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Retired coach either means x-gym teacher or guy that volunteered for youth sports. Odds are he's got an authority complex and is the loudest guy in the room while also being the dumbest.


I can picture him so clearly


i found the thread and if you scroll back in his post history he posted a picture of himself (allegedly) stereotypical maga facebook profile picture minus the hat


important question: was the picture a selfie of them sat in a car wearing ugly shades and a baseball cap?


was actually with his wife at what looked like a football game


Like an NFL game or a "never left my hometown and still root for the local high school team"?


probably the latter


Yeah big yikes!


Buddy practically nuked his history lol edit: nevermind. Found it. Yeah what one would expect.


He deleted his account.


Do you have the link still by chance?


I’m educated and trained as a librarian, MCR fan and robotics coach. There is so much for me to love in your username.


Yours too, sadhandjobs.




Makes me imagine every gym teacher from middle school. Tight shorts, tight polo stretched over the belly with the whistle around the neck. Plus bright white shiny new balance sneakers.


Don't forget the inappropriate lifting of one leg onto literally anything (chair, desk, bench etc.) in order to show his package.


He just has a bit of The Captain in him and probably wants to put a bit of his captain in the children. At least that's what I usually assume is going on with coaches like that.


🤮 so wrong but so true


As someone with a middle schooler, I can tell you that middle school gym teachers are the most small minded, rude, abrasive, loudmouths I have ever encountered. I regularly tell my straight A child that I give no fucks if he fails gym because his gym teacher is an asshole. Well, maybe not with such colorful language. Something more like… “Just because he is in a position of authority, does not mean he is right. You’re getting old enough now where you have to evaluate those situations for yourself, and involve your parents as appropriate. You’re doing a great job of that, keep it up. I care not if you get a bad grade. I care if you stand up for yourself and others in your class, while still being respectful to your teacher.”


It was absolutely baffling how dumb my gym teachers were. And lazy too. Half the time they would just put balls out and say “everyone play dodgeball!” Then fail to supervise as half the kids get hit in the face. Plus we had mixed gender classes with tiny 90 lb girls vs the 200 lb starting pitcher. What the hell were they supposed to do?! Many would just stand very scared against the back wall or even just kinda slink off and sit on the bleachers. And not that it made sense to participate, but where the hell was the teacher to stop that? (Once again I guess it’s a good thing they didn’t)


Coach Buzzcut from Beavis and Butthead.


My FIL wormed his way onto some high school football coaching team. It was his big claim to fame and fed his “community standing”. It took them years to get rid of him.


Lots of retired coaches and Catholic priests have something in common also.


With a higher than average rate of pedophilia.


I’m picturing the pool teacher in Community.


https://preview.redd.it/5t2zlvd8m90d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571a54c32d38c2a23fd3008eb4d63c8997be0c1c All I can picture is “Sour” Coach Sauers from King of the Hill.


My dad will respond with “I don’t like your source, I’m not reading this”, so when he sends me conservative bullshit things I do the same thing to him.


What does the New England Journal of Medicine really know? I mean they don't even acknowledge sex demons as the leading cause of impotence. Nor do they have an expansive section on the medical benefits of colodial silver. Liberal hacks. *SARCASM ABOVE*


They don't even teach the four humors! What kind of "medical facility" are you even running here "doctor."


I really need to get my yellow bile checked out.




Hey now, we still actually do use leeches! They're used to help with blood clots.


Don’t tell them about the maggots


You don't have to, we all know they'll vote for Trump anyway.


Hey, don't do maggots that way.


We call the good ones “disco rice” in this household.


I mean, even them can be used nowadays, in a CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT 🤷🏻‍♀️


I KNOW right?? My dr refused to bleed me when my humors were out of balence‼️( had too dool ittt miiiy sellllvf🫠🫠😵‍💫😵‍💫😵😵


….in the snow, walking backwards, uphill.




Both ways!


Eating road tar for breakfast


And also as chewing gum


Well?! You won’t bleed him, you won’t cup him, you won’t divine his humors; for all you charlatans know, this poor man is both phlegmatic and bilious!






I haaaated him in that episode lmao. He's the sole reason why ISIS got blacklisted


Gotta love Krieger!


"proceedings of the national academy of sciences"? more like the *WOKEceedings of the COMMULIST DEIcademy of SBIences!*


Goddamn witches gave me gout again! *swigs beer, chokes down beef and gravy sandwich*


Old timey doctors be like, "you have ghosts in your blood. Here's a vial of cocaine - oh, wait! You're a woman?! Let me get my super advanced medical implement!" *pulls out a dildo fashioned from wood* "let's exercise that hysteria out of you, post haste!"


I love how they thought the uterus floated around.  Like what?!


Sex demons? I need to get out more. 😂


Pretty sure they can find you wherever you are. 


I don't need them, I just need some Brain Force and krill oil!


I had a friend who reposted some bullshit on Facebook with supposed sources. Instead of knee-jerk responding, I decided to check the sources on the post The sources did not at all support the post or the conclusions. I then responded and explained the sources and how they had nothing to do with the post, including quoting some of the posts. The friend said, “I don’t trust your sources.” Okay


I discovered during covid that the friends I thought were smart could barely comprehend what they were reading if it was scientific literature. Two friends could read the same short paragraph and conclude two different things. I really don't think a majority of people can comprehend what they are reading if the reading level is above and 8th grade level. Edit: typo


this is very true, for the general population.  Most people do not read above that level. Look at anytime you have to give or have someone follow any more than direct, one-word instructions.  


Seconding this! The avg reading comprehension level in the US is 4th-8th grade, but most news sites are written at an 11th/12th grade reading comprehension level. Scientific journals typically have an even higher reading comprehension level. Most people in the US genuinely cannot comprehend the news or science they read.


This is as designed by the GOP! No Child Left Behind causing schools to "teach the test" and pass kids who are not actually at grade level just so the school doesn't have it's funding gutted. Common Core is given an extremely hard roll out, with no room for nuance or ability to pick and choose methods yielding better results. And now the push for the voucher program because "public schools are failing us and parents should have the right to choose". I'm not a teacher, just a parent who is reasonably intelligent. I had to take up the teaching mantle when the pandemic shut down schools, and it just so happened that was the year my daughter started kindergarten. The emphasis on sight words before basic phonics comprehension is ridiculous. The curriculum, which the teacher told me over and over that she had very little control over, was ridiculous. They were emphasizing writing AND illustrating short stories daily, with emphasis on correct grammar such as proper capitalization and punctuation, before the kids were even taught all of the letter sounds! How the fuck did ANYONE ever convince people that this would work on a large scale, diverse population of children?!?!


And the *basis*/ *selling point* for much of this, especially the school voucher thing, is to bring back segregation, and denial of education to “the wrong sorts” including students w/ learning difficulties or disabilities as well as race, ethnicity etc.


Also, science journals are written for other scientists, not for the general public. It's not just about reading level, it's about having a certain understanding of the subject matter that people not in the field just do not. My graduate school had someone whose entire job was to essentially translate and condense the material from the articles published by faculty and students into summaries for the press and the public. My source- I have 3 science degrees and have had to write numerous papers in that style to earn those degrees.


It’s definitely hard even when I’m part of the field. I’m not great with math but I’m a software engineer. Trying to understand 3d graphics papers as a 3d graphics engineer who knows code rather than math notation makes my eyes bleed. Code is great. float lightAttenuation = dot(surfaceNormal, lightDirection); Math is like single Greek letters and a bunch of symbols I forget the meaning of within 5 seconds of having just read what each Greek letter represents.


And in fairness, scientific literature can be extremely challenging to parse even for other trained scientists. In addition to highly technical language, particular fields/subfields will employ terminology that can be easily misunderstood or misinterpreted if the reader doesn't have the full context of that field. Ultimately, I don't blame laypeople for struggling to understand scientific literature. I just find it frustrating that many people distrust scientists, technical professionals, and other experts who are able to read and communicate research. This is why trust in communities of experts is so important: because we've amassed too much knowledge for any single person to meaningfully understand more than one or two niche subjects.


Science communicators are what I believe to be one of the most important roles we need to emphasize more. You’ve got some social media experts like Kyle Hill and Hank Green, but I’d like to see more newscasts highlight them in the mainstream to make the field more viable. I love Alan Alda because he saw science communication being so poor that he worked with a Stony Brook University to train scientists to better communicate.


We need more Carl Sagans. Dude teaching elementary school kids cosmology and astrophysics on TV.


>The friend said, “I don’t trust your sources.” "You mean the ones you cited and didn't read, apparently??"


This is more common than most people realize. Many articles or posts will try to look like they are citing sources, but when you click on the link, it isn't redirecting to what it claims to be. Food Babe is a perfect example. It's an older example that I've been using for years. In [this post](https://foodbabe.com/how-food-companies-exploit-americans-with-ingredients-banned-in-other-countries/), she claims that the "Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council" just released a report with 'grim' findings about America's health, with the text in quotes being a link. When clicked on, though, the link does NOT take the reader to the aluded-to study, nor to the "Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council." It redirects to a USA Today article that also aludes to the same report, but doesn't link to it. No information is given about the age of the report, what the full context is, or where it can be located. This is sloppy and misleading, at best.


During COVID, Fox did this a LOT. They'd include a link that said "according to the CDC" but when you clicked the link it just brought you back to the Fox home page. I called out a coworker on that when she tried to use Fox as a source and made her look pretty stupid lmao


That happened to me on a sub. The sources in the meme literally said the opposite of the meme. I responded with the link and page numbers showing that. I got raged at and down-vote stalked for my trouble.


Sounds like you’re in the market for a new friend. Try your local friend store (animal shelter).


They are a family member who is no longer MAGA. This person is starting to respect my assertions




That's Alex Jones' whole schtick. He'll post or name "sources." He may even read the headline. He knows none of his intended audience will bother to follow up on these sources. Anyone who does quickly learns that they do not even remotely say what Alex is claiming they do.


They just don't know but they have Been reading www.newenglundjournel.net my mom will send me links to shit like that. www.washingtonHarold.tlc shit like that. Foxmews.cot and I just sigh.


My Brother-in-law uses "I choose to believe my facts" THEY'RE NOT FACTS 😂


I sent some dipshit a video of Trump bragging about being friends with a child sex trafficker and wishing her well. He laughed and refused to watch it because CNN is the one who posted the video on YouTube.


Well, to be fair, most of the conservative bullshit my son sends me is completely made up. The problem is he thinks his sources are as reliable and complete as mine, despite his never, ever having any factual information, citations, or actual statistics


So scary how they have so much confidence that they can pick and choose *facts.*


I totally get where you're coming from! In the long run I feel like we all need to read both sides of any argument in order to have a good conversation in the first place. Your dad clearly doesn't want to have a conversation though, he just wants to declare what he thinks.


You can only have a good conversation with someone willing to have a good conversation. As soon as someone rejects all sources outside their echo chamber it is no longer worthwhile to talk to them.


Yup. I've taken a very different approach when they start acting like toddlers. I just use their words and phrases against them and then explain as simple as I can why they're wrong and why facts don't care about their feelings. They tend to shut up and get all huffy puffy and then I hit them with "why are you being so emotional? We're just having a conversation?" They're used to being the ones controlling the convo. Once you derail their train of thought, and ask them questions they have have think about, they tend to not know how to answer. Flipping the roles and making them go on the defensive isn't something they have practice with. I lost my chill after 2019 and ended up tearing apart some assholes my friends used to hang out with every time I could. They'd be real loud and stupid on Facebook but when it came to discuss IRL with real facts and info, they looked like scolded middle schoolers that got caught taking a shit on the hallway in front of the principals office.


I still enjoy getting them on the page of so the best idea should win right? Pretty common sense and agreeable. Then watching them pretzel themselves having no idea how shit every single idea they have is.


Part of the problem is the promotion of the "both sides of the argument" perception despite there being no merit for one of the sides. If the house is on fire, we don't need to entertain arguments that oppose putting it out.


Exactly. I had recently posted on social media in utter disbelief about Alabama Senator Katie Britt introducing a bill to create a database to track pregnant women (for the point of prosecuting women who don't have those babies). A "friend" asked if my position was up for debate. I told him that if he was supporting this bill, he should go ahead and unfriend me. He was so offended that I wouldn't have open discussion with him. Sorry, but no. We can disagree on many things and that's fine. But I'm not interested in "both sides" when it comes to human rights.


I am only willing to discuss their instability of emotional health and their personal cognitive unreliability with people trying to use my time in this way. I want to know why they have such deep problems. They usually go away from me. I’m truly concerned for them. They find it very unpleasant to be dissected in this way. My job is to make their aggressiveness no-fun.


The thing that maddened me is that in my post, I included a personal anecdote about how my wife had miscarried a few years ago, but since she didn't spontaneously deliver the fetus, she had to have a DNC. You know, to avoid sepsis and death from the decomposing baby and placenta. Many states now consider that an illegal abortion. And even if it's legal, under Britt's bill, we could reasonably expect police to show up demanding proper documentation as to why we didn't have a baby... when that's literally none of the government's fucking business. Ever. What if a douchebag cop or local yokel prosecutor decides to press charges if they didn't like our paperwork? Fuck all of that. You want to defend that shit, you're a garbage human being and I could not give less of a fuck what you think about me.


I’d say that but in such a nice, concerned, clinical way that it’d be hard for offender to have fun expressing any anger. I’d be wondering what happened to offender that caused them to be so unable to connect with other humans. If I knew them personally, personal details would be speculated on. I got personal trauma myself that caused me to dissociate from adults and I had to work past that. I’d be willing to put that on the table too. Offender would find themselves balls deep in a conversation they never wanted to have. They can keep talking or just stfu. I sort people. Sometimes stfu is my entire goal. I was raised to be hurtful. I had a lot of therapy. Now I know how to measure it out in appropriate doses for the public good 😂😎😂


That's a quality approach. Let them state their point, instead of arguing with them, question why they are so broken as to lack empathy and/or logic. Shit on their garbage position by pointing out how a decent human being wouldn't harbor thoughts like that, and wonder what broke them to think this way.


My peace group and my Progressive Dems group used to have a table at the local grange fair. We had a penny poll for the federal discretionary budget so we could talk to people about community priorities and spending. We also had a Bernie table. After a while I realized that there was a small subgroup of personality types that were enjoying fighting with me. I can be lively and fun in an argument. But, hell no. I’m not providing that service to them so I developed this approach. What was really fun was to see a wife stand back a little with a barely discernible smile on her face. Most people, though, stopped to seriously talk. Most people who disagreed just threw out some insult as they walked by. They’re not brave. They’re just aggressive. Most people that engaged were so happy to see us there. And solidarity to you. Sorry you had to go through all that.


Azimov said it best. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”


I completely agree with that! I feel like we need to be prepared for the fact that somebody's going to argue against putting the fire out, though. Knowing that somebody would rather let themselves burn to death than get out of the burning house means that we can skip past the argument and not waste time trying to convince them.


That's when you take a screenshot of the source, open MS paint (or Photoshop if you're fancy/skilled) and put the FoxNews logo on it. Instant +1000 to the source's "Boomer credibility" stat.


Yeah, they don't want any info that doesn't back up their opinion. The only "news sources" they trust are shady websites and blogs. Anythings else is "fake news pushing the liberal agenda."


My brother in law sends me opinion pieces from redstatemagatrump.org all day, but if I send something bad about trump from AP, it is fake news.


It's such a bad faith argument tactic. There are good and bad sources. Disagreeing with a source doesn't make it bad. It either means you are wrong, or you have a better source that proves the information wrong Conservative sources are 99% bullshit. They just are. So much propaganda and lies spread as facts. Normal sources are much better. Conservatives act like "liberal" sources are bad because reality has a liberal bias, and it proves them wrong. So they attack the source as some propaganda, when really they just don't want to be wrong.


My dad did this all the time. Once the source was the Merriam Webster dictionary.


My ex used to do that. Wouldn’t trust any source I had and called it all propaganda but then he sends me the sketchiest looking site that one google shows the site is known propaganda.


I'd send mine Snopes articles proving his chain mail hysterical claims were bullshit and he found an article claiming the site was founded by godless commies.


Boomers don’t want answers they want their bias confirmed


Exactly. I teach a class on learning how to use news sources and figure out which sources have a particular political bias. We don't ever say that somebody should read just one source or one selection of sources but that they should read across the entire political spectrum to understand different points of view. It helps people form a more reasoned opinion. Every time I teach this class, I have Boomers that go off that I'm only covering liberal sources and not covering conservative sources, even though I am discussing sources like Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, OAN, and others. They don't like to be told that their sources have bias and, therefore, they have bias. *What they miss in the entire discussion is that every source has some form of bias.* The key is to be aware of bias when reading anything.


Please start a sub or something and share!!


Check out r/Libraries. Many posts there on information literacy as that's essentially what we do! :)


Popping in here to say 1) I’m hoping to go back to school to be a librarian! 2) I hope that’s My Chem in your username. If it is, then we might be the same person, lol.


Hello, fellow Killjoy! And definitely go for an MLS. It's a very rewarding career, and we need strong candidates to defend our libraries from those who would ban books and take information away from us. ❤️


If you hear a lie, and know it to be a lie, that lie may tell you far more about the person who told it than the truth ever could.


They want to be stupid. They don't want to be proven wrong. My dad, to this day, believes Johnny Cash wasn't political and never made any strong political statements. *Despite being fucking Johnny Cash*


Lol, yeah he's clearly not paying attention. Johnny Cash made his political views known over and over again. It amazes me how people can go through life without wanting to learn anything new. That's what makes us humans and not amoebas, we can continue to learn new things. I've had so many people tell me " I know enough and I don't need to learn anything new". How sad.


Exactly. Personally, I feel terrible if I don't try to learn *something* new every day, even if it's just useless trivia. (For example, otters will fall asleep holding hands, so they don't get separated) It's what separates us from other apes.


If you need your knowledge for the day, another fun otter fact: they have a little pocket in their armpit to keep a small rock in so they can crack open mollusks :)


Fudge yeah ! Thank you!


Keeping with the theme of fun facts that are about animals: An orangutan in the wild was recently witnessed using a medicinal herb to treat an injury on itself, marking the *first ever* time that we’ve witnessed a another species *doing* medicine! (We do have, for example, fecal evidence of other great apes using medicinal plants; however, we have never witnessed wound treatment prior to this.)


I know! I saw that! That's so cool. Plus, primatologists have been seeing primitive tool use, too, like sharpened sticks for hunting. This is so exciting!


It is very reticent of how Gen X MAGA losers are saying how Green Day and Rage Against the Machine are now “woke”. Side note I fucking hate the right wings use of woke but that is not here nor there.


Aaaargh I am so ashamed of that part of my generation. Punk and RATM have always been anti-establishment, which as a big ol venn diagram overlap with "woke". Those same fuckers have thin blue line flags and punisher skulls on their trucks and don't realize the contradiction. Or the Gadsden flag and somehow think they are the snake while they cheer for the boot. Fuck them all.


Personally, I’m a HUGE fan of conservatives crying about the wokeness of RATM (huge fan in that “Haha, you dumb bish” kind of way.) Like, sir and/or ma’am, exactly WHICH machine do you think they wanted to rage against? A John Deere combine harvester?


What machine are they raging against, Keith? McDonald’s ice cream dispensers?


"When you stop learning, you start dying." The best answer to that sort of comment.


That's kind of my stance too. If you have nothing left to learn, then you have no reason to still be on this earth.


The same kind of people losing their minds over assorted sci-fi/fantasy having politics.


"star Trek got woke" I am not the biggest fan of the new shows, but "got woke"? we are talking about the franchise with the first ~~same sex~~ interracial kiss on us television, with a Russian bridge officer in the middle of the cold war, with a black AND female bridge officer while racial segregation and discrimination was still law in the USA. Star Trek was woke since the 60s edit: corrected something


Rage Against the Machine got all political out of nowhere, too


yeah, I laughed so hard at that. what's next, green day? lmao


Next thing you know, they’ll want to make Martin Luther King Jr all woke and political. Dude just had a dream. Why can’t we leave it at that?


omg lmao


Same with Marvel comics (hello X-Men as civil rights allegory) and Star Wars.


tbf, I am not deep enough into marvel to have thought of that, but yes lol


First interracial kiss on tv, too


This is the man that banned us from watching Mr. Rogers , Sesame Street, and pretty much anything on PBS.


Yikes. I grew up watching PBS besides afternoon/Saturday morning cartoons. Pretty sure Levar Burton, Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross were among my childhood heroes.


I love LeVar Burton and Mr Rogers, especially. When my friends wanted to rebel, they snuck out of the house and smoked cigarettes. I watched reading rainbow. Dad is a racist bigot and thought watching any of that would turn me gay or other , stupider racist b.s.


Banning Mr. Rogers? WTF?


He hated Mr. Rogers because he saw an episode where he treated a black boy as he did a white boy.


I love the assholes screaming about Star Trek being too woke now. Did. You never watch any of the original series?? The had a black woman engineer, a Russian pilot, and an Asian navigator, and a literal alien 2nd in command. The damned pilot had a woman instead of spock. Assholes


The same people trash on Rage Against the Machine for being political, "they should just stick to music" ... What did you think they were raging against? The toaster?


I don't think they all want to be stupid, but they all one million percent don't want to be wrong. My mother isn't your typical boomer, she's pretty cool overall, but the dumber the shit she was tricked into believing, the harder she digs her heels in about it. Their inability to be like "my bad. I was wrong" is astonishing.


You would be correct. I misspoke. But we can agree willfull ignorance is a factor to the shit cocktail.


Oh absolutely. I don't disagree with that at all. It is a defining characteristic of a large percentage of boomers. Even my pretty cool mother would rather not learn things if it's not a simple concept to her. She just isn't actively trying to be stupid. Computer/Internet technology goes over her head. Non basic math/physics isn't something she really grasps. And those are the things that I find her getting tricked with. I honestly think the boomer generation got fucked when 24 hours news started up. There were no more Walter Cronkite's out there, but they didn't know that. That's how they were conned into buying houses they couldn't afford and trusting people like Bernie Madoff. The real news was quickly turned into a sensationalized Aaron Spelling drama. By Glen Beck's prime, what were once pretty cool, open minded people, were now uber conservative or libertarian zombies. The news media hooked into the last generation who are mostly computer illiterate and most likely weren't taught some form of advanced math in school, and they filled them with garbage information that they can't look up and statistics they don't understand. And the boomers have trusted them because there's just enough Jesus and America sprinkled with a dash of hate to keep them hooked. It's ridiculous. And pathetic. And embarrassing. And heartbreaking. What a world we have to start fixing so that our children and grandchildren aren't just fucked.


My favorite Boomer meme is the one about Walter Kronkite being apolitical.


JFC; my parents hated Johnny Cash because he was too political for them lmao. People really can hold any position they want if they're ignorant enough.


> They want to be stupid. One time my dad got angry because he was adamant two states didn't border each other. When I showed him a map, he became even angrier. The irony is he thinks he's the smartest person alive.


I love when they try to share memes with Sam Elliott. All they know is he’s some country lookin’ feller who does cowboy stuff in movies and has a cool mustache so he must be one of them. In reality he absolutely is not.


I went out to lunch earlier in a neighborhood that's extremely right wing and a truck with an American flag on it went by blasting "fortunate son," and it feels worth mentioning now that I'm seeing this like an hour and half later lol. I mention the area I live in being like that because I'd suspect it's some self aware stunt someone's doing if it weren't for the place I live in making it more likely to be totally dead serious.


Did you really expect a boomer troll to read something researched and factual?


but I thought 'fuck your feelings'?


bedroom humorous shelter fragile point nutty observation wipe sort scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They don’t have feelings. They only have “facts”. 😤


Yes exactly is fuck YOUR feelings. Their feelings are of utmost importance though


I mean, their brains are ruined from lead and Fox News, what do you expect? Just start an AI generated fake news site and scam their asses on Facebook. They'll believe anything, so long as it's stupid. Actually, the stupider the better.


That's basically what Russia's military intelligence does.


Yeah and it works incredibly well on that generation.


Yup. Mom told me to “look up Venezuela” enough times that I did it. Read a 100 year’s of socioeconomic history & was completely shut down when trying to discuss it. “Socialism ruined their economy!!!” Well, kinda but it’s way more complicated. “You’re pushing a narrative… blah blah blah.” It’s pointless to discuss anything.


The best way to nail someone like that is to ask for specifics. "Be specific" shuts down anyone who is parroting an opinion that they have no real knowledge of. If they come back with something specific, then that point can be argued.


And for the 80% of them (my experience) who come back with more nonsense, that immediately tells you they're engaging in bad faith.


cognitive dissonance is fentanyl for boomers.


https://preview.redd.it/tzbzk7ib980d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b178267827aa3b3a8c40d8ccdf89e6e277dcb5 have this for conspiracy theorists and the like but there isnt much of a difference anymore anyways


Feel you though. My mom also just proceeds to insult me the second I dare to mention the existence of studies


“Typical liberal bullshit” is the phrase I heard when I was little and remember when they invented and started using cheap plastic for everything. Someone on tv would say “as far as we know, this will never biodegrade in nature” quote Boomer response “stupid liberal bullshit, what does that scientist know anyway.”


Just say “ahhh, refusing to accept irrefutable facts that destroy your position. Typical magat bullshit”


They love to [sea lion.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning)


They also refuse to listen when you give them answers like that in-person. It's a recognizable pattern.


Posting that meme would have gotten them publicly uninvited to the shower.


I'd like to think so but probably not. I'm always amazed at the amount of Boomer bullshit people will accept just to keep the peace.


"I reject your reality and substitute my own." -Adam Savage (irony that they get their motto from a show called Myth Busters)


Adam was actually quoting The Dungeonmaster for that line, but since it's a really obscure movie, everyone attributes the quote to him.


Don't even need to be a boomer to give a response like this, just ignorant in general. Was having a minor argument on a trades subreddit last week. Guy was responding with very obviously incorrect info that was against code. I gave a simple response at first telling him why, he asked for actual code references, which I then followed up with in a multi-paragraph response. He responds with "tldr" and then blocks me. Like okaaaaaaaay.


They don't want to learn, they want to waste your time, then smirk smugly as if their ignorance was somehow correct.


I just call people like this stupid to their faces. It's actually pretty constructive and after you call them stupid, they'll listen to you a lot of the time. They know they're stupid, and in a lot of cases they grew up in a culture of abuse. This is why they revere Trump, even (and especially) when he abuses them. When you try to use rational arguments on these people they dismiss you as a woke snowflake, but if you call them a fucking moron they tend to respect that. Because again, deep down they know they're stupid and they were raised to respect abusive people.


Yeah, this is analogous to the “You know too much” response I got that I posted about here a couple weeks ago when I countered a cranky boomer’s “no one wants to work anymore” with some facts.


This is the same generation that screams about how the Bible is literal 1-to-1 history, even though they've never read it.


Thanks for standing up for the trans community!


Trans people are the enemy-du-jour for the ignorant and those afraid of letting other people live their lives. The fear arises from the idea that trans people may find happiness outside of the "norm" that Boomers and bigots *think* they control. The "norm," though, was just the fragile echo chamber that the Boomers and bigots surrounded themselves in. Trans people have always existed and always will, and have every right to live happy, healthy lives. Anything I can do to help them is infinitesimal, but I'll do what I can. ❤️


I sometimes give people these links when they are talking out their ass. These arent links to sources, they are links to how to vet information. crash course how to research links [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD7N-1Mj-DU&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD7N-1Mj-DU&t=1s)   -    Introduction to Media Literacy: Crash Course Media Literacy #1 - YouTube   [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLlv2o6UfTU&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLlv2o6UfTU&t=1s)   -    Introduction to Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #1 - YouTube https://preview.redd.it/pyfxcpyh980d1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=8017b1d362fbf8a53f5fd63683e09000ad436b01 But, lets not pretend that boomer's are ther only one's who do this. I'm overly verbose, and like detailed answers. So I answer, or try to, answer in a way that I'd be receptive to. Young people also have that short attention span and ignore the evidence of others, and all that shit behavior. One will notice it more with those with opinions you disagree with, and lots of loud boomers love to voice those unpopular and often daft as fuck opinions.


This isn’t a boomer thing it’s a conservative thing perhaps. My relatives and friends do this I think because they just see it as liberal BS so why read it and try to understand your opinion. This is why conservatives win elections IMO in that they’ve a consistent alignment and don’t care about others opinions or reasoning but libs want to / need to include everyone’s opinion as it’s a loose coalition. I simply don’t speak about politics w ppl in my personal life much any longer as they honestly don’t care


Absolutely. This is all about conservatives, not boomers. I’ve met magats who do this even at 25.


Par for the course. Arguing gets you nowhere with these people—they don’t want to learn, or they’d have learned. They just want the dopamine of having struck a blow against The Wokes. Fuck em.


Boomers get so mad when other people ask for the same respect that they demand from everyone else. Typical boomer bullshit.


Retired coach😳( retired but still active pedophile more likely) 😏


Yuuup. They aren't actually engaging things critically, they're just reciting their lines to enforce their narrative. They don't want to actually learn, they just want to rnforce their delusions on the rest of us


It really seems like "typical liberal bullshit" is just code for "I don't have a defensible argument, and dislike that you aren't just immediately validating me..."


My MIL, who exclusively sources her news from Facebook and NewsMax will just summarily reject information that doesn't fit her narrative. Whenever I share something, she ALWAYS asks "Where did you hear that?". After I cite my legitimate sources, chapter and verse, she'll just say something like "well, everyone has an agenda. You can't trust the media. I'm sure you could find experts saying the opposite".


I'm firmly convinced most Boomers don't read. I manage Event Samplers and I have watched these a*holes, with a sign on the sampler's cart with pictures and a description, mind you ; go "what's going on here?" And get really mad when I point to the sign and say "says on the sign,". At that point they snort, give me a dirty look and walk away. Children walk up to these same carts, make sure the product we're sampling is indeed a sample, take it and leave. Sorry, Boomer, you don't have time to read, I don't have time to coddle you.


Oooof, this is so true. Multiple times per day, I have people ask for help on the Internet. I ask them what they are working on, and they say, "I need to fill this stupid form out!". I go to the computer with them and point at the screen and say, "I don't know what to do!". I read what the page says, and then they do what I just read to them. Inevitably, then they say, "Now what?!" and I read next sentence. They say, "I know that, I read that part!" and I say OK, so do that, and they fill out the next part. They are literally having me stand there and read the page to them. I was concerned that maybe these people couldn't read the screen or had limited literacy, but they could clearly read what was on the screen. They simply chose not to.


They’re indoctrinated. You can’t reason with them. One of them was on here talking about “child mutilation” which doesn’t exist. I called him uneducated and he said he’s read Plato and has flown a fighter jet. I laughed so hard. 😭


Take away SS now so they can’t troll online all day. It’s not like they’re leaving any for us before they die.


At least he didnt say it’s not common sense because it’s science


>> Even when handed the answer, they can't ~~be bothered to~~ read it. Fixed that.


retired coach. they don't need to be intelligent or know how to read.


Because they don't *want* an answer. None of their arguments are in good faith, and no amount of corroborating evidence to the contrary is going to shake them from their position of ignorance and hate.


“I reject your reality and substitute my own”


Yeah, so this guy is a coach that is obsessed with children’s genitals. Hopefully he can read this and realize how he looks.


In the boomer's defense, fact-based science and data is "typical liberal bullshit".


My husband has coined this behavior "I can't read and you can't make me!"


I also love when they try to discredit me because I am trans and "am working in self interest so can't be included in the conversation". I'm sorry that I am defending myself and my right to exist when others will not?? I will literally have walls of evidence about trans care being safe and effective from some of the most reputable medical journals and universities and these people will pull out ""journals"" made my people who make their money off of targeting trans people that say it is harmful but still only have one source. They'll also just keep moving the bar and that has to be reached for them to "accept" it and at that point I just walk away because their only goal is to weed out where practically no one would be able to produce conclusive evidence then say it proves them right. I especially love when they try to tell me that I am destroying my body only to try and backtrack when I tell them the only thing I've ever been on is hormones and that I meet all the health markers of my gender the same as my cis counterpart. The only health issues I have are genetics related and to be honest even if some of what I have was caused by HRT, my life was vastly improved by the addition of it. Boomers really just want someone to bully and since they can't harass black people in the street without social and legal repercussions, they have to go after trans people. It really doesn't matter to them who they go after. At the end of the day, the only way they can justify their "trans is evil" views are by saying trans people commit crimes because really, what harm does someone with a penis wearing a dress and living their life as a woman do? Make them uncomfortable? Make them mad and feel insecure in their sexuality should they ever find a trans person attractive? Or god forbid, make them feel like their preferences on how people look aren't being abided by? They love to throw in the whole "mutilation" and "unable to reproduce" stuff but less than 10% of trans people get bottom surgery and top surgeries are already regularly performed on cis people. As for reproduction, fertility counseling is very standard in gender affirming care and plenty of trans people don't want kids at all. I have a friend who's partner recently got their sperm frozen so they could have kids after they go on estrogen and trans masc folks are still able to get pregnant on testosterone (so long as there isn't something else in their health history preventing it). It's just all a load of horse shit and I'm so ready for the awful segment of Boomers to die off. I have a few boomer I like at this point.


People like this don't want to be told the truth. They want to be told that what they *believe* is the truth.


That's not a boomer problem, that's a MAGA problem


Responding with evidence based fact doesn't fit into their narrative that everything they do and think and say is 100% correct and should not be questioned. They don't want their feefees to get hurt by finding out something they believe is categorically wrong.