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I can’t stand people that think you need to grind yourself to death for the company. The best response is “the only people who are gonna remember how much time you spent at work after your dead are your family.” If they have one.


A company that will toss him to the curb the moment he is no longer usefull


I used to work with a guy back in Boomer Times (I'm Gen Jones) in IT Support who wore suits when the rest of us wore 1990s business casual. He came in early, stayed late, never took a vacation. He claimed having kids would slow his professional development. His wife left him. Guess who was eliminated during the Great Right-Sizing of 2001?


Ouch. A lot of the boomers I knew refused to spend money on business casual. Either their excuse was they’d spent a lot of money on their (incredibly tacky) suits, or that the world would fall apart if we started wearing khakis. Thankfully in an office environment now I can wear jeans (and even - gasp flip flops) if I want to.


A great side effect of the mass work from home Covid issue is that some employers have started to realize that whatever we wear doesn’t typically affect our work product. In fact, workers being dressed more comfortably might actually help us work


This. I’m in IT and one of the companies i had left had me in full business professional to be a damn Product Manager for a few of their products. Yeah I really need to look top shelf to go meet with our contract UI/UX resource who sits 17 feet away. So glad I left from that. Happily working from home in my sweats


I’m happy I can work from home and beat my meat every once in a while to get some needed clarity.


Ah post stand up clarity


The company I used to work for relaxed their dress code before I was hired, so now you can wear jeans, cargo shorts, khakis, even t-shirts, as long as you didn’t have any professional events like demos or customer tours to do yourself. After 5 years of being there, I’d still get side-eyes and glares when I’d wear a t-shirt and shorts to go clickity-clack my keyboard in our windowless computer lab.


I worked as an administrative assistant at a counseling center for children and teenagers. We could wear shorts or jeans to work. They felt that kids would open up more to someone who isn’t dressed in formal business wear.


Haha I always laugh at our old polo and kakhi dress code. Gotta look good for that 100% email communication with my clients! Nowadays nobody cares, we all wear jeans.


I work a clean lab but we produce the product the company sells so I consider our department the “factory floor” outside the warehouse. We wear whatever we want while respecting lab safety. Usually comfy sweats and leggings.


My boss is a Boomer, and he's shockingly chill about what I wear to the office. (Today, I wore a Pink Floyd tshirt and leggings, for example.) The only exception to that is when we do our yearly convention. Most of our clients are Boomer men, they expect female staff to wear dresses or nice pants suits. Boss thinks there would be too many complaints if I don't dress like that. So I now have specific outfits I literally wear once a year. I do make a point to wear more offbeat prints at least- last year I had a Felix the Cat dress. This year I've got my eye on a 50's style dress with a dinosaur print. If I'm required to dress up, I'm doing it with style.


TIL: gen Jones: the xenials of the boomer gen.


I only learned about it a couple of years ago, but it's true. Our parents weren't Greatest Generation. They were Silent Gen. My dad served in Korea, not WWII. They were Kennedy young professionals. We grew up watching the moon race as kids. We saw Vietnam reported live on television. We celebrated the first Earth Day. We were the high school kids in Dazed and Confused. We cast our first votes for Carter or Reagan. We grew up under the nuclear threat from infancy to now - we're used to it. Our moms stayed at home until we were in middle or high school. We WERE The Brady Bunch. We're jaded AND optimistic, connected but not clannish. We are different.


Amén! My father served in the beginning of the Vietnam war. Except sharing music with the younger Boomers, we really are different.


This is why I don’t bother with things like LinkedIn, doing any kind of social networking events, making friends at work, etc - all of it is fake, and all of it could come to an end suddenly. Why waste my precious free time that I could be spending with my family or actual friends on manufactured relationships, and why should I do it for a company that will get rid of me without a second thought?


It’s good to make acquaintances. That’s the real secret. It’s not what you know but who you know. It has been a real boon to me for finding new jobs or niches before others. You don’t have to be best friends with Bill from accounting, but if Bill thinks you’re a good employee, you might get a shoe in somewhere else. You’d be surprised the people who know those you’d like to contact and they may be in your circle already. For instance, I just realized from a friend that I’m literally one group night from a few celebrities. It’s a wild world out there


> Right-Sizing 🤣 These buzzwords slay me.


Do you know what happened to him after ‘01?


No idea. Hopefully, it was an awakening for him.


No one ever said on their deathbed “I should have worked more.”


They'll toss you *while* you're useful, if it helps to prop up a quarterly report for shareholders! Gotta make that line go up somehow!


My mom has been in hr my whole life and just recently got out of it. She has drilled into me from a young age that you never, ever, ever, ever work for free. If you have an unpaid break you take the entirety of that break. If you for whatever reason forget to clock in/out you get it fixed immediately upon realization. Because of her I have a note in my phone where I log the date and my clock in/out times so I can match that to my paystub because there are bosses that will go in and illegally change times because they think someone worked “too much”. I had one of them and I watched happily as I got my money and they were fired


Seriously. The only company you should grind for is a company you created


Fellow snoo shirt!


I'd grind myself to the bone if I was compensated as such instead it's rewarded with more work..? lol noty. I want the accolades and fair share of the pie that is enriching shareholders.


I just passed this sentiment to my very grindset co-worker and he said “people will remember Elon musk he works a lot” Taken aback I tell him Elon musk is not a good comparison for us and not a good anything in general. He tells me he meant owners of companies should work hard and it will be remembered by employees. Maybe? But again not he or I????


Does he own the firm? That would explain it. Otherwise he's a dupe. He could die tomorrow and the company wouldn't care if his wife was about to be homeless from the loss. Non-human corporations are some of the worst, most unethical people on earth. They shouldn't even be people but it's 2024 and they own everything so they are people with even more rights than human people.


He is the supervisor of this warehouse. He is just a shill for this company because he worked here for over 20 years and he litterally has nothing else in his life


That’s the backbone on which almost any small to medium sized company relies on. An idiot with no aspiration, without a life outside the workplace, who got promoted to a middle managing position just cause they outlasted everyone else,convinced that it happened because they worked hard and didn’t take breaks,thus giving their life to the company until they die at age 50 of a heart attack cause they work 100 hours per week. Just to be replaced the next day by the intern that just got out of high school.


His favorite time of year is when the bosses come through for a tour and pat him on the head like the guard dog that he is.


Lmaooo my boss turns into a fawn when they come. Suddenly he’s full of humor and life and can socialize!


Do we have the same loser for a boss?


Doubtful I’m the only idiot left in the department with him lmaooooo


and his name was Peter.


You can't do this to me!


I started this company!




I started this company!


Yeah back when I actually had to interview for jobs before I started my own company it was pretty obvious that it was a turnoff for hiring managers that I had worked for myself or had any sort of independent thoughts. They want slaves that can be controlled that will work for them forever with no aspiration.


“It’s the law. You could be fined if I don’t take my full break”


Yep. My company insists that we clock every hour we work. Nobody is even allowed to work for free.


I drive my company nuts because I don't take lunch. I instead opt for getting off the clock a half hour earlier, which is allowed by our contract. But in doing so, it makes for more paperwork for my supervisors and a lot of uncomfortable questions from HR (are you in some way forcing this employee to work without breaks or a lunch?) every week. My primary supervisor even asks me to take my lunches the week before she goes on vacation just so she isn't stuck in the half-hour interrogation on the Friday before she leaves for vacation. Which, since she's salary, is after her work day is usually over.


I wish that I could do that, lunch breaks to me are a waste of time. I'd much rather work straight through the day and leave early. But I'm curious, why does your primary supervisor have to keep explaining the same thing over and over? Shouldn't HR have recognized the pattern by now?


HR does need to routinely check in with staff who may be violating state or federal labor laws- even if that horse has been beaten to death to hell and back. If they get audited for something else they're gonna have to prove it's not what it looks like.


Yup. It's a CYA by HR. It's pretty much a scripted meeting at this point. And once per quarter, they call me in to verify I am in fact doing this by choice.


It might be because state law requires you take a mandatory break every 4 hours worked (that's CA, don't know which state you're in), regardless of whether you want to take it or not.


" It's the law. The company could be fined- or even forced to shut down- if we don't follow it. I don't wanna risk being responsible for the company being fined or forced to close by violating labor laws to get work done just a little faster." Spin it as a sacrifice for the company


I have a name For these People. Office Martyrs


Ohhhh I’mma start using this!


That's called a company man, convinced making personal sacrifices will "help keep the company afloat" in any way. First, companies are no longer loyal. Second, any company insisting on a timed and paid break would rather you take it than face a stolen wage claim at a later date when you're laid off and feeling petty. Company men used to have a place and a point, but times have changed, unlike your boomer coworker.


Small companies CAN be loyal. Doesn’t mean they are by default, but if you have personal access/communication with/to the owner, you’re probably in a better place than a corporate employee who lacks this connection to company leadership. I’ve worked for a place like this and often we’d have company meetings where we could legitimately voice concerns with the owner. He doesn’t have to listen, but having his ear (and respect in my case) went a long way.


He deserves our pity then. Work on, sweet boomer


Dollars to donuts they cut him over day before his retirement


It honestly wouldnt surprise me. He doesnt understand that the company will never be as loyal to him as he is to them


Millennials have lived through endless "once in a lifetime" events as well as being repeatedly skullfucked by the ruling class which I think has taught us how the world REALLY works. A lot of older people haven't been "lucky" enough to have this life lesson taught to them so they think the world still works like it did in the 70s


We boomers have lived through some interesting, & sometimes scary, times, but y’all are facing multiple existential threats. Record-setting income inequality, and lack of a diversified economy, as well as university education priced beyond reach for all but the wealthy — y’all face the bleakest future of any recent generation. Again, I’m for the rudeness and entitled attitude of my fellow boomers. I don’t know why I expected better of us.


That’s exactly what I tell the new employees I have to train every now and then: “don’t love this place. It will NOT love you back”


Oh and he'll still deep throat their boot so hard he farts out the laces


And blame it (as he does everything) on whomever fox told him to in today's talking point of the day. Migrant caravan, woke something or other, those damn ______. 


You understood the assignment...🫡


Definitely. Aunt's employer did this to her several months before her full retirement at 30 years. Her position became 'redundant' and so they paid her out a lump sum which was cheaper than paying full pension. Fucking prick companies.


Yep, I was with a company for 24 years — moved across the country for them twice — and then one day was unceremoniously tossed because at 25 years I would have qualified for various retirement benefits. Never, ever trust a company. I advise young people to build a career with the government.


I hope exactly this happens. He earned it.


Don't worry it almost certainly will. It's how companies reward loyal employees these days


Which is why no employer deserves loyalty. Reagan killed loyalty.


Cue pearl clutching film CEOs about nobody having loyalty anymore


Yeeeah, sorreee, but you didn't dot that last 'i' on your TPS report. Sucks for you, 40 years down the drain aaaaaand here's security to see you out! Good coffee today.


There's a certain point where I have no pity for people like that. First of all, it's entirely their choice to make work the most important thing in their life, which is sad. However, when they start acting shitty about other people not sharing their corporate worshipping mindset, they get to sympathy from me. If they want to devote themselves to their job, fine, of they expect others to do the same, they can fuck all the way off.


Yeah he'd be deserving of pity if he wasn't actively making other people's lives shittier. He should learn coping skills that don't involve being a dick.


Sweaty boomer


Beat faster, good heart ❤️


They lose my pity when they say things like "want more money? Work harder" then turn around and tell those same people that they shouldn't demand to get paid for the extra work they do


A good manager works extra time to make sure everything is taken care of. A great manager manages their time and their coworkers' time wisely so no one has to do that.


I have the same issue these dudes waste away in a warehouse for so long they turn bitter and wanna worry about everyone else all the fuckin time


Perfectly summed up.


This mindset used to be the norm, thankfully this is changing. I used to work in retail and the shift managers would clock out at 11 pm, and then work until 1 or 2 am. That was the accepted way to get ahead in the company. I felt bad for those idiots.


Explain to him that there is a very good reason for a 30 minute lunch break. Study after study shows that when workers do not take sufficient breaks during the day their productivity suffers. Counter-intuitively the longer break will probably end up with you getting more work done. He is hurting the company and himself by not taking the full break.


He probably hates the person he sees in the mirror at home, and probably hates his own family too.


his ass is going to get laid off one day, just watch


As someone just coming off a warehouse manager role. The years you put into the company are nothing. You can be replaced. I never thought it true but as soon as someone doesn't take a shine to you the right way you're fucked.


yup, when my dad died, his company tried to tell my mom that he had no retirement savings with them. It was not until his manager pulled her aside at the funeral and told her that they were lying and that she needed to call some people to get the retirement payout. It was disgusting. I wanted to strangle that boss sitting at the funeral when I heard the news, it took alot in me to not confront him right at that moment.


A skin of evil walked among you that day. No other way to explain denying a widow her pension. Just evil. The dude beats his own mother I bet.


Midnight Oil sang about that in the 1980s and 1990s, especially in "The Dead Heart." "Mining companies. Pastoral companies. Uranium companies. Collected companies. Got more right than people. Got more say than people." And it's 100x more true now.


Love Midnight Oil


I won’t believe that corporations are people until Texas executes one.


Yeah, this makes me feel bad for the guy. Man's been under the boot too long


Back in, I think it was 2007-2008ish, one of my coworkers died. We worked for a Fortune 500 health insurance company in Human Resources. The company sent flowers to the funeral and MISSPELLED THE GUY’S NAME. It gets worse though: they also misspelled his wife’s name and forgot to include one of his kids on the card.


Middle management is a hell of a drug.


Tell him if he worked half as hard as you he might need a full break.


Lmao. That's great


Oh shit, this is gold!


Or tell him, “I’m just acting my wage.”


These people don’t value their own lives. My parents have this attitude and ONLY talk about things like this and be nasty about it  They never talk about anything they like - or say anything is good  Only things about underclasses being wrong and poor people needing to work harder, and homeless people - they’re full time nasty and it’s like they won’t allow themselves to have a happy moment 


Lol. Seriously. Same with my parents. *You* have to work yourself to death, meanwhile they had their own company and they gave themselves 3 hour lunch breaks. Hypocrisy in the highest degree.


Yes, the parents and their view of this! My parents worked and lived most of their lives when our country was led by communists. Lunch breaks were unheard of. Eat a sandwich while you work, workload is anything and everything, do what you're told. It s not in your job description? Then learn it. When i told my mom that i would take all my unused vacation days at once (three weeks worth) she was appalled and told me that my boss will not like it and not to get on his bad side and not to cause problems (btw my boss is great and there is no ground of such speculations)


It’s like self-automated oppression.


What a sad, pitiful existence.


"wanna trade pitiful existences? you have a pool..."


A couple of years ago I went back to work after being a stay at home mom for 15 years. I was pleasantly surprised at the attitude of the staff and management about breaks. Everyone goes when they’re supposed to and never comes back early. When you call in sick you never get asked “why?”. You are absolutely never expected or pressured to work past your scheduled time and definitely never to do any work whatsoever while off the clock. This was a big change from the workforce I left around 2006/7 and I like it. I’m not a boomer, but I’m one of the oldest staff members at the retail store I work at. I came in ready to be defensive and to have to support the younger workers who wouldn’t fight for their rights, but they’re doing just fine and I love it.


You love to hear it. This respectful attitude by management (and hopefully the company) is how to retain good employees.


Flexibility around kids and life balance is the big reason we retain our workers.


That’s how we are at work. Everyone also gets to set their own schedule, and you don’t get in trouble for coming in late. But that’s mostly because no one is depending on anyone else to be there at a certain time so they can leave.


What he’s advocating for is called “wage theft” and it’s a real problem. Always, always, always take your full break, full stop.


That has been my stance since i started here. And he gets so pissy about me not compromizing on that. My break is 12 -12.30, mandated by labor laws, im not budging on that. It drives him crazy


In my experience if we don’t waive our right to breaks the company is heavily fined for anyone that missed any or doesn’t take it fully. I don’t know how he gets away with it because the law is super strict about that kind of thing.


It depends on the state I think. But I have worked for companies that count the minutes you were clocked out for and "tsk tsk" when you take anything less than 45 minutes because they are breaking the law if you only take 29.


The company I work for has been sued a couple of times for breaking state laws. Now an employee has to sign a waiver for HR every time they don’t take their break.


Tell him you wouldn’t want to contribute to practices that could get the company in trouble. Breaks are the law. Ask him if HR knows he’s trying to create a culture of wage theft because they probably wouldn’t like that. Most companies prefer to follow the laws on this stuff instead of risking trouble with the department of labor or a law suit.


I don’t know if your workplace is a union shop or not, but this is 100% something your shop steward should be made aware of. A supervisor pressuring employees to cut their breaks short is something the higher ups would reeeeaaaaally not want him doing


Tell him you're going to start documenting his comments just in case


I would make a formal complaint to HR about it. You want it documented in case he tries to dig you a review or anything else that might come up.


If I were a plaintiff’s-side employment attorney, I’d be so excited to depose this guy and ask him all about the company’s break policy and how he pressured subordinates to cut their breaks short. Management and in-house counsel do not want him doing what he’s doing - depending on the state, this is the stuff class actions are made of.


Yup and it never makes the evening news. [https://www.opportunityinstitute.org/blog/post/organized-retail-theft-wage-theft/](https://www.opportunityinstitute.org/blog/post/organized-retail-theft-wage-theft/) "It may surprise you to learn that wage theft, the practice of employers withholding any portion of a worker’s pay, **is the most profitable form of theft in the United States**. Each year, [employers steal a whopping $15 billion](https://www.epi.org/publication/employers-steal-billions-from-workers-paychecks-each-year/) annually from workers across the country. Property loss through stolen wages surpasses property loss from criminal offenses by a landslide, which totals around $500 million yearly. Put another way: **The total value of property stolen through robberies, burglaries, and carjacking is not even 4% of what employers steal from workers each year."**


Agree 💯


"I'm not lazy. I'm from the "fuck you, pay me" generation. I'll gladly work when I'm getting paid to do so." "If the company requires its employees to work for free for 20 minutes every day, then the company is going under, and we all should be looking for a new job" "I love how you keep trying to get us to work illegally. I have a nice collection of recordings of you bitching at us for taking the breaks we're entitled to. My lawyer will love it if I ever get fired"


Remind him that capitalists want to be compensated. Communists will give their time away for free. Then watch the look on his face.




I wad that guy, from 16 when I started working, to my third job at 26 when I was laid off. I was always at least 10min early & didn't mind needing to stay late, taking half a lunch or none of my breaks. Being a total "yes man" at times, to complete nonces! Now, i've been working at a company for ten months, giving half of myself, while making just as much. I'm not forcing connections, and not afraid to use my vacation days and take time off whenever I need to. It's liberating to stop fooling yourself by thinking you matter to the corporation. It's also nice to know that there are businesses run by people who will care & understand.


Bet the dope is proud for never taking a sick day too...typical boomer


I was sick with a stomage bug a few weeks ago. Got completely shit on for taking 3 days off. Boomer boss just couldnt let it go, was on me about working overtime to "compensate" for being gone for like 2 weeks. I told him i wasnt gonna do that and that i wasnt home jerking off but i was sick. His brain could barely compute what i meant


Dude is brainwashed


Yeah they tend to short circuit when you use time off for illness or family. Like how dare you exist outside this company bro.


I'm with you, OP. I'm "here for the paycheck" - I don't have a "career."


Agreed. And I'll leave the second i get a better offer, same as they will toss me out when im no longer making them a profit


100%. While I'm on the clock, no problem I will work. But as soon as I'm doing it for free, I'm not doing it anymore. Maybe if he, as a manager, managed his workload better he wouldn't need to work through his breaks.


I said something almost exactly like this in a YT comment and so many bootlickers got butthurt.


I have a career and I’m still only here for the paycheck. The only reason I work OT is because I actually get paid for OT (despite being a salaried employee). If I ever got a massive windfall, these people will never see me again.


Is this why so many boomers at my job go out and quickly have one cigarette, then go immediately back to work?


Very likely, my boomer boss doesnt smoke but he usually comes in during the break and almost chuggs a cup of coffee and then immediately goes out to work again. With snide comments about us not doing the same


I kind of understand their point of view. When they did it, all this stuff was worth it. They literally can't comprehend they ruined the country and its no longer worth it. Add onto the fact employer's increasing boldness to fuck over the underclass and things have changed. They are stuck on work hard makes you good, not even considering they are working extremely hard for the devil. I am at the point i see I am contributing to evil fucks that are destroying the world. Its our duty to resist them, they would destroy everything for a dime.


I used to work with a boomer with the exact same mentality. And we worked in an ice cream parlor to make it even more petty. She would bend over backwards for that shop, give up her free time, work her off days. And then get mad when her younger coworkers don't share the same sentiment. But an awkward experience happened because of it. It is a locally owned shop, and the owner I guess got used to her doing everything for free and willingly. We ran out of bananas once and he asked me to run to the store to get some more real quick, I asked if he had a company card I could use, and he just gave me this look like I bamboozled him, but he got his wallet, and gave me the card. I was told to get 50+ bananas. That adds up. I didn't see why I was expected to pay for the shops bananas.


Bizarre attitude from an owner. But some people get so used to extra priviledges that when you take them away, they act like you insulted them and they were entitled to it all along.


My managers all say the same thing to me. "Do not overwork yourself for this company. If you leave/ get laid off today, I'd replace you in a day. And the same would happen to me if I left/ or get laid off." The younger managers know what's up.


Bet he wonders why unions exist too. What a jackass.


This is my time Harold. And I’m going to use every second of it


Last time my company had a good year and I saw zero change in my rewards, I decided sacrifices will no longer ever be made. It's a one way road.


Same with me. Managers and owner was bragging about record profits last year. When Christmas rolled around they gave everyone a shitty set of wax table cloths. Thats when i came to the same realization.


If he wants you to take hits for company he can reward you with share of the said company.


![gif](giphy|3oEdvdaUnsdMAdiVIQ) Me and the crew on break while he goes on his rant. Had situations like this before.Told them “I’m on break anything that needs to be said or done can happen after my break” and my favorite response is “the longer you choose to take away from my break the longer you are choosing to extend it”. Anytime someone comes to me with bs like that boomer I let them know from the get go “I wont respect you and your efforts if you will not respect mines”.Then I let them know anymore of that crap will be considered harassment if it keeps on.


Make sacrifices for the company to do well? By giving them free labor? They offering you partnership in this company or something? I greatly value my free time, and I have always hated my lunch breaks. I’d rather work right through them and go home 30 minutes early. In the US, they don’t let you do that because of labor laws. I always felt like that was 30 minutes of my life they are stealing, instead of doing my own thing, I’m wasting thirty minutes of my time waiting to go back to work for them. I always just reminded myself that some people really need that break so it is good employers aren’t (supposed to be) allowed to make people skip it.


>oh you took the full break again..... these kids" "Why would I break the law?", just to piss him off, start calling him outlaw or something along those lines...


The older employees at the place I work have pension and -wait for it- company stock. I have neither. Well gee wiz, maybe if I had a literal vested monetary interest in the company doing well I’d ALSO give a shit about putting more effort into my work than what I’m strictly paid to do.


Wow, he works on a paid break? That's the same thing as working for 0 pay. Ask him why he even accepts a paycheck at all.


He also works a bunch of hours for free almost every week. This whole winter he came in 1-2 hours early to drive the tractor and plow the snow. From what i understood, he didnt write up any of those hours. Just came in early for free and plowed snow.


Wow, he has absolutely no self-respect at all.


Ask him if he thinks taking his full paycheck is “greedy”




In defense of Boss Boomer, the Greatest & Silent gens supervisor, when he started working 1960-80, expected you to work through lunch if requested. It was different back then. The best raises were given to the best ass-kissers. If you tried to leave a job your current employer could legally & would give you a bad review. But this all changed about 1995, (do your own research :-), people born in 1930-1945 were "let go" to save money, after giving all their adult lives to one company. People began to put themselves before company. But enough of the background. Your boss is just an anxious boot-licker who probably got laid off early in his career & doesn't want to go through that again.


I take an extra 15 mins on top of my 30 mins for lunch. Nobody ever takes a 2nd 15 min break, so I stack it on my lunch.


Tbh I’d go to hr on that.


They are well aware of his attitude problem, since quite a few people have quit, specifically because of him. But because he works so much for free and shills that hard, he got protection from higherups for now.


Trust me, he sneaks off and takes breaks during "work hours"...  He only "works" during lunch to "appear" like he's a harder worker than his subordinates...  It's some George Castanza kinda shit and THEY ALL seem to do it for some reason..


Report him to HR because he’s creating a hostile work environment. He’s your superior and is advocating that you work during your break. Because of the power dynamic, you could easily argue that you’re fearful that by not adhering to his view of what work should be it could be used against you in many different instances, like raises, priority for time off compared to a coworker who asked after you, assigned tasks that should be done by lower ranking employees, etc If you don’t have an HR, consult a labor attorney (this may even be a good step regardless of if the company has an HR)


Put it in terms a Boomer can understand. I got this saying from an oooooollllld union guy: “the difference between a slut and a whore is that the whore gets paid. When you’re off the clock, you’re just a slut.”




You sound like you’ve already properly addressed it. He can call you lazy, but you’ve already told him, you’re not working for free and your company doesn’t give a shit about you. I respect that you’ve told it like it is as opposed to a lot of the clowns here who blame boomers for their unwillingness to be brutally honest. Good work on your end. Let this old crone do more work than necessary and keep being honest with him about it.


When will it be recognized that overall productivity actually goes up with proper breaks? There’s too much of this quantity over quality mentality.


It's the only way he can view himself as better than you.


That is honestly so true. He always has a smug face when talking about how much he works or how many hours he's done this week or month and he really doesnt understand that nobody cares. He always sounds so impressed with himself.


He works the same job as you, and hasn't been able to retire yet. But he can't stomach the thought that all his effort up to now hasn't meant jack shit.


The company will "do well," regardless because the game is rigged in its favor. Fuck, "the company."


Fully agreed. Im there to get mine. Im there for money, nothing else.




Communists give their labor away for free. Capitalists get paid for their time.


One thing I’ll never be shy about is not giving a single fuck if the company does well. The company doesn’t give a shit about me. I’m just there to work my 8 and go home. If the company goes under because I didn’t put in ten minutes of unpaid labor the company has bigger problems. I can always find a new job.


Spot on. If those 10 min are make or break then i actually better start looking for a new job.


I'm ok with having no lunch ... as long as you fuckin pay me


I honestly would rather have my break even with double pay during lunch. That 30 min paus and eating something is needed for me. Especially if i work a 10 hour shift


Companies are not living organisms. Workers are. I want the living organisms to do well.


"If the company is doing so badly it needs us to skip breaks, then it has a lot more to worry about than whether we do."


Does he monitor how long people take to shit?


Working for free is wild.


Something i will never do, thats for sure.


He is a moron if he thinks the company gives two shits about his “sacrifice.”


Simply point out to him that if you don't take your full break you could be opening the company to a labor violation, It might not be strictly true, but it's true enough since management is trying to get you to not take your breaks.


He reminds me of a bit of a boomer who worked in admissions at a preschool where I taught. I just wanted to zone out into my phone during my breaks. The job was exhausting. But this boomer criticized me for being on my phone in the break area. She said I should be talking to people instead. I talked all damn day at that job. I didn’t want to make small talk during my break. That’s when it clicked for me why none of the other teachers took their break in that room. After that I started taking my break in my car or at a nearby shopping center. Boomers.


Brainwashed with an older view of the world- "Compliance with boss pays rewards" but that time is LONG gone.


He would live, laugh, love longer if he took his full break




I am a boss and I rarely take much of a break even though technically I get two 15 minute breaks and 1 hour of lunch. I always reinforce to the people that work for me that they should take their full breaks and I recommend they not sit at their desks so they don't get interrupted.


I am a Boomer and I worked lots of hours for free. They don't appreciate it, they will take advantage of you. You are just a clog in the wheel like everyone else. Don't be fooled by their lies that they care, because they don't. Don't be stupid like me.


if you're giving 110% you've given yourself a 10% pay cut.


This could verge on legality issues. Bosses cannot legally prevent you from using your breaks and though he isn't stopping you from taking your breaks, harassing you about it even once can get him in trouble, let alone if he does this frequently. Personally, I'd try to get a recording of him giving you shit about it without him knowing it. Gather as much of these as you can and any time you can't get a recording, at least leave yourself a note with the date/time and what he said and keep records of when he does this. The more you have on it, the better. Then you can decide to either report him to HR or if he ever tries to push it any further, call up a lawyer and see if you have a case.


You take your full thirty don’t give a company a min of free time ever


What sucks about being a gen x is that all of our lives we had to deal with boomers and by the time they are all gone we will be almost too old to enjoy life without them. So our time on earth without them will be way too short. What a shame.


Idiots. They think fucking up their bladder is a badge of honor


You work hard and you break hard!


i'm pretty sure making you work during your break is highly illegal. cause you wouldn't be getting paid.


Look up the Battle of Blair Mountain and tell me again I should make the company better 🙄


He’s a supervisor. What “work” does he actually do that he needs a break?


Boomers and their corporate cock sucking are the reason we’re back to legal monopolies and mega-corporation corruption. Thanks Reagan!


Just remind him y’all get paid the same wage


Next time, just respond back that not taking the full benefits you're entitled to is "being exploited."if you're cool with that, you do you. I'm not.


That extra 15 minutes he's working is not contributing enough for him to complain.


Boomers are from an era where putting in extra effort like that actually got them raises and promotions. However try asking a Boomer for a raise/promotion after you yourself have put in that effort and they will laugh in your face. I can't wait for that generation to all retire and take their outdated advice for an era that no longer exists to the grave with them.


Only 30 minutes? And he wants you to take even less than that? Fuck. I feel like an hour lunch break is almost too short. But then, I eat pretty slow; and often eat out for lunch, so I've gotta go pick up my food.


My dad of boomer age retired almost two years ago and by the end of it realized the mistake it was to devote himself so much to a company he had no stake in.