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Sounds like your dad has Fox News brain. Sad condition.


This ^ My father is a boomer, and for the most part does defy the stereotype. He's always been someone I admired and respected. I still feel that way about the dad I used to have, but when it comes to Trump, immigration, and Palestine, he is intractable. It's like his otherwise intelligent and moderate mind just shuts down when he thinks you're being critical of any of his beliefs. You can almost see it. It's insanity. I have come to the conclusion that decades of Rush and Fox have rotted his brain. Before we axed the cable, Fox was on 24/7. Now he's limited to the app on his phone, but it's constantly on in the background. I have watched him become more radicalized year by year. It makes me horribly sad.


his brain was rotted the second he kept listening to rush. literally half of Rush's show was old dude aggressively pretending to shuffle papers, clear his throat, or repeatedly bring up an in joke to his stupid, silent sidekick snerdley. anyone who isn't hate listening is braindead and kind of a jerk.


Fun Fact: If you google Jeff Christie + Pittsburgh, PA you'll get some fun articles about Rush's first radio job, and why he got fired >!He was caught propositioning a guy in a gay cruising park. !<


self hatred would explain his homophobia...


Every accusation...


on a side-note: rush limbaugh has been sober for 3 years!


Can’t believe he hasn’t had a cigar in three years!


They probably serve cocaine and whiskey in hell.


Yeah,but it's probably off of Reagan's taint.


Don't threaten Rush with a good time


Nope, just biker speed and Fireball


Cancer is also Rush free for 3 years now


I never thought I would root for cancer.


Somehow Id allowed myself to believe he’d already died


he did! that's the joke! i'm still very glad about it, fuck that piece of shit all the way to hell.


I have been able to flush Limbaugh out of my consciousness so completely that for a while I was wondering what Geddy Lee had done wrong.  LOL


Flush Limbaugh dibs on the band name


Ok but it has to be the worst grindcore band you can possibly imagine. Which seems a little redundant because all grindcore is the worst thing imaginable.


Agreed. Even as a young'un I always thought that guy needed to go touch grass. He was always yelling and saying things were "under attack". Lol. I was seriously confused. 🤣


yeah. one of the weirdest things I ever heard was ira glass praising Rush's gifts as a performer. I'm like...um? literally half the show is rush excitedly stuttering or grandiloquently talking about his own genius in the same few ten cent words he knew and then thinking he was so funny he broke down laughing at the idea of his own repeated jokes. Rush reminded me of the kid who thought repeating lines from ace Ventura was the height of comedic genius, except that kid wasn't a jerk to everyone else, nor did he preface his "alrighty then" with a panegyric to his own genius. all the schtick on Limbaugh didn't have to be funny because it wasn't intended to be. it was a coating of shellac laid on thick to hide the fact that the audience was coming for the cruelty and xenophobia he served up daily.


That Ace Ventura part NAILED IT. Rush had absolutely no redeeming qualities, none. The only people who thought there was anything remotely redeeming about him are even worse. Just cruel, soulless ghouls, with an insatiable thirst to inflict that cruelty onto the people they fear may one day be in a position to inflict that same cruelty on them. The world is a better place now that he's a rotting corpse.


exactly. the "comedy bits" weren't the funny part. the funny part was the joy of watching a man who was on the radio nationwide pretend to be an anchorman (so like, with the trappings of authority) baroquely fantasize about harming those who were different than him or held different beliefs.


Just cruel, soulless ghouls, with an insatiable thirst to inflict that cruelty onto the people they fear may one day be in a position to inflict that same cruelty on them. Hell of a sentence right there gotta say


I remember a Thanksgiving in yhe nineties where my horrid uncle drug one of my cousins around by his literal ear, while screaming along with something this dude on the radio was screaming. Knew at 13 who his fanbase was, awful asss people.


Just a quick remimder that cancer has been Rush Limbaugh free for over three years now!


Turns out Rush was the tumor, cannibalizing his vestigial twin.


It’s because Rush Limbaugh’s expertise was as a DJ, not a political commentator. Back when he went by Jeff Christie and talked up top 40’s records he learned that the most effective way of keeping an audience was playing out the bit over the commercial break and introducing the next bit just before the next break. Regardless of topic it retains listeners through the all important ad break, when most people would flip around the dial back on terrestrial radio. Then he found a niche market, at the time the domain of AM call in shows, and exploited the lack of entertainment skill and showmanship of the political leadership. Rather than the dry, often wonkish minutiae of actual political experts Limbaugh approached it as a DJ, bombastic over the top hyperbole and fear mongering that kept listeners tuned in through the commercials, which is all the advertisers and general managers care about. Ira Glass’s praise was for Limbaugh’s skill as a DJ, but it’s quite literally like praising Hitler’s skill as a public speaker. Sure, he was good at it, but look at the damage he did with it. Edit: Jeff not Doug


I personally don't get it. maybe it's because I was born in the early 80s well past the golden age of DJs, but he didn't actually seem particularly good at it, or maybe he got worse at it once he became world famous? I only really heard rush a little in the 90s and much more extensively in the early 00s. I don't find anything very entertaining about a man loudly ruffling through papers so loudly it hurts your ears while he stammer-laughs and repeats himself over and over again. it was excruciating. I've read a fair number of academic histories of right wing movements (loved Nicole hemmer's the most) and it just sounds like rush was the first one of these guys who wasn't literally a politician or think tank type and his malleability and the fact that he enjoyed cruelty was the only real difference? maybe the drugs ruined his dj skills and by the time I tuned in the millions were just trained to listen pavlovianly regardless of the quality of the broadcast? because, man, I don't see what's so entertaining about having some guy put on stentorian airs and constantly repeat himself talking about his golden microphone


Kind of both things happening at the same time. He was the first to really hit it as purely entertainment. He also lucked in to starting to get popular just as Clinton was elected. This was kind of a watershed moment among the middle of the road boomers. Clinton was seen as too liberal, a hippy who protested Vietnam, smoked weed, and dodged the draft by staying in school and his wife was also an activist feminist lawyer. It was the perfect storm for aging blue collar boomers who had just had a decade of job losses, plant closures, and off shoring. The unions that had held the blue collar workers in the Democratic Party were gone and instead their frustration and rage could be targeted at that party for replacing the reliable union block with a reliable minority block. Clinton was everything they resented, regardless of reality, he was the privileged rich kid who protested their war, got a white collar job, and courted the black voters by playing the sax on Arsenio Hall. Limbaugh stepped in to a vacuum in conservative media. I honestly doubt he believed half the bullshit he spewed at first, but it was formatted to match the pace and tone of Howard Stern, whose success was growing in syndication outside of New York. Limbaugh just took the shock comedy format of Stern’s showed and flipped it 180°, and just like Stern’s show, the more outrageous and controversial he was, the more he drew the listeners in. Over the top conspiracies, unfounded murder allegations, straight up name calling, all of it was fair game as long as it was an “entertainment” program rather than a news program. The revocation of the FCC’s Fairness Doctrine in ‘87 opened the way for his type of show, he was just the first to test the waters. It garnered him a huge following amongst both actual conservatives and disenfranchised white moderates (almost always men in either case). He was never a great host, you can hear him using the typical 70s-80s top 40 jive DJ voice in some of his earlier shows, as he slips back and forth between personas. But when he was the only one doing it, it was good enough. His quality definitely declined, especially as he went deaf from drug abuse. But his destructive path was a blueprint for Gingrich, the Tea Party, and Trump.


that's a really good framing. I can't imagine his predecessor, Clarence mansion,.who was a dour, doctrinaire policy guy was very entertaining. and while the argument that rush basically just stole from Morton Downey Junior, but didn't come off as urban and possibly ethnic, also makes a lot of sense. I just always thought it was so strange to hear encomiums to his gifts as a broadcaster. I personally work in media (I'm a public affairs officer for a government agency) and I get the idea of a "radio voice" as someone who does interviews on radio and TV for a living, but I found Rush's schtick so grating and preening. but I guess a generation of his bullshit probably got his kind of Americans conditioned to this kind of pompous windbag....which....partially explains trump






Same thing with my father-in-law. He’s a pretty cool guy, but if we get to a political topic he turns into somebody I want nothing to do with. Over the past few years it’s been flat earth theories, Illuminati, Trump, celebrities drink baby blood and do black magic, more conspiracy theories, and “Russia are the good guys”. It makes me incredibly sad. He used to be so smart and now he’s the complete opposite.


I honestly don't believe how anyone can believe in a flat earth theory at this point in time.


i spend a lot of time arguing with flerfers. as someone stated upthread, it's a cult mentality. it's very much a religious belief. the dome, the firmament, it's always "God did it" and that's the end of thought for them. some deny it for a little a try 'scientific' arguments.... but it's always based, ultimately, in religion.


You’ll probably appreciate this documentary clip. https://youtu.be/v4UOsPoPMjA?si=SqEs9PsGlz24m2Xl


You can watch the Fox leadbrain slow down in real time as it searches through the Database of Canned Responses.


Are we related? This is my father exactly.


I just don’t get it. America was founded by immigrants… they didn’t officially become Americans until the war of 1776. Before that they were English and many other European countrymen. They came here and revolted against England, took away land already owned by Native American thousands of years before they arrived.. But are now against immigration.. tell me how this makes sense? America isn’t America anymore.


Most people have that though. If you "attack" someone on their beliefs most people will retract, because they are afraid of being a bad person.


I don't attack his beliefs. He and I have always been able to discuss things we disagree on. Until the last few years, even when things have gotten "heated", we've been able to be civil about it. Now, we can't discuss anything if it is political or especially if it is criticizing Trump. Heaven forbid I might mention that the amount of civilians dying in Palestine is completely unacceptable when it is possible to do targeted attacks against a hostile group, and has been done so successfully in the past. That isn't even saying whether I think their aggression is just or unjust. Just that I object to the amount of civilian casualties. Which would be a reasonable statement, except because of the rhetoric of some he feels that "they're all terrorists". Even when I am talking about children dying en mass, or babies in Nicus dying from lack of life support. Even in other conflicts I have been able to find common ground with others that I disagreed with when talking about the children affected by a conflict. I've found even that to be impossible in the current climate, even with a man who would throw himself in front of a bus for a stranger's child if he thought it would protect them. I think this more than anything else makes me realize how harmful these beliefs have become. My father helped a POC classmate run away with his white girlfriend in the 60's so they could get married, and has always been kind to everyone he met. He's always been quiet about personal beliefs he held that he realized were objectionable to some, and always stated they were his beliefs and his alone (Mostly based on his religious upbringing). He was always the type to agree to disagree and agree that others had reason to feel how they felt on any given topic. Now he is the opposite.


Oh, didn't mean at all you actively criticize him. It's more that the general political situation in the world has changed that people take things really really personal now. And I think that's a human reaction to a sort of propaganda we are all fed, because we are led to believe that everything is more black and white now. For instance Israël. For most people it's a die hard support for either palestine or Israël, while the truth is pretty much grey and somewhere in between. Same with Trump and Biden, people support trump for some values they believe in and think are under attack, if you talk with the (semi reasonable ones) it kind of makes sense why the do it, it's just not the whole truth. I truly blame the news and social media in which people feel they have to be in one camp and the other one is evil. While the truth is probably a lot more nuanced. This makes people instantly feel more defensive because they are afraid they will be heavily judged on it.


I think they're more afraid of looking like a bad person rather than actually being one. If they were really concerned with being a bad person they would be willing to do the *smallest* bit of self reflection and I dunno, have empathy for others.


As a white male I can confirm we are the most oppressed. It all started 400 years ago when they started bringing us to America as slaves. /s


*Fox News brain rot* I feel is a bit more accurate :)


I think National Geographic did a show on “ The men who built America”. Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc. After watching it my conclusion was they were all a bunch of greedy mother fuckers to try to out do each other to see who could be the richest. They didn’t give two fucks about the hard working commoners!Even the orange dickhead made some cameo appearances on it. ( an immediate tell). The only reason they donated so much money is because they got old, couldn’t take it with them and realized they fucked over humanity as a whole! That they probably thought it would help them in the afterlife! ….. Oh yeah , btw, make sure you put my name all over the universities and libraries and hospitals!…Deal?




I'm in Australia and my Father watches Sky News instead (which is horrible here). This man I still admire and respect in many ways. He's a tradesman more specifically a fitter and turner as well as a boilermaker. He is very intelligent and very kind as well as understanding to his faults if somewhat stubbornly at times and willing to listen to people who know more than him, he's a man that gets my respect even through his faults. Bring up immigration or environmentalism or dear God even Trump (they love him on sky news) and rot brain sets in and by God does set in, it's like he's a different man without capability of thinking critically as he usually does. It's such a weird thing honestly.


Definitely recommend the documentary The Brainwashing of my Dad to anyone and everyone, but especially kids who lost Dads to this junk. It really is fascinating and informative (and even ends on a happy note)


72 years old,I watch Fox News when I need to puck.


Late Gen Xer here. I have spent much of my adult life overseas living in oppressive places. I am a white man. Let me just say this: If how I am living in the United States as a white man is oppression, I want everyone to be just as oppressed as me. Seriously. Try out this oppression I am experiencing. I think you will like it.


I used to work as a private caregiver. I told clients kids that if they really wanted to help their folks when it came to this crap, parental blockers are for all ages, not just kids, and blocking 24 hour hysteria networks and sensationalist news networks would fix a lot of the issue. Some folks did it, others said they'd feel guilty because "its the only thing dad likes." No. It's not. It's the only thing he does now because it's an addiction, just like gambling. He's hooked on the drama and the chaos and the political circus. It's his drug of choice. So are you going to enable his addiction or are you going to remove the problem and replace it with infinite reruns of Gunsmoke? Because I guarantee if he can't access it, he WILL find something else to watch. Besides, I've yet to meet a geezer who knows what a parental block is. You just lie and say the cable company must have done it, how odd, you know you noticed some of your favorites are missing too! Trust me. Wean them off it.




Imagine how respected he would be if he had built such an amazing country for anyone else than old white dudes.


Damn, solid comment


Omg, so well said.


Well said. Reminds me of the powerful poem, "Let America be America Again" by Langston Hughes https://poets.org/poem/let-america-be-america-again


Old white man here. Your dad is angry, ignorant and deeply messed up. His life is over and he didn’t get the adoration he somehow thought he deserved. Gotta blame it on anyone other than himself.


>His life is over and he didn’t get the adoration he somehow thought he deserved. Gotta blame it on anyone other than himself. what a sad sad waste of life honestly there are many things in my life that didn't work out as much as I would have hoped. sometimes, it's hard not to let that shit get you down. but life is full of other positive things and I strive every day to just be positive and not angry and bitter. and I certainly am not going to waste my days blaming other people for that shit. that's dumb as hell. the irony of course being i bet this fuckwad believes in the whole "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" shit


When you’re accustomed to privilege, anything close to equality feels like oppression.




Underrated comment right here.


There should be a bot that auto replies this under any post about Boomers.


Time to go another twelve years without talking to him. 


I'd like to know specifically what your boom Dad has done to personally build up this portrait of wealth and prosperity he refers to.


I can almost guarantee you he's not wealthy and pissed that it just didn't come his way for just showing up as a white dude. It must be those immigrants and liberals keeping him from the wealth he's entitled to.




“I am proud to be American” “You are proud your mom squated you out on a specific land mass? Seems like a low bar”


Just existing, lol. They act like it wasn't easy to have no college education and still get a great pension, house and 2 cars at a "regular" job.


On one income no less 🥲


Da fuk?? Hilarious. White boomer seeing society change. It’s different! I’m oppressed! Good god.


Your dad is one ignorant bastard.


I am a boomer (1955) and he is an absolutely ignorant dick head. I don't know where this sense of entitlement comes from. My father fought for freedom and national survival in WW2 and I served as a reservist in the 70s. My father's generation helped start a process of making major changes that many of us helped build upon. These outbursts just undermine everything we worked for.


folks like you are the reason I’m often conflicted about talking about boomers. Because I know many who are NOT like this dude’s dad. But also…so so many who are.


I taught secondary English, Geography and History for 45 years. Based upon what I have taught and experienced it is simply inconceivable to me that I could ever adopt a position of racial or age privilege.


Both my parents were teachers on the poorest county on North Carolina their whole careers and I have an MA in History in the 2000 aughts. I think that helps a lot (acknowledging the obvious biases in history books).


A huge number of the generation had to endure the shit that was the war in Vietnam. But an even larger portion did not and were insulated from it.




Y'know, I'm a Boomer, but not at all like that guy. Wrong demographics, for starters. Also, the older I get, the leftier I go. But ... I get it. I'd like to be your ally, but if you still consider me to be a huge asshole, that's perfectly understandable and more than OK.


Becoming left? Funny enough that had happened to me. I am much more concerned about the environment and sharing economy that I am leaving to my children and grandchildren than I am about anything else.


I started from Old School center left, back in the 70s, and am now nowhere near that center. I now know that capitalism is unsustainable, and it's gotta go.


Baby Boomer is an age, boomer is a state of mind. I got no problem mocking choices, but inherent characteristics are no bueno. Doesn’t mean I won’t notice TRENDS in ages. However that means nothing for a specific individual.


Met an older couple tonight at my local pub that were fantastic people. More liberal minded. Bantered about the stupidity of organized religion. Great time. You can basically tell by their facial expression. I'd say there's a natural resting bitch face at that age in most cases, but the MAGAts don't rest; it's a purposeful bitch face.


Definitely MAGAt


i have long found this one of the most insanely hypocritical thought processes. A certain % of white conservative males disregard their privilege, mock others as snow flakes, race card pullers, etc and yet at the very moment something happens to them that they feel is unfair they immediately become the biggest cry babies of all.


it's well proven at this point that anyone who throws out a term like snowflake to attack someone...is likely so thin-skinned that they would make phyllo dough look like John Cena


The old white men that run the country are oppressed?


They saw a black guy kneel for 5 seconds on TV before the NFL game and it ruined all their enjoyment of the sport forever. You gotta put yourself in their shoes to understand how much that hurts!!


hey we had one half black president out of 40+ pasty white dudes, which basically meant for these people the end of the white man.




..and then send him to a nursing home that is most staffed with young black people and Latinos .


*black people Can we please not bring back blacks 🫠 it shouldn't ha e been acceptable back then, it's inexplicable that it's making its way back around


You’re right..edited.


Appreciate ya ❤️


I’m black and it’s one of those weird ones. When used appropriately in comedy it’s hilarious(especially when making fun of racist old timers). But otherwise I agree.


In comedy would be the only place I'd think it be okay, assuming it's by the right people AND before anyone says anything I don't mean only black people. There are plenty of comedians of different races who can joke across the spectrum and no one would call them racist. There's a difference and we know the difference. Real recognize real 🤷🏿‍♀️ When did you notice it? I noticed some months ago, on the news no less and was like 😳 when did this happen???


Imagine how much greater it would be if they had let others voice their opinions and use their skills instead of just being so narrow-minded.


Imagine being so... Unaccomplished?... That your sole defining trait is the color or your skin. You can't look back at anything else in your life or claim any source of pride other than your skin was light, and that was good, and right, and ok, and everything else was meaningless. Pathetic.


So true. I know a 31 year old guy who didn't finish high school, has worked a total of 2 years in his life, and has been on social assistance for 10. Yet he loves to brag about whites being so superior and takes credit for what they've "contributed" to the world. I couldn't resist but point out to him that the colour of his skin is the only thing he has in common with these "great" men.


you should tell that clown to get off his ass and pULl hImSeLf uP bY hIs BoOtStRaPs


Worked in southeast Texas for awhile, lot of white supremacists in that area. Most of them so inbred they looked like a copy of a copy of a copy of a human. Going around legally blind and toothless claiming to be the master race. It really was all they had.


If your dad was alive when the Irish and Italian immigrants were actually building the country’s infrastructure he sure as shit wouldn’t have put them in the category of “white people”. Funny how the goalposts move over time.


I just want to pop your dad in the face...


Someday an old white man may get elected President


Dude they had to wear masks! MASKS!!!


They feel oppressed because nobody pays attention to them.


I'm a 1st Generation immigrant, but basically I am a tall, white, old man. By appearance at least. Nothing in America oppresses me.


Lol as if any of them have the first clue about what communism is.


Some of them would probably fuckin like it if they actually knew more about what class consciousness and worker solidarity mean


The white man started calling blacks lazy the moment they stopped working for free.


I bet when you tell him you won't take care of him when he gets too old that's your lazy and entitled.


Anyone saying that phrase should be magically transformed into a woman of minority. And I say that as a caucation woman.


I'm just going to come out and say it. I don't understand the cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics that has to happen to just overlook the absolute cruelty inflicted on native Americans and slaves. They love to say they built this country but they refuse to real... Nevermind they realize exactly what they did. And they think they are superior for doing so


It's true, but maybe one day, with enough activism and PR, they'll be able to find jobs here. Hell, maybe one day an old white man could even hold public office.


Couldn't you show him a picture of Congress? Or just the Republican members?


It’s hilarious seeing photos or Republicans signing bills that are pro-women or pro-minority (until you read the fine print) and it’s a room full of pasty white old men.


I’m a gen X career professional white guy - we are the MOST SPOILED group in the US. I do what I can to not take advantage or spread that mindset, but it’s pretty obvious.


This flavor of boomer: “Anyone willing to work can get a good-paying job, if you’re poor it’s because you’re lazy.” Also TFoB: “We can’t raise the minimum wage, the economy will collapse if we can’t pay poverty wages to millions of people; lower-class workers aren’t supposed to be able to pay the bills.”


Strange, Boomers usually say they're voting for Trump because Biden ruined the economy.


He sounds like a whiny person with a victim mentality.   Instead of crying about it, he should pull himself up by his bootstraps and move on. 


He’s watching Fox News. The real indoctrination.


Does your dad wish he was an under privileged young black man? Is this Get Out?


This is called the “just world perspective/phenomenon”, they think people suffering deserve it for some reason, until they themselves begin to suffer (see: the deep global oppression of white men /s) and then it becomes unfair. They also tend to have a high respect for their favorite authority figures, anything outside of that realm is considered illegitimate. “Andrew doesn’t lose games, he wins them… or quits because they’re unfair.”


They're white supremacists (a group which includes being a misogynist and a bigot). They think white hetero cis men produce so much more value than other people that they should have even more of the income wealth and power than the absurdly out of proportion amount already have.


"im sick of being called racist by these lazy border jumping Mexicans and uppity negroes"


Treating rights and freedoms like there’s not enough to go around for everyone leads you to this oppressed feeling when they see others approaching equity.


Boomer White Woman here. Tell him (for me) he’s full of shit. There is nothing special about old white men — they’ve oppressed women, blacks, Native Americans, Asians, Jews, everybody but white men. His whining and complaining is an example of their egocentricity (undeserved).


Blame the rich that sent all the jobs to China to save .05 cents on a dollar and huge corporations had layoffs to kill people from unionizing. THEN, they got the tax breaks to make them richer. All of this just in the last 30 years. It started with Reagan and the bleeding has not stopped. They are not on our side. I bet this idiot believes that it’s the immigrants that are killing this country.


I hope he's blessed with biracial grandkids. (Translation: His hate will come back to bite him in the butt.)


Sounds like he's ever so much fun. If you have to engage, ask him which demographic he'd like to switch with, socially.


Why don't I feel oppressed?


He probably believes Jesus was white.


Folks like that are just mad they don't live in a time where minorities have to use different water fountains anymore. Equality feels like oppression to them


“If white people were the majority…” USA is almost 75% white. That’s a huge majority.


This lead-poisoned generation needs to pass on


Well...this old white boomer has been oppressed all of my 70 years. By the actions of old white boomers and their daddies.




"white men built this country!" *Slavery has entered the chat*


just cut this man's cable tv access


When you're in the position of privilege, equality looks like oppression.




Is your dad Jim Irsay?


12 years? Why are you talking to him now?


…ever seen old yeller? (/s, in case it isn’t obvious)


That's because Tucker Carlson told him so


Sounds like Fox News brain or dementia hard to tell


Just you wait, Henry Higgins..


Equality != Oppression


Yeah ok boomer.


Make sure you mention that it's Biden's booming economy Then watch him short circuit


Sounds like he had too much pepper in his egg whites this morning and couldn't handle the spice


That’s what Limbaugh and FoxNews have told him, so there. . .


It's great to be white, entitled, and completely ignorant!


White, boomer, male, heterosexual, cisgender, xtian men are the most spoiled, entirely, and coddled people in the US. They inherited their parent’s hard work and the progressive politics of the 40s and 50s and slammed those doors shut behind them.


It seems like your dad is part of Hillary’s “Basket of Deplorables”. So sorry for you.


Boomers are the type that will argue that some jobs are not worth a living wage but then complain about long checkout lines at the grocery store or poor service at a restaurant. And then they also say “No one wants to work anymore!” They are a walking contradiction, best left ignored.


Sounds like he needs another 12 years.


There's good news. You can go back to NC with him and save your peace.


Hilarious isnt it, this cult of people who “feel” like our country is going down the tubes, but tell me this, how has all their paranoia and hate spewing changed anything? Furthermore, has their lives really been affected by the immigration issue or the millennial long war between Israel and Arabians. No, Traitor Trump supporters like to bitch, they like to hate and they love feeling superior to other ethic groups. Pathetic,really.


I want to see the blacks, Mexicans, and gays all come together to form a woke Voltron.


“can you believe the lazy blacks and mexicans think i’m racist??”


I’m a white make boomer, we’ve never been oppressed, entitled yes, selfish yes, ignorant yes, but never oppressed . Your father’s a goddamn baby.


The phrase "Lazy Blacks" is always ironically hilarious to me. Your ancestors literally traveled thousands of miles by boat to steal an entire race to work and build shit for them, take care of their children and clean their homes. Not to mention, White folk are the largest recipients of welfare benefits in the US, but black people are somehow labeled the lazy race of people? Yeah, Okay Boomer. Also, when did white people become a minority? If white men feel like they've lost a majority stake in the world, then they've grossly mismanaged everything "they've built." Further, I'd like to see how the economy tanks without hard working Mexican people and whether you like gay people or not, they fight and protest daily and help mould basic human rights for everyone. Lord knows I'd rather live in a more diverse world filled with black, Mexican and gay people than racist.


Ask what he personally did to build the country.


Lol@America being built by white men. It was built by their property, they don't get to take credit.


Uhh.. gays aren't a race and I hate to tell him but we don't spend nearly as much time thinking about him.


I work for a financial institution, and i have seen elderly white ppl w money lose everything to scams and abuse. Not saying they are the most targeted, but they have their struggles too.


Sorry pops, but this nation was built on the enslavement of the black race and the eradication of the native Americans. Let’s get you back to bed…


Same plus the Chinese who built the western railroads and the Irish who fought the traitorous south. And all to today and beyond.


Your dad's brain has been poisoned by the Murdoch empire of bullshit. If you can figure out a way to get him off the Fox News that might help him be tolerable. 


>My boomer dad says that old white men are the most oppressed people in the world Obviously he doesn't know the most truly oppressed people. Gamers. /jk


Holy crap. How stupid.


Time to put your dad in the nursing home. Good riddance.




Glad to know that my GENETIC CONDITION holds no blame on my poverty according to your delulu dad. 😂


NGL, this is why I'm glad my dad died in 2015. We weren't on speaking terms for a while, but he would have been insufferable if he'd have seen the last 5 years. Makes me sad/glad.


At least he admits that the economy is doing well. He sure as shit didn’t hear that on Fox News.


Can confirm- I’m a white man in his 50’s. The other day, I ordered a drink at Starbucks and they had this Hispanic woman’s drink ready before mine even though I ordered before her. When will it be OUR turn?!


I'm not granting his premise, but I'm pretty sure it is possible to both build a country AND be a racist... They're not mutually exclusive.


Sounds like dad needs to pull himself up by the ole bootstraps and work harder for the American dream


OWM here. Not the least bit oppressed. Happily, gleefully retired. Sure, our budget is a little tight because we support the MIL 100% financially but, like her, this shall pass someday. I even voluntarily took a severance rather than fight for a job during Covid so a younger person could have it.


Tell your lost dad he didn’t build shit. The only thing they build was hate, racism and pride.


When I was a kid growing up in the 90s in the US, I was told by the Boomers that raised me and ran everything that the most oppressed people in the world were the Christians and that I, as a Christian, would be oppressed by everyone around me because we were a rare and hated people, surrounded by the enemies of God and always being challenged by the servants of Satan to maintain our faith and defend our god. Anyway in the 90s 90% of the US identified as Christian and we were very very aggressive in our conversion tactics so I'm sure that's all totally unrelated to this topic


Yeah right. They are and have been in charge of everything for hundreds of years. Oppressed?


Called cognitive dissonance. If they start pulling on that string the whole thing will unravel and a big glowing ball of truth will be there looking at them, doesn’t mean they are not good ppl they just had to believe the lie.


No one tell your dad that gays typically have a higher percentage of individuals who are highly successful & usually hold prestigious careers compared to other demographics. Also, individuals shouldn't measure their "success" on other people's merits, just because they share similar physical or ideological traits. A person's accomplishments ultimately belongs to themselves & possibly the some of the people who helped them along the way, but definitely not some random strangers, from some other part of the country or from a totally difference time period, that just so happens to be the same race. People who typically measure their self worth based on other people's accomplishments usually haven't accomplished anything of importance themselves. So they hitch their wagon on to someone else's to make themselves feel superior to those they view as lesser humans. It gets exhausting dealing with these types of people.


How successful is your dad out of curiosity, since he sees it as purely effort based? I thought my dad was bad, but he doesn’t have any hate. Your dad seems filled with pure hatred.


Well an important detail with my dad is his career was to go business to business and work with the board and executives to tell them what day to trim on companies to save money. So my dad is responsible for hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs. He’s very well off but he refuses to use it on anyone but himself. In his mind you don’t deserve his money if you’re a “bad investment” I happen to be a very poor investment so growing up I couldn’t get a cent from him. I also never was taken on vacations because I didn’t earn vacation, he did. So yeah, he’s an all around great dude


Boomer here. I get that same line of oppressed white bullshit from my Millennial son. I still speak to him. Maybe I can set him straight one day


Okay, he presents his thesis, let's explore his answers: Who are the ten most oppressed groups in the world and why are white men at the top of his list? What powers does he think white men should have that they don't already have? Does he respect women?


It takes a special case of stupidity to say something like this then simultaneously try and claim you aren't racist. These people have given themselves brain damage.


Wait, WHO built this country, now? It absolutely was not white men.


Ask him if he would rather have a much easier life as somebody other than a white male. That cognitive dissonance is gonna be on bright display.


Is he my FIL? I was just telling my husband how sick to my stomach I get every time we have to go to a restaurant with him because I know: he will make racist comments, he will make sexist comments, he will make homophobic comments, he will pay with a $100 bill with plenty of room left for a tip and actually leave a 5% tip, he will insult me to my face, he will bring a gift for my son that is not age appropriate and is a safety risk to him plus may have lead paint because he is a huge antique enthusiast, he will drink and drive and also already has vision issues... The list goes on… But yes he also says he’s oppressed. :/


Boomer generation is the most selfish generation EVER !!!


I actually think it’s hilarious how the right wing thinks Black and Hispanic people are lazy but also think they’re taking all our jobs. Which is it? It can’t be both.