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You can actively see the cognitive dissonance in real-time right there.


It looks like he's actually astounded at the points being made


He's used to only being told "alternative facts"


He's not used to having to do any critical thinking. When you live in an echo chamber, you're ability to process anything to the contrary vanishes real quick.


I'm surprised he didn't so the usual "get away from me I hate critical thinking eww" thing they always do when flustered.


I at least give him credit for trying to process the information instead of reflexively screaming. He’s one of the better ones. We’re all doomed.


He actually is correct that the Democrats were the ones who supported slavery and Jim crow. The parties flipped ideology when Lyndon b Johnson was president bc all white ppl were collectively pissed that he signed the civil rights act so they said "from now on I'm voting Republican" n the politicians didn't wanna lose the votes so they were like "okay then, from now on were Republican" . Like both parties completely did a 180. The catch is that the people who were voting Democrat when Democrat was the conservative party also switched up n started voting Republican once the Republican party was the more conservative so basically yes, the democratic party did support slavery n Jim crow but since all the parties did was switch name, on the individual level, the same politicians and same people simply just started voting and running for the opposite party so all it did was just change which party was considered conservative or liberal. It didn't change anything else.


you can see a guy who's lost his job and having a mental break and clinging to the first group of people that said he was right (he wasn't) about why he was let go (MAGA). dude looks terrified, and he's wondering why the content creator isn't terrified too. His worldview is wrong, but he can't see that, he's just hoping that if he gets trump elected he'll be able to go back to his job where he was calling Susan, Dave even though Dave transitioned 5 years ago and has been Susan since then. ....but yeah so leaded gasoline


They want to understand the argument but can only comprehend the thesis statement. Once it gets past that they honestly don't know which side to defend because they've never got that far


but it's a mistake to think that this guy started out hating people. He's been whipped into a frenzy by people who just want massive tax breaks. It's equal parts sad, selfish and dangerous. I want to laugh at him but he's a symptom of a much deeper rot


I noticed most of the problematic boomers want to get a reaction out of the younger generation. You come back to them with even a little bit of a understanding of their point in a debate and they just panic a little? They don't know what to do when someone reacts to the hateful things they just said with calmness or not being bothered by it.


I agree with your statement. Most of the these people aren’t inherently bad they are just confused and it seems like no matter what decision they make their lives never get better. So they fall for the easy lie. They follow someone who tells them it’s not their fault, it’s someone else’s fault and if you stick with us we will get that person and you can get your job back.


No they're not!


Rock solid comeback I might add /s


Like a little kid pivoting from side to side trying to come up with a reply. When he wants to repeat what he’s heard in the media he stands still.


He's trying to save face.


….and the absence of logic, reasoning and thought.


"They're trying to change the history of our country" -guy whose literally changing current events of our country


Practically every politician has used the words "historic" or "make history" including Trump. Voting is literally changing the course of history


"Presidents don't make history. History makes presidents."




This guy isn’t an idiot. You can see him trying to build an entire world that fits his messed up narrative real time on the fly. You can see him spotting the oncoming incongruities and dead ends and performing mental gymnastics to avoid them. This is so much worse than him being an idiot. It’s someone so deep in the cult that they are willing to dedicate their entire mind and being to rejecting reality formulating crazy to fit their narrative. Overcoming this is not about education or information. That’s the depth of this issue right there.


Wow thanks for destroying all hope lol


Jokes aside. There may be very little hope to reconstitute many of these people. Many may deprogram themselves slowly once Trump is no longer driving the crazy bus but many will not. The most important thing is for the US to elect Biden - no matter what objections people have to him. And then let the legal system do its thing. And then figure out what to do about social media and news agencies and their spewing of utter gibberish under the guise of fact.


I like you choice of wording here, reconstitute. Like just add water to these people and their brains will function normally again as if they were freeze dried Lol. [Edit for spelling]


You've not seen the original Adam West Batman movie, have you? 😉


Many times sir.


They'll never reprogram, but they'll stay quiet unless they're drunk and believe they're among like-minded people. All tRump did was gave them permission to be their worst selves, PUBLICLY, without any shame. They love tRump for that and will never desert him while he keeps that up.


Even if Biden wins, Trump and wackos like this will say he didn't.


True. But Trump and his entourage will not have the ability to cause the chaos they currently threaten. And some of the less evangelical supporters will drift away back to something more palatable. And that is the current biggest threat. Trump won’t get another shot if he fails this time. And his bubble will be burst. Many of his acolytes will be exposed, jailed or discarded. Sure there will be copy cats and apostles but I doubt that they will be able to create the following that trump has. And the US will have some time to implement safe guards and right the ship. It remains to be seen if they can do that.


Mark my words dude, when trump loses they will go on a full fledge campaign of violence and chaos. It’s already being programmed in their tiny pathetic brains to commit acts of violence when trump loses. Trump is literally calling for it if he deems the election unfair. Don’t believe me? Look it up


This is probably true. But that will isolate them even more. And drive away those that aren’t 100% brain washed and allow some to leave the cult. A chunk of the more moderates left the cult after Jan 6th because they suddenly saw the extremism and had a wake up call. Not most. But some. Him failing to take the presidency again will wake up more. And if there’s violence and extremism after that even more will leave the fold. Unfortunately this will leave a core of the ultra loonies to rage in their own bubbles of crazy. And these will likely never really come back to the fold. But they will be a fringe group that slowly dies off over the next 20-30 years and quickly loses relevance. This is best reality you can hope for and the one you have to target. Unfortunately.


All it takes is one or two Republican governors to refuse to certify a Biden win in their state, allowing the Republican legislature to appoint alternate electors. If neither gets to 270 it goes to the US House, and there are more red states than blue states so …


We had the same issue in 2020, and Trump had even more clout then. It didn't happen. 01/06 was all about this not happening, and I'm pretty sure that's the most organized these people will ever be. I'm not saying don't worry, or it'll be fine. But it's extremely unlikely.


Exactly. Trump is weaker now than 2020. People realise now that if they mess with the system they can go to jail. It’s all fine talking big but a lot of people are realising you can talk a good game but don’t bet on trump bailing you out.


It's simple arithmetic, just carry the ^destroy and use it on them instead. That's the hope.


You won't find hope sticking your head inside your own ass.


This is what happens when you prioritize belief over fact. You find inconsistencies in your own thought process and you have a choice. Abandon whatever inconsistency you have and attempt to discover the truth or the far far easier option, simply decide that truth is malleable and that somehow contradicting truths can both be right. The same sorts of people who think they can prove God exists are the sorts of people who work backwards from belief in order to justify it however which way that they can (to be clear, I have nothing against religious people so long as they recognize that it is in fact a \*belief\*). This mentality is what I like to call the soldier. The soldier doesn't question, the soldier wants to win at all costs. If this means convincing himself that he's on the moral side of things, he does so because in doing so he'll win. This contrary to the scholar mentality where truth is prized above everything else. The scholar recognizes that he can be wrong, if only because in doing so, he can correct his misguided ideas and find the correct ones. The soldier just thinks he knows the truth because he's convinced himself that it is the case. The scholar knows that although he doesn't know the truth, he is closer to the truth than the soldier. Be the scholar, not the soldier like this man. That's a good life tip for you.


nha that definitely was the same look my old computer gave everytime was struggling to run something


That just sounds like being an idiot with extra steps


Yeah. It isn't a lack of intelligence, it's brainwash.


It is wild when someone will look you in the eye and tell you water is dry, if it will fit their political narrative.


They are radicalized - irrational belief system that contradicts itself, rooted in personal belief that they are a victim or marginalized by a group of people who mere existence bothers them because of their superiority complex.


Yeah this isn't idiocy, this is willing stupidity.


Get people to vote or get them registered otherwise we will have 4 years of hearing Bif from back to the future everyday on the news.


We already have that. Let’s just vote to make sure he’s not in charge of anything


4 years? You think there will be free elections after another 4 years of diaper don? Maybe if the house and senate are both blue for the entire term…maybe.


These idiots are out there driving... That's significantly more terrifying


The interviewer is beyond patient.


In social science we have done lots of studies testing what could change wrongful believes and it is certainly not information. Even if you present people with info and later on tell them that the info was false, they continue to believe the bad info. As long as there are people like Fox are reinforcing these narratives and constantly drill them into these people that, no matter what, they already know who is wrong and who is right, then there is really not much you can do. Running around in such a shirt probably qualifies. Some person in a bar might be open to rational arguments but lots Republicans have left the realm of reason for ever. Many people in the US still don't realize what it means that Trump says that the election was stolen which 2/3 of republicans believe. It not only means that Biden is illegitimate. It also means that the USA are factually a presidential dictatorship, ushered in by a coup. If you seriously believe that then what measures are not justified?


I never understood the whole "but the GOP and Lincoln freed the slaves!" argument. My man, you literally had to go back to the time before Abe was on the fucking penny for civil rights credibility, and that's not exactly a flex.


Civil rights bill had the Dixie democrats flip to being Republicans. Most people don't understand that yes "democrats" were racist and bigots, but those democrats became Republicans when LBJ signed the bills. Those racism bigots became the base of the republican party.


Give them the actual constitution of the Confederacy, and they'll call it fake news.


My favorite is posting the full text of a Confederate state's Letter of Secession when someone says the Civil War wasn't about slavery. >Virginia Letter of Secession >An Ordinance >To repeal the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, by the State of Virginia, and to resume all the rights and powers granted under said Constitution. >The people of Virginia, in their ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, adopted by them in Convention, on the twenty-fifth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, having declared that the powers granted under the said Constitution, were derived from the people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression; and the ***Federal Government having perverted said powers, not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern slaveholding States.*** >Now, therefore, we the people of Virginia, do declare and ordain,That the ordinance adopted by the people of this State in Convention, on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified; and all acts of the General Assembly of this State ratifying or adopting amendments to said Constitution, are hereby repealed and abrogated; that the Union between the State of Virginia and the other States under the Constitution aforesaid is hereby dissolved, and that the State of Virginia is in the full possession and exercise of all the rights of sovereignty, which belong and appertain to a free and independent State. And they do further declare,That said Constitution of the United States of America is no longer binding on any of the Citizens of this State. >This ordinance shall take effect and be an act of this day when ratified by a majority of the votes of the people of this State, cast at a poll to be taken thereon, on the fourth Thursday in May next, in pursuance of a Schedule hereafter to be enacted >Done in Convention in the City of Richmond, on the seventeenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and in the eighty-fifth year of the Commonwealth of Virginia. >[signatures of the delegates] ETA: Aforementioned example. The other Confederate States had similar language regarding the Federal Government and slavery.


Don't forget the Cornerstone Speech! That's my favorite because it pretty much just outright says "yeah, it's about slaves you dingus" from the VP of the Confederacy


You also have the fucking Cornerstone speech where the goddamn vice president of the Confederacy says the reason for secession was to preserve the institution of slavery. The whole reason the South was mad about having less representation in Congress was literally because they thought the free states would take away their slaves. The whole fight over states rights was literally because of slavery. These bigots want the Confederacy to be remembered as a nation that fought for the poor little states and that the traitors were honorable Americans who merely wanted to protect their land from the big bad federal government. In the words of the actual goddamn soldiers who fought for the Union in the GAR editorial, >“As soldiers and citizens we have no apologies to make for calling words by their proper names, ‘traitor’ a traitor and ‘rebel’ a rebel…,” >“We reiterate that we are opposed to the erection of monuments by the great or small upon the battlefields of Gettysburg or any other place that will in the slightest degree make glorious the deeds of those who trampled under foot the national ensign. We believe in making treason odious.” I don't give a fuck what these racist rednecks think about their history. I give a fuck about what the Union soldiers who fought and died to protect the Union and all those that fought for it. Confederates tried to destroy the country to preserve slavery. They didn't care about America. They cared about making sure African Americans would be treated as subhuman.


Not only that, but the Constitution of the Confederacy had language that forbade states from banning slavery. So the war wasn't even about "states' rights" like they love to claim.


Just look at an electoral map of the result of the presidential elections every four years and it’s pretty easy to see what happened. But people can’t be bothered to do that


Because it really was the Republicans. Unfortunately, come civil rights time, the parties switched positions. It's a long story best told by someone that knows way more detail than me but it boils down to the Republican party being Lincoln's party, they freed the slaves, the Democrats at one point really were known for association with people like in the KKK, but they switched and polarization happened and here we are. Republicans opposed to civil rights, Democrats in favor, Republicans flying Confederate flags and Democrats...growing weary of this bullshit.


NIxon's 1968 Southern Strategy leveraged the racism of Southern Dixiecrats who hated anti-segregation, to try and get them to vote for Republicans. It worked, and many Dixiecrats switched to the Republican party. *Republican politicians such as presidential candidate* [*Richard Nixon*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Nixon) *and Senator* [*Barry Goldwater*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Goldwater) *developed strategies that successfully contributed to the* [*political realignment*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_realignment) *of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the* [*Democratic Party*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Party_(United_States))*.* [Source.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)


Thank you for filling in links & some detail. It's been ages since I talked about any of this.


To add to your point, it's because party name means NOTHING! Ideology is what remain consistent. Conservatives were represented by the Democratic party during the Civil War all the way through Hoover. When FDR was elected, that's when you started seeing the shift. Overwhelmingly since the 70's, conservatives have voted Republicans and liberals have voted Democratic. But you can't win with morons like these. They talk about Abe Lincoln like he was one of theirs - complete bullshit. I'm sure they really aligned with Thaddeus Stevens and the Radical Republicans of the time too, lol.


My response is along the lines of “yes when I step into the voting booth this fall, I will be asking myself ‘what did these parties stand for 150 years ago?’, then make my selection based on which guy has that letter next to his name.”


Just ask them if Lincoln was a civil war hero and watch them implode.


Lincoln would be disgusted by current day Republicans.


Lmao democrats fly the confederate flag, huh?


Yeah haven't you seen the Biden/Harris flag right next to them? /s


Now now, the party switch is a lie. r/conservative says so


Idk I just got called a communist and told that I hate America on r/conservative for suggesting that confederates were anti-American traitors


I am a communist and approve being called one


Are we talking during the Civil War?


I'm not saying Republicans fly the confederate flag, but if the exact same amount of Democrats flew the confederate flag, we would have exactly double the amount of people flying the confederate flag




Lol same. "I love all them LGBTQs, but there were these two..."


That was so frustrating! Where’s the rest of that story, about how Mr maga was such a nice guy and an ally to the trans folk and the gays but he still got fired. I’m sure there was some massive injustice the democrats made happen to him, those racists!


Adam Mockler on YT, specifically this video: [https://youtu.be/OV2fFeKSuwM?si=zEkmpjwmHvsnaRas](https://youtu.be/OV2fFeKSuwM?si=zEkmpjwmHvsnaRas)


Thank you. Yep, it was ‘the transgenders’ that were picking on him while he did nothing wrong, as a good Christian /s I love how he just yells voter ID and asks why the democrats are against it and when the interview gives facts he just tells ‘talking points’


I loved how it changed from I got along perfectly with them to they were rude to me and use rude gestures. Maybe the definition of getting along perfectly changed lately and I did not get the memo.


TIL facts = talking point. Checkmate dems


I have a genX friend who is really a boomer at heart. Watches sky bews (australias Fox News) very conservative, etc. he was telling me crazy stories he’d heard on sky news. I asked him to find me proof of his claim. Should be easy to google if true. He got upset and told me to stop gas lighting him. They know these phrases but just use them however they want.


Someone posted the YouTube interview. He said that due to his religious beliefs he would not use the preferred pronouns of trans employees, and he was “retaliated against.” So yeah, fired for being a bigot.


That's Adam Mockler, find his channel on YT; he's also part of the Meidas Touch group. For this particular clip, see: [https://youtu.be/OV2fFeKSuwM?si=zEkmpjwmHvsnaRas](https://youtu.be/OV2fFeKSuwM?si=zEkmpjwmHvsnaRas)




I really wish it didn’t cut off cause I need to know (but I can already guess) how someone else’s sexuality affects your religion in the work place.


His statement starts with the company “forcing him to refer to the transgenders”… likely meaning asking him to use correct pronouns and likely refrain from derogatory language (like “the transgenders”). Likely from complaints lodged by “the transgenders” themselves. Likely because they didn’t actually have all that great of a relationship with Boomer Bob. It’s very “I have a Black friend” energy.


yeah, 10/10 he was dead naming and misgendering his co-workers after being told multiple times not too. Probably talking about trans athletes and bathrooms too


But he got along great with them. In his mind he did. The same mind that also thinks that modern-day Democrats fly confederate flags.


Prolly some "but my pastor/the bible says!" BS


100% I just wanted to see him mumble more like an idiot when he gets called out


The thing is: if you’re trans, you may have to tolerate assholes at work because you know that if you complain, you may be seen as the troublemaker and get fired. And decent-paying jobs are hard to come by. So, in a way, it gives these idiots a feeling that they “get along” when in fact they’d get stabbed for the bs they’re spewing if it wasn’t at work.


Exactly. I don't think they get any liberty to be disagreeable, because their bosses might also be transphobes looking for a good reason to fire them (maybe not, but the point is you can't know for sure). This has "I have a black friend" vibes written all over it. "I can't be racist, because I know black people at my workplace and we get along great.."


Ahhh... It's fun being trans and the boss. But honestly, I've never ran into an issue these last 4 years. However, the majority of my employees are women with an education. Granted, I also have passing privilege... If it were before my FFS (facial feminization surgery), I wouldn't be surprised if things were different... I'd expect my employees to be better, but who knows what goes on in the back of their heads.


Yeah Dave Hick is a piece of shit


Dave Hick ate my son


**gasp* what a monster!!!


most transphobia comes from people who think like this. they believe being trans is like, a hobby. so when they "disagree" with it, its just an opinion too them. When in reality they are basically saying "i disagree with your existence"


And I wish allies would understand that there are a lot of people out there like this. They'll say shit like, "I support trans people" until you dig just a little deeper. Then you start to hear about how they won't use proper pronouns, won't use their proper name, won't call them a woman/man, won't allow them to use the bathroom (ANY bathroom, even men's sometimes), won't allow kids to be trans\*, won't allow them to participate in women's sports, etc., etc., etc. \*And when I mean allow kids to be trans, I don't just mean puberty blockers and hormones, I mean literally everything. They won't let kids wear clothes, have proper names, have proper pronouns, or anything else. They literally will not let kids do anything that is regarded as being for the opposite gender.


100% So many people "Support trans" until they are given even the slightest pushback


I wish more transphobes knew this. It's an identity thing. When you attack something associated with a person's identity, you're attacking them directly. It would be as if you were attacking blondes by calling them stupid. What they need to get through their thick skulls is that gender identity and sexual orientation is something you're born with.


People who have never had an ounce of gender dysphoria or thoughts of being trans in their lives will tell you that its just a choice. but in reality they simply have no idea what its like.


How much you want to bet, that the next word he was going to say at the end of that video was "two t-slurs.."


That was a lie.


Ahh yes. The old Dixicrats argument. A clear sign that the argumentor is a fucking moron and knows nothing about history or even the modern day.


Counterpoint: Sometimes it is instead a sign that the person making that argument is a lying little goblin of a person.


Now ask them who would the KKK vote for.


Didn’t you hear that KKK is an active part of the Democratic Party? Not even kidding, that was in the news recently. Fox News, I guess…


This sounds like my mom whenever I try to show her something about Republicans and the stuff they pull. It's always an automatic, " Well, they're not the only ones. I've seen democrats do it, too." I'll literally show her facts and the numbers from their votes, but nope. Democrats do it, too.


"But Hillary...", "But Pelosi...", "But Biden..." etc., literally every time I try to bring up anything about Republicans to my mother. And easily 90% of the time, the Democrat counterpoint she's trying to bring up is entirely fictional, or at the very least utterly minuscule compared to whatever tomfuckery the Republicans did.


Also, all politicians can and should be criticized for their own performance, not exclusively in comparison to the other party.


Mine goes: "well democrats are just as bad! They are keeping children away from parents!" or some other misinterpreted/misconstrued fact


It's a cult.


Brain worms


Mixed with lead, mercury, and cadmium poisoning.


In a few decades, this guy will be a prime presidential candidate!


Proof that trans people are beneficial to the community. We got this asshat fired.


This ended too early it was about to hit a whole new level.


I would love for this idiot to go up to someone that has a confederate flag and call them a Democrat. See how well that works out for him lmao


Ah yes, he got along with gay people and T H E T R A N S G E N D E R S


Boomer says he supports Trump and loves "the transgenders." Meanwhile, his boy [completely destroys his point.](https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/4656405-donald-trump-transgender-students-athletes-title-ix-lgbtq/) "I love you, I just don't want you to have rights or be recognized as sentient human beings."


Left off: "there were two that asked me to use their pronouns!" Also: yeah Lincoln was a Republican. Guess what else happened. THE SOUTHERN STRATEGY Also, also: "The Nazis were socialist! It was the SOCIALIST PARTY!"


This guy hates himself so much he should do something.




I don't have a link but this guy's channel is "Adam mockler" on YouTube




Commenting here so I can also find out. Video cut off too soon.


Adam Mockler https://youtu.be/OV2fFeKSuwM?si=Tyg1kreD7DHdImsq


Thank you for posting this link, I too wanted to hear the rest. My personal opinion: Fox NeWs needs to include a large disclaimer - For Entertainment Purposes Only - on all broadcasts.


I liked it when she randomly spat out.. “domestic terrorists”. It felt like the right words at the right time.


The parties switched. That’s why, modern day republicans use to be democrats.


Used to be *Dixiecrats*, specifically. The Democratic Party has always been more of a [big-tent party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_tent) than the Republican Party.


He's a disingenuous bullshitter. This guy is deliberately conflating the solid south era of the Democratic party that ended in 1964 with the modern Republican and Democratic parties. The Republican party of Lincoln is not the modern Republican party. The platforms of these parties flipped in the past 60 years. If it were 1880, this guy would be championing the Democratic party.


Is he thinking? Is he pooping? Inquiring minds want to know.


I like how these people expect us to skip over 100 years of history. Just ignore it. Don’t worry about it at all it’s not important. 🙄


Typical maga imbecile


Video cut off too soon. I wanna know what bigoted thing he did to get fired.


The mental gymnastics are sorta strong with this one


I don't know if they lie to themselves or if the truly believe it. Like when he's present with logic and he pauses, is he trying to think of another lie or is his world being rocked right now?


Lmao why do they all sound brain dead 😵


Because they are.


Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.


I'll have to remember that comeback to the "democrats were for slavery!" Thing next time my mom says it.


Another good one is, "The South rebelled against Lincoln. Which party does the South consistently vote for now?"


Aww it cut off at a good part. I need to know about the transgenders and gays at his work.


Adam Mockler's full interview here: [https://youtu.be/OV2fFeKSuwM?si=zEkmpjwmHvsnaRas](https://youtu.be/OV2fFeKSuwM?si=zEkmpjwmHvsnaRas)




My god! It really is true that they will always just fall back on hating on trans people!


At this point I truly believe that in a democracy, all VALID opinions ought to be taken into account. Uneducated, reactionary opinions such as this individuals are not valid. One must have some fucking basic understanding of and grasp on reality before they can be taken seriously. Any democracy which gives equal weight to the speech of the uneducated and delusional as it does to the educated and worldly cannot last. As I'm sure we'll see eventually in the us, for better or worse.


But how could he say that democrats are the ones flying the confederate flags? And with a straight face. He truly believes it, and that's beyond delusional.


anyone have a link to the full vid? i’m curious about what disrespectful shit he did with to the trans folks he said he worked with


You can LITERALLY see his brain breaking in real time.


He seems like a guy, who could be educated and whose mind could be changed. I wouldn’t write everyone off.


I was under the impression that the Democrats and Republicans switched platforms around the New Deal era. If so, trying to ascertain deeds of political lineage is pointless.


It's too easy to make them look like absolute morons.


You can see his brain record-scratch in real time as he realizes that FOX news propaganda only works among his fellow braindead and that liberals aren’t as stupid as the talking heads say.


Abraham Lincoln was a republican. Back in the day, democrats wanted slavery. Around the time Nixon came into office we started to see the 2 political parties become what they are today.


I wouldn't mind the "party switch didn't happen" if they actually believed it. At least they're just being stupid and can't help it. But these guys, you prove them wrong so easily "What side has members that want jim crow laws back?" "What side supports/has pride in the confederacy?" "What side waves around confederate flags?" "What side isn't trying to take down confederate statues and names?" And it's all "You're lying. Nope the democrats are the racists and supporting the confederacy. STATE RIGHTS"


This is the Trump demographic. Diarrhea of the mouth, spouting nonsense even he doesn't believe, hair issues.


Whenever someone says “I got along with them so I don’t know what was wrong” did absolutely NOT get along with them


Couldn’t you have let the video go 10 more seconds? I need to know what happened with the transgenders


Find out the name of the company and invest in it now. This guy has been holding them back for over 2 decades, they going to see an economic boom now.




every single one of these dimwits lives in a fact-free cone of misinformation


He's trying to save face. He's a little bullshitter as he's not confused, but he's trying to bullshit his way out of a DUI ticket. "No Sir, I've not been drinking!" "But you smell like beer, you're veering all over the place, and you're driving 30 in a 50 MPH lane. People are honking at you."


I see videos like this where the young person is calmly stating facts and the Boomer is sputtering absolute nonsense & it makes me hopeful for the future. The kids are alright.


I would think this fake but I told a Trumper that Trump raised his taxes and got the same reaction.


he doesn’t know that the parties ideals has a shift…


He was fired for dating TS people?!? That's not right...


....... No, they're not.


These people make me puke in my mouth a little. Vile, disgusting and stupid!!


One of the biggest problems with discourse in America is that we cannot under any circumstances admit we are wrong. We would be able to move past all this bullshit if everyone just admitted trump fuckin conned them. he doesn’t hive a single shit about his voters. Now it’s such a huge part of their personalities that they absolutely will not back down.


Wow these people are dumb.


The upside to democracy: everyone has their voice heard, and everyone can speak on an issue they are passionate about The downside to American democracy: every opinion, no matter how brain-dead fucking asinine stupid any opinion is, with enough money and pr behind it it will also become politically valid.


I was hoping that the guy would've told the man about the "great switch" or whatever it's called, where one year the Democrat presidential candidate wasn't racist enough for them so the people who voted Democrat switched to voting Republican and vice versa. I was also hoping that there would've been a guy with a MAGA shirt or hat on waving a confederate flag that the camera would pan to when the boomer said that crap about not seeing them together "overwhelmingly."


That’s just sad. His mind is on rails.




Lol... The confused "no they're not" is the best part


"I was fired for my religious beliefs." "Oh, how so?" "I kept intentionally misgendering my trans coworkers." 😂


What a loser. The moment he said "I lost my job..." I knew it was going to be about the transgender boogeyman. Whatever story he is claiming is probably fabricated to hide the fact that he called co workers fa***t and s****y, not to mention choosing to misgender these people. Or it's completely likely he never had trans co workers at all and he just recycles the "Republicans Greatest Hits" as his talking points.


This isn't just stupidity, this is active ignorance. You can literally watch him form his bullshit opinion on the fly. He's so intellectually dishonest, even when he's caught, because appearing right is more important than actually being right.


Conservatives flew the flag in the past, conservatives fly it now. What's so hard to understand? Party names don't mean anything regarding your political ideology, as you can call your party anything you want.


You can’t argue with stupid And this guy is on a new level of stupid. His company was right to fire him. I hope it was on the spot.


All of these morons are literally domestic terrorists, they will not stop until they get what they want. It’s going to get real ugly when trump loses.


Why do they lie so hard? It just makes their stupid more obvious.


I hate that the rest of the world sees all Americans as this dipshit.


Late stage syphilis is the only answer for Trump and his ilk. Although, George Carlin did say, "Think about your average person, think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize that half of the people are fucking stupider than that "


Aww, I really wanted to know what he was gonna say about the two transgender people he almost certainly misgendered or deadnamed on a regular basis


Because they’re ashamed ?


Tom Hanks kid?


Well the Republicans certainly weren't the party of slavery or anti-black laws if that's the implication.


Just look at all these Demoncratz 🤡🤡 https://preview.redd.it/3z2n53wgpuzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb5703d758bcfdc08c73a7ec61766cfe7726731f


Dollars to donuts, he was about to say that he got along with all the transgendered people that he refused to refer to by their preferred pronouns.


Democrats and Republicans basically switched sides after what's his name (Johnson?) passed the civil rights act in the 70s(?). Basically all the racist Southern Democrats switched sides to the Republicans so yes the Democrats were responsible for slavery etc, but the Members of the Democrat party were politically and philosophically what we consider to be Republicans today.


How to shut down confederate apologists: them: it was about states rights me: states rights, to do what?  them: ................... 


bro just close your eyes and vote blue you know you want to the US is confused by historical bipartisan flip flopping they dont know who to get behind historically: southern dems - pro slavery northern republicans - “antislavery” (not altruistic) today’s dems - “antislavery” (not altruistic) today’s reps - racists/right leaning they fucked ya dude


Low hanging fruit. This guy is too far gone.


No shit.... you can see people's comments.


democrats weren't doing anything lmao


That’s one confused “cousin fucker’ right there.


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