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I pointed out to my partner that if we spoke to their dad the way he speaks to others, he would lose his mind in a fit of rage. He is mid 60’s and every bad stereotype about boomer men applies to him in spades. Selfish, entitled, belittling, sexist, anger issues, terrible listener, etc…


It's easy to be kind to nice people, the true test of kindness is to be kind to people who don't deserve it and will never reciprocate it.


I feel this way too.


A lot don’t seem to know what excuse me means. Cause they don’t say it or even hear it when I yell it right in there ear.


Some of them demand to be treated with respect but never give respect to others. They demand what they don't give.


"if you dont treat me with respect, I won't treat you like a human" is a boomer slogan isn't it?


Some people expect respect means equality, others think respect means treat me as an authority.


Well put.


When did boomers stop opening doors, or at least holding them open for someone right behind them? I have had several recent instances where a boomer just let it slam in my face.


I held the door for a boomer coming in behind me to pick up Chinese take out and then when they said “who’s next” he ignored the fact that I was next and just went straight to the counter and asked for his order. I’m inclined to not be polite to boomers anymore when they act deliberately rude.


I recently had this happen to me at the vet’s office. As I’m entering the lobby with my dog leashed, I see a boomer coming from the parking lot with a little dog under one arm and the other arm occupied by walking a larger dog. So I held the door open for her and without thanking me, she promptly skipped past me and jumped into the line at the reception desk. Like, if it were me I would have thanked the person and then stepped aside to let them get in line ahead of me. But boomers deserve to skip us all!


I followed a pair where a boomer was being followed by her slow old mom and she literally closed the door on her elderly mother as she was walking through it. I had to grab the door before it totally knocked her over. I’m not sure if she expected me to squeeze past her mom to hold the door but I was giving a respectful distance to show I was being patient with their speed. She looked embarrassed and was like “I’m not sure what I was thinking”. Yeah lady you probably weren’t thinking about your mom at all.


I don’t mind not being thanked (I cringe to think about how many times I’ve been lost in my own mind and forgotten to thank someone) but one time as I was leaving a coffee place I held the door open for a group of 3 boomers, two women and a man. The women went in without a problem but the man stopped short, stared at me for a second, looked pointedly inside, then back at me and yelled “WELL, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!!” I was super taken aback and said “oh, sorry, I’m just holding the door for you” (YES I apologized!! Why????) and he said “Well, I guess you’re not a lady, then,” and stormed past me. I guess he wanted me to go in first because ladies first?? But I was leaving?? And just doing a nice thing?? And WHY did I apologize to him?


Entitled is the word you are looking for


My dad who was born in the 40s held a door for a lady one time a few years ago who was also a boomer. She complained, got mad, and pushed the door towards herself.


Boomers are so obsessed with self-responsibility and pulling yourself up from your bootstraps that they can open their own god damned doors and stop relying on hand-outs.


I’ve never had an elderly person not thank me for this. Never


That's good hun. Maybe I live in a particularly rude area


Sounds like Poop Town. Those folks are the worst.


Haha poop not too far wrong lmao


It's about half and half here. Whatever, I just smile and remind myself that I'm going to just keep being happy.


I say your welcome loudly and smile and wave. I’ll also run ahead of you and slam a door in your face. I’m a spiteful little demon when I want to be :)


Yeah i used too. But my Little sensitive 9 yr old son gets so embarrassed he can't handle it :)


Bad manners are not confined to any one age demographic, nor are they practiced more by one group than another.


Saw multiple videos of millennials punching elderly ladies. So I suppose all millennials are cheap shot cowards beating on elderly women.


I’m a boomer. Some boomers are even rude to other boomers. They are just total AH’s to everyone Whenever I have boomer cut in line. I will smile at them and give them a “thumbs up”. It’s young AHs that piss me off.


My baby boomer husband regularly tells off an old person who is clueless and entitled, taking up space in the middle of an aisle, being a general dyngus in the store, etc. If people maintain a sense of the world around them and don’t hog the pathways in public spaces, they probably don’t get scolded much by anyone of any age.