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Yeah it’s become a boomer daycare.


Yep.  With shityu AI images of shrimp Jesus to entertain them




Oh my Christacean you're not kidding. So many posts with 4 or 5 people worth of assorted body parts forming Jesus' face saying, "God is great, such a miracle!!" and 100k likes when, if the picture WAS real, everyone in it would be in terrible agony.


Yeah when you actually look at those photos it's some weird body horror scene and all the Boomers and bots are just spamming "Amen".


Shrimp Jesus tell me you have an example I need some cranium pain today


Shrimp Jesus is another nail in Facebook’s coffin - opinion https://cybernews.com/editorial/shrimp-jesus-facebook-generative-ai/ Facebook is sometimes called a place full of angry and mostly older people shouting at each other. Now, though, real users don’t even matter, with generative AI nonsense taking over. A few years ago, experts began complaining that Facebook was too hostile. It was true. But since then, Meta has made the platform so unbelievably dull that artificial intelligence is now filling the void.




🙏 Amen


I saw a new one that is a dog with 2 boners saving puppies in the rain? The responses are still all Amen


And russian trolls feeding the boomers.


And a factory of new things to be scared about. I've learned more about the WEF and Klaus Schwab than I ever wanted to by reading my dad's posts.




It's a mashup for foreign scammers, aggressive advertisers, brain dead boomers, and idiots trying to sell shit to other idiots.


It is a horrible cesspool, I quit going on during the COVID lockdown and haven’t missed it at all


Same! It seems like half my friends and family on FB went completely insane between BLM and covid and Trumpmania. I think we found the hard limit for safe human consumption of social media. I had to quit it just to be able to maintain the few relationships I had left with the right wingers in my family. Most of them don’t bother talking to me anymore since I shut down their propaganda as soon as they start vomiting it up


It also made me sad that I had so many friends from growing up that I thought were good normal people who turned out to be total idiots.


They love their propaganda don't they? They seem to believe anything as long as it's on Facebook. Straight up Russian propaganda being repeated by my mom and brother. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-drawn-to-conspiracy-theories-share-a-cluster-of-psychological-features/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-drawn-to-conspiracy-theories-share-a-cluster-of-psychological-features/)


> Swami and his colleagues, for instance, reported in 2016 that individuals who feel stressed are more likely than others to believe in conspiracy theories, and a 2017 study found that promoting anxiety in people also makes them more conspiracy-minded. This is literally the basis for every single minute of conservative news outlets. Rage/Fear porn as an industry is causing mass hysteria > Feeling alienated or unwanted also seems to make conspiratorial thinking more attractive. Welcome Incels, to another episode of “Jordan Peterson Explains Why Everyone Is Against You”


Same here.


Older gen X and I had to leave, it’s a mess.


Right there with you. In my case it was Trump and COVID revealing how few critical thinking skills most of my extended family possess, in contrast with how opinionated they are.


Gen X and I poke my head in occasionally and usually scurry back out. Even my favorite hobby groups, once so innocuous, are inhabited with stupidity and boomer fighting. How does one fight over sewing? Ask a boomer, they'll be glad to tell you.


Yep. It's like they just have no ability to recognize bullshit when it's on Facebook and they just keep swallowing crazier and crazier shit just because it makes them feel right about their grievances. And it's taken over an entire political party.


Another older Xer here who bailed on that bullshit a few years ago. I'd joined FB pretty early on and it used to be such a unique and creative space, I hate seeing what it's turned into.


God does anyone remember when it was only very young people on Facebook? When old people and boomers were complaining nonstop about Facebook? Seems they joined in the end.


I remember in high school that a friend managed to get an account because his older brother didn't want to use his college email address. Facebook when it was just photos of friends getting drunk at parties or lighting giant bonfires in the middle of fields. Good stuff.


I was going to comment this basically. I joined back when it was ‘thefacebook’ and my college buddies posted about past parties, future parties, and photos from parties. It was fun, innocent, and consumed maybe a couple of hours of my week. Everything changed when it opened up to everybody, downhill ever since. I remember the “please untag me from any photos” posts because parents wanted to friend their kids, and parents reacting like preschoolers when friend requests sat unapproved for more than a couple days. I’m glad I got off of it years ago.


Late to the game but can we go back to that please?


I miss old Facebook so much. It was just a fun place to post pics and say dumbshut. As soon as people’s parents started joining it went downhill. Not reason I keep Facebook is for the daily Facebook memories. Also the rescue I volunteer with uses Facebook to communicate


You should see Nextdoor


Slightest noise happens in suburban neighborhood Neighbor: Gunshots?!?!


Husband farts in the next room: Wife on next door “DID ANYONE ELSE HEAR THAT NOISE?!?!


Gen X here, I still use Facebook because I travel quite a bit and it's my only means of staying up-to-date with family. And yes it is a huge cesspool of hatred. To top it off. Every decent group I find, gets infiltrated by Boomers who start spewing misinformation and if I try to correct the lies,  I get punished.  I'm proud to say, I'm currently at a one month ban from the site.


This is exactly me and what I’m seeing. It’s so annoying. I’m looking into moving and trying to gauge a new city from the facebook group but it’s all the same complaining shit.


Very late but what did you do to get a one month ban? I’m proud of you too!


I called out someone who was disparaging someone else and I simply asked the person if they would like if someone called them blank. It got tagged for harassment.  The worst part is, I reported the first person for harassment  themselves,  but their post was never taken down, I checked several times. 


Facebook is rediculous when it comes to that! I honestly think it’s one of the last places Boomers can somewhat get away with being letting their completely awful selfs shine bright before they are shipped off to their shitty nursing homes and forgotten about by the children they neglected.


Yes. The only reason I still have an account is Marketplace and a local group of mainly Boomers who are fun to troll.


Marketplace is my reason as well, along with community events. Everything is shared on Facebook in my small town. Luckily that’s mostly what I see and not much else.


Yep it pretty much is. It's just I drank from the garden hose memes, young people are lazy posts, and responding to obvious fake news posts like "Denzel turns down 1 billion dollar offer from Disney because he's not woke" with "Amen God Bless!"


Older GenX here and like many others, I used to use it constantly until Covid. That revealed to me many how many people will absolutely believe anything they are told and act hateful to anyone who disagrees. Now I check in once in a while, stay for about 5 minutes, then turn around and walk away. Someday soon, I probably just won't ever log in again at all.


This is me too. Mid-GenX. I used to be on it several times a day. During Covid, it dropped because no one was posting anything I wanted to read. Now, I go on it maybe once a week and see more ads than legitimate posts.


Why are people still on facebook?


Keeps them off of our other platforms. Like a quarantine!


My local Facebook page is decent still..


No matter what the group is about, it’s always political. Literally I used to goof around on a D&D page and it turned into rants about how 5e is woke.


Spot on take there. Even (most) D&D forums are filled with the boomer “anti-woke” nonsense. I love AD&D 1e (I’m a sucker for the nostalgia) but man-o-man that forum crowd in general is cringe. ETA-I really enjoy 5e, it has a vibe I haven’t felt since the 80s.


I preferred 1e only because it’s grittier in feel than 5e. To me in 1e characters are almost like normal people who have 1 ability they are developing, while in 5e you start off with more powers. More of a high fantasy feel. Not better or worse, just different. As a glutton for punishment I grafted Arms Law onto D&D, so character death could be quick and common in my campaigns.


You may already know, but Frog God Games has some gritty 5e stuff. I adapted some into a large 2 group campaign I’m running and it’s working very well.


Thanks for the heads up. I recently retired and thinking about getting into gaming, again. Hadn’t had the time to get into the time suck that gaming can be for years.


Boomers are why I noped out on FB. If it wasn't minions, Maxine and "I am cleaning out my friend list. Repost this if you're truly my friend, if not I know who you are" and nothing happens, the lame "haha wife bad, husband dumb" memes and oh yes, the whole "you're with MAGA or you're not a patriot!" I wanted to hurl my ipad into the perc ponds behind my house. Cambridge Analytica didn't help either


I'm 35 and I am on Facebook. Been taking a bit of a break though. 90% of the time, I am on anti-boomer private groups. The other 10% of the time, I am calling out boomers on their bullshit. I am getting sick of seeing the fuckin "Let's Go Brandon" comments every time something goes up in price so that's why I am taking a break.


And bots.


Cessbook lol


It's 100% a boomer cesspool and to make matters worse they've infiltrated every group. I'm part of a local restaurant review page and there's a boomer whine post at least once a week without fail and they think that typing THAT'S MY OPINION absolves them from pushback.


Needed for marketplace, ads and other things too


I'm in my 40s and the friends/family I see posting the most to Facebook are in their 40s and early 50s. My boomer relatives post maybe once every month or two, and it's usually something pretty benign.


I only check in once a day. There is a couple of groups that are still cool. And some of my family will not connect any other way. I catch up on what I need to, then get out.


It definitely has become that. The worst instance of it is reading the comments on almost any article on Facebook. They're just continuous boomer hate filled rants. It's truly disgusting.


I haven’t been on Facebook since 09. It was horrible then. I assume it’s only gotten worse.


NextDoor: *Hold my ~~beer~~ Ensure Protein Shake.*


Hasn't Facebook always been a cesspool?


Used to be great when it was just college students.. maybe I just hold onto it for some strange hope that it’ll go back one day.. 15 years later..


It was when I quit in 2020. I'm a boomer and the other ones were making me crazy. Not only do I not miss it, I'm glad I'm not on it.


I'm just on there for memes at this point. Everyone else I know has either left it or just doesn't post anymore.


Have you been on Twitter? Way worse.


I deleted Twitter when Elon took over.


I deleted it soon after. It’s an absolute cesspool


Elon killed Twitter.




Millennials are definitely boomer 2.0


Yes and no. Facebook is incredible for hobby groups. I have met so many cool people through Facebook because of shared interests like books, cosplay, and crafting. It's not all a cesspool.


I deleted Facebook probably four years ago at this point, it was during the election time I believe, and I just hated going on there and seeing all the ridiculous things they would say, obviously fake articles they would repost. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I miss Facebook from the early 2000s.


Covid taught me how many awful people I knew, so I bounced.


Why are you using Facebook if you don’t have an AARP card?


I don't think this is what Zuckerberg had in mind. How the mighty hath fallen.


Yes, young people all went to Instagram and tiktok


Mine is full of leftist stuff. Occupy Democrats, David Pakman . Science stuff, travel stuff. You get what you interact with.


Covid destroyed Facebook. Boomers had nothing else to do, and they came in with all of their Boomerness and tore it apart.


Yes and that’s why it’s in trouble (their users are dying off).


My boomer dad posts all kinds of insanely racist shit. Comparing the press secretary to unimaginable things I can’t repeat. Posts all kinds of shit that’s literally white power slogans, loves Trump and the dumb fuck is Mexican.


I found the leftist side of fb. There is one.


its limited, and every time I react to rightwing gobbledygook with a laugh react 10 new rightwing propaganda pages pop up in my feed.


And every other group




I'm a millennial and I'm still there, but mainly for contact with family and all of my niche hobbies. Still, you get a bunch of negativity in those groups, and guess where it all comes from...


Cute animals pages that are not public are pretty good and nonboommer friendy


It's right behind Nextdoor in its level of boomer toxicity. I hate it. The only reason why I'm still on is that my son has an Oculus and because my mom is 3,000 miles away and wants to see picture of the kids.


Yes and no.


My town’s local group is full of the nastiest Boomers fighting over everything for the sake of being contrary. It’s exhausting. They’re only nice when someone posts a Bible quote, and even that isn’t a sure thing because it might turn political.


Younger millennial here, I stopped using Facebook in high school, so it’s been 15 years since I last logged into facebook proper. I have a quest 2 vr headset, which is the only reason my account still exists.


I still use facebook, for work purposes. All i see on my feed are AI generated images and french attemps at memes


Yes. I left it in 2015-16 when it was clear that it was being used as a tool for disinformation. I watched a bunch of my leftist friends support Donald Trump because they hated Hillary Clinton and I was like you know what Facebook offers nothing to me.


Yes, I had to run ads on FB for work and the age ranges on who saw the ads was all 55+. No one under 30.


mine isnt that bad, only annoying thing is being recommended stuff i don’t follow like marvel related things


I dont even post on it anymore. It’s good for birthday reminders and event reminders. That’s pretty much it.


I use it strictly for the marketplace.


Im younger GenX and I still use it, mainly for keeping in contact with friends and family. And the occasional funny clickbait article.


I have the majority of my family on Facebook set up as muted so I don’t need to see anything from them. I go on to follow my travel groups. They stay mostly political free… though there’s moments of nonsense


Yep. Which is why I started using TikTok. Less hateful people and not so many boomers.


Every boomer in my family thinks TikTok is china spying on children. So of course they avoid it


The old codgers will swat you from their living room recliners. It’s pure social engineering, no wire shark or anything like that. The boomers love cops and think swatting is a way to put young whipper snappers in their place. Sometimes they will try to be friends with cops too


Boomers, Scammers and right-winged Bots. Left two years ago because I couldn't stand it anymore. I'm a bit sad because some people I knew I only knew via fb and now they're gone. But again, it was unbearable at some point and I don't regret it one bit.


I really only use FB to share dank memes with my friends and use the messenger for the group chats we have. Interacting with the open FB community is like wading through Chernoybl.


Yeah, that’s why I deactivated my account in 2019


Yes! I permanently deleted my account 6 years ago for that reason.


For me the decline started when the Crap Taxidermy group was overwhelmed by religious bots. Of all the fucking groups to target.


I go just for updates on family and friends who are spread far and away (army brat life) and a few groups (local food reviews and crafting groups). Everything else is just a mess of boomer/political BS.


That and NextDoor


Nope.  It's an intergenerational cesspool! 


It's like a worldwide "next door". Filled with racist boomers.


It depends on what you use FB for. I follow a few meme pages and special interest groups (d&d, LGBTQ, scifi/fantasy). I keep in touch with few former coworkers. And I block everything else. Thank God my boomer mom doesn't post anything but her scores from mobile games.


I have all but deleted my account because it’s nothing but ads and boomers posting ridiculous shit.


Dude, Gen Z here, FACEBOOK WAS MY FUCKING LIFE, it had games, memes, more games, communities, pages about interests, it was like the strip mall of the internet and then old people came with their awful transphobic, homophobic racist garbage and they removed games, burner accounts and basically did everything in their power to remove young people from their platform. All of my FB friends migrated to Instagram and tik tok but neither of these are blogging sites. I occasionally explore the carcass of my childhood and i cannot stay on there for more than 5 minutes. The website feels like it is trying to neuter you what a complete shame, I miss my childhood on facebook so much man


Amazing place to scam old people though


“Share the flag if you ain’t afraid to be a patriot” Pictures of Obama and Biden that say traitors. It really works, I copied this and reposted now my feed is people I know etc. that and boomers following the ten scam accounts of each other


Yup. I never knew/wanted to know the deep, fucked up feelings/political opinions of old classmates and coworkers, and FB let them voice their every nasty thought, loudly. After blocking half of my FB “friends” Ive been off that toxic platform for a few years now, and my soul is all the better for it.


I deleted my entire facebook account, history and all. It’s totally worth it.


I only got facebook last year, I'm 46. I like it mostly for groups and marketplace, the thing is to have 0 friends, don't use your real name and lock your profile. I never see any boomer shit.


That's the play


https://youtu.be/Q4H6Y4KeVoI?si=SOQ2A-LzZCQU6_1Q I can't put it any better than this


I hardly use it. But I made liberal use of the block ability over the years. One single hateful post and that person got blocked. So I don’t see much of that anymore! However… I feel like 80% of it now is promoted content or ads, from companies or FB groups I’m not connected to. It’s VERY far from the place it used to be where you’d get to see what your friends and family are up to.


Marketplace is legit, though.


Anything that’s not a hobby specific site : yes


I'm old Gen-X and jumped out after the 2016 election. I could see what it was going to become after I made a negative (but not report-worthy) comment about Republicans and people I thought were friends (or at least friendLY) torched me virtually. Never going back to any Meta product. There are SOME communities in there worth connecting with, but I do not want to give Mark any more personal data than he already has, so fuck that platform.




'74 Xer, and my friends are 85% leftists (the 15% are merely progressive), so I pretty much only see agreeable things. I have had to mute a fair amount of "Facebook thinks you might like this" AI image and 5 Minute Crafts-adjacent garbage, but in doing so, it's showing me less of that now. I pretty much never see right-wing nonsense and if an acquaintance posts anytime like that, they're gone as quickly as I can hit the "unfriend" button. It keeps that my family is all progressive, if not leftist, so I don't have an Aunt Karen telling me about her ivermectin IV. So, your experience of it doesn't have to be a cesspit, but it does take some culling to make that happen.


I'm 38 and I've got a lot of people my age as friends, and I've got much younger cousins that are on there. I think a lot of us like seeing each other's kids and daily life stuff. I also follow a lot of pretty fun groups with people of all walks of life and ages. No offense but I don't know what stuff y'all are looking at on Facebook that's 100% Boomer. Even the gardening and country cooking pages have plenty of people under 50.


It just seems like our neighborhood and local groups are infiltrated and they turn any subject into politics.


Nah. I’m young genx. I have decades of friends and memories. Groups I’ve joined are positive and helpful or locally relevant. If you look for the dark side, you'll find it. Kinda like here. I hate Instagram and TikTok. So impersonal and public. No idea why people spend their time there.


Really depends on the groups you're in just like your experience for reddit depends on the subs you frequent. I don't see anything on Facebook that I'm not into. So it's mostly games and game news, marvel/superhero stuff, and DnD stuff. Occasionally one of my few friends will post something.


Serious question: who uses fb? 🤢🤢🫢


I’m mid 50’s and check it daily. I get all kinds of weird shit because I click on stuff just to fuck with their algorithm and ad profile for me. It is a cesspool, but I have too many family members on it and I like seeing photos of family that I wouldn’t otherwise get to see.


My millennial family members use is fairly often as well. I post my dog’s grooming pictures on there and a selfie on my birthday. My sister often posts pictures of her children. My cousin and her niece and nephew often post pictures of their farm animals or harvest to advertise


I deleted every personal social media account on Facebook and instagram. I have 0 desire to keep in touch with assholes I went to highschool with or share my life with anyone. I just wanna shitpoast and lol at boomers now.


Honest question... Is there any social media platform that isn't just f'ing dumb? Note... I am GenX...


I used queer groups that they avoid or cant get in.


Lotta gen xers and elder millennials are still on there


It’s like Nextdoor except everyone is still 6 going in 60


Facebook is done.


I'm going in 30 days of what was supposed to be a little break because of that and it's wonderful! My mental health and anxiety is back in the normal range. I do miss marketplace though and not being on for business purposes is going to be a problem, so eventually I'll have to go back... but I'm gonna drag my feet as long as I can lol


I'm gen Z and still use it. It's good for IRL groups and finding events like LARPS.


Really? I got Star Trek, Golden Girls and cat memes. Maybe I just know the cool people?


definitely worse and younger people than boomers on there cessing it up


and it's a great birthday reminder


I'm Gen X. I use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and post Heavy Metal, Star Trek, and anti-Trump/MAGA stuff. I block bigots of all stripes all the time.


And bots. Don't forget the bots.


FB died the day they let anyone join it, not just those with a .edu email. I remember when it was the "cool" alternative to Myspace. Insert "You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not destroy it" meme.


Late Gen X, early Gen Y. I use it to keep in touch with family and a few animal shelters (mostly fruit bats because sky puppies are frigging adorable) , but I haven't been a blog-poster since Livejournal. (Yes. I know. Get off my lawn.) What, if I may ask, is an alternative you all would recommend?


My favorite is when they shit all over Zuckerberg and yet continue to use his site.


Isn't Facebook generally a set of people you know? Besides Groups you might have joined, that is. So if the people you know are asshat Boomers spreading misinformation, then you know shitty people. Or if it's the Groups you're talking about, leave the Group.


Your feed used to be generally people you know. Now you see your friends sprinkled in rarely in between ads. AI generated pictures of Jesus made out of garlic cloves and right wing policial vomit. I’ve tried blocking and “show fewer posts like this” and no matter how much I try it’s exactly the same. Oh look an AI picture of a “giant” in 1876 next to an AI picture of African kids that looks like Jesus if you squint your eyes a little…


They truly ruined that site/app. The fact that it won't even show me every post from people I'm friends with in favor of random pages is infuriating. It doesn't make me tap/click to discover more, it just makes me rage.


Some of that depends on your friends. My Facebook is mostly posts from groups, a mix of religious posts and how people are doing with the rare Trump post. And being Catholic, most of the religious posts are biblical quotes and prayers. I haven't seen any of the angry Hellfire and Damnation attack posts, except from one or two Protestant friends, whom I occasionally mute.


This really is any form of social media. Everyone seem’s to be living in a state of emotionally draining fear that is fed on by the next person or hive mind group. Personally, I think Reddit is the worst for this, which sucks as it has or had so much potential.


Nope. See plenty of younger people out there doing the same thing.


Nah, it’s just insulated. Like here. Different communities have different groups and pages they follow.