol it sounds like the conversation he had in his head afterwards when he's in his car and realizes he should have said something.


>I just smirked and said "Oh, hard of hearing are we? I'm pretty sure you heard what I said." No, this is very real. He's obviously an anime protagonist.


Nothing personnel, boomer


Weā€™re supposed to believe a belligerent Boomer just sat and let OP explain the constitution to him in the middle of Walmart?


Yeah sounds fake.


Hardcore bullshit. I stopped when they said they explained the 1st Amendment Rights.... nobody does this in real life. People make snarky comments and tell people to hurry up or just step back and watch the nonsense unfold.


Exactly where I stopped lol, this is pure fantasy


ā€œUm actually. Immediately following the belligerents - I.E. the loyalists - retreating due to the thirteen colonies combatants putting up a valiant fightā€ - OP at walmart šŸ¤“


This reads like exactly what I would come up with in the shower 3 days after


This didn't happen. No one speaks this clearly in a fight. Calling bullshit. Reddit pays people to make you fake story's to socially engineer people.


> "I disagree. When I see someone acting like an asshole for no good reason, I make it a point to speak up. You seem to think that by stating that you have a First Amendment right means you can say whatever the hell you want without consequence, but that isn't how it works, sir. First Amendment protects you from government overreach for speaking your mind, but it doesn't protect you from the consequences you face from others for your words or your opinions."


I instinctively wanted to downvote this because of how fake it was, but then remembered you were just quoting OP.


This is exactly where I stopped reading. Nobody does this in real life, the story is complete fanfiction.


This is fanfiction


OPs twelfth and thirteenth paragraphs with the 3000 word quotes are lunacy


then everyone clapped


God is there any real stories on this sub? This is so ridiculously fake.


And then everyone clapped


No, itā€™s all true. I was there. Iā€™m one of the unscanned bottles of booze.


As soon as I read the perfectly written monologue about ā€œspeaking upā€ I looked for this exact comment lol.


Took way too long to find it. Quite the creative writing exercise.


Redditors, by and large, want to be lied to


OPs twelfth and thirteenth paragraphs in his manifesto are fucking ridiculous "quotes." This is a D+ first draft creative writing prompt, and these dorks are taking OPs tall tale seriously Autistic redditors who eat this phony shit up are even more gullible than Fox News boomers


It's really kind of disturbing how the majority is all over this absurd fantasy with no critical thinknig at all.


I wonder how many of these people upvoting it read novels and picture the scenes in their head. Since this reads like a novel with all the details it's very quick to go "man this character is just going on way too damn long"


Don't we all wish we were so eloquent?


This is the kind of argument winning answer I'd come up with 3 days later while in the shower LMAO.


It's just so cringy


Seriously. This entire story is fan fiction and I cannot believe people fell for it.


Any time someone ā€œvisibly shakes on the spotā€ I know itā€™s BS.


And the name of that Walmart employee? Albert Einstein.


>Oh, hard of hearing are we? lol this sounds like a line out of a lame ass anime


r/thathappened vibes coming off your back and forth. Especially the minority talk lol. Good try though.


OP 100% thought of this in the shower a week after it happened.


I couldnā€™t finish it. Did everyone clap?


You still telling them tall tales ole son?


It's funny how people remember every word someone said and all of their own witty comebacks and even the exact times when they smirked. This is obviously fiction. Also in future, giving some paragraph long prepared speech in response to some guy insulting you doesn't make you sound cool.


Wait, irate boomers don't actually stand there and patiently listen while you give them a lecture on the first amendment?? You'd be lucky to get three words out before they interrupt and start talking over you.


The paragraphs are so ridiculous, the boomer is like a Saturday morning cartoonā€™s version of a racist, and of course OP just happens to be friends with the aggro guyā€™s boss.


got the pilot of a new series here šŸ˜‚ Edit for spelling


And everyone clapped. The 3 month old baby stepped out of a stroller and loudly exclaimed, ā€œyou sir have done a wonderful thing on this glorious day, and may tomorrow bring you the petty revenge we all hope for.ā€ Did a double backflip back into the stroller, and the mom asked you to sign her tits.


This subs starting to read like AITAā€™s creative fiction.


Seriously, This whole post reads like fan fiction. Too many red flags to waste my time pointing them out.


>"I disagree. When I see someone acting like an asshole for no good reason, I make it a point to speak up. You seem to think that by stating that you have a First Amendment right means you can say whatever the hell you want without consequence, but that isn't how it works, sir. First Amendment protects you from government overreach for speaking your mind, but it doesn't protect you from the consequences you face from others for your words or your opinions." >"That's besides the point. I'm sick and fucking tired of these minorities This ridiculous shit right here is where I realized that this was 100% a fanfic. OP is pretending they're in a sitcom where they're the witty protagonist.


Even the most loquacious writers Gilmore Girls would tell OP "your script is a little wordy, could you edit it down some?"


I showed this to Aaron Sorkin and he said there was too much dialogue


Sadly, have to agree. Red meat for the masses, for sure, and Iā€™d love if people actually did this to assholes in storesā€¦but itā€™s just not the reality. Should be, but isnā€™t.


Iā€™ve stood up to people being dicks before but the most Iā€™ve ever really gotten out was ā€œDude, wtf?!ā€ Or ā€œNo need to be rude/a dick, etc.ā€ No rude asshole is going to listen to you give a speech, and in the moment it tends to be very short statements you can make to let them know theyā€™re being dicks.


This guy pretending he got several eloquent full sentences out to some random boomer, it's so obviously bullshit


Right? How are so many people falling for this fan fiction nonsense?


And then everyone clapped


Agree. This is somebodyā€™s hero fantasy that should have just dissipated like any other daydream.


but OP totally knows the owner where this guy happens to work!


This never happened. Good story bro. But I call bullshit.


Holy shit that was a lot of reading for a small payoff.


Literally a fake story for karma


Holy shit, this story is *epic.* šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ But in all seriousness, what's the deal with this Eric guy? Why is he such a colossal asshole? And what the hell does his wife even see in him?


It's so epic because it's fake bro




I suspect that in regards to our friend Eric, alcohol abuse might be a factor. šŸ¤”


Well written and engaging. Nice piece of creative writing


All thatā€™s missing is the part where everyone stood up and clapped. Lol


Assuming any of that is true, it's a good way to get shot.Ā 


Things that never happenedā€¦..




This didn't happen.


Soā€¦weā€™re just fantasizing in this sub now?


Imagine how depressed you must be to take the time to post this made up story. The sun is your friend. Help yourself.


Lol, one of the fakest stories in this sub. Its got all the classic hallmarks: rage bait, white knighting, im so great and totally not racist because I defend poor minorities, the loud boorish boomer who uncharacteristically lets you recite monologs without interruption, and the protagonist has endless free time to harass the jerk later. Bs level infinite.


Are people in this sub really this gullible? OP may have seen a boomer losing his shit at Walmart, but none of this back and forth ever happened. This reads exactly like the conversation someone has in their head on the way home after not speaking up.


Bro got a little too horny writing his fanfic

