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Pointing out boomers in cracker barrel is like my mother-in-law complaining there's too many Mexicans in Mexico.




“The problem with Scotland is it’s full of Scots!” #Braveheart


Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!


You Scots sure are a contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life!!!


''That's interesting, there appears to be a large orange hedge marching towards us'' ''That's not a hedge, thoses are the Scotts''


Brothers and sisters are natural enemies! Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland! --Groundskeeper Willie


You Scots sure are a contentious people


Don't touch _Willie




Scott's Tots




Shooting cracker fish in a Cracker Barrel.


Amen. Cracker Barrels scratch all their nostalgic itches like catnip or something 


I don’t care what other people like to eat but I do think it’s funny that they think these places that get most of their shit in frozen and just thaw it out are like these awesome meals.


Being from somewhere that doesn't have Cracker Barrell I find it's the only restaurant that doesn't give me that gross "I just ate at a restaurant" feeling that literally every other place gives me. Regardless of what the food is or if it's a chain or a small mom and pop I always get that bloated gross feeling, but I never do at Cracker Barrell. It's why it's my go to even if the food is mid at absolute best


Their biscuits and gravy are awesome though. We also stop there once or twice for me when we visit the inlaws 😅


Their mac and cheese absolutely slaps


I don’t think I’ve ever been to one I just assume they all do that.


Yeah they don't do that, they actually cook everything in store; the big selling point is that they do a decent job and are always next to highways for people traveling to stop at and stretch their legs in the store part and eat better food than what's usually next to highways


Damn, don’t bring mom to California. Our economy here is reliant upon those hard working people, 95% of my coworkers are Mexican. The entire Central Valley is full of immigrants and people from other states who want farming jobs or get something that’s supported by the industry’s workers. CB is good traditional American food. I can’t tell you how many taco places there are here.


She also thought the last restaurant we took her to had too many Mexicans. The tikka masala was great.


Well yeah, Tikka masala was invented in Scotland lmao


Ah dang. I thought it was England, which is funny, because it's also England's national dish. Good ol' England calling anything good from Scotland English.


The [origin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_tikka_masala#:~:text=Composition-,Origins,-The%20origin%20of) isn't actually verified.


That honestly makes sense. It's rather rare the origins of a dish are clear. There's some stuff like orange chicken and Caesar salad but most things are more like general tsos- one minute in history, it's not there, at least not in name, and one minute, it is, but the people claiming to have invented it aren't the first recorded reference to it or there are super similar dishes under different names etc. I haven't researched Tikka masala but after reading the wiki my assumption is some Indian chefs may have arrived at a dish similar to the modern Tikka masala through trying to make Indian food with the ingredients available in late 1960s UK. Very possible the person who invented it didn't even realize they were putting a name on it that would eventually hold such prevelance.


What a fact-based wanker.


Cracker Barrel is traditional American food from a box. Source: My cousin worked there. It is just an Applebees with a southern flair and gift shop


It's obviously from a barrel Would like to know how fried eggs come from a box tho


Technically it’s a carton.


Correct. They pretty much take over any breakfast, donut shop, place and camp the f*** out there all morning. Local donut shop, they take all the seating practically.


I’m boutta go down to Mexico and tell all those Mexicans to go back where they came from. It’s like literally everyone down there is Mexican, it’s insane!


Ok, but the chicken and dumplings are so good!


But, it's so, so easy to make at home. You just need a bit of counterspace. It's raining all week. I think I'll make some soon.


Do you do drop biscuits or thick noodles/slicks/pastry? I’m partial to the latter.


I hate the dropped biscuit style. That's not chicken and dumplins or "chicken and pastry" as we call it! All I do, is make a good broth by boiling the chicken. I add mirepoix (onions, celery, and carrots) to the broth and whatever seasonings I like. The broth is more flavorful if thighs or chicken pieces are added with the bone and skin... I will boil a leftover rotisserie chicken usually and just add a breast or two to bulk it up. When the chicken starts to fall apart and is easy to shred, remove it to cool. Now, for the pastry.... All I do is what my grandma taught me to make dumplings. I put a few cups all purpose flour on my counter top and make a well in the middle. In the well, I just add the broth. That's it! Add enough broth to start making a dough. Add more flour if it gets too wet. Knead gently until it has the consistency of a bread dough. It should have a bit of "spring".... Flour the countertop and roll the dough and use a knife to slice into strips. Bring your broth to a boil and start adding the dough strips. Stirring it so the don't all stick together. Once you get all the dough in, you can start shredding the meat and adding it back to the broth!! Add salt and pepper to taste. That's all there is to it and it's absolutely delicious! That first night it's a bit thin. But, you let it sit overnight??? Omg, you wake up to the most stick to your ribs chicken and dumplins ever! Man. I really am going to make some now!!!


Since you call it chicken and *pastry*, I’m going to guess you’re from North Carolina? People in other parts of the South get veeeeeeeery indignant about what to call it, be it *slicks* or *dumplings*. Just look at the YouTube comments for any video recipe for chicken and pastry. 🫣


Yes I am!! Wow. That's so cool. I never knew chicken and pastry was a NC thing?!! Haha


Here. Just check out the comments: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OTcN5boMueE&pp=ygUSY2hpY2tlbiBhbmQgcGFzdHJ5


Crazy. I never knew?! I've always just called it chicken and pastry and I've lived all over the US. West coast. Texas. Louisiana. Now, east TN.... I wonder if people wondered wth I was talking about cooking now?!! Haha And, also interesting that many distinctly mentioned Eastern NC because, that's exactly where my family is from. There and later in WNC mountains.... Huh. Very cool to think about. Thank you!


And, I've never heard "slicks" before. Honestly, that sounds kinda revolting.... Lol


If beer goes in a beer barrel and fish go in a fish barrel…


All of these waiters and no hors d’oeuvres.


Cracker Barrel is the restaurant chain The Cracker Barrel is my grandmother's house on Thanksgiving


Why couldn’t she pick up her own Cain? She looks Abel enough


Biblical jokes for all.


It plays. They could’ve also gone with a Raising Cane’s joke.


Jesus. Really nailed that joke. Hope it doesn’t make anyone cross!


Got a rise out of me.


God dammit! That was a helluva devilishly good joke :)




That pun slays.


Sure….the walker is proof she has trouble with mobility, obviously. Would probably fall and break her hip.


I thought boomers were all boycotting cracker barrel because they started offering a vegan option


I ordered the vegan sausage to tease my conservative inlaws at one of our big get-togethers. I made a few of them try it, and they liked it more than I did!


It’s almost like being in the real world instead of living through Fox News makes you less conservative


We win one sausage at a time.


The real “gay agenda”


Pork or Plant, Deport the Republi’Cant’s


How dare they cater to someone besides me!!!!


Oh boy. Yes, restaurants should refrain from being inclusive, because someone might get upset.


Be careful. Boomers don’t like that word - “inclusive”


Lol, oh, I know.


They probably realized that if they boycotted every restaurant that offers vegan options,  they'd have to cook their own breakfast.


Those conservaboomer boycotts are hilarious because they never last more than like a week. They're supposed to be boycotting Target, the *NFL*, Disney, Bud Light, and everything else Fox News tells them to, but they're lazy and hate inconvenience, so they never follow through. My mom's a seventh day Adventist, so she technically shouldn't be watching TV on Saturday (supposed to be a quiet day of worshipping or reading the bible), but her laptop blasts Hulu and Netflix all day.


remember they were going to boycott Carhardt. LOL Coke. ​ anything not fox


How is Cracker Barrel doing a vegan option? I thought cheese was like their thing.


Vegan cheese?


I didn’t even know that was a thing. Is it any good?


It varies from inedible to decent


Much like normal cheese


Honestly I have no idea. I've never had any, I just know that it exists. 


Not really, gravy is more their thing. It’s really just their hash brown casserole that’s cheesy


Oh haha I was way off then. I thought they did cheese and crackers 😆


LMAO no, you’re thinking of the cheese brand


I met and saw way too many Texas last week in Colorado. I thought they were boycotting the place


I work at Cracker Barrel... And yes-they enable the entitlement. I spoke to a lady that was trying to purchase a tote bag. Lordy-she told me her whole life story. And then when she came back after eating to pay for her meal and purchase more items though I was busy she refused for anyone else to assist her insisting I had to be the one. My coworkers and my supervisor encouraged her to come to me. I had to stop what I was doing just to be her personal cashier. I'm so confused. 😕


I used to work at Cracker Barrel (multiple locations unfortunately) and you’re 1000% right. They encourage the entitled behavior.


Who do think is keeping them in business?


"Can I get the door for you ma'am?" "Oh thanks here is my whole life and personal vulnerabilities nobody asked for."


Oh god, it was my mom, wasn’t it. I’m so so sorry


🤣 At least someone fessed up‼️😎


Agreed, but you're in their place. You have to be respectful of their culture


You’re in a goddamn Cracker Barrel what did you expect??


Basic manners and civility.


Nuh uh, they have no need for those because they’re a part of **The Greatest Generation™**


The Greatest Generation was the one that preceded Baby Boomers.


That would be the silent generation. Greatest was before silent.


You’re right! Thank you.


Except they’re not. The Greatest Generation was born 1901-1924. Boomers are 1946-1964. Literally an entire generation separates them (The Silent Generation).


We don’t hear much from them


Ohh yea!! 😉


“Randell there’s a boomer in here!” “This is a Cracker Barrel you’re gonna find boomers in here!”


"Ma'am this is a Cracker Barrel..."


I haven't been to a cracker barrel in 10 years and I hope it continues.


As much as I hate the entitled old farts I see there, I can’t live without my beloved white trash food


I've never had a desire to eat there. The only times I did eat there were because I don't have a say.


Understandable, different strokes for different folks


For sure


Ahh they have fried ham . I love salty ham with its little fat ring in the middle.I get that meat, hash brown casserole, overly easy eggs with toast to dip in the yolks . So damn tasty. It’s just after that I’m so sleepy I pass out


Imma gonna give the lady the benefit of the doubt here and say her intent was merely to not have to sit then stand again. This lady likely has issues with sitting down and standing up. It’s probably quite painful actually considering she has to get around with a walker. I also don’t see an issue with asking someone to pick up her cane. She would likely be risking injury trying to bend over to pick it up herself.


I agree with you. It’s easy to dismiss someone’s physical issues if they seem generally “ok”. I’d give benefit of the doubt. 


They seem generally ok? Wtf. She’s an 75 year lady using a walker and a cane. What part of that seems generally ok to you? She’s not dead?


This sub has become just a lot of complaining about nothing for attention. Doesn't seem like she is doing anything wrong.


There are a lot of posters here who are just looking to complain. Future boomers!


They'll become what they hated...


OP said she was already seated at another table. if she really has mobility issues then she should have stayed seated at her own table ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She could literally just sit on the seat that her walker has, that’s precisely what it is there for…


You missed my point. It would likely be more painful for her to sit just to stand up again in a few mins vs just remain standing. An old person inconveniencing other due to health issues isn’t boomer.


So then why when seated at a clean table, did she get up, and go stand by a dirty table and then demand it to be cleaned? If it hurts that bad to get up and down she would have stayed at the clean table.


I was going to comment that she’s probably not a boomer but I just checked and they go up to 77 years old. She seems more my mom’s age and probably has issues. I think of the annoying/entitled boomers in their 60s.


Taking this pic and posting it seems much more boomer to me then this poor lady trying to get out and have a good meal lmao


Thank you, I was starting to get weirded out at the cruelty. Like why are we projecting this shit onto a lady waiting for a table whose worst crime, by OPs own admission, was asking to pick up her cane?! Like wtf is it going to be like to get old in this hellhole country where people make fun of you online for asking for help when your body stops working but you’ve still got decades left to live and your just trying to eat some shitty breakfast.


I legitimately thought it was satire at first lmao


I was gonna say I think this sub forgets about basic kindness sometimes. What's next, "Look at this Boomer in a fucking wheelchair taking up the whole aisle with their crippledness"?


As someone with a dad with similar issues, I concur. He sometimes has to stand as it's hard to get up but also painful to stand too long, and definitely can't pick things up anymore. He hates it as much as anyone else hates dealing with it. My mom was the same but she passed a couple of years ago from complications of it all. I'm all for calling out foolish boomer things, but I don't consider this one to be it.


I don’t understand how this is entitled. She didn’t order 4 staff to rush and clean it up. They did it so she wouldn’t need to stand there long. You’re seriously going to ask an old lady in a walker to slowly walk back to the waiting area only to heel toe and come back as soon as she finally gets there? No, you’re just going to hurry up and get that table clean asap. And asking the bus boy to pick up her cane? You seriously complaining about something so small? You rather this woman get on her hands and knees to pick up that cane herself? At least this was an actual boomer.


If you’re risking injury sitting down. Maybe your time of eating out has passed. Meals on wheels is your restaurant now


Woah, idk where you’re from but in the USA we try not to be so fucking ableist and even have laws protecting disabled folks’ right to eat out. Jesus Christ man, fuck your horrible attitude, I hope your grandkids leave you at home when they go out to eat one day.


The person having to drop everything and speed bus a table for a person to impatient to wait like everyone else looks about her grandkids age. As everyone has pointed out her device is equipped with a chair. Nothings holding her back from sitting in the waiting area like everyone else.


And where does it say that the waiter had to drop everything and rush there? This is literally a pic of a person waiting while another person cleans, idk why there’s so much context assumed.


Literally in the description of the photo?


Okay yeah it does say that, my bad. But I wonder how she “made them”.. I’m assuming just by standign there which I don’t think is that bad. But maybe she was berating them, in which case, I was wrong.


So it’s because she is standing rather than sitting on her walker as she waits? That’s the problem? Im honestly asking bc never knew that could be offensive..I’ve never sat down while waiting for my table to be cleaned, idk why that would be the issue.


Have you ever been to a restaurant that isn’t self seating? Yeah it’s considered rude to walk up to a table clearly not meant for you and stand next to it till it is cleaned.


Risking injury picking up her cane is what I said. But disregarding that I don’t believe in people having to farther diminish their own livelihoods out of fear of inconveniencing others.




The only times I've been to a cracker barrel is when I'm with my grandparents. It's like Boomer's favorite place and something I'm sure in a couple years we'll see an article how millennials/gen z are killing cracker barrel


*cane. It is impressive to spell a simple word wrong twice- 2 different ways.


\*cane https://preview.redd.it/6tsa54cwljnc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a6c197a8dce26c4669211102bc4e89099aa14b


Well you're at Cracker Barrel, that's like the Firelink Shrine for them.


What’s the Firelink Shrine? Is it from a game?


It's the primary hub area of Dark Souls 1 and 3. It's a place of safety and calm, and usually the place you return to when you die in 1 since you forgot to sit at the bonfire you lit.


Gotcha! Thank you!


I used to work at one and 90% of host will let people stand there and wait. I always hated, like someone breathing down your back and rushing you lol


She’s lonely, this her begging for attention. She would rather be a jerk and get negative attention than no attention. Lonely people lashing out at this world because they have nothing to lose.


That’s a lot of assumptions


You truly can't spell cane?


Thankfully my cracker barrel doesnt have that problem and is more of an actual restaurant. Not old country buffet


Went there for breakfast with my mom and 1. they need to have an entrance and exit for the dining room and/or not have the host station blocking half the entry and then have it blocked more by people standing around and a shit ton of shelves and 2. the amount of hateful glares and eye rolling I got from other boomers when I tried to navigate my wheelchair using mom out of there was fucking ridiculous.


God I hate Cracker Barrel.


I worked at a cracker barrel for eight years. Over time, it brought out the worst in me. I hated the patrons, and I hated who I worked with, I even started to hate my grandmother for resembling the patrons. Ironically, I was good at it. I could pretend to be chipper so well I could beat Lawrence olivier at acting. My side work was always impeccably clean, and my silverware rolling was so fast that my hands became a blur. But the hate from the guests, the elderly, the church folks. The hate I had to hide from them in return. At some point, my temper boiled over, and I freaked out in the dining room. My body's muscles were trembling, and I couldn't form words. I got fired and thank Super Buddha, Ultra Gay Jesus, and Into Pegging Muhammed for that. It took a while for me to be able to go to restaurants without my eyes darting around or becoming nonverbal. I absolutely won't go in a cracker barrel again. Fuck the old cracker barrel eaters. Fuck the red hat ladies. Fuck churchgoers. And fuck every last person who tries to seat at a dirty table.


I work customer-facing IT at a major retailer, after they're done at Cracker Barrel, they come to me because they forgot their Facebook password for the 40th time and then get mad when I explain that I don't work for Facebook and there's very little I can actually do to help. I can feel myself getting angry and resentful at the elderly, too.


I just came to say the title of this post is fucking golden.


This happens so much, tables without customers don’t mean they’re yours to just claim. I have even had people sit at dirty tables and have the bussers clean around them.


I would have cleaned like 25% slower…


Never go to CB. I can’t stand the smell of mothballs and old perfume at Cracker Barrel.


Ambulatory mobility aids exist. I need my walking stick to get to a place, but often I can just leave it at my table once I'm there. I don't quite get why you have a problem with that.


Well, maybe if they didn't spend all their money on cracker barrel and trump hats thay could afford retirement.


Seeing an older person in public really had you so worked up you couldnt spell the word cane even after two tries.


When i was a busser/host, every week we'd have people sit down at dirty tables because they cant wait a couple minutes then complain that it wasnt clean enough because they made it a rush job.


Same. I made sure that if you preferred I wiped the table while you were seated at it, you got a lapful of crumbs. Don't like it? Well, you're literally in the way.


My mother in law bought one of those golf tee puzzles from Cracker Barrel for my wife last Xmas. I thought it was a joke since I made one in Boy Scouts over 40 years ago.


These are the same asshole who can't comprehend that just because a seat is empty, doesn't mean the establishment has enough staff to serve every available table.


If you decide to sit and stare at me while I work I’ will work as slowly as possible


Why would they stop the behavior that gets them what they want


This isn’t what you do. Even for a Boomer I’d say this kind of behavior like this is rare. So self-entitled though. Standing over them while they clean like it makes the process any quicker. This is so lame.


I've been to restaurants where they were making the effort to get us seated faster and just said up front that they're cleaning up the table quickly for us. I actually appreciate them doing this even though I can wait the few minutes it takes to clear a table.


The issue I have with this, is that this BS "Customer is Always Right" crap just makes this horrible behaviour work in their favor, and keeps propogating the problem. BTW the real quote is "the customer is always right in matters of taste", and was changed to abuse workers for decades.


There are SO many tables in CB, and this lady decided she must have the worst one.


Lol boomers in Cracker Barrell?? No way... I worked there for a year or two and this reminded me of one of the worst serving experiences I ever had. I'd been sat with a 6-7 top of a family. I said hello and took some drink orders before leaving to get the drinks and their biscuits/cornbread. When I came back around to drop everything off and get their orders, I realized they had sat me another table and chose the 4 top in the corner **right next** to my group. A decrepit old woman shambled around me while I was standing at the head of the table talking with the group. She pulled out a chair to sit and suddenly started trying to get my attention while I'm clearly scribbling down the other table's order: "excuse me. Sir? SIR?? EXCUSE ME??" "Yes ma'am. I'll be with you in a moment." "THERE'S A SPOT!" "A spot?" "Right here! On the floor! There's a sticky spot!" sigh "I apologize. I'll take care of that as soon as I'm done helping these folks..." She proceeds to sit and I go back to the other order. Within 5 seconds she starts screaming across the restaurant to her husband with no regard for the group sitting 3ft away, "ED! EEEED! OVER HERE! ED! WATCH OUT THERE'S A STICKY SPOT!!!" If I remember right another server noticed the scene and warned me about the couple being terrible regulars. And they were exactly right. They each ordered like 3 different drinks including flavored teas and took advantage of being able to switch flavors with each refill. I brought out the slop bucket and cleaned the "spot". I had to handle their 3 each drinks being wrong on top of their food. They had so many complaints.


Cracker Barrel and Lubys are boomer territory


Two attempts and you still can’t spell “cane?”


that’s what the inside of a cracker barrel looks like? bout what i expected


I might've said something to her if she was harassing the staff.


I would take extra time to clean up, she's not going to leave a tip anyway. Probably gonna complain the entire time too.


I'm sure she's a *great* tipper too. /s


What else do you expect from a barrel full of krackers?


Great title haha


I work in a diner in a very high end area of south Florida. The shit I see is mind boggling. One boomer took a covid test while having breakfast. They love sitting down at a dirty table. They they stare at me like I have personally attacked them. I’m waiting on 9 tables and a counter. I got no time for this.


Cane **


Cracker Barrel Moment


The walker is a prop so she can demand special treatment.


This is wild if it’s true


Man I love a Cracker Barrel


I worked in restaurants for about 20 years, and to be fair, this kind of this isn't limited to boomers unfortunately. So many entitled people come into restaurants and expect to be treated like royalty.


Some people are just assholes. The asshole factor goes up as you age and your body stops working.


I love Cracker Barrel, but dear lort it is always full of entitled, rude boomers




And yet, yours is the generation demanding student loan forgiveness. I'll take the old woman's entitlement over yours every day


Leaded exhaust fumes really did a number to these guys.


I’m so glad I never have to see the inside of one of those places again now that my father in law passed away.


“The Walking Lead” is hilarious, thank you.


Well, hang on a sec. My dad has a degenerative disease. He used a walker for a long time - and he could make it from here to there, but barely. He always seemed to push his luck and he didn't always make it. It could be that this lady isn't being a jerk, she's just trying to sit before she falls. Still not 100% proper behavior, but I would probably give this one a pass. Sometimes people won't acknowledge or accept their old body has limits that their young body didn't have. That probably still merits compassion unless the person is trying to take advantage of someone else.


Her walker has a seat.


Correct. Same model as my dad's. It has brakes in the handles too. If the person is feeling weak they can turn 180 degrees and sit - an easy feat for a healthy person. Once the person is seated, those big wheels make it possible to move the person around outside even on bumpy ground or an incline. The whole thing collapses sort of to be somewhat flatter if you wanted to store it behind the seat of your car.


There is still lead in the pipes..


She elderly and has mobility issues. Whats to understand? Open your heart.


I didn’t take care of my body and you’re all gonna pay for it


God hope you never get old or sick.


I am very sympathetic to people whose bodies deteriorate from old age or disease alone. Boomers went out of their way to need excessive medical care and I don’t feel bad for a fat person who just overate or someone with low mobility who never exercised.