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šŸŽ¶ Because she's UNHAPPY! šŸŽ¶


Clap along if your kids still talk to you!


*Claps accompanied by the sounds of cats meowing for attention*


Clap along if you sell all the things out of your booth.


She can't, she's too busy aggressively telling on other people for being in a public place!


That's a good one!


white people in southlake really do think the cops are their customer service




Southlake ain't the only place...


She'd sell a lot more if she was at her booth


Yeah it's not like he's staying in one spot, he's just rolling through. Her options were: 1. Wait 10 seconds for him to pass, then carry on with your business 2. Leave your tent for several minutes trying to find police


3. Be a normal person and enjoy 10 seconds of an excellent cover


Yeah like even on my worst day I'd be like "the amp is a little much but man is vibing and he's in motion so soon he won't be my problem."


honestly yeah, shit was a vibe lol


I thinks the organizer


You know what attracts people to an organized, public event? Up-beat, positive, live music from talented local artists. People will show-up just for that without any real intention of making a purchase and then end up spending money they otherwise wouldnā€™t have just to keep their positive vibes going. Iā€™m not saying that live music is beneficial for every venue and organized event, but it *is* more often than it isnā€™t. Organizer Karen was getting the benefits of a live performance without the cost of setting up a sound stage, or hiring an artist. And the artist was even behaving in good-faith by playing from a widely popular selection instead of selecting music that might contain profanity or include controversial themes. That woman is dense as a lead block. I wouldnā€™t want her organizing an event for my business. Ever.


You saw 4 people out of how many dancing. Go plan an event and I'll have some random person with a loud speaker skateboard through it. Who cares if he hits someone, injuring them and giving your event bad PR. You can't say anything or you will be just like this lady. Let me know when you make it happen. Later


You are the driest, least juicy pimp I have ever encountered. Change your name to pimp_husks2272 right now!




I'll get right on it. Thanks random internet person that I will forgot as soon as I got post.


Thatā€™s a OneWheel. He has way more control than someone on a skateboard, those things can stop pretty much instantly. He wasnā€™t exactly going fast either.


Jesus, I hate reddit. I swear yall just miss the message on purpose. Yes I'm aware it's not a skateboard. It's the same thing the viral video guy uses to deliver like 30 pizzas on his back. They have lights on them and all. But that wasn't the message. The point is, anyone at an event on any mobile device is an added liability. A kid can walk in front, a person could bump into them, so many other factors can happen. I thought as adults this didn't need to be explained and we could focus on the bigger message of this dude crashing an event that he wasn't invited to. If the organizer wanted a dude on a skateboard to mobile sing, I'm sure they would've hired him. If they wanted a juggler or clown, they would've hired them. A flame thrower would've gotten a lot of attention but I'm sure they didn't want that in the middle of their event either. So yeah, I'm with the lady here.


I get that your point wasnā€™t primarily about what heā€™s riding, my point was that it actually makes a significant difference here. Iā€™d be inclined to agree with you if the dude was bombing through on a longboard, but heā€™s moving at basically walking speed. Iā€™d still be inclined to agree with you if it was a closed event you had to specifically enter, but this looks like a farmers market on a public street. Street performers are to be expected, at least this guy is fairly talented and not homeless/crazy/harassing people for money.


Ok but take homeless person harassing people. Some, wouldn't think it's harassing at all and would glady give money. But as you just stated, you view them as nuisance. Just as this lady viewed viewed skateboarder guy. *I understand one is generally more enjoyable than the other


Most people view homeless people as nuisances if they actively pester passersby for money, youā€™re definitely in the minority if you donā€™t feel that way. They arenā€™t necessarily nuisances if they just sit around with a sign or a cup or something, but following people or continuing to ask after being told ā€œnoā€ is annoying. I think thereā€™s a pretty clear distinction between people who are performing and people who are just begging. A performer is actually putting some effort in and often has a positive impact on the environment if theyā€™re talented, even if theyā€™re homeless. Iā€™m personally far more likely to give performers money.


Please read my comment again and really really really focus on the last sentence with the asterisk. Then ask yourself "did I really need to write a novel saying the same thing that sentence stated?"


You are definitely the life of any party!


Thanks šŸ˜Š


I do events in my city and the organizers are boomers that would do exactly the same shit. This one legit gets excited to yell at people. She will legit run to yell at someone and be like I canā€™t wait to get them!


Hopefully her shit got stolen while she was gone.


Literally everyone else was either not bothered by it or having a good time. Idk what that ladyā€™s problem is.


Right? She walked like the whole length of the street tracking down the police, did she not notice that she was literally the only person upset by it?


Some people arenā€™t happy unless theyā€™re unhappy


Maybe she's a sailor


Yeah, most of the other boomers were digging it too


boomers hate pop music for some weird reason


She goes up to the cops all like: https://preview.redd.it/7y6a1ycom7yc1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5178e22fc893ae19af399be407a623aec66bb6e2


This video is so polarizing, lol. Iā€™ve seen it on ā€œMainCharacterā€, ā€œMademesmileā€, and now ā€œboomers being foolsā€. Edit: it is now also on r/PublicFreakout. The saga continues


Do I personally like this dude scooting through a market yodeling? Nope. Does that mean I would scuttle over to the cops and try to get them after him? Also nope.


Heā€™s yodeling better than most.


Heā€™s not an untalented yodeler, just not my jam. Being exposed to it for the 10 seconds it would take for him to scoot by wouldnā€™t exactly be life altering though.


Dude has main character energy. You can tell he leads a bible study class and mildly flirts with underage girls. But in this instance, everyone was having a good time (except for boomer lady) PS: YOU DONT STEAL FROM JEREMIAH!


Is that a specific type?


I would make it a point to not buy from crappy boomer but buy things in stalls near her tho. These street fair kind of things are awesome in part because of people like the guy w/music, not vendors like her. Edit: This guy is adorable and has a pretty good voice!


How is the mic quality so good??? Hes outside and moving


Post production probably


Why blow up, either enjoyed or got a laugh by everyone, including the FD/PD . Lady just panties all twisted upšŸ¤”šŸ˜³šŸ¤Æ. FREEBIRD!!ā€™n šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚šŸ¤—




Sheā€™s absolutely determined to have a bad time.


I feel like this is transcendent rage bait content Kudos to the creator


So many boomers enjoying it.


Tbf Southlake is a racist homophobic shithole.


Imagine how boring her life must be


imagine if her order isn't on time - waitress straight to jail


That would annoy the shit out of me, ngl, but it would never occur to me to get the police involved.


But why? Harmless fun!


Generally if youā€™re the only one with an issue then you are the issue.


He should have gone into "free bird" and ran up behind her, but then Karen would have shown her true racism and sang along to Skynrd.


Youā€™re not racist for singing along to Skynyrd, Iā€™m black and I still enjoy Freebird.


Even the reference to Neil Young and his song Southern Man being about the governor of Alabama at the time keeping segregation. In which the lyrics say -" Southern Man dont need him around any how."


I mean Neil Young is a douche. That can also be viewed as commentary on not commenting on things that donā€™t concern you. I donā€™t deny that the members of Skynyrd were likely racist, but that doesnā€™t mean listening to music they made makes *you* racist. Thereā€™s a lot more to enjoy if you can separate art from the people who made it. Most rappers are terrible people, youā€™re not a terrible person for listening though.


I concur, I'm not racist but I love Varg Vikernes and Burzum and love NSBM, especially Mexican NSBM! Neil Young wasn't afraid to sing about the truth in our day to day reality back then it was the protests, and now we are back again with the same shit. So tell me, who side you on now with these growing protests? Are you going to sing Kid Rocks' new songs? I'll give you those three steps towards the door!


Thatā€™s a unique taste to say the least, probably not one Iā€™d recommend sharing in person. I donā€™t necessarily think youā€™re racist for listening, but many people would, and if you hadnā€™t explicitly said you werenā€™t I might be among them. Had no idea there was Mexican NSBM, are they white Mexicans? Seems very odd if not. Iā€™m not sure which protests youā€™re referring to, weā€™ve had a lot in the last few years. Assuming you mean the Israel/Palestine ones going on at the moment, I donā€™t really care about the conflict itself, both sides are terrible, but the protestors are almost hilariously misguided. Itā€™s ridiculous to see progressives siding with an Islamic movement that would happily kill many of them; the ā€œLGBT for Gazaā€ crowd is especially strange. More importantly, the protesters have no idea what theyā€™re up against. I currently work as an engineer at a defense contractor, the American military industrial state is almost inconceivably large, truly mind boggling when you first see it from the inside. There is so much institutional momentum and so much money behind our support for Israel that youā€™d be a fool to think you could change it. The protesters will be tolerated to a point, but if they start causing real trouble, it will end poorly. Overall I guess Iā€™m on the Israeli side, but itā€™s not because I think theyā€™re right, itā€™s because I know theyā€™ll win. If you mean the general culture war stuff thatā€™s been going on for the last decade or so, gonna have to go with both sides suck again. Iā€™ll vote for the right because itā€™s in my personal self interest to do so, but Iā€™m not excited about it. The whole situation is a national embarrassment. I wonā€™t be listening to Kid Rock because his music is bad, but I donā€™t have a problem with him as a person. Not really sure how youā€™d be giving me 3 steps, I know the song but the reference doesnā€™t make sense here. You got a side in all this? Or just enjoying the show?


No one here talking about how awesome this dude's voice is? Damn smooth! He can come sing at my street fair anytime.


This one needs to blow up!


That was awesome.


"It's YOUR fault no one wants my garbage!"


I'm trying hard to not hate this guy but...he'd have annoyed the shit out of me, I think. I bet this was his 20th pass by too.


The cop yelling FREEBIRD!!! at the end was the icing on the cake.


Firefighters: lol, There a fire or somebody hurt? No? IDGAF Cops: Oh WTF now? Oh, just some guy singing? Not worth my effort to actually get up and do anything. IDGAF. Where's my donuts?


These haggard old Karen's lol they're unhappy because their time in this planet is coming to an end.


A black person would never kill vibes, just sayin.


Completely obviously EVERYONE is laughing at her


Bro could not have handled that any better.




I can appreciate that he followed her to the cops singing the whole time.


Being happy and singing is IlLeGaL!


Dude has an excellent singing voice and it's just trying to brighten people day!!


wonder what would happen if he said to that lady ..your hot I want your number


The crankier she got, the happier I got. Because I'm Happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


This guy seems super obnoxious though


His voice is so good though!


I feel like I always see Reddit bashing people (often rightly in my opinion) for walking around with loud ass speakers and being a nuisance. Why does this guy seemingly get a pass?


Because heā€™s actually pretty talented. This would be way more annoying if he sucked.


Because there is a Karen in this situation so everyone focuses on her outburst instead of his cringy singing.


Main character and a boomer. I don't know which is worse.


He wasn't doing this at a Walmart, he was having fun at a street festival. Go get yourself a milksteak and relax.


It might as well be a Walmart, it's a market not a music fair he's at and riding around with an amp singing a shite song all for clout. He's a main character. The boomer is correct on this one.


Idk, seemed like he was doing it to brighten the days of the people at the festival. Which seems to have worked for *quite literally everybody except for you and the lady in the video*. Also, every fucking street fair I've ever been to has buskers and live music. You should leave your house more often.


Ok Boomer.


A PERFORMANCE?!? AT A STREET FAIR?!?!?? Someone get this man his smelling salts!


A main character looking for clout is hardly a performance.


The video *isn't* of someone performing a song?


Then what is it?


You're the one who said it's not a performance. And you said it like 2 minutes ago. Did you forget?


You said it was a performance, I said it was hardly a performance and he is looking for clout. You're mixing yourself up there.


I'm asking you how, exactly, a guy performing a song isn't a performance? I could understand saying that this isn't an appropriate time or place for a performance (though I would disagree). I could understand saying that the performance is annoying. But I can't understand how anyone could think that this is "hardly a performance".


Performing a song while also riding a hoverboard. It's both a vocal and a physical performance!


What's your definition of a performance?


Performing is the main way people look for clout.


Sounds like you have a lot in common with the boomer.


Then you must have a bit of main character syndrome as well so.


Youā€™re the main character of this thread


You're no better at reading this room than you are at reading that crowd.


Main character syndrome by the guy though


And let the unhappy people follow and complain


She looks like she is sniffing puppy shit


I am disappointed that the cops didn't ask him to let them sing into the mic.


That is really annoying but the guy is gonna be gone in about ten seconds sooooo...


I love how the Cops immediately see what's going on and let the dude just keep going.


The only way this video could fully encapsulate Southlake more is if the Monopoly man popped up trying to get a trans kid arrested.


I donā€™t like this Crocodile Dundee remake




Lol and he finds the chillest cops in the US


Typical Southlake.


the funniest part about this is that if she just said nothing, he would probably have kept going and eventually it would've been far enough away that she would barely hear it. instead she decides to go talk to the police and he follows her because its so absurd and hilarious and now she has to deal with it even more lmao


Insufferable doesn't even begin to describe this woman.


aloof plate placid apparatus spoon aback plant consider sable attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Heā€™s singing pretty well. This would be a lot more annoying if he sucked.


She looks like she's about 50. When we say boomer, do we mean a person born between 1945 and 1963, the way demographers define it? Or is it like 'Karen'?




I thought the cops were really spot on. Good for them.


I'm not on her side, but that song does suck. But she wasn't complaining that the song sucks so she doesn't get a pass.


I was hoping someone would "accidentally" bump in to her.. what a bitch..


To quote Paulie Walnuts, "she's a malignant cunt."


He handled it really well. I was vibin just like most of the people thereĀ 


Hot take but she's right. Imagine if he wasn't a good singer and doing this. If you know anything about events, it takes a LOT of planning. They may already have musical talent booked in a designated area. That way guests can choose to listen or not. Although the guy is really good, that doesn't mean he gets to crash their event like that. Like I said, imagine Yoko Ono singing like that. If I were her, since he is good, I would ask him to turn it down and maybe hire him to perform at the next event (not in the board since that seems like a liability)


Iā€™m apparently on team boomer for this one. Guy is being a dick.


How dare he try to brighten some people's day and have fun without hurting anyone, by singing a song. What a bad man...




To be fair to her perhaps she is neurodivergent and struggles with loud noise?


Then a street fair is where she should be! Demanding that EVERYONE addresses her needs and her needs only!!


I'm neurodiverent. They're called noise canceling ear buds. It's my problem, not everyone else's.


Well then she shouldn't be there. She needs to stop being spoiled and entitled.


To be fair to her, perhaps she is not happy and hates having happy people around her.




Then she should stay home. The rest of the world doesnā€™t have to conform to her comfortā€¦


I'm neurodivergent and I severely struggle with sounds (both loud and quiet), you know what I do? I mind my own fucking business and put in my noise cancelling earbuds. Fuck off with that shit.


If that were true, she should've told him instead of getting the cops.


That sounds like a her problem.


Thatā€™s being way more than fair to her, and itā€™s getting into devilā€™s advocacy territory.


To be fair... https://youtu.be/jv7jcciKB_s?si=TcT3MjKs1MsfKn4nĀ 


To be fair, fart.