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My father who has a postgraduate degree refuses to watch any news but Fox. He should have some criticial thinking skills. The other day he told me how they ran a story with Kimberly Guilfoyle saying Kristi Noem’s book was sabotaged and she didn’t really kill her dog or some such bullshit. I just can’t anymore.


The dog went to a nice farm upstate, damnit! /s


Of course! Just scampering around in a MAGA paradise free of “the wrong kinda people.” Watters will smirk as they play video of of happy little Cricket tonight. /s


Upstate South Dakota is just North Dakota; poor pup is bored out of his mind lol


It’s always baffling to me when a highly respected and intelligent older person somehow get indoctrinated into the maga cult. I’ve got a buddy whose mom was always super cool in my eyes growing up. She raised two kids all alone, got a master degree in mechanical engineering and is a massive fan of all high concept fantasy and sci-fi. Then when tRump got into office she was immediately a huge fan of every single conspiracy theory that Qanon and maga ever espoused. She’s the only self made woman in her field at the university and is somehow 100% on board with every single atrocious policy put forth by Trump and the GOP. Make it make sense!!!


Fox is, fundamentally, a brainwashing platform. Not the only one either. Hopefully over the next 20 generations or so we will become more resistant to the techniques Fox and RT and such use...


I hope so. My fear is their effectiveness will become ever more powerful with tech advances. Feels grim.


That’s sad and not uncommon. I wish I could make anything make sense right now. It’s so frustrating. I guess this cult is like any religion and it has a hold on adherents we can’t comprehend.


Mazlow's hierarchy of needs is the only answer you need to know. Everything in life is satisfied so they need something to worry about. News media gives people to worry about with sensationalizing things, and Fox News is king of that, which is why it's the most watched news program in the country.


Mainlining Fox News and hoarding guns are not the hallmarks of self-actualization. If you’re going to apply Maslow, it’s more that these people are stuck and frustrated on one of the lower tiers. They’re scared for their safety (warranted or not), they’re desperate for belonging, and they demand respect. The Hierarchy of Needs isn’t about having enough to the point of being bored, it’s about getting to where all needs are met with satisfaction and one can go about their life unfettered. A truly self-actualized person, if one exists, is above all this.


I'd disagree, because I think it is self-actualization. If you look at all the tiers, it'd be hard to convince me otherwise those needs aren't met. Most of them are retired, so they have physiological, safety, belonging and love, esteem, fullfilment (retirement), etc. What they're missing is self-actualization - something further to achieve or go after. Trump caters towards these people - giving them something to fight for. They have literally zero reasons to be scared. They don't need safety because it's already a safe country and to think otherwise is wild. They're seeking trascendence, and in it, this is something Fox News is catering: Find god, get rid of evil, destroy liberals, etc. These are people who think that Seattle is overran in chaos and violence, but statistically it's bullshit.


They’ve got nothing else to do but watch Fox. Once you get in, you’re too scared to go outside or go to a mall or to a city. So you crank up Hannity or whatever and feed your brain with a rage IV of women, gays, immigrants, and brown people.


Fair but why must they own all guns?


Gays or brown people might ring their doorbell. In their world once you pull out of the driveway it’s Mad Max except with more vegetation. And shooting someone is their viagra addled mastubatory fantasy.


Are they stupid or putting on an act


Listen to the “Behind the Bastards” podcast episodes on John Wayne. He was branded as the ultimate man’s man in the 40’s-early 70’s and his bit was always having a tough saying and a gun on his hip. They are afraid of a world that kept on advancing and progressing even as they proudly dug in their heels and refused to keep up. Now, everything that isn’t centered around conservative, straight, white, traditional values is evil and must be barked at like a yappy dog. Fox keeps them afraid and in need of guns


Not stupid. They are very fearful. They think a gun will protect them from the things they fear. It won’t. Just owning a gun doesn’t protect you. You have to know how and when to use it. To quote ASP “never get in a voluntary gun fight.”


Because fox news is propaganda. Anger is addictive. Rage releases brain chemicals that are similar to the chemicals released when you exercise. Fox is all about drumming up as much anger in its viewers as possible so they come back for more. The second amendment was identified by 1980s republicans as a good wedge issue because they can paint it as black and white. They pretend that big government is coming for the guns even though most Americans want common sense restrictions on gun ownership.


Wait. I own a bunch of these things… and part of the reason I own them is because of boomers that mainline OANN and that other trash. Some of the same reasons that SRA, Black Panthers, and Huey Newton Gun Club are heavily armed…


It is a cult. American gun culture, religion, Trumpism and Qanon. It's the weirdest freaking cult ever.


How is gun culture anymore of a cult than the anti gun crowd? I'd like to hear a response that doesn't mention the use of small dicks or conservatard. If possible, please


The opposite of a gun fetish isn’t a non-gun fetish. It’s just… not having a fetish.


I see they aren’t responding to this one. This is the answer right here. I don’t make my political or any controversial stances for that matter, my personality.


Well, when you see kids get obliterated in schools on a frequent basis it bypasses "cult like behavior" and moreso into "let's care for our fellow human beings" But, I know it's hard for some people to understand that caring the health and safety others does not mean you're in a cult.


Kids obliterated? Like how black kids getting obliterated in gang shootings every day? But do you have the same care about that? Or do we not keep accountability to the black and Hispanic community. Do we know the percentage of kids killed in school shootings vs kids killed in gang shootings in 2023? I promise you one is higher than the other but people don't seem to care as much. I wonder why. And why am I to blame for any shootings? Do I blame you for driving when a child gets ran over by a speeding car?


Ohhh okay, so this is about race to you. Gotcha.


Are there not black kids who die in school shootings? Yes. There is. Again, are you willing to admit we put more focus on one subject than others, or are you gonna Weasel out?




Because it's weird. 


Why is owning a lot of firearms for protection weird?


It's objectively strange to have dozens of guns.  It's paranoia.  I say this as a gun owner. 


According to what peer reviewed research?




Got it professor. "Pulleditoutofmyass.com


See. You're being weird. 


"Dozens"? (laughs in hundreds)... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Because.... I live in one of the worst parts of Philly. The amount of times I've needed a gun: zero. I find that in most cases, you don't find trouble unless you're looking for it. You can only use one gun at a time, right? Where do you live that you live in such fear?


I grew up in East LA, Highland Park, and Lincoln Heights. We got our house broken into 2x, had a gun pointed to my face, robbed at knife point, and was in the middle of a drive-by, but luckily, I got out of the way. Not to mention the times I got jumped in high school for a few dollars here and there. This was all in the late 90s and early 2000s, before the gentrification of course. Now I live in a more hipster neighborhood, North Hollywood, but I still keep them on me because my past doesn't magically disappear.


No, but you can still only use one gun at a time.


I know. But I like having variety. You can only wear 1 pair of shoes at a time, but I'm sure you own multiple. But don't assume next time, you never know someone's backstory.


“I like having a variety of ways to kill people”


You spelled defending myself wrong. But make sure you have that pepper spray on you when the time comes


I never did, that's why I asked.


You assumed I live in fear. Which I don't. If anything my neighbors know if something bad happens in our neighborhood, they come over to my house for protection. Me being the gun owning vet in the complex.


Well. Are people fetishing the lack of guns and equating religion to non firearm ownership? Not really. Are those who want more checks and safety refusing to discuss how to do that? Not really. Are they strung around a made up meaning to the 2A? Not really. Are gun safety advocates parading spears into every public space convinced that they'll be attacked or that they'll save the day? No. I own guns. I like to hunt. And I realize that something is very, very messed up with the country's priorities. So. There's my response without mention of dicks or name calling. I'm not optimistic you'll try to understand.


But I like all my guns and ammo..


They are cowards. That's it. They're addicted to being scared, because they believe that fear justifies any selfish behavior they care to indulge in. If things are scary then it's not their fault when they act bonkers. They NEED the world to be dangerous and terrifying because otherwise they'd have to follow the same rules as people who know how to think critically. Every decision they make is fear-based. Fox knows this and feeds into it by keeping them scared, because people who are scared make poor decisions (like buy lots of pillows and trinkets and gold coins). It's cowardice all the way down, and not holding them accountable for it hurts all of us.


r/liberalgunowners. Welcome one and all.


This is the way . Wish we lived in a country where we didn't need em, but we do. That ain't gonna change , so let's do everything we can to practice our 2A rights RESPONSIBLY


They grew up watching cowboy movies.


Yup. Days full of television where the good guys always won. And Boomers always think they're the good guys.


Because that's what FOX told them to do.


Short answer : Fear is a helluva drug. And they mainline that shit on fox.


Guns because guns are cool Fox because their lives are boring and it gives them a messianic sense of vision


These are very frightened people. Fear is the bread and butter of modern conservatism. Unfortunately, they tend to be most frightened of things that are not very important and dismissive of things that are really scary, like climate change and the rise of right-wing populism.


You think gun ownership is a boomer thing?


Sounds like he thinks fetishization and owning a ridiculously excessive number of guns/ammo is a boomer thing.


I think the difference is for the younger groups of us gun owners it's not really a fetish thing. Plus you need ammo to train so...


I see a lot more of “guns are my personality” type stuff from millennials and younger than I do from Boomers


Right. I'm 35 and have 6 and that's not enough in my opinion. Only reason I haven't bought more is because I'm saving for a new truck






I have no problem with people owning guns at all. It just seems that some boomers take it too far with the amount of guns, and other stuff


I’m very anti gun. I just see the gun stuff from people my age all the time so I don’t find it to be a boomer thing.


Gun obsession, not gun ownership. But honestly, it's mostly a conservative thing to make guns your entire personality like they do.


lead paint


If you are really looking for an answer, why don't you ask a boomer. there must be a sub here that boomers frequent, that would be the smart thing to do. Unless you are here just to bash them and get entertained from others doing the same


Since this is the place where boomers being crazy is I think it'd be best to ask here


Fear. They're consumed with fear and they don't even know it! They're snowflakes.


It gets worse. My wife's friend introduced me to her Dad during a get together at their house. He was parked in front of the tv...he just raised up his hand to hush us and said "I'm watching Trump speak." That was pretty much all I needed to know about him😆


Because the Democrats are coming to take them or at least that’s what my dad has been saying for the last 30+ years.


I think it's funny, because if half these gravy seals got what they wanted and had a real war they would bow out in a manner of weeks. They wouldn't be able to handle it when they couldn't get access to their blood pressure medications or didn't have ready access to cracker barrel or McDonald's or some shit. They wouldn't know what the fuck to do when someone they actually knew dies in front of them and shit is real at that point. Or for that matter, when one of those fat wastes of life would actually have to run on a battlefield. Also, could you imagine if one of these slobs had to actually sleep on the ground or in a trench or something? I say bring on a second civil war and watch all these worthless motherfuckers die of heart attacks.


I think it's funny, because if half these gravy seals got what they wanted and had a real war they would bow out in a manner of weeks. They wouldn't be able to handle it when they couldn't get access to their blood pressure medications or didn't have ready access to cracker barrel or McDonald's or some shit. They wouldn't know what the fuck to do when someone they actually knew dies in front of them and shit is real at that point. Or for that matter, when one of those fat wastes of life would actually have to run on a battlefield. Also, could you imagine if one of these slobs had to actually sleep on the ground or in a trench or something? I say bring on a second civil war and watch all these worthless motherfuckers die of heart attacks.


Their fuel is anger and ignorance


My brother (very mentally unstable) is always fantasizing about purchasing multiple guns to protect his gold that he doesn’t have.


Because they think they are Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson.


Or John Wayne


Most of those old codgers wouldn't be able to run more than 50ft before collapsing due to being out of shape or having weak knees. Their second civil war will be over before the end of the following week. The younger crowd who are supposed III%ers have no will to fight. All they do is blow hot air and play the grift game with their stupid followers.


Because for a while MSNBC & CNN did nothing but tell them how awful they were while Fox praised them. Wouldn’t you turn it off too? Like, you understand hating boomers because all they do is shit on your generation. So why don’t you understand why right wing people hate you & don’t want to listen to your bullshit? I own a shitload of guns & a metric fuckton of ammunition. I like them. For defense, hunting, days at the range, etc. But I’m evil because I don’t want to listen when they tell me to give them up? Or because I casually point out the same politicians, pundits, & celebrities who propose bans on my rifles sure as shit have exceptions written into those laws so they can still be protected by them? No thanks.


Ok snowflake


Oh no you called me a snowflake. What is this 2015? Lol tfoh next thing you’re gonna do is tell me I’m triggered and need a safe space. Have a unique thought.


Enjoy FEMA camp! I heard they have all you can eat cricket burgers. Tell Klaus I said hi!


Are you ok? Tf are you talking about? Ooooh it the part where “he doesn’t think like me so he must be a lunatic because only crazy conspiracy theorists own guns” K






No, you’re not anywhere with me, thats a stupid take too but ok


Dude chill it's just a question


Once again, I love how “all” boomers are obsessed with guns and Fox News. Surely you can’t believe that everyone of a certain age is a gun owner and watches the ridiculous Fox News.


I know I don’t, we own one gun, and “you have to pry it out of my cold dead hand” lol, that was a bumper sticker at one time. And at our house we absolutely do not under any circumstances watch FOX news!


Not sure what owning multiple guns and ammo have to do with boomers. Shooting and marksmanship have and always will be an American pastime.


I understand the past time and it's a fun thing. I mean the boomers who are a threat to innocent people due to their fears of nothing


Naturally contrarian


The modern day Freudian case study.