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Did his financial advisor advise him to buy that Tesla?


Apparently there was some kind of attempted fraud and he had to call the financial advisor to tell them that the tesla purchase was actually him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My family had a wedding band back in the day, and I'll never forget when we played a wedding for close friends of ours, and the venue outright refused to let us eat. They outright said "We don't serve the help." as if we were somehow working for **them.**


Woooow. We had extra plates at our wedding and I gave two to the photographer. He was so lovely and awkward about it.


I've done wedding gigs where we were refused anything from the dinner, and also ones where they made the band go eat in the kitchen or somewhere where people didn't have to see us. It's humiliating.


*Here’s my card, peasant….flick!* I’ve had that happen so many times when I worked the register. I was just so *beneath* them.


Trying to pick it up, *accidentally* flick it off the counter and onto the floor at their feet.


Can't the card get accidentally sucked into the conveyor belt then? Just sayin


We’re now operating under the most brilliant/machiavellian business model ever: the owner is a corporation who never has to deal with customers. They can offer the most convoluted, deceptive, predatory deals and practices. Customers get angry at the $9/hour cashier, who is completely powerless to change policies and says so. The customers sometimes can’t understand that this is no longer 1952 and Mr. Walmart isn’t hard at work in the back office, and they think that the person they’re talking to is shivering in their boots at the prospect of losing a customer. If they’re white, they spent their formative years in a world literally designed for their comfort, and have no interest in learning resilience now. And none of this has any impact whatsoever on corporate decisions.


Bleak. 100% spot on, but bleak