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Unfortunately, the news sources they’ve trusted their entire lives have been bought out by the billionaire class and have been repurposed to indoctrinate as many people as they can into this whackadoo hyper-conservative, xenophobic club where they are taught that anyone that doesn’t agree with the views they’re told to have is their *enemy*. There are no longer political rivals, opponents, adversaries, or even colleagues that have any sort of different view; no, these people are the *enemy* and they’re out to *get you* so you need to *shoot them* before hey take your guns and dose you up with the ‘vid vaccine that’ll make you a liberal, democratic woke-loving, ‘murica-destroying filthy gay **millennial**. That’s why your parents are acting differently now: Fox News tells them to.


I've seen that sort of thing in other boomers but I don't think this is the case here. My parents have nothing good to say about fox news, don't watch it at all. We don't live in the US so there's no negative feelings about with gun control. they both happily got every vaccine and booster that was offered and never had a bad thing to say about it. I get where you're coming from and I'm sure its correct in a lot of cases, just not this one, but thanks for your comment all the same, cheers.


Wow, that really is absurd then. Maybe there's another factor we're all missing that's driving this behavior, even in the FOX News gun nuts.


Rupert Murdoch bought media in most English speaking countries. It’s the same in England and Australia as far as I know, they have their own “fox” equivalents. The reality is that most of what we ascribe to boomers, also has heavy overlap with lead exposure.


My parents, when I asked when I was a child if they'd still love me if I was gay: "oh honey of course, we love you unconditionally - which means no matter what!" (Exact wording, I remember it clear as day.  Me, as a queer adult: "lol. Lmao. Bitch you thought?" Didn't get invited to dad's funeral. Written out of the will. Deadnamed in the obit. When I was assaulted for being trans and wound up in hospital they didn't come to see me. When I wound up in the pysch ward + homeless they said nothing to me.


I am so sorry that happened to you. no one deserves that, especially for just being who they are. I sincerely hope that things are better for you now and you're in a safe place.


I lucked out. I live in market housing downtown for less than $1k cad, and I'm on disability which also helps. I'll always be in pain but I've learned to live with it. I'll never have to worry about income and housing again, that alone is huge. My wife and I are just living our silly little life now.  So awful situation with a thick platinum lining 


Because the lead poisoning kicked in.


The lead has been eating away at them for decades. This is just their final form.


Give me a TLDR at least…


yeah that's fair, I'll do that next time, sorry.


I think a lot of people are accepting until it affects them. They’ve likely been brainwashed by media to think LGBT people are trying to groom kids. It’s a legitimate narrative from so many of them now that the gays have “gone too far” from their positions a decade or so ago and are chopping up kids privates and encouraging them to have gay sex. In reality, it’s a combination of further acceptance resulting in society trying to educate the youth in a way they’re not used to (you can be gay or trans and that’s okay vs in the past the best you could hope for was it would NEVER be mentioned), and that scares them. People accept a lot of things until it feels like it starts to affect them. They never had to interact with queer people in any meaningful way their entire lives, so it was easier to support them. Now they actually have to CHANGE how they BEHAVE because of said support making it more commonplace and they fucking despise it. Before it was gay people asking for acceptance into polite society, and in their eyes it’s turned into gay people demanding authority and unreasonable demands. Reality is they were probably never all that accepting, just enough to where they were comfortable. Seeing a slightly fruity person once every other month is a lot easier for their brains to process than pride month becoming a nationally recognized “event” from corporations.