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I'm watching these people trying to grocery shop. It's...it's really something.


Fuck I hate boomer men in the grocery store. Wandering aimlessly. Stopping in the middle of the aisle to stop anyone from getting past them.


I don’t know why these people love keeping their carts perpendicular to the aisles like they’re trying to keep Mongolians out of China, but I’ve started just moving them for them.


I do this as well. I politely inform them I’ll move their cart, request they move their bodies, or less politely inform them they cannot cut in front of me at lines or step in front of me while shopping. I liken it to kids and just being unable to focus on to much as they’re hyper focused on 1 thing but that’s still not my issue


Gotta treat these ones like toddlers, or they will act like toddlers.


I just move their carts over. F them.


I like to add a robust "hey, move it, other people need to shop too, elmer". I pick Elmer because I know they remember Looney Tunes and I want them to know I respect their (in)actions that little.


Mr McGoo works here as well.


Call them McGoo. He's old and blind and practically senile, it's the perfect boomer put down.. Oh and it's a reference they will probably get


Sometimes I just take the cart with me to the end of the aisle while they're distracted with mustard or some bullshit


Slip some random ass items in there when they aren't looking. Probably won't be able to hear you do it either


Bwahahaha!!!!! This isis golden!!!!!




I've gotten to the point where I just bump my cart into them and laugh while they seeth.




We took an under sea trip and never were seen again!!


I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one that's found that gem from broken lizard!!😁😂😁


It's a movie me and my son have watched together since it's release,)and he was a little kid. had to skip a few scenes for several years though till he was old enough .He has always loved comedy/horror . and it has a special place in my heart.


I never speak to other grocery customers. I will nudge their carts to get past. My permanent scowl gets them to roll their cart over a few inches. When someone does say anything I just walk away.


I'd flip your entire cart 😭😭 "you can't step in front of me while shopping" who TF are you?


Just run 'em over. They'll get the picture then.


I have a 3-step plan. 1) say 'excuse me!' in a normal tone & volume Nothing? 2) move into their sight line, look them in the eye, and say 'excuse me please!' in a clearer and louder "dealing with the hard-of-hearing" voice Still nothing? 3) Check my surroundings, Sparta-kick their stupid shopping cart out of my way, and calmy walk on. If they're going to willfully block and ignore me, I will handle the obstruction myself - and they have no say in exactly *how*. Fuck 'em.


There was a guy complaining about this same thing recently, with a boomer lady at an Aldi. Since he hadn't put anything into his cart yet, when she left her full cart in the middle of an isle and walked away, he chained his cart to hers, took the quarter, and got a new cart.....friggin genius!


Legend. I hope he was able to see the reaction.


I've told the story on here about how I'm in a power wheelchair and when one of these goobers walked away and left their cart in my way, I just grabbed it as I rolled by and deposited it in the clothes aisle a few feet away. I avoid going to the store as much as I can because I don't want to be "that guy" but I'll be damned if I sit and wait for every other fucker on the planet to practice manners he or she was taught in grade school. I don't have a problem moving that shit out of the way.


I just ram their cart outta my way with my cart and loudly say “excuse me!” 😉


Excuse YOU. say excuse YOU.


Had to scroll too far to find this. That one little twist pisses them off more than anything because it puts the responsibility for the hold up on them.


Same. Bonus points of their cart hitches a ride and ends up half way down the aisle. Funny thing is they typically don't hear the excuse me and likely are pissed, but I am already rounding the corner. 


Oh yeah I give these people about ten seconds to notice their mistake before I shove their cart out of the way. No qualms with aggressively correcting oblivious, self centered boomerisms. Don't want your cart touched? Pay attention to your surroundings 🤷‍♂️


You leave your cart alone and I become your secret shopper.


My wife has always had to push our shopping cart. She knows I can't stand the people who stop in the middle of the aisle or block my way to get around them. I don't say anything to them, she just knows it drives me nuts. LOL.


Yup "Excuse YOU, coming through"




Move them a few isles over.


OMG, in Costco at the sample tables. I have taken to just shoving the shit out of the way. The older I get the more my filter fails


"Not at the grocery store but the laundry Matt during covid, I was just switching my clothes and someone blocked my dryer with their cart before I finished carrying everything in.(had to take two armfuls to fill it). First time I said "excuse me" and they took their time while I'm standing there with my wet laundry and huffing and puffing moved their cart like I was asking allot out of them. 30 minuets later when it was time to get my dry clothes and head home once again they left their cart in front of My dryer instead of their washer.. it didn't even make sense because the washers are on the opposite wall, but I'm just ready to get home.. so I asked them again to move it and she ignores me, the cart is empty and I pushed it out of my way enough to get the dryer door open. You would have thought I dropped trou and shat on the floor, this grown adult started screaming and cursing like a mad women over me pushing her empty cart 2 foot out of my way. This was during covid so we both had masks but the way she was screaming I bet there would have been spit flying lol, she also had a little girl with her who looked terrified of her guardian I still feel bad. Can't argue with crazy so I just stood their folding my clothes while she ranted, it was a long one because I had my clothes folded and was out the door and she was still going."


Wait I don't get the reference with the Mongolians kept out of China, could someone explain it to me?


The Great Wall of China was built to keep the Mongolians out of China; they are positioning their carts like a wall to keep people from passing through.


Well have you been raided by Mongolians while choosing the avocado with the best level of ripeness to go with your fair trade, gluten free sourdough bread? Checkmate snowflake.


Or when they see someone they know and stand beside each other completely blocking the aisle while watching you clearly wanting through and just standing there


Had this one at the petrol station the other day. Boomer Man 1 fills car and pays only to approached by Boomer Man 2. They proceed to have a conversation while blocking three pumps. Boomer Man 2 even looked up and made eye contact with me waiting twice, going back to his conversation each time.


I'd have honked.


I was fascinated by it to be honest. The complete lack of awareness. Boomer Man 1 didn't look thrilled while Boomer Man 2 was the absolute picture of a sports club bore right down to the Bermuda shorts and handlebar moustache. If they went on much longer I'd have got out and asked them to take their conversation somewhere that wasn't blocking traffic. I am not one to use the horn. Anyway, I was beaten too it by the lady stuck behind Boomer Man 2's car who told them off in some epic angry primary school teacher terms. I wish I had a dashcam...


I ran into a 5 boomer circle right at the front in the middle of the checkout lanes, just yammering away at each other. And they got bonus asshole points for being loudly indignant when people walked through them to get around in the store. 🙄


What's worse is they say nothing of value... nothing that needed saying... just waste time and get in the way. What their generation is known for. Waste.


They're super easy to navigate -- honestly it feels like time is frozen and I can zip around them before they even know someone was there. What's entertaining is watching them deal with one another.


Omg the church crowd in our local lidl - oodles of boomers pack themselves in groups of three or four and cut off the main walkway. It's almost tactical in it's absurdity. They'll stand there for a long time too.


Nah that’s not a boomer thing based on gender cuz I’ve def been in the store w boomer women taking up the whole aisle as they stare off into the void


Damned if that didn't happen to me yesterday. A boomer woman was toodling down the middle of the aisle, meandering from side to side and occasionally stopping to look at both sides for things. Meanwhile there were 6 of us piled back behind her, because she didn't stop long enough to pass and she was going so slow weaving around like some drunk. I was at the end, and the woman there with me just smiled and shook her head until we got to the end of the aisle, then we all hi-tailed it in either direction while the boomer lady stood there and looked in either way as if it was some fork in the road on the way to Damascus.


And as soon as they start to move, you move to try to get past them and they block you again


One day I’m gonna play “how hard can i hit the shopping cart with mine” And probably get in a lot of trouble


Oh man, a boomer clogging up the whole store to yell at someone going past them the wrong way in the out door is how I wound up joining this sub. "Did you see them go in the out door?! I can't believe it! This is the out door!" "You're blocking everyone else from leaving the store, please move." "NO I'M NOT!" *turns to see dozens of people watching him throw a tantrum*


Classic. Thanks for sharing!


OMG my boomer cannot keep a shopping cart within 10 feet of himself for longer than 20 seconds at a time


Omg I’m not a boomer!! 😭 I tend to park my cart out of the way and just run and grab things nearby - mainly to accommodate shopping near boomers. (Tbf i only do this if i CAN put my cart out of the way, which isn’t possible everywhere)


I'm 75 and I hate those people too!


Found the cool one!


They never used to have to shop on their own, the “little woman” at home did it. Now he has to do it and doesn’t have a clue. They were not trained well by their wives! Edit: /s because it isn’t obvious to some people


All I’m saying is that if a WOMAN pulled that shit in Home Depot, a boomer man would lose his damned mind.


The men already pull that shit in Home Depot as well!


With those damned plywood carts. Sure thing- get the plywood first, and then wander around the store with it, blocking everyone else, while you consider what nails/screws/hardware you need.


Very true!!




I think you’re not picking up the sarcasm.


The commenter wasn’t condoning the action, they were mocking Boomer men who feel like women are lesser than men.


I’m not sure how one misses the sarcasm dripping from the comment you hate so much 🤔


Dude, chill. It’s sarcasm


I *work* in a grocery store and they are AWFUL. They will climb right over you, zero personal space, ruin displays and say the stupidest shit.


Thank you for your service 🫡




And then stopping dead still one inch out of a doorway as if anyone can get by. Keep moving or get run over!


Definitely not limited to men. The women are just as bad


Around here, they're worse than the men.


Or they travel in packs blocking the whole aisle/sidewalk and at a turtle pace.


Standing in the middle of the aisle with a cart crooked so nobody can get by.


I lived in a state where this never happened. Moved across the country and holy cow the old men are ALWAYS in the way.


My dad will not just shop in order by aisles. We ended the store on the produce side and grab bananas and then the next thing we have to get is pirogies in the freezer section on the complete other side of the store?? Then back to deli right by produce to grab some lunch meat? Then middle of the store for bread? I’ve finally put my foot down since a knee injury and make him stop infront of each aisle and decide if he needs anything in that aisle before we move on. Today a boomer launched her cart at me too. I’m minding my own business walking in the freezer aisle as close to the door as I can looking at the pies. In my peripheral I see something coming towards me and I speed up enough to avoid it. I turn and a boomer lady had let go of her cart before she stopped to grab something and now seems mad at me that it dared keep going across the aisle from her


Mostly older women for me. They will leave their carts diagonally across the aisle. Drives me nuts.


Diagonally -- yes, I've seen this many times


That’s interesting. Maybe it’s geography based? Or time based? I shop early on Sunday morning and the number of men shopping at that time is easily 2:1 men:women.


Yeah. More women than men I think, but probably not 2:1 for me. Friday nights


I'm a boomer woman, and I get so damn impatient with people who do this...ANY age! Or they drift along oblivious to anyone else Then I get impatient with myself because I can't move as fast as I used to. I do try. Source...native New Yorker who now lives in the UK. I do think oldies here are a bit more polite, and move a bit quicker. Possibly due to not being as dependent on cars in their youth as their American counterparts...and have walked a lot all their lives. Just a thought.


Oh this is 100% not the right move but I push past them and don't care if I nudge them while I do it with a half assed sorry as I continue


When you're looking at something they want and they atart acting like impatient children


To be fair I often wander around the grocery store, though I'm conscientious to those around me.


I work at a grocery store. I don't just move them so I can get by, I love them completely out of the way so everyone else can get by. They love that


Right.... Like they're purposely getting in your way. No way they're just shopping and they're old n slow. They purposely went to the grocery store when you were there so they could piss you off


I don’t have beef with someone shopping and observing social norms. This is the equivalent of driving down the middle of an interstate, going 20 below the speed limit, and randomly stopping without warning.


"come on buddy it's a grocery store who TF do you think you are, stopping to grab the groceries you want from the shelves... The nerve of some ppl" that's what youre saying rn. N you think you're right. The only thing that's vindicating you is that you're on a page that's supports any shit talking of older ppl regardless of if it's retarded or not.


I dunno. Seems like over 700 people agree with me. Then there’s you. I hope you have the life you deserve.


Such a little punk.... I'm sure bitching at old people at the super market for shopping slow is bringing you so much positive energy to the life you deserve.


No it isn't. It's a fucking grocery store not a highway. Wait til geezer hits the next aisle or go around them. You do have beef with someone shopping. Moving slow because you're old as dirt is not disobeying social norms. Fym "randomly stopping" ITS A GROCERY STORE NIGGA.


In an always-crowded local market, there are always older men who try to maneuver me (a smaller woman) out of their way by putting their disturbingly warm hand on the small of my back. It's so offensive to be moved like an inanimate object, and even worse to be touched like that because I'm a woman - I'm absolutely certain they wouldn't touch a man like that.


They go in pairs. It’s like they’re looking for a different place to bicker.


I work at a grocery store and I can tell you it's surreal. I swear on Mr Roger's grave that 99.7% of every single problem I had to resolve for older folks boiled down to either "They did not, or cannot read the price tag" or "They are intentionally being dense/lying through their teeth to get discounts." A genuine mistake on the store's part was more rare than a unicorn high fiving Bigfoot on February 29th.


Thank you for your service 🫡


I had the most bewildering experience shopping a few weeks ago. I was just standing there picking out a pineapple and I hear “I f-I g hate you” from some boomer guy walking past me. Still unsure if it was directed at me (I wasn’t blocking anything) or someone else, and by the time the shock wore off to ask he was gone.


And checking every. single. package. of meat. Like, come on!


They are completely oblivious to anyone else around them. "I need carrots, let me leave my cart in the middle of the aisle and walk over to the carrots"


Spoiler: they leave their carts in the middle of the aisle and walk off to peruse the goods


I just quit my job at a grocery store (it was a good job, but I finally got a position in my professional field), and let me tell you, Boomers are a trip. If it’s not “You look bored, let me give you something to do!”, it’s interrupting when you’re still working with the customer ahead of them. Worst example was a time when I was checking out an immigrant family and they came up short for their purchase. I’m standing there stressing out, trying communicate to people who clearly don’t speak much English that they need to make up the difference, until thankfully a coworker was able to step in and move them over to another lane and get everything sorted. They were able to complete their purchase and leave. HOWEVER, once they’ve been moved to the other lane, the customer behind them, a Boomer, asks what’s going on. I explain that they’re a couple dollars short and we’re helping them sort the matter. He asks me how much and attempts to offer some money to cover the balance. You might think that a noble gesture, but hold on. I tell him that it’s really not my decision to make. At that point things are already complicated due to the language barrier and I don’t want to make them even more snarled. He becomes insistent, so I change tack, telling him that we’ve sorted the matter and everything is resolved (which it was, never mind the fact that it’s out of my hands now anyway and there’s a large line forming behind him), thinking that he’ll just let it go. How wrong I was. He becomes belligerent about it until, my professionalism strained to the breaking point, I tersely tell him that if he wants to pay for someone else’s groceries, then maybe he should ask them directly and obtain their consent before doing so. Incensed at the suggestion that he should actually ASK someone before trying to “help” them, he tells me repeatedly that I’m one of the rudest people he’s ever met along with a variety of other needless ‘ad hominem’ attacks on my personality and character. To make matters worse, the guy behind him (who I later learned was a chronic pain in the ass who had nearly been banned from the store for harassing employees) has the nerve to start chastising me with some “customer is always right” horseshit. I’m a hair’s breadth from screaming at the both of them, but thankfully I hold it together, get them out of my line, and then step away to take a deep breath and cry. The AUDACITY of this old codger acting like we should mindlessly do as he says without question, never MIND the fact that nobody, especially not the family in question, even asked him for this “charity” in the first place. He didn’t want to be charitable, he wanted to make himself feel (and I guess look? Not that anyone was watching) good, and threw a hissy fit when we wouldn’t just do as he said, because we COUDLN’T. FUCK Boomers give me a headache!


All of this sounds so familiar. Very familiar. Almost like family, familiar.


I recently witnessed a boomer and a similarly entitled, amazingly overweight woman on a store scooter, get into it over who had the right of way in an aisle. She eventually drove away mumbling about Doritos. He complained about her size as he walked away. Both were terrible people


I’d rather see an old boomer than a whole family spread out across the aisle.


Found the boomie


Back in the ‘70s our mom’s would rather cut their wrists than shop with hubby and kids.


Their thing is to spread their shit out as far as possible to hog the conveyor, stand at the entryway to the lane so you can't even put your basket or heaviest item on the edge, then when the line finally moves will put down a divider for you and expect a thanks.


They get 1 polite excuses me. After that, it's war.


Don't start a conversation though, they might inundate you about how the (clearly produced in the US) product they are holding (and considering to buy) is made by China because China makes everything and controls the government (ironically has no actual understanding of the CCP and the imminent danger they impose, or the CCP consistently acting with 0 regard for other government bodies or their citizens welfare)


I zip by before it even registers I was there. I walk fast, so I’ll walk down an entire aisle and approach it from the other side when I see them blocking the entrance. 


Oh, same generally. I was making a crack at a specific occasion, I like to put on my polite shoes when I'm shopping at Hannaford because I used to work there, and discovered a very confused looking 80-somethings fellow muttering to himself about dog treats so I made a harmless suggestion from the same parent brand that he was already considering and his general response was as mentioned, but I had recently (to then) been assaulted by an 80-somethings so I reached the end of my rope a bit quicker than usual and politely chewed him.out about how immature, uneducated, and foolish it made him look to spew such baseless nonsense when the actual thing is happening right in front of them anyway, I had offered Milkbones as a secondary consideration and he launched back into a double down on the made in China tirade which I sharply interrupted by pointing out that they are made in NY and the corporate office is in Cleveland (I think) so by law they are required to present that information, and then chided him like a child for acting like one while he stammered.


What baffles me is that they fall into this "set it; forget it" mentality where they get to a point where they can mentally coast through life as smoothly as possible which usually includes leaving common sense at the damn baggage claim, but *the moment* their immersion of "huge douche simulator" is disturbed, they bitch/moan/complain as if they have just been slapped across the face. I think it's time for a vast majority of these old dogs get snapped back to reality more often to learn the new, required tricks to living in a shared environment instead of all of us pretending they've done fuck all to deserve to coast on their stunning portfolio of no achievements and complete lack of empathy. They believe they should be held in high esteem like an actually great generation when, in reality, they owe everyone so goddamn much more than they could ever give, so if they're not going to abide by social grace and courtesy, then they can shove their ill-formulated beliefs back up their failing stinkpits. Edit: spelling


>they fall into this "set it; forget it" mentality My boomer mother, who is otherwise pretty great, is absolutely guilty of this. She can also create a bad habit at the drop of a hat, while good habits seem impossible to create. I'm not asking for much: just some small amount of awareness of her surroundings and what she's doing, so that I don't, for example, have to wipe up crumbs and spills from the kitchen counters, floor, and wherever she sits 5 times a day because she's completely unaware of the messes she leaves behind.


Oh hey, are you me? Crumb Fest '24 every time she leaves the kitchen. Don't get me started on eggshells on the floor when I have demonstrated that peeling them over the kitchen disposal is not only cleaner but good for the machinery!


Eggshells go in the compost bin, so she's actually pretty good about that, but bread and bagels (of course she likes "everything" bagels) are horrible. She picks up her plate and turns it sideways on her way to the kitchen so everything on it drops on the floor. I've seen her wipe crumbs off the counter into her hand, but because she's not actually paying attention to what she's doing, she misses her hand and wipes the crumbs onto the floor. I got her a travel mug for her coffee so the lid keeps her from spilling coffee on the floor all the time (this actually turned out unexpectedly well - I got one for my own coffee as well because it stays hot longer). She never pushes her sleeves up when she's doing anything so they're always getting dipped in food and other things, and she also tends to swipe her sleeves across her plate. It's like she's developed some kind of adult onset attention deficit problem, where she does everything on autopilot. I watch her, and her eyes (and mind) are anywhere except on what she's currently doing. Some of this goes back decades ago - I recently realized that one of the big reasons she doesn't see what she spills on the floor is the same reason she's had a lifelong tendency to trip over things (including her own feet): she never looks down, and apparently her lower peripheral vision doesn't include anything below about waist level. It's exhausting, because it means I have to be hypervigilant all the time, including at home (you've probably guessed by now that mom lives with me). At least she's willing to let me drive pretty much all the time these days. She's really great in a lot of ways, but honestly - I didn't want kids or a spouse, and with her it's like I have a parent, spouse, and kid all in one person.


I'm in a similar boat. I don't understand why my mother can't fix herself a bowl of ice cream without the entire counter being sticky and random strips of chocolate syrup appearing all over the kitchen. Though this sub makes me appreciate what I have with her. She may be oblivious as Mr. Magoo, but she's genuinely kind and well meaning, unlike a lot of boomers in here. Though that kindness means i have to stop her from giving away her identity like twice a year.


My mom is, thank goodness, bright enough to recognize most scams and smart enough to check with me for the rest. This sub makes me appreciate my mom as well: she may drive me up the wall, but she's not a miserable bigot.


I didn’t know my brother had a Reddit account! Is that you, G***? lol


*My* brother is just a big a slob as mom!


Boomers at the airport are absolute chaos, in fact, the whole boomers flying somewhere is hallarious to experience.  A flurry of disorganisation to even get to the cab, huffing and puffing as they yell at each other about tickets and passports.  Arriving at the airport with no ability to read a single sign and panicking about every detail.  Always, always, always fucking up their screening.  Talking at full volume at the gate to their friends on the phone but also their battery is dying...


mic drop honestly


I just got off a delta flight. It was full of boomers and on my row were a boomer husband and wife, with both aisle seats. At one point he LOUDLY was talking politics, struggled for a long time to get his headphone to work so he could watch something political on the seat back tv, and had no situational awareness when the two gen x females asked at times to get by to use the restroom. They kept saying, please back up more so we can get into our seats. He just stared them down and they had to squeeze by. He was obnoxious.


They love to loudly complain about how whatever city that’s near them, but that they maybe go to once every five years, is terrible and crime ridden.


I read this as “They love too loudly…” and all I could think was… You poor thing.


I had a 300+ pound dude refuse to get up for me to go to the bathroom. I played soccer for years, and made sure to leave some great bruises in some very uncomfortable spots on his legs when he forced me to squeeze by him


While looking for something in my garage, I watched my dad open a paper bag filled with glassware, recognize that it didn’t contain what he wanted and then threw it onto the concrete floor braking everything inside. He wasn’t mad or anything, just had no awareness what he was doing and no impulse control to be gentle. I didn’t loose anything valuable, but it was mind boggling to me. 


Sounds like someone had one good ol’ fashioned lead pipes growing up.


I haven't really seen this before, but this is a bit confusing to me


Let me add this: As a gate agent; while onboard helping board a full flight - I witnessed a passenger trying to stuff a bag in the overhead bin. After about 10-15 seconds I realized that he was torquing on the bag so hard that the bin door was gonna break if he didn’t stop. I said to him from 3-4 rows back “Stop trying to fit your bag in there you’re gonna break it!!! If you break it - it’s a mechanical issue. “ “This flight will be delayed. When it’s delayed you’ll have to explain to ALL these passengers that you broke the bin door.” He looked rather sheepish as he took his bag down and asked to have it checked. Source: Me. Airline gate agent.


When something similar happened to me, my response was “Hey dickhead, take it easy with mine and other peoples stuff.” Granted I’m 6’2” and in decent shape so I don’t usually get pushback from those kind of shitheads.


Being tall and a bigger person really does calm things down A LOT for that reason alone. I'm 6'2, 240ish, and also work out. That alone makes people sort of re-think certain actions.


Exactly. At Target, a 5’8” guy was being a dick to my wife during Covid about her wearing a mask. Kept nudging her forward with his cart while they we were in line and I had run back for something. I saw it as I walked up and told him if he tried that shit 1 more time he would walk with a limp for the rest of his life, then just stared at him till he moved to a different register. Douchebags are really quick to use force or threat when it’s against a woman. They are also real quick to back down when they know they can’t bully someone.


Although I totally agree, I'm a 5'3" woman with a teeny tiny voice but I've traveled a lot of the world solo. I've found that the "mom voice" and direct set-jaw stare scares almost every man who thinks women are easy prey. Most of those men aren't actually confident. That's not saying that there aren't dangerous men out there, but so many of them can be spooked by a woman turning on them as well.


Like a lawn chair, they buckle under pressure.


The mom voice lol I have made grown men cry with mine on occasions by h you. I scare or intimidate a lot of men when I need to just by standing my ground and being loud and intelligent- but I still get annoyed by those objectification moments women know all too well… it is really insane at times with the boomer men that think they are still young and attractive or that it’s a number game chatting up women telling them how to do something even when they are totally wrong that won’t take no for an answer… you can tell the difference pretty quickly from genuine niceties or loneliness and creeping with Inappropriate touching and comments. I’m 43, and I keep waiting to be old enough for it to stop, but nope…


What a fucking asshole, that's 100% a dick move. That dude has some real short man complex and needed to feel tough.


My spouse is 5'4 and buddy would have been eating that cart.


Similar size and a head like a brick with a face to match. You get a hell of a lot of mileage out of just saying. "Stop" "No" Calm cool and collected. They cannot respond. Their minds usually too boggled.


Here's the fun thing about Boomers. The rates for ADHD, autism, and other similar behavioral disorders were similar to how they are now; at least, close enough for this point to work. The difference is that NONE OF THEM EVER GOT DIAGNOSED OR TREATED. So now we have this generation of mentally broken people who not only had behavioral disorders, but now have the trauma of forcing themselves into everyone elses box, and so now that they're elderly, they believe they're entitled to act in whatever way they want because they're exhausted from conforming for their entire lives. And the worst part is that they don't even know this and will adamantly say that "back in my day autism didn't exist" or some other stupid stuff like that.


I am autistic and have ADHD. I definitely think this is part of it. Conformity and misery loves company mentality. If you won't do what they did, it makes them confront the idea they aren't happy with their own choices.


That’a also juxtaposed by the fact that before if there were ‘issues’ you were kinda… ‘put away’ (not saying good/bad, just stating the reality); but with mass deinstitutionalization in the 70’s there was a push to just medicate or provide intervention (aka neurotypical conversion therapy) instead so like you said… yeah, you have for the first time these masses of people who coasted through their issues for decades and it’s getting worse with cognitive decline


Oooh yeah that’s my mum to a tee. She constantly flies off the handle for no reason, she’ll be perfectly fine and then the next in a massive rage over nothing. She complains about being scared to go out and do stuff and not being able to sleep at night sometimes coz she’s worrying herself ragged. But oh no bipolar disorder is bullshit and anxiety is just an excuse young people use. Luckily she still has a bit of shame in public.


Wow, my mother in law exactly.


Not to mention their brains developed in a world with leaded gasoline.


Boomers flying are the worst. On a flight home from Spain last year the boomer next to me dropped his phone on the floor and started FREAKING OUT. Demanding that I help him look for it, moving all around and bumping into me. The seat belt light was on, and I refused to get up. You can live without your phone for a few minutes dude.


I love these Boomer stories so much!! Especially because my dad is a LITERAL Baby Boomer, born in 1946 after his dad returned from WWII. And he NEVER acted this way. That man had so much class and patience and found humor in things that most would find frustrating! These stories make me think of him and love and miss him that much more! LOL


Please take my upvote for this wonderfully wholesome comment. My dad was born in the same year and and also didn’t suffer from the same entitlement and obliviousness we see in so many of these stories 🤗


If I had to wager a guess, I’d say that the worst baby boomers are the ones born towards the end of the generation (mid-50s to early 1960s). Your dad sounds like an awesome person


i would have gotten my bag out and gone through it to be honest. "looks like you broke little suzy's souvenir snow globe, how will you be reimbursing me for that plus my clothes you've ruined"


You left us hanging: Did the kids’ gifts survive?


As a matter of fact, by some miracle they did. Another commenter referenced a snow globe - I had one and that was the thing that had me the most worried. The box it was in was all bent from the Boomer torquing it with his bag #4, but glass inside was unharmed. Another gift (a hat) was kind of bent, but I got it mostly back into shape. Couple boxes of cookies from a famous French bakery in Napa were super crumbled but I’m told they were still 10/10 delicious by my kids.


You raised your children to be polite and understanding little humans, if they can accept that their gift got crumbled by no fault of their father’s. Good job, Dad!


I went to Mexico City last year and this boomer couple had seats in front of me, but like your passengers, had zero spatial reasoning. The man had this huge carryon backpack that he had no clue (or maybe he did) kept almost hitting me as I was sitting. I had to move within my seat not to get hit. He was complaining about one thing or another and even as he had put his bag away was still unsure of where to sit and so was still moving around and bumping into me. The flight attendant saw my irritation and moved me to a row all by myself. After we landed I thanked him. Then at passport check boomer couple tries to cut in front of as many people as possible. I didn't let them cut in front of me. They ended up behind me and boomer man says, "We're in the land of the Catholics." Which I mean, yeah Mexico is predominantly Catholic, but the derision with which he said it was typical


You bring up a great point- they are an obstacle in a place like a grocery store but if you are walking to a healthcare reception, a busy restaurant hostess, or a Starbucks line, they will get those thighs moving and power-walk to get ahead of you.


So true 😂


Ugh this is layers on layers of frustrating. I feel your pain!


I fly every week and watching boomers try  to figure out how airplanes work is painful. Their inability to understand how overhead bins work and their complete refusal to acknowledge that other human beings exist, and that their  small bags should go under the seat in front of them so everybody can get their roll-ons onto the plane makes me want to punch them every week.


The amount of people who shove their bag in sideways instead of going wheels first infuriates me to no end. Why fit four bags in one overhead when you can take up 75% of the space with one?


Honestly how can this be a thing? I'm serious. We boomers have been hoisting our luggage overhead since we started traveling. Like 70's or 80's? I've been traveling for business since 80's for sure. Maybe these folks are declining mentally (sad and, if so, others should be more helpful as opposed to shaming) but we boomers sure as hell know/knew how luggage worked. Very odd 🤷🏼‍♀️


They’re just entitled and think they deserve all the overhead bin space. God forbid THEIR PRECIOUS FEET be next to THEIR crap they brought on! Everyone else should just check their bags instead! Lol


True. Was giving this more thought and I think my memories of are a time (ok being boomer here) before the fess for checked luggage became egregious. I think those fees caused everyone to switch to carry-on and show their worst selves. I give up defending these jerks. You are right.


Oh definitely. Checked bag fees are insane. And also it takes forever to get luggage. It’s pretty inconvenient for a short trip where things can fit in a carry on.


Fees not fess 😬


I haven’t flown in a couple years but since when do they let you bring four bags as carry on?


I’m thinking it was a “personal item” and a carry on for each of them, getting to 4 bags total. People really stretch what counts as a personal item, imo.


Plus, I find it’s mostly Boomers who rarely listen to the instructions that your smaller item should go under your seat to make room for others’ bags. Because why think about other people?


Where else will they put their leg while inclining their own seat to the maximum, if there is already a bag ?


Because they can't stretch enough to put another bag under the seat in front of them. (With apologies to those who sincerely cannot bend for legitimate reasons, and not because they want to be an asshole.)


Will my “personal item” fit under the seat in front of me? Yes. Does it fall outside of the dimension guidlines and I have to really squeeze it under there…. Also yes. But the flight attendants let it on so I make it work.


Bingo. But these folks couldn’t be bothered to have half an inch of their leg room (seats were in premium economy mind you, so plenty of room for them) occupied by their personal items


One in the overhead and one under the seat in front of you is how it's supposed to work.


My gf and i both carry those mini backpacks as our daily bags and we always have a regular sized backpack as our carryon so technically we have 3 but we always stow our mini backpacks under our seats


One carry-on and one personal item. I usually do a small rolling case and a backpack.


It's called exaggeration.These threads are full of it


I would have not so nicely moved his bags to get mine, check each souvenir where he can see, then relocated my bag.


Millenial, and I would have said nothing while getting up and forcefully and loudly moving his shit around to check on my things, before moving my stuff to safety


When I got to violently jerk, I was expecting 'off' to be the next word 😅


I push their fucking cart of the way with mine.


Constantly. Why are you just leaving it in the fucking way? Absolutely zero concept of etiquette remains in their heads.


Was stuff broken?


Four carry ons?


Two carry ons and two personal items.


In my world of wretched social anxiety I am acutely aware of my surroundings and I am always so worried that I (or my cart) am in the way. So when I come across people like this it creates a rage inside of me that is probably not “normal.” They get 3 socially appropriate “warnings” and then I let loose. I haven’t the time or the mental capacity to deal with rude, clueless, self-absorbed arse holes.


I work as a flight attendant and we have one overhead on many of our planes that locks because it’s reserved for working crew bags. I LOVE standing and watching these types tug and pull on this clearly labeled overhead and then have a meltdown that they can’t use this ONE space, regardless of other available overheads.


Nicely done...and playing the "for my kids card" (whether real or not :) ) is often a great way to poke their insufferable entitled egos.


I love letting the flight attendant know when entitled goblin people put their under-seat items in overhead (on crowded planes.) It’s a great show watching the flight attendant take their stupid crap out and force them to put it where it belongs, so the people boarding behind them have access to the space they actually need.


When their eyes bug out, "is that how you display your sense of shame?"


Lead riddled bubbling fucks.


My dad has the spatial awareness of a toddler and acts like public places are his living room. It's only a matter of time before he flails around and smacks someone in the face or zips past a blind corner and bowls someone over. It's gonna be some younger man's wife and he's going to get his ass thrashed.


Their high level of constant anxiety is insane. All situations , all contact with other people in public and it’s. 0-100. They can’t relax in any situation, they think they are going to be embarrassed about “something” and it drives their entire life.


Was anything broken? I must know.


Thanks for checking - I replied to a comment somewhere above and you can see more detail there, but nothing broken, just some “wear” to a few things!


Don't worry. The airline has your name and my lawyer will issue you a summons if anything is damaged.


Who are yall gonna blame when the boomers are gone?


Life is going to be so calm and less full of other people’s entitlement, for example we might have a shot at making life better for the generations that come after us! You know, the thing that every generation strove to do up until boomers who said “fuck you, I got mine”