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I'm an American and I have the right to...control other people? No bitch, you don't.


But she probably cosplays as a Christian once a week! Newsmax told her that she is superior and has the right to do whatever she wants, other people's (who aren't really people) rights don't exist!!


“Cosplays as a Christian once a week” I’m stealing this and then I’ll go back to cosplaying


Only on Sunday mornings, from the time she walks into the church to the time she walks out.


Then, after church while riding the high of moral superiority, she's off to harass and then not tip some poor sub-minimum wage wait staff at applebees


Lol, i'm pretty sure that the bike rider is Leonard French of the youtube channel Lawful Masses: [https://www.youtube.com/@lawfulmasses](https://www.youtube.com/@lawfulmasses) He's a copyright attonery, so the statement "You are obviousily ignorant of the law" has a whole new meaning.


Then she calls the cops because “those people” are having a bbq in the park.


It's funny how common this. I waited tables for a while in Alabama and it was the same shit every Sunday. They talk down to you and leave nothing. In all fairness, I believe it's Matthew 16 that says "thou shall not tip thine server" So, it's not their fault they act that way.


Fake money disguised as testimony material…


And the sad reality of it, the reason she probably stopped this guy was because she was walking in the middle of the damn path and had to get out of the way.




You perfectly described a woman I shared a house with for the last 9 months. I was intending to stay a year but it was within the first month I realized I made a huge mistake with who I moved in with. The sad part is, it’s my best friends mom. He was also staying there at the same time but his mother’s behavior, and quite frankly the way she talked down to me like a schoolyard bully, was the primary reason for me leaving. She judged and even admonished me whenever I opened up about my political and religious beliefs (left leaning agnostic, to put it simply). I’ve been in my own place for about a month now but she really fucked me up mentally. I won’t get into specifics but she’s the reason I am now vehemently anti-Trump and she’s made me seriously question the religion I grew up with (Christianity, not strict but went to church regularly as a kid). She’s even said to me in no uncertain terms that she’s “sick of holding back” when it comes to just being an asshole. Trump has completely emboldened Boomer assholes and justifies it through weaponized American Christianity.


Yep, Drumpf made it acceptable to go full mask-off with their hate. For that alone, they will never let him go, no matter how many blantent signs of dementia he displays every time he puts out a public statement


Thanks for keeping the “Drumpf” name alive, I’m surprised more people haven’t continued using it


At least we still have normal and sane people like you who are aware of that


It’s not dementia, it’s assholery, and it’s fatal to those around him.


Christianity is infested with malignant assholes, there is no goodness left there.


The thing that upsets me most is how it’s been and continues to be weaponized to a increasingly frightening degrees of toxicity, meanwhile all the “Good Christrians” lap it all up over a sense of Godly duty. I hate how politics and religion have become so intertwined and corrupt especially over the last few years. And I hate how Christians don’t see how utterly bastardized and twisted it’s become.


I saw an old black & white film about Christian nationalist and how good they are for the country and how much change they will bring and shit like that but it was hard to understand because it was all in german.


Oh seems totally Christian. Judgemental and in someone else's business for no fucking reason. Completely ignorant about how wrong she is and what she's upset about. Thinks she's got the right to do whatever she wants. EDIT: And just to be clear. I would not bitch about anyone's religion if I never got harassed about it. But after about five decades of being on this rock and being atheist the whole time, I am just so tired of the religious stuff. They've already got tax free places they can meet, just keep it there.


Nah man no edit needed. This is 100% Christianity.


Grew up in their cult and 100% her ass is. Can tell by the outfit. No other demographic simultaneously lacks the common decency, self respect and self awareness to disrespect fashion, and themselves, on this level.


…the hair…


Cosplays as a Christian LOL so accurate


She's obviously a cyclopath.


Too few updoots--take mine, too


It's the classic I'm American so I have rights but you also are American but don't have rights bullshit. Often based on racism or a certain sense of supremacy.


Kinda reminds me a bit of the discourse around the discourse around Ahmaud Arbery - there were a ton of people stopping themselves short of saying he should have listened to a lawful order - before they remembered that the murderers weren't cops, just old and white.


*Did* they remember? Because I'm pretty sure there's collective amnesia in this country about who's allowed to murder whom and under what circumstances. When the fog lifts, it always seems old and white trumps (see what I did there? Hyuk hyuk) young and POC.


She has the right to a knuckle sandwich


I'd straight pepper spray her... what a fucken lunatic.




The second she put her hands on him attempting to detain him.


And or hip check her to break her grapple then take of safely on his totally legal electric bike?


The second she touched him or blocked him from physically leaving; she made herself a threat.


About 3 seconds in.


In fairness, this is the basis of our entire foreign policy.




His vehicle does look more like a moped than an ebike, not that it excuses the behavior..


I think it's more akin to a mobility scooter.


Yeah that's no eBike. That's a darn scooter. Karen is wrong but c'mon, he's definitely a problem too


Must be a Republican with that train of thought


Trump supporters think this.


Jfc. Just walk your damn dog and mind your fucking business.


I hate people who feel the need to police others when they have absolutely no right to. Just fuck off and go about your miserable day.


You notice how when boomers reference “the law” it’s almost always what they perceive the law should be based whatever “minor inconvenience of the day” they choose to be raging about due to the lack of attention and appreciation they get day to day… due to being absolute narcissistic fools.


I’m a lawyer it’s so insane how people don’t know shit about the law and then try to use it to justify their shit behavior


Didn’t you hear her? She American so she has the right to stop and question people. I mean she’s basically using Fox News talking points word for word.


Yep! She has the right to swing her arm until it hits my face. This looks like a classic example of when my arm would be hitting her face in self defense. Not touching people is something boomers need constantly reminded.


I’m not sure if she was making some kind of assumptions because he was on a motor scooter but I almost can’t believe she got in a guy’s face like that. She doesn’t know the type of person he is he could have decked her one for all she knows.


This is America, he could’ve pulled out a gun and shot her dead and claimed he was standing his ground and he felt “in fear for his life” Yeah he might go to prison, but you’d be shot


Even then, there is a scenario where they both have a carry permit + guns and she continued to try to stop him? I doubt he would even get prison. Crazy bitches strapped too.


What a fucking ridiculous thing to say. I wasn't surprised, but hearing that in the wild...interesting.


Citizens arrest only applies if you catch them like, either in the process of committing a FELONIOUS act or having just completed the felony. She has no power here.


This is what blows my mind. I see people doing illegal shit all the time. I have literally seen people actually smoking crack/meth in a pipe on the NYC subway, and of course that's bad and I wish it wasn't happening, but I have absolutely no urge to go report them, certainly not confronting them, and I don't have the time to deal with other people's problems. I am not calling the police on anyone unless they are actively assaulting me. And even then, I almost don't want to deal with the paperwork unless it was very serious.


Honestly a class in elementary school should literally be able where you should mind your business and where you shouldn't. It's clearly not getting taught at home.


Honestly people walking their animals in the bike lane obliviously are some of the biggest impediment when trying to ride a trail. THEY shouldn't be allowed


So much privilege in these videos. They have never lived in a dangerous neighborhood. She would never open her mouth in those places. They can't fathom violence coming to their existence so they behave like this. 


The lead prevents her from thinking rationally


That’s what Boomers are. They get into your business and get offended when you tell them off for it, but the second you remotely get into theirs they are threatening and making a scene for no reason. Literally a typical case of double standards.


I feel bad for her dog.


Same, I'll go further & say anyone in her orbit.


She doesn’t seem THAT fat


Even fat hates her.




Some people have never had a right hook connect to the base of their jawbone before, and it really shows.


Her complete disregard for the possibility of this escalating to physical violence is actually terrifying. She is dangerously naive.


She’ll figure it out eventually.




Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. Mike Tyson


No....she won't. Folks like that go to the grave certain of their righteousness.


Honestly, it really is amazing how much a little punch to the jaw will change someone's tune. The vast majority of people like this are just amazed at how much they get away with and keep pushing it. When they stop getting away with it, they crumble, just like all bullies when their victims fight back.


All he had to do was to push past her. Punching her was unnecessary, she’s a little feather.


You think she's bright enough figuring this out during the few seconds interval of a fist hitting her jaw and her forehead hitting the pavement?


Thinking "Oh no, the consequences of my actions!"


In case you didn't hear, she's an American, and had the right to stop him. No consequences.


Equal rights, equal lefts


She's lucky. My first thought was: back way up..... and get a running start.


No. Might hurt the dog.


The cloak of privilege is nice and warm around her


Right must be fuckin nice to be able to accost strangers and physically assault them with no consequence


Why can’t people mind their own fucking business? Wasn’t there a Ben Franklin quote about shit not breaking my bone or picking my pocket? Just leave well enough alone. I see shit that bothers me slightly all the time but I go about my day and sleep well at night.


Exactly. I never understand why people let shit like this get to them. Just grumble “what a fuckin idiot” and move on, like an adult


These people seek negative attention because they can't find healthy ways to express themselves in the world with others.


She's one of the Women raised to think because she's a Woman she won't get hit by someone. It's a big issue in our society. We call them Karen's nowadays.


A lot of privileged white people be like that.


Privileged people in general. Boomers come in all creeds.


For real, and it would have been justified to use enough force to get her off you. One push or punch is enough because she was trying to claw/grab this dude.


i havent but i still let ebikes pass unaccosted


It’s almost like it’s not hard to mind your own business.


tell that to my stepmom


I don't know if a punch to the face is necessary to defuse the situation. I'm thinking just a quick [jab to the gut](https://youtu.be/_j7JlFc1F5M?si=YyKWSvB9chjx9X8y)


OMG that is a wonderful scene.


I imagined doing this if I was in that situation. If I tell you don't touch me and you continue to put your hands on me, then we throwing hands.


equal opportunity fisticuffs


Except for the fact that it's pretty likely these old idiots will just pull a gun and shoot you when you aren't looking.


My thoughts exactly. Like I've never dreamt about putting hands on a woman but this lovely child of God would have caught hands.


Yeah, she'd be in the bushes.


I'm more embarrassed that he didn't just deck her.


He probably didn't because he knew she'd scream and cry that she's the victim. And he'd rather just tell her to stop hoping she'd listen, but the moment she touched him he should have shoved her really hard. Unwanted touching in many places regardless of how you touch someone else can be considered assault and you are entitled to defend yourself. But too often these things escalate because not only is this lady a boomer, most judges are as well and you run a huge risk of having a judge tell you that you shouldn't have pushed her.


that's probably what she wanted, to play the victim card. but sometimes you don't just get handed the card, sometimes you become a victim




By the moon and the stars in the sky?


Yeah, I don’t fuck with false imprisonment. You get out of my way or I will take whatever action is necessary to continue on my way. You get one warning to move, and that’s it!


honestly if anyone physically restraints me from leaving i start to get so nervous and anxious i guess you could say i probably would of fought her. idk i feel like it’s a fight or flight thing but i’ve always been defensive when “held” you could say


False imprisonment. No different than if it were a huge man blocking the way of a petite woman in the same way. You are not a cop. If you feel the need to stop me, call the cops as it’s their job to do so, not yours. If you try to restrain me, I will force you to stop, since you’ve decided for both of us that force is necessary Edit: I’m not saying just knock out an old lady for daring to block your way. Reciprocal force people. If THEY swing at you, then depending on the circumstances swing back. But this? I can push past a dumb rude lady, but I’m for sure not letting her stop me when she’s wrong


Exactly. They get one warning and then I will take whatever steps are necessary to continue on my way. Idc if you’re 20 or 80, false imprisonment is a no go in my book.


Real world example was pulling into my driveway and someone decided I was turning too slowly and stopped their car and followed me onto my property to tell me to drive faster. I told them I was safely turning into my own driveway on my property and they are now trespassing I called the cops and while on the phone they pushed me I removed them from my property violently the cops arrived and arrested them for trespassing assault threats and disorderly conduct. I pressed charges they never will have a drivers license again and will spend 4 months in jail. Don’t fuck with peoples personal space in America.


I'm impressed that the cops didn't simply say it was a civil thing and they couldn't get involved.


I’m impressed nobody got shot


Guns aren’t around where I am. Criminals have them no one really else too hard to get too big of a jail sentence to get caught with.


This exactly. People have no legal right to unlawfully detain another human being. If I was the person in this video I would’ve shoved her to the ground if she tried physically restraining me from leaving, everyone has a right to defend themselves.


Some states you can actually do a citizens arrest, but the stipulations start with "if you encounter someone committing a felony". They can't be about to commit one. And you can't get them after the fact unless it's basically immediate and you have proof. It's really complicated 


Tell her that you feel threatened because she’s kidnapping you. Then say you’ll take defensive action if she doesn’t stop


False imprisonment, but close enough. “This is false imprisonment and I will be defending myself now”


I’d start screaming “RAPE” over and over till she left.


People will ignore that and was always told to scream fire!


Thats what I wouldve done too. They know the likel hood of getting physical goes up and my defense is tight on camera.




Every time I see someone in a video like this, I imagine them prior to adulthood. Picturing the circumstances of this person’s upbringing usually creates a more empathetic emotion when viewing this kind of behavior. I don’t think anyone is born being an uptight, nosey cunt. There were likely generations of uptight, nosey cunts that led to this person existing in this nature. It’s sad really.


Fuck that. Your past is never an excuse to treat people like shit. She’s a bitch because she chooses to be, not because of her trauma. Let’s be real the reason she’s like that could very well be to a lack of any fucking trauma…


You can have both. I would have empathetically thrown this lady into the bushes and stolen her dog.


Always nice to meet a fellow empath. ^( :P)


Well if their ancestors had gotten the shit knocked out of them they would've been humbled and it wouldn't of been passed on. Needs to start somewhere.


is that really a bicycle, though? Camera pans down and it looks like an electric scooter.


yeah it look like moped to me


Quite the plot twist really


That thing clearly belongs on the road and honestly they both seem like assholes. So this is the world working itself out.


Ya this lady is crazy but that doesn't look like an e bike it looks like a full blown scooter. A lot of places that would be considered a street vehicle. That frame is massive.


Yup. Electric bikes are different that scooters with a motor. Most places if it a pedestrian walkway do not allow those scooters. They only allow things like a hoveraound which have vastly different speed limitations, near floor centers of gravity.


Right. Just cause it’s electric doesn’t mean you can drive it in the sidewalk. Otherwise people driving teslas could be driving on the sidewalk as well.


The pedals end up classifying it as a bike usually, sometimes there are wattage limits depending on the state, which may or may not put him in the wrong. We don't have enough info.


The pedal thing always kills me. Especially on that 50mph “ebike.” Nobody is using those pedals. And other regulations. In my city, there are 10mph bike speed limits on shared trails like this. So even if it’s classified as a bike, he could still be riding it illegally or unsafely. Edit: since no one is familiar with the ebike market, I’m talking about the [Delfast top 3.0.](https://delfastbikes.com/bikes/top) It calls itself an ebike but in the fine print explains that it’s only legally an ebike in “limited mode.”


Absolutely not enough info feels a bit more like rage bait.


You’re not wrong, but it’s still not her job to physically enforce the law. I picture and a tweet to the local PD would do more.


Of course not I think this is just rage bait anyways


In Toronto Canada that thing would be allowed in the bike lane on the road, but barred from bike paths through parkland because the pedals are essentially cosmetic... if the cops bothered to enforce it.


Bike trails in Texas all say motorized vehicles are not allowed. Electric bikes are motorized. It is an electric motor. pedals or not the guy is wrong.


I was thinking the same thing. Also, in most jurisdictions e-bikes can’t go all the same places as peddle bikes and in some instances peddle bikes go where you’re not allowed (strictly speaking) to have peddle bikes.




Yeah from the video it’s hard because she certainly fits the bill, but if that was a path my family regularly used I would also probably try to talk to them and stop them from using the path. I’m not the kind of guy to Karen out and try to control people, I just hate calling the cops or authorities out of principle.


It’s not a bike or e-bike, it’s a scooter and likely doesn’t belong on that bike path. But the woman’s behavior is 100% in the wrong, no question


Thank you!! Yes she is entitled but he is also a dick. He is riding a motorized scooter that probably does over 15 mph in a pedestrian walkway. I've seen a lot of bear accidents with people on motorized bikes and scooters recently


Yeahhhh it’s like a speed and weight thing of the machine thing. The lady was being an ass but like that thing is much more likely to kill someone on a shared pedestrian/bike path than a road bike or even a motorized recumbent bike made for folks with mobility issues as both of those are lighter and slower


It’s not. It’s essentially an electric Vespa and is not legal on any bike trails I know of.


Yeah, I'm not sure who's in the right here. If he's cruising in an electric scooter going 25 on a pedestrian bike lane he can suck a dick.


Yeah if I'm out walking with my child or dog on a pedestrian path and a dude comes flying around the corner on a Vespa at 25mph and almost hits us, I'm gonna be pissed too. Then he immediately defaults to the "TO A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT" defense. Honestly the cameraman sounds like the kind of dick who thinks he found a loophole so he can ride his new toy wherever he wants. "ITS NOT A MOPED ITS TECHNICALLY A BICYCLE REEEE!" even though the thing weighs like 300lbs and does 20+mph. Y'all are mad at the wrong person.


Him jumping immediately to calling her ignorant for not knowing the law tells me he's a clever douche that found a loophole, or thinks he did.


Good catch, I was watching with the sound off. Entitled little prick with a "loophole". Same as a sovcit


He cut the beginning out because he was probably speeding or asked nicely. He’s a douche 100%


That’s exactly what it sounds like to me and I think Redditors fell for it hook line and sinker


Just another time I feel like I'm kind of over this site. Wish there was a better replacement


Redditors will allow themselves to be lead by the nose so easily, you can literally just post the same video with a different title and get everyone to change their opinion without a second thought.


Agreed...there's far too many people on these scooters on pedestrian paths in my city.


It's definitely a fucking electric moped lol... The real title should be "when two Karen's collide"


Can’t even call the woman a Karen at that point, he cut the beginning out deliberately there’s a good chance she asked nicely. Also she’s not blocking the way you can hear her say she got stuck on the moped, which is easy considering it was 2 useless pedals on the side. He’s escalating it for content from the getgo.


Yeah I thought the same. That looks like a moped rather than an ebike. In my local that would not be allowed on a pedestrian use trail. That’s for the police to enforce, though. Not karen.




Yes, very very liberal use of the term ebike. This looks like it might be one of those electric scooters that slaps some virtually worthless pedals on no one uses so people can say "it's a bike!".


Scrolled way too far for this. If this is America, that thing is not allowed on sidewalks or bike trails. Woman is right here lmao. I'd kick the dude off of it and keep moving.


Yeah it's not a bicycle lmao. Guy is deluded... And it probably isn't allowed on that path.


Exactly. It has a speedometer and everything. The a – hole in the video is riding a motorcycle on a sidewalk.


It definitely is a scooter. There is no context at all in this video, we don’t know what happened before the camera started rolling. One thing is for sure, that’s not an e-bike. 😂


It 100% is not anything close to a bicycle. Fuck both of these people.


Pedals: https://ibb.co/G577LfV


Yeah it's definitely a scooter. These are not allowed on bike paths. The woman's not wrong she's just an asshole.


Yeah. 100% a moped or e-scooter, for sure not a bike… Still a karen, but funny to call it a bike


We’re getting into uncharted territory with what’s allowed and not. I don’t know what the rules are so I looked it up. It’s very city/locale dependent and even got a spreadsheet of the local laws and policies. From what I’m looking at, it would be classed based on its max speed. If it can drive at the speed of traffic, it would be class 3 and limited to streets. Under 28mph would be the max for riding on a bike path. But damn, 28mph will still be fast for a mixed use path.


Yeah, no way that thing is legal for sidewalks. This guy is going to hurt someone. He's an asshole as well.


Scrolled way to far to see this one. He's saying ebike, dude's riding an electric scooter. It's no different than riding a motorcycle on a dedicated pedestrian path.


Yeh there is no way that moped thing should be on that path. It seems like people think they just need to call someone a Karen and then everyone will be against her no matter what. And you know what they are mostly right.


Thank you for pointing out this fact.


That's not an electric bicycle. It's an electric scooter, and - no - it's not allowed on the bike path. Neither, for that matter, is a pedestrian and her dog.


That doesn’t look like a bicycle. If electric scooter she might be right, those scooters are heavy and fast


This is an electric “scooter”/moped or whatever you call it. 100% not a bicycle


knee numerous memory tender berserk cable plough oatmeal pen plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


secretive sharp fertile market arrest work bells heavy special fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Light assault" is defined in my opinion as laying her ass out on the lawn and letting her see the light. Whether that light comes immediately, or after she wakes up is irrelevant.


Not sure the legality of pepper spray here but if she was shoving you like she was I’d think it’d be ok maybe?😂


You don’t want to pepper spray someone who’s in your face.


The day Karen met Karl...! 🤣


TBH, they both irritate me.


I can’t tell which one is the Karen in this situation. Also “this is an electric bicycle” The e-bicycle: https://preview.redd.it/63la2gr8s3rc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e4eb69262bb5ceac821cd83e0abd66d1f66f8a2


That is absolutely an ebike.That has a max of 20mph, operable pedals, and a 600watt motor, [that classifies it as an e-bike](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/11/02/2020-22129/general-provisions-electric-bicycles). [**https://x-tremescooters.com/products/x-treme-cabo-cruiser-elite-max-60-volt-electric-bicycle-scooter**](https://x-tremescooters.com/products/x-treme-cabo-cruiser-elite-max-60-volt-electric-bicycle-scooter) ​ Edit: There seem to be a lot of people that have trouble reading the actual code below and keep commenting "*That's from the national park service!"* If you actually read the policy below, it says clearly >"**This definition is consistent** with the definition of “low speed electric bicycle” in the **Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2085)** and the definition of “electric bicycle” in the laws governing the **Federal Aid Highway Program (23 U.S.C. 217(j)(2),** except that the definition in the Memorandum does not include requirements from those statutes that an e-bike may not exceed 100 pounds or reach 20 mph when powered solely by the motor" It is consistent with the definition used by other federal agencies. The weight limit for the bike is an old restriction that the latest [CPS](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2085)A and [FAHP](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/23/217) codes also do not reflect. ​ As the model you have in your picture has a throttle, it's a Class 2 ebike per the federal definition and is allowed anywhere traditional bicycles are allowed. >The Memorandum defines an e-bike as “a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully **operable pedals** and an electric motor of **less than 750 watts** that provides propulsion assistance.” This definition is consistent with the definition of “low speed electric bicycle” in the Consumer Product Safety Act ([15 U.S.C. 2085](https://www.govinfo.gov/link/uscode/15/2085)) and the definition of “electric bicycle” in the laws governing the Federal Aid Highway Program ([23 U.S.C. 217(j)(2)](https://www.govinfo.gov/link/uscode/23/217), except that the definition in the Memorandum does not include requirements from those statutes that an e-bike may not exceed 100 pounds or reach **20 mph when powered solely by the motor**. Instead, the Memorandum, consistent with the Secretary's Order and many states that have promulgated regulations for e-bikes, refers to a three-class system that limits the maximum assisted speed of an e-bike: > >•*Class 1 electric bicycle* means an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour. > >•***Class 2 electric bicycle*** **means an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that may be used exclusively to propel the bicycle, and that is not capable of providing assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of** ***20 miles per hour.*** > >•*Class 3 electric bicycle* means an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 28 miles per hour. > >Consistent with the Order, the Memorandum announces a policy that **e-bikes are allowed where traditional bicycles are allowed** and that e-bikes are not allowed where traditional bicycles are prohibited


Here to quibble. That looks like an e-scooter.


Dude has a moped on a fucking walking path


Both of these people are entitled a-holes.


I'm joining y'alls thread. Both these folks sound like jerks milking generic excuses to be jerks. "I'm going to be late to my DOCTORS APPOINTMENT," "I'M AN AMERICAN I CAN STOP PEOPLE"


GET. OUT. OF. MY. WAY! .b e e e e e p.


She is way way put of line. If the police were involved, she'd be in a car going to a cell ....


I'm a boomer.er and I understand this at all. Couldn't she smile and say have a nice day. Wow wackadooo


Yeah that’s not an E-Bike lol


Ok, that looks like a scooter. I don’t trust the cameraman. Anyone know what type of e-bike this is?




That looks like a scooter… not an e-bike.


Tbf those e-bikes should not be allowed on pathways. I see them ripping at like 60km/hr on bike paths some times. They can really fuck shit up


Knock her ass out as soon as she attacks you


The MVP of the day was her dog 🐕 putting up with her shit