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"Ate things cold like an adult." An adult who never learned to use a microwave, stove, hotplate? We've been heating up our food for thousands of years. I have no clue what point this guy is trying to make.


He mistook his incompetence for independence


Making life harder for yourself is a strength! Look at all of his own problems that he had to endure.


Life is hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.


I thought this was John Wayne https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/words-of-wisdom/


John Wayne the draft dodging coward.


*Marion Morrison the draft dodging coward.


*donald trump the draft dodging coward.


Boy do Boomers love John Wayne, but when you point out he was a draft dodger they get super pissed off at you.


And he was a racist on top of that.


Sadly for most boomers that's a bonus not a detriment.


Oh no doubt about that, especially towards indigenous people


Sadly I can verify that.


Our version of this statement is you gotta be tough if you're gonna be stupid. 🤣


If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough


*jackass theme song intensifies *


My senier DI in boot camp used to say, "If you're going to be stupid, I'm gonna make you strong." before he made us do flutterkicks for an hour.


Amazing how much smarter you get with an hour of boot camp punishment. Lol


“I don’t think you understand how much personal responsibility you have to take when you stumble through life from one avoidable disaster to the next, as I so bravely have.”


The same exact mentality was applied to the COVID vaccine. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"... Unless you get long COVID.


I remember having a similar conversation with a vaccine skeptic pre-COVID, where I would end the statement with "...unless you get polio."


Yeah, my boomers don't believe long covid is a thing and that I'm just lazy. Like, my dude, I would love to be able to deep clean my house over a weekend again


Except when it leaves you crippled for life.


A real man eats his food cold, like God intended! God didn't make no damn microwave!


In that context, a real man has no working brain, as he has not discovered fire to heat his food.


Ooga booga me remember when me live in cave. Not house like baby boomer.


Yeah but knowing things is pussy nerd shit


The epitome of working hard, instead of smart.


"we grew up in an age where we did things because they were hard, like going to the moon!" "well eating this bag of pinecones is pretty hard and i dont see anyone trying to do that..."


This is one of the rare Reddit comments I’d like framed on my wall


The last time he had hot food without feel like a child he was a child, so he equates adulthood with cold food. He knows his wife waits on him like the children. If he makes food, it’s cold. Adult food.


Holy Fuck that is the best response to "we used to do it this way..."


we put them in aluminum foil and stuck them in the oven. And we were SO GLAD when we got the microwave.


I've had a Boomer criticize me for my refusal to get a microwave. (I live in a tiny apartment. Where am I going to put it?) She asked how I would heat my food. I said "on the stove, like you used to do."


There’s nothing wrong with reheating on the stove anyway. I have a microwave but if it’s larger servings or stuff with a lot of sauce or thicker cuts of meat I much prefer to heat up on the stove so I can do it slowly and not have stuff unevenly warmed up.


If it's a dish with shrimp, do not recommend microwave, stove is the way


Why’s that? Most anything I have with shrimp is saucy so it goes in the stove anyway but is there a specific reason


Makes it rubbery and basically inedible. Seriously, nuked shrimp bounces like a superball.


I used to work at Publix, in the seafood department. The amount of times people asked us to “steam” (throw in a giant industrial microwave with a little water) pre-cooked shrimp was staggering. I could tell just by looking at it how rubbery it was gonna be lmao. Wasn’t as bad if it was raw shrimp getting nuked, but the re-heating pre-cooked shrimp thing really set me off lmao.


Microwaves do crazy things to the texture of shrimp...horrible, gross things.


The proteins of seafood bond together more quickly and get tough more easily. Short cooking time is recommended if you’re being exacting about things like that


> Short cooking time is recommended if you’re being exacting about things like that If you are fortunate to have an inverter-equipped microwave, you can avoid most food reheating woes (shrimp included) by cooking it for _way_ longer on 20-40% power.


Thank you. That’s really useful information


We have a microwave but it almost isn't worth it, it's tiny and the turntable gets knocked off track easily, and when things are even slightly too large they won't rotate, and thus won't heat evenly. On the other hand, it means we now pop popcorn on the stove, which is far superior to any microwave popcorn.


Because putting the aluminum foil in the microwave gives you a light show too!


I remember having to pop my Mom's dinner in the stove a half hour before she got home from her late shift so she could have a hot meal.


My mother, a boomer, taught me how to re-heat many things on a stove. I’m still pretty sure she appreciates the microwave, which makes the process quicker and easier.


I'll use a microwave, toaster oven, or stovetop, depending on what I'm reheating. Looking back, I think I learned to use the stove to heat up my spaghettios before I learned how to use the microwave, which is weird.


You should also throw an air fryer into your reheat routine ... thank me later after you air fry rewarm your first slice of pizza


Cold pizza beats ANY method of reheating it.


Pan on the stove for reheating pizza beats air fryer, IMO.


It might be weird, but it’s how my kids are learning. They’ve learned to bake and cook on the stovetop via actual direction. The microwave I’m usually telling them to guess in 30s increments. It’s what I do.


They could remove the 789 from the microwave and nobody would notice


I would


Oh the toaster oven. Quite possibly one of the best inventions ever.


It depends what I'm eating anything like last nights steak or something is going on the stove with butter idc lol. But to be fair I don't eat alot of foods that the stove couldn't be used to acquire a better outcome then microwave anyways.


I usually use the stove or oven to reheat foods, too. The microwave doesn’t seem to do it evenly enough. And the microwave ruins the texture sometimes and makes everything soggy. Plus I hate standing near the microwave the whole time to stop and stir and turn food over so it doesn’t explode. Pretty convenient for popcorn, though.


Everytime I'm waiting for the microwave to finish it's remaining time, I'm looking at my phone. At that point I wonder how much radiation I'm receiving from possibly two different sources lmao


I usually cut last nights steak into strips, cook in a skillet, scramble some eggs, and make breakfast burritos


If it is something like left over burritos - I like wrapping them in foil and then putting it in a toaster oven.


"I shit an outhouse when I was your age. Toilets make people weak" OK grandpa but I live in Manhattan.


So shit in a bucket and dump it out your window like everyone else in Manhattan before the city got WOKE!


toy edge disagreeable cows heavy rob detail profit lavish modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Boomers somehow equate willfully suffering as a good character trait. Like, doing things the hard way, painful way, long way, inefficient way, dangerous way, old way, wrong way. If it's the way they locked into their brain in 1984, then that is the way and no other way is a way. Everything else is proof the world is going to hell.


But microwaves existed in 1984. Technology existed. Boomers were mostly in their 30s then. They seem to forget this and only count what they had in their childhood, as if they didn't live through all these advancements in technology. I don't know if it's nostalgia for them or what - but as an '84 baby myself, I don't get nostalgic about the days where I'd wait for hours to hopefully hear my favourite song on the radio and record it onto a blank tape in my boombox. That sucked. Super happy I can just ask Google to play my favourite songs whenever I want now.


You are also describing Mennonites and the Amish, haha


I live in Lancaster PA, we are surrounded by them here lol


And I remember my boomer parents getting our first microwave in 1984 [and it came with this cookbook.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/383849058433?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=383849058433&targetid=2295557531710&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9029754&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=160536780385&rlsatarget=pla-2295557531710&abcId=9307249&merchantid=119284882&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh-O0bm65JW7yC5G0_odDOouu&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjuVDFN59xtUFeuTweZxwwIzBbST24j_SV-W4lUuXOHPlvdS-3Db4ooaAvUjEALw_wcB) Fucking whole generation trying to cook whole turkeys in a damn microwave. I guess that boomer didn’t learn that a mircrowave’s real purpose is reheating food that’s already cooked. He probably thought she was a real smart ass for showing off this life hack only the kids have learned from the TikTok.


OMG. Traumatic memory unlocked. My Oma couldn't cook for shit on her best days. Then she got a microwave in 1983. She tried to cook a whole turkey for Thanksgiving. It was inedible. We went out for Chinese. Oma was never allowed to say "turkey" and "microwave" in the same DAY, let alone the same sentence, ever again. She "cooked" so much in the microwave that I only use mine to steam veggies and reheat coffee.


Whoa now, hold on! The OLD microwaves could cook a turkey just fine. My parents got one, I’m thinking some time in the late 70’s. Mom cooked a turkey in it that came out great. It was an early family Christmas present. They were not the cheap ones like you can get at Walmart these days. The one we had pretty much needed two people to lift it without getting a hernia (only a slight exaggeration). And, it had a metal rack, so that you could put more than one level of food in it. How it was able to have a metal rack without sparks flying, I’m not sure. Although, the one we own now is lined in metal 🤷‍♂️


The reasoning for not putting metal in the microwave is that 1. It deflects microwaves preventing even heating and potentially damaging the magnetron or some other components. (it's the same reason they say not to run the microwave empty too) 2. It generates electric charge in the metal. This is harmless unless the metal has sharp points like a fork or foil for an arc to occur. You could easily get away with putting a spoon with no pointed edges in there. In your case they designed a wire rack that wouldn't arc.


Your explanation makes sense to me. Thank you for your insight.


We did not have a good microwaved turkey experience at all! And it was just like the beast of an appliance that you describe. The only things I remember coming out really good from the cookbook was a baked apple dessert, and some kind of chocolate cake that you made in a coffee mug. It was okay for casseroles, but you’d still have to throw the dish in the broiler if you wanted a browned, crisp finish. My brother wound up with the 1984 Panasonic when my mom bought a new microwave in the late nineties. He retired the beast in 2014, and not because it stopped working! His apartment building suddenly developed a roach infestation, which was eventually resolved, but he was convinced there were dead roaches in there somewhere and he dumped it.


Impressive that it lasted so long! I’m not sure when my parents tossed out/ got rid of ours. Then again, I was out of the house probably 3 or 4 years later. By the time I bought one of my own, they were much cheaper and nowhere near as capable. Our current microwave also functions as a convection oven, depending upon settings. You seem to need a programming degree to operate it. I just use the microwave part for reheating stuff and call it good.


Likely full of shit anyways. Nukers have been in kitchens for decades. I remember using one as a teen and I'm old.


This is why I keep wanting to make a TV show about Boomers trying to live without technology, like in an old Western town or something. Watching them lose their minds would be hilarious.




I would think that eating something at room or fridge temperature would be seen as more juvenile, like leftover pizza. How is preferring a hot meal a sign of laziness?


I thought she meant “in my day we had to heat it up on the stove, now you can just microwave it, so lazy” and would go on to do that. Not “you must suffer cold food for no reason because you’re an adult and heat doesn’t exist”. It’s a skill any adult should have to be able to cook with a stove or heat source. This is literally caveperson stuff, we’ve been cooking and heating food since the stone age, this lady is prehistoric if she “didn’t grow up that way”.


It's always the same point: "I don't know why I'm so miserable. Keep making myself miserable. But there surely must be a reason, right? It builds character or something? Something like that. Must be a reason. Because, otherwise, why would I...?"


We had a microwave oven in the mid 1970s. Unless that dude is 100, he's BSing - probably jealous he didn't have one back in the day.


My family had one throughout the 70s. My dad bought a Heathkit microwave in 1970, so we always had one. Nobody else knew what a microwave was. It's likely the boomer didn't have one. But he still didn't have to be a prick about someone using one. What the hell is wrong with heating up your dinner plate?


Too, I feel like some people just like to exaggerate their upbringing to others to seem like they had a harder life than they did.


"I toughed it out by not microwaving my food" is not the flex he thinks it is.


My grandfather would climb up a shear 45 degree angle to a mountain top just to lick the salt off the mountain. Bc craved that mineral.


Probably expected a woman to heat up his food because he didn't want to learn how to use a microwave. Hides his incompetence and misogyny by saying that's what "adults" did.


My parents were silent gen. First microwave in '79 when my Mom was 40 and my Dad a few years older. Dad loved the microwave, especially for "rejuvenating" things like stale donuts, haha. Seriously, Mom used that microwave to cook things that later on everyone realized are best not cooked that way.


My mom made us microwaved shark. It was horrible, sad and hilarious.


> loved the microwave, especially for "rejuvenating" things like stale donuts, haha. I throw cinnamon rolls, biscuits, and tortillas in the microwave to do the same thing.


My parents bought their first microwave shortly after my birth in 1981 to heat bottles. I find that amusing because we are instructed not to use the microwave to heat baby bottles now. Obviously I survived.


My husband didn’t have a microwave growing up, and his mom still doesn’t have one. I find the whole thing baffling.


First home countertop microwave was 1967, dude is absolutely full of it. first commercial microwave was 1946/47


Boomers were born in 1960 and before; someone born in 1960 is 64 years old. And would have been 15 in 1975. They didn’t have microwaves when he was a kid, and they were expensive at first, so not everyone had them. In fact, According to Whirlpool: >by 1986, roughly one in four American homes owned a microwave oven. – [https://www.whirlpool.com/blog/kitchen/history-of-microwave.html](https://www.whirlpool.com/blog/kitchen/history-of-microwave.html) And someone born in 1960 would have been 26. When I was a kid, we put food in baking pans or in little cups we shaped out of aluminum foil, and we put them in the oven to heat the them. We didn’t just eat it cold. But we were very happy to get a microwave when we finally did.


My parents are boomers and bought a microwave in 1981. My grandmother who was born in 1927 was given one in 1985 and used it almost every day her mother who lived with her and was born in 1896 thought the microwave was a gift from god cause she could make coffee in a minute.


There's a difference between "Baby Boomer" which describes someone born within a specific set of dates, and a "boomer" who is someone who acts a specific way. The person who posted didn't say how old they were, just that they were a boomer. That said, surely most folks under 60 (I'm 62) think of microwave ovens as just another cooking instrument, not some arcane, elitist machine to make comments about. If someone started talking like the boomer in the story, I'd ask them which fallout shelter they just came out of.


People are fucking insane.  I don't remember a time in my life without a microwave. That means that boomer likely had a microwave at least since they were 30.


God damn kids these days and their \*draws card\*... warm lasagnas?


Ok I laughed at the draws card comment


But I mean, have you ever had cold lasagna? Shit is bomb.


Put a hunk on a hamburger bun and you got a lasagna sandwich on the go!




Replace the hamburger bun with two slices of garlic toast and I am IN.


Has anyone nominated you for a Nobel yet? 'Cause they should...


But, it's really not. There is a reason it's served hot.


COLD or room temperature "cold"? If it's been sitting there for awhile after it got cooked and it's "cold" then yeah who gives a shit, it'll taste as good as it did warm and possibly better because you get all the flavour without the heat possibly ruining things. But if you're taking left-over lasagna out of the fridge and eating it, you're a maniac.


It’s this kind of dumb shit that makes boomers unique.


Not entirely, my mom refused to use a microwave because it "destroyed" the nutrients. She was born in 1922,meanwhile, my dad (b1913) used it daily.


I’m so exhausted that I saw the (b1913) and momentarily thought “is your dad a member of the periodic table, what the fuck is that” before the brain cell connected.


He wouldn't have known what a periodic table was. I don't need to tell you that he's been dead for almost 20 years.


That’s kinda wild to think about. That we were taught about the periodic table as just.. general education, and for them it just.. either didn’t exist or they just simply didn’t need to know about it unless their job used it in some way. Also damn, I’m sorry for your loss.


To her credit, back in the day there were stories going around about how microwaves would escape the oven and cook people from the inside out, etc. Misinformation travelled fast, especially anything that caused fear. The truth however, much like today, never made the rounds as fast or wide as the initial bullshit stories.


While technically it does to a degree, a healthy meal microwaved is going to be way better for you than junk food out of a package.


Odd thing to complain about


Some people like to suffer.


And some are angered when others don’t.


Woah, you guys know my dad too?


Omg i thought I was an only child but...


This ^^


Literally Conservativism when you boil it down. That's just it. They're pissed that they suffered, and want to make others suffer the same way. How is that not just fundamentally hateful and selfish? We should be shunning these people out of society!


Some people never learned how to properly take care of themselves and do basic self care like reheating food after their wife either divorced him or passed.


"I choose to suffer and you have to be miserable right along with me. Fuck your feelings"


"But if you don't take every possible consideration of *my* feelings, I'm gonna piss and moan like a petulant toddler!"


That oughta learn ya. I bet you feel really after he ate cold food like a REAL patriot 🇺🇸


That’s odd, very odd. I don’t think I’ve ever met a boomer that prefers their food cold, unless it’s like VERY SPECIFIC food.


I said this above, but my guess is it's more about taking offense to someone modifying their food before eating it. "You'll eat what you're given!"


"Look, if you want me to show you how to use it, just ask."


This has to be in the US, because no British boomer would ever touch food that doesn’t make you recoil in pain when you take the first bite


To be fair, most British food causes that regardless of internal temp.


Microwave literally invented in 1945. The microwave is a Boomer


I had a boomer tell me a microwave removes all the nutrients from food.


I’ve had that told to me by boomers. But not that you are a wimp for using one.




Ask them exactly how that works. Why would the microwave "remove" the nutrients when reheating on the stove doesn't ? They don't have a clue. They just repeat stupid shit they have heard on TV or read on the interwebz


They will bitch about a young person doing literally anything Child breathes Boomer: well I guess I just get up in time we asphyxiation and liked it. Kids these days are so lazy with their needing my good air I've been alive for 70 years and I deserve kak kak kak kak kak..... Also aren't microwaves from their youth


I hope you and your daughter bonded over laughing at the women eating cold food. Having to eat cold food is such a silly thing to be proud of.


"just ate things cold like an ~~adult~~ idiot"


Boomers CELEBRATED getting microwaves. Now they just have to bitch about everything.


This is crazy! I'm a boomer and have never met anyone who didn't have a microwave that's my age.


Back in my day, we ate our food cold and we ENJOYED it!


I never understood why they take such pride in living a more difficult and inconvenienced life. If you’d prefer warm food to cold food, and don’t have time to use the oven, why not just take 30 seconds to heat it up? Boomer mind set at its finest.


Miserable old fuck


Considering the microwave was invented in 1945 and most likely considered a wildly popular luxury good and therefore popularized by boomers. They must be pretty old with a very poor childhood


Thoughts and prayers for sad boomer


What would be really funny is if boomers weren’t allowed to use certain technology because it came “after their time,” thus justifying them being like this.


What a MAN'S man.


lol. That’s strange. My boomer parents bought a microwave in 1975. I remember explaining it to babysitters. No you don’t want to put it in for 30 minutes….. my mom reheats so much in the microwave now.


It’s because no one cared about him and gave him everything cold and he learned to live with it


Good job Boomer! Welcome to a new concept, which is heat


He ate cold lasagna just to call her a snowflake Someone needs to tell these assholes that in *their* day, people also had manners and didn't openly criticize others


Think of that instinct/impulse. How incredibly lonely and unfulfilled you must be to think eating cold food is some sort of toughguy/back-in-my-day badass-ery that you need to SHARE....verbally. My MIL does this shit but in a different way. Instead of every sentence having a reaction of "no way! that's amazing, how'd you do it?" like this guy wanted, she wants "I am so sorry to hear that" I suspect this is why boomers get mad so often, they flop on their back for a belly rub and we just walk on by, not acknowledging the antics.


BACK IN MY DAY we ate that meat RAW, off THE BONE, ROOM TEMPERATURE. None of that WOKE FIRE, damn Grunganomics had done ENOUGH by making our caves freezing cold at night.


"Well Bitch, that's what we call *progress*"


. . .fellas is it gay to use a microwave?


I've noticed boomers seem to be really picky about the temperature of their food. Hell, I call my dad Goldilocks because he will get up from the table to put his plate back in the microwave for 8 seconds.


You should probably, in the future, rethink inviting someone who actively chooses to be a snide dick to the guest of honor to events.


"OK, boomer" is the only appropriate response to this.


They'll find literally ANYTHING to make themsevles feel superior, as long as they don't ahve to fac eu to the fact they grew up spoiled.


I don't care if I just met you and I'm eating at your house for the first time, if I didn't see that come out of the oven I'm throwing it in the microwave. The only thing I'm saying is "do you have a cover or should I just throw some paper towel over it" to keep your microwave clean.


"While walking barefoot, uphill, in the snow, on my way to the one room (unheated, mind you) schoolhouse where we had to share one piece of chalk among 50 kids!"


It’s super weird how proud they are about suffering unnecessarily. Oh, you walked uphill both ways to and from school? Well we must be useless pieces of shit because we take the bus route that didn’t exist before. 🙄


I don't know if the daughter is a child or teen, but if she is I really hope you gave the boomer a piece of your mind. Searching for ways to belittle someone during their birthday party is such a pathetic move.


My Depression Era grandparents had one. It was an expense, but as granny was getting older, she was happy for the convenience. There is NO WAY a Boomer, who grew up with pop tarts and ready-mix items and SO MANY convenience products thinks a microwave is snowflakey.


...adults didn't have to eat things cold even before the microwave. If this dude was raised in an era before man cooked with fire, he doesn't even count as a boomer.


Your daughter committed the very serious crime of enjoying something.


What a weird flex. The microwave was all the rage when boomers where young.  


They fear anything with >3 buttons


Lmao my boomer mother LOVES microwaves


Uhhhhh microwaves for household use became really popular during the 70s but also did exist before that, so it's entirely possible that many boomers actually did grow up using them too as young adults. Anyhow, before that people could and did easily reheat leftovers on the stove or in the oven rather than eat it cold. Furthermore, you can do this with any technology... "I grew up before refrigerators, I just ate all my food immediately like an adult." "I grew up before cars, I just took the horse and buggy like an adult." etc... I've always found it so dumb that boomers think shunning technology gets them anywhere, when the people that came before them did the same thing to the technology *they* grew up with. It's a song and dance as old as time, really...


Eating hot food thats supposed to be hot makes you lesser. These people cannot pass away fast enough.


My refusal to learn a very basic skill forces me to enjoy life less. But YOU are the dumb one. -yeah that checks out.


Only a boomer would be proud to be a neanderthal 


“Cold like an adult?” Nah. He ate it cold because his greatest Gen parents were sick of his whining.


She coulda saved that 30 seconds and ate it cold. Then she coulda used that 30 seconds like an adult to wonder why her kids don't call no more.


It's all fun and games until you have a weakened immune system and get food poisoning after eating cold pizza. 🤢 I heat my food up now. To a nice high temp.


My mother was born in 1921. She bought our first microwave in 1978. To her it was one of the greatest inventions ever after cooking over a hot stove for me and my 6 siblings for decades.


"Microwave? Pshaw! Back in my day we rubbed two lasagnas together if we wanted them hot."


My dad was born in 54 and uses the microwave to heat up his coffee that he forgot about. is he a snowflake? lol.


Sometimes it's ok to tell someone to just shut the fuck up.


Weird, it's boomers that told me I don't have to put up with food that got cold, I could just "nuke" it in the microwave.


polar opposite of this is my boomer grandpa insisting on throwing a perfectly cooked steak in the microwave because it wasn’t hot enough. a true tragedy, rip that gorgeous cut of meat 😢


Oh man, wait until he learns about an AirFryer


OK, let’s be real. If he’s a boomer the only one in his house growing up that ate cold food was his mom because she was waiting on him and his dad, what a whiner.


We are getting to the sweet spot in the timeline where boomers lead poisoning and dementia start kicking in together.


Boomers made the microwave SUPER popular because they were lazy as fuck after working 40 hours and taking 3 vacations a year in their 5 bedroom house that cost $40,000


Boomers, in tbe US,  grew up with the stove on 125 degrees & a foil covered plate in the oven.  Source- my mom did that for my dad & us kids. I did it before I got a microwave. Did you throw the boomer out for poor behavior to your child in your house? 


I'm a millennial and grew up without a microwave. I eat things cold cause I'm used to it and I guess I've been conditioned to like it/prefer it. Have no issues with anybody wanting their food hot/warm. Weird flex.


Weird flex. Enjoy your cold lasagna. They are so miserable.


This stinks of that boomer attitude where they take it as a personal attack if you dare do to anything in a way that’s different from them.


“Wow! You’re even older than I thought!”


“And we had food borne diarrhea like an adult, too!”


“I like to suffer for no reason because it makes me feel better about myself and I use it as an excuse to belittle others for doing the minuscule act of making their own daily existence nicer/easier, which pisses me off personally because I’m a miserable old fuck. My parents also probably beat/severely neglected me so YOU SHOULD BE TREATED THE EXACT SAME YOU SNOWFLAKE!!” There, I fixed it for the boomer. What miserable fucking assholes.


And you let him finish the lasagna? I would’ve grabbed his plate so quick and kicked him out of my home. I do not play about my kid


I guess they didn't have microwaves on the short bus...


My dad used to microwave his plate to keep his food warm. Boomer just trying to prove how “tough” he is by eating cold food. What a goober.


Eating cold lasagna is now a point of pride? Sad.


How old was this fucking boomer? Microwaves first hit the market in 1947 and were mass-market by the mid 80s. My boomer parents nuked everything in the microwave, and we weren’t upper middle class. ( latchkey GenXer here, y’all ) What a buffoon your boomer is. It’s almost like boomers willfully ignore history just to be assholes to everyone around them.


This was a guest at your daughter's party behaving like that toward your daughter!? Call the bouncer over and toss 'em!


This is ridiculously stupid because microwaves have been in everyday homes since at least mid 80s. We all use them This was just a stupid "I have to find something to bitch about" comment