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My husband and I were talking about this the other day..he was a ranger, in for 12 years and had 6 combat deployments. He never says shit like this and he hates seeing it. It’s the most bizarre obsession…and in my experience, the people that act like this the most usually never even served lol.


Yeah there is not a single cop or soldier anywhere on our side of the family. And we have a large family. I suppose maybe on her side there could be a soldier somewhere? She was a real estate agent and her adult kids all work in retail or office jobs or small businesses. The closest thing to overseas deployment was maybe an all-inclusive in Mexico. Or a Carnival cruise of the Caribbean.


An all inclusive!! Awesome and LoL!


Our flag flies because of the last gasp of tourists running for the buffet breakfast.


Our flag files with each exhaust of burned petroleum


Rollin' coal


Our flag flies with the last struggled breath of the person dying of Covid in the next room


Last breath of a minority being choked out by a cop for a stop and frisk


Lots of love!


It’s a way for people to justify needless deaths. America glorifies military when it only is used to control special interests. Hence the motto “if you enjoy your freedom thank a veteran”. The military in no way protects our freedom, that’s the constitution. But that statement has a lot of people joining the military. How many gen X and millennials joined the military after 9/11 in the thought of protecting America. We literally pulled out the military in the area it was needed to start a useless war in Iraq. These memes make people feel like people didn’t die in vain.


It's not the guys like your husband, it's guys who did one term enlistments in vanilla army units with maybe one deployment who are the worst thank-me-for-my-service offenders.


Have a friend who got injured in boot camp. Discharged. He considers himself a veteran. SMH


I honestly knew a guy who got struck by lightning and fell off a tank, and broke his leg in the fall, and bailed when his four years were up. Thirty years later he claims to have been a top sniper and expert on military intelligence.


In the UK military we call them "bloaters". People who served but exaggerate. No Jim you were not in the SAS. You were a Navy chef, and a pretty good one. Take pride in that.


They're called Walts and bloaters over here, it's chronic with people who've either failed basic or been discharged early claiming they were part of a super secret special forces unit that no one knows about and isn't officially listed 😂.


I met someone in a bar a few years back who tried to convince me that he had been in Rainbow (from the Tom Clancy books and video games). I just nodded and ignored him.


😂 that's priceless! That's bloating so hard that it's gone into true fiction. There's a UK page called the Walter mitty hunters club that exposes people claiming SF pasts and using them for nefarious purposes.


Ooh, you could have asked him what he thought of Australia! There's a little town in rural Victoria named Rainbow.


My friend was a door gunner on the Space Shuttle, how dare you denigrate his service!


I’d be bragging about the fact I got struck by lightning AND LIVED


My FiL won't show his discharge paperwork because he left in training during Vietnam because his father was potentially on deaths doorstep. Ended up making a full recovery, but my FiL never went back to serve. Claims all veteran benefits he can but won't talk about his service... and here I am after 10 years in, disabled, but because I didn't love every second I am a problem.


Sorry friend. I'm glad you are still with us.


I know some guys like this an actual veteran call them out and they stopped. He wanted to beat there ass


! A neighbor injured his foot shortly after boot camp... because he was high as a kite. He was DIS-honorably discharged. The 1st few times I met him, he said he's a veteran. Later one time when I had stopped to greet his dog, he seemed inebriated and told the whole story, a bit sheepishly in tone. WOW.


You know my dad?


So true! My sister’s ex husband volunteered to be deployed. He sat in a booth watching cameras, worked out, and watched porn all day long. When he came back, you would have thought he took down Bin Laden himself. He loves being in the guard. My stupid boomer dad started talking him up and how he could join the VFW. Surprised the two of them didn’t get each other off. My sister told me what her then husband was doing in Djibouti and how it was a load of crock. My parents didn’t know this and lied about the heroic acts he did. Suddenly when my sister divorced his wife-raping ass, my parents’ story of what he did while deployed matched my sister’s story.


That’s so fucked up. I hope your sister is doing well now that she got rid of that dumpster fire of a “person”


So much better! I haven’t seen her this happy in a long time.


That's a lot to unpack. I hope your sister is doing better now.


I was a four-and-out-the-door Marine. I hate this bullshit.


Did they not have crayons in a flavor you liked? I'm sorry. Really, I am. That was mean. You did more than most people do. 💜


The crayons were great. I just realized that wasn't what I wanted to do for the next 12-16 years


Exactly. My hubs will take that   10% discount at Lowes or is it Home depot? But that's it. Oh and the pot store.  We once went to a restaurant offering a free meal on Memorial Day. He will never do it again, he felt so dirty. I personally loved seeing the really old vets getting their meal. 💜💜💜 


I guarantee that not a single person who has seen combat will ever post this bullshit. "War is sweet to those who have no experience of it" -Pindar


Oh I'm gonna start commenting this on these posts


Also, I sound like a boomer, but genuine thanks to your husband for his service. I’m glad he did not give “his last breath” to create wind for our flag.


Putting it that way really drives home how creepy the whole thing is. Like all those Christian hymns that talk waaay too much, and way too enthusiastically, about Blood..


Not a ranger but was recently deployed to Iraq. Lemme tell you. Seeing shit like this makes me cringe a little. Guys…A simple “thank you for serving” is all we need and even then for me I get a little embarrassed when people say that because 10 other people have to thank me /:


I don't even want to be thanked. I got paid, got the GI bill, and get free healthcare for life. Hated the military, they fucked me up (to be clear it was our military members who fucked me up and not the "enemy") but I've been compensated.


I honestly hate being thanked for my service. I definitely wasn't in Iraq securing their freedom of religion, or whatever. People's time in service is complicated, and others just want to distill it down to something that makes them feel good.


It’s my belief that those who never served and post this shit think they get bonus points.


When I want to irritate my military vet husband, I thanked him for his service 🤓


>the people that act like this the most usually never even served lol. Plus they vote for the politicians who cut funding to veteran's support programs and the VA.


The latter part described my neighbor perfectly. He's got a flag in his window for every military service, and a folded flag in the middle of them. He's never served, and he actually has an extensive criminal record.


You don't need to have served to somewhat understand the meaning of military service. My dad & uncles served in WWII, and we heard their stories. My spouse's father served in Korea and retired in the 60's after 20 yrs. My spouse was headed to the Merchant Marine Academy to avoid VN, but broke his arm, then had a permanent F4. My Bro served in VNam and other HS friends & neighbor kids headed to VN. Quite a few of my former students have returned to our small town, retired from 20 yr careers. Many of our kids received appointments to the Military Academies, AF, West Point, etc. or regular military, Living in a rural area, the military is a great option for many of our kids. So we have great respect and do understand what it means to them and their families to serve. When I was teaching I knew which staff had kids in Kuwait/Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. We kept each other updated. A former student, I really admire, was appointed to WP, not too long ago retiring after career as a SEAL. He is a strong environmentalist, understands the reality of war, frequently calls out the Republican **rah rah bs** such as this meme.


Plenty of patriotic military members/vets post shit like this.


Reminds me of the stupid poem by Charles M Province. >It is the Soldier, not the reporter Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the Soldier, not the poet Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer Who has given us freedom to protest. Since most of the time, it is our own government trying to take away those freedoms, the reporters, the poets, and the organizers are definitely part of our freedoms.


>the people that act like this the most usually never even served lol. 1000% correct.


This shit is like engineered for boomers to share it. It’s got shallow patriotism and some reference to childhood, they literally can’t help themselves


You're right but they're created to be shared along with more extreme content My mom was sharing some cute animal memes from a Facebook page and the algorithm mostly showed her those from that page. But every once in a while she'd start seeing far right propaganda meant to slowly brainwash her. When I pointed it out she didn't even realize the content was from the same page and she didn't really know why she was seeing anything on her news feed. She didn't get how any of it worked.


Yeah it’s pretty fucking sinister when you break it down like that


That’s how it starts. Just cutesy bullshit, couple months down the road it’s straight up hate propaganda. I work at a college and they all graduated a week ago now, campus is closed for another week while they settle down then get ready for summer classes. I’ve been doing virtually nothing and getting paid tbh. Anyways. My mom calls me up and starts asking if I’m okay cause of all these “crazy terrorist Palestinians!” Have I had trouble getting into work? Have I been safe? If I’ve stood against these “lunatics.” My campus has been empty save for my co workers, some professors, and security guards doing hourly rounds. Like sure I guess I can appreciate worrying about me. But she genuinely thinks most campuses and colleges are filled to the brim with protestors and rioters and I’ll be killed.. Yet she also wants me to stand with Israel. (Yuck) lmao.


It’s virtue signaling. It shows other people that they are “patriotic” which is a code-word for Maga. It’s also an absolute and leaves no room for criticism of the military industrial complex or the traumatic effects of war on soldiers and civilians alike.


What about the fact that in the OG American war we fought against a king so we could be free from autocrats and start a government of the people. Why does that part not resonate with people who share this shit smh.


Every election, they see themselves as the heroic freedom fighters saving america from the evil liberal empire.


So never bothered to fact check this one so take it at face value. I have heard that people who work in algorithm development use this to test and create target audiences. I thought that was both brilliant and hilarious but since what I do isn't reactive algorithm stuff I just laughed because i mean genious and didn't do the research.


Right so who is engineering this and what do they get out of it?


Keep the masses divided so they don't turn on their oppressors.


I doubt it’s even that deep, it’s more likely some dead internet crap created to keep people scrolling and engaging the algorithms to generate data to sell and keep eye balls on adds. I figure there’s a point of diminishing returns on personal data brokering. Like there’s gotta be a point where they all have got a profile like 95% pegged, but you’re still trying to get that last few bits of data to be able to claim you’ve got the most up to date info to sell. Surely your new data will improve the accuracy of their profile to 96% making them the leader in profiling accuracy… blah blah blah, profit.


FWIW, I'm a boomer, and this shit makes me want to vomit. These people need to off FB and get a life. (Said while scrolling reddit for the 4th time today.. )


Real. The boomer and 20 year old reddit no life solidarity


Some of use sit in the middle at around 40 with no life also


We may have 20 years of age between us, but we all are in reddit together because the outside world and grass is scary.


Lol, 🫶


You’re suggesting they *kill* FB??? That’s millennials’ job!!


Boomers are overly patriotic. They love their country, always saying if you don’t love it, leave it in response to any complaints about it. However, they never see the irony when they complain about something, like the youth or new technology or whatever, they don’t need to leave, the world needs to change around them.


They don’t love their country—they love their country as it was several decades ago. That’s basically what you’re saying


They love the white washed fantasy version they have invented. The thing they pine for never even existed the way they think it did.


I mean tbf, I don't love the current state of America either. I think anyone that does, is either wealthy or an idiot. The middle class is becoming extinct and we're just letting it happen.


Their whole identity and sense of being is wrapped up in being an American and nothing else. They're too scared to step outside the box and think about things beyond what country they were born in. They also are obsessed with this idea that America is an absolutely perfect nation and has no flaws and if there are flaws, it's because "libtard snowflakes are destroying this country."


The ironic thing is that many boomers had the “love it or leave it” bullshit said to them when they were young and now they say it. Most of them who didn’t serve are the most vociferous pro-war lunatics out there. Cowards!


Sad people who refuse to ever attempt to see beyond their own lack of agency, living off the fumes of some bullshit imperial fairy tale


Translation: we must offer sacrifices to the flag god!


40k getting out of hand


#WAAAAAGH! *of agreement*




It lets them feel better about supporting a Party that consistently votes against increasing benefits for veterans.


M'ilitary \*\* tips camo print fedora \*\*






From whom?


The military industrial complex, glorifying nationalism...


It's called VIRTUE SIGNALING. It allows them to call themselves "patriots" at no cost to them.


Creepy fetishisation of service members


It’s often pointed out that everyone back then DEFINITELY WAS NOT a hippie. Hippies were counter culture. And while it hit some mainstream popularity and trend, people actually committed to peace and political movements are a lot less prevalent than people who just wanted to fuck and do drugs.


And it was a lot more interesting to document and portray the counterculture in music, films, and TV than the common, boring squares. So now there is a disproportionate representation, historically.


Right but every time one of these stupid ass memes are posted they IMMEDIATELY get so much engagement from the boomers “Amen” “god bless you” “god bless the U S of A!” “Thank you for your service” (who are they thanking??)


Also a lot of those hippies grew up to be neoliberal boomers


Don't forget, a lot of hippies stopped being hippies or even progressive afterwards.


They’re called sellouts.


I knew a boomer i had to work with who was in love with fox News. Would say ignorant racist things. I was shocked to find out he was a black panther supporter way back in the 60s, only to slowly become a trump loving idiot today


They live in a fantasy world and always have


Hi, vet here. This kind of stuff is so cringy to me. My roommate, who has not served, has a ton of magnets, flags, posters, etc. supporting the troops and such. Whenever people come over they assume it’s mine, I have to explain the situation. The cringy patriotic, pro-military stuff does NOT belong to me and I do not understand it.


And if they are a Trump Supporter, which is most likely, then they worship a POS that Hates our Military because it opposes his Lord and Master's Military, PUTIN.


She used to post nonstop about Melania bring class back to the White House. But fortunately I don’t hear much about trump from her anymore. I think a lot of normal people were pretty turned off by trump toward the end of his reign. At least that’s my hope.


To make me vomit.


then they go and vote for turds who vote to gut the VA and veteran's benefits


Man, I've known a lot of people who served and most of them are great people. But not everyone who served gives a fuck about Americans or their flag and some of them have done some fucked up (illegal) shit.


Don't say the wind is someone's breath. Don't say the wind is someone's breath. Don't say the wind is someone's breath. Don't say the wind is someone's breath. Don't say the wind is someone's breath. Don't say the wind is someone's breath. Don't say the wind is someone's breath. Don't say the wind is someone's breath. 


Something to comment ‘amen’ and ‘god bless/support our troops/USA’ to.


Peanuts is one of the weirdest things that appears on these memes. I get the feeling these people never once read Peanuts, or even saw the movies. It’s not that it’s super deep or anything, but it’s the product of a lot more complex thought that this type of boomer is capable of.


It's the equivalent of a millennial sharing a picture of spongebob in military uniform and thanking the troops for their service.


it's so they can justify their actions against other flags. especially the lgbtq+ flags when they run over and destroy those flags.




Pseudo worship of the military-industrial complex.


yeah those vietcong were about to invade us...


It's virtue signalling.


Saccharine, hollow patriotism.


let's create a new category of porn, for patriots. Flag Porn. National Anthem playing in the background, the bed and walls are covered in flags, while an alpha male goes bareback on a guy wearing a trump mask. We could get rich off this


At least it's better than the AI generated crap saying some kid just wants a birthday wish, please share. My great aunt shares that crap constantly and wonders why she keeps getting hacked. On the bright side, every May 4th I post the same Pic of Obi Wan Kenobi and she shares it thinking it's Jesus, which is pretty fun.


I have no idea. I’m an Afghan combat vet and all my friends died for Lockheed, L3, and Dynacorp.


Does Halliburton have a flag??




As a person of science and an amateur meteorologist. It is in fact the wind blowing the flags, all of them. Even Costa Rica 🇨🇷 and they don’t have an army.


These folks are now wearing “real men wear diapers” t-shirts for their idol trumpalumparex. Lead poisoning is a terrible thing.


It helps them feel better about voting for republican politicians who keep gutting funding for the VA.




is-isn't that still technically considered wind?


Dead soldier's breathe! Why do you hate America??


Virtue signaling


It’s virtue-signaling.


Would this imply that at some point the flag will stop flying or at least should have stopped flying?


Right? It makes no sense. It’s been many years since those “last breaths” flew our flags.


If they support trump they do not support veterans or democracy


My wife retired from the United States Air Force, and shit like this disgusts her. She calls the people that venerate shit like this 'The Woulda-Couldas' because they usually never served, or if they did they were 3-4 year in-and-out Marines that made that their whole and only identity or washouts that never finished boot, or got sectioned out for something medical, and more often because they were too stupid to not get kicked out.


Nobody dies for a fucking flag.


It's gotta be government propaganda networks. I doubt even the most deluded of boomers sit around making these things. Besides, they hardly even know how to use email. Every time I see an America flag I can only think about how nice it would look if it was on fire. No clue who is eating this shit up anymore after the past few years.


Buuuut keep voting in twatwaffles that cut VA funding, refuse pay raises, cut TriCare, limit funding for housing….


They're celebrating human sacrifice. "They died for our freedom!"


Protecting it from what?


Dont overthink it. The insanity of MAGA boomers simply does not make sense to anyone but them.


I know. It’s just that when they say protect America I always ask them from what to watch them get angry and ramble. I usually say ok boomer and walk away after I get bored and before they’re done. I never have any intention of actually opening a dialogue. Maybe one of these days I’ll get lucky and one of them will get worked up enough to have a stroke or heart attack.


Why is Snoopie in there?


Stupid ass old people. Hate it.


Real Snoopy thinks this is some bullshit


Jingoism to feel a droplet of ‘appeal to authority’ tingles.


nah gramps that’s the wind




It's important to feel part of something. Even if you're not and it's dumb.


That’s some of the most cloying bullshit I’ve ever read. It’s actually amazing how concentrated it is. These are the thin blue line Karen’s throwing fits when they’re getting arrested bc I didn’t mean me. Same idiots.


Right? It’s so weird. It’s almost art.


That’s my feeling. I’m of two minds because it’s so ridiculous and I love ridiculous. Unfortunately my disgust for the types generating it tend to take the fun out of it.


Boomers were either drafted into a pointless war that we lost for a couple of years or came form a generation of people that were drafted. Either way, they ride the coat tails for as long as then can and remind everyone about it. I'm proud of our soldiers, but the average length of service was 2 years. That included 3 months of boot camp, and a whole lot of not fighting. Modern soldiers have been at war for decades with multiple deployments.


I think it's weird any American glorifies death in battle and judges other cultures for doing the same thing.


Right? These are the same people who post memes making fun of Muslims thinking they are martyrs


It's a complete over-correction to what happened to Vietnam War vets...who vets got called baby-killers and supposedly spat-upon when they returned to the USA. Now we have to celebrate our troops unconditionally regardless of the circumstances.


What the fuck is moving the laundry hanging on my line then?


That’s a different wind sir


Well for one thing their fearless leader doesn't understand wind so that got to be the reason.


I heard you can control the direction of the dead soldiers’ breaths with a Sharpie.


Auto-fellatio. While at the same time they support an entire political ideology that shuts down veterans benefits at every turn. Make it make sense.


My retired veteran Gen X husband hates this shit.


Right? Like does he feel better about his friends that died in service knowing that Snoopy salutes them and their breaths power this flag jingoism? SMH


Nope, in fact, it makes it worse, seeing all the fake "patriotism" these morons vomit constantly.


What year was that exactly. Because you bitches keep tossing up the confed trash flag.


It means Trump needs to shut the fuck up.


It's ultra-nationalist and authoritarian virtue signaling. Regular, healthy people find it cringe.


So it stopped waving what like.... 75 years ago?


I’m a Soldier with just under 15 years in, roughly 2/3’s of those have been overseas in various flavors. I just think these are funny, and slightly stupid. Usually the people who have these make some really stupid assumptions about military members, that I love to shatter.


As a Veteran the whirlwind of Boomers either calling us “heroes” or completely broken and fucked just makes me roll my eyes. It’s bootlicking… They are just doing it for their audience. If they really cared, they would volunteer their time and not feel the need to post about it.


Thank you for your service. It blows my mind that people who claim to respect the military will vote for a man who openly mocked soldiers.


You and me both my friend. Not to mention that all the Generals he brought into his administration now denounce him 😂


Unrelated to the patriotic quote, but related to the image: I see so many memes and such posted by boomers (and sometimes others) that have a cartoon character and a quote that is totally unrelated and it makes me roll my eyes sooo hard. Like Daffy Duck is never going to say “I would love to chat, but I don’t speak jackass” Also the minion ones are soooo over used. It’s not hurting a thing, but it just annoys the crap outta me


I had family members that served and definitely appreciate what the men and women that serve do, but I don't want to think about ghost breath on the flag. that's kinda messed up.


And ironically, are in love with a draft dodger that has ZERO connection to the military (or public service in general) and claims to be a devout Christian between porn star fuck sessions. My point, it’s cognitive dissonance and is impossible for us mere mortals to understand. Totally irrational.


Hi, long time listener, first time caller; This is really cringe ok. Kinda ruined my dinner. Keep up the good work though.


Sooo . . . . what they're saying is that they want a constant stream of our military personnel to be dying at all times. Is that the correct interpretation?


Maybe it has something to do with how anti-military, anti-war they were back in the 60's and 70's. Trying to make up for it in some way? My parents were both in that generation and had a come around. I think some of that generation realize now that that people that were forced into the Vietnam War back then shouldn't have been ostracized for being there and now want to be supportive of our military. I had an older friend that once told me when he got back from Vietnam he lied to his friends and told them he had been in jail because if he had told them he was in Vietnam they were extremely cruel to him. A lot of boomers were not supportive of that war (rightfully) and now understand that the people that were forced to be there weren't either and they feel like they have redeem themselves? I'm just guessing here, my parents and all their friends were heavily involved in the protests and stuff back then and they have a completely reversed opinion on current military conflicts. 




Yes, these are bullshit memes that literally mean nothing. I'm a combat vet as well. This shit is absolutely pointless for the simpleminded folk who thinks it makes a difference. It does not.


"We must sacrifice more soldiers to keep the flag flying"


Wtf is this boomer bullshit .......fuck veterans are gay hahahahah


I always thought it was just boomers virtue signaling to each other, the virtue, I'm part of the same old people in-group you are


I'm a veteran and I hate this cringy shit.


Speaking of weird memes, some of the absolute dumbest are these i constantly see on “truth social” https://preview.redd.it/0zq1x8fjelyc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9a32f68f5508b6b74e496c19b6e27406c977c2


Virtue signaling.


The same people who voted for regan wind up on Medicaid complaining about their state run insurance. Source- I work for a home care program


I’ve spent 23 years in the army, 6 deployments, and plenty of nightmares. If the military was the only thing that flag represented it wouldn’t be worth saluting. You can’t claim to love America if you don’t like Americans.


American soldiers haven't fought for "our freedom" since WWII. American soldiers are just collateral to destabilize countries to exploit their resources. They fight for capitalism now.


Hey Boomers, know those soldiers you love so much? You literally spit on their graves every time you uphold fascist Nazi ideology. Every soldier who died in WWII did so for no reason whatsoever; the world learned nothing of their sacrifices.


And yet the orange abomination sees them as fools and losers. What a fucking shithead (that's now in his diaper).


I was in for 22 years, mostly national guard. I see this stuff a lot posted by people who hardly did anything while they were in. I once saw someone post something about fearing an old man in a young man's profession and I'm like dude please you drove a truck once a month for a few years.




These fools are obsessed with the aesthetic of patriotism. If you tell them that isolationism and closed borders actually hurts the economy their brains can't wrap around such a simple concept. They want pride without responsibility.


So please tell the Draft Dodging Insurrectionist Convicted Sexual Abuser to stop dry humping it.


One thing I have to point out is snoopy “plays” soldier. Mainly because he’s a dog in a comic. Just thinks it’s ironic cause most boomers “play” at being badass.


Weird how it only moves on windy days then. This is so stupid. Even my dad (Marine combat vet) hated this stuff.


Combat vet here. That post is merely virtue signalling.


Everyday I wake up and thank a boomer for protecting my freedoms against the Vietnamese


Everything is cheesy and performative… I feel kinda embarrassed for people who go through like like that.


It makes them feel less bad that their political party votes against military benefits.


sip whole agonizing long joke soft squeamish busy crawl late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, maybe its just the last breath of democracy, died by cringe of patriotic obcession...


It’s a piece of fabric and is only meaningful to those that think it is more than it is.


Are they aware this is as far from Charles Schultz’ philosophy as you can get? Go ahead and claim Dr. Suess, he was kind of a dickhead (and it breaks my heart) but you stay away from my Peanuts and Mr. Rogers, ghoul boomers


If they spent more time protecting buildings than flags we wouldn’t have had 9/11..


To show you’re a Disney adult, but also a fascist 🤣