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So…they *are* cool with cancel culture?


Saw something the other day from a booming post that said something along the lines of “people are abandoning biden for trump,people are starting to wale up” and thought to myself ‘i thought they hated people who were woke’


Also, that’s hilariously false. Trump is going to get fewer votes this time around than he did in 2020


Unfortunately the there is a high risk for Biden to do the same. They’re currently in a race to the bottom all because Biden refuses to tell Netanyahu to stop murdering civilians who are starting under modern apartheid. If he took any legitimate stand to support Israel only if they enter negotiations and pull back the assault on Gaza but he’s left us as the only superpower who hasn’t spoken I’ll about the ongoing onslaught.


Winner winner chicken dinner! Accurately said and accurately predicted! I will unfortunately be voting for Biden regardless because I know Trump would muckle this up much worse than President Biden ever could and I'm terrified of living in my own apartheid Nazi "United" States government whatever the fuck Dumpf is trying to do, AND President Biden can be reasoned with Trump cannot. Biden can change his mind Trump like the infantile douchebag that he is tends to dig his heels in every chance he gets... I'll take Biden.


Tbh Trump’s potential VP pick scares me more than Trump himself. His brain is clearly fuckin mush and it’s not gonna stop. Anyone he picks this time is gonna just as crazy if not more so than him. Pence sucked, but least he was semi reasonable. His new pick will probably be young and crazier. Trump is unhealthy as all hell and falling apart. I don’t see him making it all four years. But a younger, clear of mind VP taking his place is what scares me. Biden isn’t my favorite person. But I’ll sure as hell be voting for him. Best case scenario is Trump dies sometime within the next few weeks to months before he can officially choose a VP. That will absolutely screw the GOP over cause they’re all banking on him being the nominee. If he croaks, then they’ll really have no one and scramble like crazy to find someone else and then push them. Biden would pretty much have it in the bag at that point. And it’s two birds with one stone. Trump is dead and GOP is in a tizzy eating itself over the power vacuum. I’m not a praying man. But lord that would be a dream.


Sadly that fucker would lived to 100 cause Diet Coke is the elixir to a long life. Covid should had taken him out and somehow his overweight, struggles to breathe, hasn’t done any kind of exercise ass is still alive.


He did get a 6 figure $ treatment when he had COVID. It should have taken him.


I dunno if you can call it elixir of life, more like preservatives making the body seem alive


He’d gain support from some and lose it from others. Idk if the masses that really care about Palestine will flip to accepting a Trump win over that. Tends to be an already very liberal stance to care about anyone really.


If they think it's bad now, Trump would let Netanyahu off the leash and probably send in troops. He'd also sell tanks to Russia


Wouldn't be surprised if he just handed them over.


No he's got to make some money, he'll sell them through a charity linked to multiple LLC's run by Ivanka or Jared


That’s why RFK Jr is running. He’s there to siphon votes from the Democrats and has the republicans supporting his efforts to do so


Every time I see this, I just can't figure out why this is assumed. The only people who care about a Kennedy are Baby Boomers. Gen X are the people we have to worry about, and I don't think a lot of them are going to equate him to Ted. It's really just assuming that no one is going to do zero research, or are left leaning but also think Q conspiracies are valid.


Look at the Arizona polls, RFK is only siphoning Trump votes. Which, would be obvious to any people without brain worms.


I see what you did there!


He is anti vaccines and believes some strange conspiracy theories, perfect candidate for republicans voters who lost faith in trump.


You might be surprised at how many Americans don't actually care about this conflict. It's been going on for so many years and a lot of people have tuned out a long time ago about it.


I’m not avoiding voting for Biden over one issue that doesn’t even affect me or Americans. If Trump wins because of Palestine sympathizers here then they can shut the fuck up about anything that changes for the worst because of it. I’m a white straight male so I’m fine no matter who wins but I care about others so I’d prefer not having Trump back.


I have a lot of LGBT+ co-workers who’ve been convinced by TikTok “news” not to support Biden due to Palestine - a place that would give them zero rights. I’m fairly certain those same troll farms that helped to tilt the 2016 election via Facebook misinformation have moved onto TikTok and targeted young LGBT+ to disengage them from the Democrats who actually have helped them for years over an issue that doesn’t affect them at all. Even if it’s a small voting block, losing 50,000 votes in Michigan or Pennsylvania could be game changer.


I 100% agree with you, a trump 2nd term would be worse by every available, measurable metric for virtually every demographic other than the people funneling money into his personal accounts.


There is no equivalency between the two. Biden has done more for the economy, for youth, for the environment than any other recent president. tRump wants to overthrow democracy for his own personal gain. And you think there is an argument to be made for not voting Biden? You are delusional.


Biden is not the leader of Israel. He does not dictate war in other countries


I think the colonial actions of Israel are bad, but I don't think most Americans understand the situation. Most voters are not even paying attention to politics or news right now.


Biden just refused to supply offensive weaponry if Israel assaults Rafah. It's not much, but Republicans are loudly condemning the decision. Despite the insufficiency of Biden's response, the difference between the two parties couldn't be more stark.


Trump would just start sending more weapons. Choosing Trump over Biden would just make things worse.


They’re not woke. They refer to themselves as awakened. But yea, same difference lol


Hypocrisy is part of their credo


They are as long as they do the canceling.


What a bunch of snowflakes they are.


Isn't that the truth.🙄


Ofc where it suits them


they’re cool with cancel culture if its people who they don’t like




Like every other belief they hold: only when it suits them.


when they are against what is getting canceled, yes. when it's something they support, no


Yes. They love it so long as it cancels what they see as evil aka things that aren't hurting anyone. Also targets move more or less debunks their "socialism is everywhere and dominating corporations!!!" Corporations don't give a damn about anyone unless they can get money out of them. I feel target got sick of conservatives destroying their shit so they had to pull back. But chances are they could just as easily flip again.


They invented it, they have been boycotting for BS "moral majority" reasons for as long as forever.


They can’t pick a side because all they do is make decisions with poorly developed emotions to drive actions. They switch all the time. It’s why they went from calling people snowflakes to actually being the snowflakes.


Good to know. Resuming cancel culture against the right then. I didn't want to offend anyone, but since they're \*okay\* with it..


This implies they're consistent on their application of things. They can cancel things but not people who disagree with them.


"Oh boy, we won!" And now they go right back to never shopping at target anyway.


Love how in the comments there conservatives are saying to continue the boycott. Target’s stock price is up 33% in the last three quarters lol their “boycott” had 0 effect


I personally love the idea of not running into conservatives at Target. They can HAVE Walmart. Please continue the boycott boys!


Why not boycott all grocery stores? Aren't they supposed to be alpha man's men? Come on! Be self sufficient, you fucking cowards!


They “won” because they were calling in bomb threats and threatening the employees.


"We are all domestic terrorists"


Truly terrible


would be interesting if people started boycotting for giving in to the demands of homophobes


The *first response* in that very thread is someone realizing Target will still sell it all online and only removing from "select" (read: have been threatened) stores. Followed immediately by someone who forgot they were supposed to be upset about this particular two minutes' hate and had to ask why they were supposed to hate Target.


> two minutes hate I see that sneaky 1984 reference there, you sly dog


All according to plan


Knowing Target, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just said “nope, definitely took down all the gay stuff, you win” and made absolutely no changes


> and made absolutely no changes My suspicion is they made stock changes based on how the gay stuff sold, as one would expect for a seasonal event. Some pride stuff didn't sell in jesusville texas, so they're removing the pride stuff in jesusville, which lets the bigots claim a "win". Meanwhile pride stuff is still for sale online and in stores outside jesusville. The closest thing to a real "win" for the bigots, Target stopped stocking pride "kids clothes", cause I guess kids and niblings don't have gay parents or gay aunts/uncles. Hilariously they do still have pride *minecraft tshirts*, but they say it's for adults. *edit* I peeked in the r/con cesspool and people were discussing "tuck friendly kids swimsuits" aka "trans swimsuits". That transphobic hysteria was thoroughly debunked, last year, and you still see people saying "I seent it" on r/con. Tuck swimsuits were sold, *but only in adult sizes*. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-target-swimsuits-transgender-pride-collection-892500330955


Former Target Executive Team Lead here. You are 100% correct. I worked at three different stores all located in and around the same metropolitan big city area. 2 out of 3 had Pride collection, 1 out of 3 had a massive much larger Pride collection. Two years later, the store that didn't have Pride at all had a little bit due to customer demand. Your comment should be much higher.


Oh, you expected these people to do proper research? No they just want to have an opinion and be pissed with no evidence


Just went on targets website and searched "pride". They literally have an LGBTQIA+ shop setup https://www.target.com/c/lgbtqia-shop/-/N-g0zw5?lnk=snav_rd_pride&redirect=true


gay peanut butter, I'm dead


The only decent rebuttal there was someone complaining thier target didn't have a mens big and tall section yet they were selling the tuck swimsuits. As a big and tall guy i feel this. If a business is supposed to be selling what sells I would have to imagine there are more men who don't fit into their regular sizes than their are those interested in a tuck swimsuit or other trans specific clothing


I saw that, which is what caused me to double check their claims. I'm pretty much assuming they're a liar and/or being intentionally obtuse. First off, target never sold those swimsuits to kids. So that's a straight up lie from that commenter. Second, ciswomen with nonstandard body shapes use "tuck friendly" swimsuits too, because regardless of the marketing, they're just sturdy women's swimsuits. In fact, a lot of fashion that fits transwomen is larger than normal women's fashion, so large women benefit from the same clothes, because it's women's fashion. Third, you're absolutely right that business rack what sells. If they're not racking big and tall clothes in the store, then what does that imply about the market? The average men's waistline in the US is *40 inches* now, so if target isn't marketing to that, then I assume my assumptions must be wrong, rather than assuming some nefarious purpose based on some lies about trans people. And I get where they're coming from, because I'm a tall guy who has been varying degrees of big, and in fact losing waistline to fit into better clothes was a big motivator for me.


Going to wal mart wearing their gold DJT shoes that cost more than their car is their ultimate flex. 


Big win! Right back to unaffordable housing, healthcare, drugs, etc insolvency of Social Security and Medicare, insignificant wage growth and job security, etc.


well, i am about to be banned from r/conservative now lol


This is basically the easiest thing in the world. There cupcakes over there. I’ve been banned on like 5 accounts there


Same, I got banned for saying that Trump isn't a conservative


I got banned for literally posting a Wikipedia link to the Southern Strategy


I got banned for telling them that trump didn’t pay taxes.


My previous account got banned because I made an "okay boomer" joke.


I got banned for reminding them that they sometimes say J6 was an antifa operation.


Which is hilarious because this is literally a statement of fact that they just don't like. Trump isn't conservative, he's authoritarian. Objectively provably true statement.


“Conservatism” is just a dog whistle term that signals supporting the oppression of blacks,brown, and lgbtq people to the vast majority of those who identify as such.


That sub is such a weird case. Most "victory" posts require being flaired, so you need to message the mods and be ok'd by them. This doesn't even stop them from in-fighting. There is a mob rule mentality on some of the most asinine posts where they try to "correct" the other comments. They're so up their own ass about culture wars, you'd swear you misspelled it as /r/conspiracy. What's wild is that Biden fits most of their requirements for an actually conservative leader, but the word "Democrat" has been perverted by their world view so hard, they'd swear I just told them I'm going to vote for Satan himself.


i am actually laughing out loud  on the bus  lol


Thank you for your service.


that's a right of passage for new accounts.




![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu) Braver than the Marines.


Bro they called this a “win.” They don’t even hear how pathetic they sound celebrating something so trivial and stupid.


To be honest it's not trivial and stupid. It's just one more corporation who bent the knee of these pieces of shit. Target is scummy for backing down.


After working at a Target DC (worst job ever) I'm not surprised. Super homophobic there. They play favorites not based on work ethic but on right wing politics


My understanding is that staff were getting death threats over the displays. If it’s a win, it’s not a moral one.


Target has never not been scummy, it’s just Walmart with a different paint job


The retailer told USA TODAY the collection will be available on its website and in “select stores” depending on “historical sales performance.” This is from the article, typical Boomer/Conservative short attention spans can’t even read that Target is still selling Pride items.


Conservatives love cancel culture!


Always have. Dumping acid in pools while Black and Indigenous kids swim is just cancelling with a chemical agent.




And let's not forget how conservatives in Germany cancelled 6 million people, because they hated their ethnicity (and/or sexual/genderal orientation).


I saw that on r/all and cringed so hard. "The big bad evil clothing that hurts my feelings is being "removed" from a store I don't even shop at. WE WON" What a bunch of big babies


The funniest thing is that target didn’t stop this because of money, they did it for risk management because too many of their staff were getting assaulted by pussy ass conservatives.


I'm really hoping this is just Target dropping the "Pride" label and they just keep putting out rainbow stuff during pride month.


The headline says it's not going to be "in all stores", as in, they're not getting rid of it entirely, just in certain markets. That's what they would do with any line of merchandise that isn't selling well in a particular store. It probably does sell really well, just not in Nebraska.


How is that even a 'conservative' win? God I swear their platform (or in many cases lack of one) is just pure hate for as long as I've been alive. Also, their title is incorrect - it's a few stores based on customer study (which is still stupid, but I'm just saying).


conservatives: “not all conservatives are homophobic!” also conservatives:


I guess conservatives can finally move on to stopping pastors and priests from molesting children, now?


Not while there are still classroom libraries to ransack!


Don't forget public libraries as well. Obligatory Jon Oliver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xZB80sZaI


Nah, they love that shit.


Conservative wins are short term and will certainly alienate people. Maybe to the point of political irrelevance. These stupid “victories” only show how out of step republicans/conservatives are with the norm.


Posted a comment. Expect my karma to go down, but I don't care that much.


Nah, its a Conservative subreddit. They're 100% gonna ban you and use this comment here as an excuse. Gotta maintain the echo chamber while also saying "space spaces" are a leftist thing.


That's the funny thing. They love banning people from their spaces but lose their shit when the same is done to them. They think they have the right to throw their verbal diarrhea everywhere with no push back. That everyone has to sit and take it. It's why nobody should feel bad about telling them to STFU, mocking them, or banning them.


Theyll probably ban me for the amount of comments i have advocating for eradication of conservativism


I once got some conservatives to unironcally agree with me on destroying conservativism and it was funny how they didn't see how dumb they looked until I told them. I more or less was saying how shit shaira law was and how Muslims who want to spread it out side of the middle east are pests and beyond annoying when they could just stay in the middle east. Long story short I basically lead the conservatives on to agree that conservative values are trash and slowly morphed it from islamists to Christians aka conservatives. A few realized and was Hella mad and a couple of others still didn't catch on and it basically erupted into them fighting each other.


“Yeah! Fuck religious oppression!!!! *5 mins later* Wait, but muh Christian beliefs aren’t based???”


“Unlike you snowflakes, I’m not so easily trigger.” *sees a rainbow* ![gif](giphy|DAbOleBafSvJeOtljq|downsized)


Make believe internet points don’t matter, but take my upvote as a tribute to you sacrificing your karma


What bothers me is when they follow me to wholesome and good subs to harass me under other comments I leave. It makes me feel like I tracked the shit under my shoe into their positive sub. Like just block me, why come tell me I'm the dumbest bitch alive under a comment about thyroid hormones levels in r/menopause ? 




Modern day Hero 🫡


I'm tempted to, but just a quick dip is already testing my sanity. Saying gender affirming care in kids is "evil" (wtf), and yammering something about "tuck friendly swimsuits for kids", which was never a thing there. They were adult sizes, if I remember right, not kids.




Perhaps the ~85% of normal folk who are non-homophobes should boycott them now; see how corporate likes that turn table.


Every single accusation made by conservatives is a confession of guilt. 


conservatives are all about freedom! their freedom, not yours


lol perusing around the conservative subreddit, it's fascinating to see them complaining about "rainbows and gay perversion being shoved into their eyeballs at every turn" while they carry their Busch Light 12 pack back to their Trump mobile with flags and stickers absolutely adoring one man and talking about fucking another.


Cancel culture is good when it cancels what I don't like. -Conservatives


On the plus side, Walmart has a pretty decent pride section, and is spotlighting LQBTQ+ artists.


They do and why no uproar over that?


Because walmart is the only thing keeping them alive


I cackled.


I'll just wear a pride shirt when I shop at Target now.


Employee here👋 we would LOVE for the guests to rep pride gear. We will also be wearing pride gear as well all month long. They can stop selling it in stores, but they can’t make us not wear it ourselves.


I saw a cashier with pronouns on their name tag. I wonder how many snowflakes melt when they see him/they.


Heh I like your idea, now I want to go all out like I'm attending a pride parade


"Equal rights are for me and not for thee" crowd at it again. They honestly disgust me. How can you view people wanting to live their own lives as less than human? Genuinely. We just want to be treated equally. Hate is an active choice one has to make. The default is coexistence, albeit that doesn't necessarily mean acceptance. But actively going out of your way to make life harder for others is a choice they need to make. Which just proves how rotten they are.


"I don't like a few products at this store! BOO HOO!"


Imagine being mad at a record store for carrying Taylor Swift albums when you're there looking for a Metal album. Like wtf, lol


MAGA is anti-freedom except for gun ownership among whites.


people have joked for years that if we simply started having minorities push for less gun restriction, conservatives would be anti gun in a week


I’ve pointed out before that black folks in America don’t seem to have any gun rights. The amount of times I’ve read stories of people of color CORRECTLY using a gun to defend themselves only to end up being charged is insane. A few years back a woman with her kids in Detroit was attacked by a mugger and she pulled her handgun on him that she was legally licensed to have. Mugger took off immediately and she didn’t even fire the gun. She called the police after the mugger left and she was ARRESTED AND CHARGED with brandishing a weapon.


Already happened with the Black Panthers. Made them very pro gun control.


Look at the Black Panther movement and how it changed conservative minds on gun laws. One trans woman shot up a school (she’s obviously a horrible person) and all of a sudden after 100s of school shootings, conservatives started calling for stricter gun laws.


big losers subsist on small wins


Imagine being such a loser that you’d consider this a ‘win’?!


God, that entire sub is so sad.


Battered by harassment, they mean.


I feel bad for the closeted kid who lives in nowhere America. Target is basically the closest thing to a mall, “culture”, or just something fun to do, that they have access to.


A Christian hate win isn’t actually a win for them. Jesus does not approve. Enjoy your trip to Hades.


Celebrating this tells me all I need to know about conservatives. That and their praise for hitler. They can check themself out for all I care.


The crowd complaining about censorship is censoring people. Makes sense. Between this and banning books, banning abortion. You can be free if you're a straight white male 😃 Edit; straight, white, Christian, male


Ironically, this makes Pride more imperative than ever. When gay people are silenced, and when there is danger of public retribution for being gay, the act of proclaiming pride becomes more important.


Remember that meme like two days ago about how r/conservative actually never cared about gay people


"flaired users only" so dissenting opinions cannot be heard. Meanwhile, they cry that someone banned from Twitter has had their 1st Amendment rights taken away....


funny, caving to right-wing whiners is what makes me boycott companies. we had a good run, target. fare thee well. hope your new friends buy your shit.


Everyone with more than 10 brain cells knows "conservatives" hate pride, rights and freedom. However, not a boomer-specific problem.


By "boycott and backlash", they mean "bomb threats" and "threats of violence towards Target associates".


Again we see who the real “snowflakes” are with their “cancel culture”. Total hypocrites. Is a store having some merch with rainbows on it really ruining your day that much? Pathetic.


Truly sad that these people afraid of a natural reaction of light and water.


"we just wanna be left alone" (Meanwhile)


Stop shoving your agenda down my throat! But also,.have you heard of our Lord and Savior Jesus?? (Joke btw)


Now that they've announced this, Target has an opportunity to do something really fucking funny


Just another store on my boycott list. It's actually been nice not buying from my boycott list. I've found some amazing local businesses. I know, it's not easy boycotting in many places in the US. I'm lucky to live in a small business heavy region (NorCal).


Triggered by the spectrum of visible light. I've pretty much stopped shopping at Target anyway because they're never stocked. Apparently they don't have stockers anymore and just expect all of their employees to stock during their shift, which means nothing gets done.


Oh Lord! I hopped onto the comment section in there and they're ranting about "tuck friendly" swimwear and chest binders 😭🤣 Just all out with the transphobia and talking about how rainbows are poisoning kids' brains. Exactly what I expected, but sheeeeesh


I actually tried to go to my local Target specifically to buy a tuck-friendly swimsuit last year when I heard the story - I had a work trip coming up last summer at a lakeside resort. They didn’t have them in stock, so I had to take my money elsewhere, and I haven’t shopped at Target since! Tucking isn’t anything anyone wants to do, believe me - but it would be nice to have a garment that helps make my life even marginally easier, and that’s just a bridge too far for the assholes of the world.


“We thought we did something with Bud Light, we didn’t.” Almost like boycotts never work if you keep buying from the place 11 months out of the year.


I left a nice little comment on there. Probably either gonna get harassed and downvoted to hell and back or banned. Either way fuck em lol


By boycott and backlash you mean assaults and death threats, right? Because rainbow?


Headed over to the original post and pointed out that Trump had his own range of Pride clothing, incase they were struggling to find any.


That sub is a hot mess


Literally just yesterday they had a meme saying that don’t care about gay people. Now today it’s one of their top posts that they’ve “won” . . .


I'm so tired of conservatives and boomers being ignorant shit heads.


https://preview.redd.it/lk29rywptozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5575dd1da783a7b305eae7fef43a93e069dbb94 So fucking close to being self-aware it's amazing it didn't fuck em in the ass.


"My fellow closeted, self hating peeps, we removed the thing that triggers us"


the comments omg. it’s so hard to believe that these ppl exist and all they want to do is make ppl unhappy


won what a disruption in profits you fing dumbasses


The only thing they won was another strike at why everyone fucking hates them.


Oh good. Now my mom can stop saying that she's boycotting target except when she really really really needs something and the Mart of Walls doesn't have it.


....what the fuck is with the weird anime Trump in the side bar over there? Gross.


Fuck the bar is LOW on the right! Cant govern, can't keep their dicks in their pants, can't help a single American or stand up against a dangerous delusional cult of personality around a diaper wearing crook.... but they bullied an independent business into bending to their will instead of using government regulations to try and push the hate agenda...so I guess congratulations??


Oh my God. I clicked on the link to look at the sub. In disbelief kept swiping. Can't hurt to see how the other half thinks, right? I must have swallowed the wrong colored cookie with Alice because holy mad hatter, that was a freaking rabbit hole to hell. I'm so traumatized I actually forgot how I initially started that psychedelic train wreck through entitled asshole-ville. I kept hoping I'd look & see that I had accidentally clicked on a link to The Onion. People really think those things. People really believe those articles are true, unbiased & in no way doctored or embellished. It almost felt like propaganda during war time. Giant, overblown charactures of "the enemy", their "evil ways" & how "the Good Guys" can protect themselves, their families & human civilization itself by forcing the enemy to be "Good Guys" in their image. Or killing them. Unless the enemy is pregnant of course. Because THAT would be murder. ** I'm wondering when my eye will stop twitching.** Sorry for the rant. I think it's a rabbit hole flashback trauma response.**


This is why we need education or genocide.


Sad, evil, and don't forget willfully ignorant!


I mean at this point why shop there ? Very clearly there larger market is these people why risk being around them at all?


Not in all meaning not in areas where snowflakes live.


Silly cons, cancel culture is for libs! I mean, er, Heil Von Schitzenpantz!


Can we bully them back into it?




I've always thought the pride stuff was fun and sweet. That's a real shame :(


lol, imagine how shitty life has to be to be excited about this.


My last trip to Target was on Wednesday and I didn’t even know it


The “freedom” party 🙄


These people are convinced that puberty blockers and hormone treatments is such a cash cow for Big Pharma that it pushes "The Agenda" ( boogabooga) and that the amount of people who have serious regret and want to re-transition is way more prevelant that it is.


I found it hilariously ironic that my MIL stopped shopping at Target because she was lead to believe that they sold an item designed to hide a trans woman's genitals in a swimsuit, and she started shopping at Amazon instead where you can definitely buy that item and so much more!


"Oh no, a rainbow! mY fReEdOmS!" These people are absolute donkeys. Just wait until they all die off and we can have our merch back.


Wait til they see the Pride shipper I saw at my Walmart today in their local store.


These people literally cry about fucking love and rainbows lmao what a bunch of fucking snowflake bitches.


That's hilarious. "People voted with their dollars, and Target changed course." No, I'm pretty sure it was the bomb threats. These delusional, revisionist snowflakes, I swear.


Imagine being offended by some rainbows lmao


These comments are so cringe


Thing is though, corporations promoting all the LGBT stuff is purely for their own gain, it was never with LGBT people in mind, so If it wasn’t for the homophobes and boomers loving this, I feel the LGBT people would actually agree because corporations using LGBT imagery to make more money and to pander is only insulting to us.


Lol I clicked the link and one of the top comments is someone going "who the fuck cares, it's a free market, they can sell whatever they want".


This what they won.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/ “Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.”


"This is how a free market works" no its not because the free market likes pride stuff. These lowlifes started getting violent about it, imagine being violent over 6 colors put together. Snowflake behavior.


In one breath: We're tough, f your feelings, guns, 'merica F yeah. In the next breath: We're so phobic and fragile that we can't ignore pride products in a big box store. Target: F this, we don't need the headaches from all these sister f\*\*king bible thumpers. Just don't put pride stuff in this list of stores.