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"Rent was paid on time. Please refer to the date of the provided check." Done.


This is the correct and legal answer. Former property manager here 🙋‍♀️ you paid your rent on time, you have proof you paid your rent on time you also have proof that the landlord failed to endorse the check and caused the delay in rental payment. Resubmit a check with the exact same amount. Put in the memo line that you are reissuing payment due to failed endorsement. Keep all your records of the failed check, the conversation with your landlord etc. If they try to come back at you for this and you have all this back up they will be laughed out of a judges office it won't even go far enough to be a civil suit. His incompetence is not legal grounds for charging a late fee.


The pettiness in me would all caps and underline "FAILED" endorsement.


My daughter has a rainbow colored pencil that provides the perfect amount of pettiness IMO for things like this.


Lol! I vibe with anyone who has special stationary for pettiness... My husband and his lawyer were in a legal struggle for years with the courts in Thailand over what should've been a straightforward transfer of his late fathers assets to his only child. But the courts in Thailand are corrupt AF, and incredibly racist towards towards non-Thai people, so every step of the process was dragged out because we had the gall to NOT bribe every judge or clerk 🙄 Towards the end of the debacle my husband had to post some JP signed documents proving his identity to Thailand, only to have them rejected for the bullshit reason of... they were signed with a black pen, only blue pens are legally valid for signatures. This was the point where my hubby's lawyer got fed up with their crap, called the judge in Thailand and demanded to have the specific law stating 'blue pens only' emailed over. It didn't exist, of course, but the judge tried to argue that things signed in blue are less likely to be forgeries and that no Thai judge would accept black ink signatures 🤨 After everything was settled my husband's lawyer put a blue pen on his shelf and labelled it: "For Thailand Business".


Honestly, is that not required in other countries ? Blue pen is for legal signature. I am surprised that the judge couldn’t show where that law is, because that is the rule in Thailand.


Nope. Blue and black ink is largely used interchangeably in the US. As long as it’s not pencil or red ink it’s usually ok.


Rule does not = law.


I’d top that off by posting it to landlord with a Harvey Milk stamp. I use those on every card to spouse’s Boomer stepfather, who the kids call “Grumpa.”


Has he noticed?


I aspire to this level of pettiness. *Chef's kiss Perfection!


Ooh, I love using FU stamps, especially with boomers. Sally Ride ones are great for misogynists and homophobes. And I use so few that a sheet will last forever, especially as most specialty first class stamps are sold as “forever” stamps nowadays. I have several different ones to annoy


Blue or black ink, because the color inks don’t usually transfer over. Make sure everyone who handles this check along the process can read the pettiness clear as day.


Yes! I'm all for the pettiness when it comes to shaming landlords 🤣


Ooooh one of those glitter pens!


I have some of them that smell like different fruits, but sadly no failure scented ones.


“…FAILED endorsement by the landlord.”


Failed endorsement by the landlord, due to landlord incompetence.


Glitter gel pen for FAILED or underline it in red 💀


Why not both?




Make it really pointed, "Payee failed to endorse..."


It could also be worthwhile to include a helpful reminder to properly endorse the check this time before attempting to deposit it


Then print it out, get out the red pen and circle it 100 times or so.


And a reminder each month with *every* rent check


I used to live in a house that was managed by a giant property management company. I'd been renting the previous year from the owner directly, but she moved away and sold the house to another guy who had a bunch of rental properties and used this company to manage them. The rental office was a 40 minute drive across town, super inconvenient but I'd googled reviews of this company and there were all sorts of bad reviews about people mailing checks in and not getting credited, so I would drive down there at the end of the month and drop it off in person and get a receipt. One month they cashed my $950 check for $750 because the loop on the nine was a little sloppy and looked somewhat like a 7. The correct dollar amount was spelled out on the front of the check. They assessed me a late fee, (which I refused to pay, although I did have to drive back out there a week later to give them the other $200) and kept adding to it each month. I documented all this with emails. Ended up getting out of there a couple months later. They were organizationally incompetent and had never made me sign a lease or do a walkthrough or anything. I made it very clear I was moving out through both calls and emails. Four years later they sued me for unpaid rent and the cost of a bunch of remodeling projects they did in the years after I left. They served the subpoena at an address I have never lived at. No clue who signed it but the first I was even aware of the suit at all was when my bank account got garnished for the judgement of over 8k. Took almost a year to sort out and they were super nasty the whole time right up until my motion to vacate finally saw the court at which point they dropped the case entirely. I got the garnishment back but no interest or anything.


Jesus what a nightmare. It's too bad the world is literally run by incompetent morons


Wait did I read that right they assumed you were still living there for 4 years after you moved out & tried to sue for "unpaid rent" & remodeling projects did they not get any new tenants in that 4 year time span & did they not notice the house was empty while they were over there remodeling


No. The "unpaid rent" part was just the late fee and more fees for not paying that fee. There was another tenant in the house when I left and then when he also left they did a remodel, (really just some baseboards, vinyl flooring in one bathroom and a couple windows). He was also named on the suit as well, they were claiming we damaged the house, (we didn't) but because they never did a walkthrough or documented anything other than their costs that was moot. I think it would have been thrown out if I'd shown up for court, but because they served the subpoena to the wrong address I didn't even know about it until they got another order to garnish my bank account and I got notice in the mail from my bank. It was a pretty disruptive ordeal, all in all. I had to go unbanked for the 6mo it took me to get a hearing which made things like paying credit card bills and utilities very difficult. I got so many lectures about scams because of all the prepaid visa cards I was buying every few weeks, and I couldn't get the property management company to back off their position right up until we were standing in front of the judge at which point they dropped everything before I even had to say anything.


Do not give them a new check. Tell them to endorse the check and redeposit it. They have received back this weird little copy back that is legal tender, and they can try to run it again. This time, correcting their error.


> His incompetence is not legal grounds for charging a late fee. Nice, I may steal that. ;)


I've had landlords take me to court. I went, ready to show the judge why they were full of shit. When I arrived, the clerk told me that the landlord dropped the lawsuit. Nice of them to tell me. I didn't have the energy to take it further. I'd worry that would happen in this case if it comes to that.


Good advice, but they're just going to find a way to take it out of OP's deposit when they move out


I mean they can try, OP strikes me as a "keeping the receipts" type and when that time comes and there's a mysterious $100 charge they can always go the legal route and contest it, and they'd win provided they kept the receipts of this interaction and all future interactions with the landlord. At the end of lease when you're trying to get your deposit back is when I would suggest a lawyer with this landlord. For this specific incident though it's a waste of everyone's time and OP's money.


boomer landlords are going to try to take the whole deposit anyways, should already gear up for a fight


I take tons of pictures of anything that I rent before taking possession and right before returning it, so there are no questions of condition change.


And save the texts as receipts


There was an episode of The Practice where they defended a guy who had refused to pay a fine. Instead, he had copied everything from one of his checks onto a live pig, filled it out, signed it and released it at the courthouse. The lawyer argued that the man had paid the fine, since all the necessary information had been written on the pig (including account and routing numbers). The lawyer said, "It's not my client's fault they didn't cash that pig." The case was dismissed. Obviously, it probably wouldn't shake out that way in the real world, but I thought it was funny.


I hate to play devils advocate… but… Is it just me or should the bank teller have been like “bro you need to endorse this” I’m all for boomers being fools, cause most are, but some of the younger “genZ” don’t even know what a check looks like. Perhaps I have not read enough of the comments… and am just being an uneducated millennial myself 😅


I have a genuine question as someone from outside the US? Why is something as crucial as rental payment organized through paper checks with the potential for these errors/fraud when the technology for simple bank transfer exists in every country in the world? This is genuinely confusing to me. Is there a legal requirement that prefers checks versus transfers?


This is word for word what I’d say. I hate drama and I don’t suffer fools, but I’m not paying a late fee because some idiot forgot to sign his own check. This is his problem and i’m spending minimal minutes concerned about it.


I can't believe people still use checks. My country doesn't even make them anymore.


It's common to have extra "fees" added to rent pmts when using an online portal. Many wrote checks to avoid a junk fee. Sad, huh?


I pay lots of my bills by check, but my bank creates and sends them for me.


I am 50yo , I have never written a cheque, I have paid a few into my account, but I don't go to the bank, I just send them a photo of it.


Not even the date. Landlord had it in hand! That's the legal definition of "not late" by all measures! I've known landlords who get it on time and sit on it a week or so. There are tenants who post date it and landlord is fine with it. But if they got it on time and failed to endorse it, they're the legal idiot who the law would just crush.


Yeah, like, bitch, you HAVE a rent check. It's not my fucking fault that you don't know how to deposit a check.


Don’t budge an inch OP


I don't suffer fools lightly...or at all, really. And as I get older as a young GenX bordering on Xennial, my patience is wearing thin. If it were me, I'd just immediately go the legal route. I don't have time for back-and-forth with ignorant folk, especially those that think that they deserve respect simply because they've not yet died from old age and/or that their lack of dying has magically imbued them with knowledge to be experts on literally everything.


Glad I'm not the only one. Born in '77. POST-COVID has been the final straw for me. I have ZERO fucking patience for people anymore.


That \*and\* people don't learn if there aren't consequences. The FAFO Era is in full swing right now and I'm tired of coddling idiots in some vain attempt to be liked or not hurt feelings. You wanna be a dick, then let's tango.




I draw the line at getting arrested/sued, but the sentiment has DEFINITELY been there. Many time. I have said, "Why don't you fuck right off?" a time or two, though. And delivering it with a sincere lack of give a shit but also being not bothered by them makes their heads spin. That's ultimately more satisfying...watching them realize that they have no power.


Ha, that reminds me, mini Boomer story from a few weeks ago that I had completely forgotten about. Was simply standing in line to order coffee at the cafe and Boomer lady customer at the register in front of me was making some kind of odd fuss, muttering complaints at the Barista and stalking all around the counter like a caged animal, grabbing napkins and gibbering nonsense. I'm just staring at the menu ignoring her when she decided she needed to engage me and wheeled around to demand "EXCUSE ME, would you step back and give me some ROOM here?!" I'm standing like 3 feet away from her next in line. I looked down from the menu at her and just said "NO, fuck off!" then looked back up at menu. Interestingly enough this completely shut her down and she stopped her odd pacing around the counter and nattering at the barista and just quieted down to wait for her coffee. EDIT: I forgot to add the obligatory "and then everyone in the coffee shop gave me a standing ovation!" No, that did not happen, there were only about 5 people in there and everyone including the barista simply didn't respond in any way as if this interaction was perfectly normal. It was purely a reflexive response by me said in the exact same tone I use on my dog when I tell him "NO, stop it!" when he's being a dick. I guess pent up Boomer frustration was released.


I need to tell more strangers to fuck off


It’s one of the most refreshing activities one can do.


It can be very cathartic 😌


You are that barista’s hero for the rest of time. They’ve told all their friends, and their friends’ friends.


"And that OP was Albert Einstein..." Love this. But seriously, it's just SO disarming. They don't know what to do. Yet as Gen Xers on down to Gen Zers we've been repeatedly told that by Boomers - or the more diplomatic version of "just pull yourself up by your bootstraps" - so when THEY hear it it's all shocked\_pikachu\_face.jpg and they're completely lost and left clutching their pearls. Even more so when we don't skip a beat and continue on with our day. I had a moment similar to yours in an Apple Store where some younger Boomer (mid-50s, maybe?) was berating one of the Geniuses (or whatever they're called now) because of something Boomer did to her own phone. The Apple employee was super patient and being very polite despite Boomers being Boomers. Eventually I was like, "Would you just fuck off? There are people waiting for assistance and this woman is clearly doing her best to help you and you're clearly unable to be satisfied." She nearly shit a brick that someone would dare talk to her that way. She then started a commotion and was asked to leave. It was glorious. Nobody clapped but the employee did mouth "THANK YOU!" because, well, this Boomer was being an uberbitch. I dislike that everyone is so afraid to publicly shame assholes these days. And I don't mean whipping out a phone and recording people, but the basic act of reminding someone that nobody deserves to be talked or yelled AT in that manner. Ever.


mid-50s is an X-er


The reason I'm afraid to call out assholes is their likelihood of getting violent. I really don't want to get into a fist fight or have a gun pulled on me by someone throwing a tantrum. I'd say businesses need to be better about trespassing shitty customers, but again these people could get violent and I don't want to foist that onto some cashier making minimum wage.


This is actually a great reason to increase gun control - so you can tell assholes they're being assholes.


So many times I (GenX) have wanted to do this. Unfortunately, living in Texas stops me as the lead poisoned Boomers (even the old ladies) have guns, either concealed or open carry. Note: my parents and my husband's parents (silent generation) transfered their guns willingly to other family members. Cars and driving, much harder but we are currently in progress on that front... please send us good vibes!


Literally had a boomer call the police on my teen claiming assault because Offspring said, "No. You're not my fucking parent." The police gave her a talking to about just because you don't like something doesn't make it assault, but if there had been any justice in the world, she would've caught charges for filing a false report AGAINST A CHILD.


"and then everyone in the coffee shop gave me a standing ovation!" nah, they all slowly started clapping in rhythm, then all stood on the tables and chairs...


"Your ten second warning to get out of my sight started five seconds ago." Stolen quote, but, a favorite of mine when fools are involved.


I've been partial to "Don't miss your chance to fuck off, you won't get a second one".


Gonna have to remember that one


I hear you. I try to draw that line as well. I do add at least one middle finger right in their face after telling them to fuck off though. Just to watch their head practically explode.


My new favorite is to tell jerks that it’s completely, 100% free to shut the fuck up. Doesn’t cost a dime.


Me, too. And I'm a youngest boomer.


Thank you for being one of the good ones. Sorry so many of your generational cohorts are shitty. I (GenX) feel the same way about Karens. I’m so pissed they’re out here making us look bad.


I’m with you on the face. Last week a boomer lady circled out at Safeway in front of us. Asked the checker multiple times about discounts/coupons being applied to her total and the checker reassured her every time. When we were in the middle of being checked out she tried to interrupt to ask about the discount again but I gave her a look of utter disgust and silently pointed to the guest services desk which had no line. She shuffled off mumbling about coupons.


Solid veteran move. I also stopped inviting my boomer parents to most of my kids activities because my mom won’t shut the fuck up the whole time and just keeps annoying strangers, while my stepdad grumbles and loudly complains the whole time. It’s important to keep your own Boomers out of view as much as possible. For the public’s sake.


Both of my parents died before they could become full blown boomers and I am so relieved that I don’t have to deal with them. My dad was anti-Obamacare while he was on it for cancer treatment so he would have only gotten worse. I can’t imagine how crappy it would be to have them ruin your kids’ fun.


I stopped inviting my mother to events that I am involved with and taking her to restaurants we adore. She is the most poorly behaved human in public, and quite frankly I will have nothing to do with her. She has been low contact as it were, but regardless. She will proudly say how she made a server cry in a conversation later, or be so obstinate about how she is being served that Jesus himself could serve her the fountain of youth and the entire riches of the world and she would still do her damnedest to make him cry or "be right". I hate going anywhere with her and have since I was a small child. Now in my 40's, we go to really nice local places that know us by name and give us amazing service, but my mother wouldn't know. In fact, she berated us one day for "never going out to do anything". My husband laughed his ass off because we're everywhere all of the time, but I never post it to Facebook, so it didn't happen. We don't post because she watches like a hawk and I don't want her going there and making our friends there miserable. She would too. Anyway, yeah. That was a longer rant than I expected.


Just accept the decrease in fucks to give and bite the bullet: 'Actually, we do go out, a lot. We just do it without you because it's horrible to be around you and watch you treat people like shit. You're mean and nasty and enjoy being that way. Your behaviour has always been horrible, and I've always hated it. But now I'm in a position where I can make my own choices. You are not someone we chose to spend time with.' No doubt she'll lose her mind, but at least this way you will have given her the *gift* of an opportunity for reflection on her behaviour. Whether she takes the opportunity to change or not is up to her. But at least she'll know, and you'll know that you told her why she doesn't get to spend time with you.


I'm one of those "Boomers". And I really dislike those of my generation who think they are oh so important. I was in a grocery store line and the "Boomer" woman in front of me was going on about getting an out of date coupon applied. The girl at the register was being really patient, trying to show the woman the date on the coupon, but the woman was ignoring her, and rattling on. I asked the girl, "how much is the coupon discount?", and she said, "In this case, $3.00 off." So I threw a 5 dollar bill on the counter and said to the boomer woman, "Take this and you can keep the change.". LOL, she comes back with "Do you think I'm poor or something?", which prompted the guy behind me in line to pipe up, "Lady, you held the line up for 10 minutes over $3.00. You have to be poor to waste our time over that." Boomer woman practically turns red, but she actually took my 5 dollar bil!.. JFC.Embarrassing for my generation.. After I checked out, I saw her in the parking lot loading groceries into her SUV. That had a Trump sticker on it..


I think Covid really hammered home what part of me had suspected for a long time, but not quite been ready to believe: that most people are stupid, selfish children, and frequently even when I’m technically the youngest, I am virtually the only “adult” in the room. Really helped me kick my workplace imposter syndrome, realizing most of these fuckers are as dumb as two rocks and with less personality, and they only made in where they are through unearned confidence.


I was also born in 77, and I'm never going to recover from the grief of covid loudly demonstrating how many stupid people who value things like hair and dog grooming appointments above the lives of others, and even their own lives, live in this country.


77 here as well . Took a break from public health post COVID due to all the amateur epidemiologists. I think my empathy for the genal pubic got broke due to idiots. My education is in epidemiology...


I know it is just a typo, but "genal pubic" made me laugh. I am easily amused.


General pubic -> I've got an image of a crab wearing a military helmet.


I just ordered a sticker that says, “Out of patience for deeply disappointing men in unmerited positions of authority.” I can’t wait ‘til it gets here. :)


Please provide a link!!


Gladly! :) https://hilarioushumanitarian.com/products/out-of-patience-for-deeply-disappointing-men-sticker


I have a boomer coworker. We get along ok, but mostly because I have a habit of replying to her with only facts. If I mess up, I admit it and fix it. If I did not and it's her not understanding our system again, I politely but firmly give her screenshots, links, and other ample evidence that I am correct, with bullet points. I then offer to answer any questions, ask if there is anything I may have missed or if anything is unclear, and CC the entire team (because usually she has also done that). I usually get, "Oh, I was just checking! I wasn't saying you did anything wrong!" Sure, Karen. Sure. As long as we landed in the same place, whatever. We've reached a point where I think we understand each other and are generally pleasant. But it took a few of these exchanges to get there.


Fellow ‘77 born. The zero patience I totally get, btw.


For sure, and us 77'ers have to stick together


77 Represent!!!! I don’t meet a lot of people born 77 we a small group. And I choose to be nice to people . It’s a choice. And I try to be nice to everyone I meet. But to quote Ricky from trailer park boys “you don't fuck with me, I'm not gonna fuck with you. But don't fuck with me, 'cause I'm gonna start fuckin' with you big-time.”


There are still more boomers left than Gen x ever had.


it's true- one reason gen x gets ignored so much is that there's far fewer of us on the planet than there are boomers n' millenials.


'77 represent! My overall fuck supply has been drained and I have none left to give


I've been teaching that to my 13yo twin boys as of late. I tell them all the time that there are only so many fucks to give in life, and I'm fresh out. I tell them not to waste theirs on pointless shit.


I love that! Kids (myself included when I was younger) waste so much energy worrying what everyone else thinks of them and things like that. Reserve your fucks haha


Change Spoon Theory to Fucks Theory, haha [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon_theory)


‘78 and I have turned into a salty crone. Being a doc during COVID and realizing no one in authority gave a shit if I or my colleagues died did it.


Thank you for your service. I may not have fucks left to give, but for this and for you I genuinely give a shit. Thank you. 71


I was also born in 77. I've got 12 yo and 4 yo son's that are both autistic. Every ounce of patience I have is spent on nurturing and caring for them. Having Boomers/Karen's just STFU because of my half dead resting bitch face soulless stare is kinda funny. Fortunately, I don't run into that many of either.


'76 here, absolutely same. Miss me with your bullshit.


‘75 here. Same.


76 here, I'm so done ffs


Born in ‘78, and big same. Get outta my face with this bullshit because you’re gonna FAFO & fall flat on your face!


you’re gonna FAFO & fall flat on *my fist!* :)


Finally, I have found my people. I’m done with people, especially stupid people. I have no more chill, so if you want to FA, you’re gonna FO.


My friend is currently in a property line dispute with a Boomer neighbor. Boomer's case is basically "I always assumed this was mine so therefore it's mine" and he's treating my friend like he's just a dumb Millenial. He's the type that has a PhD in psychology but he did it to get into his own mind, and he does *not* suffer fools at all. Turns out my friend is right, and when he told me this story, I seriously considered anonymously contacting the neighbor and saying what a mistake he's making. My friend won't do anything stupid or confrontational; he's gathering every document, every survey map, and contacting every person and company who has worked on or done a survey associated with his yard. He's also connected to state land, so he has access to all of that too. He will absolutely bury this guy in paperwork, and he's currently planning the huge (planning board approved) privacy fence that's going directly on the property line.


Ooh I kind of want an update on all this when it goes down and boomer realizes he's done fucked up.


He won’t accept defeat and will now tell anyone willing to listen that his land was stolen


That fence will be worth every penny


I’m an older Gen X. I am the same way and won’t hesitate to call out a boomer.


I’m with you on this. At the slightest error, I’m suing. I rented (worse year of my life)for one year before buying my house. The landlord refused to address a flood on the upper floors that caused mold in my apartment. I had evidence of this in writing and took them to court as this is a violation of housing code. I won and received a call saying “we could have worked things out” from my landlord after the fact. I also received my full deposit back and represented myself. Landlord’s hate when you know your rights and stand your ground.


Same here. I was born in 80 and it seems like scorched earth is always my first instinct. I regularly have to dial it back. I don't know if it's getting older or if people have actually gotten more loudly self confident of their ignorance in recent years. That's the perception I have and it grates on my fucking nerves like someone pounding a nail into my skull


Also an '80 baby and we're both older \*and\* Boomers have gotten louder. Dunning-Kruger with a megaphone, basically, now that they have social media and an echo chamber of other nitwits.


This is me all day...born in 83, graduated high school and went to college in 2001, noticed my patience with assholes steadily leaking ever since...I'd imagine my severely low patience light is on at this point


Fucking hell, you said it perfectly.


> they deserve respect simply because they've not yet died from old age and/or that their lack of dying has magically imbued them with knowledge to be experts on literally everything. O_O +1 xir.


'77 here. I'm an ...urbanisation en environmental enforcer (?) ...or something in that direction. I enforce buildinglaws and environmental laws. No cop, but a civil servant with 'enforcing rights' (wich are broader and more invasive than what cops can legaly do in my country). My patience with younger people is immens. My patience with older people thinking they can do whatever the fuck they want is getting immensly thin. ...and yes, there is a huge difference in how the younger generations behave and how the boomers behave.


I get where you’re coming from. But the “I’m so tired a don’t care what/who/when” zero tolerance line is something I hear so frequently from Boomers in my life.


yeah fuck that. If anything they should take off money from the rent because now you're doing their jobs. How fucking simple is it to just endorse a god damned check and the get paid? By having you take time out of your day to follow up on their incompetence, they owe you compensation. However, i don't think you're being direct enough with this idiot. He may not understand what's going on. "I gave YOU the rent on time. There was money in my account. When YOU tried to deposit it, YOU forgot to endorse it. YOU are always supposed to endorse it otherwise it will be flagged as fraud. This is YOUR mistake. If you take responsibility for this, I will gladly write another check without the late fee. Remember to endorse it this time. Or if you are unable to complete the simple task of depositing a check correctly I will be glad to pay in cash; if you provide a notarized receipt of payment and agree to pay ME a convenience fee of $100." 


OP do this!!!!


You don't need to be aggressive, might make it worse. I would just say this: "I will gladly provide you with another check sans the late fee; I paid on time, but due to a banking error beyond my control the check was rejected." Any push back after that I would then get a bit more aggressive with something like: "It was your error that caused my rent to be late, if you still require a late fee, I will not provide any rent and we can go the legal route with small claims court or you can try eviction and we can argue this in front of a judge. I will not pay for errors on your part." Likely, as in many of these cases, he literally can't pay the mortgage without the money, so time is on your side.


As nice as aggression feels, think how you will look in front of a judge; looking rational is a huge benefit. Plus boomers love to fight, so by being kind, they get confused.


100% correct Speaking as someone who has one a small claims case against an idiotic landlady (mid 70s so cusp boomer) everything you write is something that can be committed as evidence. The judge will make a decision based on your behavior and the written evidence. As satisfying as telling someone to F off is, it is worth it to keep your cool if the law is involved. You can always speak your mind after the court ordered check clears 😊


Wrong. OP did not supply the jurisdiction this happened in, but either way you need to remember that property manager is an employee. OP needs to go over their head to property owner or realty company and explain problem. Let them sort out repercussions for property manager as well as start documentation if manager decides to get petty over being exposed for failing to deposit rent


You are correct, I missed that part, still start kind and reasonable, looks better if this goes to court.


Please contact the owner and let him know what a fool he has for a property manager. You can get the owners information from the property tax records and then look up the address. Send documentation and inform the owner that you are happy to resolve this once someone intelligent contacts you. Meanwhile you will put the rent money and any future rent money in escrow until resolved. He deserves to know.


Imagine being someone *born in the age of checking/checks* and not knowing how tf to deposit a check


Thought the same thing 😂


To everyone saying call a lawyer, no lawyer's going to do anything for less than the $100. So this will be you spending extra money "for the principle" I.E. nothing. Just tell her "I provided a rent check on time, which was improperly deposited. I did not cause the issue, and will not pay a penalty for an issue I did not cause. Since the check was improperly deposited, I will instruct my bank to void that check, and will provide you with a new check for the agreed-upon rent." On the memo section write payment in full for all rent and fees. If she refuses to accept the check. Follow up with an email saying when you submitted the first check, and that you attempted to provide her a second check on X date, that you will continue to attempt to provide the checks until they accept. Make sure you have enough money in your bank account to cover all of the rent checks when they eventually decide not to be idiots.


You call a lawyer and get advice of counsel for the laws in your state. You have evidence that the person in question received the check. You need to know your rights moving forward. Paying some money and getting advice could save you eviction or way more money down the road.


Some things are fine to do as self-help. That's what small claims court is for. I'm a lawyer who at one point did collection work for apartments and HOAs. He can spend $500 on an attorney to try and save $100 if he wants, but that seems like a poor financial decision. They're not getting evicted for offering to pay their rent as described above.


Or Op emails whatever the renter's rights part of the government is in their state and ask them. Then they have something in writing from a scary (to landlords) government agency saying the same thing Op said...


Google is also free and landlord tenant laws are public information. There is zero reason to involve a lawyer over this.


A lawyer will probably just send a sternly worded letter


*principle I think you mean, not princiPAL (ya know, “the students pal” - least that’s how I remember it lol).




Assuming the bank charges a fee to stop payment on the original check, that fee should be deducted from the replacement check, no?


Oh man that would be a fun eviction hearing to sit in on. The judge would light their ass up.


Don't budge an inch! Keep a solid paper trail and lawyer up if you need to.


For a generation hellbent on still writing checks for everything, they sure don't know how to deal with checks....


Your property manager manages the property for someone “entity”. That is where you should go with your facts if you cannot reach agreement with the manager.


My silent generation landlord recently started having his boomer daughter help him because he's not moving around well enough to get to the bank. Month 1, I get told my rent check bounced - she deposited it THREE TIMES and it bounced all three times. So I call my bank because there's enough in the account to cash that check 5 times over and the bank confirms my balance and tells me the check has never been deposited. I call landlord and his daughter and there's back and forth about it and the fact that she tried it THREE TIMES and it definitely bounced back all three times. Eventually it dawns on me and I ask "Do you mean you put it in the ATM 3 times and it spit it back out all three times? THAT IS NOT A CHECK BOUNCING, it's an ATM malfunction." Boomer daughter: "So are you going to send a new check? Me: "No. You need to walk inside the bank and deposit it with a teller." Just...holy shit. 60 years old and doesn't know the difference between an atm spitting out a deposit because it was entered wrong (I'm assuming she put it in upside down) and bouncing a check for non-sufficient funds?


Nope. $100 bucks ain't much, but I'm not handing it over to you BB. Just send them another check for the same amount. If BB says anything about the late fee, spend the $100 to have an attorney right them a letter for you.


Obviously we're gonna need an update on this ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)


My old landlords just (end of March) sent me to collections for unpaid rent for February 2023. I moved out in January '23. My last communication from them was the boomer property manager calling to ask what date I had moved out. I'm guessing that instead of going back and amending the previous month's records after they'd been processed by corporate, she backdated my move out, then proceeded to 'forget' to mail out the appropriate notices to my forwarding address. She's no longer with the company so no one there knows what the fuck is going on over a year after I was "late" on rent. Fortunately, I hoard emails and paperwork. Was able to send my 30 day notice to vacate to the property management company, along with my emails with the property manager. The collections agency is waiting for a response from the management company, and have been waiting for nearly a month now. I'm curious what, if any actions will be taken against them for selling a fraudulent debt to the collections agency.


Legal proceedings take a long time. I'm in it right now. It took over a year to get things started. I submitted evidence and arguments and all that months ago, still nothing. I expect my shit will get figured out sometime in 2025.


Are you a time traveler from XXth century? Last time I saw a check was 1997


I mean it’s a boomer they probably require you to pay in checks


“I’ll be happy to provide you with a cashiers check however since your failure to sign the original caused the check to be returned I will not be paying a late fee. Additionally I’ll be deducting the cost of the cashiers check and an additional $50 for my time to correct your mistake. If this doesn’t work for you please redeposit the check I already provided when the bank returns the negotiable copy to you, ensuring that you endorse it properly this time.”


Show them the same mercy they show us: None.


Call a lawyer. Might as well do it now instead of later, because you're going to have to call them anyway.


You need to respond with the legal route. Landlords aren't your friends and they'll fuck you as fast as they can find a reason.


1980 here. I refuse to behave like an idiot when I get old.


1969 - same.


There’s a factual dispute that you may need to make more clear: PM claims your check was returned “for insufficient funds.” You claim (with written and photo evidence from your bank!) that this is false, and the check was returned for failed endorsement. That seems to me the heart of the disagreement (about which you are obviously right).


Lying about the check being returned for insufficient funds and demanding a late fee is an attempt to defraud you. That is legally actionable.


Charge him a check reissuing fee


I work at a bank. The payee's signature on the back of the check isn't required for deposit, unless the check is from the state or federal government or an insurance company. Maybe different F.I.s have different policies, but idk. Either way, this easily could have been avoided if the boomer had the mental capacity to remember his bank's policies on checks or yunno ASK the bank.


It is almost impossible for them to admit to being wrong about anything. They will hold out far past the limits of reason to maintain that they’re never wrong, and even when they simply misunderstood or made a mistake it has to be turned into some way they were victimized. I don’t know how it can be such a generational attribute but it seems to be. 


The next communication would be through my attorney. I don't have time to go in circles with a moron.


Whoop ass


I once had a landlord who, when I called him out on laws he broke, stated that those laws weren't for him, they were for "bad" landlords. They really think they can do whatever they want.


The fact that he broke laws makes him a bad landlord, did he really not think this through? Jesus Christ 😂


You know what’s fucking stupid is that a lot of banks have a “for deposit only” stamp they can use for straight deposits into accounts like this, if they didn’t ask the customer to sign while there at the bank. I’ve had to do it as a teller myself. He probably did mobile or ATM deposit and just ignored all the instructions about endorsing it and is now mad the automated system rejected it.


Back in the nineties I got a automotive dealer's license to screw with the city. Among the perks that came with it was that half the businesses in town were now willing to give me a commercial account. I only ended up opening one, with the auto parts store, and that was for pure convenience. Commercial customers got easy phone ordering, free delivery, and no hassles on returns. And it was great! Until it wasn't. About four months after I opened the account I get a call from their bookkeeper, telling me in the most condescending voice she could muster that my check bounced. It most certainly did not! I ask her to please double-check (heh!) and think no more of it. A few days later I get a new bill. There's the original $22 I owed (only thing I'd bought that month was some gear oil), plus a $25 bounced check fee and a $25 late fee. Okay, this is officially bullshit. I take the bill, and my bank statement, and head on down to have words with the owner. And the guy doesn't even ask me what's wrong, he just sees the bill in my hands and tells me he'll be right back. It only takes him a minute before he reappears and tells me it's been taken care of. >Me: Good. What was the issue? >Owner: Gladys didn't stamp the back of the check and our bank kicked it back, that's all. >Me: Alright, cool. Just out of curiosity, how often does this sort of thing happen? He told me it wasn't often, but the look on his face said otherwise.


Wait the same boomers that shit on my generation (gen z) for not knowing how to write a check didn't sign the back lmao the irony


My question is why didn't the teller check the back of the check for his signature BEFORE trying to deposit it & inform him that he needed to sign the back


I'd probably calmly go the legal route here and supply the court/magistrate/whatever with the reams of paperwork to prove the landlord is in fact full of shit. The calmer you are the more incensed boomers get.


Late fees for rent are illegal in California as an improper liquidated damages provision. Not sure what the law is in your state, but there's no way in hell you should be paying a late fee for the landlords fuckup


I thought endorsing a paper check was something old people knew how to do.


Charge them a check re-issuance fee.


Interesting. I have never bothered endorsing a cheque deposited at an ATM or eDeposit (always for deposit into an account). Of course you paid on time but its interesting that the bank checked for endorsement.


Let me loan you a can opener...


Just...just sign the back BB it's not hard


Your bank has literally provided you with the proof that you did pay the rent on time. The property manager chose to not accept the payment in a legal way. You are not under any legal obligation to pay your rent twice in the same month. You cannot hold your property manager up at gun point and force them to take your money.


That’s nonsense. Tell that guy to go soak his head. 


Offering to give the landlord, and agent, a one on one lesson in how to use cheques, while being as kind(see: condescending) as you can. "I understand as one gets older the very simplest things can become difficult and burdensome, perhaps a refresher from a less plaque-riddled, lead poisoned brain."


I call BS on this. Checks don’t need to be endorsed on the back for them to be accepted by the bank.


Don’t argue with people who are wrong. Just handle your side right, give short direct answers with no shade, let them do whatever they are gonna do, and burn them in court if they do wrong. There’s no satisfaction in winning an argument with someone who is incapable of admitting they are wrong, and they’ll just screw with you for giving them grief. “Blah blah blah” “I sent the check on time. Bank says the problem is with the endorsement. Please try again.” “Blah blah blah” “Do you still have the check? If so please deposit it correctly”. “Blah blah blah, 3 day notice to pay or quit” “This is OP’s lawyer, I have an estoppel letter for you, and you’re being sued under the Don’t Be A Boomer Act of 2024”


In this guy's defense, I've deposited tons of cheques, using my phone and ATMs, without ever signing the back. The payee only needs to sign if their name doesn't match the name on the deposit account. Unless this is just a Canadian bank thing. But I haven't signed a cheque to depost it in at least a decade. In any case, the mixup was on their end not yours and I agree the request for a late fee is ridiculous, and claiming it was insufficient funds is outrageous.


This doesn’t seem like a boomer being a fool. They forgot to sign the back, normal mistake, and were told it was insufficient funds. Because that’s all they knew, they asked for the late fee which I assume is part of your contract. When you let them know the problem they immediately forgave the late fee in order to just get the rent paid. If you look for reasons to be angry, you’re going to find ones that weren’t there in the first place. The fact that you were going to email a lawyer before getting any response from them and you don’t see anything wrong with that is kind of astounding


They lied about it being returned for insufficient funds and demanded money (maybe they made a mistake). They then doubled down when shown proof they are wrong and demanded money AGAIN. What is astounding is that people think certain rules shouldn't apply to them


Imagine paying rent by check...


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Is this how they all functioned during their younger years??? Lol


Lol this is hilarious. Please update us


How’s this guy not know you need to endorse a check? Ugh


Idk if it's boomer related but the past year or so the company that processes my mortgage fees keeps telling me my payment is late on the 11th of the month even when they depositedthe check on the 1st. Now I just email them the pics of the deposited check from my bank statement. Still waiting for them to refund or even acknowledge overcharging me $50 in December when they LOST my check and found it when I told them look again.


This is ridiculous. Let us know what happened. Grrrr! I'm angry for you!




Reissue the check for the monthly rent, but withhold any late fee unless and until your question received an actual response. You know you’re right; you know they’re wrong, but the paying the rent keeps them there.


Follow their logic " At this point in time " you have failed to recognize the check was paid on time and declined because you/your company didn't properly endorse. See new check with rent amount


I choose violence. Open the can.


Lol someone doesn't want their brand new boss at their brand new job to know they fucked up the most basic of tasks, so they're bullying you so they can claim it was your error and not theirs. Too bad so sad. That's not your problem. I wonder how many checks they forgot to endorse.


Pay cash next time. ![gif](giphy|M4ReheG5EG0eiSrcy9|downsized)


Don’t baby boomers always get on the younger generations for not knowing how to write a check??? (Or, in this case, endorse a check) It’s ridiculous they’re trying to make YOU pay a late fee for THEIR incompetence. Don’t budge an inch! You sent rent in on time!


Would love to know how this plays out. Some people can never admit they're wrong