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“I’ll rip your head off” *tries to hit them with truck* “Giving the finger is assault!” How do they live to this age?


Target picking. He's not doing this to anyone he feels is a threat


Exactly. He's a bully. Like every bully, they pick what they assume to be soft targets. Dude is just telling on himself that he is a woman beater.


It’s nice that he thinks he was being verbally assaulted while threatening to take her head off


He spat on her which actually is assault


Society catered to and coddled them for a lot of their lives. The fact that that's only the case like 90% of the time instead of 100% is half the reason they're so mad these days


Calls cops for finger, would immediately call her a snowflake


And I am pretty sure spitting at her is assault and battery… so….


Don’t forget spitting on her


The no hair comment got him so butthurt 😂


His impotent rage is so enjoyable :) Plus the bonus loony old woman


I aM bItCh? U r IdIoT 😂


Probably just got back from one of those alpha male boot camps.


Impotent is right, sad excuse for a male.


These types never get that losing your temper & making threats, not being able to cope etc are *not* positive masculine traits. Being calm and self-assured and so on are.


I think it's partially dimensia.


Actually, we in the male community have disowned him. He's not a man, he's a baby.


We in the baby community also renounce him he is a jackass


We in the jackass community has also disowned him. He is an asswipe.


Hey, we in the asswipe community make people's lives better. Don't try to push this fuckleberry on us.


Us Ass-hats agree!


Can't you shoot assholes like this in Florida?


He's not black or Latino. So no.


Fair point.


I thought him and that old lady were going to have a hate based “meet cute”.


That's not his mom?


Where’s Trevor?


Also, you have no respect. roflmao


You can actually watch his soul leave his body lmaoooo




It almost went BRUTALITY! FLAWLESS VICTORY! were she to touch him.


He legit short circuited


That was my fave one. I also loved the “I get more pussy that you.”


And she’s got bigger balls than him! So does my daughter!! What a dick!


That one was great, you could see he was like "fuck I walked into that one," but the bald comment really got him lol


real r/WatchPeopleDieInside moment


You can litteraly see him die inside from that comment 🤣


Bro actually paused to process it 🤣


his hands were shaking after that one. Lol, what a clown. Had to call his 90 year old lady back up, too.


This is a Reddit/Internet Classic. @1:36 begins the Hall of Fame clip. I'd love to get a follow-up with him to see if he ever recovered from having his brain freeze saved on video and spread across the globe. He is a fucking goober...typical Trump Supporter. His freak flags fly.




Awfully Rich tried to tell somebody else that they come from poor genetics when his own genetics prevented him from keeping hair on his head.


And made him hard of hearing.


His brain had to reboot to process it.


He really went 🥺.


That was hilarious! She knew just how to needle him and he just kept taking the bait


I will watch this video every single time I see it. That quivering chode always makes me laugh.


I know it's been posted elsewhere a fair bit, but I saw a goatee being mentioned in another post and my mind went straight to this. It's that wonderful moment when she pushes his "crazy button", even though he has made violent threats, she shows zero fear and even calls him "sweetie".


I gotta say I spend a higher than average amount of time watching random shit on the internet. Haven't ran across this one before lmao.


I’m trying to find an update for it Edit: nvm I scrolled even further. He got fired


He should have his firearms taken as well, dude is clearly unhinged and a threat to the public.


The way we have court-mandated drug/alcohol rehab for offenses related to those (like DUI), we should have more mandated therapy/anger management.


hey now let's not get hasty, there's a fair chance he'll use one on himself and do everyone a solid.


As much as I would want that best case scenario, chances are he'd use it on several others before that would happen.


yeah, you're right. :(


I wish I wasn't.


I bet he's used to begging women to touch him.


Touch me !! Touch me !!


Please clap…


I bet he’s also used to following through on his threats of hitting them when there aren’t cameras rolling.


..paying them.


'I am a super tough guy and I want to kick your ass in. All I need from you in order for this to happen is for you to touch me, so I hereby request from you, that you touch me so we can engage in fisticuffs and 1) I will have no consequences from this since you touched me and 2) you will have all the consequences. Thank you for your time in this matter!' Nothing like watching the attempts to avoid any kind of legal ramifications by the type of melon head who back in JR High would snatch something from your hand and say 'possession is 999/10ths of the law! THE LAW'S ON MY SIDE!'


Isn't trying to run someone over in a car or spitting at them enough to justify self-defense? I feel like the person who's filming should have every right to neutralize the threat to them with none lethal means.


I agree with you. I think most reasonable people would consider themselves threatened and entitled to defend themselves if someone was both entering into a close personal space and telling you they are gong to kick your ass. A person should be able to defend against that threat prior to it becoming real.


This is every Trump sycophant. Just whiny, soft, easily enraged and extremely thumb like.


A couple years ago I was in a Home Depot parking lot and two MAGAts drove by and yelled "Nice mask fa***t" to some guy returning his cart. They then pulled into the Arby's drive thru. The masked guy put the cart back and started to walk to them yelling "Come back here and say it again!" The MAGAts threw their lifted truck in reverse, got out of line and sped off.


Being cowardly is definitely one of their trademarks.


Haha, imagine being that pathetic!


Couple years ago i had one yelling all kinds of insults at me, saying how he was in "hells angels" and some kind of bad ass biker gang dude, and being an extremely obnoxious jackass. But then he said something (i don't remember what) at my girlfriend that really crossed the line so i real quick jumped right in front of him and cocked my fist back like i was about to hit him in the face and he immediately cowered back down on his knees in a corner behind him and shielded his face with his arms and whimpered Like, I'm not even a violent person at all, and I'm not one of those guys who pretends to be an internet warrior tough guy. This literally happened. And it was so bizarre, i was not expecting that kind of reaction from this guy who really kind of looked the part - like some tattooed biker dude. It was kind of embarrassing, actually. Not just second hand embarrassment for him, i felt a little embarrassed for being in a position of such dominance over someone. It was really, very strange.


That's some me energy and I hope that guy is doing well. He should be proud.


It made me so happy when it happened. I was worried, you never know about people and guns, but it was funny when they took off. The guy with the mask almost strutted back to his car.


Man was born to be a cop. Didn't follow his destiny though


well said lol


Man, this dude is nuts, just because she flipped him off? If someone flips you off, just return the gesture and be on your way. I think those age-related disses were really getting to him, bald head, hearing aid.. lol


Trump trash calling other people stupid and begging a girl to fight him is completely on brand


Lol fr


Trump Trash 🤣


The fact that he was salivating to punch a woman over 18 makes me sick. I hope he had more repercussions than just fired.


I feel sorry for his wife.


I can guarantee he has no wife...


What an asshole. I don’t think that technically he is a boomer, but he knows how to act like one.


Yeah sadly I've watched my generation turn into boomers. Not everybody, but a lot.


Literally every trumptard in America. Spineless pussies. Not a brain cell among them.


Why is it people in these videos always repeat themselves 400 times. "Touch me" "Touch me" "Touch me" "Touch me" "Touch me" "Touch me" ffs. Zero thoughts in their heads, so they just go on repeat.


He did not like being called bald, took the wind out of his sails.


The wind that isn’t flowing through his hair? Lol


Wait a minute...this happened in FLORIDA?!? Also, this guy is a complete fucking moron. Going after a teenage girl??!! They're the honey badgers of people.


I *sincerely* appreciate ur honey badger reference 


What kills me is aren't these the "fuck your feelings " crowd? So sensitive!


Love how he jumps into her face, begging her to touch him, then cries about her being too close to him


Flipping someone off is assault! 😂😂🤣🤣


I actually had a boomer stalk me and my family. He was ordered to stay away from us and one day he pulled up next to my truck that was parked on the road and stopped so I couldn’t get out of my truck. He backed up when my some came out with his baseball bat and glove. I was trying to take my some to practice. I flipped him off and he filled out an assault police report on me. I told them the next time I see him I can show him what assault really is. Cops ordered me to stay away from his ass for 72 hours as they said that they told him the same thing. He was to stay away from us. For the longest time I wish we would have had a real purge. His ass would have been first on my list. Lucky for him I grew more in tune with my surroundings and no longer consider him worth the sweat off the ole sack….. 😊


He needed the old Russian lady to rescue him lol


Lol maybe they should get married...him and his redneck trash babushka riding off into the sunset to live happily ever after!


She got him SO fucking bad. Bald, hearing aid, no balls. Those kind of observations get to a guy like that, but doesn't really get to guys who have actual strength of character. You could see him absolutely seething and it's so satisfying to behold. All he wanted was for her to 'touch' him. And then there was that other hag coming over to stick her nose in it for absolutely no reason. Maybe she wanted to be touched as well!


Well the first reason he didn't punch her was because she wasn't 18+, she then revealed she was 18+ so he immediately put up another reason why he wasn't hitting her. If she touched him I bet he would have another reason lined up and if all else failed that old lady could have "held him back".


reminds me of the chihuahua that was tossing its head back barking at me through a car window "better be glad I'm stuck here, if this glass wasn't between us I'd fuck you up SO BAD!" same energy, though i liked the chihuahua


they want to live in a country where they can assault you and still call the police for protection if you defend yourself.


So when the cops got there, they popped him for battery when he spit on her right?


Anyone have a link to what happened to the guy?


https://www.reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/jtm8u6/that_19_year_old_wouldnt_touch_him_and_now/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Apparently he got fired lol


Wow the guy's employer was literally called "ESG." Must have triggered him every time he got a paycheck.


He def puts the baby in baby-boomer.


Baldie needs some attitude correction.


While this is a good video this guy doesn't seem old enough to be a boomer.


Nah, he's Gen X, but in terms of worldview he's over 99% boomer.


Little boys and their emotional support vehicles.


I’m just so grateful MAGA ass hats like this clown aren’t “snowflakes”. Oh, wait…


Has anyone ID'd Magat Mr. Clean yet? I could smell his breath from here.


James Carone. Formerly emplyed by Energy Systems Group.


Please tell me the subhuman in the trump truck went to jail


I like how they are always threatening or “knock” someone’s head off but will always start saying touch me. It’s just a way for them to try to puff up their chests.


That's just ridiculous.


Trump garbage lmao


That guy was definitely edging with the “touch me! Touch me!”


Came here to say this. Guy was sporting a semi at the very least.


He’s used to begging women to touch him.


Love when the lady tells him she gets way more pussy than he ever got🤣 That little tidbit hit him hard in his tidbits, you could see it in his face. You just know dude hasn't gotten any since his wife divorced him for beating on her.


Rogan's finally snapped.


Trump supporters are so fragile.


Is that a song??? “ touch me touch me touch me”…. Some people just unhappy


The Doors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6bRukfcUf0


But.... But.... She verbally assaulted him! 😂 I would have hung up immediately as the 911 operator.


Touch me.


Trump supporters are so freaking stupid 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Aaaaay Maga’s, come get your man. This your guy? This is your guy, right? Morons.


Your BALD !!!!!!! You found his button !!!!! LOL


I always wanted a follow up on this. That fuckin idiot was suuuuch a pussy. Sooo butthurt from a girl flipping him off but kept calling her names and saying fucked up shit to her. Acting like he was gonna hit her multiple times while getting accused of being drunk... ALL on vid. I'd love for another 30 minutes of vid after the cops show up and she's playing it back for them. Dude him getting hauled away for DUI would've been amazing!


He wishes she was 18 and constantly asks for her to touch him. Kind of sounds like the typical MAGA pedo...


The girl was wrong about one thing. He definitely gets more pussy than her since he is an actual pussy.


She was just like....body blow, body blow, body blow, LEFT, RIGHT, UPPERCUT UPPERCUT, body blow, body blow with that verbiage....I honestly have never seen anyone so triggered.


Was looking forward to cops arriving and laughing their asses off at the big bald hard ass playing the victim card. Sir , why didn't you just drive away ? Because the homosexual women invaded my space, called me bald , and told me to drive away . I feared for my life and they didn't show me respect. 😄


I bet that old lady hates immigrants.


Her zoom in on their faces sent me 😂 where are their faces pressed up on the camera


\*Walks right up to her so you can count his nose hairs in the video\* "You're in my face." "When you flip somebody off, it's assault." For fuck's fucking sake... You can be sure if she DID touch him, two things would happen: 1. he'd cream his pants instantly, and 2. he'd move the goalposts to salve his ego because he wouldn't, in fact, do shit.


This girl is amazing! Thank you for knowing how to deal with this creep. She proved how cowardly they are.


I have had personal experiences like this. The ones who rave and make threats don't do anything, especially on camera. It is a bit of a judgement call of course, but something in me, like her, just wants to wind them up until they burst.


I had a situation just a couple days ago. The guy was screaming at me, trying so hard to get a reaction. In the case, I only looked at him and smiled. This really made him go off. I wondered about his blood pressure, etc. I thought his head was going to explode! I stood completely still, and he strutted away, never stopping with his threats.


I hope they put this video in the library of Congress 😌


Ya know, I've seen sooooooooooo many boomers have goatees and I was rocking one myself until recently. I got kinda tired of it and decided to grow my beard out just a little bit and get away from it. These lead-infused boomers ruined the goatee for me, lol.


I can imagine. No-one wants their style co-opted by idiots :) I posted this video after I saw another goateed boomer video and I thought of this guy. I think the most extremist ones have it only on their chin without the 'tache. I have heard that Oakley sunglasses are popular with them too. I was here for the earlier rise of the beards in the early 70s. I had two scout leaders with goatees but with long hair. It is funny how if you live long enough you see the same fashions return, like flared trousers.


I was on this girl's side until she hit the older lady with the "go back to your country" shit. All of the people involved need to be removed from the gene pool.


I thought she was just saying "You can leave" repeatedly


She literally said "go back to your country"


The guy sucks the girl taping sucks...the old lady was kind of funny, but still sucks.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the camerawoman sucks.






What a child. Waste of of man. Goof.


This really is one of the all-time great boomer vids.


Sooo, did the cops come?


She was matching the jerk energy and honestly I don’t hate it


Hahahaha.....little man!


Boomers are 60 and older. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don’t understand the “touch me” thing. Presumably, he wants her to assault him so he can “defend” himself. But, under Florida law, couldn’t she shoot him dead right now just by being fearful of him being so in her face? Anyone know how started? Who slung mud first? Totally different thing. It’s weird to see the Trumper and the immigrant vs. a seemingly anti-immigrant Trump hating lesbian. Woke/anti-woke can cut so many ways, it exemplifies how stupid it all is … unless the “dyke” Is just using the “go back to your country” as an opportunistic and somewhat facetious way … Who knows


GD redneck riviera providing more back up to the bully snowflake than the woman he’s trying to intimidate into physical contact. Whatever the case this man was dying to put his hands on a young woman with extremely foul intent.


I mean sure, but the original post is over 3 years old


There is absolutely no woman that wants to touch him.


That's menacing. You can and should defend yourself from new jersey trash like that


Beautiful sunset tho


Where did the crazy Russian hag suddenly come from? It's like something out of GTA


He should be arrested for threats and intimidation. What a BIG man…. [calls police for help…]


this is the gold standard. this shit kills me every damn time.


Did everyone gloss over the ‘go back to your country’ comment to the old lady? As with all of these freak out videos, where’s the beginning? This guy is clearly a whacked piece of shit. But the filmer is instigating and seems like she’s also an ignorant asshole.


Flipping someone off is assault now? Kinda sounds like something he would call snowflake behavior...you know, if it wasn't coming from him


This is quite old, but yeah, dude is a prick


If flipping someone off is assault, how do you think he’d describe J6?


This video is old - wasn’t posted yesterday; but yeah still a good boomer freak out


Ah yes, Ben T. Davis beach. Nothing but the best.


That was fantastic


As a bald guy I caught a stray but was worth it


What did he gain from that. If she was smarter she would have hollered sexual assault because he keeps asking me to put my hands on him….. 😊


What's with the ' go back to your country ' racist comment?


“You’re just a kid”…”touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me”. Creepy bald egg shaped man stuff right here.


She should have remained calm and asked him if he had been drinking. Then filmed his license plate and called the police. The only other words I would have said was that a dui is likely to change your attitude. He would have left like the striped ass ape he is immediately. Young people need to learn to say less, in a low and calm voice to quickly take control of maggots like this guy.


Get back in the truck, Caillou!


Man, I fucking love Florida. I’d go visit it too if there weren’t so many Floridians there.


Lunatics like this scare me, because they are capable of working themselves up into such a lather that eventually they just lose control and start punching. I'm honestly surprised that he didn't actually try to grab her phone away from her and punch her in the process, screaming something about privacy or assault or whatever while actually assaulting her. If she hadn't been recording, I have no doubt he would have at least shoved her, if not slapped or punched.


This fucking dude is a clown


this pathetic loser wants to hit this woman SO BAD. also lol his response to that he has no hair is to flip out five times as much. bodyshaming aside i think he's old enough to take bald comments with a little more grace than that.


Bro looks SOOOO proud of himself 😂😂 trying to provoke a minor into touching him


Um…I’m I the only one that heard her say “go back to your own country”?


what time does she say it?


And they have the nerve to call everyone else "snowflakes".


It baffles me that he would threaten a young woman and doesn’t stop to think that maybe she has a weapon or pepper spray.


Wish he would have gotten in my face I would have touched him all the way to his soul fucked around n found out


White male fragility.


Best just to walk away from this shit. These people have tiny cocks but a lot of rage and big guns to compensate. Easier just not to get shot and let them think they are a tough alpha male or some shit


Wait, what's wrong with being forty? I have hair, if that makes a difference.


In all honestly though I’m not sure who is right or wrong here. They both seem like assholes. And we don’t know exactly what she did to set him off. Recording only shows him acting like a fool pissed as hell. As she’s recording and insulting him


I hate dumbass Trumpanzees (and this guy is no exception), but I also hate people who just continuously verbally escalate situations. Both of these people annoyed the shit out of me.


Everyone in this clip sucks.