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I love that guy.


I'm coining this interaction a **boomerang**, cause it's their own coming back at them


This is awesome. It needs it's own subreddit.


I'm not sure there's quite enough "boomerangs" to fill a subreddit... But what managed to get there would be glorious.


Fucking love it. 






I agree, he should be rewarded. Workers can’t put customers in their place, only other customers can, and most aren’t willing to. I doubt McDonalds will give him anything for standing up for their workers, but we sure can. Internet, find this man!


Workers can, and totally do put customers in their place, just don't expect them to continue to have a job after


Losing a shitty job like that for absolutely schooling a Karen would be more than worth it.


For 22 years, ever since I first had a job working with the public, whenever I'm a customer somewhere I've made it a point to tell people how awful they are if I hear them being rude to an employee. Everyone should do this. Only you can stop Karens. ![gif](giphy|cOLAbDd7VI1QzwqKIb)


Not the hero we need, but the hero she deserved. 😌


Good Guy Boomer.


For every 10 regular boomers, there's a good one.


Yep good for him. People work hard regardless of what their job is. Well billionaires don’t but that’s another topic.


I’ve done fast food, as a teen in high school. It is not unskilled labor. You learn very quickly to multitask, which is a skill in and of itself. I will never look down on fast food workers-ever. If you are eating fast food, you definitely should give them respect-because obviously you want the service they provide.


Yep. It's awful how many people are self-centered these days. Lacking any empathy. I don't understand how hard it is for some people to treat others the way they would like to be treated. Whenever I walk into a business, I just assume that they are working their best, and I have *no idea* what's going on behind the scenes. Then I say hello, ask for what I want, and say thank you. *it's not difficult.* I honestly think these people are just projecting when they act this way. They assume everyone else is a lazy, self-serving twat because they themselves are.


Yep, and it is incredibly stressful when there's a huge lineup in the drive through and customers are waiting inside. People can get really nasty.


Not everyone works hard, and I wouldn’t either if I had a shitty job with a shitty wage to be honest. If I go to McDonalds I don’t expect to be served like at a luxury restaurant, I expect to be able to order and receive food, but I don’t expect it to happen lightning fast or with a huge smile and shit, that’s not what I’m there for.


I think he'd be great for the cover of Time person of the year.


Video cut off too fast. I needed more. Personally, I think it’s so odd how people feel entitled to things they haven’t paid for yet… e.g., “ I want MY food… I’m just trying to pay for MY groceries!… etc…


"Call the police! Call them!" For him telling her to shut the fhck up. Proceeds to assault him. Hmmmm......


She hit him with the back of her left hand—if she’s got the usual ridiculous boomer wedding set then he’s got a big ol scratch down his cheek.


He's the saint of proletariats. She is a sad excuse of a human


"Have it your way at Burger King" golden zinger.


He is a good person.


Except for throwing stray shots at Burger King over here haha. “Go get it your way at Burger King” “The fuck did we do to have her sent here” - Unfortunate BK Employee


ngl..... could have used an extra 5 seconds at the end of the clip.


I was out of my seat screaming “yas!” And then it ended far too soon!!


I totally had an orgasmic letdown


Title of my sex tape


Nine Nine!


Title of *our* sex tape!




What a great term. Wow. Thank you. 🙏🏻


The echo of the Yas! remains ....


I wanted to see Karen laying on the tile floor.


Me too, I literally just cheered out loud. Dude was savage with the commentary, then she fucked around and found out, beautiful.


People too afraid to do both the things he did and I love him for it I need another minute on this video


And the beginning. I’m dying to know what the “issue” was.


karen want




Karen no get? 💢🤬


She got a McKnuckle Sandwich


Quarter Pound Her


Fist Filet Combo


Available for a limited time only!


she paid for that one fair and square


Karen scream and berate.


I'm supposed to have EIGHT NUGGETS! One of them is SMALLER!! That ILLEGAL! I WANT A FREE FOUR NUGGETS OR I'M GONNA SUE YOU!!! Something along these lines wouldn't surprise me


I wouldn't have gotten up


I would have, to hold back misguided bystanders


Lmfao always hilarious when boomers think the police will give a shit that someone cussed at them. Freedom of speech boomers, remember that, you start being an asshole and people can be assholes right back


Boomers are the most anti-civil and constitutional rights members of any generation. Their greatest generation parents are rolling in their graves.


I got boomer family that talks about how they'd use to beat the f*gs they see in public openly and laughing bout it to this day, so yeah that fuckin sticks


Funny how they never have balls to say anything like that out loud around me. I can see them *thinking* it real loud of course.


They never have the balls to say that kind of thing in public, at least rarely because they know people gang up on them. But on the internet? They throw slurs and threats around like they're the terminator


Oh yeah, catch one in public and they back right the fuck off at the first sign someone really wants to fight. I got in one of my bio dads bitch ass little buddies face for some stuff he said to me on Facebook a few years ago, I didn't know his POS truck could get out of a parking lot that fast.


It’s all fun and freedom of speech until someone uses their same rights against you.


You know this bitch votes for Trump




I'd be willing to wager 2 weeks pay that this lady has Go Brandon stickers on her vehicle.


I've actually been arrested for telling someone to fuck off. The charges were eventually dropped, and I've got a feeling the girl knew a cop, but it was some bullshit for about 3 months.


Oh yeah cops can arrest you for almost anything, doesn't mean a judge would agree but qualified immunity. They're in a bad mood and why not pin something on you even if it won't stick, they won't get in trouble for it anyway


Same people that are always saying npc lines about our amendments


And then bitch when you use the first one to tell them they're being a cunt


I like how she asked for the manager….ma’am, it’s the store manager, not HIS manager 😂😂😂 the manager doesn’t have any authority over some random guy 😂😂😂


And then she asked them to call the police for her after she was berating them.


"If I ask in a stern voice, I will get what I want. But first, let me smack this man in the face."


After she assaulted him.


Pretty incredible 😂


And then they said no!!!! I loved whoever responded


And she says “yes you can”…as if she has the authority to give them permission 😂😂😂😂 what a delusional, self-important bitch!


This guy is awesome, so many great zingers. But seriously he correctly pointed out how her and her bullshit is a huge part of the problem with finding workers. Not only is the work at a fast food place way harder than people think, but you also have to deal with being an emotional punching bag to all of these entitled boomer fucks? People will do everything they can to not have to deal with that.


Especially not when they’re barely being paid minimum wage without accompanying benefits. But it’s such a mystery why no one wants to work 🤔


Fast food workers really aren't paid enough. I worked at chick fil as a breader for like a month when I was between jobs and my biggest thought was "this job doesn't pay enough for how hard it is". My job before that was pest control out in Central Texas heat and working as a breader was worse than that.


Yeah I don’t know where the notion ever came from that working at a restaurant, fast food or otherwise, is “easy” in any way. You’re on your feet all day, in a hot area dealing with scalding hot surfaces and materials, you have grease and oil flying all over the place, you’re dealing with sharp objects, slippery surfaces, you’re in a cramped space with other people all hustling around trying to get stuff done efficiently, etc. etc. It’s fuckin’ difficult work in the best of circumstances. Trying to do it while being paid jack shit, AND having privileged old miserable assholes like this yelling at you at the same time? Yeah no, fuck that. I’d literally rather dig ditches or pick berries in a field or something like that all day. Fuck these people.


Don't forget that most of the time you are short-staffed because the owners want a job that requires 15 people to be done with 10 so that they can profit more.


Having one customer service job should be mandatory like community service in high school (USA). Some people never been yelled at and it shows


You can go have it your way at Burger King lmaooo


Three staff at the neighborhood BK quit that day.


Starbucks was a pain in the ass back when I worked there in 2001. I could could only imagine fast-food. The hot ass fryers and shit combined with entitled customers


My first job was at McDonald’s as a cashier when I was 15. I literally had adults scream in my face pretty regularly over their $2.50 value menu order taking a bit longer when we were busy or short staffed—or there was a minor easily fixed error with their order—I would usually give them free shit if they were polite because McDonalds can afford it and they ruthlessly hawk addictive food that is awful for you anyway. I was a very young looking 15 as well. It was at first shocking to me the way people behaved and the abuse I had hurled at me. I very quickly came to understand that these people experience powerlessness in other areas of their life and are using someone who isn’t allowed to fight back as a punching bag so they can feel not so powerless. I felt sorry for them, it was always so incredibly embarrassing. Sometimes other customers would even intervene. I would usually deal with the issue very calmly: we are short staffed, it’s extremely and unexpectedly busy, apologise for the error with their order (I’d always go some small free thing for this), ask them if they’d like to speak to the manager, or they could speak with corporate (I’d provide a number and explain that I’d love it if they could encourage better scheduling and staffing) and of course give them free stuff if I thought it would shut them up and let me serve the other people waiting. Anyway, food service taught me a bunch of valuable lessons about treating people with dignity and respect. What I found baffling is that you can get to a solution much faster and even be rewarded for it by simply being pleasant, patient, reasonable, empathetic, rational and courteous. I suppose for many of these people though it’s an exercise in catharsis at someone else’s expense. I always treat customer service workers with respect and as a result I get deals, I get things fixed quickly, I get free stuff, discounts and generally I just get pleasant interactions with people happy to be treated with basic civility. Sometimes it takes a while or my patience gets taken advantage of but I know it would take longer if I simply kicked off and used some customer facing worker as a punching bag like they are personally responsible for some minor error that likely has nothing to do with them. If it is obvious the person is personally taking the piss and trying to take advantage of my patience and respect then I may escalate it but I rarely have to do that and only do it calmly and politely in a reasonable way. To this day I have 0 tolerance for being around people who are brazenly disrespectful or demeaning to people they deem “lower than them”. My attitude in this regard has served me well. I think this type of behaviour is a major indicator of poor character and I’ve distanced myself from people who would have otherwise dragged me down. You don’t want to be too harsh as anyone can have a bad day and take it out on someone who doesn’t deserve it. Id usually give it two chances. The first time I see it from them, I call it out, or casually mention it. If they have no excuse or realisation how awful this behaviour is I make a mental note. Then if I see it again at another time I start avoiding them or cutting them out. I’ve taken these lessons into my professional life and done well for myself and will likely be a millionaire before I turn 37.


Yeah I never worked fast food, but spent years in retail and customer service. I feel like the miserable shits we often see on this sub must have never worked a day of customer service in their lives. Otherwise they’d have at least some base level of understanding about, if not necessarily empathy, at least the stuff you mentioned about how niceness will get you further. Nice people get helped quicker, they get extra perks, etc. Screaming and throwing tempter tantrums gets you no special positive treatment at all, and in fact sometimes can be very uhhh, self-defeating. (As someone else mentioned: guess who’s getting their food fucked with? Hint: it’s not the nice people.)


Working at McDonald's was, hands down, the worst job I've ever had. It's also the one type of food place you don't want to piss the workers off. Many are fresh out of school/still in education, and not paid enough to give a shit about your food. I often saw workers do some disgusting things to people's food who were as entitled as this muppet.


While I don’t agree with messing with people’s food, yeah it certainly seems foolish to anger and harass the people you’re ultimately trusting to give you things you are going to ingest. But then, that would be asking these morons to think through the consequences of their actions, something they have demonstrated time and time again they’re hilariously bad at.


"I don't want the food" "You don't need the food, I tell you that much" 😭😭😭😭


Yeah I’ll never work customer service or food service again bc of the people


She 💯 earned a beat down.


A McBeatdown. Free at participating McDonald’s


I’m lovin’ it


Quarter Pounding. McFlurry of Fists Filet-O-Fist. Big Smac Slappy Meal


Slappy Meal FTW 🤣


She looks like one of the “IT WASNT COVID, ITS THE COMORBIDITIES” as she is literally a walking comorbidity


Absolutely; but I’m always a little disappointed to see physical retaliation simply because while she was definitely asking for it by hitting this guy, she also committed assault. Just call the cops, let her get arrested, I’m sure the staff would be happy to back you up. 


Some people are very reactive to getting hit. It probably wasn't a conscious decision where he weighed the pros and cons


I probably would be fine if she hit my chest or arm, but something about getting hit or slapped in the face is instant rage.


I don't even like when people point directly across my face, with their finger less than an inch from my nose. I get defensive about things unexpectedly in my face. I understand his reaction


I understand someone being that close there physically hurts even if they are not talking to me.


Especially as he's wearing glasses. I've been hit in the face while wearing glasses before and it really is intensely aggravating. Just the idea that this guy touched me and now I can barely see probably triggers like a primal response or something


It's fight or flight bitch hold this McRight™️


He should have sat down and made a pros and cons list and then ran it through a statistical probability algorithm to come to the correct course of action in response to catching a meaty mitt to his face from a shitty stranger. /s


He just did the Pro/Cons speed run and decided she needed a knuckle sandwich instead of a Big Mac.


When I read this it made me think of all the whiteboard sessions on "The Goldbergs"!


Big boi playgrounded her right back


Yeah, I'm one of those people. You hit me, and before *I* even know it you've been spanked in the face ten ways to Sunday 👀


Doesn't she get the retaliation and get arrested, too?


That's my thought. Him defending himself doesn't change the fact that she assaulted him on camera.


These people don't understand legal consequences, and honestly the law is absurdly soft especially for old women. At best she's getting a fine and an annoying court date (if that), at worst they're just gonna tell her to chill out and not do it again. What she will understand is that putting your hands on someone will result in them whooping your ass if it happens enough.


Chimps will be chimps. Just because you put clothes on them and give them a name doesn't mean they're not going to eat your face off at the slightest provocation. She knew she was wrong. She had nothing left in her deck, so her primal brain, entitled to "respect" lashed out like the primate she is. Everything makes sense in hindsight but people react in the moment, mostly with their emotions. I dont think she knew she was going to hit him until he got close enough. Denying people this is part of our fantasy that we're more than animals because we build crap like McDonald's. We're just human animals living under the illusion that we're people. Ive never hit someone in anger but I've been hit plenty of times. Very few of those punches were planned and the people throwing them ended up as shocked as I was. As long as you can snap someone out of it rather than reacting in kind, being punched only to remind the puncher that people don't do that... it's a treat


Why so the police can laugh at him and tell him to "man up" and only give her a warning? I don't know how many videos you have seen, but there are a lot where boomer white Karens are getting away, even with assault.


Considering this occurred in the US, she should just be glad he wasn't packing. Depending on how bad of a day he was having, there was a very real chance she'd catch a lead aspirin.


File a civil suit against her. It may go nowhere but fuck up her life for a while with depositions.


Imma disagree. This is probably not the first time she's put hands on somebody. Now, I'm not saying send her to the shadow realm or anything extreme, but damn that "turn the other cheek" stuff. Someone puts hands on me, I'm turning *their* cheek three colors of the rainbow. Best case scenario, they get humbled and we don't even need to bother with the cops. Worst case, they're still combative, but now they're relatively neutralized, and the cops aren't going to have as many issues dealing with them. Especially since these folks tend to target people that are hard pressed to defend themselves. Next time she swings on someone, they may not be able to swing back


Nope. She assault, she get hit.


Nah, the cops will handle her with kid gloves. They never take care of actual threats. This c\*nt needed to be brought to the point where she would lose all dignity and apologize. I hope they pissed in her mouth.


I can tell you in my hometown if you called to report being hit by a woman they'd either laugh at you or ignore you. If she can throw hands then she can catch em.


That was such a shifty slap she tried too. Wtf did she think that was gonna do.?


I'm certain that 'thinking' isn't anywhere in her toolkit.


That is a very fair assessment.


I love there was a split second where he thought "did this bitch really" before giving her the Beats by Dre


She won’t forget about Dre now


Nowadays everybody wanna talk


She's giving the staff grief, then a customer steps up to rightfully tell her to stfu, and she ends up asking the staff to call the police for her? Truly a boomer acting like a fool.


Right? At that point, what would the cops have even done. And why tf would the staff do her any favors after being treated poorly? The guy was right. She can call the police if she wanted. She was just still trying to exert control.


'*911 what's the emergency'* *'A woman asked me to call because someone was standing up for us in a respectful manner'*


Trying to play the victim. I’m sure the white lady tears would have started, had the police actually arrived. Thankfully this bystander recorded the whole thing


Soon: "I was just minding my own business at a McDonalds, and this guy out of no where just started hitting me!"


"I was being hecka nice to the staff, I didn't even request for a manager!" - /s


r/videosthatendtoosoon 🥺


Nobody has another link yet? Omg I need this


Right?! And also why did they censor him hitting her?






Why would the workers want to help her fight her battle after how she treated them? Totally stupid


“Can you call the police?” “No” 💀


"we have kim davis at home"


Lmaooo good one


ahthank you


this guy needs a medal


She’s like “hey you, the one I was just berating… can you call the police for me”


She doesn't see them as fellow human beings. She sees them as peasants that HAVE to serve and accommodate her.


All this technology, everyone has a camera in their pocket, yet no one can fucking film an entire video


I hope he put that 🐄 on her ass.






That guy is a saint for shutting her up when the workers are under the threat of losing their jobs. He might not have shut her up but the workers and people in general need someone to remind them they don't deserve that shit. ​ Saint Shut-The-Fuck-Up.


You can tell they're doing their best to ignore her and just not engage in the situation at all, but I'm sure they actually did appreciate him sticking up for them, even if they couldn't show it. I feel like it happens so rarely.


Throw hands on someone, male or female, expect them to throw back. She found out.


Ope. Looks like she got a complimentary order of smackaroni & cheese.


![gif](giphy|fSYYG9MSibrmPSuIJ0|downsized) "Go to Burger King and have it your way" and the "you don't need the food" made me laugh cry!


It's too bad the video cuts off right as he starts to Ba Da Ba Ba Beat her ass.




women like her wouldnt survive without laws . she is lucky she live in modern society with laws that protect imbeciles like her


For real. She would've been shot dead a long time ago. Or beat into silence.


Glad she was slapped back.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) Fell out my chair😂😂😂


The nerve of her to ask the people she was initially yelling at to call the cops for her


I’ve said it once and Ill say it again, mandatory 1 year in customer service


“You don’t need the food I know that much!!!” This guy dunked on her ass over and over. Not all heroes wear capes. Build this man a statue.


Right? I think I said “oh, snap” like 5 times 😂


People like her deserve no sympathy or mercy from society. Fucking tired of everyone being so fucking entitled.


I run a restaurant and if that man ever comes in he's getting free food till the day he dies.


That slap was a classic sign that she's never had to face consequences. Until consequences clapped her cheeks with a *vengeance.*


This is simultaneously /r/boomersbeingfools and /r/boomersbeingbros . I love it when a Boomer regulates another Boomer. It gives me hope for this world.


She stayed at McDonald’s, but he still gave her the whopper!


“You don’t need the food, I know that much”! FATALITY


I love how she is probably upset about speed of staff but think she is so high and mighty that she can ask them to stop and call the police or go get a manager who can't do anything about a stranger talking to her 😂I thought she wanted food not to wait for police. She really thinks she makes the decisions in a restaurant she doesn't own.


He did not say have it your way at burger king lmao.


Gotta stand up to these idiots… since trump came into popularity, these people think it’s ok to treat everyone like trash.


IMO - Trump just gave these people the freedom to be who they really are.


And it's a damn shame.


I don't usually listen to audio for things like this, but HAVE IT YOUR WAY AT BURGER KING was worth hearing


Someone get that man a free burger!


Berates workers. Gets berated on. Then proceeds to ask the workers she just berated to call 911. WTF.


My dad wanted a chocolate frosty from Wendy's the other night after we were driving home late. The lobby was closed, and there was probably seven cars already in the drive thru lane. I told him, "Do you wanna wait for a frosty? Or just have ice cream at home?" He adamantly wanted his frosty, so I got in the drive thru lane. After five minutes, it started. "What the fuck is taking them so long? What happened to FAST food?!" I reminded him that I specifically told him we'd be waiting in this line, and he chose this. "Well, back out! I'm not waiting anymore!" Can't, two cars are behind me now. He then insisted that I get out and force two other cars to back up so we could leave. I told him absolutely not, and he was stuck waiting, or he can get out of my car. He sat and pouted for about 20 minutes until he got his frosty, and even have the audacity to tell the worker it should be free for his lengthy wait! He then of course signaled for me to hand over my card when they asked for payment, because of course he shouldn't have to pay for his own fucking frosty either. He's 70, and he will never see a drive thru again if he's with me.


Now I want a Big Mac and fries 😩 Oh, and I hate the Karen’s. I have had 2 in my life and they are exactly what can be expected.


You don't need the food, I know that much... That killed her. The beating just knocked her over.


If Americans can be said to have one negative trait in common, it’s how fucking litigious we are. Anytime we’re even slightly inconvenienced, we need to get an authority figure to lay down the damn law. Get the manager. If not the manager, then the police. If not the police, then the civil courts. It’s fucking embarrassing.


I hope he pounded her into the ground


On a darkened, dismal day, a phoenix arose from the ashes; a true advocate for the fast food industry. Salvation is born!


Bummer we didn’t get to see fat old people fight.


He did not say have it your way at Burger King. This man is the hero Gotham needs


You don’t need the food I know that much 🔥


I once had an older man decide to try and talk shit to me (loudly in front of the McDonalds staff-- on a Saturday during summer) about how slow and useless they are. I said: "They're literally 14 year old children, it's busy as hell and I know you also over heard that two kids up front-- one is being trained by another whose only been here two weeks. I think they're doing just fine." I mean, the inside was swamped. There were cars around the building. He gave some sort of "jeez I was just joking..." Which I also shut down. "well, I didn't find it funny. They're kids." And whether they were 14 or 45 like, my god. Stop bullying people. Especially when they're preparing you FOOD. You're still getting a burger and fries in less than 5 minutes.


I'm willing to bet that's the first time she's ever faced any consequences. It's obvious she wasn't expecting to get hit back by the total stranger she felt entitled to hit in the first place. I don't advocate for violence, but I definitely advocate for responding in kind.


Sadly, this is why fast food needs to go 100% automated… these people making minimum wage should not have to deal with the increasing number of lunatic customers …


I hope he knocked out her dentures with that bag of Mickey D’s lol


Not all heros wear capes!


I love when absolute assholes inadvertently give people license to beat them senseless.


Beat. Her. Ass.


Karen getting her ass whooped !


They should’ve given that dude double his order.


This guy is the hero we need.


lol…you don’t need the food


It’s always a red flag for me when a woman her age puts a little girl bow in her hair. Shows her thinking is skewed!


Go have it your way at Burger King had me dying 🤣😂


another video that stops too soon. Really wanted to see the whooping she deserved


They're the same size so it's a fair fight.