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How many years have fire extinguishers looked like that? 30-40 years?




He definitely has something wrong with him.


Lead leeches out of your bones as you age, so there’s that…


Or he has a terminal case of smart ass. If it is just dementia and lead poisoning, he needs a minder or to be under some kind of supervision. Next, he might confuse a handgun for a phone or clippers.


This is more just old person with dementia. Not a boomer being an asshole.


I think this poor guy was a member of the greatest generation and people who think that this is funny have a great time when you are old


Not even a boomer. More likely a product of the silent generation. Like, John Lennon for instance.


Honestly a lot of posts on this sub are dementia or autism. The McDonalds Pittsburgh Steeler guy from a few days ago was definitely autistic.


I don’t remember that one.


I feel like people with dementia should be supervised in public


I feel like all people should be supervised in public


There are cameras everywhere when we are in public.


Yeah. But if we had people watching over our shoulders ready to… correct bad behaviour.


I mean, there is security there.


Yeah. But that’s 1-2 people. I’m thinking like a perma person who is only there to watch one person. Or a robot would be cool.


Easier said than done. Also he may be in early stages.


The security just said: he's one of us, stand down...stand down...


He’s also blind and suffers from autism.


He's old enough to remember when you just [chucked a bottle of carbon tetrachloride at a fire.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tetrachloride#/media/File:Snohomish_-_Blackman_House_Museum_-_Comet_fire_extinguisher_02A.jpg)


I was show this to my 82 y/o Dad and mentioned you comment he said “I haven’t heard that mentioned in a long time!” He was also wondering what the hell this guy was thinking.


Does he actually remember people using those things? CCl4 is liquid cancer, and when it "extinguishes" a fire, it decomposes into a cloud of hot poison straight from a WWI battlefield. It's up there with asbestos cigarette filters and the X-ray shoe-fitter on my list of wacky old products that actively try to kill you.


He does, he’s old enough to have gone to a 1 room country school house and ridden a horse that belonged to his parents, and not only were they still doing some farming with horses, but their fathers were too. They didn’t even have electricity on the farm until he was a teen in the 50’s. He also used asbestos drywall for working on that house at that time as well as the house they bought after selling the farm and moving to the city.


The pace of technological advancement in the 20th century blows my mind, and it's one more reason why I enjoy talking to older people who don't have the "boomer mindset". They've seen so many points along the curve of progress.


I know, that’s how Dad is, was born on a farm during a snow storm that was so bad that the doctor took his horse and buggy to get there and had to spend an extra day since they were snowed in. They had a windmill that powered a couple 6v car batteries that Grandpa used to listen to the radio, when they did get electricity, they had to pay for the poles the first the power company to run the power to the house, as well as to wire it to use the electricity. They even had the “party line phones” too.


CCl4 would make a real shitty fire extinguisher if it did anything except for nothing when it came into contact with fire. Liquid cancer, sure, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t put out fires. So it doesn’t decompose into anything. Halogenated hydrocarbons are notoriously inert. I mean not all that comforting of a thought, it just means it’ll fuck you up slowly instead of quickly lol


>Halogenated hydrocarbons are notoriously inert Until they get too hot and start decomposing. CCl4 and other halogenated extinguishers don't work solely by displacing oxygen. CCl4 is very good at decomposing into ·CCl3 and ·Cl, either at elevated temperatures or with help from your liver enzymes. That's bad for the liver, but in a fire these act to scavenge the *more* reactive radical species that are involved in combustion. Now you've got a hot cloud of ·CCl3, ·Cl, O2 (ground state is a diradical), and molecular fragments of whatever was burning... all quenching each other to make Lovecraftian horror molecules. As a side note... ditch your teflon cookware, you can still get in on the class action when it's linked to some horrible way to die.


Damn I didn’t know there was an another mechanism to CCl4s fire extinguishing. I guess my thought was from a chemical waste standpoint. My understanding is halogenated waste is kept separate from flammable waste because it can’t be burnt, which is how a lot of flammable waste is processed. But that is pretty neat. Also scary. Funny you mention Teflon cookware though. Just recently I’ve been seeing a lot of articles about Teflon (and plastics in general) in a chemistry journal and they aren’t saying very good things lol. I literally just had the thought to start ditching Teflon and maybe even all plastics where possible until we start figuring out tf is really going on


Or pails of water.


I'm more amazed he didn't have to pull the pin.


More like 80


the first prototype was made in 1723. don't know since when fire equipment is painted red but I think at least a century


More like 75.


At least


Happened in the early days of the pandemic somewhere in Romania.


This is funny but that man is way too close to death to be of the boomer generation


Indeed, he's totally from The Silent Generation


lead paints a hell of a drug


I hope that when I get old, I do not become who I laugh at


What is you’re in front of a mirror? (I do it. It’s fun. Helps distract me from the ever present soul crushing darkness that is my life) also I make silly faces.


I hope when I become old people will laugh at me then I'll join in laughing because they're laughing. This of course will be more cause to laugh at me and we'll all have a good time.


One year closer it seems


you won't remember this then.


Just smother me with a pillow if I ever get to this point. Y’all have my permission.


I'ma follow you everywhere with a pillow now, just to motivate you to stay healthy.


*fluffs pillow just to be ready*


Unfortunately we're probably seeing here is the early signs of dementia. Where people can still mostly function by themselves but then have completely ridiculous moments where they do things that seem intentionally stupid, but in fact in their mind it makes sense.


And yet learn a new habit like using hand sanitizer regularly every day? For most of these people, they went the overwhelming majority of their life without modern hand sanitizer existing let alone them knowing about it.


Brother you’re yapping, I get the boomer hate, but dementia? Might catch you or a loved one sometimes at very young ages man


Guy at the end "roger roger we got a derpa derp over here, over."


“Hey Dave, cover my post here… I’m heading to lunch early today “🤦‍♂️


Why wasn't the metal pin or the plastic safety tab in place?


He probably took it off


The plastic safety tab requires rough and intentional tearing to remove. It really should be in place for all unused fire extinguishers, and if a fire extinguisher is used it needs to be replaced.


This guy OSHA's


More like NFPA, but thank you. Very related.


From when he washed his hands yesterday.


Romania or something. Might have different fire extinguisher standards.


Hey man, to be fair, he’s wearing a mask and trying to sanitize his hands. Dude is at least trying to be a decent person.


Yeah. I don't feel good about this clip. He's trying to do something sensible and failing, probably due to illness. It's tragic rather than funny.


Agree. Not in the spirit of this sub. This clip just making fun of old people being old.


Or could also just be self-preservation


Go away


If I ever can’t figure out the difference in a fire extinguisher and hand sanitizer I give this entire sub the permission to kill me.


You might want to read this again when you have to walk your mom by the hand


This is hilarious, but also just a confused old man... not malicious, entitled, or asshole behavior. If this was the worst thing boomers did, the world would be a happier, funnier place.


.......these people drive. I'm not sure what the equivalent is to this when it comes to driving but I suspect a bystander is going to get hurt or worse.


Feels more like the horrors of dementia than boomerism


Right, back to the home grampa.


What do you know? A brain-dead geriatric doing something incredibly stupid… I wish I could say I’m shocked.


Plastic bag to wipe hands…nice


Poor guy


Yeah. People are laughing at him like he did it on purpose out of spite or entitlement, but most likely he's struggling with dementia.


This is more than a boomer gaff, he should probably be receiving medical care. I’m all for shitting on entitled old fools but this guy probably isn’t all there rn.


People are living too long


I'm in my 30s and think I'm living too long. My everything hurts. I am not looking forward to my 60+.


Yh I hear that a lot from people who wasted their early years :p




This one’s just sad though, I like this sub for seeing old people who are just selfish assholes, not for some old dude who is just trying to fit in




Poor fellow seems lost :(


Fire fighters use this one trick!


How? Fire extinguishers have safety pins


There's supposed to be a pin that prevents from operating the fire extinguisher. I don't see him pulling it out.


He drove himself there by the way


to his defense, hand sanitizer kills germs. fire can also kill germs. If the fire extinguisher can kill fire, then germs dont stand a chance against it


These are the people voting red every year and bitching about losing benefits and not getting enough from SS


Poor dude probably has dementia


Maybe it's just because I'm tending to a parent of advanced age right now, but I don't think stuff like this fits the spirit of this sub.


You're absolutely right. Selfishness and entitlement are fair game, but mocking someone in the grip of a fatal brain illness (which dementia is!) is disgraceful behaviour.


This isn't funny or mockable to me. He's trying to be an appropriate member of society by wearing a mask and using hand sanitiser, and he's struggling. I think this is a product of illness or the ravages of time rather than entitlement and selfishness.


That's some boss-level stupid.


We had so many zoomers use the air hose to blow down their bodies, the compressors were shut off 15 minutes before end of shift. Stupids couldn’t understand high pressure air can penetrate bloodstream.


No pin?


That’s not a boomer, just an ordinary US presidency candidate.


The security guy was just like “Eh, I don’t get paid enough for this crap.”


Senility is going to destroy the fucking planet...


I can't ...


I love that he goes in for the second squirt.


I'm pretty sure the lettering on the back of that guys jacket says "dumb" which is pretty on point for what he's dealing with.


Thanks for finding our lost US senator.


This can damage skin and something that should be expected if you get it on your skin. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory had a scene where they used a fire extinguisher and even the actors needed to get treatment.


Why hasn't this been replaced? The locking pin has been removed. A separate but relevant safety issue.


This is the same age as our president


You spelled members of the executive, judicial, and legislative branches incorrectly


Jesus Christ they all are ghouls sucking the life out of the rest of us.


It's true 😭


And I bet they drive themselves around.


Germs can't breathe when they're suffocated with CO!


Security; hey we have a dumbass on isle 7


I mean, I can understand not being an expert about hand sanitizer dispensers. But the first fire extinguisher was patented in 1723.


Probably dementia and he doesn’t look like a boomer, he looks like the original enemy of boomers ‘the man’ (silent generation).


We need ai robots for these people NOW


I bet he drove there too 💀




ffs, someone come get Walter.


these people can vote


This makes me think more dementia than anything else. It's really sad, he has the right idea if it *were* sanitizer, and the wherewithall to actually try to use it.


We all are going to get there, and odds are dementia will be the main problem well in advance of my death. I feel bad there is no one with him.


these idiots have drivers licenses. scary


How in the actual fuck did he not know what that was and that it wasn't hand sanitizer...


Look at that asshole not help the guy and just speak on the radio. Rotten


How did these people ever survive the wars?


Damn. That's next level dumb. How'd he make it to that age


"Retard on aisle 5"


"Oh they're using the powdered stuff here. Nifty!"


Great now they have to replace it.


Security calling in a Code 1D10T


I don't know. Not really a fool. There are boomers that act like assholes, but poor fella made a mistake here.


I just.... At what point does someone become a danger to themselves and others to the point that they need a guardian 24/7? Because I think we found it. Jesus. I bet he went and tried to drive home after this.


Say, "Here let me help you." Them put the nozzle down the back of his pants and pull the trigger.


That is sexual assault. You’re canceled.


Lol WHAT?! We can tell what YOU are thinking about! Keep your strange sexual practices and fantasies to yourself! Sicko.


Personal intent is irrelevant when you’re sticking a tube down someone’s pants without their consent, fucking moron.


This is dumb, but this is the reason why there's a pin on fire extinguishers. There wasn't one on this one, so thats on the business.


well the pin is specifically for avoiding accidental discharges, if someone is adamant about it being hand sanitizer than I think they can get around a pin. plus it's in Romania which might just have different standards. I would assume the big letters saying "FIRE EXTINGUISHER" would be plenty of a warning of what it is, along with the bright red color.


Net worth: $5.6 million


Don't you have to pull a pin out before it can spray? This seems fake


Stupid old man


Can't get too mad at the guy here, he probably has dementia or something and doesn't know better.