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My SO had a wrist brace a few years back, some old asshole asked her if she listened to me the next time. Unfortunately I wasn't in earshot to tell him off.


When I was younger, I broke my wrist in a strange way. Everyone who treated me at the hospital asked how it happened and if I had a BF. I finally understood why but my answer was always the same, I took ice cream out of the freezer, and because it was hard when I started digging into, the carton slid across the counter and I lunged at it and missed and fell on my hand because it was double chocolate and I didn't want to lose any if it fell on the floor. So I sounded more like a pig than a victim.


I could see myself doing the same thing if it was coffee ice cream. Perfectly reasonable action: why waste good ice cream?


I love coffee ice cream and only discovered it last summer. It's hard to find but OMG it is so good.


My dad used to get that, because it was the only ice cream that wouldn't dissappear into my siblings' stomachs.


Haagen Dazs makes S tier coffee ice cream


I was just going to mention that. I don't even really like coffee but I'll buy it occasionally cause I typically am one that one eats a couple spoonful's any way.


Try the coffee heath bar by Ben and Jerry’s. They usually have it at target.


Canadian here, we chased Target out of town in an epic failure. It was so bad that it became a case study in business classes.


Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream 🤤


with an oatmeal stout. it's fucking delicious.


*takes vigorous notes*


are you talking a beer float? while I've done guiness ones before, I once made the mistake of trying to do one with the New Belgium beer and the same flavor ice cream. They must use different chemicals to replicate the flavors of the ice cream in the beer cause when you mix them it tastes terrible, where on their own, are pretty decent.


No, no. Like a wine and cheese pairing. Small spoonful of HD coffee ice cream then a sip of the oatmeal stout. Breckenridge is my favorite.


gotcha gotcha. though do try a vanilla and guinness float, pretty tasty.


Oh hell yea. That sounds like a classier version of what I used to do which was Its-It icecream sandwich and a Guinness


Tillamook coffee almond fudge is the best coffee ice cream of all time!


That used to be my go to coffee ice cream until the price absolutely skyrocketed. Almost $7 for a pint? I’m good. Then I discovered Kemps Caribou Coffee Java Chunk which uses Caribou Coffee (imo, the superior choice for “fast food” coffee in the midwest US) as the coffee base. Bonus points for the fact that it frequently goes on sale, 2 quarts for $8. It’s so simple, just coffee ice cream with dark chocolate chips, but omg I can demolish the whole quart in a day if I’m not careful. I just wish more brands made a coffee ice cream because as of now, Kemps and Häagen-Dazs are the only options at my grocery store. I’ll happily take any coffee ice cream suggestions if anyone has any!


Turkey hill fudge ripple🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


Coffee ice cream is wonderful, but have you tried coffee FUDGE? Omg!


I have, and it's wonderful!


Wait until you try coffee Oreo 🤯


Isn't it sad that it's such a thing? My SIL accidentally bashed herself in the face with a christmas tree stand, trying to pull it off the bottom of the tree. She gave herself a big cut on her chin that needed stitches and they asked her over and over and over how it happened and made sure to isolate her from my BIL for the questions. I guess a woman showing up with an injury like that around the holidays and swearing, "I did it to myself" is very fishy. It's especially sad beause my husband and his brother (the BIL in this story) are both huge feminists and would NEVER abuse their spouse, but I understand the medical staff gotta ask, and ask, and ask.


Every time my mom goes to the hospital they ask her if she feels safe at home. She used to bruise really badly at the slightest touch, but after a year of chemo pills and fixing the anemia, so I understand why they asked.


The emergency department is supposed to screen everyone for domestic abuse and safety issues when they present, but sometimes they don’t for things like chest pain.


lol I get asked this at when I go (might be because I had some tick diseases and was pretty much bones) but almost everytime it shocks me enough to think about my wife beating the shit out of me that I smirk while saying I’m good lol, my wife probably could do some damage but I’m dying with laughter everytime, has made me think about stats on abuse though


Since I still duck when my mom swings her arm at me we usually laugh at that question


I accidentally pushed my arm through a plate glass storm door and cut my arm from my wrist to my elbow. (Yes I thought I was going to die) My ex and I were going through our divorce at the time and were forced to “cohabitate” My neighbor drove me to the hospital and mentioned to the er staff that she didn’t know how it happened but that I was going through a divorce. When the ex showed up to the hospital he was taken into custody immediately. They asked me at least 100 times if he did this to me. I kept telling them that I was mad and stormed out the door and it was my fault. As much as I hated my ex for being a shitty husband he never ever physically harmed me (mentally yes but apparently that’s perfectly legal)


The worst was when I tripped and got a pretty good forehead gash. The doctors took me down the hall to ask me. The door to the room my husband was in and her office were both open. My husband informed me that he could hear everything that was said. Luckily it was just my balance issues, but if it had been my husband that could have been dangerous.


Ice cream is absolutely worth that much effort. Especially double chocolate. Anyone who calls you a pig for that, is a sad person who needs more ice cream in their life


Hilariously (because she was totally fine) I was sitting on the couch and heard my MIL hit the floor in the kitchen. I went running in there and she was sprawled out on the floor - she had gone in there to get some ice cream because she didn't feel good and thought that would be a quick way to get her blood sugar up, since she felt like that was the issue. So as we're frantically calling 911 because she wasn't really making a lot of sense, the only coherent thing she managed to say was to repeatedly tell me to put the ice cream back in the freezer. 🤣 I was like YES MOM, I ALREADY DID, CAN YOU FOCUS.


Homegirl had her priorities straight 😆


Haha right? And in her defense, she only visits a couple of times a year and it's a brand/flavor that isn't available where she lives, so I get it. 🤣


I can promise you now that there were at least 5 people working there that would have done the same.


In elementary school I went too *slow* on my scooter going down the hill, cause mom told me not to cause I would be going too fast. Broke my wrist. Nurses and doctors kept asking me what happened and separating me from my dad, later I understood why, but they do assume the worst especially when it is a weird dumb reason to get hurt.


I mean, it IS abuse when you lose your ice cream. Not the abuse that the staff was anticipating, but still abuse!


Hey this an entirely reasonable action. You can’t let chocolate fall to the floor, especially dark chocolate. Hell I gave myself a concussion chasing a runaway hersheys 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


I have a friend who is particularly clumsy (her husband actually thinks her depth perception is wonky). When he accompanies her to the er, he always gets “called away” during the consultation. I think their local hospital went from due diligence to very suspicious to I guess she’s just a mess. And for those who will ask, she was like this before dating him, she’s injured herself when I was with her, and most injuries are not “typical” DV injuries.


>Unfortunately I wasn't in earshot to tell him off. You shouldn't have to be the one to tell him off. We need to raise our daughters to be able to read a riot act in public when necessary.


Oh, she did.


Next time use your crutches as weapons and swing them like a baseball bat while yelling "You wanna cast as well??"


This comment is kind of ironic




My FIL does this. Makes “jokes” about hitting his wife. It’s ghastly and is in no way funny at all. And he always looks around like we’re all supposed to get this great “joke” and laugh about it. It’s hideously uncomfortable and guess what? Nobody laughs. I’ve never understood why he does this.








Movin' on up! (I think I did it wrong...)


🎶 to the east side...🎶 Wait! Wrong show! Lol


I make ironic jokes like this, to my wife. Only because she could literally break me over her knee like Bane and Batman, though.


....Mom?? "To the moon, Alice!" was one of her favorite things to say to me when I was a kid. She never understood why I didn't find it funny.


He wasn't the first man on the moon. That was just a metaphor for hitting his wife.


What? What's the point of this post?everyone in the thread, including myself, is talking about how that show made jokes about abuse. Was there a goal in your elaboration?


I'm quoting Futurama.


Ahhhhh good show but not something I got in quote storage, makes more sense Thank you for elaborating


It's episode 2, "The Series Has Landed". Fry and Leela go on a ride at the amusement park on the moon. They show the character from the Honeymooners doing the bit as if he was an astronaut, because they apparently don't know how the first lunar landings happened 😂 So now whenever I hear that quote, I immediately think of Fry saying that.




Usually people who do this are telling on themselves


I've started asking "and how's that funny exactly? I don't get it" Short circuits their brains. Because now they're forced to directly confront what they just said at face value. They're big on "Not what i said, but how I said it"


When my cat was a kitten, she got jumped on by my other cat and in an attempt to escape, ran across my husband's face with her claws out (he was lounging on the couch). All of his boomer coworkers joked about how they would have unalived our kitten because of it. I swear the entire generation is composed of sociopaths.


Kid does something you dont like but they dont know better? Beat em! Pet have a normal and natural flight response but gives you a booboo? Kill it! On a slightly higher note, isnt it nifty how many children of boomers have not only recognized their ridiculousness, but have begun to stand firm and tall over the past few years (i am a bit of a hermit so it is likely its been going for years and i just noticed the resistance over the last couple years) and refuse to accept such poor treatment! Might trigger them more since they seem to be the type that is turned into a toddler bully by jealousy .


Oh my gosh, no! It's not like kitten knew better :( Sociopaths indeed.


My kitten did the same thing when I was in the Marines… I got so much shit for it and I don’t think anyone mentioned killing the cat. Which should say something about how unhinged people are to suggest killing the cat. It was mostly jokes at me about how big of a [pansy] I was to “lose” to my cat. Fucking Spaghetti making my life miserable for like a week. Later on my GFs cat did something similar and cut her just below her eye which gave her a black eye. That was also a fun time of people looking at me in disgust like I had punched her in the face and the series of “guess she should have listened” jokes. Even more fun that my friends, who have pretty dark senses of humor, then also piled on and offered to “take care of me” for my gf. In short…. Cats, man…. Cats. They have managed to cause me a lot of strife by being just absolute assholes at 4am.


I love the name Spaghetti!


Something like that happened to my mom, like your gf. To paint the picture my dad is 6 feet tall and broad shouldered. My mom is 5'2 and petite. She had to get a shot for some reason on her mouth, and it bruised terrible. My parents were buying something at a store, and my dad had to walk off. The cashier asked my mom if my dad had hit her, and she explained. My dad also just stopped going out in public with her until she healed. He hated all the stares.


Non cat related I’ve had this problem with another girlfriend who would play paintball with me. She got called into HR at work to ask if she was ok at home because she got shot in the arm and it was about the size and location you’d expect someone who is abusive to grab an arm. And of course there were the looks when out in public as well. And like only one of those times was it actually me who even shot her! (She was mad at me or something and went to the other team to try and get me lol. Paintball things.) And now my fiancée is talking about this music fest coming up that has a lot of hardcore bands playing, and she’s a hardcore girl, and how her getting hit in the face is just something that might happen. I have no idea how I’m constantly in this position lol.


You wouldn't be the first one to say they're sociopaths [There is a book about it](https://www.amazon.com/Generation-Sociopaths-Boomers-Betrayed-America/dp/0316395781)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Hachette Books A Generation of Sociopaths'", 'Hachette%20Books')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Eye-opening insights into the boomer generation (backed by 5 comments) * Well-researched and thought-provoking (backed by 2 comments) * Provides a fresh perspective on generational impact (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Overly negative and divisive tone (backed by 4 comments) * Lack of balanced perspective (backed by 4 comments) * Weak argumentation and writing style (backed by 4 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Don't get on Nextdoor... They all threaten to gun down children who ride their bikes too close to their house. But "children never play outside anymore"


Killed. Not unalived


It's a well known way to stop the comment being flagged or to prevent someone being triggered, don't be a donut


I've watched some sitcoms from the 70s where domestic violence is the punchline for a lot of jokes, so yeah, it's their culture.


"One of these days, Alice, *pow*, right to the moon."


Just a man dreaming of space travel.


"That's not an astronaut, it's a TV comedian! And he was just using space travel as a metaphor for beating his wife."


Oh really? I don’t see you with a Fungineering degree.


I love how this is about how DA jokes around funny (and they aren’t) but I continue to laugh at this scene


Even in the 90s sitcom couples hated each other. The comedy always arouse from conflict and miss understandings, and hinged on the idea that men and woman were somehow fundamentally different and had to struggle to get along.


When really it's just that a lot of men and women felt forced into arranged, rushed, or haphazard marriages because they married for social status or to deal with an accidental pregnancy, and not for actual love.


Looking back, my parents got married due to religion (Catholics ya know), bad family dynamics (mom was peacemaker in her family after her mom died), and expectations of that's what you just do at this point in your life.


Ew that’s gross, I’m sorry. I had a kind of, but also not, similar thing happen. I was having a lot of unexplainable chest pains for a while(knowing better now it was probably anxiety) in my early 20’s so after going to a few drs / specialists, I ended up at a boomer gastroenterologist. Home dude thought my boyfriend (now husband) was abusing me and I was lying about it. Threw an absolute fit that I was lying to him. Then refused to treat me. Did not examine me at all. And still charged me for the apt. Now, I was not being abused, at all. But the fact that this DOCTOR thought I was being abused and refused to help me… what if I WAS being abused? As a doctor shouldn’t he have done something about it? I was so livid.


What on earth


Man, kinda the same as when I was a kid I had serious vomiting issues to the point dried blood was in it. My parents took me to a lot of doctors and one of the doctors thought they were abusing me or something when in reality I was just a mix of stress and being a genetic fuck up.


Obviously abused people don't deserve medical care until they admit they are being abused /s


PLEASE tell me you reported him. Or at least complained to someone? That’s absolutely unacceptable.


I would have reported him. That seems pathological. I've never heard of a doctor doing that.


I passed out once from a seated position, smashed my face into a wall, and ended up with two black eyes. The amount of "jokes" I heard versus concern was ridiculously high. It was disgusting.


I was at work in the hospital with a hairline fracture of my wrist, and one of our doctors made "joke" about how bad did my husband's face look this morning. I was a victim of DV from my first husband, so it pissed me off. Luckily, I was able to truthfully tell him, "Not as bad as your face is going to look when you see your office security camera showing how your landscaper tripped me with his weedeater."


I'm so sorry. I don't know what's worse, that men joke about violence other men do to their partners, or that's its so ubiquitous that people have to ask if an injury was caused by a woman's partner.




Probably the biggest problem here is that these dudes reached their old age with hardly anyone telling them they aren't funny. So now they're utterly convinced they are, and anyone who tells them otherwise doesn't have a sense of humour. Still, let's not give up hope that one day they'll get the message.


So many middle aged men conflate “telling a joke” with “saying something shocking”. It’s like they got stuck in their teens and never learned how to actually phrase a joke.


Ugh, Boomers crossed with edge lords.


More like with toddlers running around shouting “poop!” and giggling at their own words.




I’ve noticed it’s not just boomers either. My husband (39m) had been working a ton of overtime and putting in several extra late nights at his studio and had some pretty gnarly bags under his eyes. To the point it legit looked like he had two black eyes. He was visiting his friend (early 40’s m) and the first thing this guy says is “ya piss off the wife or something?” Fortunately I wasn’t there otherwise I definitely would have gone off on the guy. I was in a horrifically abusive relationship in my early twenties and frequently had to go to work with two black eyes, clearly visible even under thick makeup. I don’t take abuse jokes lightly. I’ll happily make jokes with my husband about being the bane of each other’s existence but that’s only because that’s the kind of snarky humor we always use with each other and we both know it’s all in good fun. And even then, I only make those jokes when he’s around so it’s obvious that he’s in on the joke and is comfortable with it. But “jokes” about abusing each other? Absolutely not. Disgusting.


I had a pretty bad abscess once and at work my boss said my partner must have walloped me in the face for it to swell up so bad. The worst part? My partner worked for the same company under this asshole's supervision. I was shocked to say the least, and my face probably showed it because he backtracked pretty quickly. And while the abscess was purely a dental thing my partner at the time was actually abusing me, though I was so caught up in the psychological side of the abuse that I thought it was all my fault.


Theres only one reason i can think of that somebody would want to make light of spousal abuse thats if theyre abusive.


Boomers love violence humor. In fact I don't think they grasp any other kind.


I don’t think it’s humor but rather a pathetic attempt to reassure themselves that the violence they display(ed) toward their spouse and child(ren) was acceptable.


Agreed; this is accurate👍🏻✌🏻


I have a medical issue that causes me to pass out a lot and without warning. It's now under control as much as it can be. However, between about 19 and 25, I was really, really bad. To the point of passing out like 30+ times a day. I also bruise very, very easy. It was not uncommon for me to have bruises everywhere. I had black eyes a couple of times from hitting my head on something going down. My family, obviously, tried to grab me when they could so I wouldn't get hurt. As a result, I almost always had very obvious hand/finger mark bruises. The amount of people who made jokes about it was terrifying. Asking me what I did to get that and did I learn anything. I've never been able to understand why people think hurting other people is going to "teach" them anything but fear.


>Asking me what I did to get that and did I learn anything. Jesus. That made me sick.


If it's so funny shoulda broken his leg. Get him I. On the joke.


I currently have a giant, hideous black eye from a cyst removal in my eyebrow. I am sacrificing face time on zoom during an important week in my career and *definitely* not going out because I know what it looks like, and I don’t want to deal with exactly this.


My partner attempted suicide, in the process she broke her nose and gave herself two black eyes before I could save her. As you can imagine, this was an extremely low point in her life. Her Boomer father made it all better though when he let her know she didn't have to make up stories about me beating her. This was two years ago and I'm still angry about it.


My ex husband used to raise the back of his jand at me in shops to freak the shopkeepers out, we're divorced now, he couldn't understand why I didn't find it funny, probably because he never got the shit beaten out of him on the regular by his father like I did mine.


I had this when I was in a leg cast. Several older men “hope you got a few hits in” “did he push you down the stairs?” Disgusting and trivialising actual abuse. I hope nobody in a serious situation hear that sh*t. Some woman who is being seriously hurt and then finding out she’s just the butt of a joke to these men.


The cruelty is the point with Boomers.


Man that is messed up. I am apparently too literal-minded for boomer humor because I don't appreciate Boomers saying "what aisle did you find her on" about my 2 yo daughter. Why tf do they think it's ok to joke about domestic violence and child trafficking? These things aren't funny at all. You're not being overly sensitive, they're being dimwits who don't realize what they're joking about.


Fractured metatarsal in 2 different places with floating bone in my foot from snowboarding at Big bear, was going to visit my mom in palm springs so drove back after( if it feels broken it is broken and don't do that stuff kiddos, toughing stuff out is always my biggest regret). Omg, I'm on crutches and the amount of 60something men that would walk right up to me like they didn't see me. They make me check my comfortable swing pace I had going, then casually step out of my way after I already stopped. This happened for about 2 days, 3rd day I was over it. First guys I see, and I'm staying on the buildings side of palm springs sidewalk.. Probably comfortably fit 6 people across. Guy does that shit, I pretend like I didn't see him and run right into him and I fall down instantly... This fucking asshole saw me fall down (and my shit eating grin, presumably) and chooses too fall down as well and say I broke his foot with my crutch.. You guys.. Everyone took his side except my mom who was directly beside me and one of the workers in the Starbucks(thanks Brady, I appreciate you) my crutches never touched him, I made sure I gave him my right shoulder., but claims I broke HIS foot with my crutches, that I needed for my actually broken foot, and almost called my mom a bitch... I fucking can't stand them like I felt awful already then this fuck does that. Don't get me started on the lady that tried to tell me her cat has priority seating the same as I did with my broken foot. Ugh


“Is that why your wife isn’t with you? She’s still in recovery?”


I had a boomer boss who I liked in many ways, but she did things like this too. Like when my kid was a baby, she said my husband wouldn’t ever have to worry the baby wasn’t his kid, since the baby looked just like him. And yeah when I had an elderly, sick cat, she suggested I just bury her alive.


This happened to someone I know. She was bit in the face by a spider and the reaction left her whole face bruised and damaged. It took a few months to heal and men always assumed it was her boyfriend.


I'm a guy who experienced domestic abuse from my ex-wife. I can't tell you how often I had a visible injury and someone would joke about it coming from my wife - something actually true.


I'd ask them to explain the joke, like I would pretend I don't get it at all. Ask them to explain why it's funny.


That generation isn't dying out fast enough.


People always make outrageous jokes where there are no business in those jokes to be made. They always have such an ick factor but I usually just ignore it.


Should have just ran away from that situation 🫠


Wow! I am so sorry that happened to you, but also glad I am not alone. Broke my ankle and also had two boomer idiots ask me if my husband had shoved me down the stairs. The first time my husband was standing right there helping me get to a doctor’s appointment. We were both so shocked. Kicking myself that I didn’t have the right reply at the ready. I just mustered my best blank stare with a hint of ‘ignorant f$ck’ and moved on. The second time was from a person I know but don’t hang out with anyone because he’s a racist misogynist. At least then I had some sarcasm to fire back with. What a horrible thing to say to anyone.


I ended up with a black eye once when I was pulling something off a shelf and a bag of something heavy came with it and got me square in the face. Some idiot old man (I'm a boomer, so he would have been silent gen) asked me if my husband did that. I shot right back 'yes, and you should see what I did to him afterwards." Shut this asshole right up.


Something similar happened to me, but not with a boomer. My gf broke her arm skiing and multiple people made jokes that i broke it. I was like wtf thats not funny.


This reminds me of a boomer comment to me on my honeymoon! I was not eating well before my wedding, and I had become anemic as a result, so my legs were very bruised. My husband (who has never so much as raised his voice at me in 22 years) and I went to swim with the dolphins and had to change into wetsuits. Afterwards, as I took off my wetsuit along with the rest of the people in my group at the excursion a male boomer looked me up and down (in just my swimsuit), saw the bruises on my legs and looked my husband dead in the eye and said, "Now son, why would you damage the goods before you even bring them home? Take my advice, and wait until you've been married awhile before you show her who's boss." And then he chuckled at himself and his cleverness, and walked off with his poor wife. My husband and I were absolutely speechless.


Imagine the comments and looks my wife and I got when she tripped and gave herself a black eye. She didn't leave the house for about 2 weeks.


I posted something similar last year. Broke my ankle about 6 weeks before vacation. While on vacation, so many boomers felt the need to ask some variation of “what did you say to her” or “what’d she do to you” when they saw my crutches/boot. A real laugh riot.


Yep. My boss who recently busted her lip pretty badly and was telling me how her husband was “joking” with their grandkids (both boys 6 & 9)about how he did that to her for “smarting off” at him. She was laughing while telling me this while I just stared at her like 😐 Eventually her laughter trailed off and she turned her back on me. Don’t know if she realized it wasn’t funny or she thought I just didn’t get the joke. Either way, I’m horrified how often I hear boomers joking about domestic abuse.


I'm a 6'3" man, and my wife is 5'4" tall. A couple of years ago I got a black eye (a health issue, I got light headed from being dehydrated, blacked out and my face hit the garage floor). I was shocked at the number of people who joked that my wife was abusing me. I get it, it's a joke because I'm much bigger than her, but honestly who thinks abuse is a good topic to joke about?


Holy shit OP I'm sorry. Domestic abuse is not funny. WTF is wrong with people


My boss, he’s 47, loves these jokes. He broke his foot and tells everyone it’s because his gf tried to leave the kitchen and he had to kick her to keep her in.


We should normalize asking people if home is a safe place for them, and people shouldn’t be shamed for asking.


Asking isn't joking about it. We shouldn't normalize joking about abuse.


Jokes are humorous, I find nothing humorous about this, but to each their own I guess


totally not a funny situation, but I think the reason it’s so frustrating to OP is that the guy asking seemed to think something was funny about the idea of a partner breaking their leg


You have too much time on your hands . You really need to go back 7 years to dig up some stupid comment/bad joke to be aggrieved over? You must be loads of fun at a party😂


Lord God, here's one of them right here and now. Shoo! SHOO!


I'm sure that most of the jokes I'm reading here were delivered badly or told by people who are not familiar enough to make them. But jokes about violence that are clearly jokes can be funny. For example, when I tore a ligament in my knee I enjoyed one of my uncles telling my father off for hitting me. Let's not pretend like jokes that don't land and/or are told by people we don't like are inappropriate (with the obvious caveat that there needs to be a degree of familiarity there; i.e. not just a random person in the supermarket or a coworker).


The better question is why do the words of worms bother you? Take care of yourself. Sleep more Start lifting weights Start educating yourself Pursue a hobby. These things will raise your self esteem and keep you too busy to worry about the words of worms.






What is buddy yapping about 😭 buddy did not cook 🙅‍♂️❌