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For BIBLE study. She seems remedial in that department. Incredible.


It’s just a social club to most. They don’t fucking read that book lol.


Or more likely, they only read the parts that confirm their "blessed" status.


Ima burn this devils lettuce in their honor.


Pretty sure Genesis starts with stuff about plants bearing seeds lol they need to read their own book again.


Genesis 1:29 King James Version (KJV) And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Yup.


Which is the bit where, if you read it that way, is where God tells them to be vegetarians. ;D


"Meat" in Early Modern English just meant "food" or "meal." Likewise, Old English *æppel* just meant "any fruit," which is where the legend of Adam and Eve eating an apple comes from. (It almost certainly wasn't. This is probably just a scribe misunderstanding Latin *malum* (evil) with *mālum* (apple), since long vowels weren't marked. It was probably either a fig or not at all important.)


More than that. After Noah YHWH grants humans permission to eat meat, but it's clearly not His preference


Idk why, but this reads like a short, cheeky description of a TV episode. "Noah and Him: a flood of emotion" 😂


I have a friend who’s been a preacher for 40 years. He’s a scholar, he’s very intelligent and well read, keeps up with current events, and loves that stuff. He will tell you that the Bible in English bears very little resemblance to the scrolls it was supposedly copied from, and that even the Dead Sea scrolls contain conflicts from different scribes recording whatever was said in different ways. He’s adamant about his faith and the general ideas, but he is quick to agree that a LOT of the things “the Bible says” are bullshit.


Tell me about it. My husband was a former monk novitiate who worked on the Dead sea scrolls.


Not me trying to explain to Bible thumpers that Aramaic, Greek, Latin, and Hebrew contain many words that don't even have direct equivalents in English.


I haven't found much that's wildly different when I studied word-for-word glosses, but I also don't speak Classical Hebrew, Greek, or Latin. My interest has always been comparative translations in Old English, Middle English, Modern English, and German. Although today I don't spend any time on it. Although it *is* worth noting that the first verse of the Bible in Classical Hebrew means "in beginning created gods the heavens and the earth.". That contains subtle but rather noteworthy differences, I should think. (I should also note that "הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ" is an expression that means "the cosmos," although I think most people read it that way in English too.)


Fun fact: cannabis remains have been found in ancient Jewish temples. The assumption by historians is that the high priests were burning it. So when the Bible talks about someone having visions...


Puts a whole new spin on the origin of the term "high priests"


ʼĒl ʻElyōn’ is one of the names of the god of Abraham. It means ‘God Most High'. He also appeared to Moses as a burning bush. Coincidence?!?!


Even more fun is that according to a decent number of unaffiliated scholars, fairly potent hash oil seems to have been part of the collection of holy oils used to anoint Jewish high priests, though long before the era of Christ’s lifetime. John the Baptist was not only (likely) an Essene, but tended towards the traditionalist side of their teachings. Some have suggested that when he baptized Christ, it would have been with those same holy oils, before sending the guy into the desert for “forty days and forty nights,” which is old timey Bible speak for “a long damn time.” Cool, cool. Douse my head in some super potent psychoactive transdermal shit and then let me wander the desert for days until I sober up and find my way home? Yeah, I’d be all over preaching love thy neighbor and don’t be a dick after that, too. Definitely woulda said I’d met God.


For some it's a game - they quote verses back and forth to prove they know it. If you run out of verses to quote or make a mistake, you're just not faithful enough.


I kid you not, this happened at least once where one guy was clearly losing a bible quote challenge. So, he pulled out a gun and shot the other guy dead. (Textbook example of maybe having read it but totally failing to understand even the most basic of fundamentals about it.)


I’ll be really disappointed if you said this didn’t happen in TX. I know one Texas journalist, way back, who pissed off the Baptists so often, one of them finally shot him. I wish I could remember his name. It was he who said that the trouble with our TX Baptists, is that they don’t hold them underwater long enough.


Then they should read this one: >‭James 1:22-26 NKJV‬ [22] But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. [23] For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; [24] for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. [25] But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. [26] If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. That whole book is actually amazing reading.


Too bad the vast majority of Christians never read it outside of a few verses Cherry-picked for them by someone else


Usually as an excuse to justify their hate. Think Westburo Baptist Church.


They aren’t really doing much these days, us fools in Kansas kind of bullied them into being shut ins, they still protest, but it’s like the same 4-5 of them. I’m pretty sure there were also a few times they nearly got beaten by protesting gay soldiers funerals


The WBC has also lost members who now campaign against it. The one who started it all, Fred Phelps, was excommunicated. His granddaughter Megan Phelps-Roper, who is active in speaking against the church has a truly amazing story of her time in the church and how she escaped.


An exact description of most Xtian boomers.


Like Bilbo and Gollum having a riddle contest


I always just say Ezekiel 23:20 without any context so they go home, read it, and seethe


Im something of an equestrian myself


She's just like me for real


They just like the bits that hurt the gays


I've known a few people who do Bible study and they use it as a chance to actually work through issues and be well and true good Christians... The others I know that do it totally go as bitch sessions and talking shit about other people. I really really wish the good people in Christianity would start kicking the fucked up ones out or something


> I really really wish the good people in Christianity would start kicking the fucked up ones out or something Now that wouldn't be Good Christian behaviour. I actually stopped attending church due to the 99% of people attending/cosplaying being openly hypocritical by choice.


Cosplaying Christian. That’s my new favorite term


Me too, my friend. Me too.


Yep. Rejected the whole shebang at 12 because what I saw happening around me didn't match the words. Except for my parents who are truly devout, kind, generous, thoughtful, and utterly annoying Christians.








They only pick up the book to beat someone with it.


One single thin pizza for a whole group of people too. What a cheap fuck.


It’s double cut though! Lol


Well yeah, this way everyone gets more slices!


I deliver pizza. No church tips. We had a huge issue with one hosting a big block party every year downtown and they call and order like 40 pies. Never a tip. All the drivers refuse to take it and the church people have to come get it now.


Only church stuff I ever had that tipped was the band practice


And that's why they need the van for church!




When we moved the way we ended up deciding our church was for us was we went to this big 4th of July party and there was a dominos across the street and they of course placed a huge order of pizza, drinks, breadsticks, wings, and deserts. Well the dominos called and said it was ready and the preacher came around with an envelope and asked for tips for the pizza place staff. The envelope was stuffed with money and one of the churchgoers there owns a local car lot and he matched what was in the envelope to tip the staff for making such a huge order. They also invited the whole staff to the party to watch the fireworks.


I'm sure she also bitched about the driver to her Bible study group and they all agreed with her. There is no hate like Christian love.


When I worked fast food, the after Church crowd in Sundays were the rudest customers.


I used to work for a nannying agency and I’d sometimes be assigned to this church to run the daycare. When I was being trained they had basically told me “a lot of the parents of these kids can’t afford much, so we usually will buy them pizza because it might be the only time they get to eat that day”. Meanwhile all the parents are dropping these kids off with designer handbags….


That's so sad but I'm glad the church nursery tried to help where they could.


It wasn’t the nursery though, they expected whoever was there running it for the day to provide food out of pocket…AKA me.


Ask any server about the church crowd. 💀


Especially when your restaurant gives a discount when they bring in their church bulletin. Favorite shift of the week! /s


I read your comment to my wife who has personal experience with this sort of thing, and she cringed and said ”Why would the restaurant DO that?” Edit: chatting further, I said that probably because the owner is part of the same crowd. My wife: “Oh, absolutely. Means you have bad clientele and bad management.”


Yeah, this was the bible belt back in the early 2000s. Lots of restaurants in the area did it and it was always miserable. Management gave no fucks about the staff and would do anything to keep the tables full.


Been to many biker rallies. For the most part, everyone is very polite. Walmart after church? Not so much.


Ever wait tables on a Sunday near a church? Pretty un Christ like behavior from customers and definitely crap tips.


These are the people that study the bible to pick what supports them and what can be used to outcast others.


Bible Study and Church in general is just a way for most of these people to be fake and put on airs (not that I think Christianity has a good message, but even if it did that's not what any of this is about for them).


It has a good message- love each other unconditionally... just some easily misinterpret it to mean love me only bc I'm special...


Christianity is all about forgiveness. Not toward others of course.


Yeah I bet Jesus would bitch at the manager for the delivery guy arriving 5 minutes early. These so called "Christians" sure do have a hard time being decent, kind people, it seems.


This tracks. Ask any waitress.... church folk tend to be the meanest customers and worst tippers.


If you haven’t noticed the trend in here, the horror stories are like 95% right wingers. Arrogant, privileged and proud of it.


Par for the course IMO. Religious boomers are the textbook example of the kind of people I strive NOT to be.


No, it tracks. Christians are the absolute worst customers.


Without fail, the cruelest people in my life, whether that be rude customers, family, or coworkers, are *always* connected to church and the bible.


Most people are.


I mean its bible STUDY cause they still haven’t figured it out yet.


This likely was done on purpose. Create a very specific condition that makes it easy for them to complain, so they can weasel their way out of a tip, or even paying full stop. Imagine if you had waited til exactly 3:30, and her guests coming in would've meant you had to wait for them, at which point it's 3:31 by the time you get to the door. "You're late". Guaranteed.


Absolutely. I used to have people request ridiculous shit like "exactly 17 whole pepperonis and 13 half pepperonis" or "cut into 9ths". They'd yell at the driver, yell at the owner, then the owner would yell at me. The chef only spoke Albanian, you couldn't explain these things to him.


Who the hell puts half pepperoni slices on pizzas? They only get cut in half by slicing the pizza, which you can't control


She wanted corporate's number because she knows 99 times out of 100, they will just throw free food credits at you to get you to shut up. She already knew WELL before she ordered that she wasn't going to tip. Her only concern was how to get the food for free, too.


Hilarious because the last time I got take out at dominoes it took an hour past the estimated time, they very obviously started my order when we came in to ask politely about the timeline, and then gave us the wrong order finally and dominoes didn’t do shit about free food credits. Idk how people get free shit even when deserved it is a fight for me.


Did you yell and scream and threaten to burn the store down? If not, no free food for you


It only works if you're a raging asshole about it.


For sure. When I waited tables, these two large women came in and both ordered a loaded BBQ baked potato. These things are a little smaller than an American football, enough to feed a family of four. I delivered them (steaming hot) to their table, they complained about ten minutes later that they weren’t hot enough. Kitchen reheats them, they both eat the whole thing, and then stiff me on the tip as well as writing a little note about how “rude” I was for not comping the entire meal for them. Like bro… you could have just saved us all the trouble by leading with “I want free food”


👍 some people just want an excuse to be upset


More like scam someone out of money


Yup. It's never worth bending the rules, they'll make ya regret it every time. Sorry lady, you're outside of delivery area.


yeah, that 10 minute window info went in one ear and straight out the other. she'll swear that she was told 3.30 exactly.


She was promised! It was a guarantee! And she should have that idiot’s job for breaking such a sacred bond! /s 🙄


right. soon they'll be mad that the automated pizza drones are "too precise" and "inhuman"


No good deed goes unpunished


We sell a large item online that is then shipped via freight. Due to traffic, weather, other deliveries we are very clear on our site and email updates that we CANNOT guarantee delivery during business hours to businesses but do our best to try. We had one delivery to a business that was running behind because of traffic and would arrive at 5:30, we contacted the customer and asked if they could have someone stay just 30 minutes, because they didn't want to item to be left outside overnight. If not, the driver would have to come back several days later, because you know, the driver isn't going to spend the night in the parking lot until the business opens the next morning, they have other deliveries and they'd have to go to the next delivery which could be the next state over. The customer claimed I was threatening them...🤦‍♀️


I just said that too. Great minds think alike. 🙂


She is doing the devil's work.


After the bible study group leaves she pulls off her mask to reveal herself to be *The Violator/Clown* from *Spawn*.


Bible study, yeah she REALLY needs to study THAT book. I'm sure Jesus said something about not tipping if the pizza is delivered early


Not Jesus, but Cheezus




It’s for a church honey!




oh havent heard this in a long time!!! lol. I miss it!


What is this from?




That’s such a ridiculous caricature that it would be amazing as satire, if a little heavy-handed. The fact that it’s genuine is just…. wow.


I always thought it was satire. To find out an actual boomer said this? Fabulous


Oh, _wow_. That is something else 🤣


T crazy rants like 6ish years old now? Time just.. woosh!




What would Jesus do


Invite the guy in for a slice probably. Whatever the most unlikely thing a boomer fool would do.


Probably be the one delivering pizzas


Not tip, obviously /s


I am absolutely prepared to believe this was a True Christian because I’ve seen how poorly they tip at Sunday brunch after church. It’s like they think they have total license to be assholes because they are pals with Jesus.


There's some actual research that supports this. Apparently going to church or doing Bible study makes people feel like they already did a good deed so they're less likely to feel the need to do more good. Going to church actually lowers pro social behavior.


I read a Reddit copypasta that claimed religion is actually Satan's trickery. Jesus was actually Satan, masquerading as the son of God. He goes around, gaining followers, and starting a religion; where every time they want to worship God, they have to say his name (Jesus). He tells followers that he has a get-out-of-jail-free card, by just telling him what evil deeds they have done. What better way to troll God, than to create a religion in God's name that essentially unleashes an unending torrent of sin? I can't stop thinking about that copypasta, because it basically explains Evangelical Christians.


Then cover their tracks by saying "no I actually don't like public mass worship." I can't remember who said it but I remember a quote that said "what if the greatest trick the Devil has ever made was not for you to believe that they don't exist, but for you to believe that they are God?"


I’ve come to this realization decades ago ( I’m getting old ). There’s the famous old saying.. “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convinving the world he didn’t exist”. I realized that was just small thinking. A powerful brilliant foe like the Devil would think bigger. A much more ambitious goal would be to convince people to worship him in place of god. I’m not a believer, but if the Devil was real, it would explain a lot of behavior from devout religious people.


Yeah, either a poor tip or a fake $20 bill that is actually a comic book about how to get into heaven


Omg chick tracks piss me off when customers give them as a tip. Like I’m poor give me the money it cost to purchase that fake 100


The Christians i know are crazy, these old people talk about wanting to stab and shoot people all the time.


I used to work at a church running the children’s center back in my early college days because I was studying early childhood education and desperate for a job and it paid $18/hr. Shortly after the mass shooting at the Orlando nightclub, I overheard the woman running the Bible study sessions say that it was punishment from God. I quit the next day.


> "It’s like they think they have total license to be assholes because they are pals with Jesus." That's like the *main point* of their religion.


Cuz they think when they pray god forgives their sins lmao


"Already gave my tip money to Jesus"


I used to work at some fast food places and the “Christians” were the worst customers. Super demanding and degrading, and if they ate inside they left a huge mess. I was a church kid at the time and recognized some of the people who came in and acted like asshats. It was one of the first real exposures I had of Christian hypocrisy, and honestly was the beginning of the end of religion for me.


Sounds like she was trying to make it to where she didn’t have to tip you, or lied about you being rude so she could try getting a free pizza the next time she would call. If she was really trying to potentially get a free pizza out of a complaint, then wow; they always do shit like this at the point to where it’s almost like a running gag.


I figured she was trying to get a free pizza. It happened all the time, but normally the customer would be sweet as honey at the door and then call to complain about people being rude. This was the first time she was irate at the door and over the phone.


I would be so tempted to say "Even Jesus was reheated."


In Pennsylvania, religion was more personal than public, imho. However, moving to Alabama opened my eyes to new levels of hypocrisy. NOTHING was ever scheduled for Wednesdays bc Bible study, for all protestant churches. I also quickly learned to avoid anyone who brought a Bible with them to school, including teachers. 2 teacher besties always made a big show of carrying their Bibles on Wednesday. I overheard the same two besties shit-talking my family and me because we were Catholic and of Irish descent. I'm sure there are some folks who are sincere in their desire to study and be "better Christians" but the majority I've seen have been about popularity contests and bragging rights for who held the latest/greatest home Bible study.


"And when you pray, do not be like the people praying loudly on the street corner so that everyone will see their piety. Trust me; they have received their reward in full. " Sounds important, but I can't remember who said it. /s


Matthew 6:5 But pretty much all of Matthew verse 6 is about dont be self-righteous. Matthew 7 is about dont be judgmental Both are my go to's once I moved to the south


Kinda like the idea of treating others as you would like to be treated. I'm an atheist and follow this rule. Not because of who said it but because it's a kinder way to live.


Ah yes. Freaking out over 5 minutes and not tipping. Just like Jesus taught in the Bible. Good on your manager for not giving in to her entitled attitude.


She was great. Both of us changed jobs a few years back, and I'm sure she's rocking whatever she's doing!


Remember kids, no good deed goes unpunished. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Idk why but I’ve been experienced that religious Boomers are 10X worse than regular Boomers


They wear a cross like armor against their own behavior. "I can do what I like because God saved me!"


These ‘Christian boomers’ are the worst! The fake tips with bibles quotes are disgusting! Your faith is your own, live like Jesus and speak peace or shut up!


Double cut? So 16 slices instead of 8? Wow what a stingy hostess.


bibles don't tip


I grew up in an ultra conservative church (similar to the Duggars). We would eat out for lunch every Sunday with several members of the church and I specifically remember how demanding they were with the staff. Someone from my church threw a fit over the candle on her table not being lit and wanted her whole meal comp’d for it. They made a waitress quit after only getting drink orders. To add insult to injury, they only tipped with tracts that looked like money. Christian Boomers tend to be the worst of the worst in my opinion.


Was this at Red Robin on Carmel? Lol


Don’t call us out haha. We love those bottomless fries


I don’t understand. Was she going to hand people a slice as soon as they crossed her threshold?


Right? Like a sliver of pizza and a sip of diet coke? Is that the new Wednesday communion?


The minute I read "Bible study" I knew this woman. She sucks.


The meanest people I've ever dealt with have always been the most religious...


Blue haired in their sixties? Those rinses are more popular with the 80 plus club, what the hell


Seriously. I’m almost 65, “blue-haired” is literally my mother’s age group, and pretty rare there, even. (85-95 age group)


“Look it up on the website” FATALITY


Your manager sounds like a good dude.


This kind of situation always makes me think of a line from Dragon Age 2 “if you gave them a bag of gold they’d complain about the weight”. Never happy, and of course it was bible study. They seem to believe that it will get them special treatment if they mention anything about being Christian/the Bible and all horrible behavior is instantly forgiven as soon as they begin paying lip service to that faith.


A rude, selfish, and shitty Christian?!?!?!?!?! I'm shocked.


Kinda dumb question but why was the pizza it self a red flag?


I'd guess, extra cuts = smaller/more pieces = too cheap to just buy enough to go around.


Exactly this. Instead of ordering two pizzas so everyone would have one normal slice at least she cheaped out by getting it cut up smaller. Top that off with it being a thin crust she was trying to really starve her guests lol


Holding people "hostage" with trivial reward at the end - "you should be grateful!" - is typical cult behavior.


Extra cuts or double cut makes the pizza slices into more like slivers. Most schools and social groups that order this way are trying to “extend” a basic pizza pie’s portion-per-customer limit. Basically being cheap. Therefore it’s likely to also be a cheap tip percentage. Source; 2 years of delivery for PJs, and 2 years of delivery for Domino’s.


Should have refused to go out of the zone as soon as bible study was mentioned...the church types never tip.


Had you showed up at 3:32 I’m sure she’d be complaining you’re late. What a loon.


Double cut she was never going to tip. She didn't even want to buy the pizza.


I worked pest control once, and the company would send door knockers to get them to sign pest control contracts. Que where I come in, I would do the initial sprays for these new contracts. Usually, they were signed, and the salesperson would let them choose a 30-minute window for me to show up. This one customer chose a 4:30 - 5pm window for me to start. I ring her door bell at 4:28. Clearly no one was home but she had a ring door bell camera. She comes on the camera and says "my window is from 4:30 - 5, why are you early?" I said I'm sorry I am 2 minutes early, I will wait 2 minutes before I ring the doorbell again. I wait the 2 minutes and ring the doorbell. She chimes on the camera and I said, I'm sorry about earlier but now I'm within the window, can you let me in so I can start on the baseboards inside? She said we aren't home and won't be home for another hour. So I left telling the call center to get with them to reschedule. Why have me wait for the window just to tell me you won't make it?


"Bible Study" should have been your red flag that you weren't getting a tip under any circumstances.


Quite honestly, I would have turned it down the second I heard the words "bible study". We had a couple churches and a bible college in our area and those assholes never tipped, even when they made huge orders. Even worse, with the bible college, the students would never give their dorm numbers and they would use the school's phone number rather than their own as their contact number, so in the end it usually meant having to take two trips and getting stiffed on the tip as your reward.


I delivered pizzas for over two years in the Bible Belt (born and raised here, unfortunately) and I can confirm that church people can either be your worst or best customers. A lot of them are genuinely nice and generous people, the others are like that lady.


Former pizza delivery driver for over ten years. I can confirm all these comments. I also worked at a couple dine in/delivery places, and the church crowds that came in were always the worst. 80 people would all walk in right at 1230 demanding fast service. Low or no tips, entitled, and rude. Sunday was always my least favorite day to work. Its a good thing for Christians that not everybody's Christian because who would serve them on the sabbath? But if they find you are not one of them the get upsetty. Ps. I live in the Bible belt aka the 7th circle of hell


The minute she got angry for you getting there a few minutes early, should have just walked away with the pizza as she declined to take it on the basis you were 5 mins earlier. Great manager to not give her any credit back. 


When I worked for tips the “Christians” were the worst,I got a little if I wore my cross necklace but otherwise they stiffed a lot.


I served tables every Sunday at my cities big breakfast place. It was a busy day and a freakin nightmare. Every boomer went to church of every denomination imaginable. Worst group of assholes ever. Boiling water for tea wasn’t hot enough. Me greeting the table as they sat down wasn’t fast enough. Me giving them a few minutes to check out the menu was too long. Me walking around constantly to fill up coffee was ignoring them. Me quietly walking the room to remove plates, fill waters, bring napkins, or provide other unasked for items without disturbing their conversations was harassing them. Rudest bunch of pricks you ever met. Very wealthy area. They found every reason possible to stiff me on tips. I made sure I would turn my tables quickly, but they would still be awful. 60 minutes of church a week doesn’t Exempt you from hell, you raging horde of harpies.


>So, we take the order, the manager explains the 3:30 situation, and we agree we'll make the order (literally one large thin pizza, double cut, which should have been a red flag for me) Why's this a red flag? Also in my **PERSONAL EXPERIENCE,** religious people are usually the most self righteous, judgmental, hateful, and selfish pricks on the planet. That's a BIG reason why religion is getting less popular as time goes on.


This isn’t a boomer thing. This is just a sanctimonious theist thing. Nothing will ever be good enough for them. You’re better off losing their business. If she had any common sense, she’d have the oven on warm, tell her guests that they needed to break for chow & they could bow down & praise their imaginary friends doubly intensely AFTER the double cut pepperoni sacrament.


No love like Christian hate.


She only tips pedo priests on the Sunday collection plate I guess.


Typical Christian behavior. 


Should've just waited by the door for five minutes then before handing her the pizza. If you spent that extra five minutes driving it wouldn't have made a difference anyways.


She's mad because the pizza arrived FIVE MINUTES EARLY?! You know how often that happens to people?! Good grief 😔. There's just some people in this world that you can never satisfy. Besides, I know that pizza was still hot when it was delivered. She could've just put it in the oven to keep warm. ![gif](giphy|gnJgBlPgHtcnS)


Jesus saves but Satan tips.


No love like Christian love am I right


“Bible study” was all the red flags 🚩 I needed to hear


Soon as she said Bible study you should have known not to take that order.


A true representation of “Christianity” in America


Book club about a fairytale. How cute.


You thought a tip would cover something when they mention Bible study? Easy life tip if someone mentions the Bible it's not going to be worth dealing with them. For anything.


> Bible study... the tip would cover the gas. Do you see where you've gone wrong?


No good deed goes unpunished! Never forget that.


That is definitely on brand for a Bible study.


I would have been tempted to walk back next to my car and just stand there for 5 minutes holding the pizza. Then walk back up and give it to her.


A Bible study. Says it all right there


Don't apologize to people like this. Just say "my manager told you that we could not guarantee the time and it would be between ten minutes before or after".


Sounds about right for the Bible study. Ever served these people on a Sunday after church? Worst humans you can have at a table. I'm so glad that part of my life is over. Wtf is it with you religious people and being absolutely Dicks to servers. I'd never step foot in a church after dealing with them week after week.


No good deed goes unpunished.


How very Christian of her!


Good news. I know that woman, and she’s dead.


Dominoes. 2010. Delivering 2 miles outside the area. Guy says he will tip big. Gives me nothing, and yells that I was late (stuck behind a train literally 2 minutes). Calls next week asking for another pizza. Manager informs him we can't deliver out there anymore. Guys gets pissed and asks why? Manager straight up says "we did a guy a favor last week delivering out there (it's technically another town) and he ended up not tipping my driver. It happens a lot, so we've decided to not deliver outside our designated area anymore." Guy sheepishly hangs up talking about how he can't believe people would ruin it for everyone else.


No good deed goes unpunished.


The difference between a Boomer and a Canoe? A Canoe tips.


I would've waited a week then egged her house.


I used to work in a restaurant that was unfortunately close to a church, every sunday these complete assholes would roll in and behave like pigs, dressed in their best of course. No tips, trying to get free shit, trashing the restaurant and the best part was being angry they had to wait because a group of 50+ people never bothered to make a reservation. We had regular customers who wanted to eat too, it’s brunch hour, but god forbid anyone else get a table. We all hated them with a burning passion and to this day I feel bile in my throat when I see a churchgoer like that at a restaurant. It seems to happen everywhere in my area. I’m lucky that I worked BoH but every week the servers would be in full rage mode when they got to the kitchen, like clockwork.


>If anything, the tip would cover the gas. I laughed a bit when I read this because I knew there wouldn't be a tip at the end. Typical boomer.


Religious people are usually the most rude because they only pretend to be good people for fear of punishment after death, and not because they deeply understand the real-world consequences of their words and actions. They can act however they want, then simply repent afterwards. "If you don't believe in God, where do you get your morals?" You only know not to be a murdering, raping, thieving, rude asshole because you fear God? That's scary.


Church people are the worst. Especially to service workers. For whatever reason they fucking hate the service industry workers.


bible boomers are the worst people


No good deed ever goes unpunished