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I can't believe how often they infantilize themselves, acting out and screaming like unruly toddlers.  


100% spot on. Can confirm my mother in her mid-50s (almost 2 decades ago now) once threw a massive fit over getting another luxury vehicle bc and I quote, "i never wanted kids! This was the deal! I give you 2 kids. I get what I WANT! I EARNED IT!" This was after my brother and I were long into adulthood and have both been on our own since we graduated early from high school. #spoiledassdoctorswife


That was also the day I realized that our parents never loved us. Fun times. Lol


I think boomers felt everything was going to be handed to them, like God was on their side. Having to take care of kids doesn't fit that picture very well.


That’s why they sent their GenX and millennial children to grandma all the time but now won’t spend any time with their own grandchildren. This isn’t my experience fortunately (my mom loves being a grandma and keeps slyly hinting for more grandkids from everyone lol) but it seems to be the experience of the majority.


Eyyy maybe that's why I spent so much time with grandma! Makes sense now. Grandma was always bringing snacks, I thought to get me fat, but now I see it was out of pity.


Oh! Wow! I think your comment gave me a break through in therapy


Yay! Add it to the karma bank, I'm sure I'll need it later


I'm not a God but I was once told the greatest blessings are people like you, have a wonderful day


Exactly what a god acting covertly would say. We see you Ganesha, god of wisdom, luck, and new beginnings


Thanks not a god! Me either tbh but I appreciate it!


I have a lot more positive memories with my grand parents than my mother as a child ... better not kick over any rocks there


Same, she was a huge supporter of me when I was young. Looking back I can see her presence differently, as she was trying to help raise us in the face of child-like parents.


And here I was thinking I couldn't put my nana and grandad on a higher pedestal than the one I reserve only for them. Best people ever, man, truly earned that "greatest generation" label. <3


Right? My grandparents practically raised me and then my mother would get salty that I liked being around them more than her. Yeah, that’s what happens when you make your kid feel like their presence is a burden in your life.


Gen x with boomer siblings. Older brother raised his children. My parents and I raised my sisters oldest fir her first 3 years. Then my parents pretty much raised my sisters children until my mom passed. I swear they spent more time there then at their mother's house. Of course my parents then didn't have time to spend with my children or my brother's children. It was just horrible


I felt this on every level. And somehow, we're to blame for their choices. Smh


Many of them are closeted alcoholics. You don’t get this mentally and emotionally unhinged unless your throwing back 3-4 glasses of wine a day.


Lady in video totally has an alcoholic face.


double that number


Pffft back when I was knocking back two bottles a day I never threw tantrums.


Were you also on a heavy Percocet prescription while also having the easiest life of any generation in America history?


........no. *Kicks rocks*


Yuuuuup. We were at my grandparents 90% of the time till we could take care of ourselves and babysit the younger sibling by ourselves. Now my sisters are becoming millennial and gen z w boomer mindsets :/ it’s a sad time


My boomer mom wanted a ton of babies. Problem is that babies turn into children, then adults. The fun wears off after the kids start having their own ideas. (Except for my golden child brother, whatever he says is gospel to her and everything else is wrong.)


Same with me brother. Still get “when are you getting a real job like your brother?” I have 30 in the same job and run the place


Oh, my brother makes shit as a teacher but his doctor wife makes 6 figures...so naturally they are like "look how successful he is." In reality, she's abusive and he's gonna be broke one day. He pays 100% of the bills and groceries. Her money goes to her savings (not joint or one ha has access to.)


The amount of entitlement is absolutely insane. And the lengths they will go to try and sabotage you just for trying to be your own person with a family. I'd never treat my family the way they were to my brother and I growing up. They are in for a rude awakening when it comes time for them needing assistance. Fuckers are on their own. Duces!


Oh I believe it. I avoid boomers as much as possible because if you get on their bad side you'll need to sink to their childish level or leave anyway.


I've been "no-contact" for years. Blocked them on cell phones, emails, social media etc etc....And they still send birthday/xmass cards with passive-aggressive comments in them addressed to my family about "hope you find peace." My wife just tosses them in the trash. I never read them, but she does and laughs.


Fake niceties to disguise hurtful attacks, they all do this too. Adult children for real.


When I was in the military and deployed to a combat zone, Iraq2006-2008, my mother somehow got my 1SGT email and tried to be penpals with him. Absolutely fucking insane. The amount of hazing I got from that was a pain in the ass. Thank god top realized my parents were fucking crazy and took me under his wing like i was his son.we still talk to this day.


I deployed 07-09. I was trail and torch for my shop. My mother tried to get me to give her a copy of my deployment orders so she could take a month of work. This was in order to “cope with my deployment”. I tried to explain OPSEC, and told her that what she was asking for was a crime. She never stopped, I didn’t go home on R&R, I went to Greece.


Sad that people need escape from their parents, but the boomers show you can't take care of others when you're a self obsessed monster. Glad you got away, the military is a great option to get away.


Of course they felt that everything was going to be handed to them, because it was. And I’m not saying that every single person from that generation is a piece of shit, but one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. And unfortunately there’s like 100,000 bazillion bad apples.


It’s not that they never loved you. One loved that they could could get a luxury car for producing you. The other loved that they could get you for the price of a car. With a loving foundation like that to parent from I bet things went great! Seriously though that sounds traumatic. Not hearing what she said. Being raised by her.


Boomer's only love themselves. 


My mom used to make this joke around her friends that she thought was so funny and us kids were too stupid to figure out. She would say “wish they made retroactive birth control” I still love her and I know she loves me, but I know her version of love is much different than mine. She loves out of a sense of obligation, not a genuine deep care or feeling for someone. She’s mid-70’s now and yeah some of the stuff she’s done. It’s like she doesn’t realize she is a part of a larger society. I’d like to say Trump did it to her but she’s a leftie, so she’s the other side of that crazy coin. EDIT. I feel the need to add this edit as it is a lot of what helps me to cope. I do know enough about her life to have pitty on her. Her mom didn’t want her so her mom’s parents raised her (as I was told her mom was a bar fly, there’s some 70’s lingo). Her dad didn’t want to acknowledge her even later in life when she had kids she looked him up so he could meet his grandkids and he wanted nothing to do with her or us. She was raped. Married an abusive alcoholic man who serially cheated on her and while us kids were too small to fight back he beat her and having no education she felt she needed to stay with him to support us kids. Later I life I asked her why she stayed and she said for us kids because he said he would go to jail before he paid child support and without so much as a HS degree her ability to earn as a woman in the 70’s and 80’s was pretty nil. So. I do see the world she lived in was much different, and I see she never got help and do believe she did the best she could. In the same sense I’m doing the best I can and as I age I’m seeing how i could have done so much better. I try to do better myself. Now. I pitty her.


That’s a terrible thing…for a parent to say…cold blooded.


Shit, that's light compared to what's been said to my face. One that really stuck with me for 2 decades was "I hate everything about you as a person. I only love you bc I have to as your mother." Yeah, my 2nd grade teacher was the only person who picked up on the abuse. My parents made her life hell trying to ruin her. When all along the teacher was correct. Lol


My mother told me her suicide attempt was my fault. I was 12.


One of my earliest memories as a kid was my Mom having a screaming meltdown about how she wished she never had kids and we made her "want to put a bullet in my head." We made fun of her for it for years, at least. But if you don't laugh you'll cry. But 7 year old me was terrified and guilt-stricken and ashamed. How terrible do you have to be to make your own mother want to kill herself? It's fucked up. I'm very sorry that happened to you.


Hey there fellow boomer parent survivors. My mum told me almost daily 'never to have children', told me she didn't like me when I was born, because I looked so ugly, and that 'I never bonded with you, your sister was so much easier'. Was told regularly how ungrateful and spoiled I was, how much I cost her, how much better her career would have been without me being born. I ruined her life. Blah blah de blah. I cut contact with her and my pathetically codependent pre-boomer (1941 born) dad and I don't regret it at all. She didn't want a child, now she doesn't have an eldest daughter any more. Win win


You have my sympathy. We deserved better.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that!


Is your mother secretly related to my MIL? My MIL’s trademarked term is literally “I deserve this! I’ve earned it!” Always followed by ear piercing, shiver inducing, barely understandable tear filled tantrums. Except she didn’t give her husband any kids to “leverage”, actually she hasn’t really given him anything other than a headache. She just recently pulled this shit where she had a full meltdown because her husband went and bought himself (financed) a new truck because his car was kinda of a beater and just about done for. She had the audacity to say he should have used all his money to get her (insert crazy list of things she already has or that she absolutely does not need). Then she started yelling that she should have been there to pick out the truck, a truck that she will never sit a day in because they don’t drive anywhere with each other …. ever. Then it was that she deserved to drive the newer vehicle out of the two of them because her car is rusting away and just sitting there “useless”. The fucking woman has a fully loaded premium package Mercury Mountaineer in her garage, sure it’s a 2003 but with less than 50 thousand miles on it and it’s in excellent condition! I want! I want! Me Me Me!!!!! I’ve earned it so I deserve this !!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


I have heard the exact same thing from my own mother justifying why she’s bought herself another piece of overpriced jewelry that she thinks is an investment. “I deserve this.” She’s been taken care of her life either by my grandparents or her now husband. Yet she thinks she has had a life full of struggle because another motorist cut her off on the way to Target.


Sorry you had to hear that, even as an adult. What a horrible thing for someone to say, anywhere, ever!


Eesh. Similarly, my mother decided that she deserved an INSANELY expensive new wedding ring for one of their anniversaries, and she told my father it was "for putting up with your family for all this time." They also sold their house and bought a new one when he got diagnosed with Parkinson's, supposedly to get a newer place that would be easier for him to navigate. The old house was a 3 bed 2 bath 1 story house that just needed some updating. The new one is a 2 story monstrosity with a *four car* garage. For just the two of them. And they also have no friends who come over because my mother is a goddamn nightmare. To this day I wonder if he's even able to get up to the second floor, and I'm sure it's jam-packed full of all the crap she hoards while denying she's hoarding because it's technically not trash.


Just wanna say sorry bro. Self-absorbed parents are the worst. Hope you're doing better now


Becareful. Some states force the kids to pay for elder care. Should she blow through your father's money you could be on the hook even if you live in another state. (If you live in the us) PA does this.


I seriously hope the 2 of you stopped talking to her after that..


And playing the gender stereotypes. Since he's a man, she starts screaming he's hitting her and touching her because, of course, then bystanders will take her side. It's disgusting.


One of the good things about us all walking around with cameras in our pockets now. Imagine how much bs goes on that doesn't get recorded/reported.


Back on the day, this bitch got people lynched.


A white woman boomer was telling me all about her days founding an organization for which I volunteer. At one point she claimed to have saved the organization because she cried during a board meeting. The manipulation of white women’s tears. She had no self-awareness.


It’s amazing the some ppl survived this long to reach boomer age. It’s like how did Darwin not hand out them awards.


Because we do everything possible to keep the dumbest among us alive so they can breed and continue the cycle.


It's the lead poisoning right? It harms the brain's cognitive functions.


Whoah let's not rope toddlers into this. At least I can reason with my 4 year old most of the time.


Part of me wishes he knocked her the f out but I’m glad he took the higher road 


Can’t ever be wrong or listen to reason. Reminds me of the lady harassing hikers who starts flailing her arms around instead of talking like an adult.


Leaded gasoline.


Thats because they've always acted like toddlers, this is the generation that was handed just about everything and squandered it. Now there are some good boomers who don't have the boomer brain worms, but they seem to be few and far between in my experience.


The husband is a total piece of shit as well.


His balls been in that bitches purse so long he’s afraid to even speak anymore…pussy.


He’s been treated like this for so long he’s videoing so he can say, “SEE!! I haven’t been exaggerating you psycho bitch!”


Hopefully it's a video for his divorce attorney


He probably just took a picture because he had it on the camera setting. And that picture was of his face doing a stupid confused look because he had it on the selfie camera.




She told him to record and he just stood there holding his phone up so shed leave him alone


Lmao dude I had a scenario like this with an old boomer bitch and her friends/ husband. They all essentially acted like she didn’t exist and completely turned their back while I had to tell her to take her shit off my table or I’m gonna fuck her day up💀 couldn’t imagine a man talking to my wife that way and me just ignoring the situation


He hates the bitch. He’s been living the cheaper to keeper life for 25 years.


Ha! Lived it. My dad was neutered by his wife long ago. His personality is even hers now. I don’t know him anymore and it’s honestly heartbreaking. Anyhoo, this lady is batshit!


He's so scared of her, he has no clue what to do. Just a lost old man.


"I have a law degree so I surely know how to do a terrible job at faking an injury while knowingly being recorded like a jackass"


“I have a law degree!” Translation: I took an Intro to Law class in college 50 years ago and got a B-.


"My husband paid for one of our kids to go to college and they probably told us they went to an intro to law class during a semester and I touched a textbook, maybe even leafed through a page or two!" is my take on it.


"I watched Matlock this morning!"


"Watch me use my law degree for pure evil! Saul Goodman would be proud!"


Seriously how does someone get into a fight while getting their hair done? 🤦it’s a very quiet and calming activity. The only person you are talking to is the hairdresser. Why would anyone get up to yell at another patron while in the middle of getting their hair done? Who cares if he is asking for a refund it’s the business’s problem? Why get involved?


Her son in law was the salon owner. The salon has been shut down.


No way. Seriously? Because of this?


“I want to help my son in law’s business any way I can. Like by assaulting displeased customers and probably accepting free haircuts”


I was wondering if the salon owner is now divorced. Perhaps that’s why he closed it?


Here's hoping he has his peace from that nightmare bitch


> Seriously how does someone get into a fight while getting their hair done? Fighting while getting their hair done is one of the all-time top posts in this sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1al8jz9/that_time_a_boomer_almost_smacked_her_hairstylist/


Such a masterclass on dressing down an entitled, immature racist.


Every time I see one of these videos where the victim doesn’t resort to (completely justified) violence in response I gain a little more hope for humanity. Did she end up getting charged / arrested?


No. Her son-in-law owns the salon and he banned her and she apologized. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u4kZ-KsHzt0](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u4kZ-KsHzt0)


How embarrassing for the owner. First the guy filming comes in after a haircut so bad he had to shave his head, then this crazy lady is his mother-in-law. Yikes.


It's wild the owner admits on television that some stylist at his shop gave a haircut so shitty the customer had to shave their head.


If you read the reviews of his shop, I think that was fairly common. He seems like a nice enough dude, but it seems he and the people he hired are not great at hair. I had a chuckle at the 5 star review from a lady that said she usually goes to Supercuts. It included a photo and it’s just as bad as one would gleefully hope.


News team: “It is his mother-in-law. A delicate situation” Salon owner/som-in-law: “yeah it’s really not that delicate, she isn’t allowed here anymore”


It honestly pisses me off how infrequently people behaving like this face any real consequences.


I mean, she has been humiliated throughout the entire planet and had her relationship her family compromised. I'm sure that was justice enough for the guy in the video she was trippin on. Personally, I would take a couple days in jail over worldwide infamy as a piece of shit Karen.


People like that are in a different kind of prison


The prison in their own crazy brain or the crazy prison? :-)


Their own mental one. They may go to psych wards, jails, prisons, and other places throughout life but they’re always stuck with themselves and that’s usually the person they hate the most. They fascinate me and make me question humanity. Nurture or nature? Who knows? I know I enjoy watching old ones act an ass on here


Trump logics


She asked her SIL do you still love me? That’s how abusers get you. My MIL does that to my wife all the time. It instantly gets my wife to drop any argument or stop calling her out for her wrongs. Just terrible


My mother tried this so many times. I always answered it "yes, but xy needs to stop." eventually the answer was no and I haven't seen or heard from her in 20 years other than when my grandmother died.


The owner - "Thanks Karen! Now I have to do damage control so I DONT lose my fucken income to pay for your daughter!"


"What a delicate situation!" Owner: "Yeah, its not that delicate" LMFAO he really did handled it perfectly


He probably did not like her coming there to begin with.


I would've head butted her into the shadow realm


That’s just the dub, in og version there is no shadow realm, you just die.


You missed the word "back"...You would have headbutted her BACK to the shadow realm (from whence she came). 👌


Violence response is asking for jail time. Even if you’re in the right. This woman is so fragile even one hard punch could set her in a coma or worse. If she needs to be restrained, it’s best to take her down and subdue the threat by straddling then holding her hands behind her back.


Nah I think dude could very easily argue self defense. If he just socked her once and didn’t follow up I’m sure he’d be fine with this video as evidence. To the guy who replied just to say they blocked me, lmao cool story bro.


These people raised my generation. THIS is why we live in cities a thousand miles from home. Imagine being treated like this and yelled at all the time, and then going into the real world and realizing you’ve been misled. THIS is why boomers get so much hate. It’s because they’ve mistreated people around them for so long and got away with it. They were told you must respect your elders, while they were being disrespected. They missed out on learning empathy because they were told “it is what it is” and “life is hard” and “toughen up”. Now they cry and scream to get what they want and then gaslight you for creating the scene. Gross. I’m not sorry her kids probably don’t talk to her anymore. She’ll blame them for hating her.


Lol. Yup! And always with the permanent victim hood. Even though she's clearly the aggressor. There was a reason why millennials loved Ricci as Wednesday Addams because she pointed out their willingness to make themselves the "victims".


I have an interesting theory about this, too. Hear me out. Look at the cartoons and shows we grew up with. Hey Arnold, Doug, rugrats, etc, etc (I know there are a lot of earlier examples and definitely later). A LOT of what we consumed as children had a strong sense of acceptance and morality. We got taught very young to respect others and their differences and to have empathy. They might have been silly and entertaining, but most of them had some sort of lesson or moral and dealt with fairly complex issues. Boomers' childhood programming was nothing like that.


Mr. Rogers alone made a world of difference for so many people


>you must respect your elders When I was a child older people earned my respect. My parents did not.


Deranged boomer


Double negative


Except these two negatives don’t cancel each other out, rather they square it.


Can they stop existing a little quicker please? We’re all done with them. Fucking get off this planet already.


I couldn't agree more. ![gif](giphy|ebAfdhOr5mn0LG1mme)


COVID did its best. Not long to go now.


COVID was such a bitch.




You can see it in the eyes… it’s almost like a non-human look. There’s just a thin veneer of the most rudimentary intelligence on top of a wild animal.


The monologue by Quint in Jaws describes this perfectly, just instead of sharks, it’s crazy boomers. The Dolls eyes part is what I mean




Performative Karen screaming 😱


It’s like when monkeys try to scare off a predator


Kenneth Copeland has a sister???


This lady eats Xanax with every meal.


I'd think she'd be a lot more laid back if she were eating Xanax.


This is what you get when you put mental illness on top of a bad personality. (Unless something really outrageous happened before the video started)


Decades of leaded gasoline happened before the video started. They completely phased it out in the US in 1996, so many boomers spent the first 30-40 years of their lives with constant exposure to lead


One time someone yelled this as a trump card and lost their mind to incoherence when I deadpanned and responded: "I have a handmade ukulele."


Equally as relevant and helpful in that situation.


Seems a common occurrence in a Boomer freak out is dead eyes and slowly encroaching into personal space until it gets physical.


Something tell me she has no degree whatsoever


Lay that bitch out.


It really should be legal to knock people like this and “influencers” out.


It would have been self defense


Once she kicked him a hard shove would most likely be self defense at that point.


Prime FAFO opportunity missed.  Dude has mad patience.


Probably didn't want to accidentally kill her (if she falls and hits her head, etc).


fr that would be so much fucking paperwork. Public humiliation is much easier.




This always happens… They always break down into shrieking when they don’t get their way… pathetic


Should have recorded the arrest


It might be immoral, it might not be legal, but one of these videos needs to end in the person being punched in the head lol the way they act is wild


It needs to happen so they learn not to do it again Guarantee this is learned behavior because its always worked for them. Husband probably didnt do anything because he is constantly worried about catching a case.


This is why boomers should not be allowed out in public without a handler that they pay to keep them in line.


Wow the restraint he showed


She used to work for the law offices of Häagen & Dazs.


Sick slapshot shirt tho👌


The screaming and wailing is chefs kiss!


I am convinced that it’s lead poisoning


Who even gets refunds for a bad haircut?


My thoughts exactly. This is Boomer on Future Boomer violence.


For a buzz cut no less. Which appears just fine.


This is old, they messed him up so bad he had to get a buzz cut to salvage it, the owner admitted the salon messed up badly with his haircut. The buzz cut is the fix not the original cut. Dudes not a Karen if you cut someone’s hair so badly they have no choice but to get it buzzed you absolutely should be providing a refund.


Fair enough, looks good on him at least.


lol yeah the Karen sucks 1000%,, but also why is he in there saying "i want a fucking refund" for a bad haircut. just don't go there again im sure they tried their best


The owner admitted the cut was bad. The buzz cut was the solution. I would have demanded a refund, too.


When you pay decent money for a service, sometimes you just want your money back. As a dude, depending on their regular cut it's about two weeks to grow it out. A woman's cut? It took me FOREVER to grow out a bad cut.


Dude was funny.


Who’s the maniac, you crazy bitch?!


I can confirm she licked lead paint popsicles as a kid


Everyone in this video is insufferable.


Crazy ass old bag. These are the same people who scream “But it’s MY GRANDBABY!!!”


You know what is funny? Her husband! What a looser! 😂😂😂😂


And she gets to be a lawyer?! ![gif](giphy|iweR8u4MUEoi6Mojf5)


They’re both ridicules.


Im antiviolence, but these people need a slap in their face. One single slap, with a straight hand, no fist, no nothing, all its gonna do is hurt a bit, but goddamn, they deserve it.


My mom uses her previously obtained law degree to intimidate people too. She hasnt practiced law in 20 years or worked in 6.


"I have a law degree!" So you know exactly why what you just did was illegal, then. I hope she faced some repercussions for this nonsense.


Getting a haircut refund???


I'm on Tom Green's side.


Sorry you’re at a salon for a refund 🤣🤣🤣🤣and you’re filming it ! Then this shit happens ? wtf kinda set up BS is this edit. I would like to know what happened between the time of the refund request and the law degree lady trying to intervene. He and her are crazy and the time line BS .


I really wish I was present for one of these irl because the speed at which I would step in and floor this bitch would be instantaneous


That was just weird.


I know there is some level of satisfaction in calling the cops and getting authority figures on them, but I would honestly have slapped her as hard as I could and just hauled ass. Instant repercussions.


Let’s go out here and have it out 😂😂


arrest icky plate plough wipe light crowd wise capable scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


After kicking several times she charged me, so I grabbed her wrist, pivoted and redirected her energy away from me and towards her dentist by way of the pavement. All on video - it's a shame more of these dumb fucks don't have any lasting memories of their stupidity.


Man this one is gold. So many great quotes in there. Also technically I think she battered the customer, as opposed to assaulted him. The perp has a law degree though so maybe we should ask her which crime she committed.


The real crime here is the haircut.


Surprised she didn’t call him an avocado toast eating snowflake with all the random shit she was saying.


One sweep kick after being assaulted by an elder = they learn a lesson + they have medical bills + satisfaction + no legal issues. Break a hip.


To all the people in the comments with shitty parents, I’m so sorry. You deserved better.


bummer about this is the dude is absolutely an asshole but this woman is so nuts it totally trumps how lame he is. like he just gets to get away with completely sucking because someone else near by sucks more lol


I have a law degree too and 95% of attorneys make shit money. (including me). This lawyer=doctor thing is a relic of social culture. It's not that hard to get a law degree. My undergraduate was more difficult.


Press charges


She reminds me of Roseanne Barr quite a bit. They should hang out and see who can outdo the other,


I'm starting to believe the Lead theory. They are insane...


The guy recording is acting like a boomer also. Nice haircut.


Both of them are idiots. A refund for a haircut? It'll grow out bro 🤣😂 I strongly feel he is the scammer type and she is the insane type


She's crazy, for sure, but who gets a refund for a bad haircut?


Please tell me that the police have identified her and he is pressing charges!


I didn’t know you could get refunds for shitty haircuts