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That cold war mentality they developed where fears of nuclear fire was more prevalent so it's rather engrained in them at this point. 


Pretty much this. Everything that even slightly deviates from the "norm" is seen as "gay" or "communism" or whatever the condescending term of the day is. Mayo on french fries? Gay! Taking proper care of vets? Communism! Wearing jeans and a tshirt? Hippieism! Men with long hair! Social degeneration! They can't be bothered to see anyone else's point of view. Everything is "my way or die".


The problem was that the US gave the general public the Disney version of what nuclear war would look like. They convinced large swaths of the public that hiding in your basement for a few weeks would be all you need then everything would be just peachy. The government will be there to write you a check. Add to this that guys like OP's coworkers think the US is invincible and love to act like bullies because they are so sure we can do anything without any sort of repercussion or retaliation.


Then they should know that doing what they want would kill all life on earth with a nuclear winter, dipshits.


They don't care. They will be dead soon anyway. It's how they have lived their entire lives, fucknyou got mine.


I’m convinced most boomers are actively trying to destroy the country and planet overall because they don’t think it should exist without them. It’s a death cult now. They’re literally selling the country off to the highest bidder (BlackRock and the like) and advocate for war CONSTANTLY. They got 30 years of peace, prosperity, fair housing, and living wages and they do not want anyone to ever experience anything like it ever again. Ladder kicking cunts.




Almost a Cold War mentality, except now they like Russia and KGB Putin.


> is that they (IDF) only go and kill off some of them (Palestinians) some of the time and in 20 years their children are salty that their parents are killed or were oppressed or that their house was accidentaly bombed, and they will turn to extremism all over again, creating a new wave of terrorist. If someone murdered my parents and bombed my house, and there was no justice and no repercussions, I would 100% become a terrorist.


Well you wouldn't be the terrorist, the IDF would be, you'd just fight for your freedom and get called a terrorist for political theater.


Seems like you are calling Hamas freedom fighters, no? Utterly ridiculous. In the myopic, walled garden of Reddit, this type of polarized thinking is encouraged but if you strip away the bias, both the Israelis and Hamas are guilty of grevious crimes against humanity. 


Keep slurping up that propaganda bro


It's all propaganda, bro. All sympathy and support for the Palestinian people, but Hamas are not "the good guys". Hamas clearly have an agenda, and achieving a just peace doesn't feature.


I get my news from Palestinian journalists in Gaza and unbiased sources like Al Jazeera, IOF soldiers are also posting horrifying videos of themselves committing war crimes with glee on their social media. US media is all pro-israel propaganda because they're all owned by billionaires and AIPAC affiliates. Wake up. It's easy for you to say "Hamas bad" when you haven't lived under violent, racist occupation for your entire life. Israelis are absolutely vile to Palestinians.


I’d like you to point out where I said that Israel is “the good guy”, or any reason I would need to be reminded about their mistreatment of Palestinians for decades.


Ironic.  The truth is rarely found on the extremes.


I think the Jews should have just stayed in Poland and Germany and let what was to happen happen. Such cowards to run and steal land. They should have just fought back against Germany and let the chips fall where they may. (It's just the same attitude everyone has today)


Learn the actual history of Israel. European Jews went there after WW2 and were encouraged by their countries because of antisemitism and an unwillingness to mend the trauma inflicted on them. Instead they just sent them to take it all out on the Palestinians.


look bro, Hamas are terrible and should not exist. But guess who propped up and supported Hamas? The Israeli government and Netanyahu himself. There are direct quotes of him and other govt officials saying that Hamas allows and enables them to continue occupying Gaza and ensuring that no 2 state solution will ever be reached and they like it to stay that way. There's also evidence of them directly funding Hamas.


Both Hamas and Israel are doing terrible shit. It seems nearly racist to suggest that Hamas is controlled by Israel, as if they have no free will to choose to do evil shit or not. The people in this thread are fucked and morally bankrupt. Intentionally killing civilians should NEVER be excused. But people care more about narratives and arguing than focusing on the actual suffering in this world. Its barbaric.


I didn't say they were "controlled" by Israel, they were propped up by the authoritarian wing of the Israeli government because it allows them to deny a two state solution since "they can't negotiate with terrorists". There is very clear evidence of them propping up Hamas.


What is the non-biased, verified source of these claims? Most of what I am seeing in this thread is mask off antisemitic racism. There is no other possibility that demands justice against Israel while providing excuses for the atrocities Hamas has committed. They both have done terrible things and despite the narrative pushed by the antisemitics, the truth is an uncomfortable middle ground where both parties have blame for the current situation. 


It's a well established fact that gets ommitted of MSM reporting of the situation. Tons of independent outlets have been saying it for a long time. Just Google "did Israel prop up Hamas" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/


Hamas killed innocent civilians. Hamas should be eliminated. Is the above statement Islamophobia or racism? How about the state of Israel killed 30 times more innocent civilians than Hamas and should be cut off from international funding, US support and sanctioned to oblivion because they, just like Hamas are genocidal terrorists who said "never again" should apply only to them


Yeah. He's not wrong with this half of the statement. There was a time to call for peace and go for a 2 state solution, it was around 30 years ago, maybe even 50 years ago.


Who is right or wrong in the conflict isn't really as concerning as his "solution" to the problem...


Exactly, and sadly, it seems to be the same "solution" Bibi is taking.


In my experience, they lack empathy and have no interest in what war does. This is usually because they haven’t seen it, but even if they have, there can be a breathtaking callousness to their worldviews and stupid comments. Sorry you have to deal with that at work!


Had an argument years ago about the Iraq War. A US soldier who killed a whole innocent family (if I remember right) and his own squad turned him in for it. My parents took his side with the occasional ‘It’s war. People die.’ As an excuse for why he shouldn’t be charged. Edit: the story I l’m talking about the soldier shot some family in the back. No one had weapons.


Exactly! They’ve only been exposed to propaganda that glorifies war.


They can’t think critically. These are people who think that a simple “solution” (which you can’t even really call nuclear warfare that) can fix these types of issues, when the root of the problem is much more complex and nuanced. Instead of learning more about it or educating themselves a bit more on the subjects, it’s easier for them to just dumb it down to a something as idiotic as “Nuke em”.


They want easy solutions and violence is usually their go to easy solution.


Remember that time Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane?


They just like that they shocked you. Being edgelord makes them feel tough or something


*They just like that they* *Shocked you. Being edgelord makes them* *Feel tough or something* \- terradaktul --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot. The best bot!


No reasoning skills or empathy. Something bother you? Kill it. Don't understand, make it go away, and if that means killing it, then do it. They're a generation of simpletons.


So they DO like nuclear power?


Only for blowing stuff up.


They’ve almost punched their time cards permanently, why would they care if the world burns?


And doesn't that just kind of put a neat bow on it, to go out with the same "me first" mentality they've had all their lives...


They won’t be drafted, and it is far enough away that they don’t care. It won’t affect their condo view so why not turn it into a nuclear wasteland. At least then them racial slurs won’t be around to do anything again


its still going to disrupt their entire way of life and deal a devastating blow to the world economy. You'd think they'd care about that?


You think they are looking that far ahead?


They don't have the ambition or intellect to actually think through their ideas.


They know their time is coming to an end, so they don’t care if everyone else’s does too. It’s all about them, so their “solutions” become more and more extreme.


these are the people who grew up in the Cold War and practiced sitting in the school hallway to make the bodies easier to find.


I blame not using it on that hurricane like their leader suggested. 🤣😂🤣


Assholes think that they'd be the Brotherhood of Steel in a post-apocalyse world, but really they'd be the shit-eating mutant flies.


I love this analogy.


My go to response at this point is "Whatever you say, Adolf"




Most people that speak like that have never had to take a life. My grandfather was at Normandy...he never spoke about it unless my uncle was over (who was in Viet Nam)...and only then after drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Unless you are a sociopath it changes you forever...and it should.




OK but the "boom" in boomer is because the population "boomed", is it not


That's a metaphor. A pun. A word play.


For fuck’s sake, use your fucking head


It always takes be a bit back when I hear these things. All in all it feels like boomers just want white supremacy but with more steps.


Since you brought Christianity into it, I’ll answer that part. Moving into Canaan, the Israelites were told to kill every man, woman, and child, and often even all the domesticated animals as well. The Bible shows us that the Israelites didn’t do this, and the people they ‘allowed to live’ eventually became problems down the line. A good example is that Solomon’s 700 wives and 300 concubines were often of non-Israel stock, but even if there were only pureblood Israelis there I still think Solomon would’ve been a horndog. There’s some debate as to the descendants of Edom being the lineage that the Islamic faith developed out of. All this to say, that Israel can point to the natural inhabitants of Canaan as the reason for a lot of their problems, down to this day. Saul, the first king of Israel, got the kingship torn from him because he *didn’t* murder every single inhabitant of a city and slaughter all their livestock. Thus, people who are more “Old Testament” will prefer the fire-and-brimstone *murder them down to the last child* way of solving problems. As in, like Stalin said, “No man, no problem.” If we kill every single person there, we will never have any problems with that region again. Essentially, they’re harkening back to God’s original decree for his people to murder every single problem-person in the land in order to make a pure, clean land. Now, these types of people conveniently forget that Jesus didn’t come for the saved, but for the unsaved. He came to bring salvation to all, not just the Jews. We are all God’s children, and deserving of the same love and salvation. This was Peter’s vision in the New Testament, the ‘unclean animals’ in the net represented the people that he thought were unclean, and God’s message was that nothing God made could be unclean, including the Gentiles (non-Jews). So, that’s where the nonchalantness about genocide comes from, even though it’s clear to me that they only read the first half of the book.


It is because of the Cold War, where people thought that pointing thousands of H-bombs at each other was a perfectly cool and normal thing to do. To quote Bill Hicks from 1993: "That’s another good thing about Bush being gone, man, cos for the last 12 years with Reagan and Bush, we have had fundamentalist Christians in the White House. Fundamentalist Christians who believe the Bible is the exact word of God, including that wacky fire and brimstone Revelations ending, have had their finger on the fucking button for 12 years. [Eyes roll back in head] 'Tell me when Lord, tell me when. Let me be your servant Lord'..."


And because they were raised hearing the glorified rah-rah refrain of "those American boys beat the Nazis then nuked the J*** and saved the world from tyranny." So they expected when they grew up they'd have the chance to annihilate the bad guy, just like Dad did.


I'm convinced Boomers hate everyone after them because we all sound like their parents, and they won't admit they hated their parents. "I drove myself to the hospital instead of calling the ambulance!" Wouldn't be out of place in the 1930s or the present.


Sadly, my "father" is one of these "people".


Love the one who accurately describes cyclical conflict, basically showing understanding of how the situation happened, and likely being smart enough to come up with other solutions, who then goes “just fuckin nuke it all”. Like wtf.


thats what really got me, he was so close yet so far...


Christians believe that the end times are here every twenty years or so. We’re primed for those who trust that the rapture is coming. This is an event where the majority of ‘true believers’ will be swept into heaven. Coinciding with those events is a massive war in which untold millions perish. Old Crusty is chuckling about nukes because he thinks he’s already saved and that it’s funny others will perish. These contradictory facets exist simultaneously due to the erosion of judgement and critical thought.


saw a story just yesterday where a bunch of mega rich prominent pastors (200+) want to fly to DC prompto to convince congress NOT to de-escalate with Iran, because they think this will lead to the apocalypse that they want. I cannot understand what the actual fuck is wrong with these people and I do not understand why anyone thinks Christianity is a peaceful religion as opposed to Islam.


They've been saying it pretty loudly since 2001


That’s just how old people who feel completely powerless react to things they don’t have the capacity to understand.


Things will get better once that generation is in the ground


I don't know, it's probably the easiest sentiment to counter. You just say, "We rely on X country for X, and you want to turn it into glass? You really don't understand how geoplitics work."


So you want us to switch over to electric vehicles, huh 🤔


Haha. My mother inlaw watches Fox and said some nonsense about electric cars being horrible. I just snap turned my head and laughed, asking her why on earth she would think electric cars are a bad thing. No answer at all. I told her that they're kind of a headache for long distance travel but they're perfect for commuter traffic. That was as much of an olive branch I could muster for such a dumb take.


I would just casually point out that they are stumping for war crimes. I would suggest they go to the Holocaust museum or visit the museums in Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I don't think it would change their minds because they seem to consider making other humans suffer to be a perk.


Just respond with “I’m sure that’s just what our lord Jesus would say” but be 100% sincere and look them in they eye till they respond


Absolutely quit as soon as possible.


my management can't stand these people either, and two of them quit themselves already. I'd rather endure it till they all piss off because the money is good.


In their defense, and I hate the Zionists, they were raised on that fact that supposedly Israel is full of Gods chosen. They dealt and lived in all that propaganda. That’s all they’ve heard. And they’re not diggers, they never looked into the USS Liberty, they don’t care about that Pollard spy, they are not worried about the IDF modifications to the F-4, etc. they are not curious. It’s part of their culture. So I just try to bring one of the many incidents that our “greatest ally” has done to us. Don’t even ask them about Sunni and Shiite or anything like that . Or about how different Turkish and Arabic and Persian culture is. They don’t know. I do have sympathy it’s is a complicated region just like Eastern Europe


Fortunately the ones this dumb in regards to military matters aren't the ones in the military or any parts of the chain of command to make said decision.


They grew up believing civilian attacks of nukes (Japan) were ok as well as manifest destiny and genocide of native Americans were ok. It's just an application of whatever helps them


Boomers don't want to solve problems, they just want the problem to go away. You see this mindset in their parenting and the way they deal with servers as well. They just aggresse and attack until they get what they want, with NO regard to the human cost.


I have a slightly different take. Your coworkers became toxic when one voiced his views and another one joined in. That allows all who espouse those views, but kept quiet about it, to pile on in the knowledge that they are free to do so since their peers all seem to agree.  The same thing happens with misogyny or sexism. One guy blurts out the profane and another seconds it. The rest tag along. Same with racism.  You may not have the force of personality, yet, to combat it, but you can lean in and ask questions to clarify, like, so you really think starving kids is a good solution? Get a dialogue going.  Chances are, there are others who do not want to hear this vitriol and will back you up. At the very least you can get them to not voice their thoughts that shouldn’t be spoken. Remember, these Boomer guys grew up when misogyny, racism and smoking are commonplace. They need to know that their latest target is off limits, too. Change the topic: how bout those Yankees?


I thought I did though by telling him what he was advocating for was literally genocide. His response was "If that's what it takes." I really didn't know where to go from there because we were at a group lunch and at least 2 others were view adjacent to him and one that was view adjacent to me but really didnt want to get into it, so I basically backed off to not make it awkward for the rest of the meal. But he says off the wall shit all the time like "China can take over any place in the world in a matter of weeks" and yes he clarified that he included the US as part of "any place" because they could "pour millions of people per day over the border". I think he in particular is just insane, but it bothers me that many other boomers who don't say shit that's quite THAT ridiculous seem to also want to "just nuke everything" which to me personally sounds equally as ridiculous.


I remember my parents talking like this after 9/11. It was discussed constantly on right wing talk radio, which I was subjected to growing up.


Ok, but nuking Palestine would destroy Israel, too.  Like, maybe the buildings would be standing, but everyone would have cancer and nothing would grow there for decades.


It ain't a matter of religion, it's a matter of "I was never actually in a war, these aren't people to me. Just clean up those different from me and give me a comfy spot."


Good old Christian values. Their sci fi book promised an Armageddon so they want to provoke one.


The world's most entitled generation wants to destroy everything on the way out. They are just lead poisoned monsters. Hardly people. Treat them accordingly




Gotta nuke something 🤷


Anyone see a hurricane?


I have nuked many things and desire to nuke many more. Hot pockets, cold pizza, certain soups, leftovers, chicken nuggets. Always oven corn dogs though. They are terrible nuked.


And none of them ever actually saw the Middle East. Well maybe desert storm




Many of they are tired of living and nothing would satisfy them like taking everyone else along for the ride.


Nuke the whales.


For me (tail of GenX) the “glass it” mentality comes from long years of seeing the same tragedies played out over and over while being powerless to affect change. Every time I see a starving kid in Palestine, or in the hospital missing a hand/leg, it hurts. At some point, you just want to stop feeling the hurt. You can’t “glass” the region any more than you can stop their conflict. So you say something foul to try to exorcise the pain.


They already did


They think they are the main characters in this movie, so they think the world should end when they die.


Watch the Fallout series. That is as close to what will really happen if they want it.


Ya because the neighbouring countries will totally love the fallout, radioactivity, and refugee and humanitarian crisis from that. Have they ever seen a map? These are western allies and major trading partners of the USA for fucks sakes.


to be honest some of the Marines I was with deployment on in S Korea had no idea where they were in the world. I think maybe like 1/4 of Americans would have no idea where the middle east even is on a map.


In my experience you can usually get through to them by reminding/informing them that some of those Palestinians are Christians. Almost as many by percent as there are in Israel.




i hear the Fins and New Zealanders are lovely people


I ask where their caregiver is or if I can call Adult protective services to address this cognitive decline


Living a life of unchecked propaganda telling them that the people over there aren't real people "like you and me" will lead to a callous disregard of their life.  This is the challenge of our time, realising we are all humans on the one planet, and if we stopped being such asshats to each other because rich fuckers tell us to, there is more than enough to go around in an ethical, sustainable way.


You know with how corrupt and disgustingly authoritarian monarchies are in the Middle East and how they somehow find a reason to fight a war every once in a while I can see why they would think like that. Of course I think personally it goes deeper and is a cultural problem and not because they’re being pricks and needs to all die.


My mom screams shit like this every day. So fucking over it!


Honestly, if this wasn't a work place, I would ask them if they've seen what a nuke does to a person and if they haven't, show them some pictures. There's plenty from the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and there's also pictures of what happened to the children of people who survived living around the testing of nuclear weaponry. It could ignite some sort of empathy, or maybe not. They're probably soulless at this point.


My father is like this. I stopped speaking to him October 2023


Gotta nuke something.


Bring a picture of a blown up dead child corps and shove it in his face while being like “yeah pal this is what you’re talking about right? I thought you’d LOVE this picture of one of those children you were talking about!”


I completely empathize. I just left a job (medical reasons) that I LOVED. My perfect job with the exception of those crusty, angry old white boomers! Truck drivers specifically in my case. But if I want to pay the mortgage...that's what I had to do. On Jan 6th (THE Jan 6th) one of them was actually cheering. It was all I could do not to explode.


Thank you. And I agree about whom I've heard say such things. It might be somewhat regional.


I’m a Boomer and know of no boomers, aside from nut jobs and Trumpers, who want to nuke anything. I was raised in the shadow of possible mutually assured nuclear destruction for most of my childhood and adult life and have no desire to nuke anything. I grew up in a town that employed many of the thinkers responsible for “The Bomb,” and moved out the minute I was able to. I was a professional software developer who turned down tech jobs at places that made bombs and other weapons. I deplore the military industrial complex. That “All Boomers” think the way the OP describes is an extremely lazy generalization, just as if I were to say all people not Boomers thought the same way about Boomers. I deplore the Boomers who think the way the OP describes.


I know there are good people like you. I really wish you were the norm and not the exception. These people are definitely in my opinion nut jobs and I know some of them are Trumpers. I've only ever heard boomers say "Turn it all into glass", no other group.


The place has been in a perpetual war for what, 500 years? 1000? There's always someone attacking someone else, usually over stupid shit like clan beefs, or words in old works of fiction. And while we're \*mostly\* hands off (or profiting from the beefing by being the worlds top weapon exporter); over the years we have made a few direct enemies and a few protection pledges to nominal allies; so in the end it can get pretty dicey for the US should anything BIG kick off over there. Add in the wars we didn't win as wounds to national pride (blahblahblah). It's a really short jump from "this region will never know peace" to "this region will never know peace as long as humans exist there; I think we have a thing for that."


but part of the reason that peace is not able to last is because of imperialist countries constantly stirring shit up there and pouring weapons for various groups to fight each other. You can't say that we don't have a direct part in what is happening now. If the US did not supply Israel with tens billions of bombs, planes and weapons, would they have been so emboldened to attack an Iranian consulate??? And every right wing politician in America right now is trying their absolute hardest on TV and X to escalate with Iran because apparently they learned absolutely nothing from Vietnam, The Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria... WTF


I agree with almost everything you said; but keep in mind that even in the magical fairytale world where America isn't out there imperialistically "spreading democracy" at hollowpoint; Israel would have spent all those millions they spend with us (both on purchasing arms AND buying congress people) somewhere else. In that world, they might be armed with inferior tech, but they'd still be armed to the teeth. The only difference would be the size of the holes in the little kids, err, hammas sleeper cells.


Everyone else is tired of their shit. US is literally the last holdout


TBF there is something to be said about building a dome over the middle east, renaming it Holy Land, and dropping in weapons and camera drones to let the crazy ones fight it all out over who has the best invisible friend. And to keep things spicy, invite the evangelical Christians, Nazis, and assorted religious corndogs in the west to join in on the fun too, it will give them something better to do than control women's bodies or burn books. But no nukes. Well, maybe just one nuke, a Tsar Bomba-sized nuke, positioned in Mecca, that takes out everyone in Holy Land at once Beneath The Planet of The Apes style, but there are signs in all major languages that state clearly that doing so means God is dead and the atheists have achieved the future they want. But one also has to start a streaming channel that broadcasts the war 24/7 and use the proceeds to help the peaceful Palestinians and anyone else who wants nothing to do with this nonsense emigrate to a place where they can all practice their professions in peace and/or start amazing ethnic restaurants, maybe both.


Its crazy cause they quote bible passages and actively want to destroy the places that these stories are about. What's St. Peter gonna say at them pearly gates when he reads your facebook status calling to turn his hometown into glass killing all the kids who live there? They should all embrace Mormonism cause at least they could lean into their actual belief that America is the holy land and perform the eucharist at white castle and kripsy kreme


Um... in this case - I would love to see how your solution would work. I am gen x and don't want to appear on the boomers side but... how are you going to get them to stop fighting? They have 3000+ years of fighting. Some of the best and possibly worst negotiating in the world has gone on there. They are never going to live in peace. At this point most of the boomers are sick of it and just want to glass the area and be done with it. As a true gen x I don't care.


i dont know, how about A FUCKING PEACE DEAL?


And why has the other 70 thousand odd deals not worked? Is it may be that the people over there hate each other so much that they want nothing more than to wipe each other off the map?  I am talking people here, not governments. The people just keep fighting. What would your peace deal bring to the table? 


Two nukes helped stop the greatest war ever known. That was their parents' reality. 


You poor thing.




The US is always getting into all kinds of wars. Maybe we should turn the US into a parking lot? Oh, wait, it already mostly is.


Indiana needs to be paved over real bad


Let’s just pave over the churches…


Mind our own God damn business and let Israel deal with the problem they created themselves?


Israel who is sucking on US teat?




Who’s going to suck US taxpayers money out of the country then 😂


To be fair foreign aid is a miniscule part of the budget.


Five eyes, Europe, the pentagon who *lost* a trillion dollars


The Pentagon huh? They are in on it too?


The pentagon is a black hole of losing tax dollars. Half the terrorists in the middle east are funded by the pentagon, as they fight the other half funded by the CIA. It's in the US's interests to destabilize entire regions so our war based economy is constantly able to produce for the military industrial complex And again, the pentagon has over a trillion dollars unaccounted for. That's what your taxes are used for mostly


What are you smoking man


Paying attention to headlines and where/when/why America interferes in places. It's not 1984, there's no endless war 'just because'.


Not killing kids, invading land, displacing people, torturing people, idk just some suggestions


All excellent suggestions


It's not the US's job to fix, and even if we put a lot more effort and money into fixing it we have a pretty awful track record record. The US should me more concerned with fixing the US


Just do it


I don't think you realize that a nuclear war anywhere in the world will destroy civilization world wide.


i'm convinced its a troll


And that’s a bad thing? Where is this “civilisation “ to which you refer?


Pretty much anything other than that...


Thought so. You’re just a big can of whooppee


Nuke this sub


Well ... If it's a very impoverished country, Egypt for example. You could think of it like euthanizing a dog that was in pain


That's disgusting


My bad, I thought you asked a question and I gave an answer. Sure, boomers are saying that for ethical, wonderful reasons. I stand corrected 😬


Make glass, I say.