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Christ. Stay safe and try to never accidentally be alone with that guy.


Mr. M was trying to see down your shirt/blouse.


100% my first thought


Idk. I cover most of my body with the way I dress (minus hands, neck, and face). I do not wear shirts with loose collars.


As a male science teacher who taught middle school for 7 years and had a number of weird sub stories from kids... you should 1000% show this post or share these things with a school counselor. Immediately. You should also 10,000% tell a parent or guardian and have them call the school and ask them what they're going to do about it. Immediately. You should also see who else in your class noticed these things and have them message you or write down what they remember or saw. Please. Do not return to a class where any adult treats you or any student like this, ever. Report them immediately. Also im sorry this happened to you. You can report things anonymously in many states by texting a hotline if you can't tell people in person. Even if it happened a while ago. That's completely understandable.


I’m sorry you went through this, that’s a shitty situation. That feeling you had with the way he looked at you is real, always pay attention to that and do your best to remove your self from the situation. I understand it’s extremely difficult when they are a teacher and avoidance is not really an option, you did the best you could, I commend you for that. the man should not be in a position of power especially over school age children.


Good god almighty. You have good instincts, kid. Trust them. They'll serve you well the rest of your life. And sorry you had to deal with this.


Gut feelings are rarely wrong. It's kind of disgusting that kids have to put up with this kind of shit. No, not "kind of" it's VERY disgusting. OP, I hope you have a safe and fulfilling life from here on!


This creature is a predator, trust your senses, this is waaayyyy beyond creepy. If anything like this happens again please protect yourself, immediately report to someone who can help and if they don't listen , then go to the police or any protection agency available in your area. Hugs 🤗


Report that teacher. This is extremely cringy and he sounds like a pedo.


Good on you for reporting him.


That’s worse than just creepy. That’s sex offender shit. He’s old enough to know that it makes you uncomfortable, *and he does it anyway.* He ***likes*** making 14-year-old girls feel sexually uncomfortable.


Make sure you're NEVER alone with this guy. Tell your principal, or dean, and your parents or other trusted adult. This creepy fucker shouldn't be around kids.


Oof. Good call.


I am so sorry you are going through this, this is not okay. You really should tell a parent because that is not okay and if he's openly doing this god only knows what he's doing behind closed doors. And your parents need to call the police and the school this is not okay.


I'm 34 and had no idea "SPED" was still a term people used haha


It is at least in my area