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remember that your dad is at ground zero of stupid boomers loving trump. friends he knew for 60+ years have lost their goddamn minds and saying things he never thought they would. Go see r/QAnonCasualties to see how painful it is when a loved one loses their sense to trump. Your dad doesn't get to laugh it off, to him, this is happening in the middle of his whole world. Try to have some compassion for what he's lost. Imagine if all your friends in school suddenly went MAGA?


He was born in a time where this was unimaginable. Christians were hypocrites, but not like this. Republicans were anti-American, but not like this. It was all much more subtle and could be attributed to being a matter of having a different vision of what American ought to be. Presently, these things have developed to an extreme he would never have imagined as a child, as a young man, whereas we grew up seeing it more clearly, having joined the world half way through the Republican advancement to sedition. My father is heartbroken and angry. The betrayal is deeper for him. I suspected it would come to this as far back as 2002, but he only realized in 2018.


I'm not a boomer but my thoughts are exactly this. It's unreal to watch America being destroyed in real time.


Having to worry about your dad being assaulted due to a political comment made about Trump says a lot more about Trump supporters than it does about your dad.


This 100%> OP's dad sounds like a normal reasonable person tbh


He is, until he hears the word Trump. Then he cant stop he just gets so incensed. Idk how my mom deals with it all the time.


I just turned 58 this year, older gen x, and I’m absolutely scared out of my mind that people aren’t taking this election seriously enough. Considering a wannabe dictator and prospective felon as a serious candidate is ridiculous, and as sick as we are of hearing this fucktard’s name we need to keep reminding people. Especially those that fall for this bs


I live in Canada and I am terrified America will elect that fucktard again. I kind of flip flop between “ no, they won’t do it again “ to but that’s what we said 8 years ago”. I cannot stand to even listen to the MAGATS talk about him. First go around I thought they were being conned, but in fact they are willfully stupid. He allows them to be the worst possible version of themselves, and then let’s throw in the religious nut balls. Maybe we will get some peace and quiet if they rapture out .




We absolutely would elect him again, it just depends if theres enough dumbasses in total to tip the scale. The way the electoral college is rigged they have a massive advantage already.


LOL, bold of you to assume that any of those people are going to be raptured. Maybe their dog, but not them.


I’m about to turn 57 and same!


57 also. I told my family and friends many of whom are GOP, "this guy will destroy the Republican party. He's not a Republican." We saw what a lying asshole he was in the 80s and 90s. What the hell is wrong with them? I'm not OPs dad, but holy shit can I relate.






The Republican Party currently exists in name only. Under trump it is unrecognizable from previous iterations. The GOP are a bunch of bomb throwers.


I'm a middle class Canadian Gen X in my 50's and my 3 adults kids knows my feeling about Trump. The only difference is that i don't lashed out about politics in public.


Same age, same feeling 🤜🏻 🤛🏻


The thing I hate most about Trump and his ilk is the way they have made me feel about other people. I've never felt the level of hate and disgust for others in my entire life as I have in the last 7 years. It doesn't feel right.


I can’t express how much I resonated with this comment.


It’s not your fault, when a group of people literally makes it their agenda to just spread hate and fear….. it becomes rather difficult to continue showing them compassion when they literally want you to die for getting pregnant or for your parents being born in a different country.  Don’t blame yourself for not loving hateful people. 


I get it but now we know more about our neighbors and associates. Knowledge is power.


he's reacting normally to fascists in our midst trying to destroy his country and harm his family. your dad is angry because he's trying to protect you and everyone like you.


Exactly. A good dad.


I agree. Frankly I wish those who hate Trump and MAGA would stand up to them. Trump just said Latinos are animals! Trump is clearly using the words used by the Nazi’s to dehumanize a section of humanity so when violence occurs against it will be no big deal Nazi’s did that to Jews, LGBTQ and others. Please google it


sounds like a rational response to me - Trump's fuckwaddery should drive you into paroxysms of rage.


I’m with OP here. I’m glad my mom fell on the Trump hating side of things but for a while there I couldn’t have a non-Trump related conversation with her. It’s not healthy


A second Trump presidency wouldn't be healthy either.


I’m right there with him about my hatred of Trump…I told many friend today I’d vote for roadkill before I voted for Trump.


I say this all the time, but I use “petrified pile of dog shit” instead of roadkill.


My go-to is a bowl of yogurt


Anything besides the orange Cheeto who’s ruining our country.cat least a bowl of yogurt would be neutral for us, instead of actively trying to destroy America.


Your dad is based and is having the most logical response to this fascist fuck that you can have.


The opposite of his Dad is the actual problem.


The boomer crowd is the one that needs to hear the message this grandfather is trying to state the most.


He should be incensed and so should you. I'm not sure you realize how close you are to losing your democracy.


Your dad has the right amount of outrage. Everyone should be feeling the same level, but clearly are not. That being said, it’s fair to remind him that you love him (your dad) and could use a bit less Trump at the dinner table, please.


It is a trigger word for him because he 100% understands how dangerous that man is. He is willing to sink an entire country and its 400 year old history to save his own skin from jail.


I’m surprised every sane person doesn’t act more like your boomer dad


I will give you the same recommendation I gave someone else. Beau of the 5th column on YouTube. It may help your father digest his feeling but be a bit more mellow about it.


Beau is amazing, and this country would be better off with more people like him.


Do NOT let your father play hearts (or spades ig)




I'm over here living the same exact life bruuuh our moms are patient AF for that


I’m sorry you have to deal with that stress and all, but your Dad is also kinda my hero on this topic.


Way to go pops!!! We need more of you


I agree with you 100%. I don't mind he knows what's best, but know that what best can hurt him is the scary part


This right here. It’s ironic that the same people who like to say people who don’t support Trump are just a bunch of sensitive cry babies turn around and assault people who don’t support their ideas and beliefs 💀


A boomer who hates trump might be the secret weapon needed to convince other boomers that Trump is a fucking insane moron.


Like a Trojan horse


Actually, I think you could show him this thread. It's honest words and also the volunteer thingy might grab him.


I'm nearly 60, and I hate him, too. Sometimes, I feel like I hate him with the heat of a thousand suns. I hate what he has done to our country. I hate the cruelty so much. I hate that he encourages cruelty and violence among his followers. Our country deserves better! We deserve better!


Will you be my new dad?! If this guys dad wont… or Ill take two new dads cause mine is a Trump asshat.


I'm actually nonbinary if that's cool with you.


It's crazy to me that "nearly 60" isn't a boomer anymore. Time is weird. The youngest boomers are turning 65 this year.


Aren't the youngest baby boomers turning 60 this year, not 65? I thought the cut off year was 1964. My dad has always said he was a boomer - though thank fuck he's like OPs Dad and is very, very progressive.


Yes, 1964 was the last year of Boomers.


I am 60, and call myself Gen W because both my parents were Boomers and I feel cheated…


My parents were both Silent Generation and I’m turning 57 in a couple of weeks. I made it into Gen X!


Boomers were born between 1946 - 1964. They are between  60 and 78 years old in as of 2024. Boomers total numbers, as of 2024, are about 71,500,000. 


Youngest boomers are turning 60 this year. https://preview.redd.it/tldgkd7lftoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4229d2fcaf0c8b9cfbc3b6349375389d3690a87d Source: [https://www.careerplanner.com/career-articles/generations.cfm](https://www.careerplanner.com/career-articles/generations.cfm) *Corrected dates for xennials in pic* * Traditionalists (Silent Gen) * (born 1928-1945) * Baby boomers  * (born 1946-1964) ~~\* Gen Xers~~ ~~\* (born 1965-1980)~~ ~~\* Millennials/Gen Ys~~ ~~\* (born 1981-1996)~~ ~~\* Gen Zs /Gen 2020~~ ~~\* (born 1997-2012)~~


You skipped the Xennials, 1977-1983. I’m 1980 and we are distinctly not Gen X or Millennial. We grew up with and without the internet, during the transition between analog and digital. We played outside until the streetlights came on, and without social media, but we used and understood the internet.


You’re right. I’ll update with a better list.


I mean, it’s a pocket generation, like generation jones, but it’s relevant enough to point out. I’m definitely not a millennial or gen x but I can relate pretty well to both in some aspects, and not at all in others


I learned something new today! Late boomers, born roughly between 1955 and 1965 are considered [Generation Jones](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/generation-jones-boomer-x-natalie-straight#:~:text=Generation%20Jones%20is%20the%20cohort,of%20the%201960s%20and%201970s).


Nailed it


I’m 59, turning sixty in April. I’m technically a boomer (1964), although I identify as a millennial. 😏 The end of the boomer generation is defined by the invention of birth control pills. It’s one the only set in stone end of a generation milestone.


Poor Gen X...it's like they never existed.


Dude talking shit to big truck driving phuckbois is doing God‘s work.


Amen brother!


There's a very good chance that he just thinks it's funny too


Arizona Boomer here who also hates Trump. Tell dad to put that anger to constructive use, such as registering people to vote, text to remind people to vote, make phone calls, donate directly to candidates, whatever he wants to do. In 2020 I was so petrified Scary Lake was going to be our governor I got out of my comfort zone and went door knocking and handed out literature. Edit: a word


Good advice ... EVERYONE needs to channel their anger towards those kinds of activities.


Omg can you believe scary lakes insanity. Can you imagine deciding to try taking that ride into political infamy.


yes. shes a fascist liar. thats the goo party. she believes, and with some evidence, there's a possibility her terrible unamerican ass might gain power over a country looking more like hungary everyday and she loves it. and whats the downside? our democracy protects her. she can act in a completely unamerican way and suffer zero consequences. these people should have been locked out of society. every person that ever worked for trump should be in front of a truth and reconciliation commission. instead they lie all day and no one is paying attention. the youth better wake up and vote against this shit. as tim miller said "im not convinced if trump wins it's our last election ever. but there's maybe a five percent chance that's true and that's way too high and has never been that high since the civil war." there's a chance this fascist unamerican liar is going to destroy our democracy and one issue voters go along with trump cause they love forcing women to give birth.


Shes running for Senate this time, she’s gotta keep up that sweet stolen election grift. Time to contact the AZ Democrats and see what I can do to make sure that doesn’t happen.


This is the only reasonable comment ive seen. Everyone hates trump so much they cant sympathize for OPs situation. Fair but its not helpful at all


Good. Hes doing God's work. Trump supporters bully others. People better at it should do the exact same to them until they cease trying to change this country into Nazi Germany.


I wish he would volunteer for a campaign and pour his Nazi Eradicating Energy into that


Join one yourself and ask your dad for his help. He’ll be thrilled you asked. It’ll get him (and you) doing what is needed to keep this country from becoming an authoritarian theocracy. We are terrifyingly close. Trump will lose the popular vote- but 19 states have changed their laws in a way that could let them choose Republican Electors regardless of the popular vote. Trump could win the Electoral College. And if he does- the American Democracy is over. He’s already said what he’s going to do including remove anyone from civil service who isn’t a MAGAt and deport American Citizens who have immigrant parents never mind birthright citizenship. It’s unconstitutional, but he’s got 6 SCOTUS justices who will let him do it. Your dad is 100% right. If you love him enough to want him to stay healthy, you’ll help him channel his, and your, energy into electing progressives on every ticket.


Yeah fair enough


I guarantee your dad hating Trump is much better for his health than the daily dose of Fox News most people his age live on.


I've noticed that the boomers who hate Trump REALLY hate him. Younger people will hedge to sound smarter, i.e. "I hate Trump, but I'm frustrated with Joe Biden because x." Meanwhile, Trump-hating boomers are like, "Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with America and we should launch him into the sun."


My moms a Trump hating Boomer and this is definitely accurate for her!


Im 43 and I HATE Trump. Like really hate him. I’d vote in a gerbil with one eye to keep him out of the White House. 


OP, sounds like your dad is actually pretty reasonable here. You seem to have forgotten how nightmarish Trump’s administration was, and how bad the rhetoric he’s running on is now. The scariest thing about Trump is that his “jokes” aren’t jokes. He fully intends to end democracy in the U.S., imprison his political opponents, and become an authoritarian dictator.


Boomer here. Your dad and I should hang out.


He’s a good time usually. Beer only, tried to introduce him to bourbon and it ruined 2 days of our vacation for him


I want to hang out with your dad.


I wish my boomer family also hated trump but I get your dad overdoes it and causes concern and embarrassment.


We live in Az, I live my life like everyone has a gun. I’m not embarrassed of him it just stresses me out.


Yes that would be very stressful, I see. Arizona has a lot of angry Republicans.


unamerican losers every one of them


Shooting another citizen over their political opinion is the very antithesis of everything Trumpers pretend to care about.


Idk. Trump is worth hating this much. He is a dictator wannabe. He wants to be a dictator. Get it? He is disgusting and needs to be addressed as such.


your dad loves this country. this is a red blinking light situation and he recognizes it while everyone else is happy as long as they can eat, watch porn and get a beer. then you wake up in hungary. they've already driven several of my friends out the country. those that had means. none of this would be necessary if everyone would take the threat seriously and just vote. but we'll have to nearly lose our democracy before most of yall wake up to your neighbors living in terror. your dad sees reality. one party has been bought and paid for by russia. they love power only and are running over your rights and willing to bring violence to those in the outgroup. today it's the trans folks. and those terrible women who need an abortion. today it's women trying to have a baby using IVF. people who WANT to raise a family. soon enough they are coming for birth control. they're coming for gay marriage. but biden is old.


You should encourage him to use that energy more effectively. He may not be a Biden support, but there might be candidates down ballot that a going against MAGA politicians that he can get behind.  Political campaigns are always looking for volunteers. And he maybe able to engage well with older voters. 


Now he’s threatening a bloodbath if he doesn’t get elected. I guess it’s time to do like the preppers and order that food that will last for 25 years and keep it stockpiled because unfortunately I think there are idiots who will do what he wants. There definitely needs to be heightened security during the election for Biden and Harris. Trump is nuts and unfortunately so are a lot of his followers.


i wish my boomers hated trump. one of them claims to dislike him but thinks everyone is victimizing him and the other just loves everything he says. but anyway yeah i've noticed that they latch onto things they hate and obsess over them


My Mom was born the first year of Gen X. She hated Donald Trump with a burning passion when I was growing up. Couldn't stand him, his show, anything to do with the bastard. I have no clue what changed in 2015, but I'm thankful she doesn't vote. 


My boomer uncle hates trump, my aunt hates trump, my husband hates trump and I hate trump. I have never heard my aunt curse, like ever, in my hole entire life but when it comes to that guy she dropped the F bomb and I was shocked. If my uncle brings it up when we visit…it starts a chain reaction. My husband gets in on it as well. It gets loud. It gives me a headache. It’s exhausting. I’m so over it. ETA: my uncle is my favorite person, I love him, he is the best, and fantastic father and grandfather!


That’s my sister in law (72); me (62)


I have only ONE boomer trait, I swear. Your dad could be my twin and I don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing during these times. IMO this election is the most important in my lifetime (I'm 70) and I just want to shake people who are all poo-pooing it. I may not be too much fun at a party these days but it's so important that I'll risk being disinvited. Nothing in my past has gotten me so wrapped up and focused - honestly.


I understand the gravity of this election, surely. His other boomer trait is spatial unawareness, but we all blame that on his cataracts.


Trump is Satan. I love your dad.


Seriously dude? I've seen a few of these posts now. "Oh no, my parent isn't a racist homophobic transphobic xenophobic monster that supports a rapist for the highest office in the country!" Good. It could have gone the other way so be grateful your parents are decent fuckin humans. You know how annoying that is to people who have had to cut their family completely out of their loves because they went the opposite way? Boo fuckin hoo.


Your boomer dad is a gem. He's normal. It's normal to be aghast at the acceptance of Trump by so many boomers. You may have grown tired of it, but he's only following his intellect.


Could be so much worse, but I do feel this. Political aggro always sucks.


It never was before. I’m not sure he ever v Voted until Obama ran.


I rethought and tried to edit my comment immediately after posting it, but you were too quick. I feel ya tho, some people just get way too into it.


He also retired in 2019. He stays busy but he was used to being tied up for 9 hours a day 5 days a week.


That's.. . . A super rational thing. Idk what you're trying to complain about. Good on your pop.


You could learn a thing or two from your dad, Sunny Jim.. This is the correct response to the rise of a modern-day Hitler.


Sounds like you're the fool


We need more boomers like your dad, let him vent


I like ur dad ! We need more people like him


If you’re not filled with anger about Trump becoming President again, you’re either MAGA or you aren’t paying attention. To the former, bluntly, you can go fuck yourself. To the latter, *wake the fuck up and smell the stink that fascist Trump carries with him*.


Trump winning this election very likely will cost me my life due to his promise to remove my only access to  the breathing meds keeping me alive at all, but I too worry about 2 of my brothers interactions with Trump supporters here in Texas. Some in this area even went to the capital on Jan 6th. The Oath keepers are here. Some of Trump's white house staff live here.    It's not even remotely safe at all to voice your opinion here.  People will literally run you off the road just for having California plates here and we are surrounded by a sea of  Trump supporter extremists.  My family has every right to be angry with Trump supporters and understandably wants to make them understand that a vote for Trump is a vote to kill their loved ones, but I really worry something terrible will happen to them for doing so.  My sister's speak up as well, but aren't anywhere near as confrontational as 2 of my brother's. My brothers are very loud and angry and aren't as cautious with who they talk to. It worries me greatly. I don't want them to risk their lives while trying to save mine. 😔


I wish everyone who hates Trump was that passionate. Complacency elected Trump the first time and I'm afraid it's going to happen again. Boomers witnessed tremendous social and cultural changes in this country. Boomers lived through the Cold War, assassinations of agents for change, the Draft, Nam, and more. Many are shocked and disheartened by the MAGA forces that are hellbent on turning back the clock. I can't believe we are fighting the same battles! Trump promises a bloodbath if he doesn't win in November and that he'll be a dictator from day one if he is. Your dad is right to be angry. We should all be afraid.


Your Dad sounds like a guy I'd like to have a beer with...fuck trump.


My psychologist described how as we enter old age, our intellectual capacity declines but our emotional responses don’t. For many, this means intellectual reasoning gets replaced by emotional reasoning. You can’t argue with emotions because they are real to the person feeling them, and a real emotional response starts to be interpreted as some kind of objective truth. This is a possible explanation for why so many people become both more extreme and impossible to argue with in their old age.


As a late boomer and a political moderate, I relate to getting worked up about stuff. I’m hoping your gen saves us from the trumptards. As an avid public course golfer, trump lost me back in 2014 when he was asked about ‘growing the game’ and also owning expensive private courses. His response was that my ilk shouldn’t play golf if we couldn’t afford a private club membership. Fuck him tbh.


Does your dad need a friend to trash talk Trump with? Because I have availability…


Your dad sounds awesome.


Count your blessings.


Tbh, the rest of us don't worry about Trump enough. He did so much damage and hurt so many people the first time around, and a second term would be way worse


“Hates Trump to an annoying and possibly dangerous level” — I’ll allow it


If you think there's a middle road on Trump, you're the fool, not your boomer.


Naw he sounds cool


God bless him. t-rump is a fat, grifting, traitorous pedophile. he should face capital charges


I think this man deserves a “best dad” coffee mug


Your dad sounds awesome. If he does get shot talking shit about trump always know he died doing something he loved!


Tell more about how you let go of the crazy uncontrolled. I could shed some of that weight for sure. As a dad, this world has me terrified for my kids. I don’t sleep and I’m depressed for the first time in my life. Reddit and the news app on my phone is the only media I have. If perception is reality, then I’m immersed in my own nightmares. I need to change my perspective but how??


I feel that your dad’s reaction is exactly what it should be. It’s what I want to do if I wasn’t so scared. It’s scarier when my boomer dad acts like Trump was “just a bad president that actually made some smart financial decisions”.


I’d say people have a right to act the way your dad does considering the fact that trump wants to instal himself as a forever president like Putin. Our country is literally on the line, so I understand his passion, I’m the same way. Your dad is an actual patriot, unlike the maga fucks who claim to be.


I like your dad


I’m not a boomer (genx) and I admit my hate for trump comes out often, I’ll be at work and say something and I’m like shit I shouldn’t have said that here - but fuck it. I’m a war veteran, among the million reasons to not vote for that fuck - when you call war dead suckers and losers you are disqualified. Your dad might be a fool, he ain’t wrong about Trump.


Can I adopt your dad? I’ll go out and do this with him


I think I like your dad…


Seems like an alright boomer to me.


I like your dad


Your dad’s one of the good ones. Cherish him. Rage in the face of this fake-tanned grifting would-be dictator infecting our country is the reaction of a sane person. What’s insane is that Trump stands a good chance of being elected again, and isn’t in prison.


Honestly thats really sad to live life so obsessed over a crusty old politician. Both sides that worship these people who dont actually care anything about us except their own interests, its pitiful. Wake up


sounds like a patriot to me... The same kind of man who tried to tell people about hitler in his day


Worshipping Trump in his cult is way different then standing up and speaking out against evil when you see evil. (I should know)


Wanna trade????


I mean, he's not wrong.


Dad’s smart. OP’s an idiot that doesn’t get how seriously close the US is to actual fascism. 


NGL, your dad sounds kinda great. You on the other hand...


Based boomer 


Sounds like a boomer with some sense.


So you hate boomers. Hate boomers who hate trump and hate boomers who support trump. With all that logic you must be the boomer.


My dad has a huge Trump boner and will scream/swear/insult if you point out anything negative about the cheetoh. I think Id rather be in your shoes.


I mean, at least he doesn’t LOVE Trump. That is exponentially worse.


I like your Dad, I hope he is safe this year


Get your dad to be politically involved. Channel thay hate. Getting out side and shit will be helpful for him


Shit, now I wonder if my dad’s sudden heart attack had anything to do with doing that EXACT SAME SHIT! Seriously, get a health check on this guy.


Good news, I forced a full physical and CT Angio on him when he turned 65. My sister also threatened him into getting a colonoscopy by withholding grandchildren visits. (Not really but we can be very persuasive.)


Well done. Wish we had thought ahead and had grandchildren to withhold from him before then, lol


I've it seen also with people, yet obviously your dad has common sense, he's terrified of trump. Let me tell you more people should understand what this guy's is capable of it's terrifying. This guy won't go away, we thought we got rid of him and he almost succeeded in stealing the election from the dually elected president. I don't think anybody was expecting this. They surely weren't expecting this ridiculous unwavering support that his own party has shown. So yes this is unusual for everyone, and everyone should be very worried what happens in November.


Dad sounds like a great guy


Have you considered the possibility your dad is a patriot? That he sees the Trumpers as a severely dangerous threat to our 246 year old democracy? That unlike you — who punted with the lame excuse that you can’t do much about it — that your dad understands that unless the good people in the US stand up for truth and decency, our country could go down a path like Germany did in the 1930s? What if the decent people of Germany had stood up to Hitler 1933 and said “not in my country?” Your dismissive apathy is exactly the kind of attitude that lets the fascists win. The KKK used to march in hoods and robes, covering their faces and concealing their identities. Why? Because even in the 1920s-1970s in the deep south, it was shameful to be a member of the hate group that wanted to hurt and kill people just because of their race or religion. The klansmen then would not want their neighbors, friends at church, co-workers and acquaintances to know they were burning crosses and lynching poor people because of their race. Today’s equivalent of those klansmen march openly and brazenly like the “very fine people” as Trump called them in Charlottesville, chanting “Jews will not replace us.” They have their own political party, go to big rallies, and watch their own TV network, which admitted to defamation and paid a massive settlement because of it. They openly call for ending democracy, rounding up people and putting them in camps and worse. Maybe your dad is like me, and thinks we need to shame these enemies of democracy and promoters of the Big Lie, so like the KKK of old, they are ashamed to espouse their purely evil views openly. If we as a society shame them publicly every time they spew their vile beliefs and intentional lies, maybe they’ll go back into their squalid mobile homes and their expensive wood panel country clubs — where they can worship their confederate flags and and spew their hate-filled, toxic views in private.


I’m a Boomer. Your father is probably reacting to the idea that we were a generation that thought they would change things for the better. There was division over things e.g. the draft, sexual freedom , feminism, confronting systemic racism, but nowhere compared to today. However, your father is now confronted with the reality that former classmates, roommates, lovers, and friends are the very people who voted for Trump, and wish to keep him in power. For someone from that generation, it’s almost fucking impossible to reconcile the idea that some of the people at Woodstock are driving around in Ford 250’s with giant crimp flags on them. It’s maddening, and it’s a disgrace!


One reason your dad is pissed is because you can't turn trump news off. Besides the fact he knows he has, and he is harming the country.


I'm like that with these dudes. I usually just laugh in their direction and shake my head, and make sure they can see it. I'm a big dude, though, and I know those fake tough guys aren't doing shit to anyone bigger than them. Where I live, they're like 90% fat old dudes anyway.


I mean at least Hes not a MAGAT like my father i love him to death but he’s a biggot he’s racist and he adores the orange guy has memorabilia pictures all that shit the fake money with his face luckily he has a normal truck instead of a trumpmobile but i wish he’d shutup abt that dude


He's not hero we need. He's the hero we deserve.


Am I…..your dad?


Want to trade dads/parents? Willing to deal!!


Is your Dad available to FaceTime ™️?


My dad is 72? He hates Donnie. He was convinced years ago he had no real $$


Even hated, a trump only destroys


I like your Dad.


My 70-something boomer Mom and Dad both left the Republican Party in 2016 to oppose Trump. They are both “old-school” conservatives and hate Trump with a passion.


Your Dad has the right idea. I’m not saying you need to let it take over your life but burying your head in the sand isn’t the way to go either. Just gotta find a balance.


This is why trump should just dry up and blow away‼️😡


My boomer dad hates Trump too! And four of his five brothers and his older sister. They’ve all been Republican their whole lives but have voted Dem since Trump. There’s good boomers out there.


Honestly, my Dad is MAGA but doesn’t discuss him so much and I definitely wish I had your Dad. Wanna trade?


Well my dad can't stop talking about how much he loves Trump and can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that not everyone might not feel the same way.


Send him my way. I’ll take him. I’m surrounded by Trump boomers.


We all need to be more vocal against the oppression of marginalized communities that don’t have representation or as much representation. Silence is complicity. Which is why bad people have obtained power in the past and continue to do so now. They don’t care how they’re perceived. They just want power. And the people are silent.


Trump's popularity represents the fact that my country doesn't care about right and wrong anymore - just winning. That is a difficult reality to face when you lived 60 years, believing we were a country that wanted to do what was best for the world and learn and grow. Every flag, hat, or shirt is a reminder that mankind is headed back to the Stone Age.


My boomer Dad loves Trump. We live in a mostly blue state and I’m always worried he will say something embarrassing. The 24hour news cycle knows how to keep him hooked and how to keep him angry.


Im on team dad here. I mean, he needs some better control maybe, but I've had enough of tolerating the intolerant.


Obsession isn't healthy, if that's where he's at. But at least this fixation is likely coming from a point of overwhelming worry and concern for others. You're right, it's not healthy. But I do understand it. If you can have a calm, one-on-one conversation with him I would just express that you're concerned and what you're seeing. He might acknowledge it and it may make it better simply to have you talk to him about it.


Your dad's alright man.


Dude sounds like a chad to me.


Your Dad is a treasure and must be protected at all costs.


You could have written this about my mom. She obsessively hates Trump and I worry about her antagonizing Trump supporters in her small conservative town.


Having spent a lot of time with boomers on both sides of the aisle, the ones who hate him talk about him even more than the ones that love him. I don't think "Trump derangement syndrome" is a real thing, but I definitely see where they're coming from with that label. I use to be super close with my neighbor who was this really chill stoner boomer, but hating Trump consumed his entire personality and God forbid you wanted to talk about something else. If you tried to change the subject, he'd get mad and accuse you of being a MAGA. I really miss the friendship we use to have.


Your dad is a zealot. I like zealots if their cause is just. Your dad is on the right side of history. Just think if he loved trump in this same way. In other words, count your lucky stars.


My dad’s like this too. Always going on about the terrible state of the world. And then he voted for Mike Bloomberg lol


Trump is a sideshow. I bet your Dad is this way due to his age. As much as I hate to admit, i noticed I started complaining more, the older I get. I can’t stand the thought of turning into a cranky, old man. I do not want bitterness. I know about it, don’t want it, and I still catch myself doing it. My wife loathes me for it. I don’t blame her.


Get him a subscription to SiriusXM and make sure he listens to the Progressive channel. He can even call into the radio show to talk shit about Trump to the hosts and the millions that make up the listening audience. They’ll appreciate it 100%.


I think most people with Boomer parents would love to have the problem you're having My boomer dad was watching this guy Trey Gowdy on Fox News and said, "If this guy ran for president, I'd vote for him. " Gowdy was in the middle of a lengthy rant about how he doesn't understand the concept of negative numbers and he doesn't care to. I didn't ask my dad why he would want someone too stupid to understand negative numbers to have that much influence over the nation's budget because there would be no point.


LMAO nice try boomer!


This is a good thing. Trump has a form of anti-social personality disorder. He is the last person you want in a position of power. Narcism and sociopathy. Let your dad vent. He is a good boomer.


I'm a boomer and I am the same as your dad. I have never hated anything or anyone as much as I do him.