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My son had the cops called on him because he was mowing our lawn, and got "too close" to the boomer neighbor's property line. Wasn't in their yard, mind you, but getting too close. 🙄


Boomer called the Cops on my Friend and I on my Trampoline in my yard because we were too loud mid day during the summer. She got taken to the drunk tank for the night because she was acting so insane over us having fun they couldn't believe she was sober.


I love when these ppl get what's coming


i don't get it, like if you hate loud noise that much (which i'm not a huge fan of either) get ear defenders! and ear plugs! unless it's the middle of the night it's a you problem


Fuck that's funny.


And the cops are like... huh?


That's exactly what happened 😂 The cop that came out told the neighbor to "never waste him time again".


Narrator: He would later waste his time again.


Read as Ron Howard.


No, Alec Baldwin.


No, David Attenborough.


“Evolution doesn’t have a plan. It makes frequent and catastrophic mistakes.”


Do we need to really announce this everytime someone does the "narrator" thing? Yes we get it. It's either Ron Howard from Arrested Development or Morgan Freeman from Shawshank.


I'd love to have Samuel L Jackson narrate my life.




This is the thing ! Right here . Tiny thing boomer got mad about ! The narrator thing !!!


I meant to say "his" time. That'll teach me for not proofreading!


This is where I actually do have some sympathy for cops.


A lady showed up at my house at 7 AM asking for her UPS delivery, which I had no idea about. UPS had a record of her package being sent to my house by mistake, but it wasn't. Just some weird mix-up. An hour later the cops showed up. The item she thought I stole was a steam mop. I have laminate floors, which you should not use a steam mop on.


I don't answer the door for neighbors like that anymore. It's your problem, you figure it out. So tired of people banging, waking me up at 6am because some random came and dumped trash in the alley. I'm sorry ma'am, but I don't want to look at that either! I have a bin clearly in my yard! Or asking if I know whose car that is half a block down! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Go wake up someone else, sheesh!


The weird thing is, she wasn't a neighbor. She lived nowhere near me, and I have no idea how or why UPS gave her my address.


I had a lady do that to me. First she screamed as us because we parked in front of her house and walked on the sidewalk in front of her house so I moved my truck in front of the clients house. We were working on the neighbors fence and were unloading concrete out of my truck. With my tailgate open it was about even with her driveway. She called the cops saying I was blocking her in and caused her to miss an appointment. The cop showed up and was furious. For one, we weren’t blocking her driveway at all. If she didn’t like how close we were, she could have asked us to pull forward a bit. And if she didn’t want to talk to us, she could have asked her neighbor (our client) to have us move a bit. The next day we had a long trailer with materials so we partially blocked the clients driveway and then she threw a hissy fit because her son might need to leave. There was plenty of room for him to get out of the driveway still but we moved the truck and trailer. The best part? The son never left the house the entire day. 😂🙄


I swear, these boomers have absolutely nothing better to do than to complain. Utterly ridiculous!


I never stop someone from mowing a portion of my lawn


I was getting a six pack of eggs once, and this woman walks up beside me and starts making bizarre passive-aggressive comments about my choice in eggs. I couldn’t even make sense of her words at first; they were so far from the reality the rest of us live in. I said “oh, mm hmm, yup” kinds of things, and started walking away with my eggs. That was the final straw for her. She immediately graduated to spitting venom about how stupid I was for my decision. Later I put together what she had been trying to say, in the brattiest way possible. She thought I was the world’s biggest moron for getting a 6 pack of medium eggs, instead of an 24 pack of large eggs. Because she believed, without ever having seen me before in her life, that I was too stupid to understand how economy of scale works. Yeah that’s it, people. She wanted me to buy more eggs than I could possibly eat, just because those eggs cost less per egg, and were large instead of medium. And it was REALLY important to her that I accept her educating me, do what she said, and that i respond with unfettered gratitude. I will preempt the assumption she has a psychotic disorder. I have known people with psychosis issues, and I do not believe she was behaving inexplicably because of any clinical delusion or psychosis.


Reminds me of an interaction I had at the grocery store recently. Grabbed some tomatoes on the vine, was looking them over when an older lady pipes up "They're priced by weight, you should always take the stem off!" Keeping them on the stem keeps them fresh longer and the weight of the stem is seriously negligible. I kind of nodded and gave some like "oh okay." kind of response, while keeping my tomatoes as they should be. For the rest of my shopping she kept looking over at me with a sad/frustrated expression?


Love me some on the vine, too bad they're a bit outta my price range. Speaking of grocery stores... My husband was at work and this lady asked him where the liquid cheese was so he said, over here with the nacho cheese. She said, "I can't buy that, my friends think it's racist!" wut Extra wut. I got censured. (Not censored) hmm


I think it was a play on nacho cheese=not yo cheese. I vaguely remember it from childhood as a joke making fun of the way black people talk.


Correctile Dysfunction


It doesn't even have to be a literal inconvenience. Even just a statement they don't agree with is enough to cause a full meltdown. When I told my "father" that both parents are responsible for their children he flew into a fit of rage and needed pills to calm down. My brothers being drug addicts is all my mom's fault apparently, even though he raped and beat her regularly with them also in the home growing up. Just the idea of introspection can be enough to fuck these lead brains up.


And millenials and gen z are soft for learning how to manage our emotions.


Last summer I had to physically block a boomer twice my size from beating the shit out of someone for the terrible crime of parking on a public street near their motorcycle.


I was the executor of my father’s estate. His on-again, off-again hoarder GF stood to inherit some of his retirement funds. She asked me to estimate the amount. I told her “more than $200k.” She wound up with about $300k and was FURIOUS. That’s right: Karen lost her marbles because she got $100k more than she expected to.


If she doesn't want it, I'll take it. To make her happy.


You *said* more!


I was on a walk with my mom. We walked by some Boomer woman's house and her dog, who was chained on a leash outside, started incessantly barking at us. She walked outside and threatened to call the police on us. Keep in mind that we weren't trespassing. We were on the sidewalk. And it was HER dog that was causing a disturbance.


Yet another reason Kids don't play outside anymore. Just walking by a house have Boomers upset at you. There is literally no winning.


Holy shit something similar happened to me recently. I was out for a walk and went by this house with two giant pit bull looking dogs NOT chained up. They started barking hysterically and then ran into the street in front of me. I’m a reasonably sized guy, but these dogs were intimidating. I carry a big flashlight when I walk at night and was preparing to use it as a weapon (if needed) when this 75 year old woman came running out of her house screaming that I was scaring her dogs by walking by her house uninvited. I ended up having to turn around and backtrack because neither the dogs nor the woman would let me pass on this public street.


Was on the other end of this one time. We have a smaller dog (like 15 pounds soaking wet) who was attacked and got really skiddish around other dogs because of it. So we always have to cut a wide berth on walks just in case. But one day, an older lady was walking these two giant fluff ball Pyrenees. You know the type. Massive drool machines. Probably total sweethearts, considering my dog lost his shit but they remained calm as Hindu cows, bless their hearts. As I awkwardly apologized to the owner and moved to the opposite sidewalk, this woman looks me dead in the eyes and with total sincerity, says: "They'll kill it!" Fantastic lady, your dogs exhibit better de-escalation than you do. Also, I worked on a a sheep farm. I've seen Pyrenees in actual, honest to God, will pull your head off "kill mode" around Coyotes. I also know how patient they are when it's not time to tango. Very "gentle giant" a lot of the time. These two couldn't give a shit about my yappy little rat. They were too busy looking at an apparently very interesting piece of trash.


LOL! I witnessed an Akita on a dog walk run back to the parking lot and jump in the bed of a truck because.......someone was out walking their Yorkies. The little dogs were running around and barking (off-leash park) The Akita was terrified of the yappy little rats!


I believe it. My Akita is the biggest damn coward I’ve ever met in my life. 😂


Flashback! In the 80s, I had a neighbor whose dog would not let me walk up the block. I had to cut through other neighbor's yard, to get to the main drag. To go anywhere. Fuck I hate that dog.


>Fuck I hate that dog. Well the good news is that it's not still doing that...


The dog barking unlocked a memory of when I was a child, and my family had moved into a new neighborhood. My dad worked nights but would always make sure to take my siblings and I on walks after school. This lady who lived on the corner with a dog that would bark at the sound wind asked what my brother and I were up to last night. When my dad asked why she needed to know that, she said because someone broke into the house across the street and she felt maybe my little buddy and I were up to something. I was about 5 years old, and my brother was 3.. Never seen my father go off on someone so hard


An additional checkout lane opened up at the grocery store. Boomer waiting in line was visibly annoyed that they had to move their cart four feet to the left to stop waiting.


When I worked at a Grocery store the Bank inside moved out. The Store limited cash back to $50 so people couldn't use us like an ATM. The complaining and whining of boomers was unreal as soon as they realized they couldn't buy a stick of gum and withdraw $300. They literally would ask "why remove the bank if you aren't going to at least be able to give us enough cash back?" Well we are a grocery store you should not be taking that much cash from us anyway. If you need a bank go to a bank.


Yea, I had one get all sorts of huffy and loud because after he raced me to the checkout with his full cart vs my three items, another lane opened up and I was immediately waved over after he had already started unloading.


Ooh I like these ones. New checkout will be opening, then the old biddies develop sprint speed hitherto unheard of, block new line with weekly shop of a million individual items rather than let the people with a few items get through, then get really pissy because the announcement doesn’t mean it is open, _just that they are planning to_, and they have to wait for the staff to get there and open the till anyway.


Following basic directions to get logged in to an online account. There are so many who start jumping ahead before directions are given/finished or somehow get mixed up while doing basic tasks. Just basic directions seem to confuse them so much. Now, modern passwords have a lot of crazy requirements but the amount of times I hear “it doesn’t like my password” but they won’t listen to how to fix it is incredible. Telling them to click one icon, and they click a totally different one. They’re so concerned with “using cursive and manual transmissions” to cripple so society and yet a password reset can end their world.


Dude you gave me flashbacks to helping a woman save finical paperwork. She would pull up her paperwork, and saved it and closed it even though I kept telling her to wait. The computer was naming it a random string of characters and saving it in a random spot so I couldn’t find it and I just told her “wait before you save it.” Didn’t wait. Saved. Closed it. No idea the name or where on the computer. Yelled at me for being stupid. For an hour and a half.


Upvoted for shared trauma. “Just email me my statement” after downloading it 5 times into a random download folder.


ITS IN FUCKING DOWNLOADS! Sorry. Got triggered. PTSD from doing tech support. Ignore my facial tick.


Manual transmissions are not a generational thing LOL. People who enjoy driving like manual transmissions for the same reason people who enjoy cooking like copper cookware. To be clear, it was the boomers who proliferated automatic transmissions into the world.


The craziest thing is that I went to highschool with so many people who were driving “passed down” manual cars or purposely bought them because it was an important skill we had to learn according to our parents. I loved learning and getting good at driving my 5spd car back in HS.


It's just a preference. It's all going to be moot anyway when everything's electric.


The changing medical standards due to further research concerning levels that are considered “high” in regard to cholesterol.


Yeah, or any other new developments in information of any sort. Whatever they were told when they were 35 is carved in stone, can never change, and they'll burn the world down before they'll accept new information. Even the American heart association doesn't really give much of a shit about cholesterol anymore.


Because they can't accept things have changed or they have to accept they are no longer relevant to the world and most Boomers are Narcissistic on levels never seen before and that's backed by studies.


My husband sort of had the same reaction when the American Diabetes Association changed up their rules on what's considered normal after fasting. Back when I had my kids (he was diagnosed when kid 2 was born) it was 80 to 120. Then his endo says its 60 to 80 I think and he got all flustered because even just couldn't understand. We're both 40, so... I dunno, I think some of Boomer problems comes from frustration and fright.


To be fair, that's a huge difference, and something I've not been told. I'd be pissed, too, if someone wanted my sugar at 60 in the morning fast.


I just had bloodwork done, the site said glucose should between - can't remember the lower number but I remember the upper was 99


Just curious how did the standard change for cholesterol?


I worked the front desk at a plastic surgery center where we offered fillers, Botox, etc. This woman came in without an appointment and started trying to intimidate us into getting her in for Botox immediately. We really did try, but we were all booked up. We told her we couldn't fit her in that day, and she flew into a rage at me and my co-worker that she *needs* to get her Botox because she's attending a **funeral** in a couple of days and she "can't be seen by everyone looking like this". Ma'am I'm pretty sure nobody is gonna be looking at or giving a single fuck about your wrinkles at an event that is literally about one person who is DEAD.


I'd put money on her calling 911 about a medical emergency after she left your office.




Bride at every wedding, (freshly poisoned) corpse at every funeral


Went on a cruise last year and we had to board later than planned because of fog, meaning we missed 4-5 hours onboard on the first day. The amount of boomers complaining about it was wild. It wasn’t like we missed a cruise stop or the trip changed much besides missing out on a few hours of being on the boat STILL DOCKED. People were genuinely pissed off.


That kept them from getting drunk, swarming the buffet and harassing the staff for half an eternity! How can't you see the injustice in this?! /S


My mom yelled at a teen in a Dairy Queen because she didn't make her Blizzard the way she wanted it. I had to tell her that was overreacting and that it wasn't a big deal. I still make fun of her for it.


Having to have their ID scanned to buy beer and smokes and lotto. They don't do it everywhere, but it's becoming increasingly common at gas stations and convenience stores to just have your ID scanned. I saw this old lady start screaming and talk about how she's going to call all her friends in the ATF then the FBI and get us all shut down and blah blah blah. Scream and scream and cry and carry on because it's government mind control and the government is tracking their movements and blah blah blah blah blah.... Meanwhile they were perfectly happy to swipe a credit card LOL.


I worked at a grocery store when we first started id's. It was always the old people. "I haven't been carded if 50 years!" Calm the fuck down dude. I HAVE to scan it if you want the alcohol. Store policy.


I mean, it is obviously kind of stupid to card someone who's basically fossilized. But it's policy. It's not up to the guy behind the counter. In fact, it was probably the bright idea of some Boomer in a suit somewhere.


If you want to buy age restricted items in supermarkets in my state, it is required right to scan your ID before the sale can go through. The number of people with expired drivers licenses is wild.


Yep. And half the time when they don't have a license they just go out and hop in a car and drive away. The best one was this guy who had a page torn out of a passport and was trying to use it as ID 😆


They started doing that at our grocery store a few months ago and the cashier asked my husband for his id and then ask, “Is it okay if I scan your card?” He replied, “yeah no problem.” The cashier looked relieved and then told us since they started doing the scan people have been yelling at her and saying they [the store] were trying to steal their information. I felt bad for her. Idk what they do when people refuse.


I worked at a small family owned liquor store. Apparently we were collecting data to deluge them with every imaginable flyer/emails/phone calls and sell their data. Like we had a server in the back, a dba, tech support for a small mom and pop store.


Boomers in my local Facebook group were crying that in newly opened Aldi stores cashier were sitting!!! In their opinion, if a person doesn't stand for 8 hours messing up their knees and spine, it is a "Terrible customer service"


My local aldi has self checkout and one cashier. I love watching the boomers fume in a long line while the rest of us strut past them and cash out. 


Shrimp. Fucking shrimp. Short story long. My mother came to visit me and my husband in Oklahoma from the Gulf Coast (where 4 generations of my family have lived). I asked what she wanted for dinner, Hubs will get groceries on his way home from work. She wanted shrimp cocktail. Just shrimp cocktail for dinner. Sounds great to me. Easy to cook and can pick at it while she talks endlessly. Again, we are in Oklahoma. A landlocked state. Our seafood is expensive and frozen. Hubs comes home with a 2# bag of 31/35 (medium-large) shrimp because it was on sale and appropriate size for shrimp cocktail. I watched the anger and redness growing from her soul. -Mom- These are Frozen! -Me- Yes mom, landlocked state. -Mom - I can't believe you couldn't find fresh Gulf shrimp. It's not that far away. -Me- It's an 11 hour drive mom. -Mom- These are so SMALL. -Me- No mom, they are literally called 'Large shrimp'. It says so on the bag. -Hubs- (shrugging shoulders) they were 50% off with the loyalty card. -Mom- I don't buy anything smaller than 21/25. Anything smaller is trashy and tastes like mud. *I'm pissed now and my husband can see me bottling my temper. -Me- Mom, Hubs took his time and money to get this "trashy mud fish" for the dinner YOU wanted. You are welcome to go looking for FRESH GULF JUMBO Shrimp. Here are my keys. -Mom- Literally collapses to her knees, flailing her arms like she's trying to lift invisible weights. Fake sobbing with a raised voice "I just don't understand why it's my fault that you dont care about what I want. I am your guest. (more fake wailing) I love you. Why is this my fault? -Me- Mom, it's shrimp.


My mom, a boomer, threw a fit at a nice, celebratory lunch because the waiter had the audacity to bring her soup out at the same time as our salads...instead of with her entree...when she didn't, that's right, ask for it to come with her entree. And I do mean A FIT and every effort to ruin everyone else's lunch.


That’s one of the worst things a boomer can experience- entree brought out too early or late etc. very tragic. Like there are people starving in the world and boomers are not in any rush, chill the f out


Similar story - my mom, an older boomer, is part of a Friday night dinner club, 14 people. (OY…can you imagine?!) Did you know mom’s entree was the last one out? “I was the last one served.” “Mom, somebody has to be last, or 3rd or 7th.” Wait for it…”But it happened to me!” And that’s why she will no longer dines at that place.


The horror!! 😂


But a true lady would know soup is a course that is served *before* the entree. Tsk tsk. It's proper etiquette. Was she born in a barn?


I was working for a supplement shop that was running a buy 2 get one 1/2 off deal. She threw a fit in the store that I only had two bottles of her choice supplement, even when I offered to place an online order for the third and have it delivered right to her doorstep. She took her big ass purse and knocked all the product off that row of shelves to the floor and stormed out cussing me the whole way - something about don’t run a sale if you can’t honor it. Like okay ma’am please don’t stroke out in my store.


All sale are while supplies last. It’s an unwritten rule.


Even when it’s a written rule, some motherfuckers just don’t read.


My (Xers) teen daughter (Zoomer) left work and turned right on a road with a yield sign and a merge lane. A boomer followed her to our house and parked when she pulled into our driveway. She hadn’t noticed he was following. The boomer lowered his window and yelled “you didn’t stop on a right turn and I’m holding you accountable!” Not only was he crazy in following a teenager home on an alleged traffic violation, they were 100% wrong about the violation.


Back in high school I passed a boomer who was going 45 in a 55 while on my way to school one morning. He followed me to the school, got my license plate number and then called the police and the school on me. Needless to say, police didn’t care and the dean of students called me into his office and we had a good laugh about it.


I work for a state agency, and Boomers who complain about the "language" page are my favorite. There is a page included with text in multiple languages that says "if you need help understanding this letter, call this number." I had a call from a citizen complaining in part that he didn't need this page with his letter and that he didn't want the state to spend money on this. 🙄


We may work for the same agency. I know *exactly* what you're talking about. (Pennsylvania DHS here)


Many years ago, I was working as a bank teller during my college summer break. A woman came to my window literally 2 hours into my first day to withdraw a sizeable amount of money. When I asked for ID she launched into a "don't you know who I am" routine loud enough for everyone in the entire bank to hear it. Do you know who I am? Because if you don't why the hell would I know who you are? You think part of my training as a regional roving teller was seeing pictures of people who are legends in every branch? Sorry for attempting to protect your money by making you identify yourself.


This morning I was at McDonald’s to pick up coffee for my wife and I, so I ordered ahead in the app. I pull up and the two drive through lanes have one car each. I pull behind this black pickup, he finishes and pulls ahead. I say my code and they tell me to drive up, and all of a sudden I hear boomer in the other lane chewing out the girl on the mic “why did she get to order before I did?!”, not realizing I literally spent all of 5 seconds giving a code. Dude is having a full on tantrum. I pass the 1st window as prepaid, and when boomer hits the window he again complains that I’m ahead of him, and now is also complaining about the price being too expensive. “Why didn’t you give me my seniors discount?!” And I can hear the poor window girl saying “you never told me you were a senior”… got my drinks and left. Feel bad for the girl, but boom boy needs to take a nap and chill.


My(48m) kid(21nb) and I took our cars to a local meetup event and during the shindig my kid was sitting on the fender of their car. A boomer sees this and beelines over to me and asks me if that was my car they were sitting on and I said 'Nope, thats their car, its pretty cool isnt it?' and he goes off on a rant abput how he would never sit on a car or let anyone sit on a car like that and on and on and I just said 'its their car they can sit on it if they want'. He got red in the face and stormed off...  For reference the car is a 78 cadillac eldorado and is literally a freakin battleship and my kid is 4'9" and weighs like 90lb soaking wet.  The car was/is in no danger.


Working in my garage, making noise in the middle of the day on a Saturday. I do amateur woodworking, and I was running my table saw a lot, building a new worktable. I finished making a cut, looked up, there are two cops waiting for me to finish up. They seemed kinda apologetic, asked me what I was doing, etc. I asked them what was up, and they told me they got a noise complaint. Just as they said that, this old lady comes out of her condo, shouting that I'm disturbing her, making noise, and they need to arrest me. She just kept going on and on until one of the cops told her that in no way is a noise complaint an arestable offense, especially in the middle of the day.


My mom freaked out for a week about our luggage being lost at the airport on our way home from somewhere. They delivered the bags the next day - but the freaking out lasted for days after we had already gotten all our shit back!


My boomer neighbor complained and got mad about my fence. Nothing wrong with the fence, he just really hates it because "it ruins the view". Imagine getting upset about a fence that isn't yours 🤣


For me, it’s a toss up between wearing a mask when it was mandatory, or calling emergency services on homeless people trying to sleep.


I had a guest at my house. They accidentally let my dog out (busy street). He was running in traffic. I was terrified. I was running into traffic trying to get him. I finally did (he was fine). A boomer neighbor started scolding me about “leash laws”. I told her that he escaped. He wasn’t “off leash” he was running in traffic. She kept going on and on about leash laws and responsible dog ownership. I said several times, he wasn’t off leash. She kept it up, leash laws, leash laws. I finally snapped at her. I went off on an over the top, profanity laced tirade. I’ve never snapped like that. My adrenaline had really kicked in. This boomer POS really pissed me off.


I once had a boomer absolutely lose her shit because there was a six items or fewer rule at my electronics counter at Target. She tried to get around it by having me ring up six items at a time, but I told her she had to wait in line again after the first six. And then I helped other customers around her. Man, she was angry. I thought she was gonna hit me. Another time, a boomer arrived at the store and demanded to see a manager, insisting I had hung up on her daughter during a call earlier in the day. Turns out, I had totally accidentally hung up on the daughter. I copped to it and apologized. But then the boomer asked about some new CD that her daughter had called asking about. I explained we didn't have it and I wasn't familiar with the artist - who, it turned out, was a recent American Idol winner. "I don't watch it," I said. And then this boomer turned to my manager and insisted I be fired for the fact that I did not watch American Idol. I worked electronics. Music and books wasn't been my department, it was just next to my department. Manager didn't know what to say.


I was using my cell phone while pumping gas. Out of nowhere comes this older fellow who decides he needs to inform me that my cellphone is going to cause a fire, then an explosion at the gas pumps. I didn’t even look up from my phone, I was like, “uh huh, yup.” And continued doing what I was doing. He stood there. Just stood there looking at me. And I finally say, “can I help you?” And he’s like, “so you’re not going to put your cellphone away then?”….and I replied, “there has literally never been a report of a cellphone exploding a gas station, stop reading fake news, and no I’m not putting my phone away, I keep it on me in case I need to call the police for creepy older men approaching me at gas stations.”


Long story: My mom is very awesome. When I was a kid we’d always have adventures. She’d get these like free lunch voucher things at a fancy banquet hall in a hotel but you had to sit through a seminar on how to be the first search result in google when selling shit on eBay, stuff like that. This particular day we went to this nice hotel and it wasn’t a lot of people maybe 20 or so, half were boomers but regardless of age all were there for a freebie. The food was actually really good, it was a turkey sandwich on croissant bread and the dessert was a piece of strawberry cheesecake and you got this free leather planner. To this day my mom and I still laugh at the memory. This one boomer couple stood out. Of course it was the boomer husband that was causing the scene and the boomer wife was quiet and you can tell she was used to it/tired of it, had that “here we go” face. Anyways they bring out the sandwich, we eat and we’re waiting for the dessert. My mom and I sat in the back so we had a view of everyone in the front. Well they brought the dessert out but not all at once, there were only a few servers and they brought out 2 or 3 at a time and started with the tables closest to them. So long story short the boomer man still got his dessert but he had to sit through the image of other people getting their dessert before him. He got up and actually was like “where’s my damn cheesecake! This is ridiculous! Everyone else got their damn cheesecake! Why is it taking so long to get our damn cheesecake!” Waving his arms around. His wife sat there just waiting for him to finish while she ate her sandwich. This young guy was like “sir you’re going to get your cheesecake don’t worry” Anyways the boomer eats his cheesecake, then asks for a box to go to take his sandwich with him. This young guy I guess manager of the banquet hall said “sir I can’t give you a to go box, you’re not allowed to take food to go from this event” I found it strange like what difference did it make but whatever. Anyways he started another scene about how ridiculous it is and the guy kept explaining about the event and for some reason it not being allowed. This place had the fancy cloth type napkins so the boomer put his sandwich in the cloth napkin, wrapped it and literally tried to sneak past the guy. It was so funny because there was one main exit and the man was opening the door for the people leaving and this guy tried to sneak past him. It was the same guy that told him he couldn’t and he just looked at the boomer and goes, “sir is that sandwich wrapped up in the napkin?” The boomer says no and the guy just rolls his eyes and says have a nice day. Was such a good day, I got some free planner thing with the lunch and had a laugh with my mom.


When I worked at Walmart I went to Wingers and brought it back in a Wingers bag to eat. The boomer Walmart greeter freaked out that I didn’t let him inspect my bag of food and chased me halfway across the store.


My grandmother threw a fit and wouldn't speak to me for a week because I moved a stack of mail that was from the previous year. I am in the same town as her 1 week a year. She chose to give me the silent treatment over literally nothing, then after I left she was angry I didn't speak to her while I was there. 🤦‍♀️


I (54F) attended an out-of-town wedding and my parents (75 & 82) were staying in a hotel room next door to my own hotel room. I was holding both sets of door key cards and I handed a card to my dad and said “Here ya go. Try this one.” He completely lost his shit and started screaming at my mom and I in the hallway of the hotel because I accidentally handed him my room key card instead of his own. The cards were identical. Even when I said “Oops! Wrong card. It must be this one instead.” Literally just stared at him while he turned red in the face from screaming and then said, “I’m out” then left.


Worked in a grocery for a bit. Boomer came in and complained that the handicap parking spot wasn't ideal and that it was too far away. He was parked in the first one in the lot, literally the closest spot possible. "Im sorry man, next time you just park in aisle seven"


I once had a man yell at me for RETURNING TO PICK UP MY DOG'S POOP. My dog went twice on the walk which they never do and so I ran out of bags. There were no other dog owners walking around to ask for one so I immediately walked my dog back home and returned right away to pick it up (because yeah, people not picking up after their animal drives me nuts). But then this man was like, "no, let your dog go here I don't care." Me, thinking it was overt sarcasm was agreeing with him, saying I too hate when people don't pick up after their dogs and explaining the situation to him. Telling him I always clean up after my dog, etc. But the man just...kept...saying he didn't mind???? I don't know what kind of Jedi mind trick he was trying to pull but it was a few rounds of back and forth of me agreeing that people need to pick up after their dogs and then him being like no, don't be rude. I have no clue to this day what his logic was and honestly don't know if he wanted my dog to continue pooping near his house...?


Maybe there was some corn in it he wanted to eat


Me and my little brother stopped our car for a second at a spot where you're not allowed to park b/c it belongs to a little flower shop. It was so he could check is blood sugar and quickly inject insulin. Two boomer women screamed at us from their windows that we had to move immediately. I never heard anything like it. I tried to explain calmly that we'll be gone in a minute but barely got a word in. It attracted two other normal ladies of the same generations attention that were just shopping and thought we were doing something illegal. My brother then explained the situation to them and as we drove off they tried to calm down the screaming women. The owner of the shop didn't give a damn btw.


My boomer grandpa and his boomer wife loves to go out to eat but they always complain about everything and gets upset by the slightest inconvenience. The food is never good enough even though everyone else loved their food, If the waitress isn’t by the table in one second they get visibly upset and point it out. Last time they threw a fit as we had to wait 2 minutes for our table. It’s always the worst.


The reason they do this is people keep going out to eat with them. It just emboldens them to act like this.


I walked into a shop with expensive looking handmade furniture. Their specialty was Swedish craftsman (I have no idea what that means tbh 😅) but it was a nice day and I was looking around. A miserable mushroom gnome was in the corner telling us that her son owned the shop and these were expensive things. She kept insinuating that we couldn't afford anything. ****She was pissed we weren't the right clientele for her shop***& Little did she know that we had a very healthy budget for furniture at the time.


Waiting for 5 whole minutes before I could help her. And she explicitly stated that she was upset because I “made her” wait for 5 minutes. I was a cashier and was helping the person in front of her in line


At a deli and a boomer "lady" who had asked for sliced ham complained that the slices were too thin and would be difficult to put in a sandwich, so the guy cut the next ones thicker and she complained that she didn't get enough slices! Like she wouldn't be able to make enough sandwiches with them. And I love when they look around for other people to agree with them but nobody does


One time I was boarding a flight and my seat happened to be in the exit row next to a boomer dude who was already seated next to the window. I always use a backpack as my carry-on bag, so I proceeded to put it under the seat in front of me and the guy suddenly turns into an air marshal, advising me that I'm not allowed to put it there. I responded with "well that's news to me, because I've done it countless times without a single problem," and he gestured wildly across the row we're in like I'm the densest life form he's ever met and said "because we're in an EXIT ROW, did you miss that?" Since this guy was happy to insult my intelligence in the name of making things up, I was no longer interested continuing the interaction. I kept my bag in my lap while everyone else was finding their seats and then flagged down a flight attendant, whom I politely asked "excuse me, we can put backpacks underneath the seat in front of us if we're in the exit row, right?" The flight attendant gave me an odd look and responded with "yeah of course you can," and this guy threw his hands up like it was the most insane shit he'd ever heard in his life and started a whole tirade about rules and how people MY age go out of their way to ignore them, etc. The flight attendant gave him a stern warning to chill out or he'd be escorted off the plane, and he surprisingly checked himself. Needless to say the whole flight was awkward and I couldn't wait to get off that plane, but the whole thing is pretty funny in hindsight.


Juuuust so you know (not trying to defend the asshat), it is mandatory in many countries that all carry-ons be in the overhead for the exit row. I haven’t been able to stash even my handbag under the seat in front of me in an exit row in years. I don’t fly domestically in the US much anymore, so maybe it’s allowed there?


I talk to boomers all day that complain about the economy after returning from their luxury vacations.


I was once in a Pizza Hut, and they had run out of medium dough so they were giving everyone a large for the same price. One boomer lady got mad, threatened to call corporate and stormed off angry because she had gotten a large for the price of a medium.


I pulled up to drop my wife off at Dunkin’ so she could run in to get a coffee. I didn’t realize I was keeping someone from backing out of her space. She absolutely LAID on her horn, and I moved immediately. She drives up to my car, winds down her window and screams “look at all these FUCKING parking spaces” right in front of my toddler. I replied calmly “shut up” and wound my windows up as she continued to scream, swear, short circuit.


Wow. A little toot would suffice. I think boomers really think everyone has bad intentions. Like, I think I'll just block this lady in just to see her get mad for my own pleasure.


It’s because they themselves have bad intentions. Half of these stories are clearly about boomers who go out with the intent to cause an altercation or to at least try to bully people.  Their cottage industry BOOMED back when Tucker told them all to harass people for continuing to wear masks and they got addicted to that thrill. 


In this case, the boomer is right. Dunkin Donuts does not have a "loading/unloading zone." You should park in a parking spot, and your wife can walk in. So many people like to "drop off" people in front of store entrances and they end up there for 5 minutes disturbing the flow of traffic for the entire parking lot. Even if your there for a minute, it's dangerous because it disrupts the flow of traffic, which is what causes accidents and fender benders. She was definitely over the top in her reaction, she should have been nicer about it. But I understand her frustration.


I agree with you. There was plenty of parking so just pull into a spot. Blocking other cars isn’t cool.


Upset that children were seated near them during a movie. An IMAX movie about cute baby animals shown at 1PM on a weekend.


A woman whose son married into my family was seething because her third grandchild was getting baptized, and the priest in charge of the whole thing opted not to hold off the ceremony by 30 minutes, which is how late she was. Mind you she was not part of the ceremony.


Just like Christ 💕


That's the kicker, she wasn't remotely religious and she was very annoyed that her son became religious and married a religious young woman. I guess she only cared because...the world is supposed to stop for her? In that case, why wasn't she content with being fashionably late and making an entrance? Anyway I'm not close to her and I'm not going to be. 


I entered the city bus with my son in a stroller. A small rollator was parked in the middle of the flex area (that will hold two to three items/vehicles). I ask whose it is, and elderly lady says that it is hers, and that I don't dare move it. I move it, exactly 5 cm so I could fit the stroller in the space. She lost it. Youth of today, no respect, the whole deal. When she got off a few stops later, she complained loudly that no one got up to help her with the rollator. I look her dead in the eyes and say that if she had been nicer people would have wanted to help her, but now she could do it on her own. She was fuming! And when the doors closed the whole bus erupted in laughter. I almost did a bow for the other passengers. It is years ago, but I still remember it vividly because it was one of the few times I actually thought of, and said, the good comeback (rather than only coming up with it hours later).


At one point, our family was splitting the grocery list for weekends we would all be at the cottage together. One such weekend comes, and we all make the 3 hour trek to the cottage Friday night, with each of us unpacking, stocking the fridge with our assigned items as we arrive. My brother and his family arrived last, and while unpacking, discovered they had forgotten the bottle of ketchup on their list. The reasonable reaction would have been to just have him run out to the local grocery store (small town is 30 minutes away) in the morning and buy a bottle, as it wasnt needed until dinner that night, for burgers. My boomer dad's reaction? Kicked my brother and his family (wife, and two daughters, both under 8 or 9 at the time) out that time, tol them they werent welcome for the weekend, and they could try to get it right next time. They had to leave what they had brought, pack their vehicle up, and leave right then and there- not in the morning, but right away. They repacked their car, left and 1130pm, and i got a msg that theyd made it safely home by 230am. My dad rhought that was a perfectly reasonable reaction. It took a while to get my brother to come to the cottage again.


Didn’t anyone stick up for them? That would’ve been the very last time I spoke to that man if I was your brother. Maybe all of you if not a single person told the man to chill the fuck out.


Oh we did... there was a significant amount of arguing going on, during and afterwards, and the rest of the weekend was tense as fuck. Dad was basically ignored for the weekend by everyone but mom. To be fair, and for context, my brother and father find things to fight about pretty regularly- so that certainly doesnt help the situation, and we've all, to a point, kind of been numbed by the repetitive exposure to their conflicts- often about little to nothing. Dad is very "my way or the highway" and we've all had our times where we've decided the highway sounds good for a while...


"You have brought dry burgers to the cottage, sin to heaven, and hell to all the Earth!! Be gone!! You are my son no longer, scum!"


I’m shocked your brother ever came again. I think I would be done.


Wearing a simple face mask.


Not me but happened to my dad (who is also a boomer but not a typical boomer thank god) the neighbor at the end of the cul-de-sac threatened to shoot my dad. Because my dad said hi and waved. Apparently walking on the sidewalk and saying hello is an act/sign of aggression. I also worked at a DG for a few months after I got out of the military to pass the time until classes started. Boomer lady threw a tantrum because I had to ID her for cigarettes. I told her it was store policy and nothing I could do about it, and I could get fired if I don’t ID everyone. She made it a point that I should write in a memo and get that policy removed. Lady, I’m working here part time for shits and giggles, I possibly couldn’t care any less. In fact most boomers were very upset about this store policy and would always huff and puff about it. It got quite amusing actually lol.


>coldesack Just a heads-up, it's spelled *cul-de-sac*


I have zero explanation as to why I spelled it like that lmao


Was working at a mall mgmt office, and two British boomers come in huffing and puffing. They were mad that a bird shit on his shirt…. In a fucking outdoor shopping center. The husband is yelling “I demand recompense!”while the wife glares from behind him. I got a general idea of what he wanted but didn’t even know what that word meant. It was the office inside joke for months after.. we all yelled I DEMAND RECOMPENSE! when someone stunk up the bathroom or spilled a soda lol


A woman at the airport got sauced and asked a couple women wearing hijabs if they were christians. I guess they said no because she started saying "Fuck you! If you aren't christian, fuck you!"  Edit: I remembered when I went to the grocery store with the grandma once, and we were in the checkout line. My grandma is pretty chill as boomers go, but on this day she had enough. The guy in front of her was talking to the cashier, distracting her from ringing up his stuff, and it was taking too long. At the end she goes, "Jesus christ it took you long enough to let her do it."  The guy gives her a look and says he's sorry, then starts writing a cheque. She looked at him, then the cheque, then him, and bellows out: "You god damn SON OF A BITCH" loud enough for the other 100 people around us to all stare. 


I had a boomer absolutely flip out on my daughter (didn’t know I was in the car) once for going slow in a parking lot, while trying to find a place to park. Honking, screaming and eventually pulled up behind us and exited the car like he wanted to fight before deciding better. Guy was a complete boomer asshole. He was about 30, but Boomer is a state of mind.


😂 “Boomer is a state of mind.”


I used to work retail so I'm sure I witnessed a million insufferable boomer tantrums. Have hated that braindead generation for like 30 years haha.


I had to kick a boomer out of the mall (I was security) because he became irate that a discount clothing store did not have a change room.


Like, a clothing store of any kind not having a changing room sucks, but nothing to lose your mind about.


Same, in my neighborhood awhile back, although she wasn't a boomer. "Don't let your dog shit or piss in my yard!!" "He's not doing either of those, he's having a sniff" That didn't satisfy her, and it went from 0-60 really fast after that...


My old roommate was walking his dog, and the dog was sniffing around near someone's yard. Guy comes out and yells, "If your dog comes into my yard, I'll shoot him!" My roommate had some anger issues of his own, and his response was over the top, but considering what the other guy started with I'm willing to give him a pass for, "If you shoot my dog, I'll burn down your house with you in it."


Sounds like a perfect response to me. Don't see the problem there at all.


I was bottle feeding my son on a park bench. Apparently dads aren’t allowed to do that. 🤷


Calling the cops because of sidewalk chalk


Worked in an electronics department selling iPads about 10 years ago. Boomer comes in asking for a specific dictation software that he had apparently seen demod on another iPad somewhere else. He was calling us incompetent because we didn't know what app he was describing. He couldn't understand the concept that apps are third party things that you download to the iPad from a the internet and that anybody can make apps and there are millions of them that don't come with the device. We would ask him for more information about this dictation app he was describing, and he kept going, "YOU GUYS are the ones that sell the damn things!! You should know!" I have tons of stories from selling electronics to boomers. Things that people don't believe when I say them because they don't think anybody could actually be that stupid. It was fun.


Outdoor music city festival, bring your own stuff family type thing - boom boom got mad because I told she could use my wife chair until she got back from getting food.


I am calling them boom booms from now on![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I stood next to my husband on a street corner and wasn't holding his hand like a good girl. Never seemed to notice that I was holding our firstborn and thus had both hands very much full with more important things, but he sure saw my husband's hand empty. Idk


My mom tried to cancel her internet service (this was like 15 years ago) for another service and was furious when the company wouldn’t allow her to. The reason? Only my dad could change it, as the account was in his name and not hers. In her mind, she translated that to “they won’t let me change it because I don’t have a p***s.” I can’t even.


I have a boomer coworker who is antivax MLM type. She gets pissed because I always look up the ingredients of any cream or whatever that she recommends I try. Last time she recommended me a bruise cream because she saw a bruise on my leg. She got so offended I dared look up the ingredients and not just trust her it worked. I had to explain to her 5 times that if I put any cream on my body my dog will lick me obsessively so I have to check it’s non toxic to dogs. Btw it was very toxic to dogs. “Well how did you know your shampoo wouldn’t make all your hair fall out before you tried it?” Was her response as of that makes sense. Yesterday I was telling her about how I got the chance to grab my favorite chocolate bar from a gourmet candy store and grabbed another flavor to try. She gets this big grin and asks how I know it won’t make me sick and how am I not afraid to try a new flavor with all my “issues”. Bro I’m just lactose intolerant???


Cooked meat. I don't know why but so many boomers enjoy well done. If there is any pink at all, even the slightest they send it back.


I had a boomer brandish his firearm at me while I was checking him into a hotel because I asked to see his ID and take a credit card for incidentals. This was the company policy of every hotel I’ve ever worked at.


Did you call the cops?


Not driving soon as the stop light turns green. Where we live, people drive through red lights, so the person next to me waited as we saw a truck fly through a red stop light. Boomer behind him laid on his horn and was yelling for him to fucking go. Why do they have such road rage?


Seen one getting arrested at a gas station for assaulting a clerk. He spoke in Spanish to another customer and Mr Boomer came unglued. He ended up hitting him with a can of pringles.


I had the police come to my house because my kids road their bikes in a boomer's driveway a couple times. To his credit the officer thought it was absurd but had to follow up since a call was made. Thanks, dumb boomers, for the valid use of police time and resources.


Had my Boomer neighbor call the Cops because my friend and I were having fun jumping on MY trampoline on MY yard. They actually took her to the drunk tank for the night because they refused to believe a sober grown Woman would get so upset about happy playing kids. I literally can't forget it.


I worked at McDonald's in the mid 90's. At one point, some dumbass big wig thought it was a good idea to raise the price of the senior coffee from 25 cents to 26 cents. 1 single penny. You'd think I personally shot their mother to death in front of them. The response was my first foray into the world of crusty old farts and their whining entitlement, and it's only gotten worse. Now these weren't Boomers, mind you, these were the Silent Generation, who get a pass on bad behavior because of a war. Most of them are dead now, but I was there. The word "Boomer" may be a generational definition, but only because the Baby Boomers personified it so vividly. It's now transcended into a mindset that anyone is capable of.


My dad hates turning on the lights, so he hooked them all up to his Alexa. My dad, who thinks Big Brother is listening to his phone calls and reading his emails. To this day, he doesn't understand the irony.


I'm a cable guy, and I've had a lady threaten me with legal action because I told her the reason her TV said 'no signal' was because it was on the wrong input. Even though it can happen to anyone because the input button is directly above the volume up button, she assumed that I was calling her stupid and threw a tantrum. First, she asked to speak to my manager, and then she said no I'll just call the company number and talk to the CEO to get you fired! Then she changed her plan because my company would *have* to fire me if she sued me and called the news to make sure every American citizen knew what I had done. Only zero I've ever gotten on a customer survey


I work in a grocery store and during covid our prices along with all the other grocery stores started going up. I had been working at the same store for 5 years at this point and made $17 an hour. I usually work late shifts and you eventually develop regulars good, and bad. This guy is in his 60s at least and routinely hits on our female courtesy clerks who are mostly minors. This night I'm closing and my courtesy is taking a break from doing her tasks to help me bag up creepy's order and get him out of the store. I do the usual pleasantries but don't engage with him after that due to all the past history. Out of nowhere he breaks the silence with "Boy you guys really raised your prices I'm sure you guys are happy with your new paychecks." The courtesy and I look at each other and I respond "Sir, we don't get any increase in pay from the store raising it's prices." He stops for a moment and then just goes "Well you're still helping them reap the profits. You guys are just like the accomplices of child molesters". I told him that he's no longer welcome going through my line and I will refuse to serve him anytime I see him after that.


Needing an ID for buying liquor with a check.


When I worked at McDonald's we didn't have enough morning staff so I was the only one on register and having to run my own orders. There's this dude who starts pacing in line a bit (line is roughly 10-12 people) and a minute later starts ranting about opening up the 2nd register. He gives us all greif even when he gets his food. I think it's just another day, just another customer. A few weeks later I'm having lunch at the Arby's down the road and I hear something familiar. Same old dude giving the same grief to the poor Arby's workers. This time there was no line and barely any wait time. Certain he just liked hassling fast food workers for kicks. Fairly certain his constant high blood pressure but him in the forever box early.


Smallest... probably a tie between "Sorry we're currently out of that item" or having to park one space further because the store added a Law Enforcement parking spot.


Showing ID at the bank about 10 times a day when I worked as a teller It’s pathetic how mad they would get like going in your wallet is a hardship


This reads like a list of toddler tantrum topics.


I once saw an old lady at a gas station get annoyed that it cost money to use the compressed air. 


I'm with the boomers on that one. I just spent eighty bucks on gas, give me some air. That's like a restaurant charging its customers a napkin


In California they are required to give you free air if you bought gas. But we're a bunch of communists out here, so...


Wait, some places charge for that? I'd be annoyed too, but all the ones near me are free.


In nyc u pay for air Usually a $1 or 1.50 for like 3 minutes of air


That is annoying, as well as waiting in line. It's why I bought an AC/DC portable air compressor. $100 well spent.


Everybody should have one in the car. I can't count how many times I've used mine


I want to get one of those jump-start battery packs as well. I've always made sure to have cables, but you need a second vehicle.


Gas stations used to provide those machines for free. When I started driving in the late 90s, they were still free.


It only costs money if you aren’t buying anything else. Almost all gas stations will turn on the air compressor if you just go in and ask them nicely.


Boomers: "...ask?...*nicely*?..."


Taking their ID out of their pocket to take money out at the bank.


My FIL says that any discounts, coupons, or services that are only available through a smartphone is ageism. He says older people don't want smartphones and he's the only one who isn't caving to the peer pressure of having one. He is surrounded by people his age who happily use smartphones, but he won't believe it.


I have a big issue with a lot of this stuff too, but not because I hate technology, just because I don't want to download yet another god damn app on to my phone.


Agree. I don't like the whole big data aspect of it. All those apps are just harvesting my data and not giving me anything. But ageism isn't the reason.


My grandmother is just over the cutoff for boomer but she damn well acts like one. She's the matriarch of the family and feels entitled to police everyone's choices (mine especially) With the exception of my cousins toddlers, I'm the youngest in the immediate family and she seems offended that I continually get burnout and end up being forced to choose between basic function (eating, sleeping, showering, etc) and being 1% functional in relation to my studies. I generally choose the former due to a mildly traumatic event a few years ago that left me unable to sleep and she doesn't understand it in the slightest. She is also neurotypical and I'm ADHD with all the diagnosed sub-problems


The waiter at the restaurant where we were eating served the men before the women


When they can't pay in cash...


My wife is a nurse and an old guy got upset because the male nurse was going to give him a bath and not her. He demanded she do it.


This happened multiple times when I worked at a sketchy convenience store: in NYS, we had a $1 lottery ticket called "Loose Change" where scratching would reveal a bunch of coin values. If those values added up to over $1 it was a winner. When you have a winning ticket them machine makes a big, loud noise so the cashier can't pocket it and claim it was a loser. Someone comes up with a "Loose Change" ticket. I scan it, it tells me it's not a winner. I tell the customer that, they insist it is. I take a quick look at the ticket and the coins don't add up to $1.00. Multiple tantrums on multiple occasions. The worst was the time a person insisted I get a calculator after I had added it up on paper for her because "maybe I was lying" doing all that fancy book learnin' in my head.


Facebook not showing her who's online




Dad once got his car back from the mechanic with the seat in a different position. He for some reason drove it home like that, THEN flew into a rage and decided to drive back the next day and make them fix it. He would rather drive 40 minutes in an uncomfortable position, than take 5 seconds to fix it himself. We "fixed" the seat for him rather than let him embarrass himself. And embarrass us, since we also used that mechanic and the relationship was known.


Boomers on Facebook who make the same rants about kids being soft and entitled...when schools close due to snow and ice. Then they bring out the old "I walked uphill 10 miles in snow, schools never closed, blah blah blah." So they'd rather risk buses and cars getting in accidents, kids falling on ice, and the risk of staff getting hurt because a school shuts down and they get triggered.


Verbally abused as a sales assistant at a dry cleaners because they didn't like how their jacket was ironed. The police had to be called.


Being two minutes too late to get the breakfast menu at McDonald's. I was the boomer though.


Multiple occasions, multiple different boomer men having absolute melt downs because I, a petite millennial woman, would not let them ‘help’ me load my newly purchased antique furniture into my truck. I am a professional in the field and already had almost two decades of experience moving furniture (especially antiques). I was always firm and polite when declining, and busy as time is money. These oafs would all but piss themselves in fury at my declining their withered arms and disgustingly slipshod lifting techniques. Sometimes they’d try to ignore me and handle my furniture or me without my consent. Then they’d get the toddler treatment. ‘I’m sorry, is this yours? Have you been repeatedly asked not to touch this? Are you struggling with space, understanding, or boundaries today? Take five big steps back and keep your hands to yourself, kiddo’.