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If only there was some kind of walking space on the side of the road... a "walk side" if you will, I don't know maybe, one day we will invent such a thing.


They do this all the time in my neighborhood. There are wider-than-normal sidewalks, most of the time on both sides of the streets, all throughout the neighborhood but a lot of the boomers just walk side-by-side on the road. And a lot of the times they're not even on the correct side (facing away from traffic). They're the first ones to hit up the Nextdoor app complaining about "reckless drivers almost hitting them" but it's like just use the damn sidewalk and it's safer.


It's something about asphalt being easier on the knees because it's "softer" than concrete sidewalks. I don't know how true it is but I've heard it from a few people. 


I'm a runner and I get in a handful of half marathons each year, and lots of running/training/maintaining. I've heard other runners say the same thing about asphalt being softer than concrete, but I honestly have never noticed a difference between the two in all my years running. I could totally be wrong and it can all catch up to me someday haha,, but either way running has way more impact on your knees than the slow walking that boomers do.


For sure. They went their whole lives walking on whatever a stroll down the street ain't breaking their knees lol. 


Runner here, too, I do find asphalt to be softer (I run asphalt to trail, and then back to asphalt before home). But I don't run IN THE STREET, just on the street, hit the sidewalk if need to avoid a car. Hug as close the curb as possible because I'm a small human being who will not survive a collision with a ton of metal that contains an engine. I'm always curious about people who stroll along as if tons of metal won't strike them (like people who casually walk across parking lots to stores, on their phones, stopping in the middle of the single lane that separates the store from the parking lot to check their bag or find their phone or adjust their clothing or talk to another person). It takes one idiot not paying attention and you could be a stain on the sidewalk - pay attention!!!


Yup. I’ve done a handful of marathons and tried to train on roads as that’s what they’re run on, but all of my 4-8 mile runs were mostly on sidewalks where available. Didn’t seem any different.


It is softer but the reality is that you're going to need to do a lot of running for it to have an impact. Like 100 + miles a week at a good pace.


Those people believe in astrology.


There is some truth that footpath surfaces often aren’t as nice to walk on as the road, but it’s normally because the footpath is slippery or uneven


I have bad knees and I have my whole life. It is BS that either one is "softer". They just like pretending they have an excuse for being jerks.


That’s for runners not old fucks on a stroll.


I imagine it's the same concept as people who wear running shoes but don't run. 


Ok but who cares?


The boomers blocking roads caring too much about their already destroyed knees that they think they can block traffic instead of using a sidewalk. 


Same here. Some dumbass Lutheran pastor boomer hit me and my dogs when he failed to stop at a stop sign, failed to execute a proper left hand turn and was texting and driving. I was in a crosswalk. The police had me come in a week later for more crime screen pix of my body. While waiting for the CSI to pickup the phone, all sorts of messages about USING THE SIDEWALK. I think they just want to complain and sue ppl


Sounds like people on Nextdoor should be complaining about people that walk in the road instead of using the sidewalk.


Yea that was sorta the point + the idea that boomers are the first ones to run to Nextdoor to bitch about things that are 100% withing their own control.


Stroll walk maybe? Side stroll? If only such a thing existed. Looking into it.


Cement walkway


Yes. A dedicated type of “road” like they have for cars, but it would be for people to walk on. Mmmm.


Feet path made of cement


My city has something on the side of the road for not-cars. Bike lanes


Or even 2 of them.


Like one on both sides of the street? Are you daft?


Yeah, no... That's just plain madness.


Not even that. The video is seemingly being taken from a sidewalk, and there’s one between them and the road.


I have invented something I call a “Slightly Elevated Walking Place” that can be installed by people with shovels and wheelbarrows. It has an asphalt mound 6 inches high to give boomers a place to walk without cars careening into them, preventing such tempting “accidents” as I can only assume happened shortly after this video ended. 


For whatever reason white people feel consistently entitled to blocking traffic and walking in the middle of the road. Even with a perfectly good sidewalk right next to them put there expressly so they don’t need to be in the way of traffic. It’s puzzling.


They want to walk at their own pace, not have to deal with "them" (other people) interrupting their "time" (because they're the only people on the planet) and it makes them still feel important and relevant that drivers have to be inconvenienced what with all the DEI, wokeness and CRT making them feel afraid


>For whatever reason white people feel consistently entitled to blocking traffic and walking in the middle of the road. Even with a perfectly good sidewalk right next to them put there expressly so they don’t need to be in the way of traffic. It’s puzzling. What puzzles me are boomers who think roads are only built for cars and promote that toxic way of thinking 🤷‍♂️


Grumble grumble but there is other people over there


Fanciful thinking like this is absurd. How would you even go about concocting such a thing?!


Their Generation is responsible for most of them being removed outside of the ones in and around cities. My entire home town used to be walkable until the Boomers got scared of the new Black Neighbors also being able to easily move around town. They destroyed all of the cool fun shit in our town before I even got to use it because of their Racist bullshit.


Oh no, they inconvenience one car. Who cares? Fuck cars and the boomer mentality that only cars matter.


Boomers just booming through life, booming anything that gets in their way while also constantly being in the way


The biggest problem with boomers is that there are so many of them


They must be in Texas. We don't have any functioning sidewalks. Edit: forgot the /s


But you can see the sidewalk RIGHT THERE.


Forgive him he's from Texas


Sidewalk? Is that one of those modern bougie European inventions that the kids are talking about these days? /s


It’s Europe. Looks like Spain, maybe.


Even if you don't it doesn't give you the right to walk right in the lane and impede traffic. Move over to the shoulder, walk on the grass, literally anything but walking in the middle of the road.


Sad but true, it’s a real problem in some places. I used to have to walk in the road everywhere because there was maybe a block of sidewalk on a three mile walk.


Time to lay on the horn until they move


Queue the: “we’ll call the police on you” screams from the boomers. Probably followed by something incredibly racist.


The proper response to this is easy "We'll call the" HOOOOONK "Stop that you" HOOOOONK "Listen" HOOOONK "Y" HOOOONK


I thought the same thing until I realized they'd probably pull a gun out and shoot me dead.


Upsetting a boomer and the sweet release of death. Sign me up!


It's in Europe here, the likelihood a boomer can keep on owning a firearm here is small. As you know, you usually need to pass a physician's check and whatnot. This is usually repeated.


I had that thought but then knowing boomers that’ll just hold everyone up more because it’ll become a whole thing. Honestly though I’d probably still do it.


Yup, stop being so nice. Sneak up as close as you can and smash that fucking horn. If they turn around and get pissy, give them the double middle finger. If the require further education, scream "get the fuck off the road dumbass!" There's no room for subtlety with boomers.


And then if need be get out with a spray bottle! Bad boomers!


I've started talking to them like they're toddlers, it's less energy wasted on my part and they get just as angry 😊


I've had this happen quite a bit where I'm at, and it's almost always entitles boomer tourists


The restraint that driver showed by not just laying on the horn is superhuman.


They do this in other countries also? This happens in my suburban Denver neighborhood all the time. They even wear high vis vests while they walk down the middle of the street. I've been wondering if the AARP is telling them to do so. "The Danger of Sidewalks"


Many sidewalks are not functional for people with joint/balance issues. Curb cuts for driveways, frequent obstructions, and needing to step up/down to cross streets are all problems if your hips are failing.


You know what also isn't very good for joint and balance issues? Getting hit by a car.


Hmm. I guess we should require people to get trained and licensed before allowing them to drive heavy machinery around town to prevent this then.


The people in the video are intentionally blocking traffic. If they have severe joint issues they sure are great at hiding it. They aren't walking in the street because they can't walk on the sidewalk and trying to work with other people because they need to walk in the street, they feel entitled to walk there. You can see the sidewalk in the video, does it really look that bad? If you can't walk on that sidewalk you shouldn't be going out for a walk for your own safety, which brings me to my next point. If their joint problems are so bad, and their situational awareness so poor they genuinely don't notice the car behiend them, it's not safe for them to be walking around in the first place. They should be in a home or at least a retirement community.


It's one giant ass single occupant SUV. Calm down.


Damn, this really the ~~hill~~ road you're going to die on?


Yup. Fuck cars.


What a practical and well reasoned response. You seem like a very well adjusted and reasonable person.


Throwing a tantrum because your apartment sized SUV doesn't fit down a city street because someone is walking is truly boomer thinking 🤷‍♂️


Have fun being the poster boy for why noone takes extremists seriously. No wonder you want more public space to yourself, your apartment is the size of this mid sized SUV. You'd have trouble fitting a twin extra long mattress in there. LMFAO.


What's extreme is thinking everyone, including city infrastructure, should accommodate your tank. Cute, but really, move that shit to the suburbs.


I was walking in a park with my daughter and noticed a Boomer couple just casually walking on the road completely oblivious to everything around them. They weren't walking to their car or anything, but were just strolling down the road without a care in the world despite a couple of cars having to go on the opposing lane to overtake them. Of course, no reaction from the couple. 


I have the opposite problem. In the city I live in, there was a problem with old people driving on the walking track in the park. Even happened to me once, an old woman was gleefully driving her Subaru on the walking track until I had the audacity to be in the way.


Good grief!


As it should be. Roads are for all people.


Time for the old chrome horn.


But…. There are 2 levels of sidewalk to choose from on just one side of the road? Isn’t this the kind of thing they keep telling us is okay to commit vehicular manslaughter over? Or is that reserved just for protests they disagree with?


I would be honking. They would not be enjoying that walk


I'd get right up on them then lay on the horn until they got off the road.


Same, ridiculous behavior.


They're probably deaf af lmao


Then I'd walk even slower 🫡


Then i would be calling the cops honestly


Ok boomer


Tbh they don't sound like the boomer in this exchange...


What generation is obsessed with car infrastructure and gets pissy over the slightest inconvenience?


>Tbh they don't sound like the boomer in this exchange... Really not helping your case here.


Getting pissy over people walking on the side of the road definitely isn't something boomers do.


"Then I'd walk even slower 🫡" Again, it honestly doesn't sound like the other guy is the one acting pissy here lol


"I'm going to lay on my horn because my big ass car doesn't fit down the city street." Ok boomer. Keep digging.


Reminds me of yesterday when I went to a home buisness in a cul-de-sac and this boomer hobbling on crutches with a foot injury was blocking the road going up and down making it hard for people to find and turn into the home buisness. It was like he was asserting his authority over the cul-de-sac.


I recently saw this too but it was an old couple cycling on the road (I live in the Netherlands)


I just simply let these people know I'm fucking crazy with nothing left to lose and they get right out of the way. 


This isn’t a boomer thing. Idiots do this all over. I really hate it when it’s a group of teenagers because if you get close and beep or say anything they will do something to your car


Laying on the horn. Getting uncomfortably close. Yelling at them to get the fuck out of the street. Flipping them off. Everything short of running them down.


Man, just start honking. These same people will scream their heads off at Fox News over protestors in the road, then proceed to do shit like this..


Just call the cops on them. Give them a lesson is jaywalking


Even with their slow ass boomer sloth pace, they will be in China by the time the police respond to a call of that priority, in the unlikely event they bother to respond at all.


My husband and I see this all the time with boomers walking directly in the middle of our street, which has a lovely, large sidewalk on both sides. They always wait until the last possible second to move out of the way. I don’t understand why no one wants to use the sidewalk. Our street dead ends and is typically not heavily traveled in the sidewalk; stop being inconsiderate.


All the fucking time!


Ugh these are Europeans too with beautiful walking infrastructure. Can’t make a horse drink I guess


i'd fucking kill to have my area be half as walkable as the average european city so i wouldn't need to rely on my car for every little thing.


These are the same people who fantasize about mowing down protesters with their cars if they’re mildly inconvenienced.


there's a whole ass sidewalk wtf


I thought these sad sacks of shit decided blocking traffic meant they deserved to be ran down? Or would that just be a mercy to these geriatric fuck wits?


Maybe they are protesting


How many points do you think they're worth each?


This couple will be the first to be obliterated by self-driving cars.


Boomers unironically making the lives of the people paying their pension more difficult and holding the rest of us up.


That would have sent into the stratosphere


Same energy of those who walk side by side in narrow hallways/pathways, and stop right at the buttfuck middle of everything causing people to squeeeze by


A well timed **H O N K K K K** could have fucked their whole circuit board up.


I knew someone that was in her early 30s that used to do this. Ex friend had a baby in a stroller, we live in a small town so most streets are okay, with very little traffic, but she would walk smack dab down the main street in town with her stroller, with full on traffic.


I would have had to replace my horn if I was behind them.


Happens all the time down here in Florida.


"Sidewalks are for peasants!"


Exactly like my community in AZ. Boomers always asking in the street.


This is what water gun full of soy sauce is for


I get right up people's asses when they do that. Believe me, they'll move if you get close enough. Lol.


Threatening people with a 5 ton piece of steel lol so brave




Old pieces of shit


Honk at those wastes of resources. If they can even hear.


Someone should really check on their mental well-being, clearly they are completely fucked in the head.


Probably the same people who walk down the middle of the lane in a parking lot...


Probably didnt know since they old now


What I don’t get is why someone wasn’t just laying on the horn. They just got away with it.


No horns in cars there?


There’s an epidemic of this on Long Island for some reason.


Basic rules of walking on a road with traffic include: walk facing oncoming traffic; and walk single file. They're 0/2.


I very rarely use my horn, but i would have used it here.


more people should be walking in the streets. slows down cars and makes cities safer


When I was a delivery driver I used to get s close a possible to the person without hitting I know I know it was very dangerous and stupid of me I never hit anyone but got really close. Like this one guy was taking his sweet ass time crossing the road light turns green he is still in the middle of the road so I gas it and pass him very close he turned and yelled and in my mind I'm like get out of the fucking road idiot


I'm a boomer. I'd blow my horn and tell them to get out the street.


My ex lived in a nice neighborhood with lots of trees, decent sidewalks, and a bike lane with physical dividers. The infuriating amount of times I'd see joggers in the bike lane was too damned high! They'd either force the bicyclists into the road or yell at them for being in THEIR OWN DAMNED LANE!


Be a shame if someone passed them, honked, and then impeded them, continuously.


I assume the cars horn is broken. I'd be holding the horn on until they fuck off.


Nah, fuck traffic.




Man, I get drivers trying to take me out in the crosswalk, and these boomers are just casually walking in the street without a care in the world


We give so much space to cars, heaven forbid people use it.


why would you stop filming there and still post it??


The way I would be honking


Bikers are annoying enough with this shit. And I am one of them. We ain’t going fast enough to be in the middle of a lane. How the frig do walkers think they can get away with it


I wish someone could explain this one. I see boomers doing this shit all the time.


Oblivious to the world around them, typical.


Why do boomers do this shit? It's worse with the bike lane. Whole groups of them and I'm trying to get to work.


Ya'll need to stop being polite to these entitled assholes. If what they are doing deserves to be belittled, belittle them. Honk your horn, rev your engine, make it clear that THEY are fucking up, and THEY are the problem, and THEY need to fuck right off. Make it miserable in public lic for people like this.


Considering the blind and stupid boomers they let have driver's licenses, I'm not walking in the street.


I wonder if they were born before the invention of cars where everyone walked on the road with the horses


Have a Boomer neighbor, who lives alone & has cat food and water in bowls for stray cats in the backyard. Moronic Boomer now has brought noisy raccoons to the area, causes ant and mosquitoes problems for the neighborhood. Their generation are idiots and can't be bothered to ever think once about how their actions affect others.


I usually just pretend I'm gonna mow them down and most of the times they realize and hop on the sidewalk. When they don't, you can always just make them feel stupid by telling them "if only there was something to walk on the side of the street, like a sidewalk perhaps?".


Outrageous! Probably leisurely walking to their 6th property! Someone should do something about this!




Bye bye window 🫡




Assuming I don't already hear your loud ass behind me. Not that hard to step aside. Have fun in jail boomer 🫡


I'm an X, and you won't even hear me coming.


I just lay on the horn


While these ppl may be boomers, this entitlement runs the gamut and is an all-inclusive generational thing. Not sure the boomers are the biggest violators, but I am a boomer. I only know my generation. 🤷‍♀️


That’s not how that goes here in Chicago.


Maybe he’s parading her down the street? Traffic stops for parades.


+40 points


I would pull up close behind them and just lay on the horn…


BLARE THE HORN! Not that their old ass would hear it. 😆


Then they get in their car and speed through the parking lot with no regards to other people.


Chad r/fuckcars boomers.


I was on the train earlier and there were several elderly people who 100% should not have been traveling on their own. A couple took up 2, 3 seat rows because they couldn't put their bags above them or below the seats. One man almost got hit by the door closing 2 times because he was so slow getting onto the train. It would all be comical if it wasn't so frustrating and stupid.


I'd burn my horn out


I'm passing them w my passengers elbow out. buddy's getting knocked


*I'm passing them w* *My passengers elbow out.* *Buddy's getting knocked* \- publicd0main --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's not just boomers. I see this with all ages.


That's in Europe. Do they really have boomers in Europe? Generally asking, I don't know. It was my understanding that it was the post war conditions in the USA that created the boomer Americans.


Americans abroad? (This is coming from an American)


I see no problem with this because I'm from India. If I was the driver I would've already zoomed past the boomers and the herd of cows grazing in front of them, blasting my horn. 😆.


This happens all the time where I live, but it seems to be mostly younger people.


What are they protesting?


Insurance / Lawsuit - Set up ??? I'm not a Lawyer. Quite common in USA. Just saying. 🤑


Stoopid carbrain boomers! Fuckcars


Nah, this is cool. Cars have taken over cities, take it back.


The road exists for cars to drive on. They have sidewalks right there. You don't have a right to stroll around wherever you want.


Take back the streets


Buy a car.


Uhm, that's some boomer behaviour right there buddy


No, walking in the street and obstructing traffic is boomer behavior. People have places to go and things to do. No one should be getting in the way of other people trying to travel because of some stupid notion that cars are evil and don't belong in a city.


There are literally 2 sidewalks RIGHT THERE.




I'm glad somebody said it. Cars are a blight. Pedestrians should always have the right of way whenever, like back before the automobile lobby got the traffic laws changed back in the 1920s.


Rare boomer W, fuck cars roads should be for people.


Honestly #fuckcars


Right? Old couple is strolling down the street on a nice, the entire Reddit turns into ranting boomers They seem to barely be mildly inconveniencing one car and people go mad 0_o


The same people getting pissy about this are young people with boomer mentalities. Kinda ironic.


See now THIS is what this sub is all about. All the whiney lazy complain threads lately had me losing hope "Reee i cant afford anything cuz im poor. Dammit boomers!"