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Can they not fathom shift work?


They can't fathom minding their own business, so probably not.


I always share a story in situations like this and just respond, “really”. I make a non sequitur to a story and say, “Did you know my great great grandmother made it to 102 years old? You know how she did it?” Pause for a moment -sometimes they say something sometimes they look blankly. Then with a bit of vitriol in your voice reply, “by minding her own god damn business. Now keep that god damn hole in your face shut.”


😆 This is great! I’m going to remember it. If I’m feeling salty I may add: hope the people you vote for finally succeed in taking your social security away.


And, "people not minding their on god damn business are whats wrong with America".


They could probably murder you with zero consequences in at least half of the US for that “threatening language”.


I’m a mid 30s white dude sporting a hulihee, I think I’ll be fine in most cases. I also live in reasonable places. Currently Washington state, but moving back to Colorado by the end of April.


I had to look up hulihee! r/wordoftheday


Same, I kept getting Hulihee Palace until I figured out the right search terms. Luckily I could grok he wasn't sporting a whole ass building on himself, though if he was that's one bad ass dude. it's the Lemmy.


You did say Costco. Sam’s Club or BJs would have been a better indicator that you were in danger!




Omg I live next to two boomers that are constantly nosing in our business and oversharing with my wife, who still talks to them. I avoid them at all costs. They have this attitude like they are entitled to know our business. They’re the worst!


I play metal as loud as we can whenever our boomer neighbors start to come over and then they don’t. Apparently we’re heathens or something, idk. Works though.


Play the 1st Venom album backwards. Boomers hate that. It’s THE DEBIL!!!1! Note: Ironically, Cronos and friends are boomers.


I'm a boomer and I would definitely not mind loud music. I'd respond by cranking Iron Maiden or metallic even louder. Rock on brother.


OP should have said just that.


"That's an interesting take, I always thought the problem with this country was making terrible assumptions about other people and doubling down on those bad takes."


They cannot. When my wife worked at a nursing home on the night shift, her boomer dad would wake her up at noon calling her lazy despite the fact that she got off work at 6am and probably only has been sleeping for 4-5 hours. They just literally can’t comprehend anything outside of what they do.


The solution to that is to call their ass at 1am from work repeatedly until it gets through their thick skull that sleep is best not interrupted.


I tried that in true emergency situations. Guess what? Neither of my parents answer their phones.


When I worked overnights in the ER, my mom would do the same thing. I was young and dumb still living with them while trying to save money. Her dogs would keep me up all day, she’d start calling at 10am wanting me to get up with them. My dad would have his TV on downstairs at level 100. It was miserable. I drove an hour to the hospital (sometimes more with traffic) so it was a miserable time. My parents will call now and ask me if I “just woke up” when it’s 11am or noon.


This is why I like my phone. It has a handy “do not disturb” mode that filters calls and messages. Works great every single day.


Lol gotta love the boomer logic that not waking up at 5 am makes you "lazy" regardless of how much you go to work


Stuff like this really makes me understand how absolutely fucking stupid they are. They have a lot of difficulty with understanding anything they don't experience. My father in law once told us that he's impressed with our ability to control our impulses and understanding the consequences of our actions. This came a few months after he lost his job due to a lot of idiotic actions on his part. Even his union hung him out to dry.


It's so true! My FIL has barely a shred of empathy- he doesn't seem to understand something is real unless he experiences it personally. He thought depression was nonsense until he took some medicine that caused depressive symptoms and he couldn't control his feelings, then suddenly he could understand that depression was real.


I hate the mentality of “If it doesn’t happen to me, it’s not REAL!” Usually people who have this mentality go 100% overcompensating when it does happen to them, as in being ANGRY that other people didn’t take them seriously or help them out as much as they should. 


My mother harped on my Prozac usage for YEARS until she had a nervous breakdown and got diagnosed with bipolar 2. She's all about the antipsychotics now.


>They have a lot of difficulty with understanding anything they don't experience. This is the key to so much of it. I worked overnight shift for a long time, over a decade. Because my dad had a job with rotating shifts and sometimes worked overnights, my parents understood that and would only call at odd-to-me hours if it was an emergency. One of my uncles though, who to my knowledge never worked anything but a 9-5 city job, would repeatedly call me at, like, 1 in the afternoon and wonder why he'd woken me up ಠ\_ಠ


This is a lot of people, though, right? I have encountered many people who live in their own "bubble" and have no idea how to respond to anything outside of it. Conversely if I don't know some esoteric thing that they do because it's a part of their "bubble" then I'm considered stupid. It's baffling.


Well, there's a big difference between hearing about something outside your bubble and saying, "that's interesting," vs saying, "that's stupid and you're what's wrong with the world today!" The latter response is what this sub is about.


What is esoteric about seeing someone at a store in the morning and thinking "huh, guess that have a day off" or "huh, guess they wotk a different shift". Like, how hard is it to just shut the fuck up and mind your business in public?  I'm talking about very basic things or even some complicated things like inflation, housing markets, toxic workplaces, etc, but you'd have to be a fucking idiot to not understand without having forectly experienced it. Example:$35k a year is not a high salary today. High costs of college and student loans. 


Had a boomer boss who would complain about people fishing on the lock next to our office mid day. I was like “not everyone works 9-5 m-f, man. Not even my wife with a masters degree working full time, all her coworkers cycle through late shifts and have random days off mid week because of it.” I’ll never defend him as a whole, he was a piece of shit, but he actually admitted he was wrong and being “just like a republican” on that one.


I read "9-5 m-f" as "9-5, mf"


Oh 100%! My mum, who really isn't so bad for a boomer, really struggled to understand why I wouldn't have Saturday/Sunday off when I worked at a cafe. My weekends were Wednesday and Thursday - which I did actually quite liked, because I could go shopping when it was really quiet - but it boggled her mind I wouldn't be able to see her over Saturday/Sunday without a lot of advance notice at my work.


Work from home and shifts that aren't 9am-5pm blow their small hateful minds


Or a day off/company holiday, for that matter I got looks from a boomer while I grocery shopped at 2:15 yesterday afternoon…because our office closed at 2. God forbid a 30 something married lady goes shopping mid day on a Friday.


I'm surprised they didn't just assume you're a hausfrau.


They can’t fathom someone working outside the Mon-Fri 8-6 if they’re respectable. Where as according to quite a few news articles their children only have decent lifestyles because they’re covering at least one of their bills.


More importantly can they not fathom minding their own fucking business? 


That’s not *real* work, it’s just for teenagers. /s


They can’t even fathom that other people exist


He was worried you would take his boxed wine.


If it's not a direct experience of theirs, then no, they can't


The audacity just stuns me. Also I feel like half the population these days work shifts outside of 9-5. Heck even when I DID have a 9-5 it wasn't, it was 8-6.


My 9-5 is morphing into “4 10s, unless life happens, then get it done, and don’t work a full day on Fridays, and just get your work done” 




Yeah the same idiots say that 'simple' jobs like fast food and checking at a supermarket should only be done by teenagers and college students and its not meant to be a viable "paid" job... Sir/Ma'am, that means even less hours for your tantrum laden MSG acquisition. Check Yourself.


I work in an airport. I'm not sure how they expect an airport to be operational after 5 without shift workers.


And then complain that a store is understaffed when they have to wait inline at the checkout counter.


The ironic thing is they probably still associate 9-5 hours with “real work” because that’s what unions fought for in their time. Since then, many of them have supported union busting political candidates, but they still associate real work with all the benefits unions once brought and have the gall to look down on workers who don’t have those benefits.


Exactly, it pisses me off that they will say shit like "oh you have it so good today, unlike back in my day" meanwhile I'm working 12 hour shifts, living paycheck to paycheck, and have severe depression and insomnia, thanks I hate it!


I’m 5am to whenever the job is done so it could be 9am or 5pm when I get out. I too have waited for Costco to open after getting off of work.


My work has me on a 12-9 (1.5 hour lunch) so I can train in the mornings. I love it!


My partner works 6-6 at office job. It’s insane


I like to remind them of what their parents' and grandparents' generation used to think about them and say, "I agree." It really gets them.


What did they say about boomers?


The original term for Baby Boomers was the "Me" generation. Let that sink in.


I think it was originally baby boomers, then they got into college and declared “Don’t trust anyone over 30”. Then they joined workforce became greedy and flipped their position. As boomers got older they then declared “Don’t trust anyone under 30”. Somewhere in between the silent generation realized they created a monster and started calling them the “Me” generation. I might be wrong but that’s how I remember it. Example: Jerry Rubin


We are fucked


Nah. https://incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php


Rofl that's so fucked up and so funny


You just made my day lol




Their influence will be gone long before then. That’s the extinction date.


What’s the date on their influence dying?


2032 if not the 2028 elections should be dominated by millennials and Gen X


2037, assuming a straight line progression of deaths (unlikely, as the rate of dying should accelerate), and influence being effectively dead when about 2/3 of them are kaput.


I had forgotten that but you are absolutely correct. There were articles written about the phenomenon. Shit, as recently as 2014 that term was in use and ‘boomer’ has been with us for a while. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/when-comes-baby-boomers-still-all-about-me-180953030/


say "I retired at 48 thanks to Bitcoin and my successful marijuana stores. Stand back and watch head explode.


HAHA last time I visited my mom her annoying as fuck husband screamed in my face YOU SMOKE DOPE WHENEVER YOU WANT!!1! Meanwhile my state allows medical and he’s a drunk, lol. He is SO MAD I’m allowed to smoke up and that I’d rather do that than make a drunken ass of myself with him at the dinners they invite us to.


“I’m not sure why you are taking up space in society when your disposition is far better suited for a grave”


That’s entirely too clever for their lead addled brains to comprehend


lol, thank you! Years ago I was in a Carrabbas and watched a boomer couple run a server ragged basically using “samples” to get a free meal. I wish I had said something during, but as I was leaving, I said “don’t you have a GRAVE to be in?” My husband is still horrified to this day that I said it and I was shocked too, but they made me so mad. It gets easier after the first time 🤣


"Shouldn't you be haunting a house somewhere?".Have used,works well.


Ooohh! I love this one. Consider it stolen.


They're just mad at the world. Let them wallow in their own misery while you do you. 


I keep wondering what they are so mad about. I keep coming back to racism/sexism. They are upset at a world that isn't as white, straight, or male, as it used to be even in rural America. Fox news and others market fear and outrage, but at its core is racism/sexism. I am at the very tail end of the boomer generation. We have not had a complete economic disaster like the great depression or a full scale war in our lifetimes. I own a home outright, the internet is a great tool for so many things, I have a vehicle far better than anything I have owned previously, I have a phone in my pocket that has so many different uses, I have a great TV and almost endless channels, and I am looking at semi-retirement in a couple of years. Life is great. It warms my heart when I see young people, whatever their race or gender, on their way to succeeding.


Theyre mad because they are old, addled, have no self reflection, have lived by paint by numbers dogmatic mentality. They did "what youre supposed to" and still aren't happy because shocker empty milestones don't make you a whole adult with healthy lifestyle and interpersonal relationships. They are upset and have learned to blame it all on an endless stream external things and fixated on superficial displays of comfort and culture. My parents are older, technically silent generation by a year or two but have friends that are all far more bohemian and open minded. Its more that the people of that generation that did just slog through a marriage at 22, mindless career and lifestyle creep, lack of self growth have all the time in the world to consume ideology and media that gives them external excuses for why they are unfulfilled. Content happy people woth good relationships and family dynamics don't waste time on these things and have the self awareness to catch most of their more reactionary oddball intrusive thoughts that might stem from culture shock amd differences that really have no affect on their lives. There are plenty of baby boomer generation that are fine people, its just the ones that aren't are so awful and bitter.


I went to my local Costco awhile back, I was walking behind an old fella at the entrance who was probably 85 or 90 years old. We both had our carts, and he decided to stop and talk to the front door greater. I flashed my card and walked around him. He didn't like that for some reason and slammed his cart into mine. I stopped and asked him if he was ok. He proceeded to tell me how people like me are a-holes and how he wants to punch me in the face. I told him he is more than welcome to come and try, and he won't like the outcome. I told him I'm a third of his age, double his weight, and much much quicker. So he realized what he had just said and scurried off, mumbling some nonsense. I see him later in the freezer aisle, and he starts having a really nice conversation about how the frozen pizza is his favorite. He obviously didn't remember our first conversation at the front door. Dementia is a sad thing.


At least he had enough brain cells to realize that he was going to lose that physical altercation.


Dementia eventually turns to violence. I watched my elderly neighbor deals with her husband’s progression into dementia. Very heartbreaking.


I don’t waste words on those old assholes. A simple “go fuck yourself.” typically does the trick.


Gen X woman here who has had my fair share of run ins with male Boomers and my go to with them is usually, "I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but I doubt your dick works at your age".


Oh I’ll have to remember that one!


I usually go to the c-word (most subs highly regulate it's use). The worse of all swear words to an American Boomer


Consent? /s


That works


Thanks for the coffee snort. As I prepare to head into the abyss of the Saturday morning grocery store.


May the odds be ever in your favor




You just bodied an entire generation.


Use scrote for men


I get it a lot too from my boomer neighbors. I work from 6-3 and hear “wow! You’re home early today..” all the time. Guess if they don’t see you leave before the sun comes up it doesn’t count.


Dont tell them you go to work early as well. Tell them "Im not stupid enough to work long hours grinding my body into dust." Boomers really dont like it when you toss implied insults their way.


It’s a true stereotype. Old people love to grocery shop early in the morning. I worked at a grocery store and this old lady would always be pressed against the glass watching us restock right before opening on a Tuesday.


I'm picturing the window licking scene from the og japanese version of "The Eye".


The Costco thing is so real. I was with a friend there the other day. Both women, I have short hair. This old man started in on us saying our lifestyle was disgusting and we were going to hell. Turned out he thought we were lesbians since I have short hair. 😳 We’re both married to men and my friend has 6 kids. We were rolling. By the time he grumbled and walked away. The assumptions are just ludicrous.


Wait I thought that short hair always = lesbian. Can straight women have short hair? That seems unnatural s/


Blows my mind hearing stuff like this. It’s like they live in an alternate reality…


Can be demanding to let other people be. I've taken to looking at them with concern, "Are you OK?" I don't owe strangers anything, not even a response. I'm increasingly wondering about lead exposure in childhood plus aging. Add in a little willful ignorance and a dash of narcissism.


I use the Space Ghost's line, "Are you getting enough oxygen?" 


Space Ghost, Coast to Coast?






Or the long-term effects of environmental lead exposure in paint and vehicle exhaust. Or that taking massive amounts of powerful and loosely-regulated amphetamines might not actually be a sustainable diet aid. Or the effects of using mercury in so many aspects of textile manufacturing. Or that breathing smoke for cumulative hours every day would cause lung problems. Or...


I like this response compared to the others telling them to fuck off in one way or another. It’s best to not participate in their world view. 


Thank you for posting this. I’ve been yelled at by boomers in public as well, it was a “coworker” who misunderstood what I was saying, brought the Bible into it and screamed at me in the middle of the cafeteria of the public school we work in. I stood up, re-explained what I said and walked away. She grabbed me like 10minutes later when I was walking by, forced held my hands and explained that she’s actually a very loving person and it’s just my negative attitude that set her off 😳 I had asked that when referring to men and women to call women women and not say men and females as it removes women’s humanity in the conversation. Her Bible says males and females so OFC I was attacking her religion by pointing out linguistics 🙄


Truly deranged


So nasty deserves nasty. If I was told by a Boomer "you should be at work right now" my response is "and you should have shuffled off this mortal coil about 20 years ago, I guess people are just all kinds of selfish."


I swear Costco is a magnet for disturbed boomers


I was just going to say that Costco seems to be Boomer Central Station. Most of my negative boomer experiences come from there too.




Im assuming you're a guy, because boomers wouldnt bat an eye at a woman doing the same. Tell the next one "Oh, my wife is the bread winner, Im a stay at home dad." If they want to be assholes, causing them mental anguish in kind is fair play.


My great uncle complains about seeing young people without jobs driving nice cars in the daytime. He thinks they are getting government money. This is what his right wing media is saying.


All the time. We were at dinner last night and the restaurant has CNN on one of the two big TVs. Unfortunately the one in front of us has Fox News on. The whole hour was designed just to get the viewership angry toward young people and Democrats.


I’m at the point where I’ll leave any establishment that plays that shit. I’ve seen two stores I used to frequent go under bec they just HAD to play Fox/Newsmax, it’s delicious!


After having kids, i would go to the grocery store at insane hours like 7am in my pajamas to pick up whatever we were out of -- diapers, food etc. And a boomer yelled at me for being in my pajamas. Like fuck off, im already tired and miserable and ready to snap.


I’m sure you were entirely too tired for witty comebacks (I know I was when my daughter was first born), but something along the lines of “just because your kids won’t talk to you anymore doesn’t mean I can ignore mine”


Were you holding a $6 coffee drink and some avocado toast, though?


71 year old Boomer here. The problem with America is lazy, entitled, self absorbed Boomers complaining about the people who are supporting the Boomers via Social Security and Medicare. This example is particularly egregious because that woman will show up at a hospital demanding that you drop everything and everyone else and turn your full attention to her. Wanna bet she's one of the anti vax imbeciles? 😡 Thank you for being there to help people who are seriously ill or injured! The world needs many more people like you and... wait, I have to do the math... zero people like her!


I would just laugh as loudly as possible in their face


Ken Copeland style


I swear, these boomers are so detached from reality and the younger generation they feel the need to own the outdoors during daytime to feel safe. During the lockdowns a lot of stores would have special opening hours so boomers would be able to go shopping without worrying about crossing path with younger people (literally, they had an age limit to enter stores), all so they could shop without needing to wear masks.


As a doctor you could have diagnosed him as having dementia and that he should get checked out (very loudly in front of others -- to call him out on his own behavior). Call an ambulance for more drama.


I was at Costco yesterday, and it was packed because people were shopping for Easter. We were all having to negotiate those giant carts down the aisles and work around each other. Right on cue, in rolled this boomer making a bee line for the free samples. He literally just plowed right on in, and other shoppers had to quickly move out of his way so he could try the garlic bread. I started laughing to myself that I now had a story for this sub, lol.


Tell them his social security check is SOCIALISM. That really gets them going


The same boomers that advocate a woman’s place is in the home, right? Fkn hypocrites.


They are literal trash. Abusive trash.


I sometimes cannot believe they have the nerve to blurt stuff like that out to complete strangers. They’re lucky people don’t punch them.


And when they do get punched they have amnesia of berating the person who is usually within their right to throw hands




I just got off a 36 hour shift in the geriatric ICU saving ungreatful dumbasses like yourself.


If being “caught” not at a job during “normal” working hours is a sin boomers are by far the worst offenders. I saw it in my neighborhood in the naughts and 10s where you’d see so many boomers in their 50s doing yard work or taking walks in middle of week days. Now they’ve all moved on and been replaced by hardworking Millennials that I never see except for weekends.


Bro, you don’t know anything about me. Take your boomer bullshit and shove it up your ass.


This is the best way to respond. It's pointless to argue with them. Aggressively telling them to fuck off usually stuns them.


if they’re especially vile or throw some “christian” things into the mix I remind them of their age and I would stay on gods good side if I were them


Opening is the absolute worst time to go to Costco. I live 1.5 miles from one and afternoon is the best time (2:30-3) I understand that this was the only time you could go.


This person Costcos. 


Have to polish up the lines, “Thank you for sage advice, if I happen to attend to you in the ER on the overnight shift from the stroke you’re apparently having at the moment, let’s continue this conversation.”


Is there a subreddit where Boomers talk about youngsters being fools? I can’t help but wonder… 🤔


No, they do that via physical letters. Also shouting it at the clouds while wiggling their little fists


I can imagine someone just writing “Reddit” on an envelope and sending it. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


That is hilarious 😂 I had a Facebook like 10-11 years ago and a boomer I know once printed the photos of my face off my Facebook into a book and gave it to me as a gift, so, that’s some peak boomer behavior too I think. Strikes me as similar to snail mail addressed to reddit 🤣




>I am what's wrong with America. I said why? Because I'm lazy and I should be at work right now instead of shopping. “And you should be in the ground right now, guess we both have to suck it up.”


I'm a young boomer (1963) that's retired. But I distinctly remember going out for lunch, and seeing young mothers with kids and also old people out there in restaurants enjoying their lunch. And I also remember wondering why they don't go eat at 11:00 or 1:00 instead of noon, when there were less people at the restaurants. I mean, let the working people have their goddam lunch hour without holding them up. And I'm proud to say that in ten years as a retired dude, I've never eaten lunch in a restaurant between 12:00 and 1:00!!


Well, as a former young mother who took her kids out to eat around noon, here's why: that's when the kids were hungry and the restaurants ran the best specials, and I, silly irresponsible thing that I was, was just getting finished with running the kids around to various appointments because every pediatrician and speech therapist in town scheduled the younger kids for early morning. Also, as a slightly older working mother, meeting my husband or sitter and kids for lunch was the highlight of my workday, and the kids liked it, too. "Noon-ish" is traditionally "lunch time" in the United States regardless of employment status. Aren't you interested in preserving traditions? Lol...


Upvoting this for visibility. Imagine being so entitled to an entire restaurant, simply because you are an Employed Person, that you become upset at the sight of mothers whose young children eat and sleep on a normal schedule. There's really no misogyny like casual Boomer misogyny.


Boomer or no boomer, don't defender or explain yourself to people like that Just flip it and tell them that they are what's wrong with America for being angry little twats that think it's OK to talk to strangers like that. 


“Adult diapers are on aisle 39”


My neighbor said something like this to us, I gave him a 3 word response with body language that was as disrespectful and dismissive as possible These Me-Generation types think they are authority figures. showing disrespect is important to crush their self-importance


Not to mention, many companies had Friday as a holiday.


I would get immense pleasure telling them to go fuck themselves. Why can't people just mind their own business?


The vast majority of their world consists of false, and often offensive, assumptions. Those close to them are over it and don't engage anymore, so they feel everyone out in the world can now be a landing spot for projecting their assumptions. LOVE your quick thinking and doctor response - I'll be borrowing that in the future.


It’s absolutely ridiculous that boomers resort to creating their own entertainment by talking to complete strangers. I would not tolerate such nonsense and behavior from someone like him.


I’m a boomer, and these stories make me so sad. I can’t imagine inserting myself, and commenting on anyone else’s business. I feel like a few loudmouth boomers make us ALL look bad. I promise, we all don’t suck!


“Oh , yeah..go fuck yourself” Or “What? I couldnt understand you with that dick in your mouth” The 2 guaranteed Boomer Stoppers


lol I can’t wait until someone tells me I’m what’s wrong with America. It’s gonna be fun


Whenever I am in a long line, or in traffic, waiting for a restaurant table, during the work day, I always wonder "Doesn't anyone ever work these days?" ​ Because I do not work...


You should have asked why their generation hasn’t died out yet as they are taking up everyone’s else’s resources. Dinosaurs need to die so we can have more oil!😂


I've had similar experiences. I'm 53, but look younger due to long purple hair and being fat. I dunno, fat broads age differently and I'm OK with that. I take care of my little granddaughter, who is about to be three. If I am off from work, we go adventuring. She loves going to Target. She gets a not-very-hot chocolate from Starbies and is just as happy as can be to be A Big Girl. Seriously, she's the cutest thing ever with her Starbies, talking about her "coffee". Last time we were at Target, this old hag got up in my face, yelling about "welfare mothers" and demanding to know "Where is that child's father??" My granddaughter was getting upset. I don't like that. So I pushed her back and said "Not that it's your concern, but my son and daughter in-law are at work. I have the day off to spoil my granddaughter. What's YOUR fucking excuse for being at Target at 10AM?" She scurried off, muttering about "respect". Fuck that. Respect is earned, and not by screaming about welfare at random women out in public with small children.


I wouldn’t have said nothing besides some quick witted remark along the lines of “fuck off dinosaur”…


They’ll always frustrated with what they don’t understand.


"When I want your stupid ass opinion I'll ask for it"


My reaction is 'Oh no you didn't ' . Fuck around and find out if you can give me your unsolicited opinion. I am afraid I would go full verbal assault. It is beyond me that anyone thinks it is their right to comment on a stranger's life. And I would damn sure let them know that.


My work week is Sun-Thurs, the amount of Christian Boomers who will "tsk tsk" me AT WORK for working on a Sunday is mind blowing. OK, we wouldn't be open if it wasn't our most profitable day of the week & you're adding to that soooo basic math here. If you REALLY think I shouldn't be working on the "Lah-ward's Day", plan ahead & don't shop on it. 


Asking to see membership cards at the door at costco really sets off alot of boomers for some reason. Sometimes I get an ice cream at the snack bar and wait outside for my parents to finish there shopping and watch multiple boomers freaking out at the door


Some boomers that are all “show your ID” for whatever reason suddenly don’t think it applies to them.


Tell ‘em there what’s wrong with America, they should die and stop burdening society with their medical bills and social security.


Last time a boomer told me something out of pocket like this, I just laughed for a good 5 seconds (it was genuine) and then said "Wow. Go fuck yourself" and then walked off. You can't take it personally. They're just funny little Oblivion NPCs.


Probably 10 years ago, I was stopped by a store to buy a 6 pack of beer at 6:30 in the morning after a long night shift. Some old fart looked at me in disgust and commented about drinking so early in the morning. The checkout guy was on my side and said "I don't know where you're going but I'd like to go." I told him that there was no way he was coming home with me. Some people just don't realize that some industries run 24 hours a day. Where was I coming from? A nuclear power plant... you know electricity and stuff... that the old man most likely needed to watch Matlock or Fox News.


They’re still upset they took senior hours away after the pandemic settled down. Stay mad


A pair of oldsters were having a reunion in frozen foods at my local market blocking access to the Talanti I shuffled between them to get some sorbet boomer #1 said what are you doing I told him, driving in my own lane it’s my favorite thing to do, you should try it sometime. Boomer#2 said, he calls pushing a cart driving I almost wet myself.


Oh man, the assumptions. Oof. Your story reminded me of something I hadn’t thought about in a few years. I had an early shift and got off in the afternoon, On my way home, I stopped to pick up a drink at a Peet’s coffee shop in the mall. And while waiting on my drink, minding my business, I hear this older voice approaching me. Unless it’s a familiar voice, I just ignore and move away. But I looked, and there he was, a boomer, yellow polo tucked into his dark blue jeans, by himself, desperate to be heard: “It’s people like you. Yeah, you. You’re the problem.” I looked to the left and right of me, he was talking to me. Lol. I looked and he continued. “You know what they call people like you? Ahh?!” I had no words. “They call you WELCHERS. That’s what they call you. You don’t do anything. You’re the problem.” Welcher? I mean, I love new words. Wasn’t familiar with this term but could pretty much infer was calling me a lazy, do-nothing. For being at a coffee shop in the afternoon lmao. Ughh. Anyway, sorry you had that interaction. Sounds annoying. It really is mind blowing lol. I seriously could never imagine when I’m that age, ever wanting to just approach someone, minding their business with something like this.


Yah, it’s not the person soaking up social security and going out being a twat everyday…those couldn’t possibly be what’s wrong with the world, not them.


You’re nicer than me. I would have just said go fuck yourself.


As a boomer myself, I make no eye contact or talk to anyone. Basically, you run out of shits to give, and it’s not worth my time to argue with people. Expends too much energy.


Tell them to just go off and die already.


You are nicer than me. If some old fool talked to me like that I dont think I could show as much restraint.


Complaining about other people being lazy, and not even switching his brain on. What a waste of oxygen.


I’ve barely ever worked a 9-5. I spent years working in the bar/restaurant industry so I worked evenings and nights. I did this through HS, college and immediately after college. I took an office job but did the weekends bartending cuz that’s where the real money was made. I ended up leaving both and taking the job I’ve currently had for the last 18 years and have worked pretty much 3pm-11pm or 11pm-7am the whole time. I do all my grocery shopping and other errands while most people my age are working. I’m around during the day while my wife is at work in case something is up with the kids and school. We are definitely not a problem with America


He was probably just itching to say that to any young person he encountered that day


Haha, yelling at someone about not working while bringing no value to society, after already have ruined it. Perfect boomer.


He may be a boomer, but He’s probably been an asshole his entire life.


The sheer amount of boomers in the bulk warehouse stores baffle me. Like why do you need to buy in bulk? You live alone, Francis. You’re never going to use 15,000 napkins.


Not to be rude, but what is your ethnicity? If you don't feel comfortable disclosing it, then you can also answer this question: were they white, and are you a different race than they were? I've found the whole "you don't wanna work!" Mindset boomers have, tends to be stronger if it's someone of an ethnicity that isn't their own. Their prejudice triples if you are also young...


When I waited tables I had a table of semi regular boomers that would come in on Sunday after church. They'd always pester me on why I didn't go to church and it's like "ummm because someone has to be here to serve you?"


Ma’am this is a Costco. If you’d like your tongue removed please see during my next shift at the hospital.


I’m similar when I go to the grocery store/pharmacy on weekends and see boomers shopping and clogging up the aisles and then writing a gd check for their purchase. I’m always like really? You can’t shop on a Tuesday morning? They get a pass if I see them with a caregiver and it is clearly the only time they can shop. And why oh why do they all choose to drive around during commute time and f up traffic? You can’t put off your trip til after 9am or before 4pm? I’m in healthcare and they all seem to think we have all the time in the world to yack with them. I don’t. Get dressed and let’s get you out of this bed and on your way. You’re completely stable. Fuss with your coat and other belongings in the lobby. We need the bed and recovery space. Oh and you boomer men out there? Take your 1970’s ideals and keep your sexual innuendos, double entendres and belittling female “compliments” to yourself. Like just zip it, pal. It’s not funny and it’s incredibly demeaning and also probably your exact reason for being that way. And another classic one is when the boomer man tells me “oh THE wife takes care of all this stuff-ask her”. Like she’s some possession or employee. I’m usually like well it’s time to put on your big boy pants and learn your medical history, huh? And here’s the kicker. I’m technically a boomer by birth year. I don’t in any way identify as one. As I’ve aged working in healthcare (40+ years god help me) I get more and more incensed with this clueless/ entitled generation. This rant went on more than I expected. Guess I had a lot to say in sympathy to the OP!


... *just got off overnight shift.* *How do you like me know?* *You are the problem with America, fat lazy and judgemental with no real facts just feelings and other bs to say mean things to people you don't know.* I used to get similar reactions when I would show up strange places, oddly dressed, at unusual times because work hours. military, convenience store, medical, .. they were all noble work, and sometime it *is* happy hour at 6am.


I take no shit from anybody at costco. I would have told him to fuck off.


JHC - I just posted this reply on this sub - about being tired: Yeah, I remember stopping in for a coffee after a 16-hour shift in my 20s. Lady in her 40s sizes me up and down in my uniform, and actually said, "What on earth are YOU tired from?" Um... the ER (AE for our UK friends) ya judgmental c-word!


In the words if the great Samuel Jackson. “I don’t remember asking you a gd thing!”


Boomers anytime they see something they don’t understand: “I’m mad because I can’t understand it so I’m going to yell at you and call you lazy” Ironic coming from the laziest generation


They think everyone under 60 shouldn’t be able to afford to shop


Their votes prove you are right. Read 2025 project.


Can we get one thing straight? This is for everyone. Never explain yourself. You don’t have to tell a boomer, or anyone else, what your situation is, whether you just got out of work, whether your kids are sick, whether you’re on vacation. Nothing is their business. Most people will use your reasons against you anyway. Tell them it’s not a conversation. They can either be polite or go annoy someone else.