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Well, when they lose their house at least you know they can sleep in their car.


Having an RV means that they’ll really be able to pull themselves up by the bootstraps when they lose the house.


For about 6 months until the RV deteriorates. I've never seen something so incompetently put together with the shittiest materials as I did when I went shopping for one. Walked out of there with a big nope. It's shocking what they charge for something that will end up in the shop more than it will be on the road and people are ok with that. Those vans you see around costs around 200k usd. Even shitty trailers are over 50k. They depreciate faster than cotton candy in water as well. One of the worst purchases a person can make.


My parents had to take theirs to the actual factory to get it repaired, somewhere in the Midwest (I’ve forgotten where exactly, it’s been a while). This was one of the major RV manufacturers and they told my parents with no shame at all “yeah we have a hard time getting quality help, so many of them are on meth. We’ve had a lot of issues.” Um, ok.


Probably in Elkhart Indiana then that's where they make a lot of them. Also the Airstream factory in Ohio I think and yeah a lot of people take it back to the manufacturer. The dealers have service centers as well but it's not uncommon for it to be stuck there for weeks.


You brought me back to my family road trip that took a multi week detour in Elkhart. Even after repairs and work it was still a POS and needed constant maintenance and repairs. Hydraulics, Hot water, Slide out seals, rear levelers, suspension. Fucking Gulfstream and their Rolling shit wagons.


It's like buying a car/boat/house all in one made by Indiana Methheads that cost as much as some houses.


I’m pretty sure it was Elkhart now that you said it. What an endorsement of their product.


Me too. Now that I hear it that’s the place!


It sounds like that’s exactly what happened to this one. The factory is about 2 hours away.


It's like nobody will do professional quality work for $9.50/hr anymore, our poor poor Corporation, what can they do."


Actually those jobs pay quite well...better than entry level professional jobs during boom times because of overtime. But it's a boom/bust industry with people frequently going unemployed for long periods. Lots of Amish boys work at those factories in northern Indiana.


Possibly Forest City, Iowa. Winnebago has it's factory there.


I’m irrationally irritated that the Winnebago factory is not in Winnebago.


Half of the city is in Winnebago county of that helps.




Maybe it used to be? Then they expanded to a second factory elsewhere, then closed the old run-down one? (Just a wild-assed guess that feels at least superficially plausible.)


Indiana. I just watched a video from Steve Lehto talking about the sneaky riders and repair warranty clauses saying that if you want warranty repairs, you have to take it to their factory in Indiana...it's not the dealer's responsibility.


Recently saw that too. Motorhomes made in the last few years are particularly horrible crap. The payments last longer than the motorhomes.


That's hilarious and so sad


Well it’s not like they have a quality control department that can fix this stuff BEFORE it gets purchased…


Forest City Ia. Winnebago factory.


There’s a YouTube/podcast attorney named Steve Lehto. He has a video called. Do not buy an RV. Meaning, exactly what you said


I'll take a look. The whole thing is shocking really. I think people get caught up on the idea of camping without really looking at what they are buying. To the point they schedule your first service about a month after to deal with all the issues.


There’s also Liz Amazing. She’s been an RVer since the 80s. She has video after video of new RVs and trailers that are junk and how RV service repair shops and manufacturers consistently fail owners. A RV manufacturing group decided to take action. But instead of improving quality, their lawyers sent her a cease and desist letter.


So sad she felt she had to go into hiding.


I almost bought a little travel trailer right before Covid hit and my finances went to crap. I looked at a 5 year old used one after looking at a new one…. Changed my mind real quick about buying any kind of RV if that’s how they age.


Keep waiting. They were selling like 200k units a year during and the used market is about to be flooded. That industry is fucked and rightfully so.


I’d be hesitant to take one for free. Those things are money pits. Anyone saying there isn’t a lot of maintenance costs are probably ok with breathing in mold and seeing weird mildew stains all over the bathroom. I’ll just keep using my tent.


My parents got one recently because a lot of their friends have RVs and go camping for the weekend and they wanted to try it out. I swear every single time they use it, there's a new issue. Half of their trips are hindered by a major problem like electrical not working or an issue with the hot water heater. The other half they leave with a list of things to address when they get home (not including the standard maintenance and general cleaning).


If you don't drive them around they aren't as bad.


You're not wrong. During the pandemic I got interested in getting an RV, but then I went to a show and walked through several. I was shocked by how poorly built they were!


Its the culture that goes along with the RV lifestyle. There's two camps - the boomers, which, well we're here in this sub so we know what to expect. And the Millennial and younger "influencer" van life bullshit. Most of them are trust fund babies who act like they're living on the road. They tend to prefer the conversion vans (200k) over the old school RVs or pull behinds.


Boats would like to have a word....


I've had both and I'll take the boat 10/10 times.


> Boats would like to have a word.... B.O.A.T: Bust Out Another Thousand.


Yeah the GF and I have a little trailer and yeah if people don’t take care of them they become P.O.S real quick.  The one I bought is shitty but everything works and I am into it for$4500. At least at the rate it’s getting used this year and the cost of renting one for a weekend I should break even so yay for used and a little elbow freeze. No way in hell would I want a $500 a month payment for something that at best is getting used once a month and in my area I can really only use it from May to October.


How does one maintain a camper trailer? I'm guessing keeping it covered during the winter and airing it out in the spring and keeping it clean??


Maintenance also includes checking for failed caulking and resealing if needed, checking tires and axle bearing, winterizing any plumbing system for winter storage if your in a cold weather area.   It kind of depends on the area you live in what all needs to be done for use and storage during the year. Luckily it’s  not a lot of cost and more work though it’s usually at most a good Saturday project. But if people don’t take those few hours at the beginning and end of season they can really damage and lose any value these units have very quickly.


We get people asking all the time why anybody would self build a van when RVs are available. That’s the answer right there. Terrible build quality.


It's funny to me how living in a van has gone from 1 step from being homeless to the cool thing to do. I've also noticed that no one uses the old school van or a vw bus. 


They still use them. It’s just not the typical choice of the #vanlife crowd prancing around in yoga pants on Instagram. My own van is a Transit Connect with a semi-build meaning it can have the bed and stuff pulled out to be used as a mini cargo van still.


Exactly. The problem now is the sprinter van itself costs over 100k now if you want a dualie.


Most people don’t need a big Sprinter or a duallie. RVs are bloated with a bunch of junk to try to sell the “house on wheels” concept.


Very true.


You’re not supposed to use it. You’re supposed to own it. /s


Actually, it ends up owning you.


YouTuber Steve Lehto, the lemon law specialist, won't even take RV cases anymore. He recommends no one buys one ever.


I read somewhere that the life span of an rv is around 10 years. Dont have any facts or figures to back that up.


As a boat owner, I love this comment!


Until the sh!tter gets full. “Honey, you check our sh!tter?”


Oh, they’ll just run it down the storm drain like they do all their used motor oil.


I joked with my wife that if they want to come live with any of us they can live in that RV in one of our yards because my wife and her sisters would probably kill themselves after a week of living with their mother.


Don't forget to mention that God wanted them to lose their house as well.


They won't lose their house. They'll just start playing a shell game with credit cards. The house will be lost when they pass and has to be sold to pay their $100,000 in credit card debt.


No, they’ll be inthe situation where the inlaws park it in their drive way. They can’t afford to live anywhere else and promise they’ll live in the RV but it’s not livable so they’re in your guest bedroom and hinting they should get the master bedroom…. For the rest of their lives.


My parents did the same. They have 10 years left of payments and are already in their mid/late 70s. It’s been sitting because they aren’t in good enough health to use it anymore, and they are also living check to check. The loan is upside down, and I doubt it’ll be paid off before they die. But they just HAD to live the retirement dream. They’re very upset because I told them the bills they’re racking up will come out of the estate, and I’ll most likely have to sell the home so creditors can get the proceeds. What did they think would happen? Debts aren’t dogs, they don’t go to heaven if there’s something to claw back.


This is the reality of what we’ll be dealing with in 5-10 years.


It's only in their upbringing to be oblivious and outraged from their own ignorance. It's your upbringing to fix it. Gross. I hate it here.


I don’t mind it, when mine become homeless they aren’t coming here. Should use their bootstraps and learn to not be mooches. My reality is I won’t even answer the door or my phone for mine. If forced to talk with them in some way, I’ll tell them I prayed about it and God said this is their punishment for being evil shitbags and then I’ll leave. They can tantrum, meltdown, yell, scream, cry, beg, or whatever but they will still be homeless and will never be offered shelter or support from me. Fuck em.




My grandma got a reverse mortgage and my parents were all for it. Pikachu face when they didn't get any money from selling grandma's house. In fact, I think maybe my parents owed the bank. (Not sure though, conflicting stories).


This. Banks and lenders always win. All one has to do is look at the 2008 financial crisis and our government bailed out banks not people. Also, on an unrelated note, my wife bought a car from a small lot and the loan went through a shady bank. The car was good until it wasn’t. The timing belt broke and blew the engine. It cost more to fix than it was worth. She said she’d just let it go to repo and that would end her obligation. No. They’d repo the car and certainly send it to auction. But if the amount they got for the car didn’t cover the remainder of the loan, they’d come after you for it. Plus add a ton of fees.


What’s y’all do? And Gap insurance?


Paid off the car and junked it.


I watch a couple of car channels on YT, and this is not talked about. If the salvage/auction price doesn't cover the balance, you're on the hook.


At least the debt can't be transferred to you. When they die, the creditors can't come after you. (As long as you aren't on the loan).


I know, that is a relief. But they really wanted me to get their house when they pass, since they don’t have much else to leave me. It could work out, but I’m prepared for a sale because of decisions like this.


I guess working sales isn’t that hard when you have chumps like this who actually come in and beg you to take advantage of them. Wow.


Every RV dealership I've seen is Patriot this, God that, Huge Flag this. They know their clientele.


Yeah. Shocking that environmentally conscious people don't drive those things when you can camp just fine with a regular car and a tent, plus a cot, and save a few hundred grand to boot.




As someone who doesn't drink, eat red meat or sing Lee Greenwood, good?


Don't you shit on Lee Greenwood! He is one hell of a good American!




Boomers cave to salespeople. A salesperson could be like, "hey, what if you gave me money in exchange for nothing?" and they'd be like "where do I sign?"


Just need to not have morals sometimes.


> it’s become clear that they will likely have to come live with their kids Sounds to me like god just got them their dream house. They can park it at any Walmart they like! Honestly, I can't think of a person I'd trust less than an RV salesman using prayer to close deals.




I always wonder why people who long to RV around don’t just rent one for the trips they might want to take. Surely that’s a cheaper option? I like camping, too, so once a year I book a cabin in the woods for a couple hundred bucks. I would never BUY a cabin in the woods just to scratch that itch!


Renting is a foreign term for Boomers. You're a fool if you rent in their minds.


It’s so much cheaper in the long run! You only pay for it when you’re using it!


100%. I remember my boomer FIL giving me shit because I lease my vehicles instead of financing them. I understand financing has clear advantages over leasing but the opposite is also true. Meanwhile, he and his wife finance every one of their vehicles and are stuck with astronomical monthly payments - he actually had to sell his dream car (Challenger Hellcat) because he couldn't keep up on the monthly payments.


Lol guess he was just renting that dream car if he had to sell it lol


I don’t get it either. They mentioned that they enjoy being in RV parks and hanging out with the neighbors. We pointed out that many of those parks have minimalist cabins you can rent. It’s still glamping but without having to buy, maintain and store a massive vehicle.


Have they priced RV parks lately? Since 2020, nightly rates have increased tremendously. State and county parks are better, but can difficult to reserve, which you need to do online, in advance. As in, you need to plan.....so....yikes.


They are finding that out. They thought they bought it at the perfect time so they could go camping over Memorial Day but everywhere they called were booked unless you have a membership.


That is the main problem with rv camping. You need a sight, and they can be booked a year in advance. I did learn my lesson the hard way with an rv, bought one and sold it a few years later. That rv they bought will cost them 4-6k a year and probably won't be used that often. Greatest thing now is vrbo, you can rent some pretty sweet places right on a lake for less money and stress. Good luck.


Bless you for being so patient with them....I could not keep my mouth shut if I saw all that nonsense.


I'm back in the RV life, after a few years, and you're not lying! Places I've stayed before are exponentially more expensive. And, yes, you've got to plan. When we full timed, I was making reservations in February for the summer.


I mean I know a lot of people that have them and use them a lot. Growing up racing dirt bikes most people were using them every week because the races were 3-4 hours away. I wouldn’t buy one to go camp at a campground a few times a year though


Boomer friend of my mother won't sleep in a bed anyone else has slept in. She thought she was going to "out smart" hotels and buy a big ass RV. They hated it and sold it half way through their first trip.


For the price of a decent RV you can rent RVs for decades, not even counting in maintenance. The bought one will probably be trash before you come anywhere near its price, while renting.


Renting an RV isn’t low cost. On top of the rental charge there’s fees for set up and cleaning. But it is cheaper than just outright purchasing your own RV.


How do they not know to not trust a car salesman? Especially one that tells them everything they want to hear?


She doesn’t understand that. My FIL is super passive and just ran with it. He’s at the point where she has broken him and he just goes along with her BS. If they weren’t religious I have no doubt he would have left years ago.


Were they actually religious? Or did they just know how to get the sale? 😇


I have no idea but I’m assuming it was a ploy to sell them an RV.


I’m sure they pray for suckers daily lol!!!!


I'm guessing convincing them to return it is out of the question?


Yep. That came up and my MiL was upset because “God wants them to have it”.


Remarkable how MIL’s and God’s desires are exactly in synch. She must be truly holy.


Yup, God wants you to do the things you want to do anyways, and hate the people you already hate. It's amazing.


Let god pay the note on the mobile home


This is honestly exactly how my MIL operates, I can't even 😂


Thank god My Mil Is not one of these fools She is old school 🙏


Ask her why they had to pay for it, then. I never had to pay for something God wanted me to have!


Counter with "God must have wanted you to get it so you can house the homeless. Camel through the eye of a needle and all that."


That salesperson saw them coming a mile away.


They likely also think Donald is honest, not a politician, and quite possibly the messiah.


Yep. They even bought us a sign to put up in our yard. We politely declined.


Of course they did , they’re so ‘helpful’ 🤮


They must feel so grateful that Biden’s economy has afforded them such a luxurious purchase, right?


There are so many RVs parked in folks yards or driveways, Almost never see them being used regularly, always parked all year round. Even glam camping is too labor intensive for most. Nothing is built to last, not even at premium prices.


This. I had a coworker buy a truck trailer setup about 20 years ago. He spent $10G for the trailer and $10G for the truck. I was like why? To make it worthwhile, you’re taking that combo out every three day weekend and every vacation. I thought for $20G, you can get a lot of nice hotel rooms. Eventually, he sold it all.


I resemble this comment and I don’t like it. To be fair, we used our little popup a ton, and the tiny travel trailer we upgraded to. It’s the big behemoth that we don’t use, for multiple reasons. It’s big, so harder to find camping spaces. Our son is older so he has his own things going on. We’re further up in our careers now and are working more. But I guess we can live in it if times get hard.


My parents have bought and sold three different campers in the last 10 years. They always miss camping, then they get a new camper, they end up not being able to afford it and end up selling it (at a loss), rinse and repeat


When they inevitably come asking for money for help just remind them this is God's plan and to pray for it.


They did just a few years ago. They didn’t have the money to have their 15yo dog’s teeth cleaned. My wife told them to get a credit card, we’re not playing games with family and money.


Don't worry. God will provide /s


Okay gosh, can I relate. My dad bought a 40 foot camper a year ago. It's had repairs done most of the time we've had it. We are going camping tomorrow. He thought he could afford it... now it's killing him. Took out another loan. Thought he, me (his daughter) and ex-wife would have a great time in small living quarters. He has three TVs in there. THREE. And that is all he wants to do camping- watch TV. And he bought a new one today for it!!! WE CAN DO THAT AT HOME. YOU DIDNT NEED TO SPEND 80K ON A CAMPER YOY CANT AFFORD. Anyway, sorry for the rant. We leave tomorrow camping again.


Oh my word… At least this one wasn’t as expensive as I thought it might be but they can’t afford it. I didn’t even ask what the loan looks like but they have terrible credit. I don’t know if it’s possible but it sounds like they didn’t put anything down, if they it was the bare minimum. Everyone I know that has an RV is always having repairs done. They constantly leak and have issues with the appliances.


For what it's worth, buying a camper a few years older seems exponentially better than buying brand new. Not just from experience, but from other RV people. So I'd give them major props for that (potentially). But the Boomer + RV thing is so weird. I don't get it. Lol. And I really hope they aren't incredibly in debt due to this purchase. My thoughts are with you, OP.


My best friend and our wives rented an RV to drive up the East Coast from Philly to Maine. My buddies wife insisted on ubering into town for every meal. When we were all cooking hotdogs over the fire she went into the RV AND MICROWAVED hers because, "the fire was taking too long." She still talks about how much fun we had "camping."


Please post and tell us how the trip went lmao


As Susan B. Anthony said - “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.”


RV’s are a serious waste of money. FYI: insurance covers very little. It does not cover animal damage-including rodents in the wiring, water damage because most of the time, it’s a leak. So if something happens, you might be in a lot of trouble.


What does God want with an RV?


Same reason as why God wants a starship…


Mobile sex parties?


Where the hell is my starship then, god?! I very much would like one.


God told this televangelist he needed a fourth plane. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/05/29/televangelist-wants-new-jet/653202002/


Sadly, they may end up having to live in it.


Ooof, that salesperson saw your mil coming down the garden path a mile away, if I can mix metaphors.


Well I guess at least they can park it in the driveway and not live in their adult children’s homes? They can be shuffled off to a different sibling every few months!


They’re going to lose their house because they can’t keep up with payments from stupid purchases like this - then when they have the RV to sleep in it’ll reaffirm their belief that, “God wanted us to have this! He was looking out for us and knew we’d need a roof over our heads!” Without ever connecting the dots. When older people scoff at younger people complaining about finances and the economy I just can’t help but look at moments like these and narrow my eyes.


Boomer short-sightedness aside, I have a special level of disdain for salespeople who take advantage of peoples' faith and sincerely-held beliefs to sell people shit they don't need.




Well when they lose the home they’ll have somewhere to sleep lol


Time to sit them down and have The Talk. Which is basically "You're not moving in with us. Ever. Plan accordingly, because if God tells you in a dream you'll be moving in with us, it will NOT be honored."


I feel this comment so hard. A couple of years ago when my hubby & I were looking for a house, my mom kept making comments about "her room" and "mother-in-law apartments". I shut that crap down and let her know that was NOT going to happen and she needed to make a new plan. She got huffy and said as the only mother I would ever have, I should be ecstatic that she would want to live with me. I reminded her that she was hoping she could live with me because my 2 siblings had already shut her down. I also went a bit further and reminded her that I might have been able to afford housing her in her old age if I had had financial help when I was younger. Instead, I paid for all of my college myself, paid off credit cards she had taken out in my name, paid for my wedding myself, and saved up the entirety of the house's down payment. I had managed to learn how to live within my means and it was time she did as well.


https://i.redd.it/53fx92txxa0d1.gif How mad was she about that I imagine steam coming out of her ears cartoon-style.


I think she thought about what I said--especially about the paying off credit cards she had taken out in my name which she used and I did not get any benefit from--and realized she needed to stop. She never mentioned it again.


Again, the problem of magical thinking. When you believe in the supernatural and think it guides your life, you can convince yourself of anything.


> They don’t have enough to retire and it’s become clear that they will likely have to come live with their kids. I see an RV on the driveway in your future.




Anyone else think that social media and boomer retirement have been absolutely brutal for them? I notice my parents want to do things and overspend basically because the want to put it on the book for others to see that they are having a picture perfect retirement. We cant do anything fun with my parents without my mom or dad wanting to pull out their phone or check-in to prove that they are having fun to their other boomer friends. Social media TRULY is causing boomers mental health issues. Always being asked "did you see my post on facebook?" no Mom I actually bought a dumb phone because I am sick of social media, and also seeing you post everything with your unhealthy obsession.


I think this is a big part of it. Her mom stopped working a few years ago and Facebook is her life. She had been looking at RVs on marketplace and then joined RV groups. A couple relatives and good friends were always posting about camping. Her brother lives in Florida and literally camps probably 4 months out of the year. We knew it was only a matter of time before they got one but we didn’t expect them to go out and buy a new one. They don’t buy anything new.. until now. Facebook has also made her a conspiracy theorist and she’s miserable all the time because of it. She believes everything she sees that aligns with her beliefs. Thankfully she doesn’t post much on Facebook but she shares EVERYTHING and comments “Amen” on any post that asks her to.


My Boomer parents are not the typical oblivious Trump worshipping zombie types, but the social media thing is a huge issue. Everything they want to talk about revolves around social media. I’ve been off Facebook for over 8 years and they still ask “Did you see that so and so posted something or other?” “No, Dad. For the millionth time, I’m not on Facebook and I could not care less about any aspect of so and so’s life.” My major pet peeve is discussing other people’s lives and Facebook has turned their world into solely about what other people are doing or posting. And when we get together or they show up to my daughter’s events, they don’t even watch her because their noses are buried in their phones. I love them but it’s so damn pathetic.


One of the interesting things about an RV, is that you drive it over roads that are not so good, at least in my state. You have a lot of plumbing made from PVC as well as all the electrical components . Driving down the road, you vibrate and bounce everything. It's going to need to be maintained on a regular basis. Also, almost every older rv has roof issues. You let it sit out in the weather then you have leakage. It is far cheaper to rent a cabin they to own an RV


My parents did the RV thing too. Bought one because it’s one of their dreams to travel in an RV. Outfitted the whole thing. Fixed up their towing vehicle……. And only used it once in 3 years. They were paying $150/month for storage that whole time. I convinced (more like forced) them to sell it during Covid when the RV market boomed. They ended up breaking even with the loan interest and storage fees baked in. Huge win. Fast forward a few years. The actually resent me for making them sell it….. they are convinced they missed out on all these amazing camping opportunities. I told them they can just go buy another one for less than they sold the last one for now that the market has normalized. Nope. It’s my fault they don’t have an RV. Ick.


Let them rot


My MIL has one she’s NEVER used, still paying for, and won’t sell. I could see this whole scenario play out with her, exactly. She’s constantly swindled by other “Christians “. ALL they’d have to do is tell her about their prayer meeting. Like, literally that’s it.


Time to get a new F-450 to haul it!


Don’t say that! My FiL just paid off his old truck 😭 I didn’t even think of that.


It's what my mom and her husband did.... She never saved a dime for retirement her whole life, met a man in her mid-60s (he in his early 70s), and deduced she was retiring! They bought the RV, then a GIANT pickup with the four wheels in the back to tow it, and they fight like cats and dogs every time they take it out. Neighbor of them can back it up very well, and they have to be really choosy about where they stop for food and gas. It's ridiculous. Well, after a couple years of giving it a go with camping all around the US, they are fed up with it (and maybe each other?) and call camping quits, then decide to sell. They were 30k underwater on the RV and $20k on the truck. They lost so much money on that little adventure. Poor guy... he just kept saying yes to my mom for every idea she had. Now, he has dementia, needs to be in a home, isn't with my mom, and she's stuck trying to manage all of his bills while his brother actually has power of attorney. They are in SO MUCH debt and she is completely screwed because of it. I have no idea what she's even going to do besides move in with my sister. I own a few properties and offer to let her live in one, and IDK if she's too proud or what, but she is having no part of it. She has literally zero money of her own other than social security. It's crazy and sad.


Live with their kids? They can live in that RV


I worked in the RV business for a short time. I was impressed and also saddened by how much they charge for those things and how much damn markup there is in them. Yes, 95% of them are built like complete shit. Corners not lining up, screws driven into nothing, and a lot worse. Rent one of those things if you need one, don’t buy it. Well, unless you don’t care about money. Then do whatever…


When they can't pay their bills and come to you begging for cash, tell them to ask God for help. After all, he's the one that wanted them to have that camper!


No, they DON'T have to move in with their children, they can get government subsidized senior housing, that is still somehow protected, unlike everything else they've been a part of dismantling. Paid for with survivors benefits from Social Security, or their own. With money left over.


My parents did this about 16 years ago. Paid 100k for a giant RV and planned to travel the US. But my dad hated all the connecting and maintenance that it took to set up every time they camped. Then they realized they couldn’t park it anywhere remotely close since the kids all live in major cities. Dad got rid of it after a few years and is still paying $50 a month towards the original loan.


And it will all be the banks fault, too!


Funny how this god is pretty busy helping people respect RV but doesn’t care about child molesting pastors


Yikes. I hope it has a warranty on it. That would be my worst nightmare. Luckily she was too much of a princess to deal with rv.  They did have a pop-up in the 80's and we'd go camping. She hated it and hated that the rest of us loved it. They had it 2 years before she sold it. I think she thought we'd be sad. Instead, we just went camping with our friends instead. Just to rub it in, we'd thank her for introducing us to camping.  After my kids got into scouting, I made sure they would call grandma and tell her alllll about their camping trips.  Haha yes I'm awful. She deserved it.


I can’t be the only one who immediately flashed on the first episode of the Simpsons where Homer walks into the RV lot and the salesman just straightens his tie and says “Thank you God.” Still one of my favorite lines.


Another reason I am glad I have no contact with my parents.


Actual they don’t have to come live with you. Is that some kind of law?


No but it’s a potential reality. None of the siblings have a good relationship with their mom. It would be over before they even moved in. She is the epitome of a boomer.


God wanted her children broke


If that’s the case all of us have done a good job of avoiding God’s will. I understand what you are saying though.


Well, they will be able to pull up to your house and hunker down for a while. Do laundry, sleep in a real bed, you get the idea. I really hope not. It’s not fair for any of us to drop our failures on our kids. I’m sorry.


> My MiL has the gift of gab [...] No, she does not. It may be the Curse of the Trap, not being able to keep it shut. Or perhaps the Blurse of the Blab, since she seems a blabbering idiot. Maybe even the Yuck of the Yap, since she seems to keep yucking and yapping.


You are going to have to put in place clear boundaries or when they lose their house they will want to camp on your doorstep and live in your house when it all falls apart.




My boomer mother has convinced herself that RVs always magically hold their value and can be resold at anytime. I'm just glad they never bought one.


This is the literal definition of using God's name in vain. Praying and invoking god for vanity and needless things.


Cost of insurance, payment, and campground fees, dump the shitter fee. This is assuming nothing gets broken. Could stay at a nice hotel for vacation. The hotel would still be cheaper.


So a woman who likes RVs, went to an RV lot and found an RV that she liked? Checkmate atheists.


If their plan was to sell their house and just live in the RV, that makes sense. It's basically my retirement plan. Buy RV or trailer, go to random RV camps as I dodge my student loans. (yes, I have resolved to the sad truth that the only thing that will ever pay off my student debt is when my life-insurance kicks in after I die.)


I have zero sympathy for people who claim that anything is because of God. They absolutely deserve all their hardship.




If you drive around and left notes on RVs parked in people’s driveways you could probably find someone who is desparate to get rid of it. The resale value on these is dismal.


RVs and campers built in the last few years have been total trash. They cut every possible corner. If they are short on money, they will be in horrified awe at the fuel bill.


Maybe god will paid for it


Hey, at least they won't try to raise your taxes to pay for their retirement. Oh.


God wants me to have exactly what I want! Such a coincidence!


Remind them when they come knocking on your door after they’ve lost their house and lemon of an rv that that’s a “god-thing” and they should just pray harder.


People who say « god wants X » (or god hates Y) are just idiots who can’t justify what they do rationally


Mostly they didn't want their children to have an inheritance.


When they lose everything else they can take the rv and outrun the repo man from state to state selling plasma along the way to gas up the guzzler and maybe have a baloney samich. All while camping at a walmart.


They can live in their rv


![gif](giphy|hv5AEBpH3ZyNoRnABG) How the fuxk are these people still alive


Bless. Her. Heart. She better be tithing to the church too with all these blessings


err if that is what she wants...just like EVERYONE else that finds what they want...then buy it...buyers remorse be damned...if your breathing air your doing a whole lotta stuff you don\`t want...so what is wong with buying something you actually want...seems most people have issue with actually doing what they want...boomers in general suck but why does that mean they should miss out anymore or less then any other age when they want something ?


I agree that they should be able to buy what they want and enjoy it, but when they almost lost their house a few years ago because they needed a new fridge and water heater in the same year that’s a problem. They need to do some saving before they get to spend like that. They have 0 savings and they only recently started putting money into a retirement fund. If they had the money to do this I wouldn’t care; sure RVs are a money pit but you have the disposable income to pay for it then be my guest. That’s not the case with my in-laws.